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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley who is your running mate . That is the question for donald trump, and it could be the answer, as well. Tonight indiana governor mike pence is a leading candidate for the numbertwo spot in the republican ticket. Pence is 57, 13 years younger than trump, and he knows his way around washington. He served 12 years as a congressman. Heres major garrett. Reporter donald trump summoned his family from new york to meet with mike pence at the indiana governors mansion, their second facetoface encounter in two days. Trump then left for downtown indianapolis to huddle with other potential running mates as the Vice President ial vetting process drew to a close. First former House Speaker newt gingrich, who retired from congress in 1999 and ran for president himself four years ago,. A close adviser, gingrich often tells trump hes leading a movement. Of historical significance. Trump also met with fourterm alabama senator jeff sessions, the first senator to back the candidate, and trump spoke by phone today with new jersey governor chris christie, whom hes known the longest and who has been the most outwardley loyal since ending his own president ial campaign. Christie chairs the trump transition team. This is a great festival. Reporter meanwhile, pence campaigned for reelection in fort wayne. The devout Christian Conservative who served six terms in congress has a deadline. He must notify the state by noon friday if hell remain on the ballot as a candidate for governor. As for the meeting with trump. Nothing was offered. Nothing was accepted. But we had a great conversation about the country. Reporter do you think you can help him more as Vice President or as governor of indiana . I think that would be for others to say. I can just honestly tell you, these are good people. These are people who have the best interests of america at heart. Donald trump gets it. Reporter the two campaigned together tuesday night, arriving more than an hour late after a fundraiser pence organized for trump that add more than 1 million to his campaign coffers. Trump appeared pleased. Youll be calling up mike pence. I dont know whether hes going to be your governor or your Vice President. Who the hell knows . Reporter throughout this campaign, trump has relied on gut instinct and risk. Pence is the more conventional choice, backed by trumps inner circle and some family adviser, but christies family is much closer than trumps and among outside advisers, few have more clout than gingrich. Pelley a new poll out today finds that trump has taken the lead in the key state of florida. Hes up three points. Last month he was trailing there by eight. Heres nancy cordes. Donald Trumps Campaign ads up to an ugly, dangerous message to america. Reporter in springfield, illinois, the home of lincoln, clinton called trump today a threat to the republic, a man determined to stoke fear and settle scores. Imagine if he had not just twitter and cable news to go after his critics and opponents, but also the i. R. S. , or for that matter our entire military. Reporter complicating her message was the new quinnipiac poll that found voters in three key battleground states now consider trump significantly more trustworthy. Its one of several polls that show clinton slipping after she skirted an indictment last week but not a tongue lashing for her use of a private email server as secretary of state. I think she was extremely careless. I think she was negligent. Reporter the clinton camp chose to look on the bright side, highlighting another new poll that has her leading in iowa by three and in pennsylvania by nine, and clinton argued its trump who really flouts the rule of law. He says as commanderinchief he would order our troops to commit war crimes. Reporter she was referring to his vow to bring back the use of torture. We should go for waterboarding abwe should go tougher than waterboarding. Reporter c. I. A. Director john brennan was asked today what he would do if he got that order . As long as im director of the c. I. A. , were not going to go down that road again. Reporter clintons v. P. Selection process has been markedly less public than trumps, but everyone will be looking for clues tomorrow when she comes to washington to meet with senate democrats, a group thats filled, scott, with potential nominees. Pelley nancy cordes in the washington newsroom. Nancy, thank you. When the Republican Convention opens next monday, clinton will be addressing the Naacp Convention in cincinnati. But donald trump has declined the invitation of the civil rights group. Thats rare. Both mitt romney and both president s bush spoke to the naacp, but reagan declined in 1980. Negative views of Race Relations are at their highest since the 1992 riots that occurred after the aquilt l of Police Officers who beat taxi driver rodney king in los angeles. A cbs News New York times poll out tonight finds that 69 of americans say Race Relations are bad, about the same as 1992. The new poll was taken after the Police Shootings of black men in louisiana and minnesota and the murders of five Police Officers in dallas. There were funerals today for three of those officers, and Manuel Bojorquez has that. Amazing grace. How sweet the sound reporter at this service, dallas transit officer Brent Thompson was remembered as a family man, the father of six had recently married fellow transit officer emily. Brent loved all of his brothers and sisters in blue. I encourage you to stand with me, continue to wear the badge with me, remembering the oath we took. We will not, we cannot, we shall not let the acts of a coward break us. Reporter his daughter sandy fought back tears. One thing i would always say to my dad when he walked out the door was, goodbye, daddy. I love you. Be safe. And tonight we say our final, goodbye, daddy. We love you. Be safe. Reporter thousands of Law Enforcement officers from across the country gathered to pay their respects to their fallen comrades. This was the procession for dallas officer lorne ahrens. Hundreds lined the streets. Officers saluted. The youngest did, too. Inside