Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160714 : comparemel

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160714

this is your skin. this is your skin in the sun. the sun ages your skin and can cause skin cancer. when the republican convention opens next monday, clinton will be addressing the naacp convention in cincinnati. but donald trump has declined the invitation of the civil rights group. that's rare. both mitt romney and both presidents bush spoke to the naacp, but reagan declined in 1980. negative views of race relations are at their highest since the 1992 riots that occurred after the acquittal of police officers who beat taxi driver rodney king in los angeles. a cbs news "new york times" poll out tonight finds that 69% of americans say race relations are bad, about the same as 1992. the new poll was taken after the police shootings of black men in louisiana and minnesota, and the murders of five police officers in dallas. there were funerals today for three of those officers, and we have that. ♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound >> reporter: at this service, dallas transit officer brent thompson was remembered as a family man. the father of six had recently married fellow transit officer emily. >> brent loves all of his brothers and sisters in blue. i encourage you to stand with me, continue to wear the badge with me, remembering the oath we took. we will not, we cannot, we shall not let the act of a coward break us. >> reporter: his daughter sandy fought back tears. >> one thing i would always say to my dad when he walked out the door was, good-bye, daddy, i love you, be safe. and tonight we say our final good-bye, daddy, we love you. be safe. >> reporter: thousands of law enforcement officers from across the country gathered to pay their respects to their fallen comrades. this was the procession for lorne ahrens. hundreds lined the streets. officers sa lulted. the youngest did too. >> not only was he big in physical stature, but his personality, his heart, his enthusiasm for police work and his devotion to his family were all larger than life. ♪s d >> reporter: at a mass for officer michael smith, an army veteran and father of two, he was called a warrior and guardian by his sister. >> my brother's murder will not be in vain. his selfless legacy will live on. >> reporter: and in some ways, it already has. this week a family friend shared a photograph of officer smith's daughter giving a bracelet she made to the daughter of fallen officer zamarripa. the funerals for officer zamarripa and officer michael krol are set to happen over the next few days. >> manuel, thank you. the murders of those dallas officers was motivated in part by the fatal police shooting of alton sterling in baton rouge. well, today, the american civil liberties union sued the police there over their treatment of protesters. sterling's 15-year-old son cameron urged marchers to protest, as he put it, the right way. david begnaud sat down with him. >> reporter: i'll never forget that image of you wailing on the side of your mom. >> when i put my arm around her. it's like somebody else hand touch me. like i had another hand laying on top of my hand. and when i looked over wasn't nobody else touching me. nobody else was touching me. and it was at that moment i knew, my daddy here, he's standing right beside here, we're standing here as a family once again. i want everyone to know, alton sterling was a good man, no matter what anybody else has to say about him. truly in my heart, i know he was a good dad. >> reporter: what is your opinion of police in general these days? >> all police aren't bad. they all aren't bad. there are some that are bad. but all aren't bad. how i feel? i feel all police shouldn't be punished for other police's crimes. the police in dallas, texas, they didn't deserve that. because you didn't, nobody knew if they had kids to go home to. those kids need their parents. >> reporter: people around the country have been protesting because of what happened to your dad. what would you say to them? >> continue protesting, but what i want, what i ask, if you truly love my father. i truly just want everyone to protest the right way. protesting in peace. not in violence. not beating the police. not police beating the people. that makes no sense. that make things worse. you have to make things better by making peace. >> reporter: today cameron got on a plane for washington. tomorrow it's expected he'll meet the president, and scott, on friday, he will return to baton rouge to burr y his dad. >> david begnaud reporting for us. 47 american troops have been rushed into south sudan to protect americans and the u.s. embassy. it was five years ago that the u.s. brokered a deal that created the world's newest nation, splitting it from the rest of sudan. but civil war between rival ethnic groups flared again this week. the u.n. says more than 4 million south sudanese are threatened by famine. coming up, a manhunt for a gunman who has killed at least seven. introducing new k-y for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. the worst thing about toilet they don't stay in the toilet. disinfect your bathroom with lysol bathroom trigger... ...lysol power foamer... ...and lysol toilet bowl cleaner. they kill 99.9% of germs including e. coli. to clean and disinfect in and out of the toilet... ...lysol that. there's a serial killer in phoenix. at least nine people have been shot in the last four months, and seven have died. carter evans is following the manhunt. >> that's when they opened fire. >> reporter: the three latest victims were murdered in dosy ellis's driveway. >> 12 bullets