Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20160111 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20160111

♪ the multitalented english singer, songwriter, producer. over the course of nearly 50 years. . ♪ >> i'm certainly a fulfilled man. mexico has begun the process to extradite drug kingpin el chapo guzman to the united states. >> authorities want to have a word with sean penn for a secret meeting with guzman. she is married to an abuser. a woman claimed rape and also sorts of things. i mean, horrible things! >> secretary clinton, what do you say, though, to those who say about that portion of your husband's career is fair game? >> it's i think a dead-end and blind alley for them, but let them go "the revenant" took home top honors. >> leonardo dicaprio. >> what an incredible honor. >> you don't need to leave your drink here. i'll put you to sleep another way. >> 1.3 billion and counting the biggest powerball jackpot ever is up for grabs. >> in california, professional surfer wiped out on a 50-foot wave. >> he survived. >> all that. >> the kick is up and walsh's kick is no good. he missed it! the season can't end like that! the seahawks are off to charlotte. >> got it away. adams, wide open for the touchdown. >> this green bay offense is rolling right now. >> packers moving on. >> and all that matters. >> vladimir putin is at it again, showing off his muscle, throwing members of russia's judo team to the floor. >> nobody is going to throw the president to the ground. >> on "cbs this morning." >> electrical fires is to blame for displacing a hundred people. >> oh, man! the building is on fire! i said, no, what? i got my three kids and we bounced out! no, not in no fire, not today! announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. ♪ welcome to "cbs this morning." we are remembering david bowie. a rock star whose changes made him a legend. ♪ ♪ changes changes ♪ >> bowie's songs and stage presence influenced generations of musicians. he died sunday after an 18-month battle can cancer. he had just turned 69. >> he was a ground breaking music in fashion, music and even a roman catholic cardinal. mark phillips looks back at david bowie's career. >> reporter: david bowie became famous for the changes in his own character over his four plus decade career. he leaves a world changed by what he did in ways few pop stars managed. for a man known for so many images, this will be the last and enduring one of david bowie. the one from his latest album released last friday on his 69th birthday. ♪ look at me i'm in heaven ♪ i've g >> reporter: the deathbed lyrics seem he knew not only what was coming but he turned his death into his last artistic event. >> look at man. i'm in danger ♪ >> reporter: this may be the first image many remember. bowie's was a career that people first began to notice back in 1969, when people were being landed on the moon, that stopped, but bowie continued. ♪ >> reporter: he didn't just believe songs, he became the persona that performed them ziggy starbust in the '70s and not just the songs, of course, but the ever-changing looks, as he told charlie rose back in 1998. bowie was always about more than just the music. >> do you think of yourself, first, as a musician? >> no. no. actually, i find the idea of having to say that i'm a musician in any way is an embarrassment to me, because i don't really believe that. i've always felt that what i do is i use music for my way of expression. i don't believe i'm very accomplished artist. >> reporter: others disagree. bowie reinvented himself as he went along with "fame" he co-wrote with john lennon he brought classic soul as a white british artist to "soul train." you can pick which david bowie you want to remember or, better still, gayle, you can remember them all. >> so well said, mark, you can remember them all. so nice to see the interview with him, charlie. you rarely get to hear his voice. nice to hear him. >> he was so authentic and true. . it was beyond the music for him and a sense of understanding image. >> and it's interesting to hear the words of his latest music that was just released, the lyrics. >> many people stopped smoking on set. >> we will have more on david bowie later on in this newscast. mexico officials this morning have started efforts to send the druglord known as el chapo to the u.s. for trial. us officials confirmed that joaquin guzman's actor with sean penn in october helped lead to his arrest. he was captured on friday after a six-month manhunt. "rolling stone" article was released over the weekend. the same prison he escaped from in july, manuel, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. according to a u.s. law enforcement source, they worry el chapo could bribe himself to another escape behind this prison behind me. a day after his arrest, a "rolling stone" article was posted with a interview with sean penn and penn agreed to let el chapo review the article before it was published but the drug lord did not ask for any changes. this picture was taken as proof of the secret meeting between the academy award winner and drug cartel kingpin. in a lengthy "rolling stone" article, sean penn said he met with guzman last october deep in the mexican jungle and described el chapo as entirely unapolicy j jettic. penn quoted the drug king pin saying the following. >> how much heroin he sends around the world, including the united states, is maddening. >> reporter: penn says they met for seven hours and ate tacos at a picnic table and agreed to reconvene eight days later for a formal interview, but mexican authorities raided that hideout shorlted aft shortly after that meeting and the meeting was cancelled. instead of meeting penn sent him questions with the help of an interpreter. it's the reality that drugs destroy el chapo says in spanish during one part of the video. where i grew up there is no other way and there isn't a way to survive. the seven minutes of footage was given to the actress kate del castillo who arranged the sit-down between penn and the drug lord and the actress gained el chapo's interest and perhaps trust when she to him in 2012 writing the following. penn's travel with del castillo to reach guzman was ardarduous. they flew on two different planes to avoid detection. penn wrote just bumpy enough they took a few swigs of tequila and he noticed he wasn't blindfolded during the trip. mexican authorities arrested el chapo on friday. they say he initially fled through the sewer system after a deadly shoot-out. he was apprehended in the outskirts of the town. police were intercepted by phone calls and penn's visit. officials believe el chapo could be extradited to the u.s. possibly within the next four to six weeks. after sean penn, a representative said the actor is not commenting at this time. charlie? >> thanks. manu manuel, in mexican. rikki klieman is with us. did sean penn do anything to make him or the actress with him vulnerable to any kind of legal action? >> sean penn certainly do not do anything that will make him v vulnerable to legal actions. we may not like the ethics of it but the trunel is any reporter or any journalist would want this interview. as long as you don't aid a fugitive, you don't give him money and you do something to continue his lack of apprehension you can talk to anybody anyone you want. it's you say something, you do something, he has no duty to report. >> do you happen to know anything about the timing? it sounds like a hollywood movie. he is arrested and find out the interview that sean penn had done. do you happen to know, did they time it so that it was released right now? >> i don't know what the timing was but certainly it is a coincidence but a coincidence on the part of "rolling stone" magazine. >> would it have been different if guzman had not been caught? >> yes. if guzman had not been caught, certainly if not mexico, the united states jurisdictions interested in guzman would have thrown sean penn into a grand jury and asked him questions how it was arranged and where he traveled and how they met. if he refused to answer questions in a grand jury, then he could be held in contempt, then you