> pelley: today, donald trump detailed millions of dollars that he"> > pelley: today, donald trump detailed millions of dollars that he" property="og:description"> > pelley: today, donald trump detailed millions of dollars that he">

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160531

captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: today, donald trump detailed millions of dollars that he's donated to veterans' charities, which might have been a celebration except he could not conceal his resentment that he had been forced to do it. reporters have been pressing the presumptive presidential nominee for details of these donations. it's the kind of scrutiny that any candidate faces, but we were reminded today trump is not any candidate. major garrett was there. >> i have raised a tremendous amount of money for the vets, almost $6 million. >> reporter: $5.6 million to be exact. for the first time donald trump identified the recipients and amounts. >> folds of honor foundation, capitol hill 200,000. foundation for american veterans, $75,000. this is a special night for me. >> reporter: trump said he raised the money for veterans' groups in january while boycotting a debate in iowa. >> we just cracked $6 million, right, $6 million. >> reporter: but trump could offer no proof he actually raised that sum, and finally, just last week, he made good on his donationave million dollars. continued scrutiny led trump to divulge more details today. how personally involved were you in deciding which organization were going to be recipients and how much they got? >> i wasn't too involved in picking the organization, other than i gave $1 million to the law enforcement marine-- they are fabulous people. they honored me last year at the waldorph astoria. >> reporter: today donald trump torched reporters who questioned where the money went. >> the press should be ashamed of themselves. i should never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job. >> reporter: don't you believe you should be accountable to the people? >> oh, i'm totally accountable but i didn't want to have credit for it. actually, what i got was worse than credit bails they were questioning me. >> reporter: that sustained scrutiny seemed to gall trump most of all. >> there were a couple of people who were really disgusting. >> reporter: trump signaled out individual reporters. >> i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. he's a sleeve in my book. >> reporter: outside trump tower, alexander in coy, a registered democrat, denounced trump. >> what donald trump doesn't understand is he cannot buy the vote of veterans of this country. >> reporter: army veteran perry o'brien served in afghanistan. >> he has no integrity, and he has no interest in actually supporting veterans. he's only interested in supporting himself. >> reporter: we have verified donations to 31 of the 41 veterans' organizations trump identified. scott, taken together, these groups received just under $4.4 million from trump or his affiliated foundation. >> pelley: major garrett at trump headquarters in manhattan, major, thank you. now, have a look at this piece of political drama. jerri brown, bill clinton, 1992, competing for the democratic presidential nomination. >> he is funneling money to his wife's law firm for state business. >> you ought to be ashamed of yourself for jumping on my wife. you're not worth being on the same platform i am. >> pelley: well, politics makes strange bedfellows. today, governor jerri brown jumped on the hillary clinton bandwagon, endorsing her for president, just one week before the california primary. the polls show that she leads in california, but bernie sanders is fighting to steal the golden state. there was a scare yesterday at a sanders stop in oakland. animal rights activists jumped barricades and rushed the candidates, but the body guards surrounded sanders and the protesters were arrested. tonight, southeast texas is getting exactly what it does not need-- more rain. severe flooding has forced more than 1,000 people to flee their homes. the brazos river near houst son at historic levels. two years ago, it was dry in the drought. now at least eight people have drowned in the lone star state, and is. >> reporter: the brazos river in southeast texas hasn't looked like this in more than half a century. it rose about a record 53 feet, flooding property and homes, leaving livestock huddled around mere inches of dry ground. the own way around some communities near the river is by boat, or in pedro chavez's case, a borrowed kayak and old mop to row. you look around, and how would you describe the situation here gimean, shocking because you've beforehand living here your whole life and you never knew it was going to come anywhere close to this. >> reporter: he says less than 24 hours ago this was dry land. hohow worried are you that it's going to keep rising. >> i mean, i'm a little worried because it's going to rain the rest of the week. >> reporter: the flooding here is the result of 20 inches of rain upstream over the last five days. this is what the river typically looks like. here's what it will look like when it crests, an entire eight feet above flood stage. there's so much water, the flow is the equivalent of more than 35 million water bottles per minute. >> this is the first time it's ever come up like this. well, i'm nervous, you know, i'm swrus. it gives you a lot of anxiety. >> reporter: about 1,000 homes here in fort bend county are under a mandatory evacuation, including these. the river is expected to crest tonight, but it's not expected to go down for days. scott, that's partly pause this area could see an additional two inches of rain before the week is over. