Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140923 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140923

this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, september 23rd, this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, september 23rd, 2014. captioning funded by cbs good morning, i'm susan mcginnis. cruise missiles launched from u.s. warships and drones began last night, there were 14 in all. many of the targets were or around the militants' self-proclaimed capital in syria. the pentagon said the targets included headquarters, training facilities and a finance center. today, president obama travels to the united nations to try to rally more support for the push for isis. marlie hall reports from the u.n. >> reporter: the u.s. and several allies launched their first air strikes against icis in syria. pentagon said a mix of fighter jets, bombers and tomahawk missiles were used. syria said some of the strikes hit targets in raqqa. >> primary targets are command centers in raqqa. training facilities. known targets. >> reporter: the video campaign comes after weeks after targeting isis in neighboring iraq. the president will join the word leaders here at the united nations general assembly today, he's expected to address the international coalition being formed. secretary of state kerry is in new york working to strengthen the coalition. >> isis has savaging raped and killed syrian women. we must hold those who commit these acts and those who condone them accountable. >> reporter: former prime minister tony blair said ground toos must be used. >> you can't rule them out in all circumstances. >> reporter: president obama has ruled out putting u.s. combat troops on the ground in iraq and syria, but is moving to arm and train moderate syrian rebels to battle isis in syria. saudi arabia, jordan and the united arab emirates reportedly all helped conduct the air strikes, susan. >> marlie hall at the united nations, thank you. well, isis raids in northern syria have pusheded a flood of refugees across the border into turkey. there is fierce fighting between the militants and kurdish forces. one official calls the rush of refugees a man-made disaster. holly williams reports. >> reporter: isis is on the rampage gauge, seizing dons of villages in northern iraq and causing thousands to flee into turkey. on turkey's board with syria just a few mile from the town of kabbani, turkish riot police defended their position with tear gas and water cannons. but they weren't fighting the islamic extremists. instead, they were trying to push mac turkishmen. they're members of the kurdish ethnic minority and their relationship with turkey's government is tense. the confrontation turned farmland into a battle zone. >> let's get away from here. this way. >> reporter: and forced to us run for cover. a mile away, hundreds of kurdish syrians waited to cross at another checkpoint. they told us they brought their families to safety in turkey and wanted to go back to defend their land. muhammad ali said he saw gunmen execute his cousin when the militants capture third village. the men's families may now be safe but many have are nowhere to go. camped out on the ground inside a mosque, we met this woman. she told us she fled her thursday with her six children. the youngest, her 10-day-old baby girl. we just want to be safe from those monsters, she said. we want to be able to go back home. many people here in turkey accuse their government of rip poc hypocrisy. over the last three years thousands of foreign fighters have crossed over that border and many of them have joined isis. holly williams, cbs news, gaziantep, turkey. this morning, israeli troops shot and killed two palestinians suspected in the abduction and murder of three israeli teens. the two palestinians were killed in a shoot-out on the west bank. hundreds were arrested during a manment for the suspect that triggered this summer is's war in gaza. the three israelis were kidnapped in june. their bodies were discovered three weeks later. the secret service is tightening security around the white house. congress is holding hearings next week and we're learning more about the man who jumped the white house fence and made it inside. as major garrett reports, this is not of the suspect's first brush with the law. >> reporter: 42-year-old omar gonzalez appeared in federal court to face a charge of unlawful entry of a federal building while carrying a danger otherwise weapon. a small pocket knife gonzalez did not brandish. april search of his car revealed 800 rounds of ammunition, a hatchet and a machete. shortly after president obama and his daughters departed the white house, gonzalez scaled the walls. he made it to the portico of the mansion making it inside before secret service agents tackled him. his family says he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. president obama expressed confidence in the security agency. >> they do a good job. i'm grateful for the sacrifices they make on my behalf. >> reporter: