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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news. Pelley good evening. Millions of people who went shopping for hardware have become victims of malicious software. Home depot said hackers got access to 56 million debit and credit cards used at the stores this year. Thats a bigger Security Breach than the one at target last year. Anthony mason is joining us now with details. Anthony. Reporter scott, home depot says the hackers used custom built malwear never used in other attacks in the Security Breach that went undetected between april and september. We apologize to our customers for the inconvenience and anxiety this has caused, home depots c. E. O. Said in a statement today. The web site that broke the story of the breach, reports the malware was installed mainly in Payment Systems in selfcheckout lanes on Retail Stores but banks have been reporting far fewer compromised cards than expected given the length of the exposure. Security experts are encouraged that there is so far no evidence pin numbers were compromised in the attack. Home depot says the hackers method of entry has been closed off and the malware has been eliminated from the companys system. And, scott, customers are being offered free credit monitoring. Pelley and targets c. E. O. Resigned after their data breach last may. Anthony, thank you very much. The senate is voting right now on whether to approve president obamas plan to attack the terrorist army known as isis. The house agreed yesterday. Mr. Obama is ordering expanded air strikes in iraq and syria and plans to arm local forces on the ground. Isis uploaded a new hostage video today and Clarissa Ward has this report. Reporter in the last propaganda video from isis, british journalist candensis has been reading a script saying he has been abandoned by the u. S. And u. K. Governments and the western media has distorted the truth about the group. Sounding eerily calm, he said he doesnt know if he will avoid being murdered. He is the fifth hostage to be put on camera by isis. Last week, alan henning was threatened with execution. Henning was a taxi driver from manchester chovolunteered to join a convoy last christmas. But the group was inside syria in less than an hour before things went wrong. Majid freedman was there. All of a sudden, all these masked gunmen came running into the compound and we didnt know what was happening. Reporter everyone was allowed to leave, except for henning, the sole nonmuslim in the group. Last night, british muslims put out their own video pleading for his release. Show the world how merciful muslims can be. We know youre not scared of the creation, only the creator. So, please, please, please release alan. Reporter most british muslims find all this extremely painful, scott, and they dont want to be associated with isis, so many of them are now using a hashtag on twitter that says simply not in my name. Pelley Clarissa Ward in our london newsroom tonight. Clarissa, thank you. And late word just in, a majority of senators have now voted to approve the president s plan. That Publicity Campaign gives isis influence far beyond the range of its guns. Bob orr says that a plot has been broken up now about as far from syria as you can get. Reporter helicopters outfitted with infrared cameras joined 800 Australian Police officers in predawn raids on multiple locations across sydney and brisbane. 15 people were rounded up and six are still being held in connection with a gruesome plot to kidnap and publicly behead an Australian Citizen picked at random. The suspects, said to be isis sympathizers, had been under surveillance for months. But police say a phone called intercepted two days ago triggered the raids. Prime minister tony abbott the events this morning were based on specific intelligence that people werent just preparing an attack but had the intention to mount one. Reporter officials believe the plot was being orchestrated by this man air, former australian nightclub bouncer, now fighting with isis in syria. Islam means sincerity and submission to the one true god. Reporter police say mohammad ali baryalei, a onetime street preacher, conspired with the suspects, urging them to carry out an attack that would shock and horrify the australian public. U. S. Officials say the alleged australian plot is a clear warning that isis does have the potential to reach beyond syria. Isis sympathizers served by radical ideology, scott, could be inspired to carry out homeland attacks. Pelley bob, thank you. Passengers on a jetblue flight in california got the scare of their lives today when trouble struck, the pilot made an Emergency Landing and heres jeff pegues. Reporter shortly after jetblue flight 1416 took off from long beach airport, passengers say the right engine blew out. Many of the 147 people on board heard a loud boom and saw smoke filling the cabin. Multiple passengers reported the flight attendants manually activated the oxygen masks. Passenger passenger eric domanic. You couldnt see your hand in front of your pace face. It engulfed the cabin in seconds. The plane was en route to austin, texas. It circled back towards land after just minutes in the air. Dean delbaugh was a passenger. Like deer in headlines initially. Once we turned around and got over land of it jarring all over the place and then people started to get really worried. Reporter actor Jackson Rathbone of the twilight series was also on board. His twitter post read like a scene in the movie. Uncertain about how the flight would end he said, i held my son and my wife in my arms. And as the plane prepared to touch down, we were toll to brace as we careened sharply back towards land. Rons the plane landed safely, Passengers Evacuated down the engineer slides. Rathbone, his