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Pelley even with control of the house, the senate, and the white house, the republicans today could not muster the votes to repeal and replace obamacare. The house was scheduled to vote on what the president had called our Wonderful Health care bill. But too many republicans did not see the bill the same way. So rather than go down in public defeat, the speaker of the house put off the vote, at least until tomorrow. Mr. Trump, whose selfpromotion as a negotiator was chronicled in his book the art of the deal, has so far not had the political skill or capital to move the members of his own party. Chip reid begins our coverage. Reporter at the white house this morning, President Trump got a standing ovation from more than 30 members of the Freedom Caucus, the most conservative group in the house. White House Press Secretary sean spicer insisted the Health Care Vote would happen today. Its going to pass. Thats it. Reporter but after congressman justin amash and other Freedom Caucus members returned to the capitol, the positive tone had disappeared. I dont think there can be a vote tonight because they dont have the votes. Reporter so what happened . Well, the president did agree to the caucuss request to reduce the cost of health care by dropping the obamacare requirement that Insurance Companies cover essential health services, including hospitalization, maternity care, prescription drugs, and Mental Health and Substance Abuse services, but the Freedom Caucus said thats not enough. It wants the bill to do much more to repeal obamacare. Without their support, Republican Leaders had no choice but to postpone the vote. At about the same time, President Trump was still saying the vote was on. Today the house is voting to repeal and replace the disaster known as obamacare. Well see what happens. Its going to be a very close vote. Reporter late today, the chairman of the Freedom Caucus says hes hoping for consensus but admitted hes still not on board and said theres a long way to go. We are trying to get another 30 to 40 votes that are currently in the no category to yes. Once we do that, i think we can move forward with passing it on the house floor. Reporter House Republicans hope theyll have the votes by tomorrow morning, but, scott, even if they do, by moving the bill to the right, theyve made the job of getting it through the more closely divided senate even tougher. Pelley chip reid on capitol hill. Chip, thank you. Well, it was more than a month ago that mr. Trump said the Obamacare Repeal was moving fast. His boasting and tendency to believe conspiracy theories have led to a deficit of credibility, and heres Margaret Brennan. In this journey, i will never lie to you. Reporter since the campaign, President Trump has presented himself as the last honest man in washington, but a recent quinnipiac poll shows that his unsubstantiated wiretapping claims have been damaging. 60 of voters do in the believe that he is honest, and 39 of republicans do in the believe his allegation that former president Obama Wiretapped trump tower. Its a claim that the f. B. I. , n. S. A. , and House Intelligence Committee chair devin nunes, a republican, have said is false. That did not happen. Reporter the president has made other allegations without evidence, claiming widespread voter fraud and an his or theically high murder rate. The claims led the conservativeleaning editorial page of the wall street journal to warn that mr. Trump is causing damage to his presidency with his seemingly endless stream of exaggeration, evidencefree accusation, implausible denials, and other falsehoods. In his signature become the art of the deal, published 30 years ago, mr. Trump referred to his style as truthful hyperbole, an innocent form of exaggeration and a very effective form of promotion, but that style may not be effective in the white house. Republican senator lindsey graham. You have the highest official in the land, the president of the united states, accusing his predecessor of illegal activity with no evidence, that hurts our democracy. Reporter scott, in an interview with Time Magazine, President Trump dismissed concerns about his truthfulness, telling the reporter, i cant be doing so badly, because im president and youre not. Pelley Margaret Brennan at the white house for us. Also in that interview with Time Magazine today, mr. Trump said, i tend to be right. Im an instinctual person. I happen to be a person that knows how life works. And the truth is, a lot of voters agree. Dean reynolds is listening to the people. Reporter it would be hard to find more Federal Reserve nt Trump Supporters than corky haynes and barbara wyllie. We love playing the our flag. Reporter well, how do you think the president is doing 60 days into his presidency many. Fabulous. Reporter the tweets. They dont want to get a nasty tweet. Reporter the bragging. The this is going to be the fantastic. Reporter the fights with the media. You are fake news. Ive been saying this for years, its finally exciting to have someone call them out on it. Reporter the two sun city grandmothers are among what the polls identify as the 30 or 40 of the country that formed the trump base, and for the record, they dont believe the polls either. They said he wouldnt win election. Why would any commonsense thinking person put any stock in the polls today . Reporter as for the Health Care Bill opposed by Congressional Republicans and supported by the president that could cause millions to lose coverage. I think whatever plan they come up with is going to be a plan that works for all the people. Reporter obamacare premiums here have risen by 116 , exhibit a in the trump administrations argument for repeal. But the current