Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20140804 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20140804

at least one person was died when their vehicle was swept away. at least three wildfires are burning. >> a ban on drinking water in toledo, ohio, remains in effect for a third day in a row. >> the contamination is being blamed on an algae bloom in lake erie. >> a second ebola victim is scheduled to arrive tuesday. >> so is it likely he will survive? >> i can't predict the future for individual patients. >> a seven-hour cease-fire in gaza. >> there is international outrage after a bombing of a u.n. center. >> thousands are thought to be killed in a powerful earthquake in southwest china. >> a man was rescued by the coast guard. >> the ball hit a lady on her finger andh their family. >> officers found themselves in a slow speed chase. >> and all that matters -- >> hall of fame weekend in canton, ohio. >> on saturday former buffalo receiver andre reed paid tribute to his quarterback jim kelly. >> i'm honored to call you my family and teammate. i love you, man. >> hop in the shower. how about a car wash and sit in the back of the pickup. >> only in montana, man. >> this morn is's "eye opener" presented by toy tachlt let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off, vinita nair is off and i'm thrilled. >> i'm more thrilled. we begin with the mudslides in california. it cut off access to roads. >> thunderstorms in the san bern de-moe mountains washed away homes. one person died. children are among hundreds of campers stranded. >> reporter: it took just minutes for mountain roads to be transformed into rivers and mud. those had little time to react. authorities ordered some 3,000 people to shelter in place until water has receded. rescue teams were called in reportedly saving one resident. >> we're just getting to the point where we're able to get in there and help people. >> reporter: the mudslides flooded roads and buried vehicles. the sheriff's deputies rescued at least five. >> there was a honda car that got swept off the street and down into a stream behind my house. >> rescue confirming no one was trapped inside. more cars were stuck in the hope glen area. this car was caught. in palm springs cars struggled to wade through the bone dry city street. the rain came down at 3 1/2 minlds an hour. for a state that suffered from a record drought this was too much of a good thing. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. in northern. most of the fires were start by lightning strikes. they took this dramatic video as they were surrounded by flames. they made it out safely. the fire's already burned about 183 square miles. on the other end of the country, millions of americans may dodge a bullet this week. tropical storm bertha is expected to strengthen to a hurricane later today but it's not likely to hinn the mainland, u.s. it's expected to turn north-northeast. forecasters think the storm will parallel the eastern seaboard in the next few days. winds are hitting 70 miles an hour but they should weaken by tomorrow night. this morning a million and a half still cannot use their tap water. the water in lake erie is caution lots of toxins. adriana diaz is in ohio where the water supply has been off limits since early saturday. good morning. >> good morning. we're entering a third day of the crisis and these water purifications systems are ready to go. they can process up to 1,500 gallons of clean water an hour. test results overnight were encouraging but the mayor says they're still too close for comfort. >> we're still in status quo. the nonconsume is still in place. >> reporter: earlier this morning the mayor said he's not ready to lift the ban on drinking water. >> i've instructed our people to go resample and retest because i'm not going to take any chances with this community's well being and health. >> reporter: the ban impacts three counties in ohio and one from michigan that gets their water supply. it's four miles off the coast of lake erie. on saturday health officials considered the water supply off limits. tockens that come from algae were detected. if ingested micro scystins can cause nausea and damage the liver. over the weekend volunteers gathered at a local high school to hand out bottles of water to hand out to city residents. they use water purification systems. at food stores lines are long and shelves are bare. tracy rhodes drove more than an hour to detroit's suburbs on sunday to find bottled water for his family after taping his faucets shut. >> i have four members. i need water. you have to do to make sure you have water and that water is provided. >> additional lab results could be released in a matter of hours. the governor has promised to look into the cause of this so it doesn't happen again. now to ebola in america. the second american infected with the deadly virus is prepared to come back to the country. plane left to pick up nancy writebol in liberia. she'll enter emory university hospital. dr. kent brantly is quarantined. vicente arenas has an update. vicente, good morning. >> reporter: dr. brantly received an experimental serum before leaving liberia. since there is no cure doctors are focusing on keeping his vital signs stable. they're hoping to keep his body strong enough to fight off the disease. dressed head to toe in a protective suit, dr. kent brantly emerged from this ambulance saturday and walked inside the hospital on his own. he's in a room designed to keep deadly viruses like ebola from getting out. this doctor could be called on to help treat brantly. >> the room is designed to provide icu care for critical patients as well as have a surrounding infrastructure. >> reporter: brantly's wife amber saw him and said he was in good spirits adding, we're confident he's receiving the very best care. on "face the nation" sln sunday the center for disease control told norah o'donnell he's encouraged by brantly's pros. >> we're told he will improve. >> is it likely he'll survive. i can't predict it. we'll follow that closely. >> security and the hospital is still tight just days after bramt li arrived by ambulance under heavy police escort. he was flown from africa in a jet in this tent that kept him quarantined. that plane left sunday to pick up nancy writebol, the second worker infected with the virus. health officials say there's no reason to fear the virus will spread in the u.s. >> the way we take care of patients and our capability of isolating them would be very, very much a strong indication that we would not have an outbreak here. >> reporter: the national institute of health is hoping to have an skparnltal vaccine by fall. charlie. >> vicente, thanks. our chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> what's the latest? >> nancy writebol, the second one infected is going to be flown over to the same area. >> what do we know about his condition? >> we're not getting any more information. to me -- i know dr. tom frieden was asked on "face the nation" will he survive. of course, he's going to say i can't predict the future. i understand that. personally when i saw him getting out of the ambulance with very little assistance, i found that reassuring. >> i think the fear is they hear of mortality rates and no cure. the sense is why are we bringing back these people to the hospital? >> you can do what's called supportive treatment, intravenous fluids and you heard about complications with clotting their even blood. i think in terms of the fear, it's so important. we don't want the adrenaline level of the country rising. it's not a healthy thing. in the missile attacks and scud missile attacks there was an increase in heart attacks. stress is bad but there are other things that happen. i think it doesn't make sense. >> what is the experimental serum they're talking about? >> what is serum. you take blood and spin it down and the red cells go to the bottom and the clear yellow stuff on the top has factors with somebody who has had it and survived. there are factors you can give to somebody and you hope that that is somehow perfected. i think there are things people need to understand. there's africa and america. africa, i'm very, very worried. who knows what's going to happen to get it under control. here i think you've heard, yes, theoretically, the virus could come here. we know -- people don't know there have been past outbreaks brought under control, dozens of them since the 1970 sz. the cdc knows how to handle it and control it. >> what is the latest with vaccines in the clinical trials? >> phase one is going to start in september. it's a small number of people. i'm told it's a couple of proteins. you're never going to see someone given an ebola vaccine to see if it works. there are a couple of other medications they can give after somebody's infected. >> one thing this will do is cause considerable danger to the virus. >> i think that's true. if there's a silver lining, maybe we can get research going. >> both of these research workers had two kids so our thoughts are with them. >> thank you. the fighting continues despite a seven-hour cease-fire for most of the territory. an attack on sunday sparked the strongest u.s. criticism of israel since the fighting again. israeli's shelling hit a school full of refugees. tell people were killed. >> a spokesperson called it disgraceful. he says israel must do more to meet its own standards and avoid civilian casualties. the suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians. we have more. >> reporter: good morning. there are more than 3,000 in this displaced school. the majority of them, you can see, are children. we're told many of them had run outside yesterday morning because they heard somebody was selling candy bars and ice cream. so they came outside the gates and at about 10:38 a.m. a rocket hit right here. you can actually see the point of impact and it looks like a very small crater, but eyewitness reports carnage, shrapnel, bodies were littered across the ground, including the bodies of five children. we know the youngest of those children was just three years old. the israeli military said it was targeting militants with the group islamic jihad who were on a motor vehicle nearby but representatives from the u.n. tell us that they shared the coordinates of this school with the israeli militants 33 times including just one hour before the attack. for "cbs this morning," clarissa ward, gaza. this morning the state department is not commenting on a report that they listened to secretary of state john kerry's phone calls. they say it happened last year. report says kerry also used unsecured telephones the talk with world leaders and more than one foreign intelligence service was listening. survivors of a deadly quick were digging. hit hardest in the city dan. >> people can be see running through the streets of ludian. 4,100 people dead, 1,800 injured and the death toll is expected to rise. more than 3,000 troops and emergency workers are taking part in a massive rescue effort, carrying survivors on their backs, even using makeshift stretchers with iv bags hang from sticks. these pictures posted on chinese media show workers looking through degree for a 6-month child. the area looked like a battlefield after the bomba bombardme bombardment. over 12,000 homes were destroyed. it knocked out power lines and roads will have to be rebuilt. they'll try to dig this city out from underneath the rubble. for "cbs this morning," seth doane, tokyo. two concertgoers died at a concert from an overdose. they were at the mad decent block party music festival in columbia. a 20-year-old was pronounced dead at a hospital on friday, a 17-year-old died on sunday. a worker may have to thank for saving his life. they sent a map of the location. they found the hiker seriously hurt after a 10-hour search. he's recovering this morning at a hospital. tiger woods' future is in question this morning. he had to limp to a golf kufl and with drew after only eight holes. it was his third tournament since his back surgery in february. that's quite a limp. >> germany, france, and belgium are remembering the start of world war i. they met this morning in lee auj, belgium, where troops invaded. prince william said it marked the beginning of a historic century. >> we were enemies more than once in the last century and today we're friends and ald lies. we salute those who died to give us our freedom. we will remember them. >> this morning service was helped in one of the few cemeteries where jer map and british soldiers are buried side by side. president obama wakes up a year older. his birthday is today. today he's celebrating at the white house. the official calendar says he'll spend the day doing what he does, attending meetings. >> happy birthday, mr. president. and he played with childhood friends. a little guy stands up for a big guy. how >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by neutrogena naturals. natural skin care, real results. an nfl hall of famer uses his moment in the spotlight to honor another football legend. >> the toughest individual i've ever met in my life is jim kelly, number 12. >> ahead, jim kelly talks about his most important fight. >> the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather? a mouth breather! 