Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160614

>> pelley: we had imagined the horror of the nightclub, but the reality is worse. trade, survivors told us of the lights going out, the sound of an assault rifle being relooked liked. pleas for help as the killer returned to the wounded to shoot them again. tonight, the death toll holds at 49. these are their names and their faces. the oldest was 50. the youngest 18. victims of the deadl deadliest s shooting in american history. among those killed sunday morning, eddie justice, a 30-year-old tax accountant who went to the club at the last minute for last call. he took his best friend, demetrice naulings. >> we were standing at the bar and we were ordering a drink. we never even got that drink. we were dancing, then there was a shot fired. went from shot firing to my phone falling, to us on the floor looking at eaching in total shock like this is happening for real? this can't be happening. it had to be the music. but then when you hear the ringing of someone's shooting, and it's next-- next, and you don't even know if it's next to you. where is it coming from? are they coming over here? is it over? is it really true? and the shots just continued to go on. then it stopped and it began again. then the lights went off. then it was complete silence complete silence. you could hear a pin drop. you could hear the bullets drop. i even heard the clip fall on the floor for him to just reload again. and then the rings of shots just keep going, and people are running and yelling. we ran into the women's bathroom, me and my friends. everyone was going hectic. me and bryson, eddie justice was getting ready to go out of the women's bathroom, he looked at me, and the image in his face, i will never forget, scott, is-- it will haunt me for the rest of my life. he looked at me and just said, "take care of me. please, don't leave me." he knew i was going to take care of him because he was more than just a friend. he was like a brother, a person that would put a smile on my face, the person that told me, you're going to make it. you're going to be big. people will know you now. but you're going to be somebody. we're going to be somebody. and i told him, i said, "i'm not going to let go. we're going to get out of here." and to hold your friend's hand and only make it three feet away from the bathroom to where the dressing room is, is where you know there's a door to exit out of. as i'm running out of that same hallway-- >> pelley: but it's dark. >> it's dark. he was behind me, but as i'm looking behind me and still moving, a girl gets shot right behind me, and she falls on the floor, and people tramped over her like she's nothing because they're in a panic attack and we're at a standstill at this time because it's dark. and the gate is black, and you can't really see where the latch is to open it. once the latch opened i ran across the street to the fire department, into the 7-eleven, and i did a snapchat and said, "if you guys are okay, please snap me back." the last thing my friend texted me was, "please help me." "help me. i've been shot, and i'm going into shock. please, help me." when you can't help someone, when you know you want to help them, but you can't help them, when you know you always help them, you always were there, they always were there for you. so to hear, "help me," you can't help. you're trying to keep calm so you can keep them calm because they told you they're in shock. >> pelley: there was nothing you could do. >> it's easier said than done. in the back of my head, i fault me because i'm supposed to be the bigger brother, to protect him, like i've always-- >> pelley: there is nothing you could have done. we will hear more from demetrice naulings and other survivors a little bit later in the broadcast. but first, homeland security correspondent jeff pegues has the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: a law enforcement source says omar mateen's wife, noor, seen here with her head covered, is telling f.b.i. investigators she tried to stop her husband from committing the attack. investigators have interviewed her twice and given her a polygraph test. she told them the couple had been to the club before. club patron vim jan horn said mateefns a regular. >> he used to come in the bar on the weekends sometimes, he would be there. sometimes he would miss a couple weeks and be in again. >> reporter: investigators now believe that mateen was in the general area of pulse for several hours before entering the club at about 2:00 a.m. and launching the attack. authoritieses are trying to piece together all of his movements in the days and weeks before the mass shooting. they believe that he had also cased disney world, once in april with his wife and earlier this month, visits likely captured by a vast security network at the resort. after reviewing frefs mateen's cell phone and computer, investigators concluded he had been inspired by radical islamist ideology. in 2013, while mateefns an armed security guard at the st. lucie county chowrks he was investigated by the f.b.i. coworkers said he boasted of family connections to al qaeda, and that he was a member of hezbollah. then his name popped up in connection with an investigation into an american suicide bomber in syria. in both cases, he was cleared. f.b.i. agents followed detailed guidelines in domestic investigations. in mateen's case, they opened what is known as a preliminary investigation which is limited to six months but can be extended. mateen's case stretched over 10 months, and included surveillance, informant, as well as wiretaps. it ended in march of 2014, when agents decided there wasn't enough evidence to determine that he was a terrorist. federal investigators are casting a wide net searching for anyone mateen may have contacted in the days and months before the shooting. they are also trying to determine if he was using gay dating apps. scott, his wife has been cooperate, but she could possibly face criminal charges. right now, there is no evidence that she ever called police to warn them that she believed he was planning an attack. >> pelley: jeff pegues, thanks. today, the president joined the political debate around the shooting, and margaret brennan is at the white house. >> it won't make us more safe. it will make us less safe, fueling isil's notion that the west hates muslim. >> reporter: a passionate president obama ripped into donald trump warning that his rhetoric feeds hate. >> we hear language that singles out immigrants and suggests entire religious communities are complicit in violence. where does this stop? the orlando killer, one of the san bernardino killers, the fort hood killer, they were all u.s. citizens. are we going to start treating all muslim americans differently? because that's not the america we want. >> reporter: that divisiveness hurt the u.s. war against terrorists, he argued, and betrays american values. >> and if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect, the very things that make this country great, the very things that make us exceptional. and then the terrorists would have won, and we cannot let that happen. i will not let that happen. >> reporter: the president also slammed critics who demand he use the term can the radical islam" when referring to terrorists. >> it's a political talking point. it's not a strategy. groups like ice and i will al qaeda want to make this war a war between islam and america. that's how they recruit. and if we fall into the trap of painting all muslims with a broad brush and imply that we are at war with an entire religion, then we are doing the terrorists' work for them. >> reporter: scott, didn't take long for donald trump to attack. he accused the president of claiming to know the enemy and priortizing him over the american people. >> pelley: margaret, thank you. of the 102 people who were shot in orlando, 53 survived. 