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Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. Dubois good evening. Scott is off tonight. Im maurice dubois. President obama called his Top National Security advisers to a meeting at the white house this evening to talk about two unfolding crises. Russia sent more troops into Eastern Ukraine today. More about that in just a moment. And the continuing threat from the sunni Muslim Terror Group known as isis. If anyone thought the president was ready to order air strikes against isis targets in syria, he made it clear today he is not. Major garrett is at the white house. I dont want to put the cart before the horse. We dont have a strategy yet. I think what ive seen in some of the news reports suggests that folks are getting a little further ahead of where were at than we currently are. And i think thats not just my assessment but the assessment of our military as well. Reporter more than 100 u. S. Air strikes have hit isis weapons and convoys in northern iraq, but the president said defeating the militants there is not enough. Mr. Obama will soon send secretary of state john kerry to the middle east to build support for further action. We can rout isis on ground and keep a lid on things temporarily, but then as soon as we leave, the same problems come back again. So weve got to weve got to make sure that iraqis understand in the end theyre going to be responsible for their own security, and part of that is going to be the capacity for them to make compromises. It also means that states in the region stop being ambivalent about these extremist groups. Reporter the president said air strikes in iraq will, in his words, remain limited and with moderate risk to u. S. Forces. Maurice, the president said if he decides to expand the air war in syria he will consult with but not necessarily seek Legal Authority from dubois Major Garrett at the white house tonight. Now to the growing crisis in ukraine. Russia sent more troops, tanks, and military vehicles into Eastern Ukraine today to support prorussian rebels. More about that now from david martin at the pentagon. Reporter Satellite Photos show convoys of Russian Artillery on the move inside ukraine. This is not equipment simply supplied to the rosati prussian rebels in ukraine. Nato says this is a russian combat unit which has crossed the border and is operating on ukrainian soil. President obama stopped short of calling it an invasion, lainling it an incursion instead. Russias had repeatedly vieted the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine, and the new images of Russian Force inside ukraine make that plain for the world to see. Reporter these russian soldiers were captured 15 miles inside ukrainian territory. An increasing number of Russian Troops are intervening directly in fighting on ukrainian territory. The u. S. Ambassador to ukraine said on his twitter account. And at an emergency session of the u. N. Security council, the american representative, samantha power, made accusations of the kind that used to be leveled during the cold war. Russia has come before this council toil say everything except the truth. It has manipulated. It has obfuscated. It has outright lied. Reporter over the last 48 hours, russia has opened up another front in southEastern Ukraine where columns of vehicles supported by artillery fire are advancing down the coast and have so far taken two cities. Again, these are not vehicles supplied to the rebels. An american officer says theyre flat out Russian Forces. The president ruled out taking any military action to counter the russian incursion. And said the u. S. And its european allies would consider imposing additional economic sanctions on russia. Maurice. Dubois david martin at the pentagon. Canada took an online shot at russia today tweeting this map along with the message, geography can be tough. Heres a guide for russian soldiers who keep getting lost and accidentally entering ukraine. The russians fired back with a tweet of their own showing crimea as part of russia and saying, helping our canadian colleaguecolleagues to catch uph contemporary geography of europe. Nfl commissioner Roger Goodell says he has heard his critics. In a al letter sent to team owns today, he announced tough new punishments for all League Personnel who commit Domestic Violence offenses. Reporter in announcing a new tougher stance on Domestic Violence, commissioner Roger Goodell took responsibility for being too lenient in a highprofile Domestic Violence case involving a star running back. I didnt get it right, wrote goodell in a letter sent to each nfl owner. Domestic violence and Sexual Assault are wrong. They are illegal. They have no place in the nfl and are unacceptable in any way. Goodell faced heavy criticism forever his handling of the ray rice case. Race is an allpro running back for the baltimore ravens. Last winter he and his thenfiance were arrested for assault after an altercation between the two. Video captured rice dragging the woman, now his wife, apparently unconscious after a fight. I made a huge mistake, and i i want to own it. I want to say in front of my teammates to tell you i made a huge mistake. These two games are going to hurt. Two games are going to hurt. Reporter in the letter admitting his mishandling of the issue, goodell announced a first offense