have a court order and then he goes to jail unless he perjuries to contempt. >> if sean penn is not in legal jeopardy, why the reports that the manhattan u.s. attorney is looking into the ties between penn and the mexican drug lord? >> because the u.s. attorney and the southern district of new york is very smart and what he wants to do is what any good u.s. attorney would want to do. he is not targeting sean penn. what he is doing is looking at him as a witness. if i were a prosecutor, i'd want sean penn questioned. i want to know everything about that cartel. that cartel is the most poisonous cartel in the united states of america as to drugs. that why seven jurisdictions in the u.s. want this man. >> and, in fact, he took credit for being the largest distributor of heroin. >> cocaine. >> cocaine, meth amphetamines. >> and marijuana. >> this is a good person to get off the street. >> rikki klieman, thank you so much. we will have more on this. we will take a closer look at the actress who helped sean penn get the interview. how kate del castillo got el chap o's attention. more on that ahead on "cbs this morning." british comedian ricky gervais returned his post with insults at the golden globes. some thought the show felt bogged down but the night came with surprises including big wins for leonardo dicaprio, yea, and kevin frazier from "entertainment tonight" is with us from the studios in los angeles. >> it was a busy night for the censors but the members of the hollywood foreign press association who hand out the golden globes also made room for some surprises during the three-hour telecast as well. >> and the golden globe goes to leonardo dicaprio. >> leonardo dicaprio picked up his third golden globe for "the revenant." and is also for the best director. >> we emerge in the elements of this and that type of cinema is what i want to see more of in this industry. >> reporter: he found time to share a moment with his "titanic" co-star kate winslet who won best supporting actress for the film "steve jobs." "e.t." spoke with her back stage. >> i'm happy and very shocked and completely overwhelmed. >> right. let's do the math. >> reporter: "the martian" raised eye borrows when it was put in a musical or comedy category where it won best motion picture and actor for a star, matt damon. first golden globe for him since winning 18 years for "goodwill hunting." >> do you think "the martian" is a comedy? >> no, it's a musical and i think the 18-year gap with me was me working on my singing. >> i'm jay law. >> and a shoe. >> reporter: jennifer lawrence and amy schumer were rivals in the best actress in a comedy category with j-law coming out on top. >> i really expected amy to win. >> shut up! you justing pill popping sexual deviance gun. >> reporter: ricky gervais was back bringing his brand of bleep humor and putting the networks on its toes. >> i've changed tonight. not as much as bruce jenner, obviously. >> reporter: she handed out cookies for playing cookie lion on "empire." these trophies and things represent to me the people i'm affecting. i've affected people enough to say, hey, you want to give you a trophy. i want to recognize you. >> reporter: sylvester stallone had to be told by a reporter back stage he got a standing ovation after winning best supporting actor for "creed." >> i don't expect it at all. i was standing up in shock. really? >> reporter: that was a great moment. other wins, lady gaga owns a golden globe. and mr. robra was a big prize winner and christian slater for best supporting actor. mowsart in the jungle and crazy ex-girlfriend were also winners. more on that in the next hour. >> that standing ovation was a nice moment for sylvester stallone. >> and well deserved. t thank you, kevin frazier. the democratic presidential race is tightening this morning in the first two voting states. a new poll shows hillary clinton leads bernie sanders by just three points among likely voters in iowa. the caucus is three weeks from tonight in iowa. in new hampshire, sanders leads clinton and voters go there eight days after iowa. >> reporter: the iowa poll shows ted cruz leading donald trump by four points but trump has a 16-point lead in new hampshire. marco rubio and chris christie in a close race for second place. major garrett is in washington with how the candidates are sharpening their attacks again. >> reporter: the republican race for the white house, two distinct plot lines are emerging. trump and cruz are battling for supremacy in iowa. john kasich may enter that ring but for now he's on the outside, looking in. >> what is going to happen is the other side will bring a suit. >> reporter: in reno, nevada, donald trump warned that ted cruz's birth in canada to an american mother makes him a bad election gamble. >> now he is a natural born citizen? some people say, i don't know. honestly? with we don't know. who the hell knows? >> reporter: trump has been birther badgering cruz for nearly a week. compelling the cruz campaign to release his mother's u.s. birth certificate and the candidate to deliver this passionate response. >> by virtue of being born, was never naturalized. it was the process of being born that made me a citizen. those are the facts. the law is quite clear. >> reporter: cruz said some candidates, meaning trump, can't handle the more substantive debate. >> they want to, instead, encourage the good people of the media to go down rabbit trails and enengage in circus side shows. >> reporter: trump opened up a new line of attack. >> by the way, ted cruz has a lot of money from the oil interests. >> reporter: cruz, who seeks to abolish all tax subsidies for energy denied trump's charge. >> our campaign has, to date, raised over $47 million. and that has come from over 690,000 contributions. those are the people to who i'm accountable. >> reporter: the feud between chris christie and marco rubio would this fighting for second place in hamp also intensified. >> chris's repocord for republin is not what we need. he has personally given a donation for planned parenthood and a supporter of gun rights. >> reporter: on "face the nation" christie confronted two of those charges. >> i never contributed to planned parenthood. i will not i stand with any personal interest group and give them a blank chest. >> reporter: in 1994 christie said he had donated for planned parenthood but his campaign now says there is no record of that. a big drop overnight in china's stock market could be another turbulent week for investors. in the u.s. shares on the shanghai index lost more than 5%. hong kong's main index was also off sharply but markets in britain and germany this morning are mixed. last week, u.s. stocks had their worst week in four years. the dow plunged more than a thousand points. first on "cbs this morning," a plan for potentially life saving new technology for cars. we will take you to the detroit auto show. a mexican actress is commanding the world's attention this morning after she may have unwittingly helped take down el chapo. >> ahead what we are learning about kate del castillo. the news is back this morning right here on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. ou're looking to save money on your medicare part d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. we stop arthritis pain, so you don't have to stop. because you believe in go. onward. today's the day. carpe diem. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. jane didn't like restrictions. not in life. and not when it came to watching her calories. why settle on taste? 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[ screaming ] >> oh, my god. >> he missed it! >> are you kidding me? >> there was a lot of that. >> people were upset. the game was the third coldest in nfl history. >> that is what happens in playoff time. >> i feel for blair walsh today. people got to remember, i guess now is not the time to say, "it's just a game." >> not when you lived for it all year to watch your team win the super bowl. >> people in seattle were looking up and saying, thank you, god! >> i feel for you, blair walsh. but congrats to russell wilson and the seattle seahawks. coming up in this half hour, the spotlight on a mexican actress but not for her latest movies. kate del castillo played a role in the interview with guzman and sean penn. >> plus an american woman apparently strangled in her italian apartment. the clues left behind have police puzzled. we will show you how this draws comparison to another profile murder in italy. