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In that sense, we changed some things. I would have liked to have gotten that one last Supreme Court justice in there. Id like the Supreme Court to take a look. Reporter couldnt even get a hearing. But we couldnt even get a hearing. Trying to get the other side of the aisle to work with us on issues, in some cases that they professed originally an interest in and saying to them, hold on a second. You guys used to think this was a good idea. Now just because im supporting it, you cant change your mind. But they did. And what that did i think made me appreciate i have said this before but its worth repeating because this is on me part of the Job Description is also shaping Public Opinion. And we were very effective and i was very effective in shaping Public Opinion around my campaigns. But there were big stretches while governing where even though we were doing the right thing, we werent able to mobilize Public Opinion firmly enough behind us to weaken the resolve of the republicans to stop opposing us or to cooperate with us. There were times during my presidency where i lost the p. R. Battle. Pelley steve krofts interview with president obama this sunday on 60 minutes. Today, the senate voted to fast track the repeal of obamacare, but republicans have yet to offer a replacement. Millions of americans who depend on obamacare are now wondering what happens next. Heres don dahler. How we doing with this. Reporter Small Business owner Julie Mansfield has a clear vision of what a lack of Health Insurance would mean to her. That would mean going blind. That would literally mean going blind. Reporter the 49yearold restaurateur has a very rare autoimmune disease that attacks her retinas. She says the specialists and drugs that maintain her sight cost more than she can afford. But under obamacare, she only pays a 10 copay over her 400 a month premium. When the a. C. A. Came around it was a blessing. Reporter but others are not so happy with the Affordable Care act. Some Small Business owners say insuring their employees is financially crippling. And when 59yearold Kevin Mccarthy of thousand oaks, california who owns a specialty Flooring Company signed up in 2014, his premiums increased. When we signed up with the new health care act, not only did it cost us 50 more in monthly premiums, but as it turns out, we were also getting 50 less. Reporter this year premiums increased an average of 25 but americans continued to sign up. At least 22 million formerly uninsured are now covered, up nearly 300,000 for 2017, compared to last year. 83 of them receive tax credits. Mansfield worries about talk of repealing the a. C. A. Without a plan to replace it. If you could talk to congress and explain to them why whatever replaces the a. C. A. Has to be at least as good as the a. C. A. , what would you say to them . My health is not about politics. My health is about my life and my livelihood, and its not to be played with. Its not to be a political pawn. Reporter one question many are pondering is whether the replacement would keep some of the more popular aspects of the a. C. A. Coverage of preexisting conditions, for example, or Adult Children being allowed to stay on their parents policy. Scott, the deadline for signing up for 2017 coverage is this sunday, but no one knows if obamacare will survive the year. Pelley don dahler for us tonight. Don, thank you. Well, today, Vice President joe biden never saw it coming. He was speaking at an event when he was surprised by president obama who had an even bigger surprise in mind. Heres david martin. Reporter president obama liked to joke that he and his Vice President made up for each others shortcomings. Our styles are so different, as well as our experience. And so when he asked me to join him, i asked him why, and he said, i want you to help me govern because you know the system. Reporter they were a generation apart in age. Where the president came across as cool, even aloof, joe biden played politics as a contact sport. The president sometimes complained joe talks too much. Early on in the administration, his loose lips upstaged the unveiling of the president S Health Care reform when a mic caught his whispered comments. This is a big bleep deal. Reporter a moment the president recalled today. All told, thats a pretty remarkable legacy, an amazing career in public service. It is, as joe once said a big deal. laughter reporter over eight years, the bond between them seemed to grow stronger. This also gives the internet one last chance to talk about our bromance. laughter reporter the president grieved with him when bidens son, beau, died of cancer. To know joe and the rest of the biden family is to understand why beau lived the life he did. Reporter biden often said he and the president had each others back, but today, the president pulled a fast one on him with an unexpected honor. The president ial medal of freedom. Reporter thats the highest award a president