Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140815

>> pelley: good evening. today, nearly a week after a white police officer shot an unarmed black man to death in the suburbs of st. louis, we learned a lot more about both men. the ferguson police release video they say shows 18-year-old michael brown stealing cigars from a convenience store minutes before he was shot by the officer a few blocks away. the officer was identified today as 28-year-old darren wilson. he's been a cop for six years. they did not release his picture. the ferguson police chief described him today as a gentle, quiet man, and an excellent officer who never intended for request of this to happen. wilson is on leave while the investigations continue. vladimir duthiers is in ferguson. >> reporter: the video was recorded less than 15 minutes before michael brown was killed. ferguson police say the man in the red cap appears to be brown. he shoved the clerk, who tried to stop him from leaving without paying for a $48 box of cigars. police dispatch records indicate a description of the suspect was broadcast at 11:52 a.m. brown and a friend were stopped by officer wilson three blocks away at 12:01. they were wawbing in the street. did he know he was a suspect in the case or did he not know? >> no, he didn't. i know his initial contact was not related to the robbery. >> reporter: witnesses say officer wilson pulled ferguson into his police car through an open window. police say there was a struggle. a shot was fired. two witnesses then saw brown move away from the car. dorian johnson, who appeared in the store with brown, described what the officer did next. >> his weapon was already gone when he got out the car. he shot again, and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and he puts his handed in the air and he started to get down, but the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots, and my friend died. >> reporter: police say officer wilson was treated for injuries to his face. missouri governor, jay nixon. >> the point is we're standing here right now is that new facts are out that weren't out yesterday, but those are not the full picture of anything. >> reporter: the simultaneous release of officer wilson's identity and the store video infuriated many here. the 18-year-old did not have a criminal record. anthony gray is a brown family lawyer. >> the family feels that that was strategic. they think it was aimed at denigrating their son. it was a character assassination attempt. that is pretty much the sentiments of everyone that i've discussed. >> reporter: the officer who shot brown has been a cop in ferguson for four years. his department says he's not had any formal complaints made against him. we were told by his neighbors in a st. louis suburb that he and his family have not been seen in days. >> it's devastating, absolutely devastating. he never intended for any of this to happen. >> reporter: the shooting ignited four nights of street violence, but last night, state highway patrol captain ron johnson, now in command of security in ferguson, defused the attentions. he ordered officers to take off gas masks and withdrew their military-style vehicles. johnson also marched with the protesters. >> people have a chance to say what they want to say and it's pretty full so i think it's been going good. >> reporter: but today, johnson was frustrated by the way ferguson police released information. he was not told about the store video why does there seem to be a lack of coordination between what your role is and what the local police is doing? >> i'm going to find that out, you know. my role changed yesterday. it was pretty quick and it moved pretty quick and swiftly. so i haven't had time to meet with a lot of leaders, but i do think there is still opportunity for a meeting prior to this morning, and once i leave here i'll be in some discussions to reference that. >> reporter: now, scott, late this afternoon, ferguson police told captain johnson and the st. louis post dispatch that officer wilson did, in fact, know about the robbery, and that he could be the suspect because he was holding some stolen cigars. now, scott, that seemed to contradict some of what ferguson police said earlier. >> pelley: well, there's a lot of froafers about all of this, vladimir. the witness in your story said there were several shots. do we know how many? >> reporter: scott, we don't know how many shots have been fired. we don't even know-- we do know the investigation is probably going to take about two weeks. but the family says that they want to conduct their own independent investigation. they want their own independent autopsy, scott. >> pelley: and what about the mood there tonight? things were much calmer, as you reported, last night. we're look at a live picture now. things look pretty settled. how do things appear to you now? >> reporter: well, that's right. last night, the scenes on the street were-- we saw people that were very excited, seens of jubilation. today, after the video was released, scott, clearly people were angry. they were frustrated. they were disappointed. the brown family has appealed for calm. >> pelley: the f.b.i. is investigating this shooting independently. st. louis county officials are asking the state of missouri to appoint a special prosecutor. the news today from ukraine was ominous with