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Sanchez and mark of the New York Times. The question is whats going on . Whats happening and how will it end up. This is a populous way. Were not sure if its high enough to elect donald trump yet but its a real way. It involves reaction against globalism and multiculturalism and a culture that people think is condescending. There was a movement, he saw it in brexit. It was frustrated and disappointed with the republican and Democratic Party. Its very similar. They wanted an outsider to come in and break up wash to get things moving again. Whats interesting charlie is people in these states of michigan, pennsylvania, North Carolina are deciding at the last minute they went for trump. Let me go back to scott for a call. Norah is watching these data come in, norah. Cbs news is projecting that in the state of iowa, donald trump has won. This is the state that barack obama had won in the past two elections. The demographics of the state did favor donald trump. Yes. So Barack Obamas career started by winning the craw cussion cau. But dwrud wo donald trump won td its a state demographically very much in the donald trump cam. Lets look at our Electoral College camp. Hillary clinton 197 and dropped with 228 and 270 is what you need to win. That story is going to be told over the next hour or two as we watch these very close races in these Battle Ground states. The states you see in white are those states where the polls have closed. But they are too close for us to make an estimate. Lets go back to charlie rose and our political panel. Mark, pick up where we were. Whats going on as you see it and how surprising. Well its surprising but it shouldnt be in a way because pression densprecedence is evere way. If you look at 48 hours ago there was a conventional wisdom after the second comey letter that you know maybe it would be a somewhat early evening, maybe North Carolina, florida would break fairly early. They broke the early voting patterns with a he saw for Hillary Clinton. I dont know why anyone should be surprised the people the media and the polls were wrong again. This is an incredibly unpredictable eruption. Donald trump obviously new something that the people didnt. Heres an interesting point. He knees 42 electoral votes. She needs 73, and there are 83 up for grabs. I mean he is within reach. Michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania. She needs both states. She needs two of those three states. Obviously they are very big electoral votes. I mean his performance in the first part of the evening put her on the defensive and she has to hold. This is also a reflection of a lack of belief in institutions and now including polls. Polling, get out the votes operation which didnt seem to do much in this election. It conterms the suspicions of a lot of conservatives in america about the opinions being wrong, about polling bag wrong. Part of Donald Trumps appeal is the idea that there is a conspiracy of the establishment. And this look are looks like it. This is confirmation. I think they will take it as confirmation that the culture was against them. In very many ways and one thing that is cinc concinct cont trump won them within the last 30 days and within the last week in many of these Battle Ground states. Thank you. Lets go back to scott and norah. Norah you were going back through some of the exit polling data and you came across something fascinate is. This is fascinating, one of the swing dprooms weve been watching in this election is suburban women who went from bush to, i don obama won them e last election. Suburban women turned out for donald trump. In michigan hes winning them by ten points over clinton. In wisconsin, trump is winning suburban white women by seven points. In pennsylvania trump is winning suburban white women by two points. In ohio he is winning by ten points. He has managed to keep suburban women in his column in those particular states that also helps drive him in florida. So that is part of his coalition tonight. When you say that, its a very big surprise considering Donald Trumps track roar that many people felt that he was insensitive and inappropriate. Republicans dominate in the suburbs so that part makes sense. Witbut Bob Schieffer some people are sprezzed he is doing so well among women. That would be the big surprise of the night if this proves to be the difference if this was suburban women because people thought it would go just the other way. We were very close here and we need to emphasize here, this could still go either way. But donald trump is now by my count 42 votes away from having the 270 he needs. And you can see that on the faces of the people at the clinton Election Night watch party here in new york city. Nancy cordes is there. Nancy, tell us about the mood. Its not the reason that you see so many shell shocked faces here is because these are very intense supporters. They are long time volunteers and they know exactly what was a loss in wisconsin would mean. It would almost certainly preclude Hillary Clinton from getting to the 270 electoral votes she needs. And so this is really a stunner. The last time that Hillary Clinton was in wisconsin, we just checked was april 2nd. Seven months ago. So a site ric tight race was noe radar screen at all. The Clinton Campaign was thaty earlier in the night. They were quite quiet but i got through to a clinton aide who says they do believe they will pull out a victory in michigan and in wisconsin at the end. He