Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140922 : comparemela.

Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140922

white house. and a super showdown. the seattle seahawks and them need overtime. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, september 22nd, 2014. good morning. i'm susan mcginnis in for anne-marie green. the secret service is considering installing check points a few blocks from the white house after a security breach. on friday an iraq war veteran omar gonzalez jumped the white house fence and made it into the white house armed with a knife. julia nan goldman talks about the man who suffers an ill necessary. representative mike rogers who chairs the intelligence committee told cbs news that secret service needs to be, quote, upping its game. >> i think what you have seen is they're not doing their audits, their checks, their test runs to make sure that people are up to the right standard. >> the white house says it has full confidence in the secret service and its investigation but representative peter king told fox news that internal audit isn't enough. >> he could have had a body bomb on, he could have had a vest on. as we know, he did have a knife. this demand as full investigation. >> the secret service says its agent mace have showned restraint because he appeared to be unarmed and mentally unstable. fence jumpers are not unorder but gets in the building is unprecedented. this probe will investigate why the agents didn't use the tools at their disposal including guard dogs specifically trained to stop intruders. once in custody gonzalez told officers he was concerned the atmosphere was collapsing and he wanted to warn the president. family members including his ex-wife samantha bell said he is a military veteran who developed mental problems including post-traumatic stress disorder during his tour in iraq. >> he was never violent toward me. he's a loving character but something wasn't right. >> gonzalez was heavily medicated and under the care. she isn't sure if he's still receiving treatment. >> he needs the proper treatment to help him. he needs help. he's not -- he's mentally unstable. >> the army says gonzalez received more than a dozen medals, badges, and ribbons during his military career including a medal for his service in iraq. he's expected to appear in federal court on monday nation charges of unlawfully entering a restricted building or grounds while carrying a deadly or dangerous weapon. julianna goldman, cbs news in washington. a search is under way this morning for three afghan soldiers who trained at a base on cape cod. the soldiers all officers were last seen at a mall in hyannis and were reported missing saturday night. a military spokesman says there is no reason to believe the soldiers are a threat and they did not have access to weapons. well, this week more than 140 heads of state gather at the united nations, and topping the agenda will be the terrorist group isis. president obama will head a meeting of the security council. it will focus on the threat of foreign terrorists. u.s. intelligence analysts believe some 12,000 terrorists are fighting with isis. marlie hall is here in new york. marlie, good morning. >> susan, good morning. president obama is taking his strategy for fighting isis to the united nations this week in hopes of gaining support from the international community. secretary of state john kerry meets with more world leaders in new york today as the u.s. works to build an international coalition to tackle isis in iraq and syria. yesterday secretary kerry sat down with iran's foreign minister. the u.s. is trying to get more countries in the region to sign on. the u.s. and france are conducting air strikes in iraq. u.s. ambassador to the united nations samantha powers said other nations will help in syria. >> we will not do the air strike ace loan if the president decides do the air strikes. >> chairman of the joint chiefs of staff martin dempsey says defeating isis hinges on getting support from other nations. president obama will be here this week focusing on the tear roar threat. in an interview on "60 minutes" last night a former member of president obama's cabinet said. >> i think that would have helped and think in part we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. >> on friday the president signed a measure to arm and train moderate rebels in syria. the administration insists that it will not coordinate military operations or intelligence sharing with iran. susan? >> marlie hall in new york. thank you. well, pennsylvania state police say they are hot on the trail of a gunman accused of killing one officer and wounding another at a police barracks. the search for eric frein is centered on the forests of northern pennsylvania. it's been ten days since the ambush. there have been no confirmed sightings of frein since the attack, but trackers discovered items he hid in the woods including an assault rifle and ammunition. >> we know that frein has prepare and planned extensively for months and maybe years. he planned his attack and his retreat. however, we believe we're closing in on him. >> police lifted a lockdown in the community where frein lived with his parents, but they have told residents to stay out of the woods. this morning a huge wildfire burning east of