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" reports on the political jockeying over efforts to deliver supplies to starving syrians. today eight convoys expected to depart for syrian towns. this morning humanitarian group loaded food on to trucks. the syrian towns are caught in fighting between government troops and rebel fighters. tens of thousands of residents have no access to food and medicine. "the washington post" reports on the pope's call for a bold and creative response to the global migrant crisis. pope francis acknowledges a massive influx is a difficult burden for europe but he says the values do not have to be threatened. francis says that europe should be able to balance protecting the rights of its citizens and helping migrants in need. >> the new york "daily news" reports on four teens in custody for allegedly raping an 18-year-old woman in a brooklyn park. the suspects were scene on a store surveillance video before the attack. police say the victim was with her father when the suspects approached them. one pulled a gun and ordered the father to leave. when he returned the suspects had already fled and one of the suspects remains at large. police in philadelphia received a warning that a threat to them is not over. last week, a cop was shot in his patrol car. police say the alleged gunman edward archer confessed to the attack in the name of islam. a female tipster told police that archer is associated with three men with radical beliefs. officers are tag the warning seriously. "usa today" reports on cuts by uber and varies by location. they say they lowered the prices in more than 100 cities and to boost the rides taken in the winter slump when the business slows. the capture of el chapo is putting the spotlight on a mexican actress kate del castillo helped broker sean penn's secret interview with the fugitive drug lord. mexican officials say that helped track guzman down. don dahler looks at this more. >> reporter: kate del castillo is one of latin america's once well-known leading ladies and known as one of its 50 most beautiful people and has a natural for portraying mexican underground leaders and el chapo, she is a big fan of his. many americans know that kate del castillo. >> don't interrupt me. it's impolite and that mikes me want to do things. >> reporter: as a mexican bombshell in a hit tv shows. >> next time, you might want to hire someone who do work for me and mad at you for rating them out. >> reporter: two years later, she starred as a drug lord in a blockbuster, "the queen of the south." this is the managing editor for variety latino. >> i would say she is kind of like the jennifer lawrence of mexico. she is known for being a strong, powerful latino woman. >> reporter: against human trafficking in r she posted an open letter on twitter urging el chapo to borne all of those whore houses where women are worth less than a pack of cigarettes and she added you would be the hero of heroes. that caught el chapo attention and the two reportedly began communicating after that post. del castillo apparently wants to make a movie about el chapo's life and arranging the interview with sean penn. and even serving as the translat translator. del castillo has also intermediate videos for the humane society. >> i love animals. i have a pet myself. >> reporter: last year, she launched her own tequila line called honor which she and penn drank on the plane on the way to the interview. del castillo's association with el chapo they say will hurt her popularity. >> this is a great, great opportunity for her and for her career. not only in the u.s., but also worldwide. >> reporter: del castillo was cast to play the first lady of mexico in an upcoming series for netflix. she has not been arrested nor charged with any crimes because of her dealings with el chapo. a spokesman for the actress told "cbs this morning" she had no comment at this time. >> now we know the jennifer lawrence of mexico. she is big. now we know who she is. thank you, done. police in italy are trying to piece together evidence about the mysterious death of an american woman. florida native ashley olsen was found dead over the weekend and police say she had bruises around her neck. allen pizzey is in rome. >> reporter: the death was immediately classified as murder. the italian police vowed to give it what they called maximum attention. able ashley olsen's body was found on monday because the he had not heard from the florida native for three days. according to local reports she was found naked with scratch and bruise marks on her neck but no initial evidence of a sexual assault. this is her last social media post. but if it holds a message, it is unclear to say the least. what is known makes this a mystery worthy of a novel. the case so far by italian police last seen at a nightclub with a female friend and someone on her computer until friday and believed to be killed that day. no sign of forced entry into the apartment. black restraints were found near the body and no suspects, so far. ologi olsen and her artist boyfriend had argued but police say he has an allah buy. she worked as a part-time babysitter and seen in the neighborhood watching her dog and he was in the apartment when the body was found. >> whoever did this to her, i hope they get what is coming to them. >> reporter: this lady has known ashley olsen the last 13 years. >> she loved italy. she was an adventurist. >> reporter: the video ad she helped a friend make for a device to hold on eyeglasses based on a kind of james bond theme, would seem to back up both characteristics. >> anyone who met her loved her. >> reporter: the case is already being compared to another murder involving an american woman in italy, that of amanda knox who was accused and acquitted of killing meredith kercher. that went on 11 years. the police are moving faster this time and seized ashley's cell phone and are going around the neighborhood of the crime scene. could be the next big thing in car technology. kris van cleave is at the auto show. >> video to video makes cars talk to each other and may soon be required in your car. we will tell you why the federal government thinks it will make the roads safer. that is coming up on "cbs this morning." if you're heading out the door, you can watch us live through the cbs all-access app on your digital device. music mogul russell simmons will be here in studio 57. we will be right back. et your h about this new car. to keep things unbiased, we removed all the badging and logos. so, what do you think it is? i would say lexus. maybe acura. feels like a bmw. let's look at the interior. reminds me of the inside of my friend's lexus. so, this car supports apple carplay™ siri, open maps. nice. wow. she gets me. someone really took their time laying this out. yeah. this car also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seatbelts are buckled. wow. my husband could use that. i'm very curious what it is. what price range would you put this car in? fifty to sixty-five. the eighty-thousand dollar bracket. well, what if i told you this is the 2016 chevy malibu? this is a malibu? yeah, let's go check it out. no way, it's a chevy! oh, wow. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five. gasp! what? oh wow. i'm very impressed. yeah. i mean with all this technology? that's a game changer, really. i want one. i'll take the house, too. withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... ordinary 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skin. aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer... with active naturals® soy. aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. ♪ first on "cbs this morning," we are breaking the news of a major government announcement that could dramatically reduce crashes on our roads. transportation secretary anthony fox talks with our kris van cleave with about the technology he wants in every car sold in the united states. kris is in new york with the auto show where this is expected to be a hot topic. >> reporter: v 2 v is designed so this car can talk to every car on the road multiple times a second. alerting a driver to a potential draining he or she might not be able to see yet. the department of transportation is taking a key step to making it a requirement for all new cars. equipping the country's cars and trucks with so-called v 2 v communication will essentially allow vehicles to see each other and warn of a potential danger well before a driver sees it. transportation secretary anthony fox. >> our goal is to see this technology put in place as soon as possible. we know that it has the capability to help us avoid accidents that currently happen today. we can expect potential impact of up to 80% of crashes today avoided because of this technology. >> reporter: in 2014, more than 32,000 people died in traffic accidents on u.s. roads. the newly proposed rule will call for standard v2v technology phased in over period of years and when do you see enough vehicles on the road that v2v is a reality? >> i think you'll see immediate impacts in the sense that -- that cars with this capability will be able to -- to have some of the safety enhancing features right away. >> reporter: v2v uses technology similar to wi-fi allowing cars in close proximity to allow a driver to change a lanes or about a hazard ahead. already some cars come with blind spot detection and automatic braking to avoid some collisions. it may be able to communicate with stop signs letting drivers know allowing until an upcoming light changes. jamie kitman is a new york bureau chief for "automobile" magazine and agrees the life saving technology but believes a number of years before issues like security against privatery are fully addressed. >> you will be able to track like never before with specifity like you've never been tracked and is a good use of charting traffic flows and most of the data being collected by private corporations and they will seek to use that to their benefit. >> reporter: the auto industry is expected to support this legislation. early cost estimates have it at about a hundred dollars a vehicle, however, that is expected to drop over time. gayle? >> thank you, kris. 164 million are expected to struggle with sleep. ahead why some solutions may make you even more tired. plus vladimir putin goes to the mat. what happened when he sparred with the n announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by silk. silk helps you bloom. want bladder leak underwear that try always 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63-year-old leader! and pinning him down, too! >> wow! >> his top comes open and exposing his bare chest. there don't appear to be any hard feelings after he gets up and fixes his outfit but nobody can find her now. >> no, that's not true! >> no, that is a joke. shea she's fine. i don't think a guy would do that, take him down. >> i agree. was it a casual brush or an intention flight? lady gaga's eye raising moment when with she walks past lee march dough dicaprio. made quite the face. you're watching "cbs this morning." >> i don't think he knew it was her. i don't the of hep c.ties or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. want to survive a crazy busy day? sfx: cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude... and positively radiant skin. aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer... with active naturals® soy. aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. human maintenance guy would acti got to hang a it may not seem like much, but to that resident it was the best thing in the world. it's amazing to me because it takes me seconds. but yet, when i go into the apartment, i'm there for half an hour. it is not just hanging a picture, it is conversing, it is being a friend. there aren't old people there. there are actually young people with old clothing on. from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. we want to check in with katie. you need to bundle up this morning, how about it? >> absolutely for the neck couple of days, back into dose of not just reality but pretty arctic chill in our seven day, so we start things off by taking out to storm scan3, good place to start, not tracking anything right now but high pressure on the side. look at the brilliant sunshine out there right now. it is cold though folks. make no mistake. as we go throughout the day today, despite full sun, bright blue skies, temperatures not going to break out of the 30's, in any given location, factor in a breeze making it feel no better than the 20's, yes, you will be hugging the winter coat little tighter. tomorrow first shot for snow showers the season but don't expect it to stick or accumulate, meisha. >> that heat works in the car, katie, we will need it today. good morning, everyone, also, look at that sunshine, we've got some sun up, slow downs if you will, schuylkill eastbound, moving in the east and westbound, very slow moving, accident the a north, before the vine, pulled all the way off blocking the right shoulder but also partial right lane. now, this is zoomed in very close, but when we get in a little bit being you can see, drivers coming up and having to move over almost in a single file line. moving slow there. also another accident, 295 north, past 42, left lane blocked. erika, back over to you. >> meisha, thank youment next update is at 8:25, coming up cbs this morning, jericka duncan now with the largest lottery jackpot in the and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night,blind. and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit ♪ good morning. it is monday, january 11th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead, including the messages in david bowie's final album. "rolling stone" help us reflects on the rockers' impact on music and culture. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> david bowie became famous for the changes in his own character. he leaves a world changed by what he did. >> according to a u.s. law enforcement source, mexican authorities worry el chapo could bribe his way to another escape. >> the truth is any reporter, any journalist would have wanted this interview. >> a busy night for the censors but a big night "the martian" and jennifer lawrence. >> thank you, david. i love it. >> donald trump and ted cruz are battling in iowa for supremacy and jeb bush and chris christie are fighting to be the alternative. >> they have seized ashley olsen's cell phone and computer and going through surveillance video in the area around the crime scene. >> this is designed so this car can talk to this car and every other car on the road. now the department of transportation is taking a key step to making v2v a requirement for all cars. >> hi, i'm eva longoria, not m mendes. >> neither of us are dawson. >> well said. >> thank you. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. david bowie is being honored this morning as a true original and the best there is. ♪ grounds control to major >> a spokesman said bowie died on sunday around family. he quietly had battled cancer the last 18 months. >> his latest album was released on friday. in a one-on-one interview with charlie rose. >> it's not like sex or something which you can really kind of enjoy. >> i knew you -- >> something really -- it's important. there's something -- there's something volatile, emotional and something that makes me really quite angry about going through the process of both making music and doing visual arts. >> but visuals are -- >> but i guess that is my problem. >> no, but let's deal with your problem. >> you deal with my problem. i might not be able to do these things again, you see? i'm weary now -- >> yes, sir, but let me point out to you, knowing your history and knowing your family and knowing your background, you have always, always resisted any suggestion. i want you to look over this way when i'm talking. >> i'm getting deeply into that. >> i know you are! you are getting into those eyes, aren't you? >> what is this about? >> you have always, always resisted any notion that this creativity that you have comes from any sort of dysfunctional or madness -- >> i think -- it's actually being an artist in any way, any nature is a kind of a sign of a certain kind of dysfunction, a social dysfunction in many ways. it's an extraordinary thing for one to do. >> joe levy, a contributing editor to "rolling stone" is with us. >> good to be here. >> talk to us about david bowie. >> such an incredible artist. he was a curator. >> we did, because? >> we did because he set the bar. he showed the way. so often, he blazed a trail. he was a curator. he looked around. he saw what was most interesting and most edgy in music, in fashion, in poetry and stage performance, and he brought it into music changing time and time again and setting a wave for so many difference artists. >> his last album he released on his birthday, the lyrics. i have stars that can't be seen and drama that can't be stolen and everybody knows me now. he knew. >> this is an amazing thing to think about. he had battled cancer for 18 months. he knew. none of us did. this was private. it allowed him to craft a final statement, a statement about mortality as you're pointing out, and to let it be received without knowledge of that, to be evaluated as independently art on its own and, now, just a few days later, he rises up and it serves the person of lazor and rises up to take the place of a man and we acknowledge it's a remarkable thing, an unusual thing to face art that faces down your mortality in this way. >> why there was there so much interest in sexuality? >> you just saw a clip of him flirting with charlie so perhaps charlie can best answer that. because he was fearless there as well. he was a trail blazer in the early '70s, saying, i am by sexual, at a time when many people did not know what that word meant, let alone what it meant to feel that way, to act that way. he set his own impulses free and he blazed a way for many other people to do the same. >> it's interesting that people that are responding, madonna says the great artist changed my life and first concert i ever saw. couns kanye west also commented. how do you say he changed the music industry? >> there would be no madonna or no lady gaga without david bowie. he showed them how to make art and how to make celebrity of everything around them but how great was his range? kanye west was a fan and that is amazing. >> i think the cure rating thing is such an important point. somebody who helps define where we are. >> that is exactly right. we now look at cure radiation as so important to what we do around us because of the social media era but here is bowie looking at japan and all of these things that weren't rock 'n' roll and saying it's all rock 'n' roll. all of life and everything is all part of my art. i'm going to give it to you and i'm going to arrange it in a way you've never seen before and it was jaw dropping. >> joe, nice to have you here. a lawyer for the drug lord el chapo says he will fight extradition to the u.s. this morning, mexico has started the legal process to send him here for trial. joaquin guzman was arrested in 1993 and followed by a series of escapes and recaptures. he escaped from mexico's top security prison in july of 2015 but he was arrested on friday. >> american officials confirm a meeting between guzman and actor sean penn helped lead to this arrest. penn interviewed al chael chapo in october. he described the notorious drug lord as entirely unapologetic. >> el chapo was held in the same prison he escaped from in july and an american law enforcement source says mexican authorities are concerned he could escape again by bribing people. he skaescaped last year in a shr stall in his prison cell. >> reporter: the thing he worked hardest on was making sure he could always get away. chapo was the first mexican drug trafficker to hire an architect and engineers to build elaborate tunnels, complete with railways to carry drugs under the u.s./mexico board. he spent millions adapting them to use as escape routes from his many hideouts. >> very tight. very hot. very close. >> reporter: we went down into tunnels with the mexican marines who chased him. unbelievable. this is one of the ways chapo was able to elude capture time and time again. >> u.s. officials believe el chapo would be extradited to the u.s. the next four to six weeks. hollywood's golden night highlighted some of the best television and film. leonardo dicaprio took home one of the top globe for his role in "the revenant." kevin frazier from "entertainment tonight" was there. he has reaction. >> reporter: "the revenant." >> i was excited about going on this journey with this man right here and this is a type of film thaw won't see coming out of the hollywood studio system very often. it's a major -- it's an epic art film. >> you need a great honor to do journey like this. you know? it's almost -- you know, to climb a mountain this high, if you don't have the right partner, you will die. >> matt damon "the martian." >> reporter: another big winner the martian and matt damon. when he arrived he had to tell security he lost his original ticket. i love you're carrying your ticket. >> printed this out. they said where is your ticket? i said, i must have left it in the car. they said we have to print you another one. i'm holding on it for dear life so i can get in. >> lady gaga. >> reporter: she proved herself as a social media superstart of the stimed 4.4 million tweets about the globe, the most tweets went to gaga and her breakthrough as an actress. what does this moment feel like? >> it's moments like these i'm catapulted back to my apartment in new york when i had just a keyboard and mattress on the floor. i remember work through jobs to pay for demos and this is the best thing. >> reporter: jennifer lawrence and amy schumer when j. law beat amy, "the trainwreck" co-star whispered in her her. >> she said, shut up and go. >> kate winslet won for "steve jobs." >> i've been acting 23 years and i'm an old lady and i need glasses to drive my car. these moments mean a great deal. >> everything i got has moved on. >> reporter: the biggest cheer of the night erupted come sylvester won for "creed" once again bringing back rocky balboa. sly told us when he is writing, he actually talked to his most famous character. adrienne! he would go out with the truth, i would approach the world. and before you know it, you're going and you have it. even though the majority of it is silly, just that much comes out of it. you go, ah, thank you, thank you so very much. >> reporter: kevin, people were happy for sylvester stallone and jennifer lawrence and leonardo dicaprio. let's talk about there is always so many surprises. there were a lot of new shows and new people that most of us haven't heard of, like that show "the robot." i'm now very curious about that. >> gayle, you're right. lots of shows. think about this. let's start with "crazy ex-girlfriend." the lowest rated series and the win could help that show. to "mr. robot." two awards for the usa network. it's slick and smart. it's a show you will want to sit down and binge watch, so homework for you, gayle. will paul was on public television last year. "mozart." and a lot of people haven't seen it because everybody thought jeffrey campbell was a natural winner. there is so much great content out there. remember, thursday, the oscar nominations come out. i mean, it's not going to end. there is a lot of things happening right now. >> looking forward to that. if they could figure out a way to make that show a tight two hours. it's too long! >> you have your homework now, gayle. >> i will do that too. thank you, kevin. you can see full coverage of the winners tonight on "entertainment tonight." check your local listings. a reality product the largest lottery in u.s. history is valid 1.3 billion. your odds of striking it rich is coming up next on "cbs this morning." okie passing record? i mean, you only mentioned what, 50 times... how about when