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Grammys. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Pelley good evening. Were beginning the broadcast tonight with a fullblown civil rights battle in alabama. Today most county offices there defied a federal court order allowing samesex marriage. Many couples were turned away, some marriage license offices simply did not open. Last night alabamas chief justice banned samesex marriage licenses. His ruling also in defiance of the federal court. Alabama would be the 37th state where samesex marriage is permitted, and in some counties today, the licenses were granted. Chip reid is sorting all of this out for us in montgomery. Reporter billy clark and kerry perez, both 26, have been waiting to get married for four years. Today they did it after an alabama judge issued their license. It feels really good to have people recognize what weve always known to be true. Uhhuh. I love you. Reporter last month a federal judge struck down alabamas ban on samesex marriage finding it violated the u. S. Constitution. That decision took effect today but not without judicial chaos. Its an aberration of our institution in alabama. It violated alabama law. Reporter in a defiant challenge to federal authority chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court ordered alabamas from bait judges not to issue marriage licenses. I dont like to say anybody shouldnt be happy but nobodys stopping them from living together. Its about the understand talking of marriage. And when that institution is destroyed, its the basic Building Block of our society. Reporter in a state where most residents oppose samesex marriage many alabama judges sided with Justice Moore leaving some license bureaus empty. Its not first time Justice Moore has been at the center of a battle between state and federal power inch 2003, he refused to obey a federal court order to remove a monument of the 10 commandments from the courthouse. Civil rights activists say todays battle is only the latest example of alabama resisting federal power. They compare it to 1963 when thengovernor George Wallace stood in the doorway at the university of alabama in opposition to federal orders to integrate alabama schools. Moore denies there is a connection between then and now. This is not about race. This is not about recognition that all people are created equal. This is about choice. Reporter no one here in alabama knows what is going to happen next, scott. Its a case of judicial chaos. The one thing we do know is that despite that federal order many most of alabama right now samesex couples cannot get a marriage license. Pelley chip reid covering the story. Well check back in on this tomorrow. Chip, thanks very much. Now to another big story the weather and the winter that just keeps piling on. Another storm hit the northeast today. Boston could have as much as two more feet of snow before its all over. The city has now set a record with nearly 74 inches this season. Jericka duncan is there. Reporter throughout the day, the flakes kept falling in boston, quickly adding height to the mounds of snow everywhere around the city. Cars are buried, transit systems shut down, and people like joe mulcahy were forced to either stay inside or dig out. You shovel again and you shovel again an you shovel again and you shovel again. This is new england. Reporter in the last two weeks, contractor tom morell has received more than 200 calls to his roofing business from homeowners fearful that their roofs might cave in. How long on average does it take you to remove all of the snow off of a roof . It depends how big the house is. If its a high house, it will take the better part of a day. The whole day . For sure. Reporter before the 600 snowplows can clear the streets from one snowstorm it seems another piles on. The citys 18 million snow removal budget is already blown says mayor marty walsh. By the end of this week, well nearly have doubled what the snow budget was. Reporter over the last 24 hours, 6,000 tons of snow has been removed from city streets. Two snow melters are working nonstop. Since yesterday theyve melted more than 19,000 tons. We had the blizzard, which arguably was the worst of the three, but the fact that theres so much snow on the ground, we got the second one 18 inch, but today they all seemed worse than the one before it because theres so much snow on the ground. Boston Public Schools have had eight snow days this school year. Scott, officials are now considering having those students make up those missed days either this spring or perhaps in the summer. Pelley jericka, thank you. Eric fisher is the chief meteorologist at our cbs boston station wbz. Eric whats coming next . Well, scott no one alive has seen this much snow in such a short amount of time in thes be area. The snow is three to five feet deep across much of the region, and there is not much rest between this storm ending tonight and the next one arriving on thursday. Lets take a look at what were tracking. Basically another clipper system will move to the coast and deepen very rapidly as we head late into thursday and thursday night. Its going to be a close call. If it happens quickly and brings significant snow and wind right back into the same areas that are digging out. A little later further east, still plowable but not a major event. This is a big storm to watch because frankly the region cannot take more snow, certainly not a major storm. Behind that clipper, the cold. This time the cold gets all the way into the deep south. Well talking well below average temperatures all the way down the gulf coast into thursday and friday. That takes us into the weekend. So very little melting is expected, and not just the storm were watching on thursday but there may be another one coming as we head towards this weekend. Scott, its just unprecedented territory that everyone here is trying to deal with. Eric fisher, thank you. More rain is in the forecast in the pacific northwest. Over the weekend more than 7 inches fell in parts of washington state. In northern california, galeforce wind knocked down trees and power lines but all that rain hardly put a dent in californias historic drought. Heres what we noticed in the economy today. Oil prices continue to rise. They have been up the past two weeks and closed today at 52. 