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Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170227 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20170227

he says agents asked him about his religious briefs. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> and the academy award for best picture. >> "la la land." >> and the oscar goes to "the wrong film. >> i'm sorry. no. there's a mistake. "moonlight," you guys won best picture. this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. >> this is very unfortunate what happened. personally i blame steve harvey for this. >> the white house is resisting calls for an independent investigation. >> getting way, way ahead of ourselves here. there's no allegations of any crime occurring or that there's a criminal investigation. hollywood is remembering bill paxton. >> that's it, man. game over, man. >> paxton will be remembered for the numerous hits he startestar. >> quite a sight in the southern hemisphere. a rare treat, an eclipse known as ring of fire. >> all that -- >> a teenager survived a seven-story fall in his car. >> it's unbelievable anybody lived through that. >> kurt busch won the daytona 500. >> first time he's won the daytona 500. what about that. >> -- and all that matters. >> the first muslim actor to win an oscar. >> my grandmother would want me to button up. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> you can't have moves without candy. it's un-american. close your eyes and wish very hard. red vines and junior mints appear from the sky. we'll find out how war the spanx really work. you know, we should give out the awards this way next year. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" presented by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." it was quite a night last night. >> i'm still in oscar shock. >> i think somewhere steve harvey is going, see, it can happen to the best of them. at first i thought it was a joke. >> they wouldn't joke about that. >> charlie rose is off and doing well. anthony mason joins us again. an unscripted surprise that shocked tens of millions. warren beatty and faye dunaway named the best picture last night. >> and then it happened. they were interrupted by a chaotic scene and a stunning announcement. the real best picture winner was another movie "moonlight." co-host kevin frazier is in los angeles to walk us through all the drama. good morning. that's what you qaa a jaw-dropping moment, my friend, i can't believe it. >> it was like a mixup of epic proportions. the accounting firm in charge of keeping track of the oscar envelopes says it somehow gave the wrong one to beatty. here's how it unfolded for millions watching in the country and around the world. >> and the academy award -- >> looking clearly flustered, warren beatty and rye checked what he thought was the best picture before handing it to co-presenter faye dunaway. >> "la la land." >> reporter: two minutes into the sep stance speech jeffrey horwitz interrupted. >> there's a mistake. >> reporter: he then showed what appeared to be a different card to the cameras confirmed "moon light"'s win. it happened after emma stone won best actress and warren beatty tried to explain. >> i opened the envelope and it said emma stone, "la la land," and that's why i took such a long look. >> this shows the envelope clearly labeled actress in the leading role. >> was holding my best actress the entire time. whatever story that was, i had that card. >> price water house coopers tallies the oscar votes. they arrived with two complete sets of envelopes and were tasked with handing them out to presenters. one reporting stage left, the other stage right. >> we stand quite stationary and the presenters come over to us. they hand the envelope and we they announce it. >> you can see him and ruiz here amid the best picture chaos. in a statement the firm issued an apology explaining that beatty had mistakenly been given to warren beatty. that was seconded by jimmy kimmel after the show. >> i know the envelope that he was handed was outstanding female actor. >> backstage he said he has no idea what went wrong. >> i saw two cards. things just happen. >> now, we're hearing from lots of folks who were backstage that the commotion started almost immediately after the wrong award was given out. a couple of reporters and acteders heard production staff say oh, my god and some words we can't say on television. price water house cooper says it regrets the error and is investigating how the mistake was made. >> kevin frazier, thanks so much. that's a heck of a way to end the show. a real hollywood ending. the diversity of last night's winners made academy awards history while emma stone and casey affleck won in best actors. viola davis won. mireya villarreal has a look at the changing awards. good morning. >> reporter: the film industry is becoming more diverse with each passing day. a ten-year streak was broken last night when the awards for best supporting actor and actress were both given to african-american acteders. >> barry jenkins for "moonlig "moonlight." >> collecting his best oscar, he became the first muslim actor to win an academy award. >> it's not about you. it's about these characters you're in service to these stories and these characters and i'm so blessed to have had an opportunity. >> viola davis. >> reporter: as viola davis also collected her first oscar. she said people's stories can provide the most treasured roles. >> people who fell in love and lost, i became an artist and thank god i did because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life. >> the awards mark the first time since 2007 that two actors of color won oscars in the same evening. >> i want to say thank you to president trump. remember last year when it seemed like the oscars were racist? >> reporter: this year's academy awards marked a stark departure from last year's ceremony which earned the hashtag #oscarsowhite. >> reporter: while it took them a while they effecte reflected . even in dreams this couldn't come true but to hell with dreams. this is true. oh, my goodness. >> the man you heard from is barry jenkins, director of "moonlight." he also won for best adapted screenplay. it's the first time that an african-american filmmaker was nominated and won in both of those categories. thoeshlt? >> mireya, thanks. in the next hour kevin frazier will take us behind the scenes for more reaction to the mixup and we'll talk with barry jenkins and tarell he's finishing a speech to congress and is planning to release an immigration ban. this follows reports that the white house discussed an investigation with the fbi. margaret brennan is at the white house. