Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20160603 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20160603

dangerously incoherent. >> in one speech, clinton took on trump's foreign policy and slammed his emotional stability, but she didn't get the last word. >> after what she said about me today and her phony speech -- that was a phony speech, that was a donald trump pit job, i will say this, hillary clinton has to go to jail, okay? she has to go to jail. and a heartbroken dad defends his murdered daughter's memory leaping across a courtroom to attack her killer. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. we begin with the weather in texas, and the news is not good. at least five soldiers were killed when their army troop carrier was swept away by floodwaters in central texas. this morning at ft. hood, the search continues for four others who are still missing. their 2.5-ton truck overturned yesterday morning as they tried to cross what was supposed to be a low-water crossing. overnight, more rain fell over much of texas. don champion has our report. >> reporter: the bodies of several soldiers were recovered from a rain-swollen creek in ft. hood. the truck they were riding in was washed away from a low-water crossing and overturned. three other soldiers were rescued and are listed in stable condition at a nearby hospital. helicopters, heavy trucks, and watercraft are being used to locate those still missing. governor greg abbott offered prayers and state help to ft. hood. earlier thursday he had warned the public about water danger. >> water can look innocent. it can look harmless, but you can drive into it and be completely swept away. >> reporter: the accident happened during training when the area was hit with a flash flood. the identities of victims have not yet been released. parts of the texas have been pummelled with rain in the last week. the brazos river has already crested at a record level just two years after it had run dry in places because of a drought. don champion, cbs news, ft. hood, texas. more rain is expected to pound texas through saturday. flood warnings are posted in much of the lone star state and louisiana's gulf coast. >> oh, my god. no, no, no, no, no! >> the rushing water wasn't enough of a warning sign for this driver in texas. he tried crossing a creek but was swept away. the truck was pinned against a tree, and the driver and passenger were able to escape. on to politics now and some donald trump supporters attacked last night. [ bleep ] [ shouting ] >> they were leaving a trump rally in san jose, california. some were punched. one had his shirt ripped off. the san jose police say there were a number of arrests, and an officer was assaulted. some of the protesters said they were disturbed by trump's remarks about mexicans. inside, trump was taking aim at hillary clinton. he said that she should go to jail because of her use of private emails while she was secretary of state. clinton is campaigning hard in california. it's one of six states voting tuesday. in her foreign policy speech yesterday, she looked past the primaries, instead focusing on trump. she called his foreign policy dangerously incoherent, and that's not all. >> reporter: democratic candidate hillary clinton came out swinging against donald trump thursday. >> he is not just unprepared, he is temperamentally unfit. >> reporter: clinton blasted trump's views on foreign policy and his emotional stability and said it would be a historic mistake if he were elected. >> it's not hard to imagine donald trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin. >> reporter: trump responded at a rally in san jose, california. >> i watched hillary today. it was pathetic. it was pathetic. >> reporter: trump finally got a long-await endorsement from house speaker paul ryan. ryan had heavily criticized trump during the primary campaign, but the two met last month and healed some wounds. clinton and rival partly sunny are in a tight race here -- rival bernie sanders are in a tight race here in california. clinton is making dozens of appearances ahead of the primary hoping to build on her slight lead over the vermont senator. >> while secretary may be focusing today on donald trump, i think we have an excellent chance to win the primary here. >> reporter: cbs news estimates clinton needs only 70 more dhats to clinch the nomination -- delegates to clinch the nomination, and california's primary will award almost seven times that based on the popular vote. danielle nottingham, cbs news, san diego. this morning, both the navy and the air force are investigating crashes. the pilots involved in yesterday's accidents were members of the military's elite flight demonstration teams, the thunderbirds and blue angels. the blue angel crash was deadly. the f-18 went down shortly after taking off in smyrna, tennessee, near nashville. the jet plowed to the ground. the blue angels were practicing for a weekend air show. the pilot, reported to be marine captain jeff coos, is being called a hero by witnesses. >> he could have ejected. he could have taken out neighborhoods. he could have, but he chose to ride it down to the end. and that is absolutely amazing. >> the cause of the crash is not known. the five other jets landed safely. the blue angels will not take part in the weekend air show. earlier, a thunderbirds pilot managed to safely eject from his aircraft mere moments before it crashed. it happened just after an aerial performance at the air force academy's graduation where president obama was giving a commencement speech. with a handshake and well wishes, president obama expressed his relief to thunderbirds pilot major alex turner for safely skaechiescapi f-16. the president also thanked turner for his service. photos show turner gliding to earth via parachute. as the plane went down, he tried to steer the aircraft in the direction of an open field, away from homes or structures, before ejecting to safety. >> the aircraft was on final approach to the runway, and then they received a report of the aircraft down. >> reporter: the crash happened after the annual thunderbird performance at the air force academy graduation