> brown: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm james brown. every day in this country, milli"> > brown: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm james brown. every day in this country, milli" property="og:description"> > brown: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm james brown. every day in this country, milli">

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140729

this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> brown: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm james brown. every day in this country, millions of parents let their sons and daughters play the school sports they love but worry about what will happen if they get seriously hurt. today, the ncaa, under the pressure of a lawsuit, addressed the issue of head injuries for athletes who play, have played or will play college sports. it agreed to a proposed $70 million settlement of the class action suit. the money will pay for neurological testing but not treatment, and the ncaa will have a new policy for returnings injured players to the game. >> reporter: from 2004-2009, nearly 30,000 college athletes suffered concussions, more than half of them playing football. lawyer steve berman represents injured former players who sued the ncaa. >> players are being returned to the game too early, because of bad concussion management. and if you go to the game too early, you are at risk fair serious long-term brain injury, and that's what we're trying to prevent in the settlement. >> reporter: the ncaa has agreed to pay for any college athlete from the last 50 years to get neurological testing. every current athlete will get a pre-season neurological test to help diagnose any concussion later on. they'll also be protected by a uniform policy of when they can play again after a head injury. no athlete with a diagnosed concussion could rejoin the same practice or game in football, basketball, soccer, ice hockey, wrestling, field hockey and lacrosse. at kennesaw state university in georgia, women's lacrosse is one of 18 ncaa sports. >> you certainly don't want to return someone from a head injury before they're ready. and sometimes that decision making is difficult. >> reporter: mike young is the school's director of sports medicine. >> hopefully this will help sports medicine across the country to get what they need to properly take care of the student athlete. >> reporter: the more everybody is on board, the easier your job gets taking a kid who is at risk, because he's just been hurt, getting him out of the game and dpeght him help >> right. >> reporter: the ncaa admitted no wrongdoing in the settlement. it said in a statement, we have been and will continue to be committed to student athlete safety. critics point out the settlement does not require the ncaa to pay any medical expenses and, james, a federal judge still has to approve of the settlement and he may to that in september. >> brown: mark, this is a major concern for families, especially mothers with children playing in contact sports right now at the ncaa level. we're talking several hundred athletes playing. how is this going to be executed? >> reporter: as many as 4 million current and former college athletes may ca qualifyr the testing. sloament calls for 10 sites to be set up where former players can be tested. think about it it's older the player is the harder it may be to establish his playing days, make a connection with whatever he's going through today. >> brown: mark strassman in kennesaw, georgia, thank you very much. the senate today confirmed robert mcdonald as the new secretary of veterans affairs. the first job for the former c.e.o. of procter & gamble will be cleaning up the scandal at the v.a. a new international audit obtained by cbs news shows it was even bigger than we knew. here's nancy cordes. >> reporter: the internal audit was conducted in may and found 95 facilities where appointment requests by veterans were mishandled by the horsham clinic in pennsylvania where staff were encourage encouragedo inaccurately enter an appointment date to game the system. other fo facilities fudged appointments to reflect no wait times or improve performance scores. in illinois and elsewhere, schedulers said they feared retaliation from leadership if they didn't go along. and in nearly all of the pacific northwest, scheduledders claimed they were simply confused about how the sufficiency supposed to work. on capitol hill, the chairs of the veterans affairs committees in the house and senate struck a deal this week on a bill allowing veterans to seek care at a private if the if they've been waiting for a v.a. appointment for more than the 30 days. florida republican jeff miller: >> the v.a. has cause caused ths problem and one of the ways we can help solve it is to give veterans a choice, a choice to stay in the system or a choice to go out of the system. >> reporter: the bill has big bipartisan support and is expected to pass both houses of congress by the end of the week. meanwhile, james, the v.a.'s inspector general say the the number of facilities it's now investigating has grown to 90. >> brown: nancy cordes on capitol hill. thanks, nancy. the united states and its european allies turned up the pressure on russia today in what has become the