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out nicely, storm scan3, always tough to find fog on a saturday light anyway. but even still, what's left of the fog is starting to thin out. and we going to end one sunshine, high reaching 86 degrees, so i can't rule out very isolated shower or storm today. most of you stay dry and pretty decent day. tomorrow will be hot, good pool day, but sunny, and by wednesday, few additional showers and storms with the next cold frontment bob? >> 7:26. dealing with some fog here. live look at route 611 right near limekiln pike, fog thick at times, make sure your headlights are on rolling out the drive way this morning, crash over here in pennsauken, new jersey, hillside, freemont, just off route 130, no problems coming over the betsy ross bridge, ben franklin looking good. again, some fog as you come over the bridges of the south along i-95, watch for delays from the betsy in through girard avenue. back over to you. >> thank you. next update at clock 55, up next on cbs this morning, legal marijuana drug trafficking. for more local news weather traffic and sports we're on the "cw philly". you can find us on these channels. the pass is hauled in by cory washington, grabbing the ball and going 17 yards for a touchdown to give the giants the lead. >> a new year of pro football sunday way, whoo-hoo. the game kicked off last night. that was in canton, ohio. the new york giants beat the buffalo bills, 17-13. the nfl experimented with extra points in this game. so the ball was snapped from the 15 yard line instead of the 2. the longer extra opponent will continue in the second week of preseason games. on twitter, giants kicker josh brown told "cbs this morning" hehe wants to see a permanent rule change. quote, it definitely would shake it all up. it ain't no gimme. take it all in. charlie, you can explain it to me. >> after the show. >> yes. i will come with a paper and a pencil. i thought i understood football until that. >> i thought the whoo-hoo meant you're excited. >> i am. coming up, we have more from canton where nfl hall of famer jim kelly returned to his old team and connected with his latest receiver. he's fighting cancer. we'll hear a tribute to kelly from teammate andre reed in his hall of fame induction speech. >> it was nos. the oscar-winning director dove as deep as he could go into the ocean. we'll show you what he found at the bottom. that's ahead. the gazette in colorado springs reports the act let iing department at the u.s. air force acade academy. they drav and smoked marijuana and may have committed sexual assault against women. u.s. sent latin youth undercover in anti-cuba ploy. they posted as towerists and scouted for people they could turn into political activists. it was run by the same agency who created a cuban twitter to stir dissent. governor andrew cuomo is gaining momentum today. larry schwartz is his top aide. cuomo broke the group apart but prosecutors are looking into claims that the governor's office steered investigations away from cuomo's allies. sh wha schwartz is staying quiet. >> banks' career was cut shot. he spent five years in prison. now he says i am honored to say i've taken an amazing position in the front office of the nfl. god is good. thank you. >> we like him. congratulations to him. now to a strike at a supermarket store. employees are fuming about the firing of their boss, more so over who gave him the pink slip. that's where things could come to a head today. michael rosenfield, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, gayle. good morning to you. arthur t.demoulas was president for six years. they have rallied to his defense but so far they're sticking to their plan. the former president they call arty t. is reinstated. i've been with the company for 13 years. >> reporter: for more than a century market basket had been a family run company, albeit one in a 20-year feud. the demoulas family controlled it. president arthur t.demoulas was fired by arthur s. they say it would help to maximize its potential and pave the way for continuing success in the fuehrer. shortly after, protests erupted and have continued every week since. instead of stocking grocery aisles, they're spending hours on picket lines. joe schmidt was a market basket manager for 27 years. he's one of eight employees fired by the grocery chain after helping to spearhead the protest they are planning to sue the company. >> i know at the end of the day i did the right thing. i knowky look my children in the eye and say, hey, i took a stance at something. >> there are 71 market baskets. today customers are greeted with empty shelves because even the truck drivers who deliver groceries have gone on strike. >> we're not receive any orders, take any deliveries until he's put back in with his full status. >> now they're urging employees back to work. now they announced a diop fair to replace absent employees who don't return by today and said, quote, any associate that wants to return will be welcomed and not penalized. one analyst estimates they're losing about $10 million a day because of the protests and another major rally is expected tomorrow and organizers are expecting more than 10,000 people. charlie. >> michael, thank you so much. >> i think so too. it's sort of nice to see them standing behind their bosh. >> it also shows you what they can do. let's turn to pro football. the hall of fame welcomed seven new players this weekend. he went into the hall ten years ago. jim kelly was there to honor an old teammate and see his old team play in an exhibition game. kelly was praised for his bravery off the field. >> reporter: jim kelly took the field sunday night as the honorary captain of his former team. the ex-bill traveling to ohio amid his very public battle with cancer. >> coming here this weekend, the celebration made me feel better but i still have a long way to go. >> reporter: he was determined to see his friend and wide receive receiver andre reed be honored. >> reporter: kelly was first diagnosed with cancer in his jaw last year. by spring it spread to his sinuses. he went through an intense round of chemotherapy and radiation and lost 50 pounded. he'll soon have after mri to see if it was successful. through it all his family was by his side showering his photos and videos with the world. reed has been one of kelly's biggest supporters. >> those around you grash tated toward your leadership and what you said. you taught us not to quit. . >> reporter: after playing together for 11 seasons it proves their connection was stronger than ever. >> i wanted the ball every single time. i wanted you to be proutd of me and know you can proud of me at any time. you know the old saying. 12 plus 83 always equals 6. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," jeff glor, new york. >> that's so nice. >> that's the best thing about snoobl it really is, charlie. at one point he said in the service, i love you, man. i know jim kelly said he has a long way to go but he looks good. >> i know. i got a little choked up. >> me too. ahead, police sign up for weed control along the border. [ inaudible ] on the hunt for people who may be smuggling marijuana in colorado where it's legal to kansas where it's not. coming up on "cbs this morning." leaving home feeling 'e attractive. but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! ♪ where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at for the first time "the new york times" ran a full page ad on sunday. it's just been legalized in the empire state. >> in colorado recreational use is now legal but any bought there has to be used there. they found that many from other states may make half of all purchases. barry petersen drove to texas to see what those customer are doing. >> reporter: whencysig cheyenne moves fast. >> this is what people expect. >> scared kids but no burglar. >> we can't ignore the marijuana. it's hard to squuft fie pulled resources way from thinking like this to put them on the highway to strictly find marijuana coming in from colorado. >> reporter: now this part of the old west is on the front line of marijuana's new frontier. pod is legal in nearby colorado. but when it leaves the state, it often travels across remote highways in kansas. in 2013 the federal rocky mountain high-intensity druf trafficking area calculated 288 cars smuggling colorado marijuana across state lines. that may not seem like much, but experts estimate that they're only catching 10%. meaning 90% of illegal trafficking is going unnoticed. tom gorman is the agency director. how far is this going? like next door to kansas or farther than that? >> it's gone through 37 states. >> that sandusky that make you uncomfortable? >> as a cop, you're right. darned uncomfortable. >> we helped with the injured individual. >> reporter: a car crash last year left marijuana down. it was not just the sheriff ee bu all the donty's respondered. >> they're pay for what's hatching in the state of kentucky. yes. whether it's through prosecution. like i said, time is money. when you're paying a deputy by the hour, he's not working on other case. >> reporter: they crush the different vials. >> you can see it's starting to turn cloud covers. >> reporter: pinkish purple means pot. while on patrol. it's not the only answer. >> you stop somebody, confiscate a small amount on marijuana, you get out of here? >>. >> yes. >> they're trafficking drugs. >> you're okay with that. >> yeah. >> you'd rather see it spent and here. >> yes. >> reporter: standing up for the law is about what staide of the state line you stand on. barry petersen cbs news, kansas. >> legalizing it hasas sergio garcia's golf swing took out a diamond ring. we'll explain that. a search for a diamond in the rough next on "cbs this morning." don't blame him. instead, rely on frontline plus. it kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. ask your vet about frontline plus. destroying future generations. feels like each day liviis a game of chance.aine i wanted to put the odds in my favor. so my doctor told me about botox® an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine. 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by my doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. put the odds on your side. visit to learn how to save on your treatment. talk to a headache specialist today about botox®. ♪ ♪ abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! thanks, g. if it sizzles and crackles and comes from a kitchen, it's breakfast. ♪ if the aroma wakes you up, it's breakfast. ♪ have breakfast for breakfast. the fresh-made, from our kitchen. the egg mcmuffin. only from mcdonald's. so what are you having for breakfast? 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[announcer] visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic difference for yourself. sergio's tee shot actually hit a lady on the finger and knocked the diamond out of her ring. >> oh, no. >> now we find the ball but not the diamond. >> wow, golfer sergio garcia tried to help find that lost diamond but he had to keep playing. he did ask for the woman's information in case the stone was gone for good but another fan eventually found the rock. what are the chances of that happening. >> it looks like a nice stone. >> the announcers were joke, oh, she really won something. what's worse? a student who cheats or a doctor who writes a prescription you don't need? the answer in a cbs poll ahead. for gorgeous, life-resistant wear. in 30 easy-to-remove shades revlon jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. 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>> good morning, everybody, not too bad. pretty cloudy, dreary sort of weekends overall, but thanks fully we can report that at least we start off the work week and pleasant note, even despite the fact we've been dealing with fog issues this morning, already starting to see it lift out of here, eventually, most every you ends with just partly sunny day. storm scan3, not heck of a lot to track at the moment, little ground clutter sort of rolled through the loop over time. again no weather issues, could be very isolated shower or storm later today. but like i said most of are you dry. you will get away without em bella. 68 degrees our low. looking forward in the forecast, looks like hot and steamy tuesday. good pool day in other words. by wednesday, few more showers or a storm come along. i know bob you're excited about that. >> ukee is out of the real, but tell him we're going when he comes back. live look at 422 eastbound. still have the haze and fog in the background, and jammed from collegeville on in toward king of prussia a accident on the bathroom now, northeast philly, northbound, at conwell avenue in the outer drive. so that's going to cause delays for anyone headed up toward the turnpike and the rest of the majors like 95 and the schuylkill. about 20 minutes or so in through downtown. erika, back over to you. >> bob, thank you. next update at 8: 25, next on cbs this morning, spending a night at the american museum of natural history. what fun. local news traffic and weather continues with it is monday, august 4th, 2014. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including the american doctor with ebola now back in the united states. we'll talk to the government's point man on infectious diseases. but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> it was raining so bad that that entire mountain slid down. >> thunderstorms washed away cars and damaged homes. >> about 3,000 people in southern california are trapping this morning. >> oh, my goodness. >> we're entering a third days of a water crisis. test results that came in indicating we're too close for comfort. >> doctors are focusing on keeping his vital signs stable. i'll tell you this. personally when i saw him getting out of the ambulance and walking under his own power, i founthat reassuring. >> a rocket hit right here. you can see the point of impact. representatives from the u.n. tell us they shared the coordinates of this school with the israeli military 33 times. >> grocery workers are fuming about the firing of their boss. >> one analyst estimates market basket is losing about $10 million day because of the protest. >> the reality is the taxpayers of cheyenne county, kansas, are paying for what's happening in the state of colorado. >> yes. >> a guy with a reputation of being wild. a fellow -- oh, wait a minute. never mind the numbers. we've got something going here. more fun than the game right now. >> today's "eye opener" at 8:00 presented by comfort inn. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and vinita nair. norah o'donnell is off. crews are using bulldozers to reach nearly 3,000 people cut off by mudslides. one person drowned in a car. >> mud and debris blocked the only roads into oakland and forest falls in the san bernardino mountains. a fire captains says it could take three days to open things up. it included 500 camers who arrived just before the rain hit. the second american hit with the ebola virus is set to come home. dr. kent brantley arrived. nancy writebol will be coming by tuesday. they're trying to stop the spread of ebola in africa. >> the doctor joins us from bess this da, maryland. doctor, good morning. >> good morning. >> what's the most interesting thing about this case at this moment? >> i think it just ex-em employ fies the fact that with proper care, people can do well. i mean this is a very serious disease. it has a mortality rate in some cases up to 90%. if you give good care to individuals, replenish their fluids, make sure their organs are functioning well, they can do well. we're ve dr. brantly was able to get here and is now apparently recuperating in the sense of having his vital signs monitored and making sure he gets a complete recovery, which we're all hoping for. >> the fact that he's walking does that say anything about how he's doing? >> that is very important. everyone saw that on tv, getting out with some assistance from the ambulance. the fact that he's able to walk into the hospital is a very, very good sign. i think the other point thing that was asked of me is this whole case ex-em employ fies that here in the united states we're prepared to take care of individuals who have this disease because we have the health care infrastructure and capability to do it safely without any real threat or any concern about an outbreak. and people keep asking thereafter. that's very important, that we can handle these types of cases safely. >> what -- go ahead. >> it seem is like the next turn in all of this is you guys have a vaccine on humans you'll start testing. what's the latest? so many have heard no cure for so long. >> again, people need to understand the different tweens a treatment and a vaccine. what we have results on is a vaccine to prevent infection. this will be very relevant to health care providers who put themselves at high risk. it looks really good. they don't get sick and they don't die where as unvaccinated monkeys all do. we're going to start human trials in september with normal volunteers. we should be able to scale up in its production. >> all right. thank you. a man rammed a man in an e ka vater into a bus. police shot and killed the attacker calling it a terrorist incident. and gaza and israeli troops are still tracking tunnels under the bord border. they aflounced a seven-hour cease-fire overnight. good morning. what's the latest there? >> reporter: good morning. itz r israeli troops say don't call it a truce or forceback. they're still at work getting rid of the tunnels stretching from gaza into israel. these tanks rumbled across the front line from israel into gaza. beneath the ground another battle ranges. 50 feet below a potato field they discovered a tunnel cutting to a direct course near an israeli community. mierts than two miles long stretched from inside gaza for almost a mile into israeli territory. steal reinforced concrete, three feet wide, almost three feet wide, capable of accommodating a well armed fighter. they say the militants thought of everything. >> you can see there are cable here. both electricity cables and phone cables because of the big deep of the tunnel, cell phones do not work here. >> reporter: israeli officials say hamas plans to use the tons to launch simultaneous attacks on soldiers and civilians. which made decimating that network the priority for ground forces in gaza. israeli military officials tell us they've identified. the work to destroy them is all be complete but they said despite their best efforts they may not have identified all of them. gayle? >> charlie, thank you. ahead, film director james cameron led to his own voyage to the bo >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by comfort inn. truly yours. here's a kwechlt would you read your spouse's e-mail? yep, maybe. how about lying to keep your kid out of jail. no. mike hogan is in our toyota green room with the result of a new 60 minutes "vanity fair" poll on ethics. i love these ququestions. hey, mike hogan. coming up next on "cbs this morning." in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side. ♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. las vegas earned the nickname sin city and according to a "60 minutes" "vanity fair" poll, it makes no apologies. it put las vegas numb berry one on the list to care the least about its reputation. capital of tehran came in second followed by bangkok and amsterd amsterdam. mike, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> when it comes to people being dishonest, what's the absolute worst thing they say they can do? >> the absolute worst thing anyone can do in terms of -- well, we asked a bunch of different questions. we asked one about which of the following you would do for your child and 50% said they would let their kids win at board games. only 3% said they would provide an alibi for a petty crime. nice range in terms of what parents are trying to teach their kids regarding ethics. >> then there's the question of e-mails. who would snoop around and read their friends' spouses' e-mails? . the good news is most of the time they would not if we believe the poll. 39% said never. 39% sanl in an emergency. 5% said whenever they could get away with ill they'll snoop around and 12% when they're suspicious. >> we cross the line on whether we would snoop or not. >> i would though. i don't have any boundaries in terms of snooping. i'm just too lazy. >> i'm saying people who have nothing to hide shouldn't matter if i take a little look-see to see what's cooking on the e-mail. >> let's talk about immigration. immigration is obviously something people are really debating especially when it comes to party lines when it comes to republicans and democrats. who's more likely to report an illegal immigrant living next door? >> not surprising republicans are more likely to report illegal immigrants. no one's terribly likely to do it. 35% of republicans said they would. 22% democrats, 27% independents. 57% republicans said they would not report them. 74% of democrats. as gayle said, as lock as they're not doing knell illegal, let them live. >> what about edward snowden. some people had one opinion and they evolved into another opinion. >> it's kind of funny. 19% said they don't know who edward snowden is. first of all, we've got a large group of people with heads under rocks. keep that in mind with all these results. 54% say, no, he did not act ethically. i think as revelations come out people's thoughts seem to be evolving. there was a time a lot of people thought it was heroic and now as the repercussions come through, they're coming around. >> a lot of people thought it was awful, that because of investigations following it was okay. >> absolutely. i think it's such a fluid -- >> the biggest misjudgment in u.s. history? >> the biggest misjudgment is slavery. >> i agree. >> 38% say that was the worst thing. 20% said treatment of native americans followed by vietnam, iraq, and the bombing in hero she ma and nagasaki. ahead, a sleepover for adults. jamie wax, what happens15 night museum. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" presented by the buy power card. your capital is the key. "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at "vocce vanduccos!" "when your favorite food starts a fight" "fight back fast" "with tums." "relief that neutralizes acid on contact..." "...and goes to work in seconds." ♪tum, tum tum tum tums! "and now, try great tasting tums chewy delights." "yummy." mom usually throws a gogurt in there. well mom's not here today so we're doing things dad's way. which means i get... two. (singing) snack time and lunch. (singing) snack time and lunch. gogurt because lunch needs some fun. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil welcome 850 million visitors a beyond the exhibits. they're drawing new visitors by making museum itself an adventure. jamie wax took part in a sleepover at the national museum in new york city. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. we were up until the wee hours of the morning here at the national museum of natural history with 150 lucky people. for many of them the experience was a dream of a lifetime. it's friday night at the museum, and even though the main doors are closed -- there's a special event under way inside. some rolled in suitcases. others brought blankets, and no one seemed to have forgotten their pillows. >> this is really weird. i'm not going to lie. >> this is the american museum of natural history sleepover just for grownups. for the first time adult got a chance to sleep overnight under its famous whale. over a decading a they took advantage of the movie night at the museum. since then they have roamed the halls of science well past their bedtime. tickets for grownups went for $375 and they sold out in just three hours. they included admission, food and drinks, a cot, and essentially gave visitors the run of the place. ben wise and arielle erman didn't flinch at the cost. >> we have so many friends that were so jealous. they're like, you're sleeping under the blue whale? >> you may sleep tonight. it won't be the best sleep you ever had. >> brad harris, the museum's director of visitor services said this is part of an effort to get younger generations fired up about coming here. >> there's a lot of things to do, particularly in new york city. a lot of things to do. we like the others have the same desi desire. >> cocktails and dinner are up first. >> welcome to the poison theater. >> reporter: following by a course on the power of poison. >> why would you want to study poisons, anyone? >> to kill people. >> you know, it's funny. we do this for "night of the museum" for kids and the first answer is to help people. others enjoy a close-up look at birds of prey and we met couples like cla reese and ben whose only plan was a quiet night in the dinosaur wing. >> there's not that many people around and you get to roam around the museum at your own leisure. >> reporter: it turns out most visitors wanted to stay up all night but we did find danny and tammy trying to get some shut eye. >> you're here in the museum of natural museum under the whale. what's that like? >> nothing's alive, so we're kind of happy about that. >> are you sure? you never know. >> yeah, you never know. >> and if you missed the sleepover here in new york, don't despay. the museum says they'll host a few of these events every year. >> jamie, thanks. . i think this is a great idea. i like how the director said it may not be the best sleeping experience but it opens up good morning, i'm ukee washington, community and family gets ready for final farewell to siblings called in a carjacking crash. funeral services start at 11:00 a.m. at the north philadelphia seventh day adventist church on wex oxford street. nba hall of famer charles barkley offered to help pay for the services, 15 year old key air a williams, ten ends more, ten year old joseph freed, killed july 25th, their mother survived but remains in critical condition. is. >> jonathan rose, a corneilius crawford, arrested and charged. >> katie has your forecast in the weather center. good morning. >> good morning, pretty nice day actually un folding for us, at least by comparison, there are couple of little side issues, that we've got to contend with, earlier it was the fog, later today mace be isolated shower orm storm, but don't need the umbrella on day like this today, ends up being decent day. storm scan3, shows ground clutter down there toward the dover radar site. generally speaking we do see that sunshine, peaking through the clouds, very nicely at this point. seconder evident here, ardmore, montgomery drive or avenue i should say, we warm up much more east letter as a huge of the sunshine here today. actually almost full 10 degrees climb from one day to the next, 86 degrees, far more typical for early august. flirt with 90 tomorrow. bob? >> live look, southbound lanes of 476, right near the baltimore pike. so, only the far right lane is open. you can see, certainly, slow down, because it will impact your trip if you are headed down toward i95 or philly international. and crash in pennsauken, merchantville avenue at jackson avenue. ukee, back to you. >> thank