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You can help children in low income neighborhoods get the help they need to stay in school and go on to college. I have a dream foundation provides mentoring, academic help, and tuition to make this dream come true. Learn how this Program Helps students build life skills while increasing High School Graduation and College Participation rates. Visit and find out how you can be a part of the dream. Cbs cares. Cer you taught him how to hit a baseball. How to hit a receiver. You even taught him how to hit the open man. But how much time have you spent teaching him. What not to hit . Mr. Trump took time out from transition meetings to day to give an hourlong deposition under oath. The president elect is suing restauranteur jose andres who canceled plans to open a spanish themed restaurant at the trump hotel in d. C. He objected to candidate trumps characterization of some mexican immigrants as rapists. President obama called the individual yoi showing four africanamericans beating and tormenting a mental ly disabled white man despicable and terrible. Parts of the attack in chicago were shown live on facebook to. Day the four suspects were charged with hate crimes. Dean reynolds has the latest. We do caution you, the video is quite disturbing. Get the phone. The 18yearold victim described as mentally challenged had been missing for two days when he turned up tuesday on facebook and in trouble. Forced to drink from a toilet. He is also seen being kicked, choked, cut, and cursed. All streamed live on face book. Whole patch out. The victims alleged tormenters, two women and two men were actually texting the teenagers parents during the fivehour incident. Suggesting a possible extortion attempt. Say i love black people. I love black people. The victim was rescued by officers who found him after he escaped wandering bloody and incoherent. At the same time, Police Responding to a disturbance call, arrested four people at the apartment and quickly linked them to the facebook video. My little sister said. Tell donald trump the victim its white. Suspects are africanamerican. Three are 18, one is 24. Now, they all face charges for hate crimes. As well as kidnapping, battery and other offenses. As the the beating streamed live on tuesday, social media commentary poured in. Yall cant be this stupid, said one post. Going to jail and one day to hell said another. In fact, the suspects now face the possibility of decades behind bars, josh. While the victim has been reunited with his family and is said to be recovering from his ordeal. That is a measure of good news there, Dean Reynolds in chicago. Thank you. Well, retailers rang up record sales online over the holidays. Shoppers using computers and mobile devices spent nearly 92 billion. Thats up 11 from 2015. But, it was a different story indeed for the department stores. And now many are closing. Here is jericka duncan. Reporter with Holiday Shopping over, the Retail Store Closing season has begun. With macys leading the charge. The nations Largest Department store announced it will close 100 stores, about 14 of its entire fleet and shed 10,000 jobs. One reason, a failure to adapt to the cultural shift in consumer shopping. Retail strategist melissa gonzalez. Theyre not as nimble. Cant change. Not Technology First companies. So theyre starting to reevaluate and restrk chur and some going out of business, but they need to deliver Something Different to consumers now. Sears holdings shuttering 100 k mart and sears stores. Office depot, 450 stores. And a dozen more like aeropostale, American Eagle and childrens place announced more than 100 stores will close by end of 2017. Traditional retailers stumbled despite a strong year for the Retail Industry overall. It saw nearly 3 increase in sales this past holiday season. But Online Shopping was the clear winner. Sales jumped 17 from the year before. Nearly 40 of those shoppers used amazon. What is it going to take for the breck and Mortar Stores to be around 20, 30 years from now. Ened of the day you and i can hit a buy button from everywhere. They have to get savvy how they create a stronger relationship. When its time to buy the mattress or shoes, i will think of that brand. Reporter macys plans to close 60 of its stores by this spring. Josh, the company is expected to save 550 million annually. Jericka, thank you. Winter storms are burying parts of the east and west. Off lake ontario, new yorks snowbelt had 2 feet of fresh powder on the ground this morning. It kept coming done today. Up to 3 inches per hour in fact. While in parts of the Sierra Nevada its been snowing nonstop since tuesday. Californias Mammoth Mountain is under 7 feet of new snow. Another storm is moving in this weekend. Good news for skiers and snow boarders everywhere, perhaps, but how about for the rest of us. Turn now to eric fisher, chief meteorologist, at wbz in boston. Eric. Josh, good evening. Amazing to think that some parts of california have seen over 80 inches of snow. Or 10 inches of rain. That was the small sform storm of the week. Saturday, sunday, monday, atmospheric river, plume of air, lot of water vapor in it will head into california. Widespread, 4 to 8 inches of rainfall and several feet of mountain snow look likely. See the fire hose effect. Pointed at the bay area. Central, northern california. Where we will see the heaviest rainfall totals. Threat for flash flooding as well. When it