sacramento, california, is only 17% contained and showing little signs of slowing down. the king fire destroyed ten homes and threatened thousands of others. it consumes acre after acre of forest land. it's already destroyed three dozen structures. >> our house is completely got. >> the fire has so far destroyed 82,000 acres or 182,000 square miles. authorities say it was intentionally set eight days ago. at least 28 homes are evacuated. >> you would never believe something like that would grow that big that fast. >> more than 5,000 firefighters are working double shifts to battle the massive wildfire at a cost of $5 million a day. they got a small break on sunday with overcast skies and some drizzle, but the fire is burning in a tinder-dry area that's been under drought conditions for three years. >> a rain like that makes very, very minimal impact on a fire of this size. >> people hundreds of miles away can see the rising smoke. officials canceled the lake tahoe iron man triathlon on sunday because of poor air quality. fire crews may catch another break. more rain is in the forecast, but not until wednesday. danielle nottingham, cbs news, los angeles. in northern california the drought may have caused a massive mudslide. officials say the sun's heat melted part of a glacier on mt. shasta that caused a torrent of mud to race down the peak on saturday. several roads were shut down. a community in eastern michigan is recovering this morning after it was struck by a tornado. the twister hit rochester hills north of detroit sunday morning. 90-mile-an-hour winds caused significant damage to dozens of homes. the storm was on the ground for just two minutes. no one was injured. well, coming up on the "morning news," the search for hannah graham. authorities want to question a man believed to be the last person seen with the missing college student. and a nasa spacecraft makes a big arrival in mars' atmosphere. this is the "cbs morning news." botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder. ...and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control... ...or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox® if you can't empty your bladder or can't or won't self- catheterize if needed the storm was on the ground for a big arrival in mars' injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination,... ...and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and all medicines - especially botulinum toxins, antiplatelets, and blood thinners,... these may increase the risk of serious side effects. ask if botox® can help calm your bladder. visit to find a botox® urology specialist. sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. here's something fun to do with hot dogs. make easy crescent dogs. pillsbury crescent rolls. ♪ make dinner pop. with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. diet ocean spray cranberry juice drink. it's made with real cranberries and has just 5 little calories. we brought diet soda farmers here to show them how we make it. this is where we harvest our cranberries. so, where do you farm diet soda? does diet soda grow on a tree or a bush? uhh... diet ocean spray. taste the power of the cranberry. okay. my goodness. >> oh, my goodness. >> a round of applause from nasa engineers last night for the spacecraft maven. after taking about a year to travel more than 400 million miles, it is finally orbiting mars. in about six weeks the spacecraft will start studying mars' upper atmosphere for clues on how the planet went from being warm and wed to cold and dry. well, police in virginia are searching for a man they're calling a person of interest in the disappearance of a college student. 18-year-old hannah graham vanished after leaving a university of virginia party more than a week ago. the man believed to be the last person she was seen with met with police on saturday but now they want to talk to him again. >> i've made no mistake about it. we want to talk to jesse matthew. >> charlottesville police chief timothy longo says the man seen in this video the night of hannah's disappearance is jesse longo. they say he walked in to the office on saturday, met with lawyer and sped away from the station. state police followed him. >> driving in manner that was reckless and placed others in danger, so much so they had to disengage for their protection and the protection of other people. >> matthew is wanted on reckless driving charges and while he's not charged in graham's disappearance, police want to talk with him about the missing teen. >> i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth because it's been a week and we can't find her. >> police say graham and matthew left a bar in his car. they have searched the vehicle and his apartment but it's unclear if they've obtained any evidence. investigators are piecing together graham's movements from last saturday night. surveillance video shows the university of virginia sophomore running past a service station and making her way to a busy area in downtown charlottesville. >> hey, we're searching for hannah. do you mind if we just look around your property. >> on sunday as more than a thousand volunteers fanned out to look for graham, her parents made a plea for help. >> did you see hannah? did you see hannah? who saw hannah? somebody did. please, please, please, if you have