of Sexual Violence or Sexual Assault by an nfl employee will mean a sixgame suspension. A second offense will result in a ban from the league though any offender can apply for reinstatement after a year. Goodell was clear this new policy does not apply just to players but to owners, coaches, and highlevel Team Personnel as well. Maurice. Dubois jim axelrod, thank you. Nascars tony stewart said today he will return to competition in atlanta this sunday. Stewart has missed three races since he struck and killed driver kevin ward jr. On a dirt track in upstate new york. The accident three weeks ago was recorded by a fan. It followed an ontrack altercation between the two drivers. It has been another day of monster waves and dangerous rip currents on both parts of both coasts in this country. Two powerful storms are responsible. Hurricane cristobal in the atlantic and Tropical Storm marie in the pacific. In southern california, the surf hasnt been this big in nearly 20 years, drawing big wave surfers and huge crowds. Teri okita is at newport beach. Reporter the 15foot waves did not scare off swimmers and surfers despite the danger. There have been more than 500 rescues since tuesday across southern california. Everythings enhanced during this swell. Reporter life guard carson hill hospital save 14 people. How difficult is it to rescue people in these conditions. Its very difficult. Sometimes it can be very treacherous. Its all in the threl, though. I never think of the danger. You kind of jump in for the sphun of it. Reporter strong currents, known as rip tides, can stop a swimmer from returning to shore. The pounding serve also caused this damage to a Catalina Island dry dock and ripped apart a lifeguard building thats a malibu landmark. Cbs news correspondent carter evans shared this view of what it was like to ride waves that have attracted thousands of spectators. The National Weather service says this is the most significant southerly swell since 1996. Forecasters expect the high surf to end tomorrow, but until then, maurice, life guards say inexperienced swimmers should stay out of the water. Dubois teri okita, thank you. Federal agents tonight are investigating a big bank robbery. Cyber thieves broke into americas biggest bank, Jpmorgan Chase. Homeland security correspondent bob orr has the details on that. Bob. Reporter maurice, sources tell us the cyber attack happened earlier this month, and now the f. B. I. And the u. S. Secret service have trying to determine just how much damage has been done. Sources say a cyber thief may have gained unauthorized access to the data at Jpmorgan Chase by hacking into the personal computer of a single bank employee. Some private account information reportedly was compromised in the breech, but so far Jpmorgan Chase has not seen any unusual fraud activity. In a statement the bank went on to say, companies of our size unfortunately experience Cyber Attacks nearly every day. We have multiple layers of defense to counter act any threats and constantly monitor fraud levels. Law enforcement and industry sources tell us this appears to be the work of criminal hackers possibly working in russia. Dubois bob orr in washington tonight. A closely between workers and owners of a new england Supermarket Chain has come to an end. Market basket employees cheered today after learning that the former c. E. O. Fired in a family feud would be buying the company. Heres Elaine Quijano. Reporter the worker revolt at Market Basket ended with todays triumphant return of c. E. O. Arthur t. Demouals to the family business. And words cannot express how much i love you. cheers and applause . Reporter workers stopped supplying the chains 71 stores after demoulas was pushed out by relatives in june. Employees feared new management would roll back benefits, such as bonuses and college scholarships. Customers joined the protest, too. No one will ever walk out. 20,000 people walk out for one man, and we did, and he came here today love you, artie. Youre the best. Reporter the workers and others around the country viewed the rebellion as a victory of people over profits. Yay im so happy youre back reporter but masket basket has lost millions in sales and needs to spend millions more to restock shelves. Demoulas also has to pay 1. 5 billion for the company. Its a tall order in a business where Profit Margins are tight but Freight Handlers can faf believes in masket basket. The Customer Support is incredible. We know theyre coming back, no question. But the best part is, people who werent customers before want to be a part of it. Why wouldnt you . Who shows this kind of loyalty to a supermarket . Reporter maurice, parttime workers who lost hours during the protest protests areg told to return. It could take up to 10 days to restock stores. Dubois Elaine Quijano in tewksbury, massachusetts, thank you. In just a moment, well tell how some pharmaceutical companies are preventing patients from getting cheaper generics. And later, just married. Brad and angelina, when the cbs evening news continues. Until, its bedtime your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. Enter the sleep number bed. Right now, all beds are on sale. Hes the softy. His sleep number setting is 35. 