i had three events in one night? well, i've been working on my new superhero move all day! we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. thwith aches, chills,g. and fever, there's no such thing as a little flu. and it needs a big solution: an antiviral. so when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. prescription tamiflu is an antiviral that attacks the flu virus at its source and helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. because it works for our patients. here, at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia, we give our patients the freedom to make appointments that fit their schedules, even on weekends. because we believe in being here when our patients need us, so they can keep living their busy lives. weekend appointments are now available here. learn more at wha...before the was discovered... and everything had fewer calories. truvia. life with less sugar is just as sweet. ♪ the world's largest lottery jackpot is up for grabs. wednesday's powerball is valid at $1.3 billion. that is a lot of cash. jericka duncan reports, lottery officials expect that number to grow. >> reporter: at 1.3 billion dollars, the powerball jackpot is currently the largest in the world. too big for some billboards and too hard to resist for those who rarely play. >> i normally don't buy lotto tickets but i hear i might be lucky so crossing my fingers. >> record breaking ticket sales and it all comes down to this. >> reporter: the game seems to defied its own odds on saturday night after it failed to produce a winner. >> it is lucky 13 tonight. >> reporter: even though 75% of the nearly 300 million possible number combinations were sold. you got 20 tickets. were those all for you? >> yes, absolutely. >> reporter: doug evans decided to try his luck more than once this time. the odds 292 million to 1, the chances of winning don't necessarily increase the more you play. >> you may see yourself as getting closer to the pot but you actually are not. the more frenzy that there is, the more tickets that are sold, the longer the odds become, which works against the hard working americans who are buying those tickets. >> reporter: in 2014 alone, americans spent more than $70 billion on lottery tickets. critics claim those who play the often are the once who can least afford it. >> reporter: when you see numbers like a billion dollars or a billion three can you understand people's enthusiasm and desire hope they could be the one? absolutely. but at the end of the day, it is real money and it adds up. >> reporter: if you actually win and you decide to take that onetime payout, you're looking at about $806 million. but, norah, that is before taxes. >> yes, yes. before taxes. an important point. >> you can afford the taxes! >> that's true. >> kind of discouraging. nobody is winning and it's this high. i'm still buying a ticket. >> you haven't bought one yet? >> you have to buy each time. >> each time, yeah. on a morning we remember david bowie, another music icon comes right here to studio 57. we will talk to russell simmons and ask him how hiswn musical revolution could be heading to a new stage. you're watching "cbs this morning." start to kinda wrap itself around me... and the next thing i know it's morning. >>with tempur-flex, you got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress, then it also adjusts to my body. ahhh. >>my cloud feels so comfortable. it feels like somebody's hugging you. how can a bed do that?! there's a tempur-pedic for everyone. find the feel that's right for you. to sleep happy guaranteed, and zero percent apr financing, visit mattress firm, america's number one tempur-pedic retailer. all it takes...... turn the tables. crest 3d white toothpaste... ...removes 5 times more stains... ...than the red box. for a smile like that, crest 3d white... is the way to whiten. want to survive a crazy busy day? sfx: cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude... and positively radiant skin. aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer... with active naturals® soy. aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. if you misplace your you can use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it, you can switch it right on again. ♪ you're back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at one of the cool perks of this place is you can eat as much cereal as you want. it's like i'm going to work to get some. alrighty. we just like cereal. we make it, eat it, love it, live it. (laughing) frelitter isn't just light.ght it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. a suspect in the string of high profile jewelry store robberies caught on camera is expected today in federal court. the fbi says she was arrested near atlanta and they say she robbed more than 4 million in jewels. the heists took place across the south. the suspect never hid her face. they say she once might have been an aspiring model. >> they caught her. she is behind bars. we are in the toyota green room with russell simmons and "consumer reports" lisa gayle. did you have trouble sleeping? >> not at all. >> a vegan and he medicine from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. the fbi and philadelphia police are investigating an anonymous tip that last week's ambush and police officer could be part of a larger plot. that tip claimed the man who allegedly shot officer jesse hartnett may have ties to a radical group. thirty year old edward archers faces attempted murder charges. this morning, police commissioner richard ross told us he's taking the claim very seriously. >> very concerned, don't quite know what quite to make of it as of yet, we'll take every precaution necessary. it might not be anything to it, but we're not going to take that, any chances with that. we have got to protect our police officers. that's paramount. >> meantime, the go fund me page set up for officer hartnett's recovery has already reached its goal, and more. at last check, it had more than $21,000, thousand dollars, donated, you can find that link on >> right now, checking in with katie for your very chilly monday forecast? >> it is a very chilly monday forecast, and the entire week looking on the chim i side f fact, couple of days much colder than others, courtesy of reinforcements coming in from the arctic, for now, storm scan nice and we it, bright sunlight, lot of sun glare as a let but look what's on tap for us here tomorrow, yes, some flurries, few snow showers, first snow event quote unquote for the season but not expecting much if anything accumulation, likely comes in the second half of the day, right now looks like the ground little too warm, and again, this is front that's very moisture starved but it does sends us on another drop, only 31, on wednesday afternoon. meisha? >> might be time for some snow. katie, maybe, even just little bit. good morning, everyone, here is a look outside, the schuylkill at the boulevard looking good. looking very bus any both directions, your traveling less than posted speeds there. also we had accident clear here 295 north before route 42, good news for those of in you jersey water main break in bristol route 413 still closed between new falls road to bath road, so use that alternate. back to you. >> next update is at 8: 55. coming up on cbs this morning, hip hole mogel on healthy living. what you need to know to get the sleep you need. i'm this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. i looked up and he was gone. >> george! >> george! >> oh, my gosh. george? >> he's not dead, mom. >> you gave him sleeping pills? >> good-bye, george. see you next thursday. >> george? >> martin short. just like steve martin's george in "father of the bride part two." many say they have trouble falling or staying asleep. why common indication mmedicati help as much as you think. russell simmons is in our toyota's green room. plus how going vegan he says changed his life. that is ahead. . time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "usa today" reports on a show of force by the united states military following north korea's claim it tested a hydrogen bomb. on sunday the pentagon sent a b-52 bomber on a low level flight over south korea. "the washington post" reports on wriringling brothersd barnum bailey retiring their elephant act. the animals will be permanently retired to a conservation center in florida. many cities and counties have passed anti-circus and anti-elephant ordinances. michigan state police expected to begin delivery of water to residents in flint starting tomorrow. the city's drinking water was contaminated with lead when it switched the source to the flint river in 2014. last week, the governor declared a state of emergency there. state troops will now hand out water bottle and water filters. a legal fight on an ad campaign that compares yogurt to danon and yoplait. the woman is seen tossing out the danon and yoplait in disgust. yoplait called it a disgrace. i actually noticed those ads. >> see why people would be upset too. "variety" reports on the "playboy" mansion in los angeles going on the market but it has an unusual condition. the asking price is more than $200 million but it comes with a resident! 