biggest east-west confrontation since the cold war. senior white house correspondent bill plante reports they imposed new economic sanctions on moscow for its continuing support of separatists in european community. >> it didn't have to come to this. it did not have to be this way. this is a choice that russia and president putin in particular has made. >> reporter: the u.s. band three more russian state-owned banks from access to american capital, and blocked the assets of a major russian defense firm. the sanctions also restrict future sales of oil-drilling technology. the u.s. is acting in conjunction with the european union, which for the first time, cut off all long-term deals with russian state-owned financial institutions. the europeans put an embargo on exports of military equipment and also on energy-related technology. is this a new cold war, sir? >> no. it's not a new cold war. what it is is a very specific issue related to russia's unwillingness to recognize that ukraine can chart its own path. >> reporter: but in a move reminiscent of the frosty u.s.-russian relationshipave generation ago, president obama in a letter monday to putin, accuse the russia of testing missilemissiles in violation ofe arms treated. the u.s. has suspected russia of testing new missile systems since 2008. president putin last year called's russia's decision to sign the 1987 treaty debatable, to say the least. but russia has denied the allegations saying the matter is closed. and the administration says the missile complaint wasn't really timed to coincide with the sanctions but, j.b., at the same time, senior officials here concede that they're doing everything they can to keep up the pressure on russia's piewt nin the hope that at some point he'll agree to negotiate in ukraine. >> brown: bill plante at the white house. thank you very much, bill. overnight israel let loose the heaviest barrage in a three-week-old war. multiple targets were hit, including the only power plant, leaving gaza without electricity and water since pumps candidate operate without and there are new questions about who was responsible for explosions in a gaza street yesterday that killed 10 people, mostly children. barry petersen is in gaza tonight. and, barry, is it possible that a hamas rocket fell short and killed those children? >> reporter: it's really hard to know, james. there's so much activity going on. now, we were at the scene minutes after it happened. from what we saw and talking with people whon about these things, they say the size of the shrapnel and the way it was spread says it was probably a rocket, not a mortar. the israelis were quick to release a surveillance photo saying it was a rocket fired 2.6 miles south of the area, aimed at israel that fell, as they said, tragically short. hamas, of course, blamed the israelis. it may never know known, but here in gaza where perception is reality, they believe hamas. they blame the israelis. james. >> brown: barry has the growing civilian death toll affected support for hamas in gaza? >> reporter: well, not publicly, because people are afraid to talk out against hamas in eye time of war, but privately, i think people are weary of hamas firing rockets at israel. they're weary of the israeli attacks. they want this to end. we talked with a shop owner and some of his friends, and they said something intriguing, that hamas can make war, but they don't believe hamas can make peace. the other day, i stood with a man on top of the rubble of his house. he said, "i'm neutral. i just want the misery to end." and i have to tell you, james, that's the way a lot of people feel around here tonight. >> brown: barry petersen in it gaza, thank you. turning now to the ebola outbreak in west africa. it's the worst on record. today, it claimed the life of a leading doctor. sheik humarr khan risked his life to tree dozens in sierra leone. ebola kills 60% of those who contract the virus and there is no vaccine. nearly 700 have died in four african nations during this rout break. the u.s. military is investigating a strange incident overseas. the body of a young stowe away was found sunday in a compartment near wheel well of an air force cargo plane. david martin is look into this. >> reporter: the body was found during a postflight inspection of a c-130 transport after returning to germany from africa. a young black male had lodged himself above the landing gear where he could not be seen during normal pre- and postflight checks. the grim discovery prompted this question of pentagon spokesman admiral john kirby. aren't these aircraft supposed to be guarded at all time? >> certainly that will all be part of the investigation, looking at security implications here for how a young man could get inside the wheel well of an air force aircraft. >> reporter: the flight originated in the african nation of senegal, flew east, stopping in mauly and chad, then north to tunisia and sicily, before returning to its home base in germany. the pentagon says security at some of those airfields is not up to american standards, but that would seem to be all the more reason to guard the plane while it was on the ground. j.b. >> brown: thank you, david. as americans, we owe an awful lot to someone. a new study out today says 24% of us are so far behind