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Terror attack. The target a 9 11 memorial event in kansas city. Homeland security correspond jeff pegues has the latest on the arrest of a florida man and what he was allegedly planning. Jeff. Reporter jim, investigators say the target was an annual event called the kansas city stair climb which was set to take place on sunday and was in honor of the 9 11 attacks. According to investigators, 20yearold joas goldberg was on line recruiting people to carry out attacks. He had been under surveillance for weeks and was unaware he was actually talking to an informant. In one monitored conversation gold berlg told the informant to build a Pressure Cooker bomb much lieb the ones used in the Boston Marathon bombing and he instructed the informant to, put as much sharp stuff as you can in there. The two discussed targets but a bomb was never built. Law enforcement initially thought goldberg was in australia and he was also on the radar of australian police. But, jim, it turns out goldberg was in a town near jacksonville, florida. Axelrod jeff pegues in our washington newsroom, thank you. In what officials are calling another case of domestic terror, police in phoenix confirm a delivery truck was shot at today. Thats now at least 11 vehicles that have come under fire on or near the i10 in the past two weeks. And investigators say they may be dealing with more than one gunman. Mireya villarreal is there. Reporter Arizona State highway troopers are now offering a 20,000 reward for any leads on the shootings that have left this city terrified. Very scary, very horrible. I i hope they catch the person. Reporter the victims range from a 13yearold girl to a father of two. Robert mcdonald, one of the earlier victims, is speak out to help warn drivers. This is terrorism. This is terrorizing the city of phoenix, and the phoenix metro area. Thats what this is. Reporter the 11 confirmed shootings are along a 15mile stretch of interstate 10. Some drivers tell us they are changing their routes. Others dont have that luxury. We have to take that, that freeway. I mean, theres not really much we can do. I mean, were also on it, i mean, its scary, but i just try not to think about it. Reporter 11 cars have been targets so far, but troopers are now saying that in only seven of those cases, bullets were found. Jim, in the rest, weapons are actually being called unknown projectiles for now. Axelrod tonight, the president ial campaign trail is covered with mud. Republican frontrunner donald trump started it off by criticizing the appearance of carly fiorina. Then bobby jindal went after trumps hair, comparing it to a squirrel. It didnt end there. Heres major garrett. Reporter louisiana governor bobby jindal, no more than a blip in polls for the g. O. P. Nomination, today declared frontrunner donald trump unfit for the white house. The reality of trump is what is crazy. Hes a narcissist. Hes an egomaniac. Hes not a serious candidate. Reporter ive met a lot of politicians. Almost all of them at one level or another are narcissists and egomaniac. Look, donald trump is in a category all by himself. Hes entertaining, hes fun to watch but he doesnt believe in anything other than donald trump. Reporter asked for comment, trump told us do you believe donald trump is a man of serious rconviction . I dont think hes read the bible. The reason i dont think hes read the bible hes not in the bible. I dont think he resident books that hes not in. Reporter this was neurosurgeon ben carson last night. Thats a very big part of who i am, humility and the fear of the lord. I dont get that impression with him. Reporter in the latest cnn National Poll of republicans, trump and carson were the only candidates in double digits, and trumps support among key voting blocs is increasing. In less than a month his support among g. O. P. Women has been from 20 to 33 , despite a history of disparaging comments about women. Speaking to Rolling Stone magazine, trump said of carly fiorina, look at that face. Would anyone vote for this . Fiorina responded during an appearance on fox news with megyn kelly, who trump has also ridiculed. Well, i think those comments speak for themselves, and all the many, many, many thousands of voters out there that are helping me climb in the polls, yes, theyre very serious. Reporter trump said he was referring to fiorinas persona, and not her face. Despite using that exact word. Carson also said he meant no offense to trump, but, jim, Governor Jindal is happy to take on what he calls the trump carnival, a calculated effort to bring attention to what has so far been an attentionstarved campaign. Axelrod major, thank you. Now to the democrats. Hillary clintons oncecommanding lead in iowa has evaporated. A new poll out today finds senator Bernie Sanders has pulled into a virtual tie with the former secretary of state. And other polls have sanders ahead in new hampshire. Nancy cordes now on the sanders surge. We stand with bernie we stand with bernie reporter until recently, Bernie Sanders was considered such a long shot, he hadnt been endorsed by a Single Member of congress. Defight his 24 years