Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20160712 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20160712

follow over lead that's exhausted until i'm satisfied that this was a lone person. >> the investigation continues in dallas as the nation mourn us. >> if someone thought what they did was going to tear up dallas, they were wrong. >> i love with all my heart, i hate what he did. >> protesters across the country raising voices about 9 encounters with police. the shooting at a michigan courthouse has left two deputies dead. >> i lost two today, i'm here with a heavy heart. >> i am the law and order candidate. >> sanders will appear alongside hillary clinton and endorse here. >> prime minister david cameron will officially step down on tuesday. >> theresa may will be the next prime minister. she's strong, she's confident she will have my full support. >> a tornado caused extensive damage in central minnesota. >> holy crap. and the new of the home run derby. >> who loves rocky -- baby. you got this, baby! >> pokemon right now -- >> and "all that mattered" -- >> nintendo has launched a new smartphone game called pokemon go. >> it's revolutionized the way people are almost hit by cars staring the a phone. >> on "cbs this morning" -- >> it's been found that one of saturn's moons has an atmosphere somewhat like earth, except you can't breathe the air, drink the water or survive the surface temperature. [ laughter ] yes, still a better venue for yes, still a better venue for the summer olympics than rio. captioning funded by cbs >> welcome to "cbs this morning." president obama will pay tribute today to the five police officers killed in last week's ambush in dallas. more than 1,000 people gathered last night at dallas city hall for a candlelight service. president obama and former president george w. bush will join those speaking. >> they will join a private funeral for lore ahrens, michael smith, brent thompson and patricio zamarripa. gayle is there. good morning. >> good morning to you, charlie, norah, back in knock. president obama is scheduled to touch down here in dallas a little after noon local time. people are looking forward to hearing what he has to say. the service will take place as investigators piece together how this tragedy unfolded. manuel bojorquez is at the myerson center where the interfaith service will take place this afternoon. manuel, good morning. >> reporter: gayle, good morning. while security crews are preparing for today's service, investigators are reviewing more than 170 hours of videotaped evidence and also reviewing 300 accounts from witnesses and officers all in an effort to piece together last week's attack. >> we're going to follow every lead that's exhausted until i'm satisfied that this was a lone person. >> reporter: dallas police chief david brown said investigators are questioning gunman micah johnson's mother delphine johnson who shared the home with her son. the search of the house vealed bomb making materials including metal pipes of different lengths, chemicals, rifles and body armor. >> he was very disappointed. >> reporter: in an interview with "the blaze" johnson said she watched her son conform from a fun loving man to a hermit. following the allegations. >> it may be the idea that he thought of our government, of what he thought the military represented. >> our government wants to say to anybody, to make anything better. james johnson says he could never have foreseen had his son's deadly rampage. >> i love my son with all my heart. i hate what he did. >> reporter: a law enforcement source tells cbs news micah johnson had hundreds of rounds of ammunition attached to his body when he carried out the attacks. an indication he meant to kill more people. 13 officers used force in the standoff. 11 fired their weapons. and two used a robot to detonate a bomb to kill johnson, a decision chief brown has since defended. >> this wasn't an ethical dilemma for me. i'd do it again. >> reporter: when asked what young black men can do to overcome their fear of cops. >> we're hiring. get out of the protest line and put an application in. we will help you resolve some of the problems you're protesting about. >> reporter: the fbi is also investigating those cryptic letters, r.b., written by the gunman in two places, in his own blood during the standoff. the chief also mentioned that he and his family have received death threats following the attack. and that he is considering mandating counseling for his officers for those who need help don't have to ask for it. gayle. >> thank you very much, manuel. family members offered members of the fallen officers at an emotional vigil last night at dallas city hall. the colleagues displayed portraits of the five officers who were killed. more than 1,000 people gathered in candlelight to mourn. omar villafranca was there. >> good morning. last night's ceremony was partly memorial and partly support. there were two main themes love and unity. >> we bowed our heads, we have it backed up. we're holding it high. >> reporter: more than 1,000 people gathered to pay respects to the five officers killed in dallas thursday night. officer brent thompson. >> a shining example of what it means to be a warrior. >> reporter: officer patricio zamarripa. >> it was easy to see the joy when he smile. >> reporter: officer michael krol. >> thank you, michael krol for being a great friend. >> reporter: senior corporal lorne ahrens. >> a man filled with gratitude. >> reporter: and sergeant michael smith. >> one thing that everybody said about michael. >> reporter: average citizens and neighboring law enforcement attended the vigil. the police chief. >> mutual respect and love for one another. >> reporter: at an emotional press conference monday, the doctors at parkland memorial hospital spoke about their experiences treat something of the victims. >> we're hurting. we're all hurting. i think this has gotten to the core of who i thought were unshakeable. >> reporter: for surgeon williams, the pain is unshakeable. >> i think it every day. unable to save those cops that came here. it weighs on my mind constantly. these killings, it has to stop. black men dying, being forgotten, people retaliating against the people sworn to defend us. we have to come together and end all of this. >> reporter: tomorrow, dallas begins to lay their heros to rest. funeral services are planted for officer brent thompson, senior corporal lorne ahrens and sergeant michael smith. >> a lot of people were touched by what brian williams had to say. he's going to join us later. thank you. norah and charlie, before we go back, i want to point out where we're standing. we're standing in front of the dallas police headquarters. underneath the flowers are two police vehicles. you can't see them at all. some of the signs are very touching. this one stands out to me, when