in my granddaughter, eight bullets in the other girl. >> reporter: his grand dpauter was the youngest victim. her friend and daughter were also gunned down. this is not a sniper shooting someone at a distance. >> right. not even a drive by. walked up. made sure someone were in the car. and just opened fire. >> reporter: phoenix police have now linked those murders to four others, and the fbi and u.s. marshals have joined the investigation. the shootings began in march. since then, the serial killer or killers have murdered within 50 square miles. >> we have not determined a motive. we haven't found a relationship between the victims. >> reporter: they knew have a sketch of the suspect. and the community, while on international is being vigilant. the mike upchurch is patrolling with the guardian angels. >> it's very frustrating. i know if he's not caught, he's going to kill again. >> reporter: but for dosy ellis and his wife sylvia, it's already too late. >> they've taken my world. my life. my daughter was my life. >> reporter: now phoenix police were just developing another apparent shooting that happened just a couple hours ago. neighbors around here were hoping it might provide new leads in the serial shooting case, but it appears right now it's not related. >> carter evans in phoenix, thank you very much. one by one, they were taken down by a powerful drug. yesterday more than 30 people in new york suffered bizarre reactions to an illegal synthetic drug which is now available all across the country. michelle miller reports from new york city. >> can't stand up straight. >> reporter: it was a bizarre scene. dozens of people with blank stares, stumbling around a brooklyn neighborhood yesterday. brian arthur live streamed it on facebook. >> i see everybody laying out on the floor, and everybody's stumbling all over the place. it looked like a scene out of a zombie movie. >> reporter: emergency workers sent 33 people to area hospitals saying they appeared to be under the influence of the sin thetsic drug known as k2 or spice. designed to mimic marijuana, it has far more powerful effects. this man says he's used it before. >> k2 does put you in a delusional world. have your mind spinning, mind alterment. >> reporter: k2 is made by spraying various legal chemicals onto plants, ground up and smoked. many users experience confusion, hallucinations, rapid heart rate and even seizures. police say it's sold at small neighborhood grocery stores. a cbs undercover producer found it at this brooklyn corner store last year. >> $10? >> reporter: k2 usage is growing nationwide. the cdc reports more than 3500 calls of synthetic marijuana use to poison centers over a five-month period last year. that's a 229% jump from the year before. drug dealers have managed to stay one step ahead of federal law enforcement. no sooner do they ban one recipe for k2, manufacturers come up with another, making it virtually impossible, scott, for the ingredients to be banned. >> michelle miller, thanks. up next, a teenager's p we end tonight with a poem written and performed by an atlanta teenager this past spring, but it's been getting new attention from millions after the violence that shook america last week. here's mark straussman. >> my name is maurice, and my poem is titled "white boy privilege." >> reporter: white boy privilege was an entry in a school poetry contest. >> to be honest, i'm scared about what it would be like if i wasn't on the top rung. if the tables were turned. >> reporter: his message was a plea from a 14 year old white male going to a private school in atlanta, let everyone share his privileges. >> i love it, because when i see a police officer, i see someone who's on my side. >> i'm just trying to be truthful and, about, like how i wouldn't trade places with somebody and i think a lot of people, sometimes aren't so truthful about that. >> reporter: racial divisions seared america last week after baton rouge, minnesota and dallas, the poem struck a nerve. many loved it, others attacked him. more than 8 million people have seen it. >> everyone should have the privileges i have! everyone's story should be written so all they have to do is get it read. i get that change can be scary, but equality shouldn't be. >> i'm not asking anybody to give up their lives to fight for equality. just be an ally, do your share, when you see something that you think is wrong that's discrimination, speak up. >> it's time to let go of that fear. it's time to take that ladder and turn it into a bridge. [ applause ] >> reporter: he also won that poetry contest. mark straussman, cbs news, atlanta. and that's overnight news for this thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and of course cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm scott pelley. this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news. i'm jericka duncan. donald trump spent another day interviewing prospective running mates and says he'll unveil his vp choice tomorrow. trump, three of his children and son-in-law were all at the indiana governor's mansion having lunch with mike pence. governor pence is on the short list that also reportedly includes new jersey governor chris christie and former house speaker newt gingrich. a new poll shows nearly two-thirds of americans think the choice of a running mate is either very or somewhat important to the presidential raise. major garrett has more. >> reporter: trump summoned his family from new york to meet with mike pence at the indiana governor's mansion, their second face-to-face encounter in two days. trump then left for indianapolis. first, gingrich who ran for president himself four years ago. a