julia pierson, director of the secret service ordered more surveillance, more surveillance cameras on the fence line and that the doors of the north portico be locked. w. rob barbin is a former director of the white house. >> intruder equals failure, right? >> i think, having said that, that is failure, no question about it. >> reporter: he says one glaring can must be answered. why didn't the secret service agents release their attack dogs. fence dogs are nonuncommon at the white house and these dogs are trained to chase down any intruder. major garrett, cbs news, the white house. this morning, the world health organization predicts a dramatic increase in ebola cases. the number of ebola case could reach 26,000 if more is not done. west africa has cases record, 2800 have been fatal. public officials say there aren't enough doctor, hospital beds or even soap in the hardest hit countries. coming up on the "morning news," red flag warnings. a wildfire east of sacramento. and a flight makes an unscheduled landing after a passenger behaves badly. this is "cbs morning news." that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." ♪ drop and roll ♪ drop it more...drop ♪ i wanna know your name ♪ i wanna, i wanna know your name... ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' the cut ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down... ♪ ♪ ♪ name droppin' on them boys with the tags, don't stop ♪ ♪ me and my crew just droppin' and dancin' ♪ ♪ stop, stop and drop it ♪ you got me droppin' it up ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down a new jersey man is dead. the first recorded victim of a black bear attack in state history. it happened in a state forest in northern new jersey over the weekend. investigators say the 300-pound bear was following the man and four other hikers. they believe the animal was hungry and searching for food. sheriff's officers and wildlife officials shot and killed the bear. this morning, strong erratic winds are forecast in northern california and that spells trouble for firefighters battling a huge wildfire east of sacramento.king fire is 18% contained but has burned through 137 square miles. the fire destroyed at least 32 buildings including ten holes. smoke can be seen up to 100 miles away. residents say it's the worst they've ever seen. >> the smell is really bad. you smell -- you know, constantly smell the smoke. but the big thing is breathing. and i have no lung problems and it affects me. i know people who have lung problems are really having a hard time. >> another 20,000 buildings are still threatened. in the southwest this morning, flash flood warnings for new mexico and western texas. floodwaters forceresidents in carlsbad to leave their homes. over the weekend, remnants of hurricane odile swamped their homes. a fight was traveling from los angeles but diverted to omaha. this cell phone video shows police removing a passenger from the plane. he reportedly argued with a woman sitting new york stock exchange him and was taken to a back row. >> he at that point was fidgeting and began to remove the plastic covering from the emergency exit door and tried to pull to open the door. fortunately, there were a couple of us and police officers there on the flight to help as well. >> officials say the passenger was taken to the hospital for observation. well, climate change will take center stage here in new york for a third day anyway row. today, world leaders attend a summit. hundreds of protests upset about global warming stormed wall street. about 100 were arrested. thousands marched through manhattan demanding action genz rising temperatures. straight ahead, u.n. social networking. facebook's mark zuckerberg is upsetting some of his neighbors with a massive construction job at his new home. details in "moneywatch." how do commercials work? you need a team, working together, doing all kinds of jobs. see these people? they're not acting. they're real professionals. and we hired them all on the site where more people get jobs than anywhere else. indeed. the world's #1 job site. sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. ♪ 14 years to the day, we got our first prius. ♪ sometimes the most daring ideas... ...are the ones you can count on the most. ♪ the prius. toyota, lets go places. okay patrick, one more stop. lets go base, shark, blitz. base, shark, blitz, break! when the game's on the line... okay, this is for the game. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to power their game day communication. flag nineteen, set hut! abort! abort! he's keeping it. hut! duracell quantum. lasts up to 35% longer than the competition. ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. on the "cbs moneywatch," spacex breaks new ground and facebook's mark zuckerberg being defriended by some neighbors. jill wagner's at the stoknew yo stock exchange and more. good morning, general motors say the number of victims who died from faulty ignition switches has gone up from 13 to at least 21. kenneth feinberg in champ of compensation said he's received 124 death claims as of friday. gm admits it knew about the faulty switches for years but didn't recall 2.6 million small cars until february. worries about growth in china and flagging oil prices scared off investors. the dow tumbled 107 points. the nasdaq fell 52 points and the s&p dropped 16 points since august. spacex is building a new launching pad in texas. ceo musk and governor perry broke ground. it will create 300 jobs. spacex plans to launch about a dozen commercial satellites a year beginning in 2016. 10 million and counting that's how many iphone 6 and 6 plus models apple sold over the weekend. that easily beat last year's record of 9 million. the iphone is stilt tech giant's biggest cash cow, accounting for 70% of its profit. and mark zuckerberg's $10 million san francisco fixer upper is reportedly bothering his neighbors. he bought the house in the trendy area last year since then there are no parking signs everywhere. and 40 or 50 workers make noise all day long. susan. >> there goes the neighborhood, right? jill wagner at the new york stock exchange, thank you. the owner of the baltimore ravens admits failure in his handling of the ray rice scandal. and the chicago bears trying to keep the jets grounded on "monday night football." this is the "morning news." losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. ♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. baltimore ravens owner steve bisciotti responded monday to an espn report that' and other officials tried to cover up an attack on his wife. he admits shortcomings in his handling of the investigation. jericka duncan reports. >> our integrity has been brought into question. >> reporter: the owner of the baltimore ravens is blasting a report that he and other team executives knew about the video of ray rice knocking out his fiancee within hours of the assault, and then tried to cover it up before the footage surfaced six months later on the internet. other than steve bisciotti admits not getting that tape was in his words a big fail. >> there's no excuse for me to have not demanded that video except i wasn't concerned or interested enough that to demand it. >> reporter: the nflpa claims they worked behind the scenes to get rice into what's called a diversion program to avoid a trial. bisciotti said rice will never play for the team again but did admit he offered him a mentoring job down the road. >> i believe in my heart, ray would be a great addition to us when it comes to steer these guys from what they're saying young men to grown men. >> reporter: nfl commissioner roger goodell says he looks forward to receiving a report from former fbi director robert mueller who is investigating the ray rice case. the commissioner promising the findings will lead to swift action by the nfl. according to the espn report, ravens head coach john harbaugh wanted rice to be cut from the team right away but was overruled by the bosses. jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. in "monday night football" matchup you the new york jets host the chicago bears. in the first minute of play chicago's ryan mundy returns an interception 46 yards for a touchdown. four minutes later, the jets turn the ball over again, this time on a fumbled punt. that sets up another bears touchdown. chicago never trailed in a 27-19 win. week four of the nfl season kicks off right here on cbs this thursday night. the new york giants head to the beltway to take on the washington redskins. our coverage starts at 7:30 eastern, 6:30 central. this is the "cbs morning news." y with up to 27% more brush movements get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. (birds chirping softly in background.) (loud engine sounds!) what! how's it going? heard you need a ride to school. i know just the thing to help you get going. power up with new cheerios protein. the heavy lifters.ers. just for men does more than get rid of gray, your facial hair looks fuller, thicker, the best beard ever. after all, you're not just a champion of saturday afternoons.... you're a champion of facial hair. just for men mustache and beard. well, it's kind of hard to see, but that's a teapot stuck on a little girl's head. this 18-month-old was playing at home when she put her head in it. she was taken to the hospital but surgeons couldn't get it off so they called firefighters who managed to cut through the tough metal. the girl was not hurt. here in new york city, a man has dedicated his life to saving lives and training others to do the same. as vinita nair reports, they live in one of the toughest sections of the city. >> reporter: volunteers from the bedford stievenson ambulance corps are trained to expect the worse. in this brooklyn neighborhood shootings and stabbings happen often. on this trip, a woman was having trouble breathing. >> your job is to resuscitate them and britian them back to life. >> reporter: the man behind it is 73-year-old robert mathison. >> i want to save a life. raise