you, next update at 8: 55, up next on cbs this morning, oscar winning director james cameron's latest big discovery. in south africa animals like to play pranks. the lion cub was planning its hunting skills. he snuck up on a dog who got a big surprise. i love this. >> i do too. now they look like they want to play. watch this. >>what's your name? what are you j coming up this half hour, more than 40 million people, 40 million people shop on esiesty. he likes. he'll share your secret of turning your hobby into a business and how esty vendors are selling their stuff through major retailers. the oscar winning retailer shows the one man submarine he uses for his new documentary and it inspires out of this world blockbusters. that's ahead. "the wall street journal" says the department of transportation is nearing a decision on cell phone calls during airline flight. the government is leaning toward no because of how disruptive it could be. a decision could come in february if the airlines wants to make their own call to reach out and touch someone. >> please don't let that happen. what time are you getting home. did they call? no. what project are you working on. that drives me nuts. children who play up to an hour a day are happie happier a hyperactive. it's really all about challenge. playing more than three hour as day could be harmful. a woman plans to raise a baby who she said was rejected by an australian couple. she said she delivered twins, a healthy twins, one with down syndrome. they took the girl and left the boy. online care has added up to $200,000. the "new york post" says the catskill hotel is trying to silence critics. they charge people for every bad comment they post online. the hotel's policy reads there will be a $500 fine deducted from your profit with every anything tin review placed on any site by anyone in your party or anyone attending your wedd g wedding. if the comment is delighted your money is returned. >> so much for the customer is always right. "new york daily news" tells us about beyonce's remake of her song "flawless." it has a new line that refers to the infamous elevator fight between her sister solange and her husband jay z. >> of course go down with a billion dollars on an elevator. >> reporter: they're touring together. i've seen it twice. a remake of the classic "ghostbusters" is in the works. this time it will feature all female casts. it's said to be in initial talks with tony to head the project. >> so you searching for a custom table? how about a barry man low spot. if so icy might be the place. sales soared reaching $1.3 billion with a "b" last year. chad dickerson is the ceo of is city and he joins us at the table. >> it's like charlie. >> just like charlie. good to see you,. you don't like chatzkys and crafts. >> we want to respect the artisanship and craft behind what's on the site. >> like your cuff links for instance, those stood out to me. those are very cool that oh, yeah. so in fact, i have these cup links made from vintage maps. here is berkeley where i lived. berkeley on the left and brooklyn on the right where i live now. you can pick your cities and the seller will make these for you. >> what did you bring with you? >> i brought with me three beautiful items. the top items are juktry, clothing, and housewares. this is an example of a beautiful bracelet that you can buy. jewelry is the top category. you can find engagement rings with the fingerprints of two people thatied. clothes. beautiful bow ties. >> and the next item? >> this is a lamp. >> you lost me there. >> this is a really beautiful lamp. one of the things that's amazing about esty is, you know, we've lived in a world with big box retailer where you go to a store and pick something off the shelf and it looks the same that is the beauty of esty. >> i have to tell you three months ago -- i know you started around 9d years ago. i bought something from esty. it was a personalized message. they put a note in it. i thought, this is so interesting because i think of online being recommend impersonal but it's not it's not. that's a beautiful thing. >> how did you discover it? >> i found something and it was unframe and cheaper? and you got a personal note. >> right. from the person who did it. >> it's a personal relationship. it's a little more like -- it's a farmer's market versus a super market and you do get these personal messages and it feels really good to support an artisan. >> where's all this going? what's the future? >> as you saw the numbers and esty is continuing to grow. our goal is to reimagine commerce to build a more lasting and fulfilling world. what do we mean by that in. >> making it more personal and human. we've gotten a good start in the u.s. although their sales in 2 hub countries, over a million seller around the world and we're connells to expand around the world. >> how do the crafts people find you? >> on esty? word of mouth. our best sales force are seller. they tell their friends and neighbors and it's largely grown. >> you get a percentage of every traction. >> 3%. 96.5% goes to artisans. it's very easy. to get started you have to spent 20 cents to list an item. >> you've set a really good tone for the company you run. if something goes wrong you have blameless postmortem and you give awards for people who make the most spectacular mistake. >> they're about just culture. if you have a culture and you punish mistakes, people tend to hide information and then they don't learn from those mistakes. so we always feel awful when we make a mistake. >> the idea here is not to be ascared of failure. >> absolutely. we've given awargd for fail of your. people understand they're not going to get punished. in the jeers department they have public service announcements where people send out a narrative of the mistakes. >> it's wonderful to see some of the esty sellers will be in nordstrom's. ch thank you so much. his greatest add vern tur is no work of fiction. >> this is your masterpiece. >> well, i guess you could call it that. >> can we take a look? >> sure, absolutely. if you go out here and step on the it's a big night for oscar winner james cameron. he'll attend the "national geographic" documentary "deep sea 3-d." cameron used a submarine that he designed and built. "60 minutes" correspondent bill whitaker got an up close look at the machine and the man obsessed with pushing boundaries. >> reporter: i see where you got the inspiration for pandora. >> yeah. it's hard to leave this place. so i do my writing up here. you know, you feel close to nature up here. >> reporter: this is gorgeous. james cameron is one of the top gross movie-making producers of all time. over the years he's taken us on many adventures to other times and distant worlds. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: and the biggest toy of all? >> right. we even got the sub in here right now. >> reporter: but the academy award winner will tell you nothing compares to what he accomplished in 2012. this is your masterpiece. >> yeah, i guess we could call it that. >> reporter: can i take a look? >> sure. just climb up hear and go onto the platform. >> reporter: he climbed up here and encapsulized himself into this tiny little cabin. that's tiny. >> yeah, there's not a lot of room in there. >> reporter: then he entrenched hits in the deepest part of the ocean. >> reporter: the deepest solo dive by quite a margin wearea. >> i realized we have a planet on earth, go beneath the surface of the water, that's not explored, and i thought, i can go there. >> reporter: he did it in a sub. his passion and curiosity drove him to learn all he could about the ocean and engineering. he also got the help of what he called a ragtag bunch of like minded geeks. >> the engineers were from disparate backgrounds. very few of them had ever worked on a piloted work. it was a sophisticated piece of hardware. >> reporter: it had to be to take him seven mile down. >> you're down deeper than everest is called. >> oh, yeah, by quite a bit. >> this was no xanazaxanadu pro >> no. that deep sea challenger, i am on the bottom. >> reporter: when he had shown light where none had every penetrated before he saw a watery moonscape but in the sediment he found a deep, what sciencists found abundant life. >> something like 20,000 of genomes. we know at least 68 of them are brand-new species. >> reporter: he found what looks like a giant shrimp. >> a compound currently being testified by the team. >> reporter: they're mining the sediment cameron retrieved from the cold ocean floor for hints of life. >> we not only learn what exists but expends the ability what else may be possible and habitable. it sounds dangerous. >> yeah. >> reporter: he th is a scientist at what now is the new home of the deep sea challenger. he first worked with him when they create add new camera and robots for the titanic. >> this is his big answers. he doesn't want to wake to get it done. life really does want to happen on this planet. >> reporter: in the movie "avatar," cameron dreamed up the entire mountain ban chi and the entire ecoplanet system for pandora, but when you see his 100 as, you realize it wasn't much of a stretch. >> u loved righting them. >> reporter: now his dives have inspired a daeper concern for the ocean, stressed by agricultural runoff, oil spills over fishing. >> we're exchanges it father than we understand it gloirks what i mean? >> he has come here to write screenplays for the next film avatar. >> there will be five or six stories. >> if by chance you could only do one, the exploration or film making, which would it be? >> i think i'd have to say i'd want to do the sblexploration, because these are real answers to the real world. i love being at the cusp of possibility. >> reporter: in other words, living on the edge. for james cameron, that's like being home. for "cbs this morning" i'm bill whitaker along the central california life. >> i'll say. you want to go play with him. i love passion and cure otty, i love plays those ing things. that's go that's ahead on "cbs this morning." an all-star baseball team from toms river, new jersey, is close to making little league world series with a lot of help from the only girl on the bench. 12-year-old kayla ronson hit a two-run homer and pitched the final out and they won the new jersey state championship. look at them celebrating. she's been playing baseball with the boys since she was five years old. >> aren't most teams when girls are on the team? >> isn't everything better with girls? >> yes, have you seen tom corbett's negative ad with this actress. it's just not true. and more of the same from corbett. tom wolf's company is headquartered and files taxes right here in pennsylvania. and it's tom wolf who'll be the governor we need. he'll make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. build a 21st century infrastructure. and restore manufacturing for the jobs we need today. take a look at his plan for yourself. tom wolf. a fresh start for pennsylvania. this is the doctors bs3 "eyewitness news". good morning, double shooting in philadelphia's west oaklane section leaves man in critical condition. it happened around 3:00 a.m., along the 7100 block of george and road. police say a 29 year old man was shot at least seven times inside this car he crashed nearby a mill from the shooting scene while trying to escape the gunfire. about 25 year old woman was shot in the leg. the search for suspect continues. right now your forecast with katie. we had some fog earlier. basically clearing out? >> basically pretty much in the clear at this time. good morning, generally couple of clouds out there, but high enough in the atmosphere, call it partly sunny day at this point. storm scan3, also, basically empty. sometimes we find these little blotches of green that pop up. it is just ground clutter. in other words, the radar picking up on something other than precipitation, that can happen sometimes. >> we could see spotty shower, storm, not enough to need the umbrella head into tomorrow, good pool day, flirting with 90, sunshine, steamy makes you want to take dip. but by wednesday, new cold front does come along will bring in more showers, storms, nothing severity point. but it does cool us down. bob? >> heavy 8 miles, route one, approaching route one, all the way down toward mcdade boulevard. earlier accident, lanes open, but we got about 25 minute trip accident over here pennsauken, merchantville avenue, right at jackson avenue. also, a crash, along the 30 bypass, this is eastbound, on the 30 bypass, just past route ten. and today's the first day of new schedule that went into effect on the patco high-speed line. they have new schedule monday through thursday schedule, so make sure to grab new timetable so you're ready for that. otherwise mass transit looking good. back to you. >> thanks you, that's eyewitness fuse for now, talk philly coming up at noon on cbs-3. i'm erika von today on the doctors, cricket chicken, wax worm tacos? will this wiggle its way to your plate for protein. >> 2 billion people in the world eat insects regularly. >> so do 5 co-hosts on a show called the doctors. >> how this woman became a human canvas. >> would you believe the same ingredient in your san witch is in your -- sandwich is in your yoga matt? the food babe investigation! >> the cooking method that can cause deme >> what you need to know before you burn away brain cells. >> and dog shaming?ntia. does punishing your pooch work . >> i asked a lot of dogs and none of them felt guilty. >> on the doctors!