officer Debbie Taylor remembered the 64 ahrens as a gentle giant. Not only was he bigger in physical stature, but his personality, his heart, his enthusiasm for policework and his devotion to his family were all larger than life. Reporter at a mass for officer michael smith, an army veteran and father of two, he was called a warrior and a guardian by his sister, yeamei smith. My brothers murder will not be in vain. His selfless legacy will live on. Reporter and in some ways it already has. This week family friend shared a photograph of officer smiths daughter giving a bracelet she made to the daughter of Fallen Police officer patricio zamarripa. Scott, the funerals for officer zamarripa and officer michael krol are set to happen over the next few days. Pelley Manuel Bojorquez in dallas for us tonight. Manuel, thank you. The murders of those dallas officers were motivated in part by the Fatal Police Shooting of alton sterling in baton rouge. Well, today the America Civil Liberties Union sued the police there over their treatment of protestors. Sterlings 15yearold son cameron urged marchers to protest, as he put it, the right way. David begnaud sat down with him. Ill never forget that image of you wailing on the side of your mom. When i put my arm around her, its like somebody elses hand touched me, like i had another hand laying on top of my hand. When i looked over, nobody else was touching me. And it was like at that moment, i knew. My daddys here. Hes right on the side of us. Hes standing here as our family together once again. I really want everyone to know, alton sterling was a good man, no matter what anyone else has to say about him. Truly in my heart, i know he was a good dad. Reporter what is your opinion of police in general these days . All police arent bad. They all arent bad. There are some that are bad, but all arent bad. How i feel, i feel all police shouldnt be punished for other polices crimes. The police in dallas, texas, they didnt deserve that, because nobody knew if they had kids to go home to. Those kids need their parents. Reporter people around the country have been protesting because of what happened to your dad. What would you say to them . Continue protesting. But what i want, what i ask, if you truly love my father, i truly just want everyone to protest the right way. Protest in peace. Not in violence. Not beating the police, not Police Beating the people. That makes no sense. That makes things worse. You have to make things better by making peace. Reporter today cameron got on a plane for washington. Tomorrow its expected hell meet the president. And, scott, on friday he will return to baton rouge to bury his dad. Pelley David Begnaud reporting for us. David, thank you. In an important developing story, 47 american troops have been rushed into south sudan to protect americans and the u. S. Embassy. It was five years ago that the u. S. Brokered a deal that created the worlds newest nation, splitting it from the rest of sudan. But civil war between rival ethnic groups flared again this week. The u. N. Says more than four million south sudanese are threatened by famine. Today britain got a new Prime Minister, theresa may, a career politician. She is the first woman to hold the office since Margaret Thatcher in 1990. Mark phillips reports change came quickly. Reporter the moment of becoming Prime Minister frozen in time. Everything else was in motion, especially David Cameron leaving office four years earlier than hed planned. Its not been an easy journey, and, of course, weve not got every decision right. Reporter he got one big thing wrong the referendum on leaving the e. U. On which he gambled and lost. So one last grilling in parliament that was less a grilling than a political standup routine. Other than one meeting this afternoon with her majesty, the queen, the diary for the rest of my day is remarkably light. Reporter or the one about the time he was stopped by someone on the sidewalk in new york. Eventually said, hey, cameron, Prime Ministers questions. We love your show. Reporter the David Cameron act is over. Its such a neat show of political theatrics. One Prime Minister leaves through the famous front door, another arrives. The characters may change, but the plot stays the same. Its theresa mays show now. The 59yearolds run Britains Home Office for six years, dealing with policing, immigration and other tough issues. She will now have to manage the toughest of them all, the divorce from europe that she had actually campaigned against. We are living throw an important moment in our countrys history. Following the referendum we face a time of Great National change. Reporter about the only thing that hasnt changed around here is larry, the downing street cat. Hes staying. And the rumor that somehow i dont love larry, i do. And i have photographic evidence to prove it. Reporter and scott, theres already controversy about one of theresa mays first big appointments. Shes named boris johnson, a divisive figure who was criticized during the Brexit Campaign for using racist innuendo about president obama, her new foreign minister. It will be his job to sell brexit to the word. Pelley Mark Phillips outside number ten, the Prime Ministers residence. Mark, thank you. Coming up on the cbs evening news, a manhunt for a gunman who has killed at least seven. Think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Not with safelite. This family needed their windshield replaced but theyre daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. So guess what, i met them at the zoo. Service that fits your schedule. Thats another safelite advantage. Safelite repair, safelite replace. When a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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Reporter the three latest victims were murdered in dossie ellis driveway. 14 bullets in my daughter. 12 bullets in my granddaughter. 