33 are still in the hospital. today, we heard from some of the wounded clght angel cologne pb and patience carter. carter and murray fled when the shooting started but went back in after realizing that parker was still inside. all three wound up huddled in the bathroom. murray was killed. >> the gunman entered the bathroom and was shooting his machine gun. so we're all, like, scrambling around in the bathroom screaming at the top of our lungs. you know, people are getting hit by bullets. like, blood is everywhere. and then there was a moment where he stopped, and that's when i first realized that my leg was shot. there were several other people shot and bleeding in the bathroom. that's when akira, who didn't make trealized she was shot in her arm, and i'm not sure if that's when tiara also got shot in her side but we were all pretty bad. throughout that period of hours, the gunman was in there with us, and he actually made a call to 911 from there. and they were saying that the reason why he's doing this is because he wants america to stop bombing his country. and from that conversation, from 911, he pledged his allegiance to isis. they bust through the wall. they told him, "put your weapon down. put your weapon down." he didn't. so they engaged in gunfire. they shot him dead. i saw akira's phone right before i got out of the wall and i picked it up because i truly believed after i was told she was breathing, that her pulse was still going, that i would be able to give that phone back to her. once we got back-- once we got back into the hospital. >> i was shot about three times in my leg, so i had fallen down. all i could do was lay down there while everyone was running on top of my trying to get to where they had to be. and i could hear the shotguns closer. >> and look over and he shoots the girl next to me. and i'm just there laying down, and i'm thinking, i'm next. i'm dead. so i don't know how, but by the glower of god, he shoots towards my head, but it hit my hand. and then he shoots me again, and it hit the side of my hip. i had no reaction. i was just prepared to just stay there, laying down, so he won't know that i'm alive. by it this time, he goes up to the front, and i think that's when he's battling against the cops. i just hear shotguns going all over the place. and i'm looking up and some cops-- which i wish i could remember his face or his fame because to this day i am grateful for him. he starts to drag me out across the street to a wendy's, and he just drops me off across the street, and i look over, and there are just bodies everywhere. >> pelley: the stories of survivors tonight. coming up next on the cbs evening news, a growing sense of safety is lost in the l.g.b.t. community. . >> pelley: there has been so much progress for the l.g.b.t. community, but we are now reminded that fear is still a constant reality. here is mireya villarreal. ♪ ♪ i see your true colors shining through ♪ >> reporter: from los angeles to new york, thousands of gay men and women stood in solidarity at vigils and makeshift monuments. last night, singer lady gaga was among the crowd. >> are you not alone. are you not alone. >> reporter: but gay men, like steve scott, say this tragedy is especially significant. >> i know what it's like to grow up with discrimination and with people constantly coming after you physically, you know, emotionally, knowing that people are going through that in a club, in a place that's supposed to be a safe place for the l.g.b.t. community is really, really jarring. >> reporter: in 2015 uthere were 24 reports of gay and transgender homicides in a sampling of 11 states. that's a 20% increase from 2014. lorri jean is the c.e.o. of the l.g.b.t. center in los angeles. >> politicians who slander l.g.b.t. people, who say we should be driven out of public life, that we're not fit to raise children, that we are a threat to the moral fabric of our society-- that kind of rhetoric promotes kind of violence that happened yesterday. >> reporter: jean says the hate has been perpetuated through social media with tweets and videos like this one posted by a christian pastor. >> i think orlando, florida, is safer tonight. the tragedy is more of them didn't die. >> we cannot allow this fear to silence us ♪ so don't be afraid. >> we cannot allow this fear to push us back in the closet because then the terrorists win. >> reporter: in the wake of the orlando massacre, the los angeles police department has pledged to "protect the l.g.b.t. community with all their might." scott, several gay clubs and businesses here locally have also said they beefed up security to make sure they protect their customers. >> pelley: thank you, and we'll be right back. yogurt. get moving. keep moving. i know! try laxatives. been there, done that. my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know. tell me something i don't know. vo: linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or 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that my friend died not in vain. he died for a purpose. he died for a purpose for me to speak on his behalf, to speak on all of those people that died and died tragic. that it wasn't just gay. it wasn't a gay hate crime. this wasalate on people. scott, if i cut you, you bleed red. if i died in that club tonight, my obituary wouldn't say, "demetrice naulings, my gay son." it would say, "demetrice naulings, my son." this was a hate crime on people, not just gay people. we were never a disease ear abomination. we are human. we wanted to be send. we were in our safe comfort zone. this was somewhere weekend be us. there is no judgment when you enter in somewhere you're safe in. that's like your home. how you go home at night, and i don't even you have kids or not, but when you go home, you make sure you tell them that you love them because, scott, i would hope that never hams to you, that you have to get that phone call from their friend to tell you that they don't know where your son is. and to hear his mother say, "tell me he okay, because if he's with you, he gotta be okay." >> pelley: it struck us that demetrice naulings and survivor angel santiago said the nightclub was a safe zone for gay people. but in 2016, it seems there are no safe zones for anyone, not a nightclub, not a movie theater, not a church, not a school. but hope remains. orlando now looks to the symbol of the l.g.b.t. community, the rainbow, which always shines brightest after the rain. and that's the cbs evening news. for our team here in orlando and for the rest of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh media access group at wgbh alright guys, we've brought you to this construction trailer to talk about trucks today. which truck brand offers engines with best in class v8 towing or fuel economy? are we moving? where we going? it's the answer to the question baby! silverado. oooh that's cool. it's truck month. qualified 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