here. But no ones calling him a long shot now. Are you starting to see signs that the democratic establishment is taking you more seriously, either in the ways that they help you or work against you . I think we have a whole lot of momentum in this campaign. What we are now going to be doing is starting to put some resources into states beyond iowa, beyond new hampshire, states that will be coming up on super tuesday. Reporter sanders has surged in part because of his liberal leanings. I am a proud progressive. Reporter so are nearly six in 10 of the democrats quinnipiacs polled in iowa. 57 describe themselves as very or somewhat liberal, compared to 36 who describe themselves as moderate, as his opponent Hillary Clinton did in ohio today. You know, i get accused of being kind of moderate and center. I plead guilty. Reporter that could help her in a general election. But for now, sanders is exciting the base. We need an economy for working families north just for billionaires. applause reporter so clinton has begun using this subtle dig to remind voters that sanders considers himself not a democrat but a socialist. I am proud to be a democrat. I am a true democrat. Reporter the clinton camp argues its organization, not just energy, that wins elections. They now have 80 paid operatives in iowa alone, nearly as many people, jim, agz the Sanders Campaign employs nationwide. Axelrod nancy, thank you. President obama now says he wants the United States to take in 10,000 Syrian Refugees next year. That is a small fraction of the thousands pouring into europe day after day, hoping to settle in countries like germany, but facing enormous obstacles along want way. Charlie dagata is following their journey. Reporter today, the weather turned against them, too. The migrants were beaten back by Border Guards in macedonia. And yet they kept going, wave after wave, trying to reach Northern Europe before hungary closes its border. Today, the hungarian government sent more soldiers as reinforcements. A lot has changed, and its only been about a week since we were last here. Then, this field was almost empty. Now it is filled with migrants and some people who have come to help them. Its been raining throughout the day, and its going to get much colder tonight. There are also more Community Groups and volunteers who have come to help. Simone deibler is from austria. Its a mess. For me, the worst is that there are so many families and so little, little children, and for the children, its really bad. Reporter the migrants are given food and some clean clothes, but not much direction. Josef nicola just arrived from syria with threeyearold daughter ucelia. He told us he wants to get to germany but hes afraid of being herded into refugee camps, where migrants get trapped. Even as cold and rainy as it is tonight, jim, people are still arriving, and europe is still struggling to come up with a cohesive answer to the crisis. Hungary is readying its soldiers, austria has temporarily stopped its trains, while sweden and germany are still welcoming migrants. Axelrod charlie dagata, thank you. New york citys Police Commissioner said today the takedown of former tennis star james blake was all a mistake and hes sorry about it. But vinita nair reports that may not be the end of it. I have concerns about the takedown. Reporter after publicly apologizing to blake, Police Commissioner bill bratton explained why one of his officers has been temporarily stripped of his gun and badge pending an internal investigation. But the use of force was such that im comfortable that its in the best interest of the department to place the officer on modified assignment until the investigation moves forward. Reporter the incident happened wednesday afternoon outside blakes manhattan hotel. Police officers were investigating a credit card fraud ring, and blake matched a photo of one of the suspects. Then an informant also fingered blake. And that gives the officer the probable cause to make the arrest. Reporter the former tennis player said he suffered minor cuts and bruises during the arrest. Hours later, blake said he that you the n. Y. P. D. Officer used excessive force. Reporter did he say exg to you before this happened . No, no, just rushed me. Reporter both blake and bratton say they believe race was not a factor in the incident. The two recently spoke and bratton had the chance to personally apologize. Axelrod the California Senate is expected to vote tomorrow on whether to give terminally ill patients the right to end their lives with a doctors help. Four states currently allow this. Californias bill is base on an oregon law which authorizes doctors to prescribe a lethal dose of medication to patients expected to live less than six months. Dr. Jon lapook takes a closer look. Reporter after four years of radiation, chemotherapy, and multiple surgeries, 51yearold Elizabeth Wallner is still fighting cancer that has invaded her colon, lungs, and liver. Well, i call it whackamole cancer now because we beat it back and it pops up somewhere else. Reporter shes also fought the state of california, suing for the right to end her life when she chooses. Ive experienced