in our debt, they've been turned over to a collection agency. here's anthony mason. >> did that cause you to lose your job? >> reporter: at the consumer credit counseling service in dallas, the phones are confantly busy. that's where aneat awho asked us not to reveal her identity, found help. >> everything went upside down. >> reporter: last year she ran up $10,000 in debt after her ex-husband lost his job. >> it was all credit card bills, and we were using the credit cards to buy the food, to pay for the electric bill, to pay for the phones, to buy gas-- everyday expenses, because we were missing all of his income. >> reporter: then anita, who has two kids, had to fend off the collection agencies. >> all they wanted to know is when and how much and i didn't have an answer for that. >> reporter: in 13 states and the district of columbia, more than 40% of americans with credit have debt in collection. in the city of las vegas, it's nearly half. but in the wake of the recession, americans have been managing their debt better. just 2.4% of credit cards are overdue by 30 days or more. that's versus the 15-year average of 3.8%. >> the cries may not be as severe as it was during the height of the recession but still, financial crisis is a horrible place to be. >> reporter: todd mark of dallas' consumer credit counseling service, says many calls come from the former unemployed who found new jobs but are now making less money. >> it doesn't change their mortgage payment, their car payment, but they're locked in at a lower income and they've got to figure out how to i budget now with these other obligations. >> reporter: medical bills and student loans accounted for two-third of debts reported to collection agencies. >> brown: anthony, you mentioned debt problem in las vegas. it may be an obvious question, but why are some places hit harder than others? >> reporter: places caught up in the houses crise are verbal. texas, florida, and nevawd arp all hit by the housing bubble collapsing. >> brown: for some teachers, preparing for school means learning to fire a gun. and there was no easy way to rescue a hiker who fell the equivalent of 42 stories. that when the cbs evening news continues. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. aded safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. >> country, schools reopen in just a few weeks. and when the school year begins, more teachers will be armed. since the sandy hook attack more than a year and a half ago, nine states have passed laws allowing teachers to have firearms in schools. vicente arenas has more on that. >> reporter: this looks like target practice at a police academy. but these men and women are teachers, and they're learning to defend their students against an increasingly common threat-- a school shooting. >> get on the ground! do it now! >> reporter: we can't show you their faces bse t classroom equivalent of an air marshall on a plane. they carry their weapons anonymously. when the semester begins, only the local police and school board will know they're armed. we altered this administrator's voice to protect her identity. why did you decide to go through this training? >> i'm from it a rural school, and the response time is so slow to get any law enforcement help, i felt it was important if i was able to help and do something to protect our kids. >> there you go. very good. >> reporter: in missouri, local school boards decide whether faculty can be armed. 12 of the state's districts employ teachers who get weapons trainings here at shields solutions in west plains. former highway patrolman greg martin runs the program. >> we take people who have never really handled a handed gup at all and give them this training to where they score a 90%. >> reporter: that means five hours in the classroom and 35 hours on the gun range. this is a first-person view of the active shooter drill. >> we make it as realistic as possible because in the event that that happens, god forgid, we want them to be ready. >> get down! get down! release the hostage! >> reporter: so you're worried about the possibility of teachers having guns in schools. >> i'm very worried about it. >> kathy steinhoff is a high school math teacher in columnia, missouri. her district prohibits teachers from carrying guns. how do you respond to critics who say the own way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. >> i think there's more than one way to stop a bad guy with a gun, but if it does take a good guy, then i want that good guy to be a police officer. >> reporter: while programs like martin's aren't common, a vast majority of missouri lawmakers are pushing to make training like this mandatory for teachers with guns. vicente arenas, cbs news, missouri. >> announcer: there was a close call on the track be, and we'll have that when we come back invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. 