Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160425 : comparemel

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160425

>> no, john, we started the campaign 60 points behind secretary clinton. in the last couple weeks, a little bit, we have come in, in an enormous way. we are running against the most powerful political organization in the united states of america. i am very proud of the campaign that we have run. we have won 16 states right now. in almost all of the contests we win, the younger people, by that i mean not just kids, but you, know people, 45 years of age or under. i think the ideas we are talking about are what the american people and people in the democratic party want to hear. we are the future of the democratic party. so i am very proud of where we are and we look forward to fighting this out through california. >> one of the issues you talked about so much is income of inequality. and pr did analysis and found in places where income of inequality was high, hillary clinton was winning in those places you. were asked about this on meet the press. you said poor people don't vote. in states like ohio, florida, new york, michigan which you won. those who would be, earning less than $30,000 ended up voting more for hillary clinton. that doesn't seem to be the case. >> well for a start. one of the challenges we have as a nation is that we have one of the lowest voter turnouts in general of any major country on earth. 63% of the american people didn't vote. those numbers were worse for young people and for low income people. i believe that, what we are trying to do in this campaign, john, with some success, is bring people into the political process. and obviously we, have got to do better. but i would hope that -- if i am the nominee, that on election day you are going to see a very, very large voter turnout. and if that is the case, i think think we can change the dynamics of american politics, so it is not just big money interests, who help elect candidates through, throughout ray just campaign contributions, but what we have is a vibrant democracy where all people participate. >> senator sanders, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> watch the full interviews go to and click face the nation. we will be right back. you wanna see something intense? new pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ breyers peanut butter gelato, rich chocolate sauce. peanut butter cups. tonight is perfect. can someone read me another story? daddd? mmm coming breyers gelato indulgences it's way beyond ice cream. tributes around the world honored william shakespeare on the 400th anniversary of his death this past week. one areas of mystery surround a dictionary he may have owned. >> reporter: we think we know william shakespeare. but the truth is he is really a mystery. >> there is evidence that a john shakespeare lived here from around the middle of the 1550s. >> reporter: paul edmonton head of research and knowledge at the shakespeare birth place trust at stratford upon avon. >> the room we believe shakespeare was born in 1564. >> reporter: what little is known about shakespeare the man comes from public record. for example, his father, john shakespeare was a prosperous glove maker and wool dealer. >> he became mayor of stratford. >> reporter: in new york city far from shakespeare's home town that two rare book sellers, george koppelman and dan wexler think they have locked into one of the great what if stories ever. >> that the contents of the case is a major shakespeare discovery. >>y, yes. >> what if the marked up old book they bought on e-bay for $4,300 in 2008, a kind of dictionary published in 1580 called barret's alveary actually belonged to william shakespeare. >> it draws you in. >> they brought their find to the morgan library in new york city in the summer of 2014 to show to paul edmonson. >> trying to puzzle out the purpose of the page. >> reporter: the proof, koppelman and wexler believe is in the scribblings in the margins and huh they seem suspiciously similar to wordings in shakespeare's writing. >> shuffled together by ignorance. >> shuffled one of the famous, hamlet, shuffle off this mortal coil. >> the title, alviary means beehive. a cambridge professor sent out students calling them his diligent bees to collect word and their uses. >> does this feel as if it might be shakespeare? >> i wouldn't rule that possibility out. if these are the annotations of shakespeare, that are before us, then of course it is truly astonishing. objectively, there is a lot of work to be done on this book. >> when shakespeare was 16, until around the age of 13, he attended king edward vi grammar school in stratford. more than 400 years later the school is still in use. >> he would ave learned latin, greek. a little bit of rhetoric. >> bennett carr its head master. all the ingredients what made shakespeare shakespeare. >> absolutely. >> came from -- >> this very room. >> reporter: in spite of images of shakespeare around, especially in stratford, what we think he looked like, is largely based on this likeness in the first folio, the first compilation of shakespeare's plays published in 1623, seven years after his death. >> it really is the truest portrait we know that survives of him. >> reporter: heather wolf is curator of manuscripts at