just unimaginable pain and fear, and i dont eye dont see any value in my last days being spent gasping for breath or writhing in pain. That, of course, is from our wedding day. Reporter that is a fear dan diaz knows well. Last year, diazs wife, brittany maynard, became the face of the righttodie debate. She was diagnosed with brain cancer at 29, then moved with with her husband from california to oregon. How dare the government make decision or limit options for terminally ill people like me. She was simply saying its ridiculous that as californians, we have to leave home, drive 600 miles north, in the middle of her being told that she is dying from a brain tumor . Nobody should have to do that. Reporter just weeks before she ended her life, diaz made his wife a promise. See if we can get legislation passed so that nobody else has to go through what she went through. Reporter what did you say to her . The answer is, yeah. Reporter he quit his job and became a fulltime advocate for the righttodie movement in california. In oregon, from 19982014, more than 125,000 patients died from cancer. 668 took a physicianprescribed lethal dose of medication. You apply for that medication, you secure tyou put it in the cupboard and you keep fighting. You you just have that there as a last resort. Reporter marilyn golden is a disability rights advocate and part of a coalition of medical and religious groups who oppose the bill. If it ensured denies, oral merely delays someones expensive, lifesustaining treatment, they are being steered towards hastening their deaths. Do we really think insurers will do the right thing or the cheap thing . Im keeping my promise to brittany and fulfilling that promise, but it certainly is bittersweet. Reporter diaz told me, for him, this doesnt stop in california. Hed like to see this option available for terminally ill patients across the country. At the same time, there are people on the other side of this issue who feel just as strongly, so we have certainly not heard the end of this debate. Axelrod dr. Jon lapook with some powerful reporting. Jon, thank you very much. The discovery of what may be a distant cousin could shake our family tree. Deadly floods in japan wash away homes and leave people stranded and pluto is ready for a new closeup when the cbs evening news continues. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. You. And itchy eyes. More than sneezing. They also bring tough nasal congestion. So you need claritind. It starts to work. In just 30 minutes. In fact, nothing works faster. So blow away nasal congestion, fast, with claritind. Have my stomach feeling all knotted up. Ive tried laxatives. But my symptoms keep returning. My constipation feels like a pile of bricks. 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Axelrod every time we think mankinds family treat is complete, scientists discover another branch. Today take, when they introduced to us some new distant cousins. As debora patta shows us, finding them in a South African cave was not easy. Reporter they were called underground astronauts, descending to new frontiers deep underground, so deep that only those cavers skinny enough to crawl through the cramped warren of caves were hired. Its becca at base one. Ive landed. How does it look in there. Reporter directing the team from above was lee berger, renowned american paleontologist. All right, go get him. Reporter squeezing through cracks as small as 7. 5 inches, the cavers worked in claustrophobic conditions with over 99 humidity. The operation it was was outrageously dangerous. Just because no one died speaks more to our preparation than it does the danger. Reporter berger has named the fossils homo naledi, meaning star in a local language. It doesnt look like anything weve seen before. The kids got tiny head and apelike body but arms and legss that are very, very human like, something completely unexpected. And we found it in incredible abundance. Reporter berger says hes identified 15 creatures in a single chamber, and he believes they were put there deliberately after they died, which is a uniquely human thing to do. If my discovery turns scienceots head im kind of scared that theyre going to fall apart as soon as i try to take them out in earnest. I dont want to breathe for her. Is that two together . Its at least 1. 5. 1. 5 vertebra are actually in articulation, they were they were in anatomical position in the body. Thank you so much. Great work. Beautiful job. Reporter bergers discovery has been met with skepticism from some scientists who believe more research is needed to prove this was a burial site. Berger admits its still a working theory, but hes convinced hes found a new member of the human family tree. That was great show you were putting on there. Really . Okay. Yeah, it was fantastic. That was fantastic. Thanks. Outstanding reporter berger doesnt know yet how old the bones are. He says they could be well over two million years old, which would mean this is a new species. But until the age of the fossils are settled, his critics argue its just too hard to say what the significance is of his discovery. Axelrod debora patta with a story millions of years in the making. Thank you. And well have the latest forecast for el nino next. Unsurpassed in pain relief. Aftes nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. Not tylenol. Not aleve. Nothing. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. 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Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Terry bradshaw . What a surprise you know what else is a surprise . Shingles. And how it can hit you out of nowhere. I know. I had it. Thats why im here. Cmon lets sit down and talk about it. And did you know that one in three people will get shingles . I didnt know that. I did. Hes on tv saying it. But have you done anything . all no. Thats why im reminding people like you to ask your doctor or pharmacist about your risk of getting shingles. Because if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. all oooh. Whos had chickenpox . Scoot over. Me too when i got shingles i had this ugly band of blisters and look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. So talk to your doctor or pharmacist. We all in . all yes good, cause if not were gonna watch highlights of my career 12 hours straight. I know, talk about pain. Seriously now, talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Axelrod forecasters said today the el nino brewing in the pacific is likely to become one of the strongest ever. The good news winter storms fueled by warm ocean water could bring under precipitation to the droughtstricken west. But remember, an el nino in the late 90s produced deadly floods and mudd lieds. More than 100,000 people have been forced from their homes in tokyo. Some were rescued by helicopter. At least seven are dead, many more injured. Nasa showed off some new pictures of pluto today. Turns out the dwarf planet is just as complex as mars. It has soaring mountains rising from smooth plains and icy patchs. The photos were taken my the new horizon spacecraft. In a moment, china takes on trump. His hair, its also those golden color, golden sheen. And its defying gravity. Intimidating. Doing something simple. Meant enduring a lot of pain. If ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. Orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. For many, orencia provides longterm relief of ra symptoms. Its helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. Do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. Serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. Cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. Tell your doctor if youre prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, axelrod now, quotations from candidate trump. I like china. I understand the chinese mind. I beat chinaul the time. Donald trump does like talking about china, but what are the chinese saying about him . We sent seth doane to find out. China taking our jobs, taking our money. Reporter donald trump takes aim at china. China just devalued their economy. Reporter a lot. Do you know this person . But nearly 7,000 miles away we brought trumps picture to narrow alleyways in the heart of beijing. Most here had never heard of him. Shes saying i dont know. No, this is not jeb bush. How about another guess. Joe biden. Reporter when we explained some of trumps criticism to this finance student simon xu, he thought some of it might actually be a backhanded compliment. Reporter we tried for an official reaction at the ministry of foreign affairs. How does chinas government view this . We understand that in the United States, people enjoy the right to make all kinds of remarks, but whats important to us is the policies adopted by the u. S. Government. Chinas governmentbacked global times wasnt so diplomatic. I dont wear a toupee. Its my hair his hair, it defies gravity. Reporter standup comedian evan zhou told us he sees plenty of opportunities with trump, even in a country where comedians dont stray far from governmentapproved speech. This is a time when we can maybe keep in line with the government. Making fun of donald trump . Yes. Reporter most here simply see it for what it is a campaign for votes. Seth doane, cbs news, beijing. Axelrod and thats the cbs evening news. For scott pelley, im jim axelrod. Good night. Im meteorologist kate bilo. With a weather update. Take look at our skycam3 view. You can see the low clouds and still rain that is falling over philadelphia light to moderate rain at the moment heres a look at center city and take look at storm scan3. You can see the rain continuing to move through but it is weakening thats the good news and this is really last of it. A few showers on the back edge we a steady to moderate rain moving into the city at the moment. Causing a delay at the phillies game and we actually do have a Flash Flood Warning to tell you about. Flash flood watch in effect until 8 00 p. M. You can see this little storm just sat there for hours on end at least two hours or so right over portions of chester and montgomery counties and that has prompt add Flash Flood Warning until 8 15 thats for areas like chesterbrook, schuylkill township, king of prussia,

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