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[ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now. >> brown: a plane crash on a florida beach over the weekend has claimed a second life. nine-year-old oceana irizarry died night. her father died on sunday. both were hit by the plane. it's not known what caused the piper cher dee go down. the pilot sent out a distress call. neither he nor his passenger of hurt. the last surviving crew member from the enola gray has died. theater van kirk was the plane's navigator. the b29 dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima, japan. van kirk died yesterday of natural causes in georgia. he was 93. rescuers in washington state faced a big challenge today. a hiker fell down an embankment. first responders decided the only way to get him out was to hoist him up to the high steel bridge 420 feet above the river. the hiker suffered a broken leg and some bumps and bruises. and then there are the two indiana women run over by a railway bridge and lived to tell about it. the video from the engineer's perspective was released today. the women were trespassing on the 80-foot-high bridge earlier this month and there was no way to escape the locomotive. the engineer feared that he killed them, but they weren't hurt and were last seen running to a car. well, they're fond of sand dunes and salty air. the seals that have fallen in love with old cape cod. that's next. your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. spressure points on my tired, achy feet. i had no clue i was putting this kind of stress on my feet. i have flat feet. i found this out at the free dr.scholl's foot mapping center. in less than two minutes, i got my foot map and my custom number. i'm a 440. i'm a 210. 340. that number matched the dr.scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with just the right support to help relieve stress on my feet. i'm a believer. go to drscholls.com for locations and save $10 doctors have been prescribingdecade, nexium to patients just like you. for many, prescription nexium helps heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. nexium 40 mg is only available by prescription. talk to your doctor. for free home delivery, enroll in nexium direct today. ifcorner of "smart choice"e and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... ...like centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. summer on cape cod. the weather is warm. it was sunny and in the 70s today. the beaches are crowded. and the seafood-- well, they're fighting over it. elaine quijano is there. >> reporter: on a typical summer afternoon off the coast of cape cod, nearly 1,000 gray seals sunbathe on a sandbar. a few years ago, this would have been unbelievable. by the 1960s, the seals were hunted close to extinction, the ruflt a $5 bounty by the state in an attempt to eliminate an animal many considered a pest to fishermen. but in 1972, congress passed the marine mammal protection act, and scientists hoped the seals would rebound. they're all look at us. >> yup, they're all looking and saying who are these people. >> reporter: mike giblin is a volunteer with the national park service. is the most you have seen? >> yes, this week in particular is definitely the most we've seen. >> reporter: but where scientists see success, others see competition. seals can consume up to 50 pounds of fish each day, sometimes following fishermen's boats and snatching food right off their lines. >> it's frustrating. you are watching them take money right out of your pocket. the money is eight feet from the surface, and it's -- >> reporter: every fish is money for you. >> every fish is money. >> reporter: nick muto has been fishing these waters for 13 years. >> when seals became endangered and we started looking at the seal population, did we ever measure what success would look like? did we ever say when enough seals would be enough? >> reporter: what is it that you see when you look at a gray seal? >> i-- i see-- i see a threat to my bot line. they're an 800-pound predator. >> what we're seeing is something that came back from zero. if you look at something from zero it looks like a lot of animals. >> reporter: andrea bogomolni is a marine biologist. as you know, some people investmently disagree with you. folks who have lived here for a long time, some of whom are saying why don't we have a cull to get the numbers under control? >> i completely and i understand sympathize very much with people whose livelihoods depend on fisheries. but these animals can't go to a grocery store. this is their diet. >> reporter: humans upset the balance of nature here decades ago. now with livelihoods on the line, they're still trying to determine the least painful way to restore it. elaine quijano, cbs news, truro, massachusetts. sphwhrow and that'>> brown: ands evening news. for scott pelley, i'm james brown. good night. ca the bachelorette seemed embarrassed last night when the guy she rejected revealed their sex secrets. >> tonight andi tells us about getting called out on live tv. >> if you weren't in love with me, i'm just not sure why you made love with me. >> you would hope people wouldn't put that on national television. >> is revealing what happens in the fantasy suite all that shocking? >> maybe to her new fiance. >> i guess so. >> meanwhile, 'n sync has a new album. >> and the guys didn't even know it was being released. we're going to get into that. >> how about this feud? atlanta housewife nene versus rosie. upset over "the view's" rumored reality star ban. >> nene leakes is not just a reality star. i am a mogul. so there you have it, rosie. >> also tonight, are the "sharknado 2" stars believers?