anything, however insignificant you think it may be, call the police tipline. >> well, graham's disappearance has left some university of virginia students rattled. at least three other young women have vanished in the charlottesville area over the last five years but police do not think that graham's case is linked to the other missing women. well, straight ahead on the "morning news" in "moneywatch," taking climate change by storm. thousands of demonstrators call on world leaders to take action to stop global warming. yoplait light is now better than ever. it still melts in your mouth. with 90 calories. and is now aspartame free. yoplait light. it is so good; it's better than ever. grilled chicken, pico, fresh greens, cilantro, avocado, tortilla strips, and a drizzle of margarita sauce, all served with a bowl of soup. chili's fresh mex bowls from our lunch combo menu starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. and on the "cbs moneywatch" call for action on climate change. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. jill, good morning. >> good morning, susan. wall street is bracing for a second wave of climate change protest this morning. hundreds of demonstrators are expected to try to shut down the new york stock exchange. yesterday hundreds of thousands took the streets here in new york and around the world to protest global warming. world leaders will take on the issue tomorrow at the united nations. another gm recall. they've had more than 50 this year. this time the auto giant is recalling more than 220,00 220,000 2013-2015 cadillac xts and chevy impalas. gm said the problem with the brakes could cause a fire. here on wall street investors will keep a close eye on home sales. last week the dow soared a record high, 295 points. the s&p rose 24 and the nasdaq finished up 12 points. >> and a at the box office a strong start for a new young adult franchise. "the maze runner," a teen sigh five it therer brought in more than $32 million this weekend making it one of the biggest debuts ever. liam neeson's private eye flick brought in $13 million and the comedy "this is where i leave you" was third. susan? >> jill, thank you. coming up in sports, a rematch of last season's super bowl, and pair of division rivals battle on the field in philadelphia. this is the "cbs morning news." i know just the thing to help you get going. power up with new cheerios protein. introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. to get up from september 16th to the 29th. or snooze buttons because when coffee this rich, smooth, and delicious is free... it's going to turn you into a morning person. only at mcdonald's. with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. in sports, a regular season rematch of last season's super bowl. the defending champion segment seahawks were hoping for the same result against the denver broncos. seattle loses a 14-point lead in the fourth quarter. peyton manning complete's denver's comeback with a touchdown pass in the game's final minute. but in overtime he never gets the ball. seattle's marshawn lynch scores on the first possession and the seahawks beat denver again, 26-20. in the sunday night game pittsburgh runs over carolina. the steelers rack up 264 rushing yards and ben roethlisberger finishes the job by tossing two touchdown passes to antonio brown. the steelers win, 37-19. well, bad blood between division rivals philadelphia and washington. eagles' quarterback nick foles appears to throw an interception and at the end of the play chris breaker knocks foles to the ground. two players are ejected but foles gets his comeback. philadelphia eagles win, 37-34. and the dallas cowboys match the biggest comeback in team history. tony romo gets dallas back on track. 568-yard bomb to dez bryant is one of two touchdown passes romo throws in the comeback effort. the cowboys win, 34-31. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," legendary rocker robert plant and actor mark harmon of "ncis." i'm susan mcginnis. this is the "cbs morning news." (boys screaming) totino's pizza rolls... ready so fast, it's scary! since the 2012 shoots at sandy hook elementary school, playgrounds, parks, and memorials have been built to honor the young victims. well, one man is building something else, a piece of music. as don dahler tells us, the work has a touching source. >> reporter: music can entertain, inspire, memorialize. composer steven samitz is hoping this piece of music, "a child's requiem" does even more ♪ >> reporter: we first met samitz last year. he wanted to write from a child's perspective, so he reached out to elementary school kids, kids, many with firsthand knowledge of gun violence. >> my dad was about to go outside with me and someone had a gun and shot my dad. >> reporter: he received almost 500 stories. some so powerful he wanted to hear them in person. in june he visited this school in philadelphia. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: one by one the children read their real life stories outloud. 