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Axelrod good evening. Scotts off tonight. Im jim axelrod. The line of mourners stretches for blocks, and they are here from every corner of new york city and well beyond to pay their respects to officer rafael ramos, one of two cops murdered last weekend as they sat in their cruiser. An honor guard saluted as the casket was brought into the church. Some of the mourners are carrying pictures of ramos and his partner wenjian liu. Blue ribbons hang on a nearby fence, a gesture of support for police, as the n. Y. P. D. Continues to investigate dozens of threats against its officers. Jericka duncan is outside the service. Reporter just after 12 30, the nations largest city came to a pause as thousands gathered to honor a fallen officer. Following the strict somber protocol that guides mourning of a cop killed in the line of duty, a slow, steady stream of blue flowed into the church to say goodbye to 40yearold rafael ramos. Nobody deserve deserves to de way he did, Police Officer or civilian, especially not a Police Officer, not the way it happened. Reporter georgia sheriffs deputy evin restos traveled 13 hours on Christmas Day to be here. He knows the ramos family. So it is personal, but as law enforcement, i think theres a bond between brothers in blue that we stick together. Reporter today taids wake comes at a time when many officers are worried about their own safety, since ramos and his partner wenjian liu, were ambushed last saturday, the n. Y. P. D. Has investigated more than 40 threats on officers lives. Seven people have been arrested as a result. Many Police Officers blame major bill de blasio for the current tension. They felt the mayor was too critical of their approach after the eric garner case. When de blasio went to the hospital the night ramos and liu were shot, some Police Officers turned their back on him. Today a banner was flown over the city saying, de blasio, our backs have turned to you. Late today, de blasio released a statement saying, this is a time to think about the families and honor our fallen officers. Dividing people wont help our city heal. I dont care how you look at it, we need the police. Reporter 53yearold calvin hunt attended several protests for brown and garner but today he decided to show support for police and brought his two children with him. This should be two sided. All the organizations that say theyre for justice should be out here right now. Reporter raim oals leaves behind a wife and two sons. Tomorrow is the funeral. Joe biden, Vice President joe biden is expected to be in attendance, and, jim, Funeral Plans for officer liu have not been finalized. Axelrod jericka, thank you. A protest against Excessive Force by police turned violent in the bay area last night. It started peacefully with dozens of marchers taking to the streets of oakland, but another group smashed windows, looted stores, and vand althoughized the citys christmas tree. 40 officers responded but made no arrests. This programming note Police Commissioner William Bratton and Rudolph Giuliani will discuss this on sunday on face the nation. Tonight, xbox is back up and running but Sony Playstation is still rpght problems. Both were hacke hacked this wee, ruining christmas for millions. A group had been threatening for weeks to shut them down, and as ben tracy reports, it looks like they succeeded. Reporter all the exphoal jolly of Christmas Morning its an xbox reporter turned into a lump of coal for many, including t. J. Ebner, whose brand new xbox was knocked offline. Kind of blows my mind Microsoft Xbox network and sonys playstation were down for much of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in what is a distributed denial of service, or ddos attack. Servers were overwhelmed and shut down. Its about as common an attacks you can have. Reporter steven laff is a cybersecurity expert. He says these kinds of hackers are not likely after money. One, theyre trying to teach this company a lesson, that you need to have better protection. Or they may be doing it for sport. Yeah, theyre just idiots. Reporter the lizard squad Hacking Group is taking credit for the attack pop Christmas Day, they taunted gamers on twitter sailing, i wonder how many people tried to return their new console thinking it was broken. Xbox was this 15yearolds sole christmas gift. I think its sad they have to go for innocent people who just want to play their games on christmas, especially. Its the worst day to do it. Reporter the hackers claim to have ended their attack on christmas night. Shall we begin . Reporter these attacks on microsoft and sony dont donetsk not appear to have any connection over the controversy over sonys release of the film the interview. Members of the lizard squad said they chose Christmas Day for the attack because it would anger the largest number of people. As to why they did any of this in the first place, they say they did it because they could. Axelrod ben tracy in our los angeles newsroom, thank you, ben. The First Box Office numbers are in for the interview. The comedy grossed more than 1 million yesterday in just over 300 theaters, a fraction of what it might have made in wider release. No figures yet on internet sales, but it was the top seller on google play and youtube. In southwest ohio a tragic fire early this morning claimed the lives of a grandmother and three of her grandsons. The fayet county sheriff says the brothers, between nine and 14 years old, stayed at their grandmothers because they didnt want her to be alone on christmas night. The cause of the fire is not known. This was an another record day on wall street. The dow closed at 18,053, a gain of more than 23 points. Helping to fuel that was word holiday sales may hit more than 617 billion. Cbs News Business analyst Jill Schlesinger joins us now. Jill, the projections for Holiday Spending were a 4 increase over last year. Are we going to hit that number . Reporter we probably will. We see projections ranging from 3 to 5 growth over last year, but we wont really know until another month from now. Thats when the government releases its Monthly Retail sales report and companies themselves release their quartererly earnings. Axelrod how important are retail sales this time of year . Reporter its important to the retailerses themselves but this is still a small part overall economy. Axelrod lets take a look at the overall economy. How are we doing . Were doing pretty well. We started the year off rough. We contracted 2. 