wife and son, along with the other passengers, got off safely. One person was transported to the hospital and then released. Scott, authorities be the pilot activated the engines fire extinguisher from the cockpit, and that may have put out the flames. Pelley jeff, thank you very much. A funeral was held today in scranton for Pennsylvania State Police Corporal bryon dickson, shot and killed in an ambush last fridays. Officers from all around the country, lined up 10 deep to pay respects to dixon, who was 38 and left a wife and two sons. Also today, the f. B. I. Add suspect eric frein to its 10 most wanted list. Don dahler has been learning more about him. Reporter from a young age, it appears guns were a big part of eric freins life. At pocono high school, he was a member of the rifle team. Two years ago at this gun store in strauss berg, frein picked up a sporting version upon an ak47 rifle called a sega. He had ordered it from nevada. Store manager Jere Dunkelberger we have a record of him coming in four or five times for various items. Reporter frein was a member of a cold War Reenactment Group that dressed up as serbian soldiers and played war games. In 2007 he land aid bit part as a german soldier in an independent film. He grew up in pennsylvania, a little crossroads town that has seen before day. The owner of a local sports good store said a few months ago frein had a strange reaction when a police car went by. He said i have to disappear. And i said why, he said me and those guys dont get along. Reporter freins 18yearold sister tiffany wasnt allowed inside yesterday. She vented her anger on facebook. Neighbors described eric frein as eccentric, but they wouldnt comment on camera. One door sign said, we are not talking to the press for our safety. In the past hour, activity has increased dramatically in that neighborhood. Dozens of Police Officers have descended on the roads around the family house, and, scott, one officer told a cbs news producer on site when asked if this was related to frein, he said yes and that he hopes it all ends tonight. Cowan we will see. Don, thank you very much. A suspect has been arreste arren california, charged with deliberately starting a wieferld that doubled in size overnight. The king fire is one of 10 major fires in the state. It has burned 111 square miles. Nearly 3,000 people have fled their homes. Crews are setting backfires, hoping to slow it all down, and John Blackstone is there. Reporter the sudden explosive growth of the king fire has been driven in part by the huge and ominous plume of smoke rising above it. Cal fire director ken pimlott the embers that come out of these fires, the smoke column, they are lofted and go way out into the unburned area, land, and start a fire. Reporter it all began investigators believe as an act ofarson. The suspect is a local man, wayne allen huntsman, 37, now being held on 10 million bail. Battling the fire Officials Say is costing 5 million a day with more than 3600 firefighters, 15 helicopters, and airplanes that over the last two days have dropped nearly 400,000 gallons of fire retasheddant. And this is just one of a dozen major fires and many smaller ones are now burning in california. We have well over 200 fires a week around the state that we are collectively, very aggressively putting out when theyre small. When we have conditions like we have here in eldorado county, some escape initial attack. Reporter when a fire does escape the initial effort to put it out, it can expand dramatically as this one has. This fire is still only 5 contained, and that number could actually go down, scott, as the fire continues to grow. Pelley and more dry weather ahead. John, thanks very much. Will they stay or break away . The latest on scotlands independence vote. And a business juggernaut in china takes on wall street when the cbs evening news continues. Im lisa and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Breo wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. 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Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. But the best part of every journey. Dad . Is coming home. Ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. Pelley the world is waiting to learn if the United Kingdom will remain united or if the scotts have voted for independence. Todays election in scotland brought a record turnout after a passionate campaign. Mark phillips is in edinborough. Reporter this vote is a modern take on the old scottish song should old acquaintance be forgot. In this case, the 300yearold political acquaintance between scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom. Lets do it now. Reporter coming into this vote, alex salmond had his yes side in a virtual tie with those saying no, thanks. The question has basically been, would you buy a used country from this man . This is a country which invented popular sovereignty, something which the United States of america, of course, tooked for. So, you know, theres going to be a yes vote. Reporter but another scottish politician, former Prime Minister gordon brown, belatedly added smcial fire to what had been a sagging no campaign. What we have built together by sacrificing and sharing, let no narrow nationalism split asunder ever. Reporter voters began lining up at polling stations before they opened. Turnout is expected to approach 90 . The hope is that after two years of bitter campaigning and 300 years of history, the future here will look a little less murky. But whichever way this vote goes, it will be the beginning, not the end of a difficult process. A Pro Independence vote would begin a painful divorce negotiation. A no victory would mean shifting promised new powers to a Scottish Government still in the u. K. And historian tom devine warns there will be wounds to heel. Theres an ancient scottish tradition flyting, which goes back to the medieval period, which is an attempt to win an argument, and you use every means in your power to do that, including vilification of the opponent that then you go out for a drink with them. Reporter will people be drinking together here on fridays . Um, big question. Reporter but the bigger question is who wins . The vote are being brought in to counting centers from farflung areas, and the weathers bad. Scott, this could be a long, tense night. Pelley and the results could be available as early as midnight earn time, and cbs this morning will have it for you tomorrow. 