comes to snow, looking at over 5 feet in the elevations. Snow levels high, mainly over 7,000 feet. However, some mountains will have over 200 inches of snow this month by the time we get to middle of next week. Also watching winter storm across the southeast. North georgia into the carolinas. This friday night into saturday morning, this laying down several inches of snow. Snow, cold temperatures, never a great combination in the southeast. North georgia, carolinas in particular, and the big story here, josh, cold following the snow, once it falls wont be melting this weekend. Many will likely be stuck indoors. Tough for the southeast. Great news in california where Drought Conditions have been difficult. Eric fisher, thank you. Coming up next doctors do a 180 on how to prevent childhood peanut allergies. Later the dog that helps kids testify in court. Hey, searching for a great used yeah you got it. Just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. I dont want one thats had a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported pretty cool i like it thats the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at carfax. Com the National Institutes of health reversed itself today on just how to prevent childhood peanut allergies. Cases quadrupled over 13 years. Instead of keeping peanuts away from babies with high risk of allergy, new advice, feed them small amounts of peanut based foods as infants. More now from dr. Jon lapook. Reporter 4 1 2yearold twins, audrey and isa share everything. Everything that is except isas peanut allergy. When isa was diagnosed as a baby her mother was given traditional guidance. No ingest, at all of peanuts. No contact either. Because she had a contact allergy where if she so much as even touched peanuts she would even touched peanuts she would out into hives everywhere. When her brother ander was born last year at high risk for peanut allergy, the plan was reversed. She was told to feed him diluted Peanut Butter on a regular basis at 4 months to avoid developing an allergy. Been able to have it three, four times at home with no Adverse Reactions a sigh of relief for all of us. Now saying it is okay. Go do it. Dr. Hugh stampson helped write the new guidelines. In the high risk children we need to get peanut into their diet early to pry to prevent allergy. Guidelines categorize high risk babies those with eczema, egg allergy or both. Introducing peanut protein is now recommend as early as four months old. This regiment lowers the odds of peanut allergy by at least 70 , leading to the new guidelines. I wish this would cure a peanut allergy, its unlikely. We can significantly reduce the amount of peanut allergy. Peanut allergy can be fatal. It is very important for parents of children at risk to discuss with their pediatrician whether and how to introduce peanut protein. In any case, never give a baby whole pea nuts which can be a choking hazard. Such big, fascinating news for those with little ones at home like myself. Jon, thank you for it. Still to come here, phone companies, send a kill command to thousand of smart phones. You knmegared omega3s. But did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too . Introducing megared advanced 4in1. Just one softgel delivers mega support. From surfaces for up to 48 hours. You can pick up the flu its like having a sick Family Member in your home. But lysol kills 99. 9 of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. To help protect your home lysol that. Folks who have stubbornly hang on to the samsung gal,y note 7 smart phone will soon have little choice to turn them in. This week, several carriers, sending out Software Updates that will prevent the phones from recharging or connecting to cellular networks. The note 7 is under a worldwide recall after several overheated and caused fires. Handwritten notes, Princess Diana sent to the chief steward were sold at auction. William adores his little brother and spend the entire time swamping harry with an Endless Supply of hugs and kisses. Written in 1984, five days after harry was born. It sold for 4,000. Another note, written in 1992, sold for 3,000. In it, diana wrote that the boys were njoying boarding school, although harry is constantly in trouble. Ah, the more things change, i suppose. Still to come here, a special member of the special victims unit. Finally tonight, getting witnesses to tell their stories in court can sometimes be very difficult. But one member of a Prosecutors Team in colorado has the a very special talent for getting even the most timid to open up. Heres barry peterson. So sweet. A good girl. Translator training day at the office for pella, a labrador golden retriever mix. Look at that. Did a good job. The 5yearold and other children we met were volunteers helping in pellas work as a courthouse facility dog. Just brings a smile to people any face. Reporter pellas job create by a criminal investigator at the colorado district attorneys office. Call them partners. They take on the toughest cases. When a child has been hurt or sexually abused or seen a horrible crime. It often starts with the investigation when a child may be too traumatized to talk. You bring pella in. What happens . They interact with you. If pella thinks you are okay. Must be okay. She played a role in 450 cases. She stays out of sight so jurors focus on testimony not the dog. This keeps pellas skills sharp. Her gift to a frightened child that must testify her