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. president trump will spend a good part of the day on how to replace health care. >> i can say after four weeks it's been a lot of fun. >> president trump struck an optimistic tone in remarks to the nation sunday night. mr. trump touted his achievements but the damage control regarding whether it was proper for chief of staff reince priebus to have urged the fbi to publicly refute reports between the trump campaign and intelligence. former cia director john brennan said the white house should not be exerting any influence on the investigation. >> any type of investigation about an oncoin investigation was forboden. >> he will oversee the fbi investigation but daryl isis says sessions should recuse himself. >> you cannot have somebody, a friend of mine, jeff sessions, who was on the campaign and who was an appointee. you're going to need to use the special prosecutors' statute and office. >> the white house argues congressional investigations should run its course. the president's frustrations with the press coverage spilled onto twitter where he called ties to russia fake new and tweeted he would not be attending the white house correspondents dinner. he said attending wouldn't make sense. >> one of the things we say in the south, if a girl scout egged your house, would you buy cookies from her. >> he's expected to slash funding on programs like environmental protection agency and the state department while increasing the defense spending. it's too early to confirm those details because they won't have a full budget until mid march. norah? >> margaret, thanks so much. cbs news will bring you live coverage of that speech at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 8:00 central. another appointee has withdrawn because of concerns over his business. navy secretary philip bilden used to run an agency in hong kong. he said he could not meet government ethics rekwiefrmts without affecting his financial interest. major garrett first reported bilden's likely withdrawal earlier this month. white house secretary sean spicer at the time said bilden was 100% committed to this position. police say a blool alcohol level of a driver who crashed into a group at a mardi gras parade was three times over the limit. he is accused of plowing into a crowd on saturday night, one of the business yeftd nights of mardi gras. at least 28 people were injured including a 1-year-old. what we're learning about the suspect, neilson rizzuto. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we were here around bourbon street talking about emergency measures being put in place in case someone tried to hurt a crowd. police say this is no accident. the man is being held an a $125,000 bail. i want you to hear from a firefighter who actually saw what happened and yanked that suspect out of his vehicle. >> people looked like bowling pins. >> reporter: this new orleans firefighter was working security and chased after 25-year-old neilson rizzuto as hfter he allegedly crashed hesitate truck into a crowd. >> there were scrapes and sounds and kept on going. he just sped up that he got frustrated and aggravated and basically lost control. >> he veered into a crowd and slammed into a city dump truck which had been parked in the area for city cleanup. >> if that dump truck wasn't there. >> he would have killed dozens of people. >> reporter: city officials ramped up security for this year's celebration following a dramatic spike in crime. >> it's very hard to forgive somebody who's intoxicated and runs into a crowd. >> reporter: rizzuto was arrested after he was yanked out of his pickup truck. >> pulled him out so hard i was angry at the situation. i pulled him out of the entire passenger seat and he landed on the ground outside of the truck. >> reporter: that truck went 40 feet before it stopped. >> when you take a truck and plow through a crowd of people standing shoulder to shoulder and no one dies, there's no other explanation but a miracle. >> reporter: new orleans police have positioned trucks just like these especially around parade rounds to stop what happened on saturday night. norah, this suspect is in jail. if he bonds out, he will have to wear an ankle monitor and he will not be allowed to drive. >> all right. david. thank you. a u.s. veteran charged with murder makes his first court appearance in court today. witnesses said that adam purenton yelled get out of my country before opening fire last week. a man was killed. his friend was also hurt. both men were in the u.s. on work visas. a third man was also shot as he tried to intervene. he spoke from his hospital bed yesterday. >> my thought was i may have lost my life, but if i could have saved other people's lives in the process, scary thought, but i was more than happy to risk my life to save the lives of others. >> hundreds attended a vigil over the weekend including the imdian man who was wounded. hollywood is remembered one of its most prolific leading men. bill paxton, star of movies like "twister," ""titanic,"" and "aliens" died over the weekday ta'u to complications from surgery. he was 61. don dahler shows us how over four decades paxton forged a career that included many of the industry's big evidence blockbusters. >> good morning. he had a heart condition similar to that of alan thicke. it also was learned he suffered a stroke following his latest procedure. he died on saturday. from the path of a powerful tornado to the dark depths of the oceans -- >> are you ready to go back to "titanic"? >> reporter: for few stars in hollywood had a track record like bill paxton. he spoke with charlie rose in 1998. >> and in the 1990s you're like the 18th most active actor in the bunch. >> i'm proud of that. it's almost like a baseball roster kind of statistic. >> you played in more world series. >> and still have my own teektd. >> he had recently been struggling with his health. >> he has been in surgery after surgery since we shot in april. it's been really rough. >> he started his career in set design before jumping in front of the camera. >> how about a nice grease are porked sandwich served in a dirty ashtray. >> he is the only actor to have appeared in "ail jens," "predator," and terminator" franchise. paxton was a star on the small screen, too, most recently on the tv series "training day." he played a polygamist on "big love" opposite ginnifer goodwin. >> i am married to you and only to you. >> to pop one of his movies into the dvd player is to hang out with him. >> paxton is survived by his wife louise. they met on a city bus in london more than 30 rears ago. he has two adult children james and lydia. >> i remember when he was here, so young. i was so sad to hear that. >> so versatile. he did comedy and serious drama. a really great actor. >> thank you very much, don. the white house considers a crack down on legalized recreational marijuana. ahead, how they're keeping it the son of the late boxing legend mao ham ali says he was detained by federal agents at the airport. >> muhammad ali jr. was asked about his religion and name. his mother was also questioned. first on "cbs this morning," hay oar in they're in studio 57 with their reaction. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." . not to be focusing on my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, marsha la humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, 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"the philadelphia inquirer" reports on police investigating the vandalism of dozens of gravesides at another jewish cemetery, this time in philadelphia. volunteers worked to restore the heavy headstones and clean up the cemetery in the city's northeast side yet. detectives reported will i found between 75 and 00 damaged grave markers. last week nearly 200 gravesides were vandalized at a jewish cemetery. muhammad ali jr. said immigration agents questioned him earlier this month about his religion and name. his mother ka leila cama crowe ali as joining us. they'll be with us on "cbs this morning." i understand you had just landed from jamaica. you were going to baggage claim, and then what happened? >> immigration came up to me and pulled me aside and asked me my name first and i said muhammad ali and he said what religion are you and i said muslim. he said, come with me. so he took me to another room and it's look he didn't believe me or whatever, but he asked me again, what is your name and what is your religion. and again i answered. >> he twice asked you about your religion. >> yeah. >> how long were you questioned for about, muhammad? >> about an hour and 45 minutes. >> you and your mother were together. did they split you up immediately? >> they split us up immediately. >> what did you think, mrs. ali? >> i was scared. >> what did you think was happening? >> at first, you know, we were traveling together and when i saw they were having a problem with him, said that's my son other there. we're traveling together. we're in wheelchairs because our knees are bad. both of us. >> both of you many. >> both of us. >> they rolled him away. i said, where's he going. they said we'll meet you on the other side. >> you were coming from jamaica. >> right. didn't have any problem in jamaica. >> muhammad, you were born in philadelphia. >> yeah. >> had anything like this ever happened to you before? >> no. >> you've never been stopped before? >> no. >> do you have a criminal record not to be disrespectful. >> no. >> i'm trying to find out. >> i was wondering about my religi religion. i thought, what do that matter. >> you had already cleared through customs from jamaica. >> yeah. >> so at this point you were -- >> i was back in florida. >> you were back in florida. >> back in florida. >> and they came, pull med over. >> we reached out to customs and board irprotection. and they said it's against privacy policy to comment but they did give us a statement which reads in part cbp does not december krimm nate based on religion, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. what's your response to that? >> then why would you ask me. >> what your religion is. >> yeah. i wouldn't ask you what religion are you? christian? like there's a problem with it. i know islam and christianity is peace, so why would you -- i'm a u.s. citizen. >> what else did they ask you in the hour and 45 minutes? >> they asked me about my birthday. they asked me where was i traveling to, the route ha i come from. and i was like what difference to it make sunny i'm a u.s. citizen. you see my state i.d., you see my passport. i offered my social security card, so why are you stopping me. >> in the end you're released, and many the end to they say, sorry, or they stopped you because? >> no. >> why do you think they stopped you? >> because of my name. >> why didn't they ask me. >> where you born? what's your name, you ask me questions. >> what's your next step on this? >> i don't know. that situation made me feel like i was at my father's funeral. i didn't know what to think. >> did they know you were muhammad ali's son? >> yes. >> did they believe you? >> i don't think so. >> like it went over their head. >> let me ask you. your family lawyer had suggested in an interview your experience was related to president trump's travel ban, but as you know, the ban was on appeal at the time so it wasn't even in effect and you were traveling from jamaica, which was not one of the countries that was part of the travel ban. do you think there's a connection there? >> there's always a problem in history. it's since gotten a lot worse. >> what was always a problem in history? what do you mean? >> just racial profiling. not just racial profiling, but, you know, a religious profiling. all the christians are bad because we've been maimed and killed and raped and all of that. >> slavery? >> it must have shaken you up. it must have shaken you both up. >> i'm a >> i have a gift for the president, the ka ran. it's compact. he can read it. >> i don't know if you can blame the president. >> i'm not saying it. the president should know we're a people of peace and the koran should be read to know that. >> thanks. >> it would be a wish for me. my birthday's coming up. my birthday, would they take muslim and islamic off the terrorism. that's what they should do. >> thank you both for being with us this morning. >> thank you. barry petersen in denver says a marijuana pioneer could soon become a target. >> reporter: the white house says it may crack down on states that legalize marijuana. that story coming up on "cbs this morning." there's no stopping america's families. so we made america's longest lasting roll. with 1000 sheets -- more than any other national brand -- to keep on going just like you. so keep on hugging... keep on playing... keep on smiling... keep on awesoming. with 1000 sheets, we'll keep on going, right along with you. scott 1000. keep on going. you've got mail! what did you think i'd look like? 