which included this traditional flyover. [ cheers ] the jet ended up here in this field some 15 miles south of the academy, just outside colorado springs. officials say it remained mostly intact after crashing to the ground, staying upright and never catching fire. no one on the ground was injured. >> looks like it impacted the ground, skidded a little bit. it is -- you can expect it is a total aircraft. >> reporter: it's not yet clear what caused the jet to go down. an investigation is now underway. major turner has flown with the thur thunderbirds for less than a year though he has extensive experience as a pilot. the last time a thunderbird was involved in a crash was 2003. police say the man who shot and killed a ucla professor also killed a woman in minnesota. he left a kill list in his minnesota apartment. he came to the ucla campus armed with automatic handguns. he shot and killed professor klug before killing himself. police say there were other targets. >> he went to kill two faculty from ucla. he was only able to locate one. the second member was off campus. >> the woman is his estranged wife. he believed professor klug stole his computer code. boxing great muhammad ali spent the night in a phoenix hospital listed in fair condition. he was hospitalized with respiratory issues complicated by parkinson's disease. the associated press reports his problem may be more serious than previous hospital stays. the 74-year-old was diagnosed with spark son's in -- with parkinson's in the late 1980s. doctors say the pain medicine that killed sprinkles 50 times more powerful than heroin. an autopsy showed yesterday that the singer died of a fentanyl overdose. his death in a little april was ruled an accident. if prince didn't have a prescription for the drug, anyone who provided it illegally could face criminal prosecution. golden state is showing no willingness to give up their title. the defending champs opened the nba finals last night with a 104-89 win over visiting cleveland. steph curry and clay thompson had off nights, but the reserve scored 45 points. lebron james had 23 for the cavs. coming up on the "morning news," courtroom outburst. an anguished father goes after the serial killer who murdered his daughter. and the popular dating app tinder plans to accommodate the transgender community. this is the "cbs morning news." for your cat. y advantage® ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact. fleas do not have to bite your cat to die. advantage® ii. fight the misery of biting fleas. having acne... ...was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. in clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. you could pay as little as $15 for aczone gel. learn more at aczone. prescription treatment. proven results. working on my feet all day gave min my lower back but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my lower back pain. find a machine at a 61-year-old man was saved by the coast guard after treading water for 20 hours. a copter spotted him yesterday about 18 miles from shore north of tampa, florida. the man said he fell from his fishing boat wednesday, and he had no life vest. he credits navy training for his survival. pretty impressive. the dating app tinder is planning to let transgender people swipe left or right, and a courtroom attack at the sentencing of a serial killer. those are some of the headlines on the "morning newsstand." reports the eruption of a courtroom brawl during the sentencing of a serial killer. [ screams ] >> a man convicted of killing three women was attacked by the father of one of his victims. after order was restored during a recess, michael madison was sentenced to death for his crimes. "the arizona republic" reports that a phoenix mother is suspected of fatally stabbing her three sons. the bodies of the boys, ages 8, 5, and 2 months, were found yesterday in a closet. the 29-year-old woman is hospitalized with self-inflicted knife wounds. the "washington post" reports a high-ranking defense department official placed on leave after a parking dispute. brian whitman is accused of writing a threatening note to a neighbor's nanny and stealing her license plates. it's not known if he told superiors about his arrest last month, as the pentagon requires. and "usa today" reports that tinder will accommodate transgender users. the ceo says changes in the dating app will be made within a few months. tinder currently gives users two gender choices for their profile and description of an ideal date. still ahead, the big buzz at starbucks. the coffee giant teams up with a beer maker for a new beverage for tea totelers. of many pieces in my i havlife.hma... so when my asthma 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19. that's the highest close of the year for the s&p and the nasdaq. united airlines is revamping its business class on international flights. the new cabins named polaris will focus on sleep. each passenger will have a pod that turns into a six foot, six-inch bed. another amenities include a 16-inch tv, slipper, el-cooled pillows and eye shades. pajamas will be available on flights longer than 12 hours. united says sleep is the single-most-important priority for international business passengers. snapchat is now more popular than twitter. with 150 million people using its app every day, according to bloomberg. it is more than people use twitter. snapchat continues to grow. bloomberg says in the last five months, snapchat grew its user base by 35%. apple says all of its services are back on line after a massive outage yesterday. the problem affected the app store itunes, icloud and more. it was the second day in a row that apple experienced internet problems. users couldn't purchase apps or stream from apple tv. apple's working on the problem. anheuser-busch in bed with the country's biggest beer producer. and starbucks, the biggest coffeemaker, joining forces to produce, bottle, and distribute tea. anheuser-busch and bev will produce the ready-to-drink line of starbucks' teavana brand ready-to-drink tea is one of the fastest growing categories in the u.s. up 6% a year. i thought they would team occupy a caffeinated beer. i guess not. >> that