can give a civilian. I dont deserve this, but i know it came from the president s heart. Im indebted to you. Im indebted to your friendship. Reporter joe biden never made it to the nations highest office, but today, at least, that was all right by him. I just hope that the asterisk in history that is attached to my name when they talk about this presidency is that i can say i was part of, part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country. applause reporter david martin, cbs news, washington. Pelley still to come on the cbs evening news, the most comprehensive report ever on the effects of marijuana. And later, a big change under the big top. Because my teeth are yellow. These photos . Why dont you use a whitening toothpaste . Im afraid its bad for my teeth. Try crest 3d white. Crest 3d White Diamond strong toothpaste and rinse. Gently whiten. And fortify weak spots. Use together for 2 times stronger enamel. Crest 3d white. Talking about dove advance care. 48 hours of protection. I dont have to reapply this. Not once its really soft and almost velvety. As you put it on. I can show my arms. When im dancing. 5 stars like a 4. 5 out of 5. Actually, i wanna change that. Its like reaaally soft. Actually, i give a 5 stars try dove advance care. For softer, smoother underarms. Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Pelley some of the nations top doctors and Public Health experts put out a landmark report today on the Health Effects of marijuana. It looked at more than 10,000 studies into medical and Recreational Use. Our chief medical correspondent dr. Jon lapook went through the 400 pages today. Jon, what stood out . Reporter scott in terms of treatment, theres pretty solid evidence that cannabis is effective in relieving chronic pain in adults, nausea from chemotherapy, and muscle tightness and spasm in multiple sclerosis. Now the report found more research is needed to see if it helps in hosts of other conditions like epilepsy, p. T. S. D. , and anxiety. Pelley what did the report say about Recreational Use . Reporter i spoke to two of the authors and they said its really difficult to make definitive conclusions. A lot of the literature is based on selfreporting with no standardization of exactly what theyre getting. There are more than 150 cannabinoid chemicals in cannabis, and so many different wales of using it. But the report did say theres evidence of increased risk of abuse of cannabis when use begins in adolescence. Schizophrenia, and other psychoses, especially among the heaviest users, but thats unclear whether its cause and effect and car accidents. Now, scott, theres no roadside equivalent for cannabis of the breathalyzer test for alcohol. Bottom line here is we need a lot more research into the potential medical benefits, and the possible risks. Pelley dr. Jon lapook for us tonight. Thank you, doctor. Coming up, another n. F. L. Team bolting for los angeles. With toothpaste or plain water. An their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. achoo you can pick up did cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. And we all know what happens when one Family Member gets sick. But lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99. 9 of germs including 8 common cold flu viruses to help protect your home this cold and flu season. Check sundays paper to save up to 4 on lysol and buy any 5 lysol products for 100 bonus box tops. New pantene doesnt just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it. Gain. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. Pelley in baltimore today, six children were killed when their home was destroyed by fire. They were between nine months and 11 years old. Their mother, who works for congressman elijah cummings, made it out with three other children. Her father was working overnight at a restaurant. The cause of the fire unknown. Today, baltimores Police Department signed an agreement with the u. S. Justice department to overhaul everything from how officers stop people on the street, to how they are trained and disciplined. This follows the death in 2015 of freddie gray, who was fatally injured while riding in a police van. For two decades, los angeles had no n. F. L. Team. Now it has two. Today, the chargers said theyre moving up the coast from san diego to join the rams. Some fans cried. Others dumped their chargers gear in front of the stadium and even set some of the stuff on fire. Well be right back. Pelley we end tonight with a first for the ringling brothers circus. A woman is about to step on to the floor and shatter the ceiling. David begnaud is in orlando. Reporter scott, good evening. The show starts in about to start. You know, this show is older than major league baseball. But, scott, there have been fewer u. S. President s than there have been ringling brothers ring masters. Thats why its a big deal that the new master is a woman. The very first female ringmaster in our history. Reporter Kristen Michelle wilson