85-year-old hugh hefner wants to continue living there until his death. the 29-room home sits on five acres and features that famous swim pool with a gratto where "playboy" bunnies party with celebrities. >> ever been there? >> never. but i've always been curious. have you? >> no. >> norah? >> no, i haven't. >> how do we feel about it going on the market but hugh gets to stay? >> i'm sure there is -- maybe the "playboy" bunnies come with the $200 million. los angeles times reports on "the force awakens" breaking another record. in china it grossed $53 million and the biggest opening in china's history. globally the third highest producing movie ever. sales 1.7 billion. about half of all americans have problems getting enough sleep. consumers spent an estimated 41 billion dollars this past year on sleep aids and remedies and that number is expected to hit $52 billion by 2020. lisa gil is the deputy manage content editor. good morning. >> hi. >> this is a great idea. so many people struggle to sleep. why is the problem growing? >> more americans work more hours than ever. we can see that about 20% of americans work 60 hours or more a week and can see they are spending more time on their gadgets and homes trying to help their kids do homework. we are giving ourselves less time to sleep and turning to expensive products that may not be helpful. >> working as long as we do and as hard as we do, a lot of people are turning to medication. good or bad idea? >> we surveyed americans and it turns out a majority of people take -- have taken the last year some kind of sleeping aid, whether it's a prescription or over-the-counter. the thing is we have done several analyses that show on average, about drugs like ambien are only effective maybe -- you get about eight to 20 extra minutes of sleep. >> really? >> for some people, if you've had insomnia a long time that eight minutes might mean a lot to you. we don't discount that, but it's just not as much as possess people think. the flip is they can cause next day dousiness and our study showed a lot of people take these without the right amount of time to sleep. >> we reached out to the companies and they did not get back to us before this. >> on one of the labels, for ambien controlled release and others, 20 milligrams and suggest you don't drive within 24 hours of taking the medication and most people don't realize that and how serious it is. most people who take a drug like this you're twice as likely to get in a car accident. >> let's talk about the gadgets. do they work? >> some of them -- >> what are they? >> a whole bunch. we looked at what is out there. the glasses that you're looking at right now, the theory behind these they block blue light that is emitted from your phone or your tablet or your computers that people use. if you didn't use one of these glasses -- >> charlie has more color. that seems like more effective than what norah and i have. >> the theory by blocking this blue light, it will help with the melatonin hormone that helps regulate your sleep by blocking the blue light. your melatonin will work correctly. >> i would start with the fact you ought to sleep in a perfectly dark room. >> right. >> you know? and there is no noise. >> right. >> right. >> you said you sleep well so that must be what -- >> i do, indeed. and it's cold as well. >> those are called sleep hygiene and everything from the temperature of the room to how dark it is. >> is colder better? >> i don't like cold. >> it depends on you. >> i don't like, cold, charlie. i'm not spending the night at your house. what about white noise? >> the white noise appears you can get for free work quite well. some of those we tested were 50 or 60 dollars. white noise app sounds like a machine and they could be very good too. if you like white noise, they can be a very good option. >> what lifestyle changes can you make that will improve your sleep? >> you're not going to believe this. >> same thing. >> they do. they do. >> the glasses look good on you. >> think about this. you spent all of that money. >> i spent all of that money to get my eyes fixed! >> those are 8 dollar ones that work. >> very luring. very luring. >> i like the ones charlie is wearing. >> you two realize you're not alone? >> we are are tv! sorry. >> one tip that no one wants to hear and on the weekends, get up at the same time that you do during the week. >> i do that. >> so you guys are responsible. i'm not. i sleep in way too late. >> boo, hiss on that one but i do it too. >> guess who sleeps the least among the three of us? >> it is me. i need help, lisa. thank you. go to "cbs this morning".com to check out the top rated mattresses. seems like a good idea to have a good mattress. one of the music dynamics is here in studio 57. hello, russell simmons. deep in conversation. he's on the telephone. hey- small business owners, when you want fast internet that won't slow your business down, you need fios. but why ? well, fios is the 100% fiber optic network, with 99.9% network reliability, and the fastest wi-fi available. so your business can get things done faster. all from verizon - ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd. power. sign up for 25 meg fios internet and phone bundle for $99.99 a month. or upgrade to 50 meg internet and phone for a few dollars more and get $250 back. get out of the past. get fios. ♪ ♪ back seat lover and talk to my daddy ♪ ain't seen nothing and it's going to be a change in way ♪ >> i remember that. run dmc 1986 collaboration "walk this way" with aerosmith is one of the hits produced by music mogul and gainer russell simmons. he was instrumental in bringing the hip-hop revolution in the mainstream in the '80s and '90s and made stars out of ll cool j and the beastie boys and the pioneer philanthropist is a "the new york times" best selling authorer with his book "happy vegan." russell simmons, good morning. big smile on your face when you saw "walk this way." i know that brings back memories to you. >> it certainly dates me. i signed j.p. i always say that. that is so long ago. >> how long ago was it when you signed jay-z? >> that record was on a sound track. >> we will talk about "the happy vegan" in a second and let's talk about david bowie for a second. >> he was a very sweet guy. very sweet. i liked him a lot and very sad about his passing. >> we were talking earlier about what he contributed to the music industry. >> so much. so much. he was such a great artist in so many respects. visual, all kinds of artistry. just a wonderful human being. >> i know now i want to get the record. i know that. >> has hamilton done anything for hip-hop or is hip-hop already there and whatever happens? >> an interesting question. i have a broadway play that everybody is fighting to -- partners of "rock of ages" and everybody is fighting. my life story has been -- they bought the book five times. i bought a book 15 years ago with my life story and been purchased five tims aes and licensed and going to make that and i have a opera being made. i have a lot of products are based on hip-hop culture have