their level. they can be anything they want to be. >> people respect me when i wear this uniform. >> reporter: 30-year-old isaac rodriguez used to sell drugs. now, he's training to be an emt. >> this place woke me up, you know, seeing so much positive, i want to do that, too. i want to be part of that. >> reporter: was it hard to give up your old lifestyle? >> in a way, it was because you're surrounded by it. >> reporter: over the years, robinson has trained 8,000 neighborhood kids. he funds the program with part of a pension and his mortgage. donations make up the rest. the money pays for uniforms and supplies as well as two ambulances that are staffed by a certified emt. you've told me yourself, you're not a wealthy man, in the course of the 26 years, did you ever think, why am i doing this? >> i don't think i can do nothing else. because, you know, everybody has a mission in life, and i didn't realize my mission in life, until i actually got into it. >> reporter: at least 90% of robinson's students go on to pass the state licensing exam and get a full-time job as an emt. some of them come back to volunteer and train the next batch of recruits. vinita nair, cbs news, brooklyn, new york. and coming you have after your local news on "cbs this morning" -- more on the air strikes against isis in syria. we will hear from david martin at the pentagon and get analysis from former deputy cia director mike morell. plus, fox news host bill o'reilly tells us about his new book killing patton and norah sits down with oscar winning actress geena davis. that's it for "cbs morning news." thanks for watching, i'm susan mcginnis, have a great day. . major accident is causing big problems on i-95. if you are headed out the door in that area, a tractor-trailer has flipped over on the southbound side that's near bridge street. a live look, yes, police say the crash scattered trash all over the highway. the driver has been rushed to the hospital. only one lane is getting by in both directions cents. all of that trash is beginning to get cleaned up. torely have an update on detours in that area coming up in just a moment. hi, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. first, we want to give you your other headlines this morning, 15 year old high school student has died in a double shooting outside a local hospital. a second teen is fighting for his life this morning. we have a live report as police hunt for the person who pulled the trigger. >> and, breakg

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140923 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140923

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this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, september 23rd, this is the "cbs morning news" for tuesday, september 23rd, 2014. captioning funded by cbs good morning, i'm susan mcginnis. cruise missiles launched from u.s. warships and drones began last night, there were 14 in all. many of the targets were or around the militants' self-proclaimed capital in syria. the pentagon said the targets included headquarters, training facilities and a finance center. today, president obama travels to the united nations to try to rally more support for the push for isis. marlie hall reports from the u.n. >> reporter: the u.s. and several allies launched their first air strikes against icis in syria. pentagon said a mix of fighter jets, bombers and tomahawk missiles were used. syria said some of the strikes hit targets in raqqa. >> primary targets are command centers in raqqa. training facilities. known targets. >> reporter: the video campaign comes after weeks after targeting isis in neighboring iraq. the president will join the word leaders here at the united nations general assembly today, he's expected to address the international coalition being formed. secretary of state kerry is in new york working to strengthen the coalition. >> isis has savaging raped and killed syrian women. we must hold those who commit these acts and those who condone them accountable. >> reporter: former prime minister tony blair said ground toos must be used. >> you can't rule them out in all circumstances. >> reporter: president obama has ruled out putting u.s. combat troops on the ground in iraq and syria, but is moving to arm and train moderate syrian rebels to battle isis in syria. saudi arabia, jordan and the united arab emirates reportedly all helped conduct the air strikes, susan. >> marlie hall at the united nations, thank you. well, isis raids in northern syria have pusheded a flood of refugees across the border into turkey. there is fierce fighting between the militants and kurdish forces. one official calls the rush of refugees a man-made disaster. holly williams reports. >> reporter: isis is on the rampage gauge, seizing dons of villages in northern iraq and causing thousands to flee into turkey. on turkey's board with syria just a few mile from the town of kabbani, turkish riot police defended their position with tear gas and water cannons. but they weren't