86 a barrel. Heading the other way today were stock prices. The dow lost 95 points. The s p just under nine. Today president obama and a key u. S. Ally discussed whether to send american weapons to ukraine to fend off rebels backed by russia. Today a Chemical Plant was bombed in the part of ukraine where russia has been pouring in weapons and advisers. Mr. Obama met with the german chancellor today who has been shuttling from ukraine to moscow to washington to try to find a way out. Heres chief White House Correspondent major garrett. Reporter president obama and german chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to give diplomacy one more chance. Possibly the last to end russias broody proxy war in eastern ukraine. The president is considering whether to send lethal weapons to outgun ukrainian forces. I have not made a decision about that yet. Its not based on the idea that ukraine could defeat a russian army that was determined. It is rather to see whether or not there are additional things we can do to help ukraine bolster its defenses in the face of separatist aggression. Reporter Russian Armed separatists are pounding civilian targets inflicting carnage and sewing desperation. As liz palmer has reported from the front line, russia appears bent on carving up more of the former soviet republic, ignoring western demands for a ceasefire. Unfortunately russia has made a decision that i think is bad for them strategically, bad for europe urge bad for the world. In the face of this aggression and these bad decisions, you know, we cant simply try to talk them out of it. Reporter the white house and top european leaders are also reviewing another round of economic sanctions against moscow. Reporter until the situation is entirely resolved, were going to have to keep on trying Different Things to see if we can get a better outcome. Reporter chancellor merkel says the fate of european peace hangs in the balance. Merkel opposes sending weapons into ukraine fearing escalation and more bloodshed. Scott, for months president obama agreed, but hes now closer than ever to sending those weapons. Pelley mange garrett at the white house for us tonight. Major, thank you very much. It got a little touchy in that News Conference you just saw when a reporter asked about the revelation last year that the u. S. Was eavesdropping on Angela Merkels cell phone. Heres what mr. Obama had to say . Occasionally i would like the german people to give us the benefit of the doubt given our history as opposed to assuming the worst assuming that, you know, we have been consistently your strong partners and that we share a common set of values, and if we had that fundamental Underlying Trust there are going to be times where there are disagreements and both sides may make mistakes and there are going to be irritants like there are between friends, but the underlying foundation for the relationship remains sound. Pelley tonight Kayla Muellers parents are clinging to the hope that shes alive. The 26yearold humanitarian from arizona was kidnapped in syria in 2013. Friday the Islamic Terrorist Group isis said that she was killed in a Jordanian Air strike but provided no proof. Many isis fighters are being recruited from western countries and tonight Clarissa Ward has a rare interview with a man who joined isis and then broke free. He insisted we hide his face and alter his voice for this report. There reporter abu ibrahim is one of those of westerners who have traveled to syria to fight jihad. A convert to islam he wanted the chance to live under strict islamic sharia law so he joined the most extreme group there isis. During his six months with the militants, he saw crucifixions. In december he witnessed the stoning to death of a couple convicted of adultery. Reporter doesnt it strike you as medieval . Its harsh. Its real. But its sharia. Reporter life for western jihadists under isis rule is almost completely subsidized. They provide housing food. Reporter salary . Initially approximately 50 a month and it went up to 100. Reporter so youre completely taken care of . Yes. Reporter but there is one condition. Once you join isis, it is virtually impossible to leave. The restrictions for leaving are difficult. Its like a prison in that respect. Reporter honestly, what would happen if you were caught by isis trying to leave the Islamic State . If i was caught, i would probably be imprisoned and questioned. Reporter why is that . Are they paranoid about spying or they just dont want people to leave . Theyre worried about infiltration. Reporter those found guilty of spying are executed. Despite the risk, abu ibrahim began to look for a way out. He was increasingly disillusioned by the execution of western aid workers and journalists. He missed his family and felt bored. Jihad wasnt what he thought it would be. I had friends in brotherhood. Pelley we almost never hear from these people. How did you find this man . I first came across abu ibrahim on social media. We started to message regularly for more than seven months online. I was able to corroborate his story by talking to this network of foreign fighters inside syria who i communicate with who also knew abu ibrahim. Pelley Clarissa Ward, one of our authorities on syria. Thank you collaros is a. A popular podcast could help a convicted murder rer get a new trial. And what had this skydiver counting his blessings when the cbs evening news continues. Ay i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging could i come up with something better. My doctor told me about eliquis. For three Important Reasons. One, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. 