reports that russian military vehicles had crossed the border. tensions have risen steadily as pro-russian rebels fight ukrainian forces for control of eastern ukraine. military supplies flow freely across the border, but today, humanitarian aid did not. here's david martin. >> reporter: a convoy of 240 russian trucks, supposedly carrying relief supplies for civilians, left destitute by ukraine's civil war, remained stalled today on the russian side of the border. ukraine and its western supporters, including the u.s., suspect it could be a trojan horse for russian intervention in the civil war and are demanding a thorough inspection of the cargo. defense secretary chuck hagel spoke by phone with russian defense minister sergey shoygu about the convoy. and according to the pentagon, shoygu guaranteed there were no russian military personnel in the convoy and that it would not be used as a pretext to intervene. british reporters captured a different russian convoy crossing into ukraine, one which pentagon officials said was part of russia's continuing supply of military equipment to the pro-russian rebels. ukraine's president announced on his web site that want column had been destroyed by an artillery barrage. that made it sound like the beginning of the long-feared russian invasion of ukraine but was flatley denied by russian officials. behind all the accusations and denial, there is one hard fact-- russia has positioned about 20,000 combat troops on ukraine's border and could invade with little or no warning. >> pelley: and this evening, the white house called russian meddling extremely dangerous. david martin at the pentagon. thank you, david. the centers for disease control and prevention put out new details dade taid about a safety lapse last winter when a deadly strain of bird flu was shipped to other labs by mistake. the c.d.c. now says the samples were mixed up when lab procedures were rushed so that a scientist could attend a meeting. workers then unknowingly continued to use the contaminated samples one month after the lab was notified. some samples were nearly sent to st. jude children's research hospital but no one got sick. safety is behind nascar's decision today to introduce a new rule intended to prevent physical confrontations on the race track. chip reid reports this is the result of last weekend's tragedy on a dirt track in upstate new york. >> reporter: after crashing into a wall last weekend, kevin ward, jr., in a video shot by a fan was seen climbing out of his car and charging on to the track, dodging cars and pointing at tony stewart, a three-time nascar champion. moments later, stewart's car hit the 20-year-old ward. he was declared dead an hour later. >> we put a new rule in place. >> reporter: today's rule orders drivers involved in accidents that don't involve fire to stay in their cars until told by track personnel to get out. robin pemberton is a top nascar official. >> this rule is really put in place for the safety of all of our competitors, and it's safety first right now. >> reporter: at prerace meetings, nascar drivers are already routinely told to remain in their cars after an accident. in spite of that, it's not unusual for drivers to angrily approach moving cars. two years ago, it was tony stewart who walked on to a track and threw his helmet at a car. in another incident, he threw safety pads and appeared to reach for the driver. jeff burton will replace stewart in this weekend's nascar race in michigan. >> i'm proud that they want safety to be on the forefront. they've-- that's what this rule is all about. >> reporter: but the rule has no specific penalties. nascar plans to enforce it only on a caseby case base. some drivers are skeptical, including brad keslowski, who said, "i don't know how you can enforce a rule like that unless you had a robot on the track to grap the person and put them back in the car." the rule only applies to official nascar races, scott, which means didt does not apply to minor league dirt track race where kevin ward jr. was killed although many of those traction could choose to follow nascar's lead. >> pelley: and police have said that ward's death was an accident. chip reid in our washington newsroom, thank you, chip. in south korea, pope francis celebrated mass today before 50,000 people, urging them to reject materialism. one in 10 south koreans is catholic. he also met privately with survivors of april's ferry disaster and the relatives of the 304 who died. most of those victims were teenagers on a school trip. the captain and 14 crew members are now on trial. seth doane tells us what the investigation has found. >> reporter: anger about the ferry sinking still pours on to the streets of seoul, even today. protesters are pushing the government for answers about the country's worst maritime disaster. preliminary hearings are under way as part of an investigation before the trials of the crew and ferry company. how many of these hearings have you come to? koh yeong-hwan has made the journey to these hearings eight times. as painful as it is, he wants to know how and why his 16-year-old son koh woo-jae died. do you think your presence, being in that courtroom kmake a difference? "the crew members are in there," he told us. "if they have a conscience, our presence will make them tell the truth." this week, the coast guard was questioned