fighting the islamic extremists. instead, they were trying to push mac turkishmen. they're members of the kurdish ethnic minority and their relationship with turkey's government is tense. the confrontation turned farmland into a battle zone. >> let's get away from here. this way. >> reporter: and forced to us run for cover. a mile away, hundreds of kurdish syrians waited to cross at another checkpoint. they told us they brought their families to safety in turkey and wanted to go back to defend their land. muhammad ali said he saw gunmen execute his cousin when the militants capture third village. the men's families may now be safe but many have are nowhere to go. camped out on the ground inside a mosque, we met this woman. she told us she fled her thursday with her six children. the youngest, her 10-day-old baby girl. we just want to be safe from those monsters, she said. we want to be able to go back home. many people here in turkey accuse their government of rip poc hypocrisy. over the last three years thousands of foreign fighters have crossed over that border and many of them have joined isis. holly williams, cbs news, gaziantep, turkey. this morning, israeli troops shot and killed two palestinians suspected in the abduction and murder of three israeli teens. the two palestinians were killed in a shoot-out on the west bank. hundreds were arrested during a manment for the suspect that triggered this summer is's war in gaza. the three israelis were kidnapped in june. their bodies were discovered three weeks later. the secret service is tightening security around the white house. congress is holding hearings next week and we're learning more about the man who jumped the white house fence and made it inside. as major garrett reports, this is not of the suspect's first brush with the law. >> reporter: 42-year-old omar gonzalez appeared in federal court to face a charge of unlawful entry of a federal building while carrying a danger otherwise weapon. a small pocket knife gonzalez did not brandish. april search of his car revealed 800 rounds of ammunition, a hatchet and a machete. shortly after president obama and his daughters departed the white house, gonzalez scaled the walls. he made it to the portico of the mansion making it inside before secret service agents tackled him. his family says he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder. president obama expressed confidence in the security agency. >> they do a good job. i'm grateful for the sacrifices they make on my behalf. >> reporter: julia pierson, director of the secret service ordered more surveillance, more surveillance cameras on the fence line and that the doors of the north portico be locked. w. rob barbin is a former director of the white house. >> intruder equals failure, right? >> i think, having said that, that is failure, no question about it. >> reporter: he says one glaring can must be answered. why didn't the secret service agents release their attack dogs. fence dogs are nonuncommon at the white house and these dogs are trained to chase down any intruder. major garrett, cbs news, the white house. this morning, the world health organization predicts a dramatic increase in ebola cases. the number of ebola case could reach 26,000 if more is not done. west africa has cases record, 2800 have been fatal. public officials say there aren't enough doctor, hospital beds or even soap in the hardest hit countries. coming up on the "morning news," red flag warnings. a wildfire east of sacramento. and a flight makes an unscheduled landing after a passenger behaves badly. this is "cbs morning news." that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." ♪ drop and roll ♪ drop it more...drop ♪ i wanna know your name ♪ i wanna, i wanna know your name... ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' the cut ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down... ♪ ♪ ♪ name droppin' on them boys with the tags, don't stop ♪ ♪ me and my crew just droppin' and dancin' ♪ ♪ stop, stop and drop it ♪ you got me droppin' it up ♪ ♪ you got me droppin' it down a new jersey man is dead. the first recorded victim of a black bear attack in state history. it happened in a state forest in northern new jersey over the weekend. investigators say the 300-pound bear was following the man and four other hikers. they believe the animal was hungry and searching for food. sheriff's officers and wildlife officials shot and killed the bear. this morning, strong erratic winds are forecast in northern california and that spells trouble for firefighters battling a huge wildfire east of sacramento.king fire is 18% contained but has burned through 137 square miles. the fire destroyed at least 32 buildings including ten holes. smoke can be seen up to 100 miles away. residents say it's the worst they've ever seen. >> the smell is really bad. you smell -- you know, constantly smell the smoke. but the big thing is breathing. and i have no lung problems and it affects me. i know people who have lung problems are really