Related Keywords

Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Japan , Chad , Germany , Missouri , United States , Texas , Alaska , Atlanta , Georgia , Florida , Illinois , Indiana , Sandy Hook , Horsham Clinic , Pennsylvania , Washington , District Of Columbia , Florida Beach , Ukraine , Cape Cod , Kennesaw State University , Tunisia , West Plains , Israel , Kennesaw , Gaza , Israel General , Capitol Hill , Dallas , Senegal , Sierra Leone , Americans , America , Russian , Israelis , Israeli , American , Jeff Miller , Barry Petersen , David Martin , James Brown , Kathy Steinhoff , Oceana Irizarry , Nancy Cordes , Scott Pelley , Greg Martin , Van Kirk , Mike Giblin , Elaine Quijano , Steve Berman , Las Vegas , Anthony Mason , John Kirby , Nick Muto ,

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Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140729 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For KYW CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140729

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this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> brown: good evening. scott is off tonight. i'm james brown. every day in this country, millions of parents let their sons and daughters play the school sports they love but worry about what will happen if they get seriously hurt. today, the ncaa, under the pressure of a lawsuit, addressed the issue of head injuries for athletes who play, have played or will play college sports. it agreed to a proposed $70 million settlement of the class action suit. the money will pay for neurological testing but not treatment, and the ncaa will have a new policy for returnings injured players to the game. >> reporter: from 2004-2009, nearly 30,000 college athletes suffered concussions, more than half of them playing football. lawyer steve berman represents injured former players who sued the ncaa. >> players are being returned to the game too early, because of bad concussion management. and if you go to the game too early, you are at risk fair serious long-term brain injury, and that's what we're trying to prevent in the settlement. >> reporter: the ncaa has agreed to pay for any college athlete from the last 50 years to get neurological testing. every current athlete will get a pre-season neurological test to help diagnose any concussion later on. they'll also be protected by a uniform policy of when they can play again after a head injury. no athlete with a diagnosed concussion could rejoin the same practice or game in football, basketball, soccer, ice hockey, wrestling, field hockey and lacrosse. at kennesaw state university in georgia, women's lacrosse is one of 18 ncaa sports. >> you certainly don't want to return someone from a head injury before they're ready. and sometimes that decision making is difficult. >> reporter: mike young is the school's director of sports medicine. >> hopefully this will help sports medicine across the country to get what they need to properly take care of the student athlete. >> reporter: the more everybody is on board, the easier your job gets taking a kid who is at risk, because he's just been hurt, getting him out of the game and dpeght him help >> right. >> reporter: the ncaa admitted no wrongdoing in the settlement. it said in a statement, we have been and will continue to be committed to student athlete safety. critics point out the settlement does not require the ncaa to pay any medical expenses and, james, a federal judge still has to approve of the settlement and he may to that in september. >> brown: mark, this is a major concern for families, especially mothers with children playing in contact sports right now at the ncaa level. we're talking several hundred athletes playing. how is this going to be executed? >> reporter: as many as 4 million current and former college athletes may ca qualifyr the testing. sloament calls for 10 sites to be set up where former players can be tested. think about it it's older the player is the harder it may be to establish his playing days, make a connection with whatever he's going through today. >> brown: mark strassman in kennesaw, georgia, thank you very much. the senate today confirmed robert mcdonald as the new secretary of veterans affairs. the first job for the former c.e.o. of procter & gamble will be cleaning up the scandal at the v.a. a new international audit obtained by cbs news shows it was even bigger than we knew. here's nancy cordes. >> reporter: the internal audit was conducted in may and found 95 facilities where appointment requests by veterans were mishandled by the horsham clinic in pennsylvania where staff were encourage encouragedo inaccurately enter an appointment date to game the system. other fo facilities fudged appointments to reflect no wait times or improve performance scores. in illinois and elsewhere, schedulers said they feared retaliation from leadership if they didn't go along. and in nearly all of the pacific northwest, scheduledders claimed they were simply confused about how the sufficiency supposed to work. on capitol hill, the chairs of the veterans affairs committees in the house and senate struck a deal this week on a bill allowing veterans to seek care at a private if the if they've been waiting for a v.a. appointment for more than the 30 days. florida republican jeff miller: >> the v.a. has cause caused ths problem and one of the ways we can help solve it is to give veterans a choice, a choice to