11-year-old brianna had three family members murdered. >> my uncle, my aunt, and my great grandma got shot. >> okay. i get it. samitz is including some of these children's words even those who couldn't repeat them aloud. jose, almost 11, already has witnessed the murder of a friend. the lehigh university professor is writing it in honor of the 26 victims of the sandy hook elementary school shooting. he grew up just 20 miles from newtown. >> the reason i wanted to do this piece was to offer some kind of healing for the families, and i know as we're doing it, it's really hard, but the reason to do it is so we come through on the other side. >> reporter: music can entertain, inspire, memorial yiez. amitz also hopes it can effect change. >> i saw the oej of a story. today i got a much greater shape of the whole story, the fact that this doesn't seem to be that unusual. we live in a world where these things happen and how can we make them stop happening. >> reporter: "a child's requiem" will debut next year at the university of connecticut. don dahler, cbs news, new york. and coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," u.s. efforts to build a coalition to defeat isis. we hear from former cia deputy director mike morell. plus, we go to florida where condo owners are fighting a loophole that's forcing them out of their homes. and former led zeppelin singer robert plant joins us in the studio. and that's the "cbs morning news" for this monday. thanks for watching. i'm susan mcginnis. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- . from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". today's monday, september 22, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. stories we're following today, developing right now, another person has died in a horrific tour bus crash in delaware. dozens of others were injured. we have a live report coming up. new overnight, three people gunned down in southwest philadelphia. we will tell you how the victims are doing this morning, as police hunt for the gunman. and crews are still trying to get a 82,000-acre wild fire under control in california. those flames have already destroyed ten homes, and forced thousands of people to evacuate. those stories and much more coming up including eagles big win, welcome back, young laid. >> i thank you, this is my tan. >> yes, i see. >> i know, this is some

Related Keywords

Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , New York , Sandy Hook , Pennsylvania , Iran , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Florida , Delaware , California , Syria , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Denver , Colorado , Connecticut , Rochester Hills , Cape Cod , Iraq , Lehigh University , Detroit , Dallas , Texas , France , Afghan , Syrian , Hannah Graham , John Kerry , Julianna Goldman , Martin Dempsey , Jesse Matthew , Peyton Manning , Susan Mcginnis , Mike Rogers , Antonio Brown , Julia Nan Goldman , Mike Morell , Los Angeles , Omar Gonzalez , Samantha Bell , Peter King , Tony Romo ,

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140922 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS Morning News 20140922

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white house. and a super showdown. the seattle seahawks and them need overtime. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, september 22nd, 2014. good morning. i'm susan mcginnis in for anne-marie green. the secret service is considering installing check points a few blocks from the white house after a security breach. on friday an iraq war veteran omar gonzalez jumped the white house fence and made it into the white house armed with a knife. julia nan goldman talks about the man who suffers an ill necessary. representative mike rogers who chairs the intelligence committee told cbs news that secret service needs to be, quote, upping its game. >> i think what you have seen is they're not doing their audits, their checks, their test runs to make sure that people are up to the right standard. >> the white house says it has full confidence in the secret service and its investigation but representative peter king told fox news that internal audit isn't enough. >> he could have had a body bomb on, he could have had a vest on. as we know, he did have a knife. this demand as full investigation. >> the secret service says its agent mace have showned restraint because he appeared to be unarmed and mentally unstable. fence jumpers are not unorder but gets in the building is unprecedented. this probe will investigate why the agents didn't use the tools at their disposal including guard dogs specifically trained to stop intruders. once in custody gonzalez told officers he was concerned the atmosphere was collapsing and he wanted to warn the president. family members including his ex-wife samantha bell said he is a military veteran who developed mental problems including post-traumatic stress disorder during his tour in iraq. >> he was never violent toward me. he's a loving character but something wasn't right. >> gonzalez was heavily medicated and under the care. she isn't sure if he's still receiving treatment. >> he needs the proper treatment to help him. he needs help. he's not -- he's mentally unstable. >> the army says gonzalez received more than a dozen medals, badges, and ribbons during his military career including a medal for his service in iraq. he's expected to appear in federal court on monday nation charges of unlawfully entering a restricted building or grounds while carrying a deadly or dangerous weapon. julianna goldman, cbs news in washington. a search is under way this morning