1 , two successive quarters of growth. And we have also seen job creation kick up. This year 2. 6 million jobs. We are on pace for the best year for job creation since 1999. Axelrod what are the potential problems . Reporter one of the problems is we havent seen great wage growth. Weve seen jobs but wages are only up about 2 year over year and that just keeps pace with inflation. And weve also seen the stock market has done incredibly well over the last five and a half years but we havent taken a breathener a long time so that could be a problem and, of course, were a bit worried about geopolitical concerns. Axelrod but primarily keeping an eye on watching that lag between wages and jobs shrink . Reporter absolutely. Axelrod okay, the big story of the last quarter has been gas prices and Oil Prices Heading downward. How is that going to play out . Reporter well, its going to put more money in consumers pockets. Thats really good news. But the flip side of this and i mentioned geopolitical concerns there are Big Oil Producers like russia where low oil is a problem and its a destabilizing force in the economy. And in a place like russia with a guy like putin running that country, were very concerned about what effect on the economy it will have there but what moves he might make because hes boxed in a corner with the economy so weak. Axelrod Jill Schlesinger, thank you. Reporter thank you. Axelrod debora patta has been taking a close look at russias economy and found its not just cooling down. It could be headed for a deep freeze. Reporter its going to be a long, cold winter in russia. Already weakened by sanctions, the plunging oil price has pushed the russian economy to the brink of collapse. Russian president Vladimir Putin has now scrapped his governments new Year Holidays to deal with the crisis. Weve had a long and depressing winter he said. He has bet almost his entire economy on expoil gas, and the Oil Price Collapse has starved its country of a major source of economic power. If the oil price stays below 60 a barely, the russian economy will contract by a staggering 4 next year. The russian ruble has already lost half of its value against the u. S. Dollar this year, and thingses will deteriorate further over the next six months as Investment Consultant chris weafer. Now people are getting a much better sense that this actually could be a real serious crisis and not just a tough period. Reporter but it is not just bad for russia. The country is facing a sharp recession that could have Global Political repercussions if putin becomes desperate. Russian businessman Sergei Trofimenko says russia does not like to be pushed, and additional u. S. Saincheses may provoke a response. Reporter the world has already seen the type of aggression putin is capable of in the ukraine this year. If squeezed too hard, he could step up hostilities in the region and he might also consider additional retaliatory sanctions against the west. Axelrod debora patta in our london newsroom tonight. Debora, thank you. Ceremonies were held across asia today marking the tenth anniversary of indian ocean earthquake and sunawm they killed 30,000 people. In thailand, lanterns sim bliegz the spirits of the dead were released into the sky. Another ceremony was held at a police boat carried more than a mile inland by the tsunami. President obama and the first lady kept a tradition when they visited marines stationed in hawaii on Christmas Day. The president thanked the troops and noted that 13 years of combat in afghanistan are now coming to a close for u. S. Forces. Next week, we will be ending our combat mission in afghanistan. Obviously applause because of the Extraordinary Service the men and women in the American Armed forces, afghanistan has a chance to rebuild its own country. Axelrod the president told the marines the world is safer because of their sacrifices. A potential driving hazard is ahead. Most tires that va have been recalled are still on the road. And Holiday Shoppers run for cover as a pickup crashes into a store when the cbs evening news continues. So brushing doesnt scratch gums and angled perfectly, to remove 90 of plaque for a healthier smile. Trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. Oralb. Is a really big deal. U with aches, fever and chills theres no such thing as a little flu. So why treat it like its a little cold . Theres something that works differently than overthecounter remedies. Attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. And call your doctor right away. Tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. 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Jeff pegues tells us the federal government may finally be ready to address this. Reporter last year, the left rear tire blew out on krystal cantus truck. The vehicle skidded off a texas highway and rolled over. The 25yearold lost most of her right arm in the crash. We knew it was a tire. You could hear the pop. The pop was, like it was unbelievably loud. So we knew right off the bat that it was a tire. Reporter a tire that caused the crash has since been recalled. Most recalled tires never make it off the roads. They are not registered properly, and as a consequence, drivers arent getting the message. Early wayneer is a National Transportation safety board member. The system isnt working. We see that only about 15 to 20 , at best,est tires that are marked for recall, ever get actually recalled. And thats a potential safety issue. Reporter the other safety issue tire aging. Tires weaken year by year and cracks start to appear on the surface. Some auto manufacturers recommend they be replaced every six years, regardless of use, while tire manufacturers recommend 10 years. They also say the life of a tire is more dependent sohow its maintained and whether its been exposed to heat or sunlight. Dan zielinski is with the rubber manufacturers association. Absent those types of exposures, it shouldnt be expected that the tire is not going to perform simply because of the passage of time. Reporter the n. T. S. B. Is working on new tire safety recommendations. In the meantime, experts say drivers need to educate themselves about maintaining their tires properly. Jeff pegues, cbs news, washington. Axelrod in sao paulo, brazil, a wild and deadly crash was caught on surveillance camera. A pickup truck plowed through the front window of a Sporting Goods store packed with shoppers. One woman was killed, six other people were hurt. Police are investigating whether the driver was drunk. Up next, all aboard the baby express. Two cops help a mother give birth in a most unusual place. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis or have bladder cancer. 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Yay, game night, so much fun. Soft holiday music ] can you help me up . [ snow intensifies ] [ sleighbells ring in the distance ] aleve. All day pain relief with just 2 pills. Get back to being you. Axelrod former president george h. W. Bush is spending a fourth night in a houston hospital. The 41st president , who is 90 years old, was admittedded it for shortness of breath. He is said to be in good spirits and making progress. Theres a woman in a hospital in philadelphia who is welcoming a new son to the world. He was born yesterday, which makes him a christmas baby, of course. But thats not the most memorable partst young boys birth. No one who rides a subway anywhere likes a delay, but at least the one that stopped the subway in philadelphia yesterday had a reason no one was going to complain too loudly about. I had a patron just tell me a she believed somebody is going into labor. Reporter philadelphia transit Police Officer Darrell James and Sergeant Daniel caban were on patrol just before 6 00 p. M. When a passerby told the officers a woman was ready to give birth on the train in the station. We went on the scene. We saw the baby getting ready to come power plant we went right into action. Her husband was there. He gave us a shirt off his back, and we wrapped the baby around. Axelrod within minutes a new baby boy was born. Just after that, e. M. S. Workers arrived and then the new family was off to the hospital. I have three kids, my wife is pregnant again. It was just get in there and help. I mean, thats what we do. We delivered a baby for her, so it was like her Christmas Present but its also a blessing and present for myself. This is the first time i experienced Something Like this, besides my own. Its just at the perfect time. Reporter and here is a picture of mother and son this morning when the men who helped bring the boy into the world stopped by the hospital. She told the police she named him chris as in christmas. What kind of farmer gives away his entire crop . You gotta hear the story. On the road with Steve Hartman is next. Creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. I have a cold with terrible chest congestion. I better take something. Theraflu severe cold doesnt treat chest congestion. Really . New alkaseltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. [breath of relief] oh, what a relief it is. Axelrod we end tonight with another look at one of our favorite Steve Hartman stories, the one about the professional Football Player who quit the nfl to try his luck on a new field. Steve had the mim on the road. Reporter at one point, number 60, jason brown, was one of the best centers in the nfl. At one point, he had a fiveyear, 37 Million Contract with the st. Louis rams. And at one point, he decided it was all meaningless and just walked away from football. My agent, you know, he said, youre making the biggest mistake of your life. And i looked right back at him and i said, no, im not. No, im not. Reporter so what could possibly trump the nfl . You wouldnt believe. Jason brown quit football to be a plain, old farmer. Even though hed never farmed a day in his life. How did you learn even to do what youre doing . Get on the internet. Watch youtube videos. Reporter so you learned how to farm from youtube . Yeah. You can still plant your crops. Reporter thanks to youtube and some good advice from other farmers here in louisburg, North Carolina he finished his first fiveacre plot of sweet potatoes. When you see them in the ground, its the most beautiful thing you can see. Reporter he said he has never felt more successful. Not in mans standards but in gods eyes. Reporter but god cares about the nfl. I see people praying to him on the field all the time. Yeah, theres a lot of people praying out there. But when i think about a life of greatness, i think about a life of service. Reporter which leads us here. Which leads us here, yes. Reporter see, his plan for this farm, which he calls first fruits farm, is to donate the first fruits of every harvest to food pantrys. Today its all five acres, 100,000 pounds, of sweet potatoes. Its unusual for a grow tore grow a crop just to give away. Reporter rebecca page organizes food collection for the needy. And thats what jason has done. And hes planning to do more next year. Reporter jason has 1,000 acres here, which could go a long way toward eliminating hungener this neck of North Carolina. Love is the most wonderful currency that you can give anyone. Reporter are you sure you played in the nfl . Yes. Reporter because i feel like cuddling you right now . laughter . Dont do that. Reporter jason may have left the nfl, but apparently holding is still a penalty. Steve hartman on the road in louisburg, North Carolina. Axelrod and thats the cbs evening news per for scott pelley im jim axelrod, and for all of us here at cbs news, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org e. T. Takes a special look back at the stars we led and lost in 2014. Yeah tonight we are hearing from the lends in their own incomparable words. Im doing good. Im very good. Healthy, happy. Our 30plus years with robin williams. I would come home and just realize how extraordinary, that you have heaven in front of you. And this, his last e. T. Interview. Not a bad day for me either. Every day above ground as they say. Plus joan rivers. The conoversy still surrounding her death witthe explosive findings of a federal instigation. Theres always a risk whenever you go on i wont even come out of it. Also, Philip Seymour hoffmas passing. So is this was drugs or alho

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