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Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20140804 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS This Morning 20140804

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at least one person was died when their vehicle was swept away. at least three wildfires are burning. >> a ban on drinking water in toledo, ohio, remains in effect for a third day in a row. >> the contamination is being blamed on an algae bloom in lake erie. >> a second ebola victim is scheduled to arrive tuesday. >> so is it likely he will survive? >> i can't predict the future for individual patients. >> a seven-hour cease-fire in gaza. >> there is international outrage after a bombing of a u.n. center. >> thousands are thought to be killed in a powerful earthquake in southwest china. >> a man was rescued by the coast guard. >> the ball hit a lady on her finger andh their family. >> officers found themselves in a slow speed chase. >> and all that matters -- >> hall of fame weekend in canton, ohio. >> on saturday former buffalo receiver andre reed paid tribute to his quarterback jim kelly. >> i'm honored to call you my family and teammate. i love you, man. >> hop in the shower. how about a car wash and sit in the back of the pickup. >> only in montana, man. >> this morn is's "eye opener" presented by toy tachlt let's go places. captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell is off, vinita nair is off and i'm thrilled. >> i'm more thrilled. we begin with the mudslides in california. it cut off access to roads. >> thunderstorms in the san bern de-moe mountains washed away homes. one person died. children are among hundreds of campers stranded. >> reporter: it took just minutes for mountain roads to be transformed into rivers and mud. those had little time to react. authorities ordered some 3,000 people to shelter in place until water has receded. rescue teams were called in reportedly saving one resident. >> we're just getting to the point where we're able to get in there and help people. >> reporter: the mudslides flooded roads and buried vehicles. the sheriff's deputies rescued at least five. >> there was a honda car that got swept off the street and down into a stream behind my house. >> rescue confirming no one was trapped inside. more cars were stuck in the hope glen area. this car was caught. in palm springs cars struggled to wade through the bone dry city street. the rain came down at 3 1/2 minlds an hour. for a state that suffered from a record drought this was too much of a good thing. carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. in northern. most of the fires were start by lightning strikes. they took this dramatic video as they were surrounded by flames. they made it out safely. the fire's already burned about 183 square miles. on the other end of the country, millions of americans may dodge a bullet this week. tropical storm bertha is expected to strengthen to a hurricane later today but it's not likely to hinn the mainland, u.s. it's expected to turn north-northeast. forecasters think the storm will parallel the eastern seaboard in the next few days. winds are hitting 70 miles an hour but they should weaken by tomorrow night. this morning a million and a half still cannot use their tap water. the water in lake erie is caution lots of toxins. adriana diaz is in ohio where the water supply has been off limits since early saturday. good morning. >> good morning. we're entering a third day of the crisis and these water purifications systems are ready to go. they can process up to 1,500 gallons of clean water an hour. test results overnight were encouraging but the mayor says they're still too close for comfort. >> we're still in status quo. the nonconsume is still in place. >> reporter: earlier this morning the mayor said he's not ready to lift the ban on drinking water. >> i've instructed our people to go resample and retest because i'm not going to take any chances with this community's well being and health. >> reporter: the ban impacts three counties in ohio and one from michigan that gets their water supply. it's four miles off the coast of lake erie. on saturday health officials considered the water supply off limits. tockens that come from algae were detected. if ingested micro scystins can cause nausea and damage the liver. over the weekend volunteers gathered at a local high school to hand out bottles of water to hand out to city residents. they use water purification systems. at food stores lines are long and shelves are bare. tracy rhodes drove more than an hour to detroit's suburbs on sunday to find bottled water for his family after taping his faucets shut. >> i have four members. i need water. you have to do to make sure you have water and that water is provided. >> additional lab results could be released in a matter of hours. the governor has promised to look into the cause of this so it doesn't happen again. now to ebola in america. the second american infected with the deadly virus is prepared to come back to the country. plane left to pick up nancy writebol in liberia. she'll enter emory university hospital. dr. kent brantly is quarantined. vicente arenas has an update. vicente, good morning. >> reporter: dr. brantly received an experimental serum before leaving liberia. since there is no cure doctors are focusing on keeping his vital signs stable. they're hoping to keep his body strong enough to fight off the disease. dressed head to toe in a protective suit, dr. kent brantly emerged from this ambulance saturday and walked inside the hospital on his own. he's in a room designed to keep deadly viruses like ebola from getting out. this doctor could be called on to help treat brantly. >> the room is designed to provide icu care for critical patients as well as have a surrounding infrastructure. >> reporter: brantly's wife amber saw him and said he was in good spirits adding, we're confident he's receiving the very best care. on "face the nation" sln sunday the center for disease control told norah o'donnell he's encouraged by brantly's pros. >> we're told he will improve. >> is it likely he'll survive. i can't predict it. we'll follow that closely. >> security and the hospital is still tight just days after bramt li arrived by ambulance under heavy police escort. he was flown from africa in a jet in this tent that kept him quarantined. that plane left sunday to pick up nancy writebol, the second worker infected with the virus. health officials say there's no reason to fear the virus will spread in the u.s. >> the way we take care of patients and our capability of isolating them would be very, very much a strong indication that we would not have an outbreak here. >> reporter: the national institute of health is hoping to have an skparnltal vaccine by fall. charlie. >> vicente, thanks. our chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> what's the latest? >> nancy writebol, the second one infected is going to be flown over to the same area. >> what do we know about his condition? >> we're not getting any more information. to me -- i know dr. tom frieden was asked on "face the nation" will he survive. of course, he's going to say i can't predict the future. i understand that. personally when i saw him getting out of the ambulance with very little assistance, i found that reassuring. >> i think the fear is they hear of mortality rates and no cure. the sense is why are we bringing back these people to the hospital? >> you can do what's called supportive treatment, intravenous fluids and you heard about complications with clotting their even blood. i think in terms of the fear, it's so important. we don't want the adrenaline level of the country rising. it's not a healthy thing. in the missile attacks and scud missile attacks there was an increase in heart attacks. stress is bad but there are other things that happen. i think it doesn't make sense. >> what is the experimental serum they're talking about? >> what is serum. you take blood and spin it down and the red cells go to the bottom and the clear yellow stuff on the top has factors with somebody who has had it and survived. there are factors you can give to somebody and you hope that that is somehow perfected. i think there are things people need to understand. there's africa and america. africa, i'm very, very worried. who knows what's going to happen to get it under control. here i think you've heard, yes, theoretically, the virus could come here. we know -- people don't know there have been past outbreaks brought under control, dozens of them since the 1970 sz. the cdc knows how to handle it and control it. >> what is the latest with vaccines in the clinical trials? >> phase one is going to start in september. it's a small number of people. i'm told it's a couple of proteins. you're never going to see someone given an ebola vaccine to see if it works. there are a couple of other medications they can give after somebody's infected. >> one thing this will do is cause considerable danger to the virus. >> i think that's true. if there's a silver lining, maybe we can get research going. >> both of these research workers had two kids so our thoughts are with them. >> thank you. the fighting continues despite a seven-hour cease-fire for most of the territory. an attack on sunday sparked the strongest u.s. criticism of israel since the fighting again. israeli's shelling hit a school full of refugees. tell people were killed. >> a spokesperson called it disgraceful. he says israel must do more to meet its own standards and avoid civilian casualties. the suspicion that militants are operating nearby does not justify strikes that put at risk the lives of so many innocent civilians. we have more. >> reporter: good morning. there are more than 3,000 in this displaced school. the majority of them, you can see, are children. we're told many of them had run outside yesterday morning because they heard somebody was selling candy bars and ice cream. so they came outside the gates and at about 10:38 a.m. a rocket hit right here. you can actually see the point of impact and it looks like a very small crater, but eyewitness reports carnage, shrapnel, bodies were littered across the ground, including the bodies of five children. we know the youngest of those children was just three years old. the israeli military said it was targeting militants with the group islamic jihad who were on a motor vehicle nearby but representatives from the u.n. tell us that they shared the coordinates of this school with the israeli militants 33 times including just one hour before the attack. for "cbs this morning," clarissa ward, gaza. this morning the state department is not commenting on a report that they listened to secretary of state john kerry's phone calls. they say it happened last year. report says kerry also used unsecured telephones the talk with world leaders and more than one foreign intelligence service was listening. survivors of a deadly quick were digging. hit hardest in the city dan. >> people can be see running through the streets of ludian. 4,100 people dead, 1,800 injured and the death toll is expected to rise. more than 3,000 troops and emergency workers are taking part in a massive rescue effort, carrying survivors on their backs, even using makeshift stretchers with iv bags hang from sticks. these pictures posted on chinese media show workers looking through degree for a 6-month child. the area looked like a battlefield after the bomba bombardme bombardment. over 12,000 homes were destroyed. it knocked out power lines and roads will have to be rebuilt. they'll try to dig this city out from underneath the rubble. for "cbs this morning," seth doane, tokyo. two concertgoers died at a concert from an overdose. they were at the mad decent block party music festival in columbia. a 20-year-old was pronounced dead at a hospital on friday, a 17-year-old died on sunday. a worker may have to thank for saving his life. they sent a map of the location. they found the hiker seriously hurt after a 10-hour search. he's recovering this morning at a hospital. tiger woods' future is in question this morning. he had to limp to a golf kufl and with drew after only eight holes. it was his third tournament since his back surgery in february. that's quite a limp. >> germany, france, and belgium are remembering the start of world war i. they met this morning in lee auj, belgium, where troops invaded. prince william said it marked the beginning of a historic century. >> we were enemies more than once in the last century and today we're friends and ald lies. we salute those who died to give us our freedom. we will remember them. >> this morning service was helped in one of the few cemeteries where jer map and british soldiers are buried side by side. president obama wakes up a year older. his birthday is today. today he's celebrating at the white house. the official calendar says he'll spend the day doing what he does, attending meetings. >> happy birthday, mr. president. and he played with childhood friends. a little guy stands up for a big guy. how >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by neutrogena naturals. natural skin care, real results. an nfl hall of famer uses his moment in the spotlight to honor another football legend. >> the toughest individual i've ever met in my life is jim kelly, number 12. >> ahead, jim kelly talks about his most important fight. >> the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather? a mouth breather! 