about the rescue effort. "they call it a rescue?" he asked. "the coast guard said they were never trained to go inside the ship. they were only trained to rescue people floating in the water." the hearings have uncovered a long list of things that went wrong. survivors testified they were initially told not to evacuate the sinking ship. prosecutors allege the ferry was carrying too much cargo and that it wasn't secured properly. on top of that, prosecutors say, almost no money was spent on safety training. koh says he hopes the captain will receive a death sentence. "i don't know how long this will take," he said "but i have to go back to a normal life." "and i wonder if i can do that." south korea's president says that she hopes the pope's trip will have a healing effect. scott, it is likely there would not be any sort of legal resolution for some time as trials would not begin until much later this fall. >> pelley: seth, i understand that the founder of the ferry company was found dead. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: that's right, scott. his remains were found back in june. they were not identified for more than a month. he was a successful business tycoon here in south korea. he had been on the run since that company he founded had come under increased scrutiny. >> pelley: seth doane, thank you, seth. with its fortunes sinking, sea world makes a big bet on killer whales. and can you spot what doesn't belong in this photo? a goof of historic proportions when the cbs evening news continues. i'm j-e-f-f and i have copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. >> pelley: a sea change for seaworld today as the theme park operator announced a redesign of its signature attraction. seaworld is under pressure. its stock has sunk to its lowest level ever after a documentary claimed its killer whales, or orcas, are suffering in captivity. john blackstone shows us what's changing. >> ladies and gentlemen, the blue world project. >> reporter: seaworld, san diego, today unveiled plans to double the size of its pool for killer whales. dr. christopher dold is a seaworld vice president. >> hour goal is to create an environment that is ever changing full of novel challenges and stimulation to keep these remarkable animals healthy mentally and physically. >> reporter: seaworld's stock tropical depression by a third wednesday. the park's attendance has flatepped over the past year since the release of the documentary "blackfish." the film argues the park's mistreatment of whales has made them aggressive and highlights incidentses in which trainers have been attacked. >> the company is under huge threat. investors are running for the exits. >> reporter: david phillips has campaigned against keeping killer whales in captivity. >> i don't think this is going to change the dynamics at seaworld. it's now viewed as a place that's inhumane for orcas and dolphins, and the public is on to that. >> the plans include a fast water current that will move water at an accelerated rate. a treadmill for killer whales creating an endless pool. >> reporter: the tank is going to have a current in it. the whale can swim against it. >> no, it's inhumane to bring an orca whale that swims hundreds of miles and expect it to thrive in a concrete box. >> reporter: seaworld says the new tank in san diego will open in 2018, followed by similar projects in orlando and san antonio. john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. >> pelley: today, the university of notre dame said it is investigating a number of students wh who may have cheate, including four football players. the school in south bend, indiana, said there is evidence they turned in papers and homework that was written by others. the four athletes won't practice or play until the investigation is complete. is there room for a girl at the little league world series? 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the usual! the usual! [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. >> pelley: today, a young lady throwing heat stole the show at the little league world series. 13-year-old mo'ne davis dominated. she struck out eight and gave up just two hits as philadelphia beat nashville 4-0. davis is the first girl to throw a shut-out at williamsport. robots are doing some impressive things, too. harvard scientists have programmed a swarm of more than 1,000 robots to work together without any help. this is time-lapse video showing how they can arrange themselves into a five-pointed star and other shapes with just one command. the robots work it out on their own. the pbs drama "downton abbey" is known for its attention to detail and its period costumes and sets, so this came as quite a surprise. in a new publicity photo for the series set in 1924, there is a plastic water bottle on the mantel, four decades early. oearly. well, of course, folks on the internet had fun adding their own anachronism. there's big mouth billy bass, a boom box, and a picture of prince william and kate on the mantel. how about a pair of google glasses or maybe an iphone? a man sets out to spread an epidemic of kindness. 