stay in the system or a choice to go out of the system. >> reporter: the bill has big bipartisan support and is expected to pass both houses of congress by the end of the week. meanwhile, james, the v.a.'s inspector general say the the number of facilities it's now investigating has grown to 90. >> brown: nancy cordes on capitol hill. thanks, nancy. the united states and its european allies turned up the pressure on russia today in what has become the biggest east-west confrontation since the cold war. senior white house correspondent bill plante reports they imposed new economic sanctions on moscow for its continuing support of separatists in european community. >> it didn't have to come to this. it did not have to be this way. this is a choice that russia and president putin in particular has made. >> reporter: the u.s. band three more russian state-owned banks from access to american capital, and blocked the assets of a major russian defense firm. the sanctions also restrict future sales of oil-drilling technology. the u.s. is acting in conjunction with the european union, which for the first time, cut off all long-term deals with russian state-owned financial institutions. the europeans put an embargo on exports of military equipment and also on energy-related technology. is this a new cold war, sir? >> no. it's not a new cold war. what it is is a very specific issue related to russia's unwillingness to recognize that ukraine can chart its own path. >> reporter: but in a move reminiscent of the frosty u.s.-russian relationshipave generation ago, president obama in a letter monday to putin, accuse the russia of testing missilemissiles in violation ofe arms treated. the u.s. has suspected russia of testing new missile systems since 2008. president putin last year called's russia's decision to sign the 1987 treaty debatable, to say the least. but russia has denied the allegations saying the matter is closed. and the administration says the missile complaint wasn't really timed to coincide with the sanctions but, j.b., at the same time, senior officials here concede that they're doing everything they can to keep up the pressure on russia's piewt nin the hope that at some point he'll agree to negotiate in ukraine. >> brown: bill plante at the white house. thank you very much, bill. overnight israel let loose the heaviest barrage in a three-week-old war. multiple targets were hit, including the only power plant, leaving gaza without electricity and water since pumps candidate operate without and there are new questions about who was responsible for explosions in a gaza street yesterday that killed 10 people, mostly children. barry petersen is in gaza tonight. and, barry, is it possible that a hamas rocket fell short and killed those children? >> reporter: it's really hard to know, james. there's so much activity going on. now, we were at the scene minutes after it happened. from what we saw and talking with people whon about these things, they say the size of the shrapnel and the way it was spread says it was probably a rocket, not a mortar. the israelis were quick to release a surveillance photo saying it was a rocket fired 2.6 miles south of the area, aimed at israel that fell, as they said, tragically short. hamas, of course, blamed the israelis. it may never know known, but here in gaza where perception is reality, they believe hamas. they blame the israelis. james. >> brown: barry has the growing civilian death toll affected support for hamas in gaza? >> reporter: well, not publicly, because people are afraid to talk out against hamas in eye time of war, but privately, i think people are weary of hamas firing rockets at israel. they're weary of the israeli attacks. they want this to end. we talked with a shop owner and some of his friends, and they said something intriguing, that hamas can make war, but they don't believe hamas can make peace. the other day, i stood with a man on top of the rubble of his house. he said, "i'm neutral. i just want the misery to end." and i have to tell you, james, that's the way a lot of people feel around here tonight. >> brown: barry petersen in it gaza, thank you. turning now to the ebola outbreak in west africa. it's the worst on record. today, it claimed the life of a leading doctor. sheik humarr khan risked his life to tree dozens in sierra leone. ebola kills 60% of those who contract the virus and there is no vaccine. nearly 700 have died in four african nations during this rout break. the u.s. military is investigating a strange incident overseas. the body of a young stowe away was found sunday in a compartment near wheel well of an air force cargo plane. david martin is look into this. >> reporter: the body was found during a postflight inspection of a c-130 transport after returning to germany from africa. a young black male had lodged himself above the landing gear where he could not be seen during normal pre- and postflight checks. the grim discovery prompted this question of pentagon spokesman admiral john kirby. aren't these aircraft supposed to be guarded at all time? >> certainly that will all be part of the investigation, looking at security implications here for how a young man could get inside the wheel well of an air force aircraft. >> reporter: the flight originated in the african nation of senegal, flew east, stopping in mauly and chad, then north to tunisia and sicily, before returning to its home base in germany. the pentagon says security at