presence. Volunteer, 11yearold abby helped us understand the childs view when the defendant can be sitting a few feet away. Do you think it helps to have pella here, little protection or comfort . I think it would help. I would be afraid of the person. She would be there to help me relax and calm and not feel so scared. Good girl. The minute she hears or sees a child around i see her look for them. Thats really important for her to be very focused on them. A pretty special dog . She is a special dog. Go, pella, go. Good girl. Reporter thats what makes her pella, the most lovable crime fighter around. Hug. There you go. Barry peterson. Cbs news, colorado. That is the overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news does continue. For others do check back later for the morning news and of course, cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center here in new york city, im josh elliott. This is the cbs overnight news. Hi, welcome to overnight news. Im demarco morgan. Leaders of the u. S. Intelligence community will gather at trump tower in new york city to brief mr. Trump. Mr. Trump has been openly skeptical of the charges. Yesterday the director of national intelligence, james clapper, laid out the case against moscow on capitol hill. Nancy cordes has the the story. Reporter the nations top intelligence official, james clapper, said he is more convinced than ever it was the russians who hacked the Democratic National committee and Clinton Campaign chair john podesta. This was a multifaceted campaign. So the hacking was only one part of it. And it also entailed classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news. Does that continue . Yes. Reporter was it an act of war . Clapper said that was not his call to make. Nor was he prepared to say it cost clinton the election. Certainly Intelligence Community cant gauge the impact it had on choices of the electorate made. There is no way for us to gauge that. Either way said republican lindsay graham, the u. S. Need to strike back. I think what obama did was throw a pebble. Im ready to throw a rock. Hanging over the hearing, mr. Trumps very public doubts that clapper and his agents have it right. Missouri democrat, claire mccaskill. Who is the benefactor of some one about to become commanderinchief trashing the Intelligence Community. I received many expressions of concern from foreign counterparts about you know the disparagement of the u. S. Intelligence community or i should say what is interpreted as disparagement of the Intelligence Community. Mike rodgers who heads the National Security agency said it could hurt morale. I just dont want a situation where our work force decide to walk. I think that really is not a good place for us to be. Mr. Trump tweeted to day that he is actually a big fan of the u. S. Intelligence community and publicly backed up Julian Assange who claims the leaked e mails did not come from russian state actors. Director clapper, how would you describe mr. Assange. Dont think those in the Intelligence Community have a whole lot of respect for him. Admiral . I would echo the comments. Reporter House Speaker paul ryan says gop will move ahead to repeal Affordable Care act and insists his republican colleagues will come up with something to replace it before the end of the year. Here again, nancy cordes. Reporter president obama actually apologized to democrats here on capitol hill for not doing a better job all these years selling obamacare. He urged them to get out there and tell personal stories of people who are benefiting from the law. But, with repeal, all but assured. The fight has really moved on now to who is going to get the blame if people lose coverage. The ayes have 51. Nays, are 48. Reporter republicans took the first vote in the repeal process wednesday. Now theyre going to on it. Reporter as the two sides tangled over who is going to own the post repeal mess if there is one. The simple fact is the American People know who owns obamacare. The first half of the title. Vice president elect mike pence and president obama both came to capitol hill to gurd their troops for the escalating war. Democrats argued in their zeal for repeal, republicans have ignored what comes next. They are replacing Affordable Care with chaos. The nations largest Doctors Association made the same case in a letter to leaders of congress. Writing before any action is taken, policymakers should lay out for the American People in reasonable detail what will replace current policies. They have no replacement plan because they cant agree, they dont have the votes. Reporter House Speaker paul ryan could not provide specifics but said theyre coming. We have a plan to replace it. Plenty of ideas to replace it. You will see, as weeks and months unfold what we are talking about replacing it. The Vice President elect promised the new administration understands that Americas Health is on the line. Look, we are talking about peoples lives. We are talking about families. But we are also talking about a policy that has been a failure virtually since its inception. He said mr. Trump would use executive actions from day one to help roll back obama care. But mr. Obamas press secretary warned that president ial power in this arena is limited. If we had conceived of a way for the president to use executive action to strengthen the Affordable Care act, then i assure you we would have done it. The blame game continues on twitter this morning. President