times get hard, keep praying for love. and there say lot of love and support in this city today. back to you in new york. new revelations in the encounter. alton sterling tried to reach for their gun. police first tried to use stun guns on sterling. officers say they saw the butt of a gun in sterling's pocket. they claim he reached for it. and they shot him multiple times at close range. michigan is mourning two retired police officers killed by a prisoner yesterday. the men worked as bailiff at the county courthouse. dean reynolds isle at the courthouse in st. joseph, michigan. about 100 northeast of chicago. dean good morning. >> reporter: good morning, well, the berrien county courthouse is closed today while the deputy and civilian wounded in yesterday's incident are recuperating at a local hospital. the whole incident lasted about five minutes, but it's likely to have a lasting impact on this small community. >> shots fired. shots have been fired. >> reporter: police and emergency crews rushed to the berrien county courthouse minutes after gunfire erupted inside. >> we do have an officer down in the courthouse. >> reporter: the courthouse was put on lockdown and people in neighboring courtrooms took cover. >> we heard gunshots. the next thing we knew the judge was taking us in the back room. >> reporter: police say 44-year-old larry darnell gordon tried to escape while being moved from a holding cell to the courtroom. >> tried to get the deputy's gun away. shoot the deputy and move out from that area and kill the two bailiffs. >> third floor. come off the elevator. we have an officer down there. come on over to the right, we have another one. >> reporter: court bailiffs joseph zangaro and round kienzle died from gunshot wounds. kienzled served in the united states army before entering law enforcement. >> they were well respected within our community. they had been in law enforcement for over 40 years. >> reporter: the sheriff said the inmates handed were cuffed, but cuffed in front of him, allowing him to grab the deputy's firearm. up to that point, the sheriff said, there were no signs that a jailbreak was being planned. charlie. >> thanks, dean. donald trump declared himself the law and order candidate. trump claimed yesterday and hillary clinton considers herself above the law. a new poll shows clinton's lead has shrunk to three points. that follows fbi criticism of her handling of e-mails while secretary of state. major garrett is in indiana, where trump campaigns today with a possible vice presidential pick. major, good morning. good morning, donald trump did not mention by name the two victims. fatal police shootings last week or the roiling national debate over police tactics and training. he did say more work needs to be done. trump wasn't nearly so vague about backing police, after a week of tragedy and racial stress. >> america's police and law enforcement personnel are what separates civilization from total chaos. and the destruction of our country as we know it. >> reporter: in his first public comments since the ambush in dallas -- donald trump praised police tactics and criticized anti-police sentiment. >> it's time for our hostility against our police and against all members of law enforcement to end, and end immediately, right now. >> reporter: in case anyone missed the message -- >> i am the law and order candidate. >> reporter: trump echoed richard nixon whose 1968 white house campaign vowed law and order at a time of civil rights and anti-war arch thctivism. >> as far as this problem of law and order is concerned i am for law and order. >> reporter: roger stone a close confidant of trump didn't shy away from the comparison. tweeting this photo of trump's face on nixon's body. trump is still planning to announce his vice presidential pick on friday. the auditions continue. new jersey's governor chris christie. and mike pence, and the congressman with close tice paul ryan and a long history of fiscal conservatism. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will campaign together this morning for the first time. sanders is expected to endorse clinton at the event in new hampshire. it comes just two weeks before the national democratic national convention. nancy cordes is at port smith high school. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: this morning's appearance is ahead of weeks of discussion and negotiations in what is still an uneasy alliance. sanders held out, and it worked, forcing clinton to change a couple of key proposals to look more like his. >> we have got to make public colleges and university tuition-free. >> reporter: clinton now agrees they should be free for almost everyone. all but about the richest 20%. after arguing for months that such a plan was too expensive. >> when somebody tells you something is free, ask for the fine print. some of his ideas just won't work. it doesn't add up. >> reporter: sanders also won concession information the new democratic platform which vows for the first time to abolish the death penalty and embraces a $15 an hour national minimum wage even though clinton says that could be a job killer and goings to 12. >> if you go to 12 -- >> oh, come on. >> reporter: clinton, she and the party need his supporters and their enthusiasm. still, her left ward shift comes at a point in the campaign when most nominees would be moving to the center. >> here we are in mid-june and we're still planning. >> reporter: sanders left clinton with little choice. >> i haven't heard her say the things i think need to be said. >> reporter: now, they're burying the hatchest after a brutal primary. >> i don't believe that she is qualified. >> enough is enough. >> reporter: that got more personal than anyone expected. >> it's time to end the very artful smear that you and your campaign have been carrying out. >> reporter: even the choice of venue today is a nod to sanders. he beat clinton here in new hampshire by a landslide 22 points. it's still unclear, though, charlie, just how much campaign they go will do together. right now, this joint appearance is the only event on their schedule. >> nancy, thanks. britain is getting a new prime minister much earlier than expected. theresa may will replace david cameron tomorrow. may was confirmed as britain's new leader after the last opponent dropped out of the race. elizabeth palmer is out of kof downing street. >> reporter: you can see the front door of 10 downing street. it's not only where a lot of business takes place, but it's also the place where the prime minister actually lives. what you can't see behind me is the become door where the moving vans have drawn up the changeover. this morning, theresa may sal e saluted the cameras where she'll be moving in. both the house and taking over for prime minister david cameron. >> we'll have a new prime minister in that building behind me by wednesday