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out nicely, storm scan3, always tough to find fog on a saturday light anyway. but even still, what's left of the fog is starting to thin out. and we going to end one sunshine, high reaching 86 degrees, so i can't rule out very isolated shower or storm today. most of you stay dry and pretty decent day. tomorrow will be hot, good pool day, but sunny, and by wednesday, few additional showers and storms with the next cold frontment bob? >> 7:26. dealing with some fog here. live look at route 611 right near limekiln pike, fog thick at times, make sure your headlights are on rolling out the drive way this morning, crash over here in pennsauken, new jersey, hillside, freemont, just off route 130, no problems coming over the betsy ross bridge, ben franklin looking good. again, some fog as you come over the bridges of the south along i-95, watch for delays from the betsy in through girard avenue. back over to you. >> thank you. next update at clock 55, up next on cbs this morning, legal marijuana drug trafficking. for more local news weather traffic and sports we're on the "cw philly". you can find us on these channels. the pass is hauled in by cory washington, grabbing the ball and going 17 yards for a touchdown to give the giants the lead. >> a new year of pro football sunday way, whoo-hoo. the game kicked off last night. that was in canton, ohio. the new york giants beat the buffalo bills, 17-13. the nfl experimented with extra points in this game. so the ball was snapped from the 15 yard line instead of the 2. the longer extra opponent will continue in the second week of preseason games. on twitter, giants kicker josh brown told "cbs this morning" hehe wants to see a permanent rule change. quote, it definitely would shake it all up. it ain't no gimme. take it all in. charlie, you can explain it to me. >> after the show. >> yes. i will come with a paper and a pencil. i thought i understood football until that. >> i thought the whoo-hoo meant you're excited. >> i am. coming up, we have more from canton where nfl hall of famer jim kelly returned to his old team and connected with his latest receiver. he's fighting cancer. we'll hear a tribute to kelly from teammate andre reed in his hall of fame induction speech. >> it was nos. the oscar-winning director dove as deep as he could go into the ocean. we'll show you what he found at the bottom. that's ahead. the gazette in colorado springs reports the act let iing department at the u.s. air force acade academy. they drav and smoked marijuana and may have committed sexual assault against women. u.s. sent latin youth undercover in anti-cuba ploy. they posted as towerists and scouted for people they could turn into political activists. it was run by the same agency who created a cuban twitter to stir dissent. governor andrew cuomo is gaining momentum today. larry schwartz is his top aide. cuomo broke the group apart but prosecutors are looking into claims that the governor's office steered investigations away from cuomo's allies. sh wha schwartz is staying quiet. >> banks' career was cut shot. he spent five years in prison. now he says i am honored to say i've taken an amazing position in the front office of the nfl. god is good. thank you. >> we like him. congratulations to him. now to a strike at a supermarket store. employees are fuming about the firing of their boss, more so over who gave him the pink slip. that's where things could come to a head today. michael rosenfield, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, gayle. good morning to you. arthur t.demoulas was president for six years. they have rallied to his defense but so far they're sticking to their plan. the former president they call arty t. is reinstated. i've been with the company for 13 years. >> reporter: for more than a century market basket had been a family run company, albeit one in a 20-year feud. the demoulas family controlled it. president arthur t.demoulas was fired by arthur s. they say it would help to maximize its potential and pave the way for continuing success in the fuehrer. shortly after, protests erupted and have continued every week since. instead of stocking grocery aisles, they're spending hours on picket lines. joe schmidt was a market basket manager for 27 years. he's one of eight employees fired by the grocery chain after helping to spearhead the protest they are planning to sue the company. >> i know at the end of the day i did the right thing. i knowky look my children in the eye and say, hey, i took a stance at something. >> there are 71 market baskets. today customers are greeted with empty shelves because even the truck drivers who deliver groceries have gone on strike. >> we're not receive any orders, take any deliveries until he's put back in with his full status. >> now they're urging employees back to work. now they announced a diop fair to replace absent employees who don't return by today and said, quote, any associate that wants to return will be welcomed and not penalized. one analyst estimates they're losing about $10 million a day because of the protests and another major rally is expected tomorrow and organizers are expecting more than 10,000 people. charlie. >> michael, thank you so much. >> i think so too. it's sort of nice to see them standing behind their bosh. >> it also shows you what they can do. let's turn to pro football. the hall of fame welcomed seven new players this weekend. he went into the hall ten years ago. jim kelly was there to honor an old teammate and see his old team play in an exhibition game. kelly was praised for his bravery off the field. >> reporter: jim kelly took the field sunday night as the honorary captain of his former team. the ex-bill traveling to ohio amid his very public battle with cancer. >> coming here this weekend, the celebration made me feel better but i still have a long way to go. >> reporter: he was determined to see his friend and wide receive receiver andre reed be honored. >> reporter: kelly was first diagnosed with cancer in his jaw last year. by spring it spread to his sinuses. he went through an intense round of chemotherapy and radiation and lost 50 pounded. he'll soon have after mri to see if it was successful. through it all his family was by his side showering his photos and videos with the world. reed has been one of kelly's biggest supporters. >> those around you grash tated toward your leadership and what you said. you taught us not to quit. . >> reporter: after playing together for 11 seasons it proves their connection was stronger than ever. >> i wanted the ball every single time. i wanted you to be proutd of me and know you can proud of me at any time. you know the old saying. 12 plus 83 always equals 6. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," jeff glor, new york. >> that's so nice. >> that's the best thing about snoobl it really is, charlie. at one point he said in the service, i love you, man. i know jim kelly said he has a long way to go but he looks good. >> i know. i got a little choked up. >> me too. ahead, police sign up for weed control along the border. [ inaudible ] on the hunt for people who may be smuggling marijuana in colorado where it's legal to kansas where it's not. coming up on "cbs this morning." leaving home feeling 'e attractive. but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! ♪ where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at for the first time "the new york times" ran a full page ad on sunday. it's just been legalized in the empire state. >> in colorado recreational use is now legal but any bought there has to be used there. they found that many from other states may make half of all purchases. barry petersen drove to texas to see what those customer are doing. >> reporter: whencysig cheyenne moves fast. >> this is what people expect. >> scared kids but no burglar. >> we can't ignore the marijuana. it's hard to squuft fie pulled resources way from thinking like this to put them on the highway to strictly find marijuana coming in from colorado. >> reporter: now this part of the old west is on the front line of marijuana's new frontier. pod is legal in nearby colorado. but when it leaves the state, it often travels across remote highways in kansas. in 2013 the federal rocky mountain high-intensity druf trafficking area calculated 288 cars smuggling colorado marijuana across state lines. that may not seem like much, but experts estimate that they're only catching 10%. meaning 90% of illegal trafficking is going unnoticed. tom gorman is the agency director. how far is this going? like next door to kansas or farther than that? >> it's gone through 37 states. >> that sandusky that make you uncomfortable? >> as a cop, you're right. darned uncomfortable. >> we helped with the injured individual. >> reporter: a car crash last year left marijuana down. it was not just the sheriff ee bu all the donty's respondered. >> they're pay for what's hatching in the state of kentucky. yes. whether it's through prosecution. like i said, time is money. when you're paying a deputy by the hour, he's not working on other case. >> reporter: they crush the different vials. >> you can see it's starting to turn cloud covers. >> reporter: pinkish purple means pot. while on patrol. it's not the only answer. >> you stop somebody, confiscate a small amount on marijuana, you get out of here? >>. >> yes. >> they're trafficking drugs. >> you're okay with that. >> yeah. >> you'd rather see it spent and here. >> yes. >> reporter: standing up for the law is about what staide of the state line you stand on. barry petersen cbs news, kansas. >> legalizing it hasas sergio garcia's golf swing took out a diamond ring. we'll explain that. a search for a diamond in the rough next on "cbs this morning." don't blame him. instead, rely on frontline plus. it kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. ask your vet about frontline plus. destroying future generations. feels like each day liviis a game of chance.aine i wanted to put the odds in my favor. so my doctor told me about botox® an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine. 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by my doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. put the odds on your side. visit to learn how to save on your treatment. talk to a headache specialist today about botox®. ♪ ♪ abe! get in! punch it! let quicken loans help you save your money. with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze! thanks, g. if it sizzles and crackles and comes from a kitchen, it's breakfast. ♪ if the aroma wakes you up, it's breakfast. ♪ have breakfast for breakfast. the fresh-made, from our kitchen. the egg mcmuffin. only from mcdonald's. so what are you having for breakfast? 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[announcer] visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic difference for yourself. sergio's tee shot actually hit a lady on the finger and knocked the diamond out of her ring. >> oh, no. >> now we find the ball but not the diamond. >> wow, golfer sergio garcia tried to help find that lost diamond but he had to keep playing. he did ask for the woman's information in case the stone was gone for good but another fan eventually found the rock. what are the chances of that happening. >> it looks like a nice stone. >> the announcers were joke, oh, she really won something. what's worse? a student who cheats or a doctor who writes a prescription you don't need? the answer in a cbs poll ahead. for gorgeous, life-resistant wear. in 30 easy-to-remove shades revlon jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. 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>> good morning, everybody, not too bad. pretty cloudy, dreary sort of weekends overall, but thanks fully we can report that at least we start off the work week and pleasant note, even despite the fact we've been dealing with fog issues this morning, already starting to see it lift out of here, eventually, most every you ends with just partly sunny day. storm scan3, not heck of a lot to track at the moment, little ground clutter sort of rolled through the loop over time. again no weather issues, could be very isolated shower or storm later today. but like i said most of are you dry. you will get away without em bella. 68 degrees our low. looking forward in the forecast, looks like hot and steamy tuesday. good pool day in other words. by wednesday, few more showers or a storm come along. i know bob you're excited about that. >> ukee is out of the real, but tell him we're going when he comes back. live look at 422 eastbound. still have the haze and fog in the background, and jammed from collegeville on in toward king of prussia a accident on the bathroom now, northeast philly, northbound, at conwell avenue in the outer drive. so that's going to cause delays for anyone headed up toward the turnpike and the rest of the majors like 95 and the schuylkill. about 20 minutes or so in through downtown. erika, back over to you. >> bob, thank you. next update at 8: 25, next on cbs this morning, spending a night at the american museum of natural history. what fun. local news traffic and weather continues with it is monday, august 4th, 2014. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including the american doctor with ebola now back in the united states. we'll talk to the government's point man on infectious diseases. but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> it was raining so bad that that entire mountain slid down. >> thunderstorms washed away cars and damaged homes. >> about 3,000 people in southern california are trapping this morning. >> oh, my goodness. >> we're entering a third days of a water crisis. test results that came in indicating we're too close for comfort. >> doctors are focusing on keeping his vital signs stable. i'll tell you this. personally when i saw him getting out of the ambulance and walking under his own power, i founthat reassuring. >> a rocket hit right here. you can see the point of impact. representatives from the u.n. tell us they shared the coordinates of this school with the israeli military 33 times. >> grocery workers are fuming about the firing of their boss. >> one analyst estimates market basket is losing about $10 million day because of the protest. >> the reality is the taxpayers of cheyenne county, kansas, are paying for what's happening in the state of colorado. >> yes. >> a guy with a reputation of being wild. a fellow -- oh, wait a minute. never mind the numbers. we've got something going here. more fun than the game right now. >> today's "eye opener" at 8:00 presented by comfort inn. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and vinita nair. norah o'donnell is off. crews are using bulldozers to reach nearly 3,000 people cut off by mudslides. one person drowned in a car. >> mud and debris blocked the only roads into oakland and forest falls in the san bernardino mountains. a fire captains says it could take three days to open things up. it included 500 camers who arrived just before the rain hit. the second american hit with the ebola virus is set to come home. dr. kent brantley arrived. nancy writebol will be coming by tuesday. they're trying to stop the spread of ebola in africa. >> the doctor joins us from bess this da, maryland. doctor, good morning. >> good morning. >> what's the most interesting thing about this case at this moment? >> i think it just ex-em employ fies the fact that with proper care, people can do well. i mean this is a very serious disease. it has a mortality rate in some cases up to 90%. if you give good care to individuals, replenish their fluids, make sure their organs are functioning well, they can do well. we're ve dr. brantly was able to get here and is now apparently recuperating in the sense of having his vital signs monitored and making sure he gets a complete recovery, which we're all hoping for. >> the fact that he's walking does that say anything about how he's doing? >> that is very important. everyone saw that on tv, getting out with some assistance from the ambulance. the fact that he's able to walk into the hospital is a very, very good sign. i think the other point thing that was asked of me is this whole case ex-em employ fies that here in the united states we're prepared to take care of individuals who have this disease because we have the health care infrastructure and capability to do it safely without any real threat or any concern about an outbreak. and people keep asking thereafter. that's very important, that we can handle these types of cases safely. >> what -- go ahead. >> it seem is like the next turn in all of this is you guys have a vaccine on humans you'll start testing. what's the latest? so many have heard no cure for so long. >> again, people need to understand the different tweens a treatment and a vaccine. what we have results on is a vaccine to prevent infection. this will be very relevant to health care providers who put themselves at high risk. it looks really good. they don't get sick and they don't die where as unvaccinated monkeys all do. we're going to start human trials in september with normal volunteers. we should be able to scale up in its production. >> all right. thank you. a man rammed a man in an e ka vater into a bus. police shot and killed the attacker calling it a terrorist incident. and gaza and israeli troops are still tracking tunnels under the bord border. they aflounced a seven-hour cease-fire overnight. good morning. what's the latest there? >> reporter: good morning. itz r israeli troops say don't call it a truce or forceback. they're still at work getting rid of the tunnels stretching from gaza into israel. these tanks rumbled across the front line from israel into gaza. beneath the ground another battle ranges. 50 feet below a potato field they discovered a tunnel cutting to a direct course near an israeli community. mierts than two miles long stretched from inside gaza for almost a mile into israeli territory. steal reinforced concrete, three feet wide, almost three feet wide, capable of accommodating a well armed fighter. they say the militants thought of everything. >> you can see there are cable here. both electricity cables and phone cables because of the big deep of the tunnel, cell phones do not work here. >> reporter: israeli officials say hamas plans to use the tons to launch simultaneous attacks on soldiers and civilians. which made decimating that network the priority for ground forces in gaza. israeli military officials tell us they've identified. the work to destroy them is all be complete but they said despite their best efforts they may not have identified all of them. gayle? >> charlie, thank you. ahead, film director james cameron led to his own voyage to the bo >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by comfort inn. truly yours. here's a kwechlt would you read your spouse's e-mail? yep, maybe. how about lying to keep your kid out of jail. no. mike hogan is in our toyota green room with the result of a new 60 minutes "vanity fair" poll on ethics. i love these ququestions. hey, mike hogan. coming up next on "cbs this morning." in the nation, the safest feature in your car is you. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. which for you, shouldn't be a problem. just another way we put members first, because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. nationwide is on your side. ♪ it's written on my face ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. las vegas earned the nickname sin city and according to a "60 minutes" "vanity fair" poll, it makes no apologies. it put las vegas numb berry one on the list to care the least about its reputation. capital of tehran came in second followed by bangkok and amsterd amsterdam. mike, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> when it comes to people being dishonest, what's the absolute worst thing they say they can do? >> the absolute worst thing anyone can do in terms of -- well, we asked a bunch of different questions. we asked one about which of the following you would do for your child and 50% said they would let their kids win at board games. only 3% said they would provide an alibi for a petty crime. nice range in terms of what parents are trying to teach their kids regarding ethics. >> then there's the question of e-mails. who would snoop around and read their friends' spouses' e-mails? . the good news is most of the time they would not if we believe the poll. 39% said never. 39% sanl in an emergency. 5% said whenever they could get away with ill they'll snoop around and 12% when they're suspicious. >> we cross the line on whether we would snoop or not. >> i would though. i don't have any boundaries in terms of snooping. i'm just too lazy. >> i'm saying people who have nothing to hide shouldn't matter if i take a little look-see to see what's cooking on the e-mail. >> let's talk about immigration. immigration is obviously something people are really debating especially when it comes to party lines when it comes to republicans and democrats. who's more likely to report an illegal immigrant living next door? >> not surprising republicans are more likely to report illegal immigrants. no one's terribly likely to do it. 35% of republicans said they would. 22% democrats, 27% independents. 57% republicans said they would not report them. 74% of democrats. as gayle said, as lock as they're not doing knell illegal, let them live. >> what about edward snowden. some people had one opinion and they evolved into another opinion. >> it's kind of funny. 19% said they don't know who edward snowden is. first of all, we've got a large group of people with heads under rocks. keep that in mind with all these results. 54% say, no, he did not act ethically. i think as revelations come out people's thoughts seem to be evolving. there was a time a lot of people thought it was heroic and now as the repercussions come through, they're coming around. >> a lot of people thought it was awful, that because of investigations following it was okay. >> absolutely. i think it's such a fluid -- >> the biggest misjudgment in u.s. history? >> the biggest misjudgment is slavery. >> i agree. >> 38% say that was the worst thing. 20% said treatment of native americans followed by vietnam, iraq, and the bombing in hero she ma and nagasaki. ahead, a sleepover for adults. jamie wax, what happens15 night museum. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" presented by the buy power card. your capital is the key. "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at "vocce vanduccos!" "when your favorite food starts a fight" "fight back fast" "with tums." "relief that neutralizes acid on contact..." "...and goes to work in seconds." ♪tum, tum tum tum tums! "and now, try great tasting tums chewy delights." "yummy." mom usually throws a gogurt in there. well mom's not here today so we're doing things dad's way. which means i get... two. (singing) snack time and lunch. (singing) snack time and lunch. gogurt because lunch needs some fun. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil welcome 850 million visitors a beyond the exhibits. they're drawing new visitors by making museum itself an adventure. jamie wax took part in a sleepover at the national museum in new york city. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. we were up until the wee hours of the morning here at the national museum of natural history with 150 lucky people. for many of them the experience was a dream of a lifetime. it's friday night at the museum, and even though the main doors are closed -- there's a special event under way inside. some rolled in suitcases. others brought blankets, and no one seemed to have forgotten their pillows. >> this is really weird. i'm not going to lie. >> this is the american museum of natural history sleepover just for grownups. for the first time adult got a chance to sleep overnight under its famous whale. over a decading a they took advantage of the movie night at the museum. since then they have roamed the halls of science well past their bedtime. tickets for grownups went for $375 and they sold out in just three hours. they included admission, food and drinks, a cot, and essentially gave visitors the run of the place. ben wise and arielle erman didn't flinch at the cost. >> we have so many friends that were so jealous. they're like, you're sleeping under the blue whale? >> you may sleep tonight. it won't be the best sleep you ever had. >> brad harris, the museum's director of visitor services said this is part of an effort to get younger generations fired up about coming here. >> there's a lot of things to do, particularly in new york city. a lot of things to do. we like the others have the same desi desire. >> cocktails and dinner are up first. >> welcome to the poison theater. >> reporter: following by a course on the power of poison. >> why would you want to study poisons, anyone? >> to kill people. >> you know, it's funny. we do this for "night of the museum" for kids and the first answer is to help people. others enjoy a close-up look at birds of prey and we met couples like cla reese and ben whose only plan was a quiet night in the dinosaur wing. >> there's not that many people around and you get to roam around the museum at your own leisure. >> reporter: it turns out most visitors wanted to stay up all night but we did find danny and tammy trying to get some shut eye. >> you're here in the museum of natural museum under the whale. what's that like? >> nothing's alive, so we're kind of happy about that. >> are you sure? you never know. >> yeah, you never know. >> and if you missed the sleepover here in new york, don't despay. the museum says they'll host a few of these events every year. >> jamie, thanks. . i think this is a great idea. i like how the director said it may not be the best sleeping experience but it opens up good morning, i'm ukee washington, community and family gets ready for final farewell to siblings called in a carjacking crash. funeral services start at 11:00 a.m. at the north philadelphia seventh day adventist church on wex oxford street. nba hall of famer charles barkley offered to help pay for the services, 15 year old key air a williams, ten ends more, ten year old joseph freed, killed july 25th, their mother survived but remains in critical condition. is. >> jonathan rose, a corneilius crawford, arrested and charged. >> katie has your forecast in the weather center. good morning. >> good morning, pretty nice day actually un folding for us, at least by comparison, there are couple of little side issues, that we've got to contend with, earlier it was the fog, later today mace be isolated shower orm storm, but don't need the umbrella on day like this today, ends up being decent day. storm scan3, shows ground clutter down there toward the dover radar site. generally speaking we do see that sunshine, peaking through the clouds, very nicely at this point. seconder evident here, ardmore, montgomery drive or avenue i should say, we warm up much more east letter as a huge of the sunshine here today. actually almost full 10 degrees climb from one day to the next, 86 degrees, far more typical for early august. flirt with 90 tomorrow. bob? >> live look, southbound lanes of 476, right near the baltimore pike. so, only the far right lane is open. you can see, certainly, slow down, because it will impact your trip if you are headed down toward i95 or philly international. and