some of those airfields is not up to american standards, but that would seem to be all the more reason to guard the plane while it was on the ground. j.b. >> brown: thank you, david. as americans, we owe an awful lot to someone. a new study out today says 24% of us are so far behind in our debt, they've been turned over to a collection agency. here's anthony mason. >> did that cause you to lose your job? >> reporter: at the consumer credit counseling service in dallas, the phones are confantly busy. that's where aneat awho asked us not to reveal her identity, found help. >> everything went upside down. >> reporter: last year she ran up $10,000 in debt after her ex-husband lost his job. >> it was all credit card bills, and we were using the credit cards to buy the food, to pay for the electric bill, to pay for the phones, to buy gas-- everyday expenses, because we were missing all of his income. >> reporter: then anita, who has two kids, had to fend off the collection agencies. >> all they wanted to know is when and how much and i didn't have an answer for that. >> reporter: in 13 states and the district of columbia, more than 40% of americans with credit have debt in collection. in the city of las vegas, it's nearly half. but in the wake of the recession, americans have been managing their debt better. just 2.4% of credit cards are overdue by 30 days or more. that's versus the 15-year average of 3.8%. >> the cries may not be as severe as it was during the height of the recession but still, financial crisis is a horrible place to be. >> reporter: todd mark of dallas' consumer credit counseling service, says many calls come from the former unemployed who found new jobs but are now making less money. >> it doesn't change their mortgage payment, their car payment, but they're locked in at a lower income and they've got to figure out how to i budget now with these other obligations. >> reporter: medical bills and student loans accounted for two-third of debts reported to collection agencies. >> brown: anthony, you mentioned debt problem in las vegas. it may be an obvious question, but why are some places hit harder than others? >> reporter: places caught up in the houses crise are verbal. texas, florida, and nevawd arp all hit by the housing bubble collapsing. >> brown: for some teachers, preparing for school means learning to fire a gun. and there was no easy way to rescue a hiker who fell the equivalent of 42 stories. that when the cbs evening news continues. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. aded safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. >> country, schools reopen in just a few weeks. and when the school year begins, more teachers will be armed. since the sandy hook attack more than a year and a half ago, nine states have passed laws allowing teachers to have firearms in schools. vicente arenas has more on that. >> reporter: this looks like target practice at a police academy. but these men and women are teachers, and they're learning to defend their students against an increasingly common threat-- a school shooting. >> get on the ground! do it now! >> reporter: we can't show you their faces bse t classroom equivalent of an air marshall on a plane. they carry their weapons anonymously. when the semester begins, only the local police and school board will know they're armed. we altered this administrator's voice to protect her identity. why did you decide to go through this training? >> i'm from it a rural school, and the response time is so slow to get any law enforcement help, i felt it was important if i was able to help and do something to protect our kids. >> there you go. very good. >> reporter: in missouri, local school boards decide whether faculty can be armed. 12 of the state's districts employ teachers who get weapons trainings here at shields solutions in west plains. former highway patrolman greg martin runs the program. >> we take people who have never really handled a handed gup at all and give them this training to where they score a 90%. >> reporter: that means five hours in the classroom and 35 hours on the gun range. this is a first-person view of the active shooter drill. >> we make it as realistic as possible because in the event that that happens, god forgid, we want them to be ready. >> get down! get down! release the hostage! >> reporter: so you're worried about the possibility of teachers having guns in schools. >> i'm very worried about it. >> kathy steinhoff is a high school math teacher in columnia, missouri. her district prohibits teachers from carrying guns. how do you respond to critics who say the own way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. >> i think there's more than one way to stop a bad guy with a gun, but if it does take a good guy, then i want that good guy to be a police officer. >> reporter: while programs like martin's aren't common, a vast majority of missouri lawmakers are pushing to make training like this mandatory for teachers with guns. vicente arenas, cbs news, missouri. >> announcer: there was a close call on the track be, and we'll have that when we come back invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. 