outperformed hundreds of candidates for the top spot under the big top. Its a huge deal. Reporter why . Im the very first female ringmaster in 146 years. Reporter tonight, the florida native will lead 110 performers with 49 animals, guiding the audience through highflying acts and those deathdefying stunts. The more that ive held on to the title and ive talked to women and ive talked to my grandmother and her reaction, it really lets me understand the responsibility of being the first. And it makes me want to be loud and proud and hold the banner high. Reporter the 35yearold first saw it as a little girl and dreamed of being on a big stage. But before putting on her tophat and tails, wilson worked in dinner theater, did voiceovers and was the lead singer of a cover band. Dancing and singing its really amazing because all of these different experiences that ive had the opportunity to have in my life have really blended together in an amazing way to prepare me to lead the biggest show on earth. Were blasting off, were on our way reporter how many of these have you watched . First one. Reporter thats kristens mother, jean, watching the final dress rehearsal. You said shes the only one in the family with the chutzpah to do this. She is. And shes always had it, you know. I dont know. She loves being out in front of the crowds, and making memories for people. Reporter making memories and history as a new star shines over the greatest show on earth. From the snow to the heat david begnaud, cbs news, orlando. Pelley and thats the cbs overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues, for others check back with us. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im scott pelley. This is the cbs overnight news. Hi everyone, and welcome to the overnight news, im demarco morgan. The controversy swirling around last years president ial election is apparently far from over. The justice departments Inspector General says he is opening an investigation of fbi director james comey, specifically the decision regarding Hillary Clintons emails being reopened. Clinton claims it cost her the white house. Reporter the inspectorgenerals probe goes to the heart of the investigation into secretary clintons private email server. It will examine allegations that policies and procedures were not followed by fbi director james comey. It will also look at whether certain officials should have recused themselves and whether or not Public Information was inappropriately given to the media. Comey broke with fbi protocol when he publicly announced in july that secretary clinton would not face charges. We did not find clear evidence that secretary clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws. Reporter then, 12 days before the election, the director wrote to congress that he had reopened the investigation after agents discovered emails on a laptop used by clinton aide, huma abedin that appeared to be pertinent. But just two days before the election, he sent another letter once again clearing clinton and closing the probe. Correct, especially in a public forum. Reporter at a Senate Hearing tuesday, comey declined to discuss any potential investigations into president elect donald trump or his associates. Prompting this response from maine senator angus king. The irony of you making that statement here i cannot avoid. Comey says that he will cooperate with the investigation. Scott, in a closed door meeting on capitol hill today he was grilled by some Democratic Senators who blame the fbi director in part for secretary clintons loss. Washington is still abuzz with the war of words between president elect donald trump and the u. S. Intelligence committee. At issue, the unsubstantiated report that russia had collected a dossier on mr. Trump to be used as blackmail at a later date. The president elect calls it fake news and blames the release on americas spy agencies. Major garrett has the latest. Reporter cbs news has confirmed that christopher steele, seen in this photo, produced the memo claiming unsubstantiated claims that russia had personal and Financial Information about president elect donald trump. Steele is a former British Intelligence officer who works for orbis intelligence, a private Investigator Firm in london. Orbis was originally hired by fusion, hired by an unknown clima client. Mr. Trump said the memo was phoney. I think it was disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake out. And that is something that nazi germany would have done and did do. Reporter director of National Intelligence James Clapper phoned mr. Trump last night. In a statement, clapper said he expressed his profound dismay at the leaks and emphasized the unverified document is not a u. S. Intelligence product. President obama and Vice President joe biden received the memo. On msnbc, the Vice President was asked if the documents were appropriate. So that it didnt come out of the blue have any impact on on the conduct of our foreign policy. Reporter House Speaker paul ryan told cbs news he understands mr. Trumps frustration, calling the leaks and the subsequent media frenzy unfair, but scott, he said he would not have used the nazi tactics in this or any other matter. Reporter you can probably see the kremlin through the snow behind me, they have just had their regular press conference, press briefing. And top of the agenda, no surprise, u. S. Russia relations, first off, the spokesperson said that the u. S. Military buildup in poland threatens russias national interests. Just a few days ago all the hardware of a u. S. Combat brigade is now rolling towards poland. 