caught fire and "hamilton" has the fuel of that energy. >> exactly. >> we talked in the past, you talked about meditation and yoga and you're doing meditation and yoga, your instructor said when you leave here, don't put a bunch of junk in your body. >> it was the son of robert thurmond. >> the buddhist. >> yeah. he said, i never forget. he said put something in your body that will fuel your practice. it was like a leaf and green juice. after that hard class, what can make me do that better? so i thought about that. in general, you know, the reason transition should happen is because we are poisoning the planet. we won't be able to inhabit it, if we continue. if the abuse of a hundred billion animals burst into suffering that is not over the animals if you're religious. >> you call it the happy vegan because you said you're a happy person. >> but, also, the amount of carcinogens. if you would have barbecue beef if that was part of your meal, like, 20 cigarettes a day, you don't want to give that to your child. >> nope. >> and it's horrible the amount of -- >> barbecued beef? >> the 20. not the processed meat. barbecue beef is even worse. because of corporations funding our governments and what they are allowing them to do to the manufacturing of life, the growth hormones, prozac and antibiotics and other stuff they put in the animals is so horrible. the american factory farming industry which gets $20 billion or $30 billion in funding from our government and vegan get nothing, $17 million, they are paying for the destruction of the planet, the worst comic disaster in the history of the wo world and the poisoning of the people on the planet. "the happy vegan." i hope to change it. >> i went to a place in l.a. called crossroads. have you been there? >> no. i just read about it in your book. i'd like to try it. >> what did you eat for dinner? >> i had chicken parmesan with cheese. kale caesar salad. >> chicken parmesan is not vegan. >> loyal of soy and with diet and almond cheese. >> not real chicken? >> no. >> as i sat and read your book. i definitely cut down on beef but i love a good cheeseburger and filet mignot. >> 50% of women have heart disease. >> but i don't have that. >> you sure? >> i'm sure. i'm sure. >> okay, good. three times more likely to have diabetes in america. >> i don't have that. my health is good but this is my point. are you trying to make us feel guilty? are you an angry vegan? >> no. i use that expression. i'm not that at all. i'm a yogi. i want people to live longer and i want to save the planet and i want to stop this comic disaster that is beyond anything that we have ever committed. the birth through rape and other factory practices, life into the most horrific lifestyle for short lives while we poison them and poison the planet is comically horrible, but it's also killing us. you know? it's killing us. >> you make a lot of interesting points in the book. >> the diabetes, the heart disease. >> absolutely. >> bill clinton, they told him that it was his genetics. we know now it's not. >> are you ready for president trump. >> trump? >> yes. >> no. i think i'm ready for the winner of the republican primary. >> you wrote a letter to him, russell, you wrote an open letter saying stop the b.s. have you heard from him? you two are friends. >> we were friends for many years. i'm surprised at his views for immigration and on people in general. he said things that have fueled fires of hate and that has hurt me because i've known him for so long and you've known him and not this kind of person. i think a piece of america that is still fighting the shift toward tolerance and love for each other. and those people are supporting him, a great number of them and for other reasons, it's anger. >> yeah. >> he is saying everything that could hurt underserved communities and really getting a lot of -- >> thanks for coming, russell. "the happy vegan." >> you're watching "cbs this morning." look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store... find the lowest prices of the season, going on now. save $600 on the #1 rated i8 bed. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ ♪ that does it for us. for news any time, watch our caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am his guardian. i am his voice. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to his current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. vo: namenda xr doesn't change how the disease progresses. it shouldn't be taken by anyone allergic to memantine, or who's had a bad reaction to namenda xr or its ingredients. before starting treatment, tell their doctor if they have, or ever had, a seizure disorder, difficulty passing urine, liver, kidney or bladder problems, and about medications they're taking. certain medications, changes in diet, or medical conditions may affect the amount of namenda xr in the body and may increase side effects. the most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, and dizziness. all my life, he's protected me. now i am giving back. ask their doctor about once-daily namenda xr and learn about a free trial offer at this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. an investigation is underway in feasterville bucks county after fire tore through four businesses early this morning. that fire burned a strip shopping center on the 700 block of bustleton pike t appears that fire started in a restaurant called hong kong buffet. fire, smoke and water also damage add clothing shop, a bridal shop, and a gift shop. fortunately, no one was injured. right now, we want to check in with katie and get your forecast for the day. find that thick coat today? >> absolutely true. i would say have the winter weather gear basically ready all week, either dose of reality or below average push of chill in the next couple of days, today one of the arctic chill couple of days, storm scan3 empty. bright blue skies, full sunshine, but yes, friends, looking ahead to some computer models for snowfall. known now don't get too exit i had. not talk about a whole lot, few tents after inch if that. and that combined with what's still technically kind of warm surface, probably not going to see much if any accumulation, but we should see few snow showers out there, looking ahead to tomorrow, p.m. time frame, most specifically. come wednesday, we struggle to even hit the freezing mark so the chill is back with the reinforcements that come tomorrow. meisha, over to you. >> indeed, we got the sunshine, katie, good morning to you and all of you at home. this is where we have an accident 95 south at cottman you can see the left lane is block, this is definitely going to cause some slow downs for those every in you and around this area, travel west than posted speeds as you approach this accident trying to move over to the right lane. but it is going to be slow moving there for awhile. talcony palmyra bridge scheduled to open right around 9:00 a.m. make note of. that will also this water main break in bristol still there. so route 413 still closed new falls road to bath road. use the alternate, 59 or bristol-oxford valley road your best bet right now. still slow traveling less than posted speeds, and all of your main veins, erika, over to you. >> meisha, thank you. that's "eyewitness news" for now, join us for "eyewitness news" at noon. i'm erika von tiehl. have a great day and stay warm out there. >> announcer: it's a real housewives exclusive. gretchen, and slade rush to the doctors. >> infecting yourself with this, is this the answer to better health? >> there's an interesting idea behind this. >> announcer: and in today's news in two an exclusive look at empire's actress's post baby body. >> today on an all-new, the doctors! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] >> hello everyone . >> dr. travis: welcome to the show today. we know the importance of drinking water daily. but could your water be making you and your family sick? one city is dealing with a terrible reality involving their water. >> announcer: the city of flint, michigan has declared a state of emergency. after children

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