folger shakespeare library in washington, d.c. when you talk about down in george's barrett's. if it wasn't annotated by shakespeare, who else would have done all those annotations? >> i mean there are literally thousand of candidates. >> reporter: complicated our mystery is the fact that the only verified samples of shakespeare's handwriting are signatures which bear little resemblance to each other let alone. jottings in the book. does this look like this? >> the folger shakespeare library largest collection of original documents. >> michael whitmore director of the folger says the job of scholars is to be dubious. >> having an academic community look at the book. you are looking for bad news. >> we said bring it on. yet to read. george has yet to read an argument that takes our best example seriously. >> kolleman and wexler at their own expense, published a book detailing their evidence. they digitized the alviary page by page and put it online. so skeptics can study it. they can only trace the ownership back to the mid 1800s. there is no dna or csi magic to prove or disprove their claim. only databases that can tell whether these notes were common place phrases or unique to shakespeare. >> here, okay. there it is. >> but there its this. >> you see he is imitating this capital w. >> we see it elsewhere. see it with the s with shuffled. >> we see it three times with the s. >> five times with the w. >> and with no other letter. >> w and s. because it was william shakespeare's book? or just coincidence? >> in it is. but i feel like thereis just too much there. >> we are going down into the vault which is where we keep all of our books and manuscripts. >> reporter: soon the alviary will come through the door. the folger shakespeare library agreed to accept it on loan. here, scholars will be able to see it, touch it. and compare it to other books from the period. >> this is an extreme example of a dictionary that came out in 1572. >> it's got writing everywhere. >> yeah. >> as for koppelman and wexler. who ever heard of book sellers thrilled not to sell a book? >> if some one offered us a price, right now, said you have to -- find a way to cancel your loan agreement with the folger i will write you such and such a check. that would not work for us. >> we are confident the work we have done. we would like to see it validated. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: validation at best will be a kind of consensus. because 400 years after his death, shakespeare hasn't left us much. except of course, his words. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. the worst thing about toilet they don't stay in the toilet. disinfect your bathroom with lysol bathroom trigger... ...lysol power foamer... ...and lysol toilet bowl cleaner. they're approved to kill 50% more types of germs than leading competitors. to clean and disinfect in and out of the toilet... lysol that. i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear? (sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. (cheering) narrator: marriage. dishes. divorce. dishes. every dish, every time. only finish has the power ball to take on anything. popular restaurants that opened in new york city last decade. in 2011 they were closed and cannon moved to new jersey. his new restaurant in morristown is so grand and ambitious it is being compared to the great gatsby manor. vinita nair has the tour. what is total square footage? >> 15,000 square feet. >> how many dining spaces? >> there are four separate dining spaces all doing slightly different things. >> reporter: every room in chris cannon's latest restaurant is curated like a modern museum. >> is this one of the pieces of art you had commissioned? >> yes. >> reporter: eating in the dining room the art complements the view. like a picture book view. in the wintertime when there is snow everywhere it is beautiful. summertime it is beautiful. >> reporter: if you are drink in one of two bars. the art is the view. >> i bought 3/4 on e-bay. >> yourself? >> yeah. i bought so much stuff. i started putting stuff tup. i was like, oh, my god, i have to buy 40% more. so big. the place. the place, jockey hollow was built for the at & t president in 1916, served as city hall for decades. when cannon saw it for the first time it was abandoned. >> soon as you saw it. >> you see spaces you are immediately extrapolating what you will do it. >> reporter: his drive to create unique dining spaces started as a child. >> i think very few 7-year-olds know exactly what they want to do. >> yeah, i was a little strange. we had a friend of the family. owned one of the best seafood restaurants in manhattan. used to go there two times a year. and i just fell in love with the whole environment, the waiters, everything. it just i was blown away by it. >> reporter: he started cooking and studying business. by the time he was 49, he had five popular restaurants in manhattan. including the two morea, specializing in seafood. cannon's business partners wanted more. they had a public split in 2010. >> they didn't want to work with me anymore. because they wanted to open up a whole bunch of businesses. >> was it money? they wanted more money for sell -- >> for themselves, yeah. it was really difficult for me. >> reporter: crushing? >> crushing. difficult. >> did you at some point