crash in pennsauken, merchantville avenue at jackson avenue. ukee, back to you. >> thank you, next update at 8: 55, up next on cbs this morning, oscar winning director james cameron's latest big discovery. in south africa animals like to play pranks. the lion cub was planning its hunting skills. he snuck up on a dog who got a big surprise. i love this. >> i do too. now they look like they want to play. watch this. >>what's your name? what are you j coming up this half hour, more than 40 million people, 40 million people shop on esiesty. he likes. he'll share your secret of turning your hobby into a business and how esty vendors are selling their stuff through major retailers. the oscar winning retailer shows the one man submarine he uses for his new documentary and it inspires out of this world blockbusters. that's ahead. "the wall street journal" says the department of transportation is nearing a decision on cell phone calls during airline flight. the government is leaning toward no because of how disruptive it could be. a decision could come in february if the airlines wants to make their own call to reach out and touch someone. >> please don't let that happen. what time are you getting home. did they call? no. what project are you working on. that drives me nuts. children who play up to an hour a day are happie happier a hyperactive. it's really all about challenge. playing more than three hour as day could be harmful. a woman plans to raise a baby who she said was rejected by an australian couple. she said she delivered twins, a healthy twins, one with down syndrome. they took the girl and left the boy. online care has added up to $200,000. the "new york post" says the catskill hotel is trying to silence critics. they charge people for every bad comment they post online. the hotel's policy reads there will be a $500 fine deducted from your profit with every anything tin review placed on any site by anyone in your party or anyone attending your wedd g wedding. if the comment is delighted your money is returned. >> so much for the customer is always right. "new york daily news" tells us about beyonce's remake of her song "flawless." it has a new line that refers to the infamous elevator fight between her sister solange and her husband jay z. >> of course go down with a billion dollars on an elevator. >> reporter: they're touring together. i've seen it twice. a remake of the classic "ghostbusters" is in the works. this time it will feature all female casts. it's said to be in initial talks with tony to head the project. >> so you searching for a custom table? how about a barry man low spot. if so icy might be the place. sales soared reaching $1.3 billion with a "b" last year. chad dickerson is the ceo of is city and he joins us at the table. >> it's like charlie. >> just like charlie. good to see you,. you don't like chatzkys and crafts. >> we want to respect the artisanship and craft behind what's on the site. >> like your cuff links for instance, those stood out to me. those are very cool that oh, yeah. so in fact, i have these cup links made from vintage maps. here is berkeley where i lived. berkeley on the left and brooklyn on the right where i live now. you can pick your cities and the seller will make these for you. >> what did you bring with you? >> i brought with me three beautiful items. the top items are juktry, clothing, and housewares. this is an example of a beautiful bracelet that you can buy. jewelry is the top category. you can find engagement rings with the fingerprints of two people thatied. clothes. beautiful bow ties. >> and the next item? >> this is a lamp. >> you lost me there. >> this is a really beautiful lamp. one of the things that's amazing about esty is, you know, we've lived in a world with big box retailer where you go to a store and pick something off the shelf and it looks the same that is the beauty of esty. >> i have to tell you three months ago -- i know you started around 9d years ago. i bought something from esty. it was a personalized message. they put a note in it. i thought, this is so interesting because i think of online being recommend impersonal but it's not it's not. that's a beautiful thing. >> how did you discover it? >> i found something and it was unframe and cheaper? and you got a personal note. >> right. from the person who did it. >> it's a personal relationship. it's a little more like -- it's a farmer's market versus a super market and you do get these personal messages and it feels really good to support an artisan. >> where's all this going? what's the future? >> as you saw the numbers and esty is continuing to grow. our goal is to reimagine commerce to build a more lasting and fulfilling world. what do we mean by that in. >> making it more personal and human. we've gotten a good start in the u.s. although their sales in 2 hub countries, over a million seller around the world and we're connells to expand around the world. >> how do the crafts people find you? >> on esty? word of mouth. our best sales force are seller. they tell their friends and neighbors and it's largely grown. >> you get a percentage of every traction. >> 3%. 96.5% goes to artisans. it's very easy. to get started you have to spent 20 cents to list an item. >> you've set a really good tone for the company you run. if something goes wrong you have blameless postmortem and you give awards for people who make the most spectacular mistake. >> they're about just culture. if you have a culture and you punish mistakes, people tend to hide information and then they don't learn from those mistakes. so we always feel awful when we make a mistake. >> the idea here is not to be ascared of failure. >> absolutely. we've given awargd for fail of your. people understand they're not going to get punished. in the jeers department they have public service announcements where people send out a narrative of the mistakes. >> it's wonderful to see some of the esty sellers will be in nordstrom's. ch thank you so much. his greatest add vern tur is no work of fiction. >> this is your masterpiece. >> well, i guess you could call it that. >> can we take a look? >> sure, absolutely. if you go out here and step on the it's a big night for oscar winner james cameron. he'll attend the "national geographic" documentary "deep sea 3-d." cameron used a submarine that he designed and built. "60 minutes" correspondent bill whitaker got an up close look at the machine and the man obsessed with pushing boundaries. >> reporter: i see where you got the inspiration for pandora. >> yeah. it's hard to leave this place. so i do my writing up here. you know, you feel close to nature up here. >> reporter: this is gorgeous. james cameron is one of the top gross movie-making producers of all time. over the years he's taken us on many adventures to other times and distant worlds. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: and the biggest toy of all? >> right. we even got the sub in here right now. >> reporter: but the academy award winner will tell you nothing compares to what he accomplished in 2012. this is your masterpiece. >> yeah, i guess we could call it that. >> reporter: can i take a look? >> sure. just climb up hear and go onto the platform. >> reporter: he climbed up here and encapsulized himself into this tiny little cabin. that's tiny. >> yeah, there's not a lot of room in there. >> reporter: then he entrenched hits in the deepest part of the ocean. >> reporter: the deepest solo dive by quite a margin wearea. >> i realized we have a planet on earth, go beneath the surface of the water, that's not explored, and i thought, i can go there. >> reporter: he did it in a sub. his passion and curiosity drove him to learn all he could about the ocean and engineering. he also got the help of what he called a ragtag bunch of like minded geeks. >> the engineers were from disparate backgrounds. very few of them had ever worked on a piloted work. it was a sophisticated piece of hardware. >> reporter: it had to be to take him seven mile down. >> you're down deeper than everest is called. >> oh, yeah, by quite a bit. >> this was no xanazaxanadu pro >> no. that deep sea challenger, i am on the bottom. >> reporter: when he had shown light where none had every penetrated before he saw a watery moonscape but in the sediment he found a deep, what sciencists found abundant life. >> something like 20,000 of genomes. we know at least 68 of them are brand-new species. >> reporter: he found what looks like a giant shrimp. >> a compound currently being testified by the team. >> reporter: they're mining the sediment cameron retrieved from the cold ocean floor for hints of life. >> we not only learn what exists but expends the ability what else may be possible and habitable. it sounds dangerous. >> yeah. >> reporter: he th is a scientist at what now is the new home of the deep sea challenger. he first worked with him when they create add new camera and robots for the titanic. >> this is his big answers. he doesn't want to wake to get it done. life really does want to happen on this planet. >> reporter: in the movie "avatar," cameron dreamed up the entire mountain ban chi and the entire ecoplanet system for pandora, but when you see his 100 as, you realize it wasn't much of a stretch. >> u loved righting them. >> reporter: now his dives have inspired a daeper concern for the ocean, stressed by agricultural runoff, oil spills over fishing. >> we're exchanges it father than we understand it gloirks what i mean? >> he has come here to write screenplays for the next film avatar. >> there will be five or six stories. >> if by chance you could only do one, the exploration or film making, which would it be? >> i think i'd have to say i'd want to do the sblexploration, because these are real answers to the real world. i love being at the cusp of possibility. >> reporter: in other words, living on the edge. for james cameron, that's like being home. for "cbs this morning" i'm bill whitaker along the central california life. >> i'll say. you want to go play with him. i love passion and cure otty, i love plays those ing things. that's go that's ahead on "cbs this morning." an all-star baseball team from toms river, new jersey, is close to making little league world series with a lot of help from the only girl on the bench. 12-year-old kayla ronson hit a two-run homer and pitched the final out and they won the new jersey state championship. look at them celebrating. she's been playing baseball with the boys since she was five years old. >> aren't most teams when girls are on the team? >> isn't everything better with girls? >> yes, have you seen tom corbett's negative ad with this actress. it's just not true. and more of the same from corbett. tom wolf's company is headquartered and files taxes right here in pennsylvania. and it's tom wolf who'll be the governor we need. he'll make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. build a 21st century infrastructure. and restore manufacturing for the jobs we need today. take a look at his plan for yourself. tom wolf. a fresh start for pennsylvania. this is the doctors bs3 "eyewitness news". good morning, double shooting in philadelphia's west oaklane section leaves man in critical condition. it happened around 3:00 a.m., along the 7100 block of george and road. police say a 29 year old man was shot at least seven times inside this car he crashed nearby a mill from the shooting scene while trying to escape the gunfire. about 25 year old woman was shot in the leg. the search for suspect continues. right now your forecast with katie. we had some fog earlier. basically clearing out? >> basically pretty much in the clear at this time. good morning, generally couple of clouds out there, but high enough in the atmosphere, call it partly sunny day at this point. storm scan3, also, basically empty. sometimes we find these little blotches of green that pop up. it is just ground clutter. in other words, the radar picking up on something other than precipitation, that can happen sometimes. >> we could see spotty shower, storm, not enough to need the umbrella head into tomorrow, good pool day, flirting with 90, sunshine, steamy makes you want to take dip. but by wednesday, new cold front does come along will bring in more showers, storms, nothing severity point. but it does cool us down. bob? >> heavy 8 miles, route one, approaching route one, all the way down toward mcdade boulevard. earlier accident, lanes open, but we got about 25 minute trip accident over here pennsauken, merchantville avenue, right at jackson avenue. also, a crash, along the 30 bypass, this is eastbound, on the 30 bypass, just past route ten. and today's the first day of new schedule that went into effect on the patco high-speed line. they have new schedule monday through thursday schedule, so make sure to grab new timetable so you're ready for that. otherwise mass transit looking good. back to you. >> thanks you, that's eyewitness fuse for now, talk philly coming up at noon on cbs-3. i'm erika von today on the doctors, cricket chicken, wax worm tacos? will this wiggle its way to your plate for protein. >> 2 billion people in the world eat insects regularly. >> so do 5 co-hosts on a show called the doctors. >> how this woman became a human canvas. >> would you believe the same ingredient in your san witch is in your -- sandwich is in your yoga matt? the food babe investigation! >> the cooking method that can cause deme >> what you need to know before you burn away brain cells. >> and dog shaming?ntia. does punishing your pooch work . >> i asked a lot of dogs and none of them felt guilty. >> on the doctors!

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