8 bullets in the other girl. Thats 34 bullets. Reporter ellis 12yearold granddaughter maleah was the youngest victim. His daughter stephanie and her friend Angela Linner were also gunned down. This is not a sniper shooting someone at a distance. Right. Reporter they look their victims in the eye. Not even a driveby. Walked up, made sure someone was in the car and just opened fire. Reporter Phoenix Police have now linked those murders to four others, and the f. B. I. And u. S. Marshal have joined the investigation. The shootings began in march. Since then the serial killer or kill verse murdered seven people within 50 square miles. All of the shootings occurred outside homes and at night. Right now we have not determined a motive in any one of these eight incidents. We havent found any relationship between our victims. Reporter investigators now have a sketch of the suspect and this community, while on edge, is being vigilant. Mike upchurch is patrolling with the guardian angels. Its very frustrating because i know that if hes not caught hes going to kill again. Reporter but for dossie ellis and his wife sylvia, its already too late. Theyve taken my world, my life, because my daughter was my life. Reporter Phoenix Police were just investigating another apparent shooting that happened just a couple of hours ago. Neighbors around here were hoping it might provide new leads in the serial shooting case, but, scott, it appears at least right now its not related. Pelley carter evans in phoenix. Carter, thank you very much. Coming up next, one by one they were taken down by a powerful drug that is sweeping the nation. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. 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Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh, i dont remember that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. It told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Pelley yesterday more than 30 people in new york suffered bizarre reactions to an illegal synthetic drug, which is now available all across the country. Michelle miller reports from new york city. I cant stand up straight. Reporter it was a bizarre scene, dozens of people with blank stares stumbling around a brooklyn neighborhood yesterday. This is crazy. Reporter brian arthur live streamed it on facebook. As im walking up the block, i see everybody laid out on the floor. Everybody is stumbling all over the place. It looked like a scene out of a zombie movie. Reporter emergency workers sent 33 people to area hospital, saying they appeared to be under the influence of the synthetic drug known as k2 or spice. Designed to mimic marijuana, the drug has far more powerful effects. This man says hes used it before. K2 puts you in a delusional word, has your mind spinning, mind altering. Reporter k2 is made by spraying various illegal chemicals on the plants. Its then ground up and smoked. Many users experience confusion, hallucination, rapid heart rate and even seizures. Police say its sold at small Neighborhood Grocery stores. A cbs undercover producer found it at this brooklyn corner store last year. 10 . 10. Reporter k2 usage is growing nationwide. The c. D. C. Reports more than 3,500 calls of synthetic marijuana use to Poison Centers over a fivemonth period last year. Thats a 229 jump from the year before. Drug dealers have managed to stay one step ahead of federal Law Enforcement. No sooner did they ban one recipe for k2, manufacturers come up with another, making it virtually impossible, scott, for the ingredients to be banned. Pelley michelle miller, thanks. Up next, a teenagers poem is giving america a lot to think giving america a lot to think about. To do one thing another. Only at t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax constipated . Use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax, designed for dependable relief be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Who is done with treatments that dont give you clearer skin. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. 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Be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. 80 of recurrent ischemic, strokes could be prevented. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Pelley we end tonight with a poem, written and performed by an atlanta teenager this past spring, but its been getting new attention from millions after the violence that shook america last week. Heres mark strassmann. My poem is titled white boy privilege. Reporter white boy privilege was an entry in a School Poetry contest. To be honest, im scared of what it would be like if i wasnt on the top rung, if the tables were turned and i didnt have my white boy privilege safety blanket to protect me. Reporter royce manns message was a plea from a 14yearold white male going to a private school in atlanta let everyone share his privileges. I love it because when i see a police officer, i see someone who is on my side. I was trying to be truthful about like how i wouldnt trade places with somebody and that i think a lot of people sometimes arent so truthful about that. Reporter Racial Division seared america last week. After minnesota, baton rouge and dallas, manns poem struck a nerve on line. Many loved it. Others attacked him. More than eight Million People have seen it. Everyone should have the privileges i have. Everyones story should be written so all they have to do is get it read. I get that change is scary, but equality shouldnt be. Im not asking anybody to give up their lives to fight for equality. I have other dreams, too. Im just asking you to do your share. When you see something that you think is wrong, thats discrimination, speak up. Its time to let go of that fear. Its time to take that ladder and turn it into a bridge. [applause] reporter he also won that poetry contest. Mark strassmann, cbs news, atlanta. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Jennifer anistons tabloid takedown, fed up with paparazzi and pregnancy rumors. Hollywood weighs in on the body shaming controversy. And taylors ex puts her on blast. The bad blood just boile over, how he is bringing taylors perry, into the fight. And then is miss america dropping the swimsuit competition . And an allnew jfk junior what you never knew about his love life. And Reese Witherspoon celebrates a milestone. E. T. s wayback wednesday on the set

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