evening. thank you very much. >> reporter: that new prime minister was surrounded by conservative parliamentarians as she accepted the post. >> i am honored and humbled to have been chosen by the conservative party to become its leader. >> reporter: her biggest challenge will be managing brexit. britain's controversial departure from the european union. >> brexit means brexit. >> reporter: but does it? soon to be prime minister may voted against brexit in the referendum. and there's speculation she may try to negotiate a compromise. whatever her strategy, may's colleagues agree she'll be a strong negotiator. for the past six years she's been a home secretary what britons call the inferior minister. in charge of policing interrogation and counterterrorism. she's earned herself a reputation as a tough legislator. not charismatic but disciplined and good detail. inevitably recalling britain's r prime minister who left years ago. those negotiations are promising to be very rocky. the europeans have made it clear they want talks on britain leaving to start immediately. theresa may says not a chance, there will be nothing happening until at least the new year. norah. >> so fascinating. elizabeth palmer in london. emergency room doctors say the police ambush in dallas was one of the most difficult days of their life. ahead, two trauma sur the battle over legalizing pot is reaching a tipping point. businesses like this are already part of california's $3 billion marijuana industries. we're going to show you how voters here could set up a nationwide change reaction over recreational use. the news is back here in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by persil pro clean laundry detergent. experience premium clean. it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. 1100 meals a year, 300 stressful decisions, no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. try activia! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. it tastes great! you brush your teeth diligently...two times a day, right? but 80% of your mouth's bacteria arentt even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. hey, you're clarence! yes, sir. you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i 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rocket) when you're the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. but you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. when i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled, i was appalled. you gotta see this guy... ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember! that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. it told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm brock thomas. the search is on for the gunman who shot a teenage tear death, and hurt two others. the 15 year old was gunned down near 60th and baltimore last night, after a community basketball game. the two other victims are in stable condition at a hospital. investigators say, the three may have been targeted but they're not saying why. let's get a check on the eyewitness forecast with meteorologist, katie fehlinger. >> brooke, once again looking ahead to nice summer day here in the delaware valley. back in the sunshine, we've got couple of clouds here and there, overall there is looks like great excuse to get outside yet again. it is ever so slightly more humid than it was yesterday, we do is sunshine for you to report, that will continue to be the theme for us, looking forward for the rest of the day. eighty-seven the expected hi, very much on par with where we should be, we do get back to the 90s force thursday, friday, at which point, not only do we see the humidity also return, but the threat for showers and couple of thunderstorms along the way. >> katie, thank you so much. looking very busy out on the roadways right now, we do have accident here, backing out of the way, so you can see this bert 59 past 320 blocking the leaf lane, another accident 295 northwood crest station moved off to the shoulder, another 1ac westbound past atlantic city racetrack, left lane is now compromised, disable truck on the northeast he can tension, still there, brooke. >> thanks, meisha a next update 7:55, up next on cbs this morning, california's marijuana initiative could mean for other states considering legalization. i'm brooke thomas, have a good morning. ♪ newt gingrich said in an interview this weekend that if he were asked to be donald trump's running mate it would not be an automatic yes. christie said on the other hand if he were asked -- yes! >> it's amazing to think, charlie, we could learn this week who donald trump's running mate will be ahead of the convention. >> indeed, sets the table for the convention coming up. >> he did, we'll all be there. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour, california was a pioneery medical marijuana. 20 years later it's legal. and the trauma surgeons who have saved the lives of wounded dallas police officers. they take us inside the training that prepared them to handle a mass shooting. and also why the recent police-related violence is more personal for one of the doctors. the defense secoretary's unannounced visit. president obama said he will cut troops to 4800. china is building islands there. beijing insists most of the sea is its territory. and tribunal in the hague of the allies. the shipping lanes is also believed to hold large oil and gas reserves. china says it did not recognize the pulling. "the washington post" looks ahead to today's appearance by the attorney general at a house hearing. loretta lynch is expected to face tough questions on subjects among them police and minorities and hillary clinton's private e-mail server. "usa today" reports on privacy concerns of the popular smartphone game pokemon go. in order to play, users must share their locations, stories and cameras. if iphone users login through google, it's given erroneous access. it can see the information in your e-mail account including access. a plea from the dallas police chief in the wake of last week's shooting. chief david brown said cops are expected to do too much. they were not meant to solve every societal failure like drug addiction and mental health. brown said he is running on fumes. he said we've got a dog problem here in dallas. we're supposed to fix that. a mental health problem. a lot of kids in the city are being brought up by single moms. the cops can't fix everything. he said he was spent, really spent. i think that's an important message by the chief there. >> but he's been a really strong presence at the moment when dallas needed to speak for the cops. and it took an emotional toll on first responders we go back to gayle in dallas. >> i have to say something about the chief, everybody here is describing him as the epitome of leadership. this man is a rock star, he has his own story but