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>> well, i think that's a question for the department of justice. i do believe you'll see greater enforcement of it. >> reporter: he said president trump supports medical marijuana for medical use. bruce runs true cannabis and is chairman of the marijuana industry group. >> when you heard mr. spicer's comments, is that a threat? >> well, you certainly have to assume that it is something of a threat. >> reporter: he points out that marijuana is regulated and taxed from plant to pot shop. he sees tough regulations much like the wall at the border. >> president trump alludes to building a wall and keeping bad guys out. that's precisely what we're doing in marijuana industry. >> you are a wall. >> you are a wall. >> we are a virtdual wall. >> austin wiggins remembers those days and much prefers buying pot openly in a shop. >> i don't have to meet somebody in an alleyway. it's safe. i don't have to worry about robbery or anything. >> reporter: widespread availability is changing attitudes. americans once opposed legal pot but a poll shows 71% do not want the government enforcing laws in states that have already legalized medical or recreational marijuana. this poses something for governor hickenlooper. >> if the justice department does aggressively begin to prosecute and try to enforce federal law in states like colorado where it's in our constitution, i think that is a step backward. >> reporter: and as pot goes mainstream, it's creating a lot of jobs. as many as 2,02,000 in colorado >> we're american grown, american sold, and we're american consumed. >> for american jobs. >> for american jobs. what more can you ask for? >> reporter: in colorado pot is sold in these childproof containers and no one over 21 is allowed to dry. black market ears don't have those kinds of scruples. they will sell to anyone, including kids. gayle? >> that's not good. thank you very much, barry petersen. ahead, a new study why mothers face more challenges than fathers when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. and tourists crashed. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. s and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. new parodontax toothpaste. hair dramnot the hair.ama. the hair repair specialist gliss. with patented keratin technology, repairs and rebuilds for beautifully repaired hair. bye, bye drama! gliss - the hair repair specialist. ♪ oohh look!! a hungry dinosaur!! mu-um dinosaurs only eat meat! actually the biggest dinosaurs only ate plants! and did you know country crock is made with plants. country crock has always been made with the goodness of plants. it has real, simple ingredients... and that same delicious taste you love. ♪ real country fresh taste, made with the goodness of plants. welcome to crock country. i need a real vay-cation. one measly week to bury my work phone in the sand while sipping some crazy concoction. is that too much to ask? 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(man) hey, uh, what's rootmetrics? it's, uh, kind of like a hollywood awards ceremony but with engineers, so... (man 2) do people dress up? uh, no, no. it's the nation's largest independent study and it ranked verizon #1 in call, text, data, speed and reliability and verizon won it all. clean sweep. (woman) do they get a trophy? not that i know of. but you get unlimited data done right. $45 per line. why don't they dress up? why are you dressed up? do they get a gift bag? i no. gonna say no. can i go now? they're playing me out, so that's it, all right. 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>> and katie still looking at this accident on the schuylkill that's still causing some pretty significant backups, schuylkill eastbound past gulph mills, only one lane still getting by here backups all the way to the turnpike, 422, 202, all of those are going to be affected, and add in at least extra 45 minute, plus new city and suburban schedules, no change to market frankford, mark frankford westbound, equipment problems, and no ab express today, jim. >> coming up on cbs this morning, how parenting affect sleeps for moms and dads. i'm jim donovan. make it a great day. good morning! it is monday, february 27th, 2017. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead, including the oscar winners and one epic mistake. we've got the director and screen writer of "moonlight" to be with us. first your "eye opener" at 8:00. >> it really was like a mixup of epic proportions. the accounting firm somehow gave the wrong one to beatty. >> it was quite a night last night. >> i'm still in oscar shock. >> i think somewhere steve harvey is going, see, it can happen to the best of us. a ten-year streak was broken when best actor was given to a black actor. how to replace obamacare, ahead of tomorrow's big speech. >> reporter: police say this was no accident. the man is being held on a $125,000 bail. hollywood is remembering one of its most prolific leading men. bill paxton forged a career that included one of the industry's many blockbusters. >> i know you're in "lion." did you see "lion king?" >> yes. >> do you want to do the thing where we hold the kid up in the air? >> yes. >> can you hold this microphone. ♪ >> lemon as in mike and ike. >> well done. >> cannot get enough of that little kid. >> he's adorable. >> so, so, so cute. >> quite a night. hello. i'm gayle king with norah o'donnell and anthony mason. charlie rose is off but he's doing great with a capital g "r" "e" " g-r-e-a-t! . he did say that. it was named the big picture. why. it began when they started their acceptance speeches but they were interrupted by the revelation it was a huge mistake. the real winner turn ud out to be "moonlight," a man coming oup age and coming to terms with being gay. >> the ktsing firm charged with tallying the votes and counting the envelopes and calls it a mixup. when it was discovered, it was immediately corrected. we're looking at how this happen and deeply regret that this occurred. kevin frazier of our partner "entertainment tonight" joins us again. he's got reaction from behind the scenes. kevin, good morning. >> good morning. you want to talk about your awkward moment. price waterhouse cooper has been tallying the votes and handing out the envelopes for more than 80 years. when they realized the mistake, they raced on stage. >> this is not a joke. i believe they read the wrong thing. >> reporter: it gave a chance to show what being a good winner looks like. >> oh, my goodness. i have to say it was a little bit exciting. >> god, i love "moonlight" so much. i'm so excited for "moonlight." >> a lala land producer made the announcement. >> "moonlight" best picture. >> sal ma hayek saw it go down backstage. >> i heard. the stage manager was standing in front oh me saying no, no, no, that's not the movie. >> if you look. this grim-faced man walks on stage with the stage manager. hi represents pricewaterhousecoopers, the accounting firm that tabulates the results. he was confident talking to me and nancy o'dell on the red carpet. >> we have the key on us. yes. we hand