house bill to replace obamacare could have dire consequences for arizona, with estimates that 380,000 people could lose medicaid coverage if that bill becomes law. Republican state representative Heather Carter is concerned about what that could mean for her state. Weve seen what happens in arizona when people dont have Health Insurance and they show up in the emergency room for their care. Its disaster. Reporter she supported the expansion of medicaid that was part of obamacare and says that part of the law should stay. Im happy to see there are republicans back in d. C. Who are taking the time to understand the implications of this policy on their constituents. Reporter and thats what we heard from many Trump Supporters here, scott. They all want the Republican Congress to do the right thing on health care, but take more time to do it. Pelley Dean Reynolds listening to the people. Dean, thank you very much. The f. B. I. And congress are investigating whether members of the Trump Campaign colluded with russia to sway the election. No evidence of that has been made public, and no one has been charged with any crime. One potential witness is a former British Intelligence officer hired by trump opponents to find dirt on him in russia. He wrote a report of unsubstantiated claims that is now getting new scrutiny. Heres jeff pegues. Im really pleased to be back here working again. Reporter Christopher Steele emerged from hiding earlier this month after the dossier he compiled about thencandidate trumps association was leaked in january. Its all fake news. Its phony stuff. It didnt happen. Reporter despite the president s dismissals of the dossier, sources say it is gaining increasing credibility in both the Intelligence Community and congress. Adam schiff is the top democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. Also according to steeles russian sources, the campaign has offered documents damaging to hillary clinton. Reporter now democrats want to call steele to testify about his allegations that donald trump and his associates had business dealings with russian officials. Congressman jim himes. It gets to something we dont talk a lot about, which is really important, do the russians have some fort of leverage on President Trump, financial or otherwise . I briefed the president on the concerns that i had. Reporter the committees investigation was thrown into disarray yesterday when republican chairman devin nunes announced that he had seen legal Foreign Surveillance that involved members of the trump transition team. He angered democrats by first briefing the media and mr. Trump. Today he apologized to the committee. At the end of the day sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the wrong one, but you have to stick by the decisions you make. Reporter getting steele to testify will take more than just democratic support. Scott, Committee Republicans would have to back the idea, as well. After that there is the possibility steele wont want to appear. Pelley jeff pegues in our washington newsroom. Late today a fourth victim of the London Attack died, a 75yearold man whose name was not released. The others were a police officer, stabbed to death, a british woman, and an american tourist run down on a bridge near parliament. The attacker was also killed, and today Elizabeth Palmer learned more about him. Reporter the man who left this trail of carnage in the heart of london was Khaled Masoud. 52 years old and british born, he was shot by police during yesterdays attack. Overnight officers raided Properties Linked to ma sued. He was not currently under investigation for any violent extremism, although he had a criminal record. Nonetheless, isis claimed today he was a soldier of the islamic state. He was also a terrorist who stabbed Policeman Keith Palmer to death and murdered aysha frade, a teacher and mother of two, with his car, along with merge Kurt Cochrane from utah, who was in london with his wife melissa for their wedding anniversary. She was injured yesterday and is still in the hospital. The injured came from 11 countries. Among them, French High School students, south korean tourists and a romanian architect andra cristea. She tumbled off the bridge into the icy river. Just a day ago, this whole area was strewn with bodies, but in the famous british spirit of keep calm and carry on, the british authorities are determined things should return to normal as soon as possible. Less than 24 hours after the attack, Westminster Bridge was open to traffic. In Parliament Politicians observed a minute of silence. And then heard a toughminded message from Prime Minister theresa may. We are not afraid, and our resolve will never waiver in the face of terrorism. Reporter tonight thousands of londoners gathered in Trafalgar Square for a vigil led by the citys muslim mayor, is a deed kahn. In part they came to honor the dead, and in part to bolster solidarity among the living. Scott, the identity of Khaled Masoud seems to have taken the British Security services by surprise. He was investigated years ago for peripheral links to extremism but seemed since then to have slid right off the radar. Pelley liz palmer at the palace of westminster in london for us tonight. Liz, thank you. In israel today, a jewish teenager who holds both u. S. And israeli citizenship was arrested in connection with a wave of bomb threats phoned in to Jewish Community centers around the world. Anna werner has his story. Reporter the f. B. I. Worked with israeli authorities to arrest this 18yearold man, who covered his face as he appeared briefly in court. A u. S. Law enforcement official tells cbs news he is believed to be responsible for most of the 160plus bomb threats phoned into Jewish Centers in the