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[ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now. >> brown: a plane crash on a florida beach over the weekend has claimed a second life. nine-year-old oceana irizarry died night. her father died on sunday. both were hit by the plane. it's not known what caused the piper cher dee go down. the pilot sent out a distress call. neither he nor his passenger of hurt. the last surviving crew member from the enola gray has died. theater van kirk was the plane's navigator. the b29 dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima, japan. van kirk died yesterday of natural causes in georgia. he was 93. rescuers in washington state faced a big challenge today. a hiker fell down an embankment. first responders decided the only way to get him out was to hoist him up to the high steel bridge 420 feet above the river. the hiker suffered a broken leg and some bumps and bruises. and then there are the two indiana women run over by a railway bridge and lived to tell about it. the video from the engineer's perspective was released today. the women were trespassing on the 80-foot-high bridge earlier this month and there was no way to escape the locomotive. the engineer feared that he killed them, but they weren't hurt and were last seen running to a car. well, they're fond of sand dunes and salty air. the seals that have fallen in love with old cape cod. that's next. your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. spressure points on my tired, achy feet. i had no clue i was putting this kind of stress on my feet. i have flat feet. i found this out at the free dr.scholl's foot mapping center. in less than two minutes, i got my foot map and my custom number. i'm a 440. i'm a 210. 340. that number matched the dr.scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with just the right support to help relieve stress on my feet. i'm a believer. go to drscholls.com for locations and save $10 doctors have been prescribingdecade, nexium to patients just like you. for many, prescription nexium helps heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. nexium 40 mg is only available by prescription. talk to your doctor. for free home delivery, enroll in nexium direct today. ifcorner of "smart choice"e and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... ...like centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. summer on cape cod. the weather is warm. it was sunny and in the 70s today. the beaches are crowded. and the seafood-- well, they're fighting over it. elaine quijano is there. >> reporter: on a typical summer afternoon off the coast of cape cod, nearly 1,000 gray seals sunbathe on a sandbar. a few years ago, this would have been unbelievable. by the 1960s, the seals were hunted close to extinction, the ruflt a $5 bounty by the state in an attempt to eliminate an animal many considered a pest to fishermen. but in 1972, congress passed the marine mammal protection act, and scientists hoped the seals would rebound. they're all look at us. >> yup, they're all looking and saying who are these people. >> reporter: mike giblin is a volunteer with the national park service. is the most you have seen? >> yes, this week in particular is definitely the most we've seen. >> reporter: but where scientists see success, others see competition. seals can consume up to 50 pounds of fish each day, sometimes following fishermen's boats and snatching food right off their lines. >> it's frustrating. you are watching them take money right out of your pocket. the money is eight feet from the surface, and it's -- >> reporter: every fish is money for you. >> every fish is money. >> reporter: nick muto has been fishing these waters for 13 years. >> when seals became endangered and we started looking at the seal population, did we ever measure what success would look like? did we ever say when enough seals would be enough? >> reporter: what is it that you see when you look at a gray seal? >> i-- i see-- i see a threat to my bot line. they're an 800-pound predator. >> what we're seeing is something that came back from zero. if you look at something from zero it looks like a lot of animals. >> reporter: andrea bogomolni is a marine biologist. as you know, some people investmently disagree with you. folks who have lived here for a long time, some of whom are saying why don't we have a cull to get the numbers under control? >> i completely and i understand sympathize very much with people whose livelihoods depend on fisheries. but these animals can't go to a grocery store. this is their diet. >> reporter: humans upset the balance of nature here decades ago. now with livelihoods on the line, they're still trying to determine the least painful way to restore it. elaine quijano, cbs news, truro, massachusetts. sphwhrow and that'>> brown: ands evening news. for scott pelley, i'm james brown. good night. ca the bachelorette seemed embarrassed last night when the guy she rejected revealed their sex secrets. >> tonight andi tells us about getting called out on live tv. >> if you weren't in love with me, i'm just not sure why you made love with me. >> you would hope people wouldn't put that on national television. >> is revealing what happens in the fantasy suite all that shocking? >> maybe to her new fiance. >> i guess so. >> meanwhile, 'n sync has a new album. >> and the guys didn't even know it was being released. we're going to get into that. >> how about this feud? atlanta housewife nene versus rosie. upset over "the view's" rumored reality star ban. >> nene leakes is not just a reality star. i am a mogul. so there you have it, rosie. >> also tonight, are the "sharknado 2" stars believers?

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