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez in the disaster area for us tonight. manuel, thank you. now, have a look at lubbock, texas, on sunday. a sandstorm overwhelmed the airport, turning day into night in minutes. these storms are common, but this was a big one. the temperature dropped 18 degrees. tonight, in an abrupt change, the police say they will question the parents of a boy who fell into a gorilla enclosure at the cincinnnati zoo. today, it seemed like everyone had an opinion about the fatal shooting of a rare gorilla that threatened the boy, and here's jamie yuccas. >> reporter: cincinnnati police are now investigating the parents of the three-year-old boy who tumbled into the gorilla exhibit. ( screaming ) >> reporter: on monday, zoo director thane maynard defended the parents. >> i'm not a big finger pointer. do you anyone four-year-olds? they can climb over anything. >> reporter: despite the mounting criticism, the zoo is stand buying their decision to kill the endangered western lowe land gorilla. the incident has raised questions about the zoo's security procedures. they are still investigating how the boy made his way past a three-foot-high fence and through four-foot plants and shrubs before dropping 15 feet into the gorilla habitat. ed hanson is with the american association of zoo keepers. >> in a zoo environment, some barriers look like climbing apparatuses. they look like young gel gyms. and a moment's distraction is going to have a disastrous result. >> reporter: the zoo has had previous issues with enclosured. in march, two polar bears temporarily escaped from their exhibit at the cincinnnati zoo after a swroo keeper accidentally left a door open. no one was hurt. online backlash of the boy's mother has been relentless. cbs news has learned she's even received death threats. wildlife biology jeff corwin says parents need to be more attentive. >> we as visitors have a responsibility to be paying attention. keeping tabs on members of our family, not being distracted by technology and social media. and ultimately, using common sense. >> reporter: the u.s. d.archdiocese has now opened a formal investigation just yet but is is looking to see if the animal welfare act was violated. scott, the last time the agency inspected the cincinnnati zoo was in april. >> pelley: jamie yuccas reporting. jamie, thank you. well, today, the u.s. state department warned americans about visiting europe and the potential for terrorist attacks there, especially at events, including the tour de france bike race, and the european soccer championships. such attacks are often timed to the muslim holy month of ramadam, which begins next week, but there is no specific threat. tonight the iraqi army is engaged in the largest battle yet against isis. iraq is trying to eject isis from fallujah, a city of about 300,000. iraq is fighting with an odd coalition of u.s. advisers and iranian forces. they're meeting stiff resistances that try to encircle the city. mark phillips is following the story. >> reporter: the iraqis say they and the the u.s.-led coalition have been pounding isis strongholds in fallujahing from the air and from the ground in what's becoming one of the biggest set-piece battles ever fought against so-called islamic state. iraqi forces supported by shiite militias and with the backing of the u.s. and iran have been trying to soften up dug-in isis positions. but the push toward toward fallujah has produce aid push back. the iraqis have had to fight off an isis counter-offensive along fallujah's southern outskirts. and while large numbers of government troops are poised there, the full assault into the city seems some way off. if and when the assault comes, it will have to take account of the estimated 50,000 civilians trapped in the town. these are some of the 4,000 or so who have managed to get out. but they are almost all women and children. the men, they say, have been taken away. the fear is that isis militants are holding people back to use as human shield. "the people are between the hammer of the army and militias and the anvil of daesh" this imam says. those when are inside cannot leave, and those who are outside cannot help them. aid agencies are already calling the battle for fallujah a human tragedy, but calls for corridors to be established to let civilians escape the fighting have so far, scott, produced nothing. >> pelley: mark phillips in the london newsroom tonight. mark, thank you. it was a violent holiday weekend in chicago. there were 42 shootings and six people were killed. that shooting epidemic is claiming other victims as well-- the children who witness the violence. dean reynolds now on a program that helps them deal with their wounds. >> reporter: the police dispatch calls come with numbing regulator. but for those who see what the rest of us only hear, there's a pain that is real and long lasting. on the far south side of chicago, young eyewitnesses are trying to talk their way through it. in a 16-week program called "story squad," kids 8-18 learn how to compose narratives that turn their harrowing personal experiences into recorded stories. >> reporter: 16-year-old malik hunter was one of the first participants. what does it give you to talk about it? >> it just helps me inside. >> reporter: these children's stories are unimaginable