close adviser, gingrich often tells trump he's leading a movement of historical significance. trump also melt with four-term alabama senator jeff sessions, the first senator to back the candidate. and trump spoke by phone today with new jersey governor chris christie, whom he's known the longest and been the most outwardly loyal since ending his own campaign. christie chairs the trump transition team. meanwhile, pence campaigned for reelection at a fair in ft. wayne. the evangelical christian and fiscal conservative has a deadline. he must notefy the state by noon friday if he will remain on the ballot for governor. as for the meeting with trump? >> nothing was offered, nothing was accepted, but we had a great conversation about the country. >> reporter: do you think you could help him more as vice president or governor of indiana? >> i think that would be for others to say. these are good people. these are people who have the best interests of america at heart. >> donald trump gets it! >> reporter: the two campaigned together tuesday night, arriving more than an hour late after a fundraiser pence organized for trump that added more than $1 million to his campaign coffers. trump appeared pleased. >> you'll be calling up mike pence. >> i don't know whether he'll be your goerp or vice president, who the hell knows. >> reporter: throughout this campaign, trump has thrived on risk and gut instinct. pence is the more conventional choice, backed by trump's inner circle and some family advisers, but christie's personality is much closer to trump's. and few outside advisers have more clout than gingrich. major garrett, cbs news, ft. wayne, indiana. >> the republican national convention gets under way in cleveland monday, and law enforcement agencies have a big job in front of them. ohio is an open carry state. likely be armed. >> reporter: for one thing, there will be of course a large, hefty law enforcement presence in these barricades, across the street from the quicken loans arena. these barricades will soon be part of the security infrastructure here for crowd control once the convention begins. >> we're not going to restriblgts anybody's constitutional rights. >> reporter: they are prepared to deal with the possibility that many could be armed. >> people in this state have a right to open carry. there's a second amendment to the constitution. we understand that. and our officers are prepared. they're used to seeing that in downtown cleveland for different events. >> reporter: the targeting of police in dallas last week has put extra focus on open carry concerns and the confusion it might create if chaos erupts. it was an issue dallas police chief david brown addressed on monday. >> it's increasingly challenging when people have ar-15s slung over and they begin running. we don't know who the bad guy is versus who the good guy is if everybody starts shooltsing. >> reporter: trump rallies have already been the site of clashes. in june, a man in lavgs was arrested and accused of trying to kill the republican nominee after trying to grab an officer's gun. in march, secret service agents intercepted another man who tried to reach the candidate at a rally in dayton, ohio. >> there's no specific credible threat in relation to the rnc. >> reporter: secret service director joseph clancy suggests they are prepared. >> we've been planning for close to a year, but the plan's never finished. you have to constant lly be rea to adapt, be flexible to whatever may occur. >> reporter: they are expecting about 50,000 people to attend the convention. it is harder to put a number on how many people will be coming here armed. closer to the quicken loans arena, there is a security zone where weapons are banned. but anywhere else, you can legally care e fort democr -- carry. for the democrats, they go into the convention united. >> you have made attacking wall street a pillar of your presidential campaign. are you now capitulating some of your values by endorsing hillary clinton? >> no, i'm stapding up for working families and the middle class by saying donald trump would be a disaster for the country. what this campaign is about is taking a hard look at which dpt is going to do more for americans. that choice is very, very clear. we have worked with secretary clinton's campaign. she is talking about making colleges and universities tuition free-for-all families under $125,000. donald trump wants to throw people off of the health care they have. donald trump does not accept science, thinks that climate change is a hoax. hillary clinton wants to rebuild our sustainable energy system and move away from fossil fuels. the differences between the two candidates are very, very clear. clinton is by far the superior candidate for the middle class to my mind. >> do you believe you have pulled her to the left? >> i think, when you get 13 million votes, which is what we got. when you win 22 states, when young people all over the country are demanding real change, secretary clinton and her team are smart enough to understand that they have got to go where the action is. and they have to move to where the people want to go. and what the people in this country want is a standing up to the big-money interests. >> what didn't you get? >> well, what we didn't get is me becoming president of the united states of america. [ laughter ] le >> are you having running for president withdrawal already? >> i'm feeling fine. >> are you going to miss the secret service? >> yes and no. now i don't have to tell anybody when i'm going to the bathroom. that's the advantage. but those guys did a great job. >> some things should be private. thank you very much, senator