pointed out that a lot of votes in Madison Wisconsin are still. Its a college town a lot of young voters there and a lot of votes in detroit issue are still out, obviously the states largest city with a large proportion of african and mexican voters. This is a real shock for the Clinton Campaign. Even in michigan they were so confident that Hillary Clinton didnt go to visit there since her convention until a couple days ago. Nancy cordes thank you. In the state of georgia, cbs news projects that donald trump is the winner. Another Battle Ground state calls, although georgia has been a reliably republican state in past president ial elections. Now donald trump is getting very close to the 270 that he needs to win the presidency. He is at 244. Hillary clinton 197. Ands as you know 270 again needed to win the presidency. Major garrett is at trump headquarters tonight. Major. So scott and norah, over the last three or four days donald trump has worked at break neck pace. Five, six rallies a day going to Battle Ground states drawing enormous crowds, crowds that sometimes would wait six or seven hours for him to show up. If theres one thing that people close to donald trump have told me through the this campaign it is this. That all the polling modeling for this election would be off, skewed in the wrong direction, not capturing the voters who are showing up at these ram ease and the trump rallies and the trump people were certain would show up to vote. Anyone who stands in line for seven hours to not see a concert and not be fed is going to show up at a polling booth and cast a ballot. It is that underlying assumption that in more than one Battle Ground state has proven to be true. When we arrived in michigan over the weekend and there was a crowd of 10,000 people waiting for donald trump, they were screaming their heads off relentlessly through his speech and i thought to myself a rally in Sterling Heights michigan organized in less than 24 with this kind of crowd he may have a chance in michigan. He may not win michigan but those were visible in rallies in wisconsin, pennsylvania, certainly in florida and North Carolina. One last point. If there was one application of a previously successful republican president ial campaign that trump took on board it is george w. Bush in 2004. That was that theory. Drive up the republican vote in the reddish part of each and every battleground states. Dont worry about the suburbs so much but go with the republican votes totals are richest, plentiful and drive that autopsy as best you can. Rural areas of North Carolina, florida, pennsylvania, wisconsin. That approach may in fact be vindicated in the not too distant future. Thats the discussion perfectly Major Garrett. Donald trump is now just 26 votes away from winning the presidency. Lets look at those three blue states, that blue wall that donald trump homes to pierce tonight. First the state of wisconsin. The badger state. Thats 10 electoral votes. That is 10 electoral votes and we have wisconsin now as edge republican. In the state of there we go. Theres wisconsin and as you can see the margin there, votes still being counted and we give that edge republican. Pennsylvania. People are watching basically in will walk e county and deign county. Watching them as they watch Fairfax County and virginia and just democrats are hoping that in those two places, the democratic vote comes home. But right now it looks like wisconsin is slipping away. Pennsylvania, the keystone state. The Clinton Campaign had felt confident about the state of pennsylvania. 20 electoral votes. That is at this hour a toss up, the state of pins. Pins pennsylvania. Then the state of michigan which donald trump made a late play for, state of michigan 16 electoral votes and at this hour michigan is a toss up. We started with 13 Battle Ground states this evening that could go either way. Now there are only six and the remaining three include arizona which we still estimate as a toss up but donald trump does have a numerical lead there right now. There is nevada which we have estimated leans democratic. That could change but Hillary Clinton does have a lead there now. And then finally New Hampshire which we estimate is a toss up still. Donald trump slightly ahead in the vote count there with 68 of the vote having been counted at this point. Bob schieffer. Well, i mean this could come down to New Hampshire with its four electoral votes. But there are many ways now, not many but a number of ways now that donald trump could get to 270. And you know, you look at wisconsin ten votes, pennsylvania, 20 votes, michigan 16 votes. That would do it for him. John, is it possible at this point because it has never been true until now that donald trump has more paths to the whitehouse than Hillary Clinton does. It looks like it because again if arizona goes in the trump category as history would suggest it might and the finding and win conson she has to hold on to wisconsin and pennsylvania. Those are places he is putting pressure on her that Hillary Clinton has to hold. So if you were just to vantage by where the vote is now, it looks like hes got the edge in terms of the possible pathways to the end. And michigan would do it. Michigan and wisconsin would do it. Pennsylvania. Either one of them. The immigration state has crashed because theres been so many inquiries about moving to canada. It reminds me of brexit vote happened. I never lied to you Bob Schieffer. I have to check my sources. It reminds me of when the brexit vote