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Im a believer i have the worst cold with this runny nose. I better take something. Dayquill cold and flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. Tonight a convicted murderer has won a chance to convince a Maryland Court that he should get a new trial. That may be due at least in part thanks to the publicity the case got on a popular podcast that was downloaded at least 68 million times. Heres our chief Legal Correspondent jan crawford. Reporter it was listening for million no pictures or video, just the story a true crime drama that unfolded on the internet. One story told week by week, a serial. Reporter the series focused on the 1999 murder of hae min lee a 17yearold maryland honor student, and raised questions about whether her exboyfriend, adnan syed, now serving life in prison, was the killer. The podcast is the brainchild of radio journalist sarah koenig. In case you havent noticed my thoughts about adnans case, about what is lying and why have not been fixed. Reporter it also left listeners wondering why another student who swore in an affidavit that she could provide an alibi for syed, was never interviewed by his lawyer, Cristina Gutierrez who died in 2006. No one could ever come with proof or an antidote or anything to say i before ever mad at her that i was ever angry with her that i ever threatened her. Reporter marylands court of special appeals also has questions,ying to hear syeds argument that guttierez failed to do her job. His family, still accustomed to disappointment over the years delivered the news to syed over the phone. My brother didnt believe my mom, so when i grabbed the phone and i told him he was so happy. He was just laughing. Reporter its unusual for the Appeals Court to step in at this point, but the odds are stacked against syed. Hes a long way from getting a new trial but for the family, its a glimmer of coat after serial put this case in the spot live. Pelley jan, thank you. That Measles Outbreak is spreading. Well have that story next. If you have high Blood Pressure like i do, many Cold Medicines may raise your Blood Pressure. Thats why theres Coricidin Hbp it relieves cold symptoms without raising Blood Pressure. So look for powerful Cold Medicine with a heart. Coricidin hbp. To unlock the possibilities of tomorrow. Lift tab. Behold the beauty of balance. Crisp flakes of fiberrich bran. Answered by the perfect quantity of sun sweetened raisins. And with the sublime addition of icecold milk, the day begins. Sunll come out, tomorrow tomorrow is waiting. Own it, with kelloggs® raisin bran see you at breakfast™. And delight in temptingly tart and sweet new kelloggs® raisin bran with cranberries. Pelley the Measles Outbreak continues to spread. At least 166 cases have been reported in 18 states now and the district of columbia. Today georgia reported its first case of measles since 2012. If youre a skydiver, the last thing you ever want to see is the plane you just left coming back at you. Well, have a look at what happened recently in thailand to an instructor and a student when the plane nose dived. One of their parachutes was draped over the wing. They did great free. The second chute opened safely. The student seemed oblivious to the danger, but the instructor clearly relieved. Turns out the first man on the moab kept a secret stash of mementos from apollo 11. After Neal Armstrong died in 2012, his widow found a white cloth bag in his closet. Inside were items that he grabbed from the lunar module, power cable utility lights and that movie camera that filmed his one small step on to the lunar surface. All of it is now on display at the smithsonian. A rising star was the big winner at the grammies, and well pete him next. 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So why am i still thinking about this . How are ya . Good. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Pelley some unusual combinations at the grammys last night, including the unlikely trio of Paul Mccartney rihanna and kanye west. But sam smith was the big winner, and he needed both arms to carry all of his trophies. If youre asking, whos he . Anthony mason can fill you in. Wont you stay with me reporter in little more than a year, a song about unrequieted love took sam smith from unknown to International Star and turned musics big night into sam smiths big night. I want to thank the man who this record is about who i fell in love with last year. Thank you so much for breaking my heart because you got me four grammys. Reporter do you think you are prepared for where you are now . I think. No, no. Actually 100 no. Report in an interview for cbs sunday morning this past fall, the 22yearold who grew up in rural england said there were bumps on his paths to stardom. Did you start to doubt yoars at all . Even now i doubt mieches i dont understand what the big fuss in. I dont understand what people hear in my voice. Reporter the grammys were full of voices last night 38 artists, the most ever. Madonna reminded us who lady gaga learned it from. Pharrell williams switched hats, losing last years mountys cap. This year he looked like a bellboy from the grand budapest hotel. When were up together dancing cheek to cheek the grammys bridged music generation gap by pairing artists. The young singer performed with annie lennox. I put a spell on you but the most extraordinary grammy performance wasnt even in the show. The reclusive bob dylan accepted the gram yess music cares award friday night and unloaded on his critics. Critics say my voice is shot, that i have no voice. Reporter but they also thanked the artists who first recorded his work, like peter paul and mary, sonny and cher and jimmie hen contribution. He took some small songs of mine nobody paid attention to and brought them into the stratosphere. Reporter there were other music legends at the grammys last night. But this years show belonged to young sam smith, who with with four awards kicked the door of his career wide open. Anthony mason, cbs news, los angeles. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media acce good evening. Im cbs3 meteorologist kathy orr live from the sky deck reporting on patchy freezing drizzle that will cause icy conditions during the evening and overnight on storm scan3 we have sleet and also looking at some freezing rain moving toward the philadelphia area. To the north and west toward the Lehigh Valley where you see that lavender color thats actually snow thats heading into northern buck and also northern montgomery much this will continue into the late night hours. Temperatures below freezing pretty much everywhere. Well continue to fall that frozen precipitation will turn over to snow even in the city overnight winter wet advisories posted everywhere until 6 00 oclock tomorrow morning. Heres what we expect tonight. Patchy freezing drizzle and sleet changing over to know overnight untreated areas will be icy slippery sidew

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