4,000 u. S. Troops will hook up with it and then take part in an extensive multinational nato exercises all through the summer. This amounts to the first buildup of u. S. Troops since the cold war and the russians clearly dont like it. Peskoh also singled out Rex Tillersons comments that the annexation was death. Certainly they mention the kremlins denial that they have no material that they could use to blackmail donald trump, but what is taking up equal space in the media landscape today is Donald Trumps chaotic press conference yesterday. His dustup with some members of the media. And also Barack Obamas goodbye speech, you can see the big photograph on the front page today of president obama wiping away a tear. It turns out that volkswagen was not the only automaker using software to get around diesel control for their vehicles. Now its chrysler. Reporter the cheating allegedly spanis years, the documents allege that the ram model pickups from 2014, 15 and 16 has illegal levels of greenhouse gases. The epa notified that failing to disclose the software could result in the harmful pollution that we breathe. Why these are there, what they do, and why they have to be designed the way they are. Reporter david clegen issued a similar warning to the automaker today. They didnt disclose them to the regulatory agencies certifying the vehicles, secondly, when they are activated they put out more emissions than the law allows. Reporter the allegations are similar at volkswagen, yesterday, the german automaker agreed to plead guilty to three counts regarding emissions. One executive has been arrested, and it has cost them 4 billion. In a teleconference with reporters, the fiatchrysler ceo angrily denied charges and says that anyone who tries to draw the comparison between us and vw is smoking illegal material. The cbs overnight news will be right back. If youre headed to the movies tonight you may want to check out the film patriots day the movie about the 2013 bombing in boston and the hunt. Patriots day has been in production for a while. Cbs cameras were on hand for one important scene. Dana jacobson reports. Reporter in the heart of boston, standing on Hallowed Ground that is forever a part of the citys soul, red sox slugger david ortiz. Youre the best, god bless you, thank you. Reporter and Actor Mark Wahlberg prepare to shoot a pivotal scene in patriots day. Fanfavored big papi is used to spending his days at fenway. His majestic home runs cemented his status among the legends. All right, boston. Reporter just five days after the marathon bombing, big papi stood on the Pitchers Mound at fenway. His delivery, perfect. Not only speaking to boston but for it. This jersey that we wear today it doesnt say red sox. It says boston. I speak from my heart. It was not something i ever planned, or wrote it. I was speaking just like i know the citizens that were suffering. Reporter wahlberg, a boston native, and the films director, remember the speech well. What did you remember when you saw the speech happen . Chills, i got chills, overwhelmed with emotion, i could tell upset he was, he knows how resilient the people of boston are and that boston strong is something now that the world got to see. Reporter we tuck in behind the crew as cameras roll in a tunnel leading to the real fenway park. From there, ortiz walks out to give his now famous 54word speech. This jersey. Reporter instead of trying to recreate the moment the movie cuts to actual game footage. This is our city. Reporter the filmmakers did not want the movie to just be about the bombing. They also wanted to show hope. And nobody is going to take our freedom. Stand strong. He really summed it up better than anybody when he talked about how the city was feeling, about what happened. And this movie is about good overpowering evil and love being stronger than hate. Oh, man, i thought it was an unbelievable opportunity. I was more than happy to do it. I would do anything for this town. Reporter boston strong, boston family it sounds like. Right now boston is working against us, right now, in this city, when it comes to terrorism everybody wants to talk. I take where i come from very seriously and i know that i would be held accountable if i did not get it right. What is the biggest challenge of doing the movie . Staying in the moment, i get so overwhelmed with emotion when i think about