elect donald trump in the midst of a series of tweets about the issue saying that democrats are doing the typical political thing. And blaming republicans. The fact is, he says that obamacare was a lie from the beginning, keep yog doctor, keep your plan. When Samsungs Galaxy note 7 exploded on the scene it was built as revolutionary forward in smartphones. When the device started exploding for real. All gets ear off. A worldwide recall has been issued. Verizon and at t sent out an update that keeps the phone from recharging or connecting to cellular network. As kris van cleave reports, some dont want to give up their phones. Chris thompson is holding on to his samsung, despite 2 million recalled and banned on aircraft. I am very attached to it. Been the best known i ever had. Reporter despite a defect that caused the smart phones lithium battery to everheat in some cases worst into flames, resulting in at least 13 reports of burns and 47 reports of property damage. A lot of us feel that there were not enough incidences out of how many phones were actually out there. For it to be a serious problem. I mean its less than a 1 chance. Samsung says more than 93 of the note 7s under recall have been turned in. More than 100,000 are still out there. Thats why the company worked with wireless carriers on the update effectively rendering the phone useless. Thompson and note 7 fans are coming together on line sharing ways to avoice the update so they can keep using the device. As you know, this year, was a challenging year for samsung. The recall has cost samsung billions. Its focus now is putting the note 7 debacle in the past. Samsung u. S. President tim baxter spoke at Consumer Electronics show wednesday promising the company will soon release the cause of the defect. We continue our intensive efforts internally and with Third Party Experts to understand what happened, and to make sure it does not happen again. This is going to be a rebuilding year for samsung. A hard year for them. In terms of marketing, samsung is going to have to do things to reassure customers they know what happened, not going to happen again. That all samsung devices are safe from here on out. Reporter now, samsung and the Consumer Product Safety Commission say if you still have a note 7 turn it off and bring it back. You can exchange it for a new phone. Or get a refund. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Mthat stuff only lasts a few hours. Or, take mucinex. One pill fights congestion for 12 hours. Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours . Lets end this. The city of boston has a long history of racial tension. That has overtaken ferguson or baltimore or dallas. Michelle miller reports on how Bostons Police department and young residents are finding it. Worcester struggles with crime but youth there are part of the solution. Dante says he has been stopped by Police Hundreds of times. But he has never been arrested. I stand here in front of you not as a suspect as a leader. A youth leader for teen empowerment and brings together teens and police in boston to talk. It is a tough time for police in the Community Relations right now in america. Not a secret. They engage in nontraditional ways. It is disarming for both sides. Really having them stand in each others shoes. They see some one who maybe is exactly like them. Who, who, faces the exact same challenges. Stanley pollack founded the program in 1992 when Violent Crime was rampant in boston. It gathered gang members, sworn enemies and brokered a peace deal. Get them into a room. You have them talk. You have them sit there and look at what the fight is really about. Reporter in the mid 90s for 29 months not a Single Person under the age of 21 was killed on the streets. One of the things that took place, a belief in young people. An investment in young people as leaders. And paid them for their work to make their community peaceful. From 2015 to 2016 in the parts of city where the program operates, homicides have remained flat. But throughout boston, homicides went up 36 . Pollack sees the steenz as agents of change. It begins not because they have of a problem. Because they have something to offer. Theyre paid to organize events and recruit new members. Including Police Officers like zach crossin. Middle of summer. Hot out. Reporter he met dante in the park this summer. A case of mistaken identity. In my mind i am thinking in a neighborhood where there has been recent shooting activity. Reporter were you worried about stereotyping . No. This young man . No. I get it. I am not naive to understand. I know i am a white police officeren a predominantly minority neighborhood. A huge thing to overcome. But they did. From the other side of the fence, dante handed officer zach a flier. Do normally whip out teen empowerment fliers when you see Police Officers . I do now. A wall this high. Could have been a real barrier for you two . Absolutely. Im glad it wasnt. Reporter there was a time when things might have gone very differently for dante. You had dropped out of school. You were homeless. You were considering selling drugs. What stopped you . There is no love in the streets. Only two ways. Either die or go to jail. But there is a third choice you made . The change. Reporter been a tough life for you . Uhhuh. Real tough. Reporter dante is now back at school. Working to graduate this spring. But he and officer zach are not naive. The faces of dead unarmed black males