very loved here. as you mentioned, parkland hospital is where seven wounded police officers were take. doctors brian eastman and brian williams are both trauma surgeons there who helped save lives. dr. eastman is the trauma unit. >> what were you thinking when a you arrived and saw it? >> i was thinking what had just happ happened but then it tarts replaying thursday night. this shouldn't be here. >> no. >> we all feel that, brian. i saw you yesterday at the press conference we were all watching you. you said for you, you've been here before, you're a police officer as well. but yet, you're also straddling both worlds as a police officer ands a doctor, tell us about that. >> gayle, i think when you have something like this happen, when something like this happens in your city and at the end of the day, you're charged with -- both of us have spent the better part of the last two decades of our lives training and preparing and taking care of everyone who comes to our doors, no matter what, race, color, creed, it doesn't matter. certainly when you work at a place like parkland where we really do what we do there, we take care of everybody, to be safe for something like this, is truly horrific. >> when you're in the operating room -- >> for us, again, and part of what we do here, and it's been one of the reasons i wanted to come and talk to you this morning, is we really feel like we have something to contribute to the conversation. and there's been a lot of talk about race. and there's been a lot of talk about how different we are. police, civilians, black, white. i think brian and i are great examples. we could not be any closer friends, brothers, colleagues. and so when you step to the operating table, gayle, there's no -- and you look down at someone who's hurt and injured, we all believe the same. there's no difference. we're all people on the inside. and i think that's a belief and important message to get out that we've got to stop this. we cannot continue this cycle of violence and gun violence and protests against police. at the end of the day, those people all look the same on the inside. >> brian, many people are touched with you yesterday, because you said that this is personal and it's complicated for you. what is happening in your city today. tell us about that. >> well, first, i want to apologize for earlier -- >> no, you shouldn't apologize for that. i think it's been such a strong and powerful message about how many people are feeling. don't apologize for your feelings, go ahead. >> sure. >> go ahead. >> it's certainly for me because i understand how black men feel with their encounters with police officers. but many police officers are my friends and colleagues, so i'm straddling both worlds, respect police officers i respect the job they do. every day they go out and put their lives on the line for us. they're certainly overworked. underpaid and unrecognized. and i certainly think that that should be addressed. but i also do not want the fact that black men are dying in the hands of police to be ignored, overlooked and dismissed. this is not blaming anyone. this is not taking sides. it's about acknowledging that it is happening, it does exist. and we need to talk about this to make a change. >> and the two of you are longtime friends. i heard you say you go on vacations together, your wives are friends and yet, even the two of you are having difficult conversations or conversations you've never had before. >> i think, gayle, when you come from a different perspective, it helps us that we come to that with a strong base and foundation. that we love each other. >> yeah, i know that. >> we would do anything for each other. and that's not hyperbole at all. and we have done things for each other. so we come at the conversation from that base, and so, to begin there, it's just a starting point. that's why i hope that across america, people will realize that there's a lot more than we have in common than we don't. and it's really important, i think as we move forward with this conversation. >> and what do you hope, brian, that we will all get out of this? >> in previous discussions regarding law enforcement, it remained pretty superficial, there's a lot of joking back and forth. certainly, now, we've become much more serious. >> okay. thank you very much for joining us this morning. both of you. norah, charlie, back to you in the studio. >> gayle, wonderful interview. >> that about sums up the nation's dilemma. and i assume that's what president obama will speak to today. and former president bush as well. >> yeah. they were there. dr. williams was in charge of the operating room when they brought in the police officers. i think the reason that he choked up there with gayle is because, he talked about yesterday, had was unable to save many of their lives. they were too badly wounded there on the front lines. but he's also speak beyond the role of the surgeon. he said he's straddling that role. he said, too, yesterday, as a surgeon and a black man, when he sees a police officer, he tries to pick up their tab at lunch. buys them an ice cream. i hope that's something that we can all emulate. >> and between the two of them. >> they're friends. and now backing the latest fight to legalize recreational pot. but up next, see why critics say there's already proof in this country that it's a bad idea. we'll be right back. i've been fortunate enough to win on golf's biggest stages. but when joint pain and stiffness from psoriatic arthritis hit... even the smallest things became difficult. so i talked to my rheumatologist... and he prescribed enbrel... to help relieve joint pain and help stop further joint damage. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis... lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common... or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. get back to the things that matter most. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. wearing powerful sunscreen? 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>> oh, boy, they look good, don't they. the dallas mom wounded in the sniper shooting says she couldn't stop praying. gayle talked to the family about that moment ahead on "cbs this morning." of america home. expert medicine works here. find out why at cancer cancer treatment centers of america. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. msame time tomorrow, fellas!? new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. they massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. hey, you're clarence! yes, sir. you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they'd name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? 