all the families and victims. In my script, i have pictures of everybody and just reminds me of the responsibility that i carry. Reporter director peter berg is aware of the criticism they face from locals who dont want hollywood to profit off tragedy or feel it is too soon to dramatize. And to people who feel it is too soon, what do you say . We were talking about it, mark said i think it may be too late. It cant be too soon. Good versus evil, love versus hate. How can it be too soon to showcase the spirit and love that this city responded with, particular laeshl when particularly when you look at what is happening every month now it seems, people say why cant we stop it . I dont have the answer to that, but we do see regardless of what happens and what they do to us, love seems to triumph. And i dont think its too soon for that. A College Freshman in colorado has a new idea about a socalled smart gun that can only be fired by its owner, people have been working on the technology for years, but the technology is blocked. Reporter every firearm sold comes with a locking device like this. And gun rights advocates say these devices should be credited with keeping accidental gunshots at historic lows. Yet, every hour somebody dies from gunshot wounds and at least once a week that victim is a child. Now a 19yearold says he has a solution, the very first gun that locks and unlocks. Reporter this weapon fires like any other weapon, but watch what happens when i give it a try. That clicking sound . Cloudy signal a revolution in gun safety. The first firearm with the same builtin security as many smartphones. If the gun is picked by an authorized user this sensor recognizes the fingerprint and . It will fire. It will fire. Reporter good luck with that. Reporter guns that only work for their owners used to be the stuff of movies. But klepfer thinks he has the technology to make them a reality. I think this could be huge, it could really be the future of firearms. Reporter he is a founder of biofire, a startup still in his basement at his parents house. There would be days i sat down, i would be sitting there 14 hours. Reporter he realized he could not stop Mass Shootings but thought he could still save lives. After all in one year alone, nearly 600 people died in firearms accidents. There were thousands more suicides, many committed with guns that do not belong to the victim. Why did it take four and a half years to put a fingerprint reader on the side of a gun . Well, its not as simple a process as you may imagine, its not really something that has ever been done before. His weapon not only locks like a smartphone but charges like one. And the invention has won him some deeppocketed allies. Ki is the Mark Zuckerberg of guns. Reporter this man is putting his money behind kis smart gun. What ki has done is use all the latest Technology Available to us to innovative a truly authenticated gun. You could not do this five years ago. Reporter but a push for similar guns misfired memorably in the late90s. A cold prototype test failed, and the company was nearly bankrupt. What changed to make it possible to make a smart gun like the one youre working on. Good intentions dont necessarily make good inventions. Reporter steve inceneti is president of the foundation that makes and sells guns, he expressed the concern about the reliability of any firearm that depends on battery power. The firearm has to work, and the firearm is not the same as a cell phone. The consequences of a cell phone not working are inconvenience, the consequence of a gun not working could be somebodys life. How reliable is it . Almost completely. I know every time i use it it functions almost every single time. But not every time, the prototype failed that we had seen. Shorted it. Reporter still, he thinks an ultrafast and reliable final weapon is not far off. Im now to the point where im able to you know start raising money, building a team, really transitioning this to a real company, a real startup instead of just a kid in his garage working on a science fair project. Rise above joint discomfort with move free ultras triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20 better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill. Get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. Tiki barber running hambone a barber shop . T hut yes surprising. Yes whats not surprising . How much money david saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Whos next . Mom washed our clothes. Credibility as handymen. One wash with tide pods and were right back where we started. We look like catalogue models who trusts a clean handyman anyway . We cant look this good dinge is the dirt the bargain detergent cant get to. Tide pods can. Is your deodorant leaving white marks or yellow stains on your clothes . Use new degree ultraclear black white. No white marks on black clothes. And no yellow stains on white. So your white clothes stay white. And your black clothes stay black. Choose