i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. over the past 17 years, photographer danny clinch has shot just about every heavyweight in the music industry, rappers, rockers, country stars, jazz and pop artists, and clinch has made a lot of friends along the way. anderson cooper has his story for 60 minutes. >> hey! >> reporter: bruce springsteen, hitting the road on tour once more. his wife patty by his side. and danny clinch is there to talk a bit about old times. >> in '99 was the first time i photographed you guying and it was there. >> reporter: and shoot the band rehearsing. >> wichone, two, three, four! ♪ >> reporter: over the years, clifrnls has taken thousands of pictures of springsteen. and many have become classics. >> this is at a house that's on bruce's property. it's just a sweet little spot. >> reporter: there are portraits of the artist off stage that mirror the message of his music. and there is a picture of him falling from the stage into the crowd. >> he fell back and i got my shot. >> did he know you got it? >> i felt like i did. yeah. >> reporter: clinch wears many hats, pun intended. as the official portrait photographer of the grammys. he covers the spectrum. tony bennett and lady gaga. country star miranda lambert. singer-songwriter sam smith. >> you want to find a common ground as quickly as you can. >> reporter: paul mccartney and foo fighters. >> want to go up on stage? >> yeah. >> reporter: he goes way back with many musicians. that's trey anastasio. trusting him to stay out of the way. ♪ it's new year's eve. fish is playing madison square garden, and to the crowd, clinch is the invisible man. what is it about shooting a concert? what are you trying to get? >> i'm trying to capture a moment. it's not about the singer at the microphone. i'm trying to look for like a moment in between. >> reporter: he works from the back of the stage, hiding behind the drums or the amplifiers, waiting for that in-between moment, popping up like a whack-a-mole to get his shot. and sometimes over the years it's paid off big as in this classic photograph. the view from the stage of into fight others and a cast of thousands. or this one at a pearl jam concert. >> i popped up from behind jeff's amplifiers. the whole stadium was lit. there in' there up in the air. >> reporter: do you wear earplugs? >> i should. >> reporter: but you don't. >> i often don't. >> reporter: i'm surprised you can hear me. >> what? i get out there and i'm like, geez, i should have brought some earplugs. >> reporter: he was an assistant to photographer annie leibovitz. he priors shooting in natural light and agrees with "if your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough." and even if he's not working he's still looking for that perfect shot >> i'm photographing all the time. i'm a visual person. i don't want to miss that moment. >> reporter: you're never without your camera. >> rarely. >> reporter: even right here. >> i always want to be prepared. because you never know who's going to come to your studio. i really like this one a lot. >> reporter: his studio is a place where any music fan would love to be locked up for a few days. it's like a history of rock 'n roll. >> a couple things i want to show you. >> reporter: a couple years back he photographed one of the men who started it all. chuck barry who's now 89. and another founding father, jerry lee lewis who's 80. and here are some pictures from that first session with bob dylan. >> we were trying to figure out, give him a little something to do. and somebody k5i8 back wicame b bunch of different language newspapers. keeping it real simple. >> reporter: more of his greatest hits. southern gothic. johnny cash, waiting to go on stage, a shot capturing the loneliness of life on the road. country stars faith hill and tim mcgraw. tom waits, nora jones, tupac shakur. >> he took his shirt off and i saw the tattoos, i said would you mind my doing one like that? he said yeah. >> reporter: when you took that, did you know how strong it was? >> i thought in was a really powerful image. i thought the simplicity was really powerful. >> reporter: clinch has branched out into making commercials and music videos. this one shot in willie nelson's bedroom on his tour bus. ♪ you give your hand to me ♪ and then you say hello >> willie doesn't mind me taking his photograph, but he's not crazy about sitting and being directed and that sort of stuff. so i found ways to work with that. >> reporter: he also got some very candid stills. nelson braiding his hair and indulging in his favorite recreational pastime, smoking a huge stick of weed. i don't know what it would be called it's so big. it's like a cigar. >> somehow i can't remember what happened after that. ♪ but you don't know me >> reporter: and then there are the occasional shoots he wishes he could forget. >> i was at a madonna show, many, many years ago, and i was like in the sweet spot. she came out, and she was like, it was the best part of the show. and i was shooting, shooting, shooting, and i was like, god, i must have shot 100 pictures, have i not run out of film? and i opened the back of my camera, and there was no film in there. so that happened to me only once. >> reporter: ouch. ♪ >> reporter: no doubt one reason he gets along so well with musicians, he knows the language. ♪ >> reporter: wearing yelts another hat to play with the tan jeers blues band, sometimes jamming with the likes of willie and bruce. his harmonica, like his camera, goes everywhere he goes. he grew up on the jersey shore, living in toms river, a few miles down the garden sfats parkway from springsteen country. >> these are some good