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( applause ) >> reporter: chris rosati put together the premiere. chris has a.l.s., lou gehrig's disease. it's a terminal illness, but that hasn't stopped chris from making big plans. bigg stands for big ideas for the greater goodand a few months ago he challenged the kids in his community to come up with something big, then videotape it for a grand theater premiere. >> yup, but it's got to be unique. you can't go give out donuts. >> reporter: that's been done. >> some guy already did that. ( applause ) >> reporter: chris thought of the first big idea, which was to give away 1,000 donuts at cancer wards, children's hospitals, and city parks. >> you had two donuts? >> reporter: he had so much fun doing this, he has now pretty much devoted the rest of his life to encouraging others to commit similar acts. >> let's just have fun making people smile. >> reporter: and so, with the toast of a donut, the bigg premiere got under way. one video was called the wheel of kindness. some kids set up a giant wheel at a mall hgrown-ups spin, and do whatever kind thing it landed on, like hug 10 random strangers. another video got adults to rediscover the joy of coloring, while another, conceived by these two kids, was about their idea to take some homeless women out for a once-in-a-lifetime fancy dinner. >> i've never seen such an act of kindness from a total stranger. i cried. i cried. ( applause ) >> reporter: what a legacy chris is creating. >> i'm so proud of you. >> reporter: he's hoping this will become an annual event, whether he's here to see it or not. >> now, next year i want bigger. >> reporter: that is one of the most amazing things about him. a lot of people take on a cause when diagnosed with a terminal illness, but it's usually to cure their own disease. chris, on the other hand, isn't as interested in fighting a.l.s., as he is in healing all of us. >> ready? work it. >> reporter: steve hartman, on the road, in durham, north carolina. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley, and i'll see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night. captioning sponsored by cbs >> robin williams family in the wake of his suicide. we are talking to a star who knows firsthand how devastating it can be. >> one of the hardest things, i think, as a family member, in a similar way you think why didn't i do this, if only i did that. >> the brother she loss and her advice to robin's family. plus robin's connection to michael j. fox. long before robin was diagnosed with parks. it's really knew to me. i don't know what to expect. >> twitter changes her rules after she was cyber bullied. >> it's rude and obnoxious. >> for people who can't fight back it's a problem. >> we just had to ask sophia about joe. >> your one of the hottest couples in the world.

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140815 :

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140815

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>> pelley: good evening. today, nearly a week after a white police officer shot an unarmed black man to death in the suburbs of st. louis, we learned a lot more about both men. the ferguson police release video they say shows 18-year-old michael brown stealing cigars from a convenience store minutes before he was shot by the officer a few blocks away. the officer was identified today as 28-year-old darren wilson. he's been a cop for six years. they did not release his picture. the ferguson police chief described him today as a gentle, quiet man, and an excellent officer who never intended for request of this to happen. wilson is on leave while the investigations continue. vladimir duthiers is in ferguson. >> reporter: the video was recorded less than 15 minutes before michael brown was killed. ferguson police say the man in the red cap appears to be brown. he shoved the clerk, who tried to stop him from leaving without paying for a $48 box of cigars. police dispatch records indicate a description of the suspect was broadcast at 11:52 a.m. brown and a friend were stopped by officer wilson three blocks away at 12:01. they were wawbing in the street. did he know he was a suspect in the case or did he not know? >> no, he didn't. i know his initial contact was not related to the robbery. >> reporter: witnesses say officer wilson pulled ferguson into his police car through an open window. police say there was a struggle. a shot was fired. two witnesses then saw brown move away from the car. dorian johnson, who appeared in the store with brown, described what the officer did next. >> his weapon was already gone when he got out the car. he shot again, and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and he puts his handed in the air and he started to get down, but the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots, and my friend died. >> reporter: police say officer wilson was treated for injuries to his face. missouri governor, jay nixon. >> the point is we're standing here right now is that new facts are out that weren't out yesterday, but those are not the full picture of anything. >> reporter: the simultaneous release of officer wilson's identity and the store video infuriated many here. the 18-year-old did not have a criminal record. anthony gray is a brown family lawyer. >> the family feels that that was strategic. they think it was aimed at denigrating their son. it was a character assassination attempt. that is pretty much the sentiments of everyone that i've discussed. >> reporter: the officer who shot brown has been a cop in ferguson for four