for three afghan soldiers who trained at a base on cape cod. the soldiers all officers were last seen at a mall in hyannis and were reported missing saturday night. a military spokesman says there is no reason to believe the soldiers are a threat and they did not have access to weapons. well, this week more than 140 heads of state gather at the united nations, and topping the agenda will be the terrorist group isis. president obama will head a meeting of the security council. it will focus on the threat of foreign terrorists. u.s. intelligence analysts believe some 12,000 terrorists are fighting with isis. marlie hall is here in new york. marlie, good morning. >> susan, good morning. president obama is taking his strategy for fighting isis to the united nations this week in hopes of gaining support from the international community. secretary of state john kerry meets with more world leaders in new york today as the u.s. works to build an international coalition to tackle isis in iraq and syria. yesterday secretary kerry sat down with iran's foreign minister. the u.s. is trying to get more countries in the region to sign on. the u.s. and france are conducting air strikes in iraq. u.s. ambassador to the united nations samantha powers said other nations will help in syria. >> we will not do the air strike ace loan if the president decides do the air strikes. >> chairman of the joint chiefs of staff martin dempsey says defeating isis hinges on getting support from other nations. president obama will be here this week focusing on the tear roar threat. in an interview on "60 minutes" last night a former member of president obama's cabinet said. >> i think that would have helped and think in part we paid a price for not doing that in what we see happening with isis. >> on friday the president signed a measure to arm and train moderate rebels in syria. the administration insists that it will not coordinate military operations or intelligence sharing with iran. susan? >> marlie hall in new york. thank you. well, pennsylvania state police say they are hot on the trail of a gunman accused of killing one officer and wounding another at a police barracks. the search for eric frein is centered on the forests of northern pennsylvania. it's been ten days since the ambush. there have been no confirmed sightings of frein since the attack, but trackers discovered items he hid in the woods including an assault rifle and ammunition. >> we know that frein has prepare and planned extensively for months and maybe years. he planned his attack and his retreat. however, we believe we're closing in on him. >> police lifted a lockdown in the community where frein lived with his parents, but they have told residents to stay out of the woods. this morning a huge wildfire burning east of sacramento, california, is only 17% contained and showing little signs of slowing down. the king fire destroyed ten homes and threatened thousands of others. it consumes acre after acre of forest land. it's already destroyed three dozen structures. >> our house is completely got. >> the fire has so far destroyed 82,000 acres or 182,000 square miles. authorities say it was intentionally set eight days ago. at least 28 homes are evacuated. >> you would never believe something like that would grow that big that fast. >> more than 5,000 firefighters are working double shifts to battle the massive wildfire at a cost of $5 million a day. they got a small break on sunday with overcast skies and some drizzle, but the fire is burning in a tinder-dry area that's been under drought conditions for three years. >> a rain like that makes very, very minimal impact on a fire of this size. >> people hundreds of miles away can see the rising smoke. officials canceled the lake tahoe iron man triathlon on sunday because of poor air quality. fire crews may catch another break. more rain is in the forecast, but not until wednesday. danielle nottingham, cbs news, los angeles. in northern california the drought may have caused a massive mudslide. officials say the sun's heat melted part of a glacier on mt. shasta that caused a torrent of mud to race down the peak on saturday. several roads were shut down. a community in eastern michigan is recovering this morning after it was struck by a tornado. the twister hit rochester hills north of detroit sunday morning. 90-mile-an-hour winds caused significant damage to dozens of homes. the storm was on the ground for just two minutes. no one was injured. well, coming up on the "morning news," the search for hannah graham. authorities want to question a man believed to be the last person seen with the missing college student. and a nasa spacecraft makes a big arrival in mars' atmosphere. this is the "cbs morning news." botox® treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. ask your urologist if botox® can help calm your bladder. ...and reduce your daily leakage episodes. the effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control... ...or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. don't take botox® if you can't empty your bladder or can't or won't self- catheterize if needed the storm was on the ground for a big arrival in mars' injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination,... ...and difficulty emptying your bladder. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and all medicines - especially botulinum toxins, antiplatelets, and blood thinners,... these may increase the risk of serious side effects. ask if botox® can help calm your bladder. visit to find a botox® urology specialist. sir, we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. here's something fun to do with hot dogs. make easy crescent dogs. pillsbury crescent rolls. ♪ make dinner pop. with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. diet ocean spray cranberry juice drink. it's made with real cranberries and has just 5 little calories. we brought diet soda farmers here to show them how we make it. this is where we harvest our cranberries. so, where do you farm diet soda? does diet soda grow on a tree or a bush? uhh... diet ocean spray. taste the power of the cranberry. okay. my goodness. >> oh, my goodness. >> a round of applause from nasa engineers last night for the spacecraft maven. after taking about a year to travel more than 400 million miles, it is finally orbiting mars. in about six weeks the spacecraft will start studying mars' upper atmosphere for clues on how the planet went from being warm and wed to cold and dry. well, police in virginia are searching for a man they're calling a person of interest in the disappearance of a college student. 18-year-old hannah graham vanished after leaving a university of virginia party more than a week ago. the man believed to be the last person she was seen with met with police on saturday but now they want to talk to him again. >> i've made no mistake about it. we want to talk to jesse matthew. >> charlottesville police chief timothy longo says the man seen in this video the night of hannah's disappearance is jesse longo. they say he walked in to the office on saturday, met with lawyer and sped away from the station. state police followed him. >> driving in manner that was reckless and placed others in danger, so much so they had to disengage for their protection and the protection of other people. >> matthew is wanted on reckless driving charges and while he's not charged in graham's disappearance, police want to talk with him about the missing teen. >> i believe jesse matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the earth because it's been a week and we can't find her. >> police say graham and matthew left a bar in his car. they have searched the vehicle and his apartment but it's unclear if they've obtained any evidence. investigators are piecing together graham's movements from last saturday night. surveillance video shows the university of virginia sophomore running past a service station and making her way to a busy area in downtown charlottesville. >> hey, we're searching for hannah. do you mind if we just look around your property. >> on sunday as more than a thousand volunteers fanned out to look for graham, her parents made a plea for help. >> did you see hannah? did you see hannah? who saw hannah? somebody did. please, please, please, if you have anything, however insignificant you think it may be, call the police tipline. >> well, graham's disappearance has left some university of virginia students rattled. at least three other young women have vanished in the charlottesville area over the last five years but police do not think that graham's case is linked to the other missing women. well, straight ahead on the "morning news" in "moneywatch," taking climate change by storm. thousands of demonstrators call on world leaders to take action to stop global warming. yoplait light is now better than ever. it still melts in your mouth. with 90 calories. and is now aspartame free. yoplait light. it is so good; it's better than ever. grilled chicken, pico, fresh greens, cilantro, avocado, tortilla strips, and a drizzle of margarita sauce, all served with a bowl of soup. chili's fresh mex bowls from our lunch combo menu starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. and on the "cbs moneywatch" call for action on climate change. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. jill, good morning. >> good morning, susan. wall street is bracing for a second wave of climate change protest this morning. hundreds of demonstrators are expected to try to shut down the new york stock exchange. yesterday hundreds of thousands took the streets here in new york and around the world to protest global warming. world leaders will take on the issue tomorrow at the united nations. another gm recall. they've had more than 50 this year. this time the auto giant is recalling more than 220,00 220,000 2013-2015 cadillac xts and chevy impalas. gm said the problem with the brakes could cause a fire. here on wall street investors will keep a close eye on home sales. last week the dow soared a record high, 295 points. the s&p rose 24 and the nasdaq finished up 12 points. >> and a at the box office a strong start for a new young adult franchise. "the maze runner," a teen sigh five it therer brought in more than $32 million this weekend making it one of the biggest debuts ever. liam neeson's private eye flick brought in $13 million and the comedy "this is where i leave you" was third. susan? >> jill, thank you. coming up in sports, a rematch of last season's super bowl, and pair of division rivals battle on the field in philadelphia. this is the "cbs morning news." i know just the thing to help you get going. power up with new cheerios protein. introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until the am. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. to get up from september 16th to the 29th. or snooze buttons because when coffee this rich, smooth, and delicious is free... it's going to turn you into a morning person. only at mcdonald's. with up to 27% more brush movements patented sonic technology get healthier gums in two weeks guaranteed. philips sonicare discover the brush that's perfect for you. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. in sports, a regular season rematch of last season's super bowl. the defending champion segment seahawks were hoping for the same result against the denver broncos. seattle loses a 14-point lead in the fourth quarter. peyton manning complete's denver's comeback with a touchdown pass in the game's final minute. but in overtime he never gets the ball. seattle's marshawn lynch scores on the first possession and the seahawks beat denver again, 26-20. in the sunday night game pittsburgh runs over carolina. the steelers rack up 264 rushing yards and ben roethlisberger finishes the job by tossing two touchdown passes to antonio brown. the steelers win, 37-19. well, bad blood between division rivals philadelphia and washington. eagles' quarterback nick foles appears to throw an interception and at the end of the play chris breaker knocks foles to the ground. two players are ejected but foles gets his comeback. philadelphia eagles win, 37-34. and the dallas cowboys match the biggest comeback in team history. tony romo gets dallas back on track. 568-yard bomb to dez bryant is one of two touchdown passes romo throws in the comeback effort. the cowboys win, 34-31. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," legendary rocker robert plant and actor mark harmon of "ncis." i'm susan mcginnis. this is the "cbs morning news." (boys screaming) totino's pizza rolls... ready so fast, it's scary! since the 2012 shoots at sandy hook elementary school, playgrounds, parks, and memorials have been built to honor the young victims. well, one man is building something else, a piece of music. as don dahler tells us, the work has a touching source. >> reporter: music can entertain, inspire, memorialize. composer steven samitz is hoping this piece of music, "a child's requiem" does even more ♪ >> reporter: we first met samitz last year. he wanted to write from a child's perspective, so he reached out to elementary school kids, kids, many with firsthand knowledge of gun violence. >> my dad was about to go outside with me and someone had a gun and shot my dad. >> reporter: he received almost 500 stories. some so powerful he wanted to hear them in person. in june he visited this school in philadelphia. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: one by one the children read their real life stories outloud. 11-year-old brianna had three family members murdered. >> my uncle, my aunt, and my great grandma got shot. >> okay. i get it. samitz is including some of these children's words even those who couldn't repeat them aloud. jose, almost 11, already has witnessed the murder of a friend. the lehigh university professor is writing it in honor of the 26 victims of the sandy hook elementary school shooting. he grew up just 20 miles from newtown. >> the reason i wanted to do this piece was to offer some kind of healing for the families, and i know as we're doing it, it's really hard, but the reason to do it is so we come through on the other side. >> reporter: music can entertain, inspire, memorial yiez. amitz also hopes it can effect change. >> i saw the oej of a story. today i got a much greater shape of the whole story, the fact that this doesn't seem to be that unusual. we live in a world where these things happen and how can we make them stop happening. >> reporter: "a child's requiem" will debut next year at the university of connecticut. don dahler, cbs news, new york. and coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," u.s. efforts to build a coalition to defeat isis. we hear from former cia deputy director mike morell. plus, we go to florida where condo owners are fighting a loophole that's forcing them out of their homes. and former led zeppelin singer robert plant joins us in the studio. and that's the "cbs morning news" for this monday. thanks for watching. i'm susan mcginnis. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- . from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". today's monday, september 22, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. stories we're following today, developing right now, another person has died in a horrific tour bus crash in delaware. dozens of others were injured. we have a live report coming up. new overnight, three people gunned down in southwest philadelphia. we will tell you how the victims are doing this morning, as police hunt for the gunman. and crews are still trying to get a 82,000-acre wild fire under control in california. those flames have already destroyed ten homes, and forced thousands of people to evacuate. those stories and much more coming up including eagles big win, welcome back, young laid. >> i thank you, this is my tan. >> yes, i see. >> i know, this is some

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