having a hard time. >> another 20,000 buildings are still threatened. in the southwest this morning, flash flood warnings for new mexico and western texas. floodwaters forceresidents in carlsbad to leave their homes. over the weekend, remnants of hurricane odile swamped their homes. a fight was traveling from los angeles but diverted to omaha. this cell phone video shows police removing a passenger from the plane. he reportedly argued with a woman sitting new york stock exchange him and was taken to a back row. >> he at that point was fidgeting and began to remove the plastic covering from the emergency exit door and tried to pull to open the door. fortunately, there were a couple of us and police officers there on the flight to help as well. >> officials say the passenger was taken to the hospital for observation. well, climate change will take center stage here in new york for a third day anyway row. today, world leaders attend a summit. hundreds of protests upset about global warming stormed wall street. about 100 were arrested. thousands marched through manhattan demanding action genz rising temperatures. straight ahead, u.n. social networking. facebook's mark zuckerberg is upsetting some of his neighbors with a massive construction job at his new home. details in "moneywatch." how do commercials work? you need a team, working together, doing all kinds of jobs. see these people? they're not acting. they're real professionals. and we hired them all on the site where more people get jobs than anywhere else. indeed. the world's #1 job site. sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. ♪ 14 years to the day, we got our first prius. ♪ sometimes the most daring ideas... ...are the ones you can count on the most. ♪ the prius. toyota, lets go places. okay patrick, one more stop. lets go base, shark, blitz. base, shark, blitz, break! when the game's on the line... okay, this is for the game. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to power their game day communication. flag nineteen, set hut! abort! abort! he's keeping it. hut! duracell quantum. lasts up to 35% longer than the competition. ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. on the "cbs moneywatch," spacex breaks new ground and facebook's mark zuckerberg being defriended by some neighbors. jill wagner's at the stoknew yo stock exchange and more. good morning, general motors say the number of victims who died from faulty ignition switches has gone up from 13 to at least 21. kenneth feinberg in champ of compensation said he's received 124 death claims as of friday. gm admits it knew about the faulty switches for years but didn't recall 2.6 million small cars until february. worries about growth in china and flagging oil prices scared off investors. the dow tumbled 107 points. the nasdaq fell 52 points and the s&p dropped 16 points since august. spacex is building a new launching pad in texas. ceo musk and governor perry broke ground. it will create 300 jobs. spacex plans to launch about a dozen commercial satellites a year beginning in 2016. 10 million and counting that's how many iphone 6 and 6 plus models apple sold over the weekend. that easily beat last year's record of 9 million. the iphone is stilt tech giant's biggest cash cow, accounting for 70% of its profit. and mark zuckerberg's $10 million san francisco fixer upper is reportedly bothering his neighbors. he bought the house in the trendy area last year since then there are no parking signs everywhere. and 40 or 50 workers make noise all day long. susan. >> there goes the neighborhood, right? jill wagner at the new york stock exchange, thank you. the owner of the baltimore ravens admits failure in his handling of the ray rice scandal. and the chicago bears trying to keep the jets grounded on "monday night football." this is the "morning news." losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. ♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. baltimore ravens owner steve bisciotti responded monday to an espn report that' and other officials tried to cover up an attack on his wife. he admits shortcomings in his handling of the investigation. jericka duncan reports. >> our integrity has been brought into question. >> reporter: the owner of the baltimore ravens is blasting a report that he and other team executives knew about the video of ray rice knocking out his fiancee within hours of the assault, and then tried to cover it up before the footage surfaced six months later on the internet. other than steve bisciotti admits not getting that tape was in his words a big fail. >> there's no excuse for me to have not demanded that video except i wasn't concerned or interested enough that to demand it. >> reporter: the nflpa claims they worked behind the scenes to get rice into what's called a diversion program to avoid a trial. bisciotti said rice will never play for the team again but did admit he offered him a mentoring job down the road. >> i believe in my heart, ray would be a great addition to us when it comes