the envelope before they walk out. warren beatty made it a mission to make amends. >> the stage manager said security would like to see the award envelopes. and warren said i'm going to hang on to them and give it to barry at the appropriate moment. >> i never have seen a screwup this big and i've been to probably 100 award shows. it was it ler i amazing. you know, once again, the accountants have one job do, that's to give warren beatty the right envelope. that's what they're paid to do. if they were my accountant, i would fire them. >> reporter: despite the nightmare, let's not forget the oscars made some dreams come true. as a teen, emma talked about how hollywood took her. >> i grew up in poverty, you know. i grew up in apartments that were condemned and rat-invested and i just always sort of wanted to be somebody. >> don't you think i had dreams and hopes? what about my life? what about me? >> this is sort of like the miracle of god, of dreaming big and just hoping that it sticks and it lands. and it did. who knew. >> so amazing. you know, another kind of history was made last night. for the first time five people of color won academy awards. along with viola davis and mahershala alee. two others wechblts home with oscar gold. >> let's not lose sight of that. i love what les moonves said, putting it into perspective. they only have one job do. let's go back to viola davis. what does this win mean for her? >> it's a huge night because she's now a triple crown winner. she has an emmy, a tony, and an oscar. she showed a beautiful photo with her husband and daughter. she told me when genesis first saw her all dressed up, she was speechless and then said, mama, be calm, i love you. viola, what a great day for her. >> i'll say. >> kevin, let's talk about mahershala ali. hi had a pretty lis toric week because he revealed that he had just become a dad. >> we talked to him about that on the red carpet. the first thing out of his word, he said, i will never,e ever, ever in moo i life question how strong women are. they're the strongest beings on the plan echlt he said watchings he wife give birth changed his life. she's been pregnant and dealing with everything going on all award season while he's been off. he just -- he was gushing about his new baby and that his wife took no pain medication, no epidural when she had that baby. he said he is in awe of that woman. >> super woman. i like that. >> yes. >> kevin, was anybody talking about hallie barry? i love halle berry. she's stunning, but does she have a new look? >> the internet had a lot to say about that interesting hair 'do halle had last night. here's the thing. halle has pretty much stopped talking to the presses at the award shows. she's royalty when it comes to the academy awards. a lot of people didn't have favorable things to say about that hairdo. >> e like halle. >> she's one of the most beautiful women in the world. >> a medusa look. >> we'll see you. >> see you later. we'll have more coverage on entertainment tonight. check your local listing. we'll talk about the biggest gaffe with director/writer barry jenkins and tarell alvin mccraney. president trump promised to work with them to repeal the affordable care act. >> everybody is different. different requirements. i think we have something he's going to be really accident and as most of you know, the obamacare has had tremendous problems. i won't say it in fro front of the democrats. i'll say it in fro onto testify republicans. it doesn't work. we're going to get it fix and repeal and replace and we're going to see something very, very special. >> the president said he'll speak about health care during his joint address to continuation tomorrow night. cbs newss will have live coverage. that begins tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. eastern, 8:00 central here on cbs. the father of the navy s.e.a.l. killed in a counterterrorism raid is demanding an investigation into the operation. senior chief petty operation officer was the first to be killed in a trump administration combat mission. his father bill owens told "the miami herald" he turned down a meeting with the president when the navy s.e.a.l.'s body was brought home. jan crawford explains why he says his son died in a, quote, stupid mission. >> good morning. ryan owens was killed a month ago. his father a retired police officer and military veteran is speaking out, trying to make sense of his son's death. >> his family was there. incredible family. loved him so much. so devastated. >> reporter: earlier this month president trump described meeting ryan owens' family when his body was returned to the u.s., but owens' father bill was not one who met the president at the air force base. his refusal to meet president trump stems from questions about the timing and execution of the raid that killed his son. under the cover of night on january 28th, s.e.a.l. team 6 became pinned down outside an al qaeda compound. they were forced to call in an air strike, killing both militants and civilians inside. chief petty officer owens was kill killed and an evac crash and had to be destroyed. >> this was a very, very well thought out and executed effort. >> reporter: the white house described it as a success, later issuing a warning to kritdices. >> i think neck who undermines the success of that rage owes an apology to the life of chief owens. >> reporter: but owens' father says i want an investigation. the government owes my son an investigation. owens acknowledge odd the herald he didn't vote for trump. they imagine that the president is open to an investigation. they routinely conduct an investigation when an operation results in loss of human life. mothers face more problems with sleep deprivation more than dads do. dr. carol ash. why feeling r two of the greatest names in the cell phone business are trying to make a comeback. ahead how nokia is digging into its past to launch a new phone and blackberry is trying to convince a new generation to try a physical keyboard. the technology to expect this year. you're watching "cbs this morning." and seconds? 