killed by police and men in blue killed on the job, run through their minds every day. I want to go home to my family. Just as much as any bed else wants to go home to theirs. Still, what is happening here i know. Is what they believe has freed boston from the fate of so many other cities. Look how me and zach are, how i can sit down and have a conversation with the officer, you know, if there happens to be a time where high have to be stopped. Not going to be that hostility. Because you know, thats dante. You know, we are on common ground. Some of the most vulnerable victims and witnesses in court cases are finding strength in mans best friend. Facility canines or court dogs playing a growing roll in the justice system. They bond with kids and help them through trauma of facing abuser or giving testimony. Barry peterson has the story from the arapapo courthouse in colorado. So sweet. A good girl. Translator training day at the office for pella, a labrador golden retriever mix. Look at that. Did a good job. The 5yearold and other children we met were volunteers helping in pellas work as a courthouse facility dog. Just brings a smile to people any face. Reporter pellas job create by a criminal investigator at the colorado district attorneys office. Call them partners. They take on the toughest cases. When a child has been hurt or sexually abused or seen a horrible crime. It often starts with the investigation when a child may be too traumatized to talk. You bring pella in. What happens . They interact with you. If pella thinks you are okay. Must be okay. She played a role in 450 cases. She stays out of sight so jurors focus on testimony not the dog. This keeps pellas skills sharp. Her gift to a frightened child that must testify her presence. Volunteer, 11yearold abby helped us understand the childs view when the defendant can be sitting a few feet away. To have a witness willing to talk. Makes the jury hear their story. And focus on them. Rather than being focused on me and questions. And it looks like i have to draw it out of them. Pella stays out of sight on purpose. Jurors never know she is there. So they will focus on the testimony, not the dog. Your teacher. Abby helped us understand the childs view. When the defendant can be sitting only a few feet away. Do you think it helps to have pella here, little protection or comfort . I think it would help. I would be afraid of the person. She would be there to help me relax and calm and not feel so scared. Pella has company. There are 126 courthouse dogs in 33 states, plus the district of columbia. Pella, fetch. Reporter really not as easy as getting a well trained dog. Its pella. The unconditional love that children sense instantly. Good girl, pella. She loves kids. The minute she hears or sees a child around. I see her look for them. Thats really important for her to be very focused on them. Reporter a pretty special dog. She is a special dog. They love her. She respond to them. Good girl. Thats what makes her pella, the mostlovable crime fighter around. There you go. Reporter barry peterson, colorado. Oh, thats lovely. So graceful. The corkscrew spin, flawless. His signature move, the flying dutchman. Poetry in motion. And there it is, the baby bird. Breathtaking. A sumo wrestler figure skating . Surprising. Whats not surprising . How much money heather saved by switching to geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Parent in one San Francisco neighborhood have an alternative to organized play dates or just letting the kids sit around playborhood in his backyard. Kids get to be well, kids. John blackstone has the story. Reporter within minutes of mike lanza and sons arriving home from school their backyard and driveway fill up with kids. It has enough fun things that kids never get bored. Reporter what lanza calls the playborhood, a place where neighborhood kids can play freely the so freely some parent might find it alarming. Some element of risk is okay . Some element of risk is okay. I want my kids to push themselves. I want them to try things and want them to have fun. Lets face it, it is no fun if there is all the safety stuff around. Lanza wants kids to have so much fun they will willingly choose this over electronic gadgets and games. App developer, Silicon Valley and telling kids get off their screens and get outside. I want them to have a great experience in real world. Reporter 8yearold collin young begged to be dropped off at the playborhood. What would you be doing if you didnt do this . Trying to find ways to do something extremely dangerous at the park . Why . Because its fun. Reporter the thrill of danger keeps brook brightenstein coming back. When i jumped dont was like whoo. Then it felt like i landed on a cloud instead of, getting really hurt. Lanza, who has masters degree in education wrote a book about how playborhoods, could become alternative for kids overscheduled with activities. At this house, any neighborhood parent can drop off a child to play. Imagine a parent coming into the backyard for the first time. Seeing a kid on the peak of the twostory, playhouse back there. Yeah. Freaking out. Yeah. They didnt just start doing that yesterday. They have been working up to that for a while. They learn how to do it safely. Some experts feel he is on to something. Bestselling author, Ashley Merryman explores Cutting Edge Research in child development. She fond free play with element of risk teaches important life skills. In