to chicagoans who live just a few miles away. >> well i was nine i saw my father die. we were at the gas station when they did a drive-by. >> reporter: for 14-year-old edward, 15 years jalesa, 14-year-old sierra, and malik, they are not fairy tales. have you all witnessed the shootings? >> yes. >> reporter: around here. >> one was on the side of my house. >> one was in front of my house. >> recreate emotional state of mind with sounds and music. >> reporter: grand burr runs this program, he's part sound engineer, part social worker. >> does it feel good to get it out and feel like you got it out and now it's out? the next stage of story quadscwaud is finding ways to plug into these stories into a policy environment where they can have have real impact. >> i was so mad -- >> reporter: and while talking about it does help, these are still children, after all. >> reporter: take your time. >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: that's okay. how is your brother today? >> he's doing good. >> reporter: so one story, at least, haze happy ending. dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. >> pelley: why are so many sharks lurking off the california coast? and there are new guidelines for preventing the spread of zika when the cbs evening news continues. to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them with k9 advantix ii. it kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog. does your mouth often feel dry? multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation -without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love... ...now with lightweight spf 30 youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. >> pelley: over the weekend, a woman was bitten and severely wounded by a shark off corona del mar, california. we sent carter evans to find out what's attracting the sharks. >> reporter: still no swimming allowed at the beach where a shark attacked 52-year-old maria on sunday. she was training for a triathalon, swimming about 500 feet offshore when the shark struck. >> she had extensive lacerations to her right arm. >> reporter: dr. umberto sor resays she will survive but a shark left a very large bite mark. >> it extends from upper torso area down to the pelvis. >> a lot of these sharks spend most of their time literally 100 feet off the beach. >> reporter: marine biologist chris lowe has been tracking the growing shark population off southern california for more than a decade. right now, if i put this camera in the water, we're going to see a leopard shark. >> reporter: in 2014, he showed us how his team is using underwater drones to follow and observe sharks. lowe says the number of juvenile great whites in the area is rising significantly. they're drawn to warm water here caused by el nino, and an abundance of fish to feed on. they also have no predators and great white are a protected species. >> the questions that we're trying to answer now are why are they at these beaches? how long do they stay at these beaches? what makes this beach so much more special than that beach? >> reporter: lowe says the six- to seven-foot-long juvenile great white are skittish and usually stay away from swimmers, but with more sharks and more people in the water. >> i think the rate of shark attack is going to continue to go up. and the reason for is that thanksusa is simple math. >> reporter: now, doctors tell me the bite mark on this woman was 18 inches white wide. experts say that was likely an adult great white shark at least 10 feet long. scott, back to you. >> pelley: carter evans reporting. carter, thank you. coming up next a baby born in the u.s. has a birth defect caused by zika. i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. first - they limit where you earn bonus cash back.es at you? 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( applause ) ♪ ♪ in wow 6, the broadcast got a makeover, and so did the theme courtesy of oscar-winning composer james horner. >> this is the cbs evening news. with scott pelley. >> pelley: in 2011, we returned to the classic... good evening. but this year, we decided it was time for a new beginning. >> we are creating the new theme for cbs evening news. >> pelley: so we commissioned composer joel beckerman to put it together. and he did. much like we assemble the broadcast each day. >> yeah, give me one second. >> pelley: piece by piece. until it finally comes together as one musical, newsical, symphony. and just as the eyeball tells you-- >> this is cbs. >> pelley: ...we hope that when you hear this music, you will know. >> this is the cbs evening news. >> pelley: and that is the cbs eveninginize for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. tonight new bizarre twist in the johnny depp divorce drama after amber herd's abuse cla who is now saying she is making it up? as hollywood takes sides where we caught johnny this weekend with another woman and new photos of amber with many asking where is the bruise. >> then star memorial day vacations around the world. george and amall, j.lo, amy schumer how they went beyond the usual picnics pools and barbecues. >> plus see how melissa mccarthy is taking on the ghost buster haters. >> you want a piece of m >> now for may 31st, 2016, this is entertainment tonight. >> hi, everybody. thanks so much for joinis

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160531 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20160531