ought to be interesting. brake and acceleration at the same time. jill wagner at the new york stock exchange, thanks a lot. still to come, the u.s. drug epidemic. the rising toll of the opioid crisis. tthe whitenessmy wasn't there as much, my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help protect my teeth. pronamel is giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing so it's nice to know that it was as simple as that. msame time tomorrow, fellas!? new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. they massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ word that prince died of a powerful painkiller is bringing new attention to the nation's prescription drug crisis. kenneth craig explains what medical experts are trying to do about it. coming around -- >> reporter: 78 americans die each day from opioid overdoses. since 1999, the number of prescriptions sold for the highly addictive painkillers has quadrupled. so have the number of people who have died from them. >> many clinicians have overestimated the safety of these products and underestimated their risks. >> reporter: dr. caleb alexander of johns hopkins has studied if doctors are becoming more cautious when prescribing the drugs. >> although there is some evidence that doctors are scaling back a little bit, we have a long way to go. >> reporter: more than 1,000 people are treated in emergency rooms every day for misusing prescription opioids. prince is the most high-profile victim yet. his autopsy revealed he died from an accidental fentanyl overdose, an opioid much more powerful than other painkillers. >> fentanyl is one of the types of prescription opioids that account for a disproportionate number of injuries and deaths. >> reporter: the centers for disease control and prevention released guidelines for doctors earlier this year, discouraging the prescribing of opioids for chronic pain and encouraging patients to try over-the-counter pain meds instead among other methods. >> things such as massage, acupuncture, physical therapy. >> reporter: dr. alexander recommends if patients must take an opioid, they use the lowest dose possible for the shortest period of time. kenneth craig, cbs news, new york. a japanese boy who was reportedly left in a forest as punishment six days ago is safe. he's just 7 years old. he is hospitalized for evaluation after being found by a soldier. his parents told a tv reporter that they made him get out of the car. it happened in an area where bears roam in japan's northernmost main island. this is the "cbs morning news." depot in california has been turned into a secret test track for self-driving cars. cnet's brian cooley takes us inside. >> reporter: the concord naval weapons depot. in the cold war, this place would have ranked just behind france as a nuclear power by warhead count. that's been decommissioned, and now something of a different type of inteak takes place here -- teaching self-driving cars how to drive in the real world. now they call it gomentum station, a 21-acre test city. with miles of rude,jections, and real if decrepit buildings, on county lands but secured by the military. car makers like that the voodoo rough, lane lines in need of a restripe. great practice for a car learning to drive itself in the real world. >> 9 % of the time when -- 99% of the time when we drive on roads, it's easy driving. 1% something unusual happens. by testing at gomentum stations, we can test that, a child running between cars, a ball in the road. >> reporter: these vehicles see many sensors. he's a high-resolution gps january tena to make mapping precise. on the roof is a lydar. this does contour mapping with a spinning sensor that sees shapes in the world around. it cameras have their own unique ability to tell not just what's out there but what it is. engineers are here from honda, but they would like to add more like vehicle makers or those who may be one day. >> google, apple, vehicle makers have looked at maybe partnering with the companies to begin their testing here. >> reporter: for their part, honda acura says they'll have this technology on freeways in early stages by 2020, and perhaps just 20 years later, honda's and acuras that are crash free as a result. for cbs news. here's another look at this morning's top stories -- protesters attacked donald trump supporters in san jose, california, last night. they had just left a trump rally. trump supporters were punched and had at least -- at least one had his shirt ripped off. some of the protesters said they opposed trump's immigration policies. there were a number of arrests, and a police officer was attacked. at least five soldiers from ft. hood, texas, were killed when their troop carrier was overturned by floodwaters as they tried to cross a creek. four others are missing. a member of the navy's elite flight demonstration team, the blue angels, was killed when his jet crashed in smyrna, tennessee. he had just taken off to practice for a weekend air show. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on the investigation into the deadly blue angels crash from michelle miller who flew with the pilot last year. plus, what airbnb is doing to counter allegations of racism. we'll take you to yellowstone national park where bison are making a comeback. >> that is the "cbs morning news" for this friday. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. >> well, don't leave your house without your umbrella. storm scan3 shows rain returning to the area today. katie times out the wet weather for you. >> plus, a mother and daughter fight to go survive after a fire ripped through their home. we'll show you the dramatic effort to save them, and the rescuer who was also hurt. swept away, the growing death toll after soldiers are trapped by flashflooding and the desperate search for more survivors. well, today is friday, june 3rd, good morning, i'm jim donovan. >> i'm brooke thomas. getting your day started with a check on weather and traffic as always with patty and -- katie and pat. >> i am like the guy they break the glass and i jump out just in case. >> good to have you here. >> so i'm

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