years. his department says he's not had any formal complaints made against him. we were told by his neighbors in a st. louis suburb that he and his family have not been seen in days. >> it's devastating, absolutely devastating. he never intended for any of this to happen. >> reporter: the shooting ignited four nights of street violence, but last night, state highway patrol captain ron johnson, now in command of security in ferguson, defused the attentions. he ordered officers to take off gas masks and withdrew their military-style vehicles. johnson also marched with the protesters. >> people have a chance to say what they want to say and it's pretty full so i think it's been going good. >> reporter: but today, johnson was frustrated by the way ferguson police released information. he was not told about the store video why does there seem to be a lack of coordination between what your role is and what the local police is doing? >> i'm going to find that out, you know. my role changed yesterday. it was pretty quick and it moved pretty quick and swiftly. so i haven't had time to meet with a lot of leaders, but i do think there is still opportunity for a meeting prior to this morning, and once i leave here i'll be in some discussions to reference that. >> reporter: now, scott, late this afternoon, ferguson police told captain johnson and the st. louis post dispatch that officer wilson did, in fact, know about the robbery, and that he could be the suspect because he was holding some stolen cigars. now, scott, that seemed to contradict some of what ferguson police said earlier. >> pelley: well, there's a lot of froafers about all of this, vladimir. the witness in your story said there were several shots. do we know how many? >> reporter: scott, we don't know how many shots have been fired. we don't even know-- we do know the investigation is probably going to take about two weeks. but the family says that they want to conduct their own independent investigation. they want their own independent autopsy, scott. >> pelley: and what about the mood there tonight? things were much calmer, as you reported, last night. we're look at a live picture now. things look pretty settled. how do things appear to you now? >> reporter: well, that's right. last night, the scenes on the street were-- we saw people that were very excited, seens of jubilation. today, after the video was released, scott, clearly people were angry. they were frustrated. they were disappointed. the brown family has appealed for calm. >> pelley: the f.b.i. is investigating this shooting independently. st. louis county officials are asking the state of missouri to appoint a special prosecutor. the news today from ukraine was ominous with reports that russian military vehicles had crossed the border. tensions have risen steadily as pro-russian rebels fight ukrainian forces for control of eastern ukraine. military supplies flow freely across the border, but today, humanitarian aid did not. here's david martin. >> reporter: a convoy of 240 russian trucks, supposedly carrying relief supplies for civilians, left destitute by ukraine's civil war, remained stalled today on the russian side of the border. ukraine and its western supporters, including the u.s., suspect it could be a trojan horse for russian intervention in the civil war and are demanding a thorough inspection of the cargo. defense secretary chuck hagel spoke by phone with russian defense minister sergey shoygu about the convoy. and according to the pentagon, shoygu guaranteed there were no russian military personnel in the convoy and that it would not be used as a pretext to intervene. british reporters captured a different russian convoy crossing into ukraine, one which pentagon officials said was part of russia's continuing supply of military equipment to the pro-russian rebels. ukraine's president announced on his web site that want column had been destroyed by an artillery barrage. that made it sound like the beginning of the long-feared russian invasion of ukraine but was flatley denied by russian officials. behind all the accusations and denial, there is one hard fact-- russia has positioned about 20,000 combat troops on ukraine's border and could invade with little or no warning. >> pelley: and this evening, the white house called russian meddling extremely dangerous. david martin at the pentagon. thank you, david. the centers for disease control and prevention put out new details dade taid about a safety lapse last winter when a deadly strain of bird flu was shipped to other labs by mistake. the c.d.c. now says the samples were mixed up when lab procedures were rushed so that a scientist could attend a meeting. workers then unknowingly continued to use the contaminated samples one month after the lab was notified. some samples were nearly sent to st. jude children's research hospital but no one got sick. safety is behind nascar's decision today to introduce a new rule intended to prevent physical confrontations on the race track. chip reid reports this is the result of last weekend's tragedy on a dirt track in upstate new york. >> reporter: after crashing into a wall last weekend, kevin ward, jr., in a video shot by a fan was seen climbing out of his car and charging on to the track, dodging cars and pointing at tony stewart, a three-time nascar champion. moments later, stewart's car hit the 