u. S. , australia, new zealand, and canada. Israeli Police Spokesman miblgy roenfeld. Were looking to see the identification of the suspect himself, his from file, what were the motives behind him carrying out those threats. Reporter the source says agents now believe the suspect used an anonymizer to mask his phone number and i. P. M. Addresses main have programmed calls in rapid succession. Meanwhile, his public defender says the man suffers from a brain tumor that may have had an effect on his cognitive function. The lawyer, galit bash. This is a young person that because of his very, very serious medical cant didnt serve in the army, didnt go to high school, didnt go to elementary school. Reporter Evan Bernstein is with the antidefamation league. Even know now there is relief, its not a time for institutions to ratchet back on their security protocol. Its a time to maintain diligence and not to get complacent in any way. Reporter that 18yearold lawyer says he will be sent for a medical evaluation. Scott, its in the yet clear whether u. S. Authorities will seek extradition or try to file charges against him. Pelley anna werner, thanks. Coming up next on the cbs evening news, why middleaged workingclass white americans are dying younger. U flonase allergy relief delivers more complete relief. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. Flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. So you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. Flonase. 61 changes everything. The markets change. At t. Rowe price. Our disciplined approach remains. Global markets may be uncertain. 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Neither finished high school, and neither has Health Insurance. I get sick, i go to the doctor, i pay him cash. Reporter roach, now 48, smokes a pack a day. Were all questioning older. True. Reporter if something goes wrong, youll wish you have it. There again, yes, probably so. Reporter arnold is 25 with a Significant Health worry. I was diagnosed with a tumor in my head when i was 18. Reporter benign . Yes, sir, its benign. Reporter but still there . Its still. There its being treated with medication. Reporter so you pay out of pocket . Yes, sir. How expensive . Its about 300 a month. Reporter in this new Brookings Institute study, the surprise involved middleaged whites with limited education. On average they are dying younger than other middleage americans, a trend driven by their dwindling economic opportunities. John gailer helps direct the National Dropout Prevention Center at clemson university. Reporter education brings opportunity. Opportunity in the area of employment later, opportunity in the skills to overcome obstacles. Reporter roach and arnold, both Trump Supporters, are keeping an eye on health care reform. I think it will get better. Reporter no matter who is there. Everybody makes promises that they dont keep. Reporter and guys like you have to learn how do do without in. Yeah, and theres a lot of people like me. Reporter lesseducated white people overwhelmingly supported President Trump. Scott, the studys researchers showed that proposed reforms to obamacare with premiums possibly rising for older folks, seem almost perfectly designed to hurt the very people who voted for him. Pelley Mark Strassmann in the upstate for us tonight. Mark, thank you. M well be right back. My tip is, speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. What bad back . Gels work so fast youll ask what pulled hammy . 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Every morning i wage up, i tell myself, this is the best day ever. Reporter you bereave that . I believe it. Looking back at my life, how could i not . Reporter right now swarner is training for his trip next month to the north pole. Having already climbed the highest mountain on each continent and trekked to the south pole, this will be the last leg of whats known as the explorers grand slam. You never know whats possible until you are in that situation to push yourself forward. How do you feel, buddy . Reporter what would be impressive for anyone becomes almost inconceivable when you realize sean swarner is a cancer survivor. How close were you to dying . I literally was on deaths door. Reporter twice as a teenager he was given weeks to live, but he fought back. The radiation that helped save his life ravaged his body. As if surviving cancer not once but twice isnt enough, youre also doing this one functioning lung. I have one big bulldog lung over here apparently. Reporter so all that training, pulling tires up slopes and his jeep around the neighborhood, is done with one lung. A trek of more than 100 miles and minus 40degree temperatures, pulling a sled with 200 pounds of supplies behind him. People are limited by this, not their body. If you dont think its possible, its not possible. Reporter at the north pole, hell plant a flag with names of people battling cancer arranged to spell out hope. Its not about me and my story. Its about people who are fighting for their lives and people who need that hope. Reporter sean swarner often envisions the end of this remarkable journey. Ill get to the north pole, collapse to my knee, cry like a baby, and i think, now what . John if its simply a matter of desire, hard to imagine anything he cant do. Jim axelrod, cbs news, new york. Pelley and on this best day ever, thats the cbs evening news. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Closed captioning provided by cbs Sports Division make the tournament as a player is a huge accomplishment. Its the biggest stage. This is the sweet 16. Oregon wins it again West Virginia onto the sweet sweet 16. Its the blue bloods from due. Here we

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