during that. think maybe i want a different? >> some thought. >> not going to let somebody, you know, destroy my love of something the i've spent the end of the spring and summer of in the mountains riding a bike. hanging out. took me three months. i was like i want to get back into it. >> reporter: must have been some long bike rides though. >> i got in great shape. >> the food which changes seasonally, cannon looked to one of his former chefs, evan sipple. >> this is not a tv bite. rye sampled stuffed pasta with fried kale. >> the leeks are fresh, young. taste of spring. >> reporter: we also had oysters which are sourced locally by a farm that cannon helped revive in new jersey. >> mm. the right amount of brine. >> and itch the upper floors weren't enough. he has a cellar, and modeled after a classic beer hall. >> i get the feeling this is your favorite space? >> i joke around with customers. i say my wife wouldn't let me have a man cave at home. i built one in the restaurant. >> reporter: the lifelong new yorker is the first to admit he never thought he would end up in new jersey. now. he says never wants to leave. >> reporter: do you ever miss it though? >> the city, yeah, i miss the energy. >> reporter: not just the city. do you miss being in that -- i'm in "the new york times." everyone is talking about me as the place to go. >> of course you do. but, i have done that. it's fine. to me, the goal here is to create a restaurant that is -- here 25 years from now. i have the opportunity do to do that. that's what interests me. >> we'll be right back. across pennsylvania, he's praised as a progressive champion with a record of reform. josh shapiro the democrats most compelling candidate for attorney general. he'll protect seniors from scams and stand up to polluting frackers. he's backed by law enforcement, supported by planned parenthood and he's endorsed by president obama - who says shapiro "represents the next generation of progressive leadership". democrat josh shapiro an attorney general...for us this ii got to see my dad, die on national tv. they don't know what they took from us. people are dying. we need a president that's going to talk about it. i believe bernie sanders is a protestor. he's not scared to go up against the criminal justice system. he's not scared. that's why i'm for bernie. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. >> when a woman in new york tried to find some one to walk an unusual pet. she got responses to help a very slow animal. steve hartman found them on the road. >> reporter: new yorkers like to brag they have seen it all. in central park there is one thing that still turns heads. makes cowards stop in their tracks while the brave inch closer. >> what is that? >> his name is henry. an african tortoise. >> there is something very zen about him. where people slow down. and relax. >> reporter: he belongs to amanda green. amanda had him a couple years. lately feeling guilty she can't bring him to the park as often as she would like. >> so i wanted to hire a walker like a person with a dog would hire a dog walker. >> tortoise walker. >> uh-huh, yeah. >> reporter: she posted this ad on craigslist. in search of a responsible animal lover, no tortoise experience necessary. the response. >> i have a love for animals, especially reptiles. i find anything that can't regulate its own body temperature endearing. >> reporter: amanda says she was hoping maybe two, three people would apply. instead, she got nearly 400 e-mails. from as far away as australia. >> reporter: not a full time job even. >> no, like six hours a week. >> reporter: just one trip to the park and back. >> he strolls to the park in the stroller otherwise it would take a long time. >> reporter: a stroller? >> i have a stroller for him to get him to the park. >> reporter: now that is an ugly baby. the whole thing creates such a spectacle. amanda says often the hardest part of the job is controlling the paparazzi. but the applicants were not dissuaded. >> i'm currently taking care of an 11-year-old boy. i know what it is look to keep track of something. >> i want to hang out with the tortoise. >> what is your favorite animal? >> earlier this week. >> reporter: amanda narrowed it down to four. >> red pandas. >> reporter: make that three. eventually settling on a part time pet star worker, amalia. she starts next week. >> reporter: will it be hard the first time you see him walk away ever so slowly. >> i am not going to get nanny-cam. >> reporter: if you do can we do a follow-up. >> yes. president obama is sending hundreds of troops to syria to battle isis. why the plan to put more boots on the ground isn't his only controversial talking point in germany. the prince tributes poured in over the weekend including video of a perfoce

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New York , United States , Australia , Germany , Florida , California , Syria , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , New Jersey , Stratford Upon Avon , Warwickshire , United Kingdom , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , Folger Shakespeare Library , Greece , New Yorker , America , Greek , American , Michael Whitmore , George Koppelman , John Shakespeare , William Shakespeare , Dan Wexler , Vinita Nair , King Edward , Steve Hartman , Paul Edmonson , John Dickerson , Bennett Carr , George Barrett , Hillary Clinton , Josh Shapiro , Shakespeare , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160425 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS Overnight News 20160425