20-year-old ward. he was declared dead an hour later. >> we put a new rule in place. >> reporter: today's rule orders drivers involved in accidents that don't involve fire to stay in their cars until told by track personnel to get out. robin pemberton is a top nascar official. >> this rule is really put in place for the safety of all of our competitors, and it's safety first right now. >> reporter: at prerace meetings, nascar drivers are already routinely told to remain in their cars after an accident. in spite of that, it's not unusual for drivers to angrily approach moving cars. two years ago, it was tony stewart who walked on to a track and threw his helmet at a car. in another incident, he threw safety pads and appeared to reach for the driver. jeff burton will replace stewart in this weekend's nascar race in michigan. >> i'm proud that they want safety to be on the forefront. they've-- that's what this rule is all about. >> reporter: but the rule has no specific penalties. nascar plans to enforce it only on a caseby case base. some drivers are skeptical, including brad keslowski, who said, "i don't know how you can enforce a rule like that unless you had a robot on the track to grap the person and put them back in the car." the rule only applies to official nascar races, scott, which means didt does not apply to minor league dirt track race where kevin ward jr. was killed although many of those traction could choose to follow nascar's lead. >> pelley: and police have said that ward's death was an accident. chip reid in our washington newsroom, thank you, chip. in south korea, pope francis celebrated mass today before 50,000 people, urging them to reject materialism. one in 10 south koreans is catholic. he also met privately with survivors of april's ferry disaster and the relatives of the 304 who died. most of those victims were teenagers on a school trip. the captain and 14 crew members are now on trial. seth doane tells us what the investigation has found. >> reporter: anger about the ferry sinking still pours on to the streets of seoul, even today. protesters are pushing the government for answers about the country's worst maritime disaster. preliminary hearings are under way as part of an investigation before the trials of the crew and ferry company. how many of these hearings have you come to? koh yeong-hwan has made the journey to these hearings eight times. as painful as it is, he wants to know how and why his 16-year-old son koh woo-jae died. do you think your presence, being in that courtroom kmake a difference? "the crew members are in there," he told us. "if they have a conscience, our presence will make them tell the truth." this week, the coast guard was questioned about the rescue effort. "they call it a rescue?" he asked. "the coast guard said they were never trained to go inside the ship. they were only trained to rescue people floating in the water." the hearings have uncovered a long list of things that went wrong. survivors testified they were initially told not to evacuate the sinking ship. prosecutors allege the ferry was carrying too much cargo and that it wasn't secured properly. on top of that, prosecutors say, almost no money was spent on safety training. koh says he hopes the captain will receive a death sentence. "i don't know how long this will take," he said "but i have to go back to a normal life." "and i wonder if i can do that." south korea's president says that she hopes the pope's trip will have a healing effect. scott, it is likely there would not be any sort of legal resolution for some time as trials would not begin until much later this fall. >> pelley: seth, i understand that the founder of the ferry company was found dead. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: that's right, scott. his remains were found back in june. they were not identified for more than a month. he was a successful business tycoon here in south korea. he had been on the run since that company he founded had come under increased scrutiny. >> pelley: seth doane, thank you, seth. with its fortunes sinking, sea world makes a big bet on killer whales. and can you spot what doesn't belong in this photo? a goof of historic proportions when the cbs evening news continues. i'm j-e-f-f and i have copd. i'm l-i-s-a and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. >> pelley: a sea change for seaworld today as the theme park operator announced a redesign of its signature attraction. seaworld is under pressure. its stock has sunk to its lowest level ever after a documentary claimed its killer whales, or orcas, are suffering in captivity. john blackstone shows us what's changing. >> ladies and gentlemen, the blue world project. >> reporter: seaworld, san diego, today unveiled plans to double the size of its pool for killer whales. dr. christopher dold is a seaworld vice president. >> hour goal is to create an environment that is ever changing full of novel challenges and stimulation to keep these remarkable animals healthy mentally and physically. >> reporter: seaworld's stock tropical depression by a third wednesday. the park's attendance has flatepped over the past year since the release of the documentary "blackfish." the film argues the park's mistreatment of whales has made them aggressive and highlights incidentses in which trainers have been attacked. >> the company is under