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If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Pelley alibaba, the company that dominates Online Shopping in china, announced late today it will begin selling shares on the New York Stock Exchange. The asking price will value alley baba at more than 167 billion. Reporter in just 15 years, alibaba, and its network of Internet Companies have, grown into a chinese juggernaut. Literally, it is the largest Ecommerce Company in the world. Reporter economist max wolf, who follows alibaba, for manhattan venture partners, says if youre shopping online in china. This is your paypal, your ebay, its your amazon, and its more or less everywhere else you shop on line. Reporter its everywhere rolled into one. About 64 cents of every dollar spent buying stuff on line with a company of 1. 3 billion people is passing through alibabas brands and networks. Reporter last year, china passed the u. S. In ecommerce sales and sales are projected to grow 45 this year. Alibaba was started in 1999 by jack ma, now 49, a former english teach who are first ran the business from his apartment. Hell certainly be the richest man in china by tomorrow evening. Somewhere in the range of 25 billion. Reporter yahoo, and the Japanese Company softbank, also have big stakes in alibaba, which will begin trading under the Ticker Symbol baba, which the New York Stock Exchange opens fridays. Why should we care alibaba is going public . Youre watching the world put its money behind the belief of the future of the middle class in china to buy things and to some exents reminds of our place in an increasingly competitive world. Reporter alibaba already owns stakes in the Gaming Company kabam. Pelley thanks again, anthony. Theres another big business note tonight. Larry ellison is stepping down as the c. E. O. Of oracle, the business computer giant he cofounded in 1977, request 1200 of his own money. Ellison will become chairman of the company and its chief technology officer. If you happen to be heading from oregon to philadelphia, giget could use a ride home. The jack russell terrier disappeared in the philly area in april and amazingly showed up 2700 miles away near portland. No one knows how she got there, but a microchip in the dog helped the shelter track down the owner. The problem is the owner cant afford to fly to portland to fetch the pooch. And then theres gordo, the dog that won the hearts of l. A. After a highspeed drama. Well cut to the chase next. [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath. [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. Now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. We just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. Introducing cvs health. Because health is everything. Introducing cvs health. 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Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. Pelley car chases in los angeles have become so common, they dont make National News unless, of course, there is something uncommon about them. What journalists call a man bites doggistic or in this case, a man hits dog with van while fleeing police story. As told tonight by lee cowan. Look at that maneuver reporter it was one of those highspeed chases that seemed like all the rest in southern california. Picking up higher speeds oh there we go reporter until, out of nowhere, came a little white dog. Oh oh oh he hit a dog reporter it could have been worse, of course, a pedestrian could have been in the path of that van moments earlier. But the oneyearold poodle mix, who sought refuge in his owners bathroom, struck a nerve in a city that otherwise might have just changed the channel. His name is gordo, and within minutes, he lit up social media. His hashtag, save the white dog became a trending topic on twitter. Cameras were there as gordo was rushed to the vet where dr. Erich stumpp couldnt believe his eyes. Hes been incredible. I mean, hes handling the injury a whole lot better than i would. Reporter gordo may still lose his hind leg, but he will be going home. Hes done remarkably well. Hes a tough little dog. Reporter as for that driver. Boom another this is going to be coming to an end right now. Reporter he and his female passenger were finally tape into custody on suspicion of vehicle theft, although, few cared about them. It was gordo who mattered. Donting as to cover what could amount to at least 7,000 in care are pouring in to the animal hospital, proof that in this case at least, the city of angels can liv up to its name. Mike loundy, cbs news, los angeles. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org is Melissa Rivers suing the doctor accused of performing an unplanned biopsy on her mom . We just tracked down this physician to the stars. Are you sure that you took a selfie . John mayer, ariana grande, all satisfied patients, but does joans daughter now have a case against dr. Corvin . Proving a case is not so easy, especially medical malpractice. And the first visit out of jlaw after her photos were hacked. 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