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>> no, john, we started the campaign 60 points behind secretary clinton. in the last couple weeks, a little bit, we have come in, in an enormous way. we are running against the most powerful political organization in the united states of america. i am very proud of the campaign that we have run. we have won 16 states right now. in almost all of the contests we win, the younger people, by that i mean not just kids, but you, know people, 45 years of age or under. i think the ideas we are talking about are what the american people and people in the democratic party want to hear. we are the future of the democratic party. so i am very proud of where we are and we look forward to fighting this out through california. >> one of the issues you talked about so much is income of inequality. and pr did analysis and found in places where income of inequality was high, hillary clinton was winning in those places you. were asked about this on meet the press. you said poor people don't vote. in states like ohio, florida, new york, michigan which you won. those who would be, earning less than $30,000 ended up voting more for hillary clinton. that doesn't seem to be the case. >> well for a start. one of the challenges we have as a nation is that we have one of the lowest voter turnouts in general of any major country on earth. 63% of the american people didn't vote. those numbers were worse for young people and for low income people. i believe that, what we are trying to do in this campaign, john, with some success, is bring people into the political process. and obviously we, have got to do better. but i would hope that -- if i am the nominee, that on election day you are going to see a very, very large voter turnout. and if that is the case, i think think we can change the dynamics of american politics, so it is not just big money interests, who help elect candidates through, throughout ray just campaign contributions, but what we have is a vibrant democracy where all people participate. >> senator sanders, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> watch the full interviews go to and click face the nation. we will be right back. you wanna see something intense? new pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options for just $9.95 a month. your rate is locked in and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ♪ breyers peanut butter gelato, rich chocolate sauce. peanut butter cups. tonight is perfect. can someone read me another story? daddd? mmm coming breyers gelato indulgences it's way beyond ice cream. tributes around the world honored william shakespeare on the 400th anniversary of his death this past week. one areas of mystery surround a dictionary he may have owned. >> reporter: we think we know william shakespeare. but the truth is he is really a mystery. >> there is evidence that a john shakespeare lived here from around the middle of the 1550s. >> reporter: paul edmonton head of research and knowledge at the shakespeare birth place trust at stratford upon avon. >> the room we believe shakespeare was born in 1564. >> reporter: what little is known about shakespeare the man comes from public record. for example, his father, john shakespeare was a prosperous glove maker and wool dealer. >> he became mayor of stratford. >> reporter: in new york city far from shakespeare's home town that two rare book sellers, george koppelman and dan wexler think they have locked into one of the great what if stories ever. >> that the contents of the case is a major shakespeare discovery. >>y, yes. >> what if the marked up old book they bought on e-bay for $4,300 in 2008, a kind of dictionary published in 1580 called barret's alveary actually belonged to william shakespeare. >> it draws you in. >> they brought their find to the morgan library in new york city in the summer of 2014 to show to paul edmonson. >> trying to puzzle out the purpose of the page. >> reporter: the proof, koppelman and wexler believe is in the scribblings in the margins and huh they seem suspiciously similar to wordings in shakespeare's writing. >> shuffled together by ignorance. >> shuffled one of the famous, hamlet, shuffle off this mortal coil. >> the title, alviary means beehive. a cambridge professor sent out students calling them his diligent bees to collect word and their uses. >> does this feel as if it might be shakespeare? >> i wouldn't rule that possibility out. if these are the annotations of shakespeare, that are before us, then of course it is truly astonishing. objectively, there is a lot of work to be done on this book. >> when shakespeare was 16, until around the age of 13, he attended king edward vi grammar school in stratford. more than 400 years later the school is still in use. >> he would ave learned latin, greek. a little bit of rhetoric. >> bennett carr its head master. all the ingredients what made shakespeare shakespeare. >> absolutely. >> came from -- >> this very room. >> reporter: in spite of images of shakespeare around, especially in stratford, what we think he looked like, is largely based on