degree ultraclear black white. It wont let you down. Climate change has reached towards every corner of the globe. That includes Glacier National shot. Like every photographer, he is concerned with getting the perfect shot. Hiking 12 miles together up Steep Mountain passes, across icy streams. All to photograph a small slice of montanas Glacier National park. Visitors take snapshots of the views. But when he looks through his lens he sees something different. He is trying to take a picture of what is not there. The tons and tons of ice that have disappeared. Oh, my gosh. None of that is there. None of that is there. He is an ecologist with the u. S. Geological survey. Using material from the archives, they have been rephotographing. Rephotography is interesting, its a bit of a detective story. Youre trying to find the exact spot the photographer stood decades before and compare the two pictures. In a short amount of time the change has been dramatic. So 50 years ago, what would we have been looking at . Well, 50 years ago we would have been under ice right here. Right here . Under a lot of ice. The sign says Glacier National park, but some models suggested that these Montana Mountains will lose most if not all of these glaciers by 2030. Soon, there will not be any ice left to photograph. You know like a lot of people, i really like the glaciers in glacier park. And while ill be sad to see them go personally, i think my role as a scientist seems to make sure that everybody understands the pace at which theyre disappearing and the reasons for that, and how it could be helpful to society. The reason, scientists explain, is Climate Change. I have experienced it firsthand, in alaska, they will survive longer than those in montana, but theyre still shrinking. Walking into the park there were signs where there was once ice. 1921, all the way up to 2005. Markers of where this glacier used to be. Last year, president obama paid a visit to the fjords to talk about ice. In 2016, this glacier has already retreated over 250 feet. That is a new record. The thing that lets us know this is Climate Change is the rate of increase has decreased dramatically. At the park, the ranger uses photos to illustrate before and after. So this one is 1992. So wow, this used to cover the whole grain area. From alaska to montana, photos that were originally taken to publicize the natural wonders are now being used to publicize how theyre disappearing. Photos are extremely visual, and you hear about a photo being wo a british monarchy may have been unearthed in new york city. The tapestry is believed to be a work of art dating back to the reign of king henry viii, how it ended up in the big apple is anybodys guess. It all started with a google search, it really did, a cambridge professor was just looking for a replica to use in a lecture, but may have stumbled on the real thing. Reporter the scholars are on the trail of history. Is that king henrys wine stain . You put your finger up. That is exactly right. Reporter in the high end but hidden away new york city rug gallery they believe they may be looking at a treasure that once hung here, in the palace of king henry viii. The tapestry could have been the witness to history. Reporter each of the tapestries showed the life of juli julius ceasar. None of the ten had been seen in hundreds of years. I think its absolutely clear that what we have here is something really very significant. Reporter roger and alexi say the tapestry is the right size and age to match king henrys. Now they plan to test the authenticity as part of the institute of digital archeology. A group that uses Digital Technology to drill into the past. What we have to do is essentially take its fingerprints. Reporter they joined the case after getting an email from mary beard, a classics professor. When this cambridge scholar said i found something on the internet. Google is the new dustbrush that folks look to, to uncover lost treasures. Reporter in the centuries following their disappearance, the tapestries were reproduced. This is one of those replicas, she told cbs news she never thought it was an original henry viii tapestry. Nobody knows how they were lost, but this persian shop picked up two of them. We have been with them for a while. But now . Had no idea what you had. We were sitting on a treasure. Theyre out there somewhere. You believe theyre out there somewhere. One could be sitting right behind you. Well, that is the overnight news, for some the news continues, for others, check w captioning funded by cbs its friday, january 13th, 2017. This is the cbs morning news. Donald trump becomes our 45th president one week from today but its his opponent whos back in the headlines. Fbi director james comey faces new criticism over his handling of Hillary Clintons email investigation. Mr. Trumps break from his soontobe boss and his righthand man in a ceremony that left the honoree emotional. For

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