huge threat. investors are running for the exits. >> reporter: david phillips has campaigned against keeping killer whales in captivity. >> i don't think this is going to change the dynamics at seaworld. it's now viewed as a place that's inhumane for orcas and dolphins, and the public is on to that. >> the plans include a fast water current that will move water at an accelerated rate. a treadmill for killer whales creating an endless pool. >> reporter: the tank is going to have a current in it. the whale can swim against it. >> no, it's inhumane to bring an orca whale that swims hundreds of miles and expect it to thrive in a concrete box. >> reporter: seaworld says the new tank in san diego will open in 2018, followed by similar projects in orlando and san antonio. john blackstone, cbs news, san francisco. >> pelley: today, the university of notre dame said it is investigating a number of students wh who may have cheate, including four football players. the school in south bend, indiana, said there is evidence they turned in papers and homework that was written by others. the four athletes won't practice or play until the investigation is complete. is there room for a girl at the little league world series? 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[ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. >> pelley: today, a young lady throwing heat stole the show at the little league world series. 13-year-old mo'ne davis dominated. she struck out eight and gave up just two hits as philadelphia beat nashville 4-0. davis is the first girl to throw a shut-out at williamsport. robots are doing some impressive things, too. harvard scientists have programmed a swarm of more than 1,000 robots to work together without any help. this is time-lapse video showing how they can arrange themselves into a five-pointed star and other shapes with just one command. the robots work it out on their own. the pbs drama "downton abbey" is known for its attention to detail and its period costumes and sets, so this came as quite a surprise. in a new publicity photo for the series set in 1924, there is a plastic water bottle on the mantel, four decades early. oearly. well, of course, folks on the internet had fun adding their own anachronism. there's big mouth billy bass, a boom box, and a picture of prince william and kate on the mantel. how about a pair of google glasses or maybe an iphone? a man sets out to spread an epidemic of kindness. 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( applause ) >> reporter: chris rosati put together the premiere. chris has a.l.s., lou gehrig's disease. it's a terminal illness, but that hasn't stopped chris from making big plans. bigg stands for big ideas for the greater goodand a few months ago he challenged the kids in his community to come up with something big, then videotape it for a grand theater premiere. >> yup, but it's got to be unique. you can't go give out donuts. >> reporter: that's been done. >> some guy already did that. ( applause ) >> reporter: chris thought of the first big idea, which was to give away 1,000 donuts at cancer wards, children's hospitals, and city parks. >> you had two donuts? >> reporter: he had so much fun doing this, he has now pretty much devoted the rest of his life to encouraging others to commit similar acts. >> let's just have fun making people smile. >> reporter: and so, with the toast of a donut, the bigg premiere got under way. one video was called the wheel of kindness. some kids set up a giant wheel at a mall hgrown-ups spin, and do whatever kind thing it landed on, like hug 10 random strangers. another video got adults to rediscover the joy of coloring, while another, conceived by these two kids, was about their idea to take some homeless women out for a once-in-a-lifetime fancy dinner. >> i've never seen such an act of kindness from a total stranger. i cried. i cried. ( applause ) >> reporter: what a legacy chris is creating. >> i'm so proud of you. >> reporter: he's hoping this will become an annual event, whether he's here to see it or not. >> now, next year i want bigger. >> reporter: that is one of the most amazing things about him. a lot of people take on a cause when diagnosed with a terminal illness, but it's usually to cure their own disease. chris, on the other hand, isn't as interested in fighting a.l.s., as he is in healing all of us. >> ready? work it. >> reporter: steve hartman, on the road, in durham, north carolina. >> pelley: and that's the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley, and i'll see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night. captioning sponsored by cbs >> robin williams family in the wake of his suicide. we are talking to a star who knows firsthand how devastating it can be. >> one of the hardest things, i think, as a family member, in a similar way you think why didn't i do this, if only i did that. >> the brother she loss and her advice to robin's family. plus robin's connection to michael j. fox. long before robin was diagnosed with parks. it's really knew to me. i don't know what to expect. >> twitter changes her rules after she was cyber bullied. >> it's rude and obnoxious. >> for people who can't fight back it's a problem. >> we just had to ask sophia about joe. >> your one of the hottest couples in the world.

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