Fact Research has actually shown that kids who spent more time in unstructured play as children, were higher in creativity as adults. You have to problem solve. You cant predict what is happening. Reporter 10yearold jack craves this type of freedom. His mom supports lanzas vision. Sure he could land wrong and break his leg on the trampoline. Well deal with that if it happens. I was jumping out of tree houses as a kid. I dont think its unusual. I think its important to have some faith that, your kids are not crazy lunatics. That, kids actually dont want to get hurt. And yes they may want to show off. Ultimately they want, dont want to have a broken bone. Reporter you dont want parents to think their kids are crazy lunatics, do some of them think you are a crazy lunatic . Maybe. Hahaha. Melanie thurnston used to let her twins visit the playbor hood, but some activities appeared unsafe. My children are naturally extremely reckless. I have seen my job as much more to shut that down. Reporter she says her breaking point when her children revealed they had been playing on the roof not of the playhouse, but atop lanzas multistory home by going through the attic. Can we go in the attic . Why dont you stay outside today . Reporter lanza told us playing on the roof hardly ever happens. When the lanzas are nor at home the kids are welcome to use the playborhood. You are not concerned some kid will get hurt and you will face a lawsuit. Anything could happen. What is the probability that our kids will have a wonderful life, fun childhood. I will take those odds any day. male 1 its a Little Something ive done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. Its never much, just whats left after i break a dollar. And i never thought i could get quality Life Insurance with my spare change. Neither did i. Until i saw a commercial for the Colonial Penn program. Imagine people our age getting Life Insurance at such an affordable rate. Its true. If youre 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just 9. 95 a month. Theres no medical exam and no health questions. You know, the average cost of a funeral is over 8,300. Now thats a big burden to leave your loved ones. As long as youre 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. Your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. Plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. Call now for free information and a free gift. All i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the Colonial Penn program were answered. It couldnt have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. Mmhm, with change to spare. laughing Colonial Penn jingle there is a heart warming business story baking in boston. A young woman with special challenges was brave enough to strike out on her own. And now, she is enjoying the sweet smell of success. Jim axelrod has the story. Reporter like any other budding entrepreneur, colette guard her Company Proprietary information carefully. This is the recipe . Yes. Reporter secret, right . A secret, yes. Reporter colette born 26 years ago with down syndrome is not like any other budding entrepreneur. Its my dream reporter her kitchen all way made her happy. When she kept getting rejected for jobs she decided it was going to make her money. And colettes cookies was born. Reporter you know what you smell . Chocolate chips. Reporter chocolate chips and money. Exactly. Money, honey. Rosemary is her mother. I think all the rejection for her made her say ill show them. Reporter there she was selling 100 cookies a couple week at golden goose. Give me a smooch. Reporter whose owner was the only grocer in boston to give her shelf space. Then the cbs station ran a story that went viral. Now, she has to fill 4,000 orders from around the country. With a dozen per order, colette has to bake 50,000 cookies. All you have to do, scoop it, pat it down from there. The commonwealth kitchen, nonprofit incubator, has stepped in to help her scale up. And colette is now closer to her real dream. Your Successful Company will be a model for other people with disabilities. Exactly, yes. Reporter if colette can do it. They can do it. Reporter turns out the secret ingredient she bakes into her cookies is not such a mystery after all. Is the secret ingredient you have been protecting so much, is it love . Yes, it is. Always been love. Its good. And its strong. Reporter which makes the cookies and the special woman making them about as sweet as they come. That was so good. Jim axlerod, cbs news, boston. Thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im demarco morgan. Live from the cbs Broadcast Center in philadelphia. This is cbs3 Eyewitness News this morning. We are waking up to snow, Winter Weather advisory is in effect. This is a live look at storm scan3 showing the areas still seeing snow right now. And this is a live look from bethlehem in the lehigh valley. You can see snow coating the sidewalk this morning. It is what you can expect to see when you leave home today. Whether you are in the western suburbs, the city or south jersey. Well today is friday, january 6, 2017. Good morning, im jim donovan. Im jan carabeo. Were on early today to get you up and out safely. Meisha is tracking the snows impact on the roads ahead of the morning rush. Reporter trang do is in mayfair, to update us on how things are looking there, first we look to meteorologist, Katie Fehlinger to whe t

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