this likeness in the first folio, the first compilation of shakespeare's plays published in 1623, seven years after his death. >> it really is the truest portrait we know that survives of him. >> reporter: heather wolf is curator of manuscripts at folger shakespeare library in washington, d.c. when you talk about down in george's barrett's. if it wasn't annotated by shakespeare, who else would have done all those annotations? >> i mean there are literally thousand of candidates. >> reporter: complicated our mystery is the fact that the only verified samples of shakespeare's handwriting are signatures which bear little resemblance to each other let alone. jottings in the book. does this look like this? >> the folger shakespeare library largest collection of original documents. >> michael whitmore director of the folger says the job of scholars is to be dubious. >> having an academic community look at the book. you are looking for bad news. >> we said bring it on. yet to read. george has yet to read an argument that takes our best example seriously. >> kolleman and wexler at their own expense, published a book detailing their evidence. they digitized the alviary page by page and put it online. so skeptics can study it. they can only trace the ownership back to the mid 1800s. there is no dna or csi magic to prove or disprove their claim. only databases that can tell whether these notes were common place phrases or unique to shakespeare. >> here, okay. there it is. >> but there its this. >> you see he is imitating this capital w. >> we see it elsewhere. see it with the s with shuffled. >> we see it three times with the s. >> five times with the w. >> and with no other letter. >> w and s. because it was william shakespeare's book? or just coincidence? >> in it is. but i feel like thereis just too much there. >> we are going down into the vault which is where we keep all of our books and manuscripts. >> reporter: soon the alviary will come through the door. the folger shakespeare library agreed to accept it on loan. here, scholars will be able to see it, touch it. and compare it to other books from the period. >> this is an extreme example of a dictionary that came out in 1572. >> it's got writing everywhere. >> yeah. >> as for koppelman and wexler. who ever heard of book sellers thrilled not to sell a book? >> if some one offered us a price, right now, said you have to -- find a way to cancel your loan agreement with the folger i will write you such and such a check. that would not work for us. >> we are confident the work we have done. we would like to see it validated. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: validation at best will be a kind of consensus. because 400 years after his death, shakespeare hasn't left us much. except of course, his words. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. the worst thing about toilet they don't stay in the toilet. disinfect your bathroom with lysol bathroom trigger... ...lysol power foamer... ...and lysol toilet bowl cleaner. they're approved to kill 50% more types of germs than leading competitors. to clean and disinfect in and out of the toilet... lysol that. i think we should've taken a tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is? waterfall? no, me tarzan, king of jungle. why don't you want to just ask somebody? if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do that right in my ear? (sound♪ of music ♪histling) introducing new k-y touch gel crème. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. (cheering) narrator: marriage. dishes. divorce. dishes. every dish, every time. only finish has the power ball to take on anything. popular restaurants that opened in new york city last decade. in 2011 they were closed and cannon moved to new jersey. his new restaurant in morristown is so grand and ambitious it is being compared to the great gatsby manor. vinita nair has the tour. what is total square footage? >> 15,000 square feet. >> how many dining spaces? >> there are four separate dining spaces all doing slightly different things. >> reporter: every room in chris cannon's latest restaurant is curated like a modern museum. >> is this one of the pieces of art you had commissioned? >> yes. >> reporter: eating in the dining room the art complements the view. like a picture book view. in the wintertime when there is snow everywhere it is beautiful. summertime it is beautiful. >> reporter: if you are drink in one of two bars. the art is the view. >> i bought 3/4 on e-bay. >> yourself? >> yeah. i bought so much stuff. i started putting stuff tup. i was like, oh, my god, i have to buy 40% more. so big. the place. the place, jockey hollow was built for the at & t president in 1916, served as city hall for decades. when cannon saw it for the first time it was abandoned. >> soon as you saw it. >> you see spaces you are immediately extrapolating what you will do it. >> reporter: his drive to create unique dining spaces started as a child. >> i think very few 7-year-olds know exactly what they want to do. >> yeah, i was a little strange. we had a friend of the family. owned one of the best seafood restaurants in manhattan. used to go there two times a year. and i just fell in love with the whole environment, the waiters, everything. it just i was blown away by it. >> reporter: he started cooking