to steer these guys from what they're saying young men to grown men. >> reporter: nfl commissioner roger goodell says he looks forward to receiving a report from former fbi director robert mueller who is investigating the ray rice case. the commissioner promising the findings will lead to swift action by the nfl. according to the espn report, ravens head coach john harbaugh wanted rice to be cut from the team right away but was overruled by the bosses. jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. in "monday night football" matchup you the new york jets host the chicago bears. in the first minute of play chicago's ryan mundy returns an interception 46 yards for a touchdown. four minutes later, the jets turn the ball over again, this time on a fumbled punt. that sets up another bears touchdown. chicago never trailed in a 27-19 win. week four of the nfl season kicks off right here on cbs this thursday night. the new york giants head to the beltway to take on the washington redskins. our coverage starts at 7:30 eastern, 6:30 central. this is the "cbs morning news." y with up to 27% more brush movements get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. (birds chirping softly in background.) (loud engine sounds!) what! how's it going? heard you need a ride to school. i know just the thing to help you get going. power up with new cheerios protein. the heavy lifters.ers. just for men does more than get rid of gray, your facial hair looks fuller, thicker, the best beard ever. after all, you're not just a champion of saturday afternoons.... you're a champion of facial hair. just for men mustache and beard. well, it's kind of hard to see, but that's a teapot stuck on a little girl's head. this 18-month-old was playing at home when she put her head in it. she was taken to the hospital but surgeons couldn't get it off so they called firefighters who managed to cut through the tough metal. the girl was not hurt. here in new york city, a man has dedicated his life to saving lives and training others to do the same. as vinita nair reports, they live in one of the toughest sections of the city. >> reporter: volunteers from the bedford stievenson ambulance corps are trained to expect the worse. in this brooklyn neighborhood shootings and stabbings happen often. on this trip, a woman was having trouble breathing. >> your job is to resuscitate them and britian them back to life. >> reporter: the man behind it is 73-year-old robert mathison. >> i want to save a life. raise their level. they can be anything they want to be. >> people respect me when i wear this uniform. >> reporter: 30-year-old isaac rodriguez used to sell drugs. now, he's training to be an emt. >> this place woke me up, you know, seeing so much positive, i want to do that, too. i want to be part of that. >> reporter: was it hard to give up your old lifestyle? >> in a way, it was because you're surrounded by it. >> reporter: over the years, robinson has trained 8,000 neighborhood kids. he funds the program with part of a pension and his mortgage. donations make up the rest. the money pays for uniforms and supplies as well as two ambulances that are staffed by a certified emt. you've told me yourself, you're not a wealthy man, in the course of the 26 years, did you ever think, why am i doing this? >> i don't think i can do nothing else. because, you know, everybody has a mission in life, and i didn't realize my mission in life, until i actually got into it. >> reporter: at least 90% of robinson's students go on to pass the state licensing exam and get a full-time job as an emt. some of them come back to volunteer and train the next batch of recruits. vinita nair, cbs news, brooklyn, new york. and coming you have after your local news on "cbs this morning" -- more on the air strikes against isis in syria. we will hear from david martin at the pentagon and get analysis from former deputy cia director mike morell. plus, fox news host bill o'reilly tells us about his new book killing patton and norah sits down with oscar winning actress geena davis. that's it for "cbs morning news." thanks for watching, i'm susan mcginnis, have a great day. . major accident is causing big problems on i-95. if you are headed out the door in that area, a tractor-trailer has flipped over on the southbound side that's near bridge street. a live look, yes, police say the crash scattered trash all over the highway. the driver has been rushed to the hospital. only one lane is getting by in both directions cents. all of that trash is beginning to get cleaned up. torely have an update on detours in that area coming up in just a moment. hi, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. first, we want to give you your other headlines this morning, 15 year old high school student has died in a double shooting outside a local hospital. a second teen is fighting for his life this morning. we have a live report as police hunt for the person who pulled the trigger. >> and, breakg

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