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going further to help make drivers, better drivers. don't freak out on me. that's ford. and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. getting food to hungry older amerand it won't.stop hey, these are our parents and grandparents out there. let's start talking about how we can really get to the route of the problem. hey, we hear you. fighting hunger doesn't stop here. i'm working with aarp foundation's drive to end hunger team to change the national conversation around hunger, bring experts together, and make programs better than ever. if you don't think "we're in this together" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." learn more at aarp.org/possibilities. in our "morning rounds," new research shows how mothers suffer with sleep deprivation. those who don't have children report having seven hours of sleep a night. for mothers, it's a drop. not seen in fathers. dr. carol ash is with us. good morning. i know most mothers know this is true. we are sleep-deprived. what other biological differences attribute to this. >> >> there are several. first, women's brains are different. we tend to respond to stress more strongly. if our children are stressed or fussy, we're tended to arouse. we have a different clock, we go to sleep earlier, get up earlier, and the internal cues are not as strong and culturally we tell our young daughters take care of others. so we tend to be vary child centric. we're going to worry about our child before our own needs. >> i heard the national sleep foundation says women need 20 minutes more sleep. why is that? >> because we're only getting on average 6 hours and 41 minutes. the sleep studies will tell you 7 to 9. most need 8. once you're getting less than 7 hours, you'll have the physiologic consequences. you'll be many fragile, weight gain, diabetes. sleep is important. >> is it a question about the number of children or the age of the mother? >> you know what, gayle? that's a great question. they surveyed 3,000 moms, 3,000 dads, or men and women. they found that the only variable was that among women age 45 years or younger was how many children you have in the household and the risk of having less sleep increased by 50% with every child added. >> well, you're not getting rid of the children. >> no. i have three. my percentage is bad. i have three. >> and norah has little kids too. you're not going to get rid of the children. in most cases you're not going to get rid of the husband. so in most cases what are you going to do? >> this is a reality check per me. i stihave a son. he still keeps me up. he's 21 years old. we know we're not sleeping. we can't change our physiology. it's self awareness. that awareness this is a problem. i'm okay, you're okay. what we can do is stick to the habits. make sure the temperature in the room is right. >> what's the right temperature? >> cooler than you think, 65 to 68. >> that's igloo temperature. >> i also slept better in a cold room. >> you want the dark. get rid of the technology and lights in the room and avoid caffeine, alcohol before bedtime. and there's great online programs, cognitive behavioral therapy online that will do all the things that psychologists and psychiatrists give you habits the change your tools and give you sleep. >> how much sleep did you get, norah? >> 4 1/2, 3? >> with three children, it's enough. >> what did you get? >> i got 3 hours and 51 minutes. but i was watching the oscars. "moonlight" won an oscar for best picture. ahead the director and writer will join us with their reaction to winning the academy award and the on-stage ginormous mixup. and what create thad ring of fire in the sky. what is that. we'll explain. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. >> announcer: cbs "morning rounds" sponsored by one a day women's. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day women's in gummies and tablets. i'm raph. my name is anne. i'm one of the real live attorneys you can talk to through legalzoom. don't let unanswered legal questions hold you up, because we're here, we're here, and we've got your back. legalzoom. legal help is here. legal help is here. from my sweet dreams? thanks to tena, not tonight! only tena overnight underwear ...with its secure barrier system gives you.... ...triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you a dazzling solar eclipse was caught on camera in chile creating when the moon moves between the sun and the earth. the moon doesn't completely block the sun so the sun's edge is still visible creating the good morning, today's hearing after president trump announced plans to remove federal funding from philadelphia, and other sanctuary cities, mayor ken he said he will not change the immigration policy. meeting in council chambers at 10:00. checking th the forecast with katie fehlinger. bit of wild week for weather. >> we ends up with temperatures rebounding quickly yet again into the 70s by wednesday, then cool down the rest of the week, storm scan nice and quiet for clouds beginning to build. start it off bright sunshine, the day goes on and see the clouds building because we have warmfront lifting in. so today, actually ends up being above average day, 37 right now for philly, down to wilmington shall already at 40 e upper 20s still the theme here, say the allentown area, but, even despite that chill we do again evening out above average day. then, by the time we hit the first day of march, ushering in a daytime high of 73, but potent cold front, as well, will likely bring in some strong thunderstorms, smear. >> katie, thank you so much. we still have very busy morning in the world of travel right now. dealing with an accident, 422 westbound the onramp from trooper road, see it right here, sit causing little gaper delay, really the schuylkill eastbound past gulph mills that we've been talking about pulled off to the shoulder now two lanes now open, it was one for quite some time. backups still extending back to the turnpike 422 and 202, still want to give yourselves extra time in that area. absolutely need it, then dealing with a vehicle fire montgomeryville, north wales road, at route 309. or bethlehem pike, we do have lane restrictions in that area, so just proceed with caution. rahel, back over to you. >> meisha, thank you. our next update 8:55, ahead on cbs this morning, the latest from the worlds' mobile conference, i'm rahel solomon, go ♪ she dreams of hope ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that was lynn plan well miranda and a 16-year-old star. last night at the academy awards they teemed up for an inspirational performance "how far i'll go." i thought her voice was beautiful and so visually interesting to put the blue fabric waving around behind her. you know it. you saw the movie. >> i saw the movie. it's wonderful and that song is terrific. >> do you like it, anthony? >> i do. and i love that image right there. >> i do too. it was very, very pretty. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour, two big oscar winners from the movie "moonlight." barry jenkins and tarell alvin mccraneccraney. hello, you too. what the award means for their very personal project. right now it's time to show you some of this morning's headlig headlights. the "los angeles times" reports the death of judge joseph wapner of "the people's court." he presided over actually cases in front of the cameras. the retired judge spent 20 years on the bench before auditioning for the role. judge wapner was 97 years old. >> i love judge wapner. wit as great show. another mistake at last night's oscars. janet patterson, an australian costume designer was remembered but they showed a photo of jan chapman chapman. >> they have some explaining to do. a boy won in his championship. mack beggs is a boy who identified as a girl taking testosterone. he preferred to wrestle against the boys but gender is determined by what's on your birth certificate. busch was among the drivers who avoided two major crashes that eliminated much of the field. three other drivers ran out of gas. busch took the lead in the race's final lap. o.j. simpson may be row leased from prison thn year. that's just days before simpson's 70s birthdth birthday. he would have served nine years for changes. the experts believe the board will vote to release him based on good behavior. and "the wall street journal" reports that hasbro will start making play-doh in the united states again late next year. the toy maker made the decision because of rising demand for the colorful clay. they say making play-doh in massachusetts will create 20 new jobs. it h continue to import some play-doh for sale in the u.s. way to go. >> i remember play-doh. i still remember the smell of play-doh. >> i do too. i even remember the colors. hollywood racked up awards last night. "la la land" lead the pack with six oscar wins. "moonlight" followed with three. "moonlight" won the most prestigious award, best picture. after you've heard about it all morning and the infamous on-stage mixup. >> "la la land." >> we lost, by the way, but -- >> i'm sorry. no. there's a mistake. "moonlight," you guys won best picture. it's not a joke. this is not a joke. i'm afraid they red the wrong thing. this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> "moonlight," best picture. let's say that again. joins us from los angeles, barry jenkins. he directed "moonlight." and tarell alvin mccraney. let's start with you. you said on stage, to hell with dreamings, because this is true. but i want to take you both back to this moment. what in the world were you thinking? >> for me, i never dreamed that i would be on a stage like that ever in my laich, and i think the rye alt -- they say truth is stranger than fiction. 's the moment i was living in. everything has come full circle that i don't think anyone is going to forget your win now, but did it in any way diminish the celebration for you? >> i don't know if it diminished the celebration for us. it just made it much more complicated. as you said. i think the celebration eastbound up now between our film and "la la land." as someone said, a tragedy was made a bit more interesting. >> it was difficult to say all the thank-yous we had to say, but at the same time it showed the camaraderie and love we have for both of the films. >> ta rill, film adapted from your film "black boys look blue." for those who haven't seen this coming of age movie and many will flock to see this movie, what do you hope to convey and help people learn? >> well, i this i what barry did in the film that's so impressive that's served as a lightning rod, he put his full self in it. he took a movie story about memories that i had given to him and made it an experience about those memories, made it an intimate experience, and i think that will and continues to be the reason why people have seen the film and will continue to see it. i hope more people see it now. that's really exciting. this film, i really felt -- first time he showed it to me, i felt so -- i don't know. i felt like he had gone into my head and took pictures in my head and spread them across the screen. to have it out in the world and have it be -- it won best picture. it did that, brother. >> it really did. barry, we remember when you were here at the table, and you said this was a shared biography between you and tarell. so what does this mean to you personally? >> in a certain way everything. maybe i have to think more of myself. i don't mean that in the sense that the movie won best picture, but, you know, i had all these hopes of what i could do with my life, and now the ceiling on that has been radically changed. >> yeah. it's like that pharrell song, happiness without a roof." i sat at home and my mouth fell open. i couldnd believe it. they kept saying it's not a joke, it's not a joke. a, did you think it was a joke? and i'm curious what happened backstage. i'm very curious. >> i didn't think it was a joke at all. i could see in jordan's face he was telling the truth. the first thing i did was give him a hug. i've probably given him too many hugs at this point because they were so gracious and compassionate in the way they handled it. but backstage, it was just -- there were two things. one, we were trying to find each other, you know, to sort of share the moment, but also, two, to find the other side of the aisle, to give them whatever comfort they needed. >> did the academy in any way try to explain what happened to you at that point? >> i think i've been too busy with the folks on our team to even hear anything. but not that i'm aware of at this point. >> i mean i think everybody was just trying to make sure we were all on the same page and safe. when something like that happens, you want to make sure that everybody is categorically okay, and i think they did a great job of that. at one point this guy thomas held my hand and walked me through the back. i was like, i don't know what's going on, help me out. once i found barry, i think everything sort of settled in. >> barry, i thought it was so great how the la la team handled it too. there they were on the stage accepting the speech and everyone tried to correct the problem right away. i thought your side was gracious, their side was gracious. it was nice to see something good come out really an awful moment. >> i think that goes back to the award season. typically the award season is very contentious, but we've been spending a lot of time together going through the same trials and tribulations, i would say. i looked up and saw jordan's face. i could see if i was in his place how they would feel and they looked over at us and they saw how we had felt as well. >> either way, neither wants to win or lose but you end up with statues on your man tl-pieagem mantelpiece. >> you each one two. >> no, no. one got one, the other got the other. >> i was very happy for plan b. it was a great night. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. two big names in the cell phone business want a second chance. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. a 5'9"-inch nate robinson found a way to avoid a trap during a minor league game. he dribbled through the legs of a 7'3" player. now it's not if he planned that move or rolled with it when he saw that opportunity. but whatever it was, it looked kind of cool. >> that's actually awesome. you use what you've got. >> that's great. the world's largest trade show for mobile devices is open this morning and brands like black berry and nokia. the embattled tech giant samsung did not. instead the tech company announced two new tablets and teased ahead to a new phone announcement in march. dan acker minnesota the head of our cnet department with us, good morning. >> good morning. >> why no samsung? >> i think they wanted to put in some breathing time after the note of what went on with their phones catching fire. apple has their own event. so samsung and others like to have their own event. they put it off for late march for what we presume will be galaxy 8. >> there were 2.57 mill yion phones recalled. >> this was a bad problem. the phones started to catch on fire and then the replacement phones had the same problem. that being said, i knew some people who were such big fans of that phone, they didn't want to give up the phones after the recall. they're committed to testing safety. this new phone may be the safest phone ever made. >> does blackberry still have good will? anthony has his, i have mine. and i feel you're judged. >> yes. >> not judged in a good way. >> no. >> now we're going back to the future. one of the big hit os the show is the new blackberry that combines the blackberry keyboard and software. it's not actually made by blackberry. they're licensing name to another company, tcl, but it looks like a cool way to bring back something we used to like and put it into a new phone because we've hit a plateau in terms of phone. >> that's an interesting point. i still love my keyboard. >> this could be what they're looking for. >> speaking of old is new, the nokia phone, that was my first. they're coming back with them? >> everyone had one f these phones. again, it's not the original company. they were sub licensed and sold to microsoft and another version. they're bringing back the candy bar phone everybody had. i think it's interesting. they updated it a little bit. it's almost instant cred to have the dumb phone. >> why are they coming back? >> some think maybe it's nice. you can keep it around for a month and the battery will still have charge. >> we're coming up on ten years on the iphone. >> this is all a prelude of whatever they're going do in the fall. >> dan ackerman, thanks. we're streaming an original series "america: manufacturing hope." they're looking at eerie, pennsylvania. it was a manufacturing lub but has endured of plant closures and layoffs. last november its residents voted for change by casting ballots for trump. jamie yuccas visited them. you can watch cbs's documentary "america: manufacturing hope." a polar bear cub finds her footing. her first adorable footsteps. how you watching this broadcast can help give her a name. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. this polar bear cub in germany is putting her best feet forward. she's still learning how to walk but made her public debut this weekend. the bear is just 3 months old and weighs no more than 189 pounds. the zoo is asking people to name the bear in an online poll and we'll reveal the winning name. big mama bear. that's what a real mama bear is. that will do it for us. we invite you to join in. we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning," same great price on this boneless chicken! yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. thousands of low prices. my giant. extended bonus buys only at my giant.nt. live from the cbs broadcast kentner philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news." good morning, everyone, i'm jim donovan. bill cosby will make another appearance at a montgomery county courtroom in a little over an hour from now. cosby's lawyers want to move his sexual assault trial out of montgomery county. the judge will decide if there are grounds to move the trial or if jurors should be brought in from another area. cosby accused every drugging and assaulting andrea con stands in his home in 2004. now a look at to's weather. >> one of those days we start off with lots of sunshine, with time, gets skewed by the clouds that continue to build across the delaware valley, already see a limb bit that far. the skyline well off in the distance, about nine, 10 miles from the site of palmyra cover nature park. see the shaking on the camera, traffic rolling across the bridge, not so much the win. the wind actually relatively light up in the mountains right now 11 miles per hour, southwest winds flow 7 miles per hour here in philadelphia, at the airport anyway 37 degrees. and that's the story in atlantic city, as women. as the day goes on, already, on pace to hit above average daytime high of 56. that seems to meet into wednesday. trade off for the 73 degrees, pretty likely some strong and severe thunderstorms later in the day. >> katie, thank you so much. we are still looking at some problems on the roadway, vehicle fire starting to get cleared out in montgomeryville. north wales road, 309. traveling less than posted speeds in and around the area. also this accident, mt. laurel. we are being told to avoid the area, south church between decade or drive and elbow lane, repairs being done until 10:30 a.m., for another hour and a half so, busy around there. construction city avenue north and south between 63rd and kings grant avenue. right lane block between 9:00 and 3:00. will run you through friday, jim, over to you. >> thank you shall meisha. that's "eyewitness news" for now. join us for "eyewitness news" today at noon. i'm jim donovan. make it a great did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. ♪ >> the doctors are getting "too hot for tv". caliente >> the health trend that doesn't use heat at all. >> talk about shrinkage, baby. >> announcer: the new dating app this got the docs fired up. >> i hate this app. i hate everything about it. >> after opening up about weight-loss woes on the doctors, mama june is ready to reveal her new hot self-. and we are on the hollywood award circuit, with dr. ordon. that's today! >> dr. travis: hello, everyone. how's it going? welcome to the doctors! [ cheers and applause ] >> dr. travis: as you can see, things are hot today, we are covering topics "too hot for tv". not too hot for

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