and studying business. by the time he was 49, he had five popular restaurants in manhattan. including the two morea, specializing in seafood. cannon's business partners wanted more. they had a public split in 2010. >> they didn't want to work with me anymore. because they wanted to open up a whole bunch of businesses. >> was it money? they wanted more money for sell -- >> for themselves, yeah. it was really difficult for me. >> reporter: crushing? >> crushing. difficult. >> did you at some point during that. think maybe i want a different? >> some thought. >> not going to let somebody, you know, destroy my love of something the i've spent the end of the spring and summer of in the mountains riding a bike. hanging out. took me three months. i was like i want to get back into it. >> reporter: must have been some long bike rides though. >> i got in great shape. >> the food which changes seasonally, cannon looked to one of his former chefs, evan sipple. >> this is not a tv bite. rye sampled stuffed pasta with fried kale. >> the leeks are fresh, young. taste of spring. >> reporter: we also had oysters which are sourced locally by a farm that cannon helped revive in new jersey. >> mm. the right amount of brine. >> and itch the upper floors weren't enough. he has a cellar, and modeled after a classic beer hall. >> i get the feeling this is your favorite space? >> i joke around with customers. i say my wife wouldn't let me have a man cave at home. i built one in the restaurant. >> reporter: the lifelong new yorker is the first to admit he never thought he would end up in new jersey. now. he says never wants to leave. >> reporter: do you ever miss it though? >> the city, yeah, i miss the energy. >> reporter: not just the city. do you miss being in that -- i'm in "the new york times." everyone is talking about me as the place to go. >> of course you do. but, i have done that. it's fine. to me, the goal here is to create a restaurant that is -- here 25 years from now. i have the opportunity do to do that. that's what interests me. >> we'll be right back. across pennsylvania, he's praised as a progressive champion with a record of reform. josh shapiro the democrats most compelling candidate for attorney general. he'll protect seniors from scams and stand up to polluting frackers. he's backed by law enforcement, supported by planned parenthood and he's endorsed by president obama - who says shapiro "represents the next generation of progressive leadership". democrat josh shapiro an attorney general...for us this ii got to see my dad, die on national tv. they don't know what they took from us. people are dying. we need a president that's going to talk about it. i believe bernie sanders is a protestor. he's not scared to go up against the criminal justice system. he's not scared. that's why i'm for bernie. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. >> when a woman in new york tried to find some one to walk an unusual pet. she got responses to help a very slow animal. steve hartman found them on the road. >> reporter: new yorkers like to brag they have seen it all. in central park there is one thing that still turns heads. makes cowards stop in their tracks while the brave inch closer. >> what is that? >> his name is henry. an african tortoise. >> there is something very zen about him. where people slow down. and relax. >> reporter: he belongs to amanda green. amanda had him a couple years. lately feeling guilty she can't bring him to the park as often as she would like. >> so i wanted to hire a walker like a person with a dog would hire a dog walker. >> tortoise walker. >> uh-huh, yeah. >> reporter: she posted this ad on craigslist. in search of a responsible animal lover, no tortoise experience necessary. the response. >> i have a love for animals, especially reptiles. i find anything that can't regulate its own body temperature endearing. >> reporter: amanda says she was hoping maybe two, three people would apply. instead, she got nearly 400 e-mails. from as far away as australia. >> reporter: not a full time job even. >> no, like six hours a week. >> reporter: just one trip to the park and back. >> he strolls to the park in the stroller otherwise it would take a long time. >> reporter: a stroller? >> i have a stroller for him to get him to the park. >> reporter: now that is an ugly baby. the whole thing creates such a spectacle. amanda says often the hardest part of the job is controlling the paparazzi. but the applicants were not dissuaded. >> i'm currently taking care of an 11-year-old boy. i know what it is look to keep track of something. >> i want to hang out with the tortoise. >> what is your favorite animal? >> earlier this week. >> reporter: amanda narrowed it down to four. >> red pandas. >> reporter: make that three. eventually settling on a part time pet star worker, amalia. she starts next week. >> reporter: will it be hard the first time you see him walk away ever so slowly. >> i am not going to get nanny-cam. >> reporter: if you do can we do a follow-up. >> yes. president obama is sending hundreds of troops to syria to battle isis. why the plan to put more boots on the ground isn't his only controversial talking point in germany. the prince tributes poured in over the weekend including video of a perfoce

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