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>> what they told us was is that this was a national tragedy. that their officers are quite frankly, they're worried. so what they talked about was, the perception out there that they're basically not protecting the community equally and fairly. they acknowledge that there are bad apples in every organization. but they made the case, which i think is correct, that the vast majority police officers and departments are protecting everyone like they were in that demonstration. and they talked about that they didn't feel that the president sufficiently spoke to their concerns. and his language wasn't supportive enough. and he went through a list of all that he had said, i think some of which they hadn't heard. or hadn't broken through. but it ended up the following way. they're going to -- we're putting together an agenda. meet with them regularly. going to bring in the community as well. and begin to work our way through this in a way where the communities and the police departments start to talk to one another again. a lot do now. but do it in a way we used to when we funded community policing, so people know one another. >> you know, it's interesting, charlie, because the vice president invited some of these police unions and associations who have been critical of the president. and then the president made an unexpected visit inside that meeting. and sort of challenged them and asked them what they can do beginning the dialogue. >> a helpful discussion. around more than 1,000 people gathered at dallas city hall for a candlelight service to remember the fallen officers. many shared memories at the emotional tribute. gayle king is at dallas police department headquarters. gayle, good morning. >> good morning to you, charlie, it's five days later and people here still say they're still numb but they say they will get through. the nation in dallas is moving forward. dallas police chief david brown's advice for young black men is to become part of the solution. and yesterday, he shared his own reasons for joining the force. >> i got a full ride scholarship to uti. this is 1979. i came back home for the summer, around '80, '81, '82, that time frame. the crack cocaine epidemic hit dallas pretty hard. my friends that stayed here became involved in that. and it broke my heart. and it changed what i wanted to do. in college. and i actually left college my first semester of my senior year to apply for the dallas police department to do something about what i was seeing in my neighborhood. my first beat was my olds neighborhood. and that was just happenstance. i'm the kind of person that, i probably wouldn't protest or complain. i'd get involved and do something about it. by becoming part of the solution. and that's still in me. that keeps me going. >> chief brown says that he gets so much satisfaction from serving his community. everywhere we go last night and this morning people are talking about chief brown and what a rock star he is. one of the two victims is opening up about what happened to her, shetamia taylor was speaking the praises. she was shot in the leg. i spoke to her. what did that feel like getting shot? what did that feel like? >> i want to say like someone jabbed you with a needle with a sharp end. >> but you knew it was a bullet? >> oh yeah. >> it caused you to fall? >> i didn't fall but i kind of buckled. and i thought, i got hit. i'm kind of limping. that's when andrew turns around, and looking at him to see where i am and starts to grab at me. i'm already shot i grab him. >> you worried about protecting him? >> absolutely. >> i turned around and looked for my mom. when i looked for my mom, she simultaneously grabs me and basically tackles me into the curb and a car. she lays on top of me. all that exposes is my head. >> you said you did what? >> i basically sat there and held my breath. i didn't know what was going on. i was shocked. i never thought something like this would ever happen to me, my mom and my brothers. >> it felt like a couple minutes. it could have been left. a barrage of police officers came up, and asked me was i hit, i was saying, yes, but in a real low tone, shaking my head. >> you didn't want ant drdrew - >> i did not want my son to know i was shot. >> was that the one that you saw that was shot? >> the one that i saw was actually against the wall. i saw him get shot. >> right in front of you? >> yes, ma'am. >> when you saw that, what did you think? >> i'm just praying. i did not stop praying. >> that night the police put themselves in harm's way and saved you? >> they did. >> absolutely. and i am forever indebted. there was no color there. there was safety. there was action. and i can't thank them enough. >> what was your expectation in going to the protest? >> i wanted my kids to see, maybe experience something to what their grandparents had experienced at one point in time, marching before -- >> that peaceful riot can work? >> yes, it can work. and i heard people saying what is marching going to do? it did a lot. why can't it go again. >> when she said i'm going taking our sons, you said fine? >> i had no problem with it. i appreciate that they're doing it. >> why did you appreciate that they're doing it? >> just for our sons to get unified. >> why did you want to go? >> i wanted to be actually in the movement. i wanted to march and be able to make history and tell my kids when this was going down, this happened, i was there. >> your mom tells me that you want to be a police officer. >> yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am. >> why? >> because i just want to try to make this world a better place. hopefully, as i get older, the world will change, it will be a safer environment for black people. and even all races, truthfully. >> what do you hope, andrew, that we all learn from this? >> truly, i hope that everyone learns that two wrongs don't make a right. >> it's a conversation. and people have to have those conversations. like my mom said, i have a large amount of white friends, and it's really authentically hard to have those conversations. >> with your friends? >> with your friends, let alone have them with strangers. >> some people say now the message is getting more, do you feel that? >> i think so. never to my understanding have i ever felt like only black lives matter. we want to feel safe, we send our sons and our daughters out of our home, we want to feel safe when they're out. and know that they're being protected. >> now sh, shetamia taylor will in a wheelchair for a couple weeks. while she's hurt and suffers from the shooting, it won't stop her from participating in the rallies with the children. i have to say i was very impressioned with the taylor family. all of the kids, the mom and dad. the thing they wanted to stress the most the black lives matter didn't have anything to do with the shooting. the shooter was someone who has nothing to do with the cause and sort of tainted the movement of what they were all trying to safe. that before that shooting it was a very peaceful protest. that the protesters and police officers were hugging each other and congratulating each other for bringing the message to each other. while it was tainted they said they were not deterred. the dad said do not judge a book by its cover until you read the book. i thought that was very interested. >> and didn't see any color? >> that's right. >> no, exactly that. i said, mia, they're calling you a hero. she goes i'm not a hero, i'm just a mom. heroes never want to say they're heroes. her kids say, our mom is sa her. back to you, guys. >> a really nice family. when the president speaks at that dallas memorial service later today, we will bring it to you in a cbs news special report. the head of the rental car powerhouse avis is driving change. ceo larry de shon shows us a new feature ahead, dallas mayor mike rawlings is leading his city through unprecedented tragedy. we'll be right back. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? 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[ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ♪ get america's fastest internet. only from xfinity. flows into one incredibleh water experienceld you can't find anywhere else. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ ♪ you can find it all only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at ♪ a recent survey shows american households will spend an average of nearly $1,800 on a summer vacation, that's up about 11% from last year. people have more options for getting around. they include services like uber and car share be programs but the traditional car rental industry is still growing. companies hope technology will attract more drivers. only on "cbs this morning," the ceo of avis budget group is here with an announcement. larry de shon, welcome. >> thank you. >> i didn't realize you own avis budget group. >> avis and budget. >> what is this new app? >> we talked to our customers and tech savvy travelers and asked them to design for us the future state rental service that they wanted. it's innovation in the app. and the app allows the customer 0 do everything from the entire rental process from booking to actually choosing their car, upgrading their car, getting the rental agreement all the way through the return. basically, we're giving total control of the rental experience to the consumer. >> and allows them to make a choice. show up and go right to the car? >> right. you book on your app. when you land, we show you notification. we show you what we've assigned to you. if you don't like that car, we show you actual photos. cars on the app. you go to the car. you don't have to see anybody, you confirm you've returned, off you go. >> for business travelers, those on vacation, whatever it may be, the experience has exchanged. you have ride sharing like uber and lyft how has it changed the industry? >> you know, i think it's positive for us. we own the largest car company in the world, the zip car, nip we find more solutions it's good for us. a short-term need like 15-minute rental and car hailing meets their needs and if the zip car meets their need, that's great. if they need it for multiple days, the rental car will meet their needs. i think you'll find all of these consumers with the solution and that's good for our company. >> we've seen enterprise have this relationship with uber. does avis budget have to do something similar to stay relevant? >> yeah. no, they're supplying vehicles. and in fact, it's actually on a very small basis when you take a look at the size of our fleet. but we're always looking at opportunities to do some more types of things. there's so many different mobility options coming out there with technology. there's new innovations coming out like our avis now app, it's going to change over the next few years. >> i'm always asked, do i want collision coverage? >> i know you're hopefully thinking i don't need collision coverage. maybe i should get it. >> i am. exactly, right. should i? >> well, i think you have to -- >> that's a big moneymaker for you. >> well, every customer needs to take a look at their own situation. you need to take a look at whether you have insurance on your car that works on a rental. and if the car that you're renting works on that you may want to make sure you're protected. >> larry, we're avis customers in our family. we have royalty, like everybody does to different companies but this past company, we did not use avis, we used uber instead because of the length of the trip and we costed it out. are services liking hurting the bottom line? >> our customers rent cars for four days and drive 450 miles. that's a very different use case versus car hailing. the types of transactions that we have that are under 50 miles or one-day rentals are so small on our transactions. it doesn't impact us so much. >> do you rent ferraris? >> we have j j jaguars. very nice cars. [ park rides, music and crooooh!unds ] [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. excuse me, try this. but just one aleve can last 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve. right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. ♪ actor viggo mortensen is here in studio 57. >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm brooke tomorrow. >> the philadelphia homelands security unit, showing up at the hyatt at the bellevue, not clear why they had those items there, but police have released few details in the investigation. so far there have been no arrests. now, for the eyewitness weather forecast, here's meteorologist, katie fehlinger. >> good morning, brooke, today will ends up being beautiful day. we've got more sunshine for you on tap. little bit of an up tick in the humidity, but overall, this is just at its finest, we can expect that sunshine to last all day today. looking at storm scan, which remains empty at this point. we're still tracking some pretty quiet wet courtesy of high pressure, will eventually change with time here. but the temperatures meantime off to mild start. low mid 70s from basically i95 on southeast. and it is a little cooler the further inland you go. regardless, nice summer day, 87 degrees, in the sunshine, by tomorrow, still upper 80s, and the further inland, may be shower or storm, but thursday looks like a very steamy day, scattered variety of showers being and/or thunderstorms for anyone, and friday, and saturday, it is also a chance. meisha, over to you. >> thank, katie. looking outside, still looking very busy, take a look at this, the blue route, headlights moving in the southbound direction at baltimore pike looking very slow both southbound and in the northbound direction. ninety-five south before girard, this is what you are looking at there, looking slow moving here, boulevard southbound, same story here, as you approach the schuylkill, look at this, almost like a parking lot. then we still have the accident on the a.c. expressway westbound. this is past atlantic city racetrack, left lane compromised, and showing a lot of led still out on the wide, brooke, over to you. >> next update at 8: 55, ahead on cbs this morning, a star of the lord of rings triligy, showcasing, i'm brooke thomas good morning. ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, we'll go back to gayle king who is in dallas. she's going to talk with mayor mike rawlings about how his city is coping. plus actor viggo mortensen is starring in "captain fantastic." ahead, we'll talk about preparing for the movie that made him feel like an episode of survivor. around the world, detroit news reports on another tesla crash. a tesla car x went through a guard rail on sunday. a friend of the driver posted photos that allegedly show the aftermath. the driver said autopilot was activated at the start of his trip. this is the third tesla crash, one of them deadly, linked to self-driving modes. the san antonio express reports on the retirement of nba sports superstar tim duncan. its head line said simply "adios, tim." he led the spurs to five championships. teammates and opponents praised him as the greatest power forward of all time. "usa today" reports on withdrawal of another top golfer from the rio olympics. jordan spieth says he's also concerned about zika. brazil is severely affected by the virus. that means the world's four highest ranks players are out of the game. jason day, dustin johnson and rory mcilroy also say they cropped out because of zika. i think bubba is now the number one ranked at the olympics. the financial times in london report that they've purged all references to an insect named for china's president. the science who discovered the beetle said he did it as a tribute. he praised xi jinping for making them stronger. "the washington post" looks at the rise of the silver dorms. for those recovering from addiction. though offer these sober housing. texas tech also has one. and the chicago tribune reports if you're using someone's else's netflix or hbo password you may be breaking the law. a federal ruling last week found sharing a password without permission from the system's owner violates federal law. but there's no sign that streaming services plan to explore services. rich hastings has in the past called sharing a positive thing, not a negative thing. the company declined to comment on the court decision. you can share my password anytime you want. >> thank you, honey. >> but i don't know what you want. >> ahh, yes. i think you can share it amongst your family, certainly. we've been following the news today because president obama is expected to speak in dallas as well as former president george w. bush. let's go to gayle king who is there. gayle. >> yes, we are here, norah, in front of police headquarters with the ever growing memorial. they tell us it started with one car. it became so great they added another car. people are still bringing flowers here. someone just brought another bouquet here. mayor mike rawlings is with us here at the meyerson center where the memorial for the officers will be held. mr. may, thank you for, thank yg us, we appreciate it. >> good morning, gayle. >> i talked to one of the survivors who said we are not defined by what's happened in the city and how we feel about our police department. i would imagine you agree with that? >> i do. you know, sometimes, it takes a bright light to shine on you to understand what you are really are. sometimes, good but i'll tell you, i feel all about the good things that are happening in this city. people are telling me, citizens, neighbors, people from other places, saying dallas is showing well. and we hope, we mourn the way america would like us to mourn us. >> all right. saw something in the paper the other day, the headlines said, what kind of city are we and what kind do we want to be? what's your answer to that? >> i'll tell you, i think we want to be a city for the 21st century. a city that is growing, its base is business. we will always be business, but creates jobs for everybody. that closes the economic gap that we have. that closes the education gap that we have. it is strong. it's safe. there's a lot of work to be done. make sure that safe community always is there. but we're well on our way. hopefully, if anything comes out of these officers' deaths, hopefully, it will be us getting closer to that vision. >> i want to talk to you about the memorial service later today. and the president is coming, as you know. but yesterday, law enforcement official has a private meeting with the president. and they told them that they did not believe he was supportive of their concerns. i know you have had conversations with president obama. do you agree with that? >> i don't. i've talked to the president, and he has reached out a couple of times. i was at a u.s. conference, a mayor's meeting, where he spoke about it as well. he's told me that. the words that come out of leaders are important. and we've got to always believe we can do better. but it's got to start with our self-esteem as a police force. and understand that 99% of what they do is what we want. and that we're proud of them. sometimes, people hear what they want to hear in those conversations. >> you know, when you talk about leaders, everybody who i've met so far has talked about chief brown. and the type of leader that he is. and yesterday, at the news conference, he said, listen, get off the protest line and join the police department. he said himself he grew up here, and he wanted to be part of the solution. what do you think of that advice? >> i think that's great advice. that's the sort of heroes that we need. he likened our police officers to superheroes, last night. and i agree with him. and, look, we did dissent without demonizing. and i think we've demonized our police force for too long. and we have to stop that. we will always get better. but we have to salute them. because as we've seen, they do die for us. >> you know, when you talk about demonization, a lot of people are still talking about rudy giuliani's comments about black lives matter that it is inher t inherently racist. and everyone i talked to said that is absolutely not the case that they care deeply about police officers. what do you maikel of that? >> i'll tell you, our police officers died for black lives matter movement. we were there protecting those individuals. that is not a racist organization. they're trying to do better. but i ask everybody to start at the level playing ground that our police are there to serve them. and to serve everyone. >> thank you, mayor rawlings. at the very least, people say at least we're starting the conversation. and that is very, very important. we thank you so much for joining us today. we really appreciate it. norah, back to you. >> thank you. >> gayle, thank you so much. back here in the studio 57, viggo mortensen is in our toyota green room. up next, his new movie "captain longest and fastest zipline in north america, o there's only one place to do it. and that's not the only thing you can only find in new york state. ♪ it's all in the catskills. only in new york. new york. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer vacation at i see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. a day may come when the courage of men fails, where we will take our friends and break all bonds of brothership. but it is not this day. >> that's viggo mortensen in one of his best known roles in the "lord of the rings" trilogy. his new movie "captain fantastic" may look like an action flick but he's not your typical superherersuperhero. raising six kids, they're forced to face the outside world. >> don't talk to us like we're -- >> he's right, mom needs to be in the hospital right now. >> a healthy person may want to die. >> you you said there are those educated and medicated. >> you said -- >> all of those things are true. but mom does not have enough of the neurotransmitter serotonin to transmit electrical signals in her brain. >> exactly when is mom coming back? >> that's what i'm going to find out. >> viggo mortensen is here at the table. good morning. do you believe all of that stuff, too? >> well, they're very intimidating those kids. the script, the movie, as an actor, i was inspired and one of the best movies i've ever been in. as a father, it's very intimidating. those of us less energetic and committed towards physical improvement and intellectual excellence, these kids are kind of daunting to watch them. it's amazing cast of kids. >> as a mom of three i think about this movie and a father of six with no technology, for some, that's the worst nightmare because we need that to be ibabysitter as we call it? >> yeah, it's a movie story. it's realistically done but it's an extreme case of conscious parenting, i guess. but what i do think is great, he's not the kind of father who said no, because i said so. he's the kind of dad that says, i don't think so, but let me explain. it takes more time and energy. >> one of the important things you said he brought boundaries around what is good and what is bad. he'll have a conversation with them, but they know what the rules are. >> yeah, they do but you can't help but remember how hard you try, how involved you are as a parent, you're going to make mistakes. the thing i really liked when i read the script was that, as a story, it's very -- it's a very well-made family drama. it's movie. it's funny. it's thought-provoking. i also felt, as i was reading even more now with what's going on in the country, that it touches on the roots of social discord and polarization of society. because it's a movie story that's basically the importance of self-reflection and willing to make adjustments which you see happening in the story. honest communication and finding an imbalance with people who think differently than you do. it's not a movie that's ideological. it's not political. it's not some left wing, you know, off-the-grid fantasy at all. as it turns out as the movies goes along. it's something else. it's admitted and the father himself, he admits that he's gone too far sometimes in his methods. he loves them. he's committed. he's completely engaged as a parent. but you can also say he's a little bit crazy at times. >> does he project your views as a father? >> yeah. in large part, i think the importance of real honest communication. even at a young age, kids are really smart. and they can understand a lot. >> and they also know the things about which he says about our kids? >> it's better to be honest, you know. as radical as the family seems, the foundation of the family model is complete honesty, confidence, curiosity and open discourse. sometimes, it's brutal. i can't believe i said that to a 7-year-old. talking about sex and death. it's very funny sometimes. >> and this is all part of this film, too. box the mother is dying. >> yeah. >> the other interesting thing about preparing for this movie is, there was this grueling two-week rehearsal, right? >> yeah. >> how did that go? >> well, it was great. it was like a boot camp. everybody came prepared anyway. when i read the script, i thought, this is great but to be a good movie, we have to find six genius olympic children. which the director did. but the boot camp was great. not just showing on screen, the bonding, doing rock climbing together. martial arts animals, fires. >> a bit of revenant? >> yeah, maybe. no special effects. serious climbing, martial arts. the skills that the kids showed. but more than that, we saw that in the clip, the kids have to convince you even if they're 7 years old that they can handle that language. that they really know what they're talking about. complicated idea, philosophy, you're just stunned because a little kid can master that kind of conversation. >> your director and the writer, matt ross said that he designed -- he made the movie based on the father he would like to be. >> yeah, i suppose it's aspirational in that sense. luke at it, as i say, it can be intimidating, you're watching and in a way, it's one of those stories that make you feel like everything you're doing is wrong as a parent. or you think, boy, i wish my father had been like that. at times. at times, you think this is the greatest father in the world. other times, you think he's the worst. a menace to society. i think that matt proposed to himself an idea as a father what if i gave 100% of my time. literally, every second of my time and aenergy energy to my k is is kind of impossible. >> great to have you here. "captain fantastic" is in theaters right now. you're watching "cbs this when you're the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. but you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. when i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled, i was appalled. you gotta see this guy... ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember! that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. it told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. priorities usa action is responsible (whispering) what are you doing up? (whispering) mom said i could have a midnight snack. well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. why? because i am the boss. you're not the boss, mom's the boss. well, technically, we are co-bosses. technically, mom's the boss. mmmm. shhh. the family favorite. yoplait. i'm not a discover customer but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. (to dog)give it to me. give it. oh, sure! we give it to everyone for free. oh, well that's nice. (to dog) go get it! you can go get it yourself online and see your fico credit score right there. great! 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