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Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. With symbicort, today im breathing better. Come on, boy [ female announcer ] symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. [ man ] now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. And that makes a difference in my breathing. Today, im hanging out with my best friend. Talk to your doctor about symbicort. I got my first prescription free. Call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Dubois our next story started with a tweet from a viewer to our dr. Jon lapook. It alerted to us a tactic some pharmaceutical companies are using to keep patients taking expensive brand name drugs instead of cheaper, generic versions. Heres dr. Jon with details. Reporter 54yearold michael hitch of tennessee has earlyonset dementia and says he is helped by an alzheimers medication called namenda. The drug is due to go generic next year. But forest laboratories, the company that makes namenda, plans to stop the sale of the version that hitch takes at least six months before a lessexpensive Generic Product could become available. They have no excuse whatsoever to stop making that drug available, none. Reporter the company is telling doctors to transition patients to a newer form, one that has additional patent protection, and is unlikely to go generic for years. Industry critics believe this is an example of a forced switch. David maris is a stock analyst with b. M. O. Capital market marko covers pharmaceuticals. Whats the purpose of a forced switch . Forced switch is to get patients over to this new product as fast as possible so that way when the patent goes off on the the old product, that patients are already on the new product, and theres no existing product left. All of a surgeon you you dont have this cliff. You dont have a dropoff in sales like you would otherwise. Reporter the retail price of namenda is more than 300 a month. When Generic Companies compete, the price of a drug usually drops 70 to 80 . Namenda generates about 1. 5 billion in annual sales. So loss of patent protection could translate to more than 1 billion in lost revenue in a single year. When patients are forced to switch from one form of a product to another, do they just stay once theyre switched . Almost everyone stays. The reason Drug Companies do these forced switches is the switches are sticky. So in most drugs, its only about 10 to 20 ever go back to the generic. Reporter the newer version, namenda xr, is taken once a day, unlike the older version, which is taken twice a day. Hitch has tried namenda xr and says it doesnt work for him. They are yanking the rug right out from under me, and that is not fair play. Reporter youre ticked off. I am mad. Yes. Reporter there will still be a liquid version of namenda. Activists, the Parent Company of forest laboratories, declined our request for an interview so we asked by email why the company decided to discontinue the sale of the twicedaly namenda tablete tablet and if te transition to namenda fris a forced twitch. Dubois dr. Jon lapook, thank you. The sister of suspected Boston Marathon bomber dzhokar and tarmer lantsarnaev is facing criminal charges. She turned herself in to new York City Police yesterday. She is accused of making a telephone threat to bomb another woman. She is charged with aggravated harassment. A senator reveals she was the target of Sexual Harassment on capitol hill. That story is next. male announcer its happening. Today, more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®, an injectable insulin that can give you blood sugar control for up to 24 hours. And levemir® helps lower your a1c. Levemir® is now available in flextouch® the only prefilled insulin pen with no pushbutton extension. Levemir® lasts 42 days without refrigeration. Thats 50 longer than lantus®, which lasts 28 days. Today, im asking about levemir® flextouch. female announcer levemir® is a longacting insulin, used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and lifethreatening. Ask your doctor about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Check your blood sugar levels. Your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, sweating, extreme drowsiness, dizziness, or confusion. male announcer todays the day to ask your doctor about levemir® flextouch. Covered by nearly all Health Insurance and medicare plans. Why suffer more than you have to . You can do something different. Because the landscape of options has changed. Brisdelle is the only fda approved, nonhormonal option proven to reduce moderate to severe hot flashes during menopause. And the bedtime dose provides 24 hour relief. Brisdelle is not for everyone. Call your doctor if you have changes in mood or behavior, thoughts of suicide, or a high fever, stiff muscles or confusion, signs of a possible lifethreatening condition. Abnormal bleeding, bone fractures restlessness, vision problems, and impaired judgment and motor skills may occur. Dont take brisdelle if you are pregnant, taking maois thioridazine, pimozide, or are allergic to paroxetine. Tell your doctor about all your medicines like tamoxifen, triptans, or paroxetine. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, tiredness, and headache. Change is in the air. Its time to talk to your doctor about the only fda approved, nonhormonal option. Brisdelle. Dubois democratic senator Kristen Gillibrand of new york has been a champion of legislation against sexual misconduct. Its been a tough fight, and in a book new, gillibrand rejeelz some of her male colleagues havent all been gentlemen. Heres Congressional Correspondent nancy cordes. You may not reporter the senates longstanding rules of decorum apparently dont apply to a womans wait. In an excerpt from her new book, new yorks junior senator Kristen Gillibrand said she endured an endless string of comments from male lawmakeres after the birth of her second son in 2008. The prize comment, she writes comes a from a prize commencement from a southern gentleman, you know, kirsten, youre even pretty when youre fat. When she exercised in the congressional gym, many of my older male colleagues felt compelled to offer advice, such as this gem good thing youre working out because you wouldnt want to get porky. Even after she dropped 50 pounds, the comments continued. One of her favorite older members of the senate squeezed her waist and said, dont lose too much weight now. I like my girls chubby. At a politico panel in december, gillibrand told me electing more women is the key to changing the ton in washington. So if we had more women in congress, we would begin to break this cycle of dysfunction. Reporter , of course, gillibrand might get the last laugh if the boorish comments from her male colleagues help her to sell more copies of her new book, which is mostly about, what else, boosting the ranks of women on capitol hill. Maurice. Dubois nancy cordes on capitol hill, thank you. Comedian joan rivers is in a New York Hospital tonight. She was rushed there after going into cardiac arrest in a doctors office. Our new york station wcbstv is reporting that she is in critical but stable condition. Joan rivers is 81. We learned today that one of hollywoods most glamorous couples are now husband and wife. Angelina jolie and brad pitt, who have been together for a decade, exchanged vows last weekend at a chateau in france. A spokesperson called is a Family Affair with all six brangelina children taking part in the ceremony. In just a moment, a legendary announcer reaches the home stretch. 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To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than 4 hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30tablet free trial. Dubois we end tonight with a man who even at the age of 63 can keep up with the fastest thoroughbred race horse. He has to. Hes the track announcer. And now after four decades of calling races, hes calling it a career. Heres chip reid. And theyre off reporter tom durkin has no idea carry me away. Reporter how many times hes uttered those three little words. Royal suspicion under the line reporter but its been the opening refrain in a 40year career. Now a dozen links or more. Reporter and the soundtrack to racings biggest moments like the 1998 duel at belmont that cost real quiet the triple crown. Victory gallop a final surge. Its going to be very close. Heres the wire its too close to call reporter what are you going to miss most . Well, its the pashion. You know, this is my particular passion, describing the races, the competition, and i love telling stories. I love language. Reporter language, but also heart. Listen to the genuine surprise when a 501 shot won the derby. An impossible result here reporter or durkins anguish when barbaro was injured in the 2005 preakness. And an astonishing development. Barbaro is being pulled up. He is out of the race for you, race needs to have a plot. What do you mean by that . Yeah. Well, all stories have plot and narrative. Some plots are bigger. Some are more dramatic, but theres something there for every race. Reporter in fact, durkins at his best when making ordinary races unforgettable, often playing off the crazy names. And oh, no, its my motherinlaw wont go away its do ray, me. Reporter his call of a horse named r, is a youtube favorite. In the middle of the track is rrrrr it sound like im gargling. It was fun. Reporter it was one of the toughest jobs in sport, memorizing not just the horses in 10 races day but all those colors. When the gates open, durkins style is to just let it rip. It is carry me away the winner by three. Predictability is the enemy of drama. If its called a style, thats fine. But its just me. Reporter tom durkin in his final furlong, winner by a country mile. Chip reid, cbs news, saratoga springs, new york. Dubois and that is the cbs evening news. For scott pelley, im maurice dubois. Thanks for joining us. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org well, a frantic day for Celebrity News here at e. T. Brad and angelina pull off a super secret wedding. They did. But at the same time some very serious news about joan rivers. Anything happening, melissa . Cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest. Joan was rushed here to the mt. Sinai hospital in new york in critical condition. Well, here she is just yesterday. Brooke, i know you were with her a couple days ago. I was. Well tell you what caused her to suddenly stop breathing. What do you want on your tombstone, joan . She had a great time. So scary. Yes. And we also have that other much happier big story, who is it going to get married first, you or george . Check out brad today flashing his new gold wedding band. We have youll the details on the roles theds

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