ones. >> reporter: he got the photography bug from his mother. >> she always had a camera, always still has a camera. and at times i find myself taking pictures of her taking pictures of the family. >> reporter: and from his father he got a taste of classic rock 'n roll from the '50s and classic cars. his prized possession, a 1949 silver streak, the sort of car his father always noticed when he was a kid. >> everywhere we went, he'd be like, that's a '55 chevy or a cadillac. >> reporter: and he's always found a way to work them into the shot. springsteen with a pontiac and in his wife's hudson with clinch's father at the wheel. an old cadillac with neil young's has and neil young inside tooling around nashville. >> you can see the full report on our website, cbs the overnight news will be right back. we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a difference between the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. turns out my curlsthe needed to be stronger. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong... ...they can dry practically frizz free. because strong is beautiful. built a sandcastle?id? 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>> it's 60% legs, 40% more give or take core and 10% arms. so it's really just the opposite of what you would think it is. >> the rhythm is there. long and strong. >> rowing and crew is no joke. >> reporter: jordan is a sports medicine physician. >> if you're doing a hard run or hard row, you're probably burning about the same number of calories. the difference is if your joints become arthritic, running can sometimes be painful. rowing is much less loading force on your joints. >> reporter: even the netflix hit "house of cards" can't resist the erg. the rhythmic sounds of frank underwood's machine provide a sound track and interesting analogy in the series. a politician constantly moving but going nowhere. and every time underwood takes a stroke water rower, the company that makes his erg, gets a bump in sales. the factory here in warren, rhode island has tripled production in the last five years to more than 1,000 machines a week. while there are plenty of people who prefer to go at it solo, frolik says whether you're on the water or dry land, the real benefits can only be had when you're rowing with a crew. >> it's a large group of people breathing to the, it becomes like a meditative, powerful breath. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. ng pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-cbs caption t! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 67890 cbs caption test !!! maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 maint. testing pc-17 f1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12345 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 678 it's ryan's cell phone. gibbs: isolate calls from psy-ops, government-issued lines. there's five or six different numbers here. cross-reference with incoming calls to banks over the past month. the fbi says there has only been one case of skyjacking in u.s. history that's never been solved. and now they're closing the case. you may not remember the story of d.b. cooper. >> reporter: the man who came to be known as d.b. cooper parachutesed from a jet liner in 1971. he disappeared with $200,000 in ransom money and was never seen again. did he get away with it? go he die trying? it's now safe to say we'll probably never know. >> it was just time. >> reporter: with those words, frank montoya jr. ended the 45-year hunt for the hijacker known as d.b. cooper. >> when it occurred in 1971, i was 8 years old. i remember watching walter cronkite. it brought back a lot of memories. >> when he got on a plane in portland, oregon last night, he was just another passenger who gave his name as d.a. cooper. >> reporter: an early wire report misidentify him as d.b. cooper. the name stuck. in 1971, he bought a $20 ticket and boarded this boeing 727. he showed the flight attendant what he said was a suitcase bomb and forced the plane to land in seattle. >> we just don't want to discuss it any further. >> reporter: 36 passengers were freed when the ransom demands were met. $200,000 in cash and four parachutes. at his orders, the plane facebook off for mexico city apparently with the rear stairwell left open. somewhere between seattle and reno, cooper jumped out of the plane with the cash. >> how did you surmisena he was not on the plane when he landed in reno? >> well, a search was made of the plane immediately after landing. >> reporter: an exhaustive investigation began. in 1980, a boy digging near the columbia river in washington found three bundles of $20, but it only totaled about $6,000. the case has inspire the films, books and even a song by the birds called "bag full of money." ♪ be glad when it's over and happy to land ♪ ♪ with this bag full of money i've got in my hand ♪ the fbi says over the years the d.b. cooper investigation has diverted resources from other cases. >> this is the only unsolved skyjacking in american history. that's overnight news for this thursday. for some of you the news continues, for others check back later for the morning news and s is captioning funded by cbs it's thursday, july 14th, 2014. this is the "cbs morning news." after weeks of speculation donald trump is set to reveal his running mate. when he's announcing and who he spent last night with. ♪ amazing grace a final farewell in dallas. family members of the fallen officers remember the heroes and their final moments together. >> one thing i would always say to my dad as he walked out the door was good-bye, daddy, i love

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