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captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: today, donald trump detailed millions of dollars that he's donated to veterans' charities, which might have been a celebration except he could not conceal his resentment that he had been forced to do it. reporters have been pressing the presumptive presidential nominee for details of these donations. it's the kind of scrutiny that any candidate faces, but we were reminded today trump is not any candidate. major garrett was there. >> i have raised a tremendous amount of money for the vets, almost $6 million. >> reporter: $5.6 million to be exact. for the first time donald trump identified the recipients and amounts. >> folds of honor foundation, capitol hill 200,000. foundation for american veterans, $75,000. this is a special night for me. >> reporter: trump said he raised the money for veterans' groups in january while boycotting a debate in iowa. >> we just cracked $6 million, right, $6 million. >> reporter: but trump could offer no proof he actually raised that sum, and finally, just last week, he made good on his donationave million dollars. continued scrutiny led trump to divulge more details today. how personally involved were you in deciding which organization were going to be recipients and how much they got? >> i wasn't too involved in picking the organization, other than i gave $1 million to the law enforcement marine-- they are fabulous people. they honored me last year at the waldorph astoria. >> reporter: today donald trump torched reporters who questioned where the money went. >> the press should be ashamed of themselves. i should never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job. >> reporter: don't you believe you should be accountable to the people? >> oh, i'm totally accountable but i didn't want to have credit for it. actually, what i got was worse than credit bails they were questioning me. >> reporter: that sustained scrutiny seemed to gall trump most of all. >> there were a couple of people who were really disgusting. >> reporter: trump signaled out individual reporters. >> i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. he's a sleeve in my book. >> reporter: outside trump tower, alexander in coy, a registered democrat, denounced trump. >> what donald trump doesn't understand is he cannot buy the vote of veterans of this country. >> reporter: army veteran perry o'brien served in afghanistan. >> he has no integrity, and he has no interest in actually supporting veterans. he's only interested in supporting himself. >> reporter: we have verified donations to 31 of the 41 veterans' organizations trump identified. scott, taken together, these groups received just under $4.4 million from trump or his affiliated foundation. >> pelley: major garrett at trump headquarters in manhattan, major, thank you. now, have a look at this piece of political drama. jerri brown, bill clinton, 1992, competing for the democratic presidential nomination. >> he is funneling money to his wife's law firm for state business. >> you ought to be ashamed of yourself for jumping on my wife. you're not worth being on the same platform i am. >> pelley: well, politics makes strange bedfellows. today, governor jerri brown jumped on the hillary clinton bandwagon, endorsing her for president, just one week before the california primary. the polls show that she leads in california, but bernie sanders is fighting to steal the golden state. there was a scare yesterday at a sanders stop in oakland. animal rights activists jumped barricades and rushed the candidates, but the body guards surrounded sanders and the protesters were arrested. tonight, southeast texas is getting exactly what it does not need-- more rain. severe flooding has forced more than 1,000 people to flee their homes. the brazos river near houst son at historic levels. two years ago, it was dry in the drought. now at least eight people have drowned in the lone star state, and is. >> reporter: the brazos river in southeast texas hasn't looked like this in more than half a century. it rose about a record 53 feet, flooding property and homes, leaving livestock huddled around mere inches of dry ground. the own way around some communities near the river is by boat, or in pedro chavez's case, a borrowed kayak and old mop to row. you look around, and how would you describe the situation here gimean, shocking because you've beforehand living here your whole life and you never knew it was going to come anywhere close to this. >> reporter: he says less than 24 hours ago this was dry land. hohow worried are you that it's going to keep rising. >> i mean, i'm a little worried because it's going to rain the rest of the week. >> reporter: the flooding here is the result of 20 inches of rain upstream over the last five days. this is what the river typically looks like. here's what it will look like when it crests, an entire eight feet above flood stage. there's so much water, the flow is the equivalent of more than 35 million water bottles per minute. >> this is the first time it's ever come up like this. well, i'm nervous, you know, i'm swrus. it gives you a lot of anxiety. >> reporter: about 1,000 homes here in fort bend county are under a mandatory evacuation, including these. the river is expected to crest tonight, but it's not expected to go down for days. scott, that's partly pause this area could see an additional two inches of rain before the week is over. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez in the disaster area for us tonight. manuel, thank you. now, have a look at lubbock, texas, on sunday. a sandstorm overwhelmed the airport, turning day into night in minutes. these storms are common, but this was a big one. the temperature dropped 18 degrees. tonight, in an abrupt change, the police say they will question the parents of a boy who fell into a gorilla enclosure at the cincinnnati zoo. today, it seemed like everyone had an opinion about the fatal shooting of a rare gorilla that threatened the boy, and here's jamie yuccas. >> reporter: cincinnnati police are now investigating the parents of the three-year-old boy who tumbled into the gorilla exhibit. ( screaming ) >> reporter: on monday, zoo director thane maynard defended the parents. >> i'm not a big finger pointer. do you anyone four-year-olds? they can climb over anything. >> reporter: despite the mounting criticism, the zoo is stand buying their decision to kill the endangered western lowe land gorilla. the incident has raised questions about the zoo's security procedures. they are still investigating how the boy made his way past a three-foot-high fence and through four-foot plants and shrubs before dropping 15 feet into the gorilla habitat. ed hanson is with the american association of zoo keepers. >> in a zoo environment, some barriers look like climbing apparatuses. they look like young gel gyms. and a moment's distraction is going to have a disastrous result. >> reporter: the zoo has had previous issues with enclosured. in march, two polar bears temporarily escaped from their exhibit at the cincinnnati zoo after a swroo keeper accidentally left a door open. no one was hurt. online backlash of the boy's mother has been relentless. cbs news has learned she's even received death threats. wildlife biology jeff corwin says parents need to be more attentive. >> we as visitors have a responsibility to be paying attention. keeping tabs on members of our family, not being distracted by technology and social media. and ultimately, using common sense. >> reporter: the u.s. d.archdiocese has now opened a formal investigation just yet but is is looking to see if the animal welfare act was violated. scott, the last time the agency inspected the cincinnnati zoo was in april. >> pelley: jamie yuccas reporting. jamie, thank you. well, today, the u.s. state department warned americans about visiting europe and the potential for terrorist attacks there, especially at events, including the tour de france bike race, and the european soccer championships. such attacks are often timed to the muslim holy month of ramadam, which begins next week, but there is no specific threat. tonight the iraqi army is engaged in the largest battle yet against isis. iraq is trying to eject isis from fallujah, a city of about 300,000. iraq is fighting with an odd coalition of u.s. advisers and iranian forces. they're meeting stiff resistances that try to encircle the city. mark phillips is following the story. >> reporter: the iraqis say they and the the u.s.-led coalition have been pounding isis strongholds in fallujahing from the air and from the ground in what's becoming one of the biggest set-piece battles ever fought against so-called islamic state. iraqi forces supported by shiite militias and with the backing of the u.s. and iran have been trying to soften up dug-in isis positions. but the push toward toward fallujah has produce aid push back. the iraqis have had to fight off an isis counter-offensive along fallujah's southern outskirts. and while large numbers of government troops are poised there, the full assault into the city seems some way off. if and when the assault comes, it will have to take account of the estimated 50,000 civilians trapped in the town. these are some of the 4,000 or so who have managed to get out. but they are almost all women and children. the men, they say, have been taken away. the fear is that isis militants are holding people back to use as human shield. "the people are between the hammer of the army and militias and the anvil of daesh" this imam says. those when are inside cannot leave, and those who are outside cannot help them. aid agencies are already calling the battle for fallujah a human tragedy, but calls for corridors to be established to let civilians escape the fighting have so far, scott, produced nothing. >> pelley: mark phillips in the london newsroom tonight. mark, thank you. it was a violent holiday weekend in chicago. there were 42 shootings and six people were killed. that shooting epidemic is claiming other victims as well-- the children who witness the violence. dean reynolds now on a program that helps them deal with their wounds. >> reporter: the police dispatch calls come with numbing regulator. but for those who see what the rest of us only hear, there's a pain that is real and long lasting. on the far south side of chicago, young eyewitnesses are trying to talk their way through it. in a 16-week program called "story squad," kids 8-18 learn how to compose narratives that turn their harrowing personal experiences into recorded stories. >> reporter: 16-year-old malik hunter was one of the first participants. what does it give you to talk about it? >> it just helps me inside. >> reporter: these children's stories are unimaginable to chicagoans who live just a few miles away. >> well i was nine i saw my father die. we were at the gas station when they did a drive-by. >> reporter: for 14-year-old edward, 15 years jalesa, 14-year-old sierra, and malik, they are not fairy tales. have you all witnessed the shootings? >> yes. >> reporter: around here. >> one was on the side of my house. >> one was in front of my house. >> recreate emotional state of mind with sounds and music. >> reporter: grand burr runs this program, he's part sound engineer, part social worker. >> does it feel good to get it out and feel like you got it out and now it's out? the next stage of story quadscwaud is finding ways to plug into these stories into a policy environment where they can have have real impact. >> i was so mad -- >> reporter: and while talking about it does help, these are still children, after all. >> reporter: take your time. >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: that's okay. how is your brother today? >> he's doing good. >> reporter: so one story, at least, haze happy ending. dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. >> pelley: why are so many sharks lurking off the california coast? and there are new guidelines for preventing the spread of zika when the cbs evening news continues. to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them with k9 advantix ii. it kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog. does your mouth often feel dry? multiple medications, a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene, available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. olay regenerist renews from within... plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation -without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try the micro-sculpting cream you love... ...now with lightweight spf 30 youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. >> pelley: over the weekend, a woman was bitten and severely wounded by a shark off corona del mar, california. we sent carter evans to find out what's attracting the sharks. >> reporter: still no swimming allowed at the beach where a shark attacked 52-year-old maria on sunday. she was training for a triathalon, swimming about 500 feet offshore when the shark struck. >> she had extensive lacerations to her right arm. >> reporter: dr. umberto sor resays she will survive but a shark left a very large bite mark. >> it extends from upper torso area down to the pelvis. >> a lot of these sharks spend most of their time literally 100 feet off the beach. >> reporter: marine biologist chris lowe has been tracking the growing shark population off southern california for more than a decade. right now, if i put this camera in the water, we're going to see a leopard shark. >> reporter: in 2014, he showed us how his team is using underwater drones to follow and observe sharks. lowe says the number of juvenile great whites in the area is rising significantly. they're drawn to warm water here caused by el nino, and an abundance of fish to feed on. they also have no predators and great white are a protected species. >> the questions that we're trying to answer now are why are they at these beaches? how long do they stay at these beaches? what makes this beach so much more special than that beach? >> reporter: lowe says the six- to seven-foot-long juvenile great white are skittish and usually stay away from swimmers, but with more sharks and more people in the water. >> i think the rate of shark attack is going to continue to go up. and the reason for is that thanksusa is simple math. >> reporter: now, doctors tell me the bite mark on this woman was 18 inches white wide. experts say that was likely an adult great white shark at least 10 feet long. scott, back to you. >> pelley: carter evans reporting. carter, thank you. coming up next a baby born in the u.s. has a birth defect caused by zika. i hear you. to everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. make sure your doctor hears you too! i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. if you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, don't suffer in silence! step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. tell 'em cedric sent you. first - they limit where you earn bonus cash back.es at you? 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( applause ) ♪ ♪ in wow 6, the broadcast got a makeover, and so did the theme courtesy of oscar-winning composer james horner. >> this is the cbs evening news. with scott pelley. >> pelley: in 2011, we returned to the classic... good evening. but this year, we decided it was time for a new beginning. >> we are creating the new theme for cbs evening news. >> pelley: so we commissioned composer joel beckerman to put it together. and he did. much like we assemble the broadcast each day. >> yeah, give me one second. >> pelley: piece by piece. until it finally comes together as one musical, newsical, symphony. and just as the eyeball tells you-- >> this is cbs. >> pelley: ...we hope that when you hear this music, you will know. >> this is the cbs evening news. >> pelley: and that is the cbs eveninginize for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. tonight new bizarre twist in the johnny depp divorce drama after amber herd's abuse cla who is now saying she is making it up? as hollywood takes sides where we caught johnny this weekend with another woman and new photos of amber with many asking where is the bruise. >> then star memorial day vacations around the world. george and amall, j.lo, amy schumer how they went beyond the usual picnics pools and barbecues. >> plus see how melissa mccarthy is taking on the ghost buster haters. >> you want a piece of m >> now for may 31st, 2016, this is entertainment tonight. >> hi, everybody. thanks so much for joinis

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