it was going no way no way. There are 49 Million People in this country that are very happy with this outcome. That should not be overlooked. He has a huge following and his message rest nated from the very beginning. Just to go back to something that was being talked about earlier with charlie. This is not only, in the night goes Donald Trumps way, this is not only a victory for his theory of the country not only a victory for him and the people who support him but kind of a cultural victory we did it our way. And it looked like it might be paying off. And thats affirming at a kind of tear leve deeper level than. This is a vote against washington. Thats what this is. Were going to go inside those numbers in wis conson now which is of course a toss up. Anthony mason will have more from the exit polls in wisconsin, how its going there and how that mote might end up by the end of the night. A quick break, well be right back. Back now with Election Night on cbs. At this hour donald trump has opened a significant lead over Hillary Clinton. Her pathways to the whitehouse have begun to dramatically narrow. Anthony sal, show me how donald trump wins. Well pennsylvania is still in play. If he were to get that, michigan, all of these states. Wisconsin is still in play. All of these states with extra padding to go would get him up over the 270 he needs, scott. What path does Hillary Clinton still have. Shes still got a chance in pennsylvania and all these states we havent projected yet. Then she would have to go and get nevada. Thats steel not enough. Thats still not enough. Shes got to hang on to minnesota and New Hampshire too. Show stilshe still has a path ie states that are at least toss ups but ill tell you its not a good sign because if she were doing well tonight, these stages would have been projected blue. They are reliably blue in other elections earlier. So donald trump is winning or at least holding Hillary Clinton off in states we would have called hours ago for the democrats in another election. Exactly. In fact if you wanted, i can take you inside a couple of these states and ill give you a hint as to why. Do you want to stop. We have to cut away to a break right now. Well be right back with all of the latest information. Its Election Night on cbs. From cbs3 Eyewitness News. This is a campaign 2016 Election Night update im Ukee Washington. With this 2016 election update for you. Right now the race for president in the commonwealth of pennsylvania is still too close to call. Thats one out there that everyone is waiting for. Heres the latest with 80 of the nation reporting donald trump 48 , Hillary Clinton 49 . Thats been going back and forth, going back and forth but donald trump has the lead in the electoral vote. Jessica dean is with the Clinton Campaign in new york right now. Lets check in. Reporter its the electoral vote. Thats what gets you into the presidency. Right now, Hillary Clintons path to 270 is getting more and more narrow as the night goes on. In fact, here, the room is full but you can almost here a pin drop in the sense theyre all watching tv waiting for more results to come in in some of these battleground states. Again, clintons path getting more and more narrow. I want to go across town to Natasha Brown who was at the trump headquarters and natasha probably the opposite feeling over there. Absolutely. The sentiment and mood couldnt be more different at trump headquarters at mid town manhattan. The crowd growing by the minute. The signature donald trump red hats are continuing to saturate the crowd. This certainly has been an exciting night for Trump Supporters and cbs news is reporting that donald trump actually only needs 26 electoral votes to actually win the presidency. He is on the brink of making history here tonight an unconventional candidate who won an unconventional campaign. It must have resonated with the American People as the election continues to fall in his favor. Thats the latest. Mid town manhattan at trump headquarters, back to you, ukee thank you. A local race that could have National Implications is the senate here in pennsylvania. Mcginty versus toomey 80 reporting mcginty and toomey did he do locked at 48 . David spunt is at Toomey Campaign headquarters right now. Reporter ukee, as the numbers teeter back and forth, a couple pat toourm its going to be an interest to go relationship if pat toomey has to work with donald trump because he Just Announced tonight an hour before polls closed he would support him. He doesnt really like him too much but he said in the end he was the lesser of two evils. You have to wonder how that relationship would work out. We know pat toomey is in the building, he has not made any appearances, folks are waiting to see how the number turn out. Reporting live david spunt cbs3 Eyewitness News. On the other side of the aisle, theyre taking the bear are a approach what i believe they said is Katie Mcginty is down by about 18,000 votes now. I have to confirm that but i believe that is what he just said. You can see the atmosphere. Were going to keep checking up on that. Reporting live in Katie Mcginty headquarters, alexandria hoff. Welcome back to cbs news Election Night coverage. It is a whiteknuckles kind of night. Donald trump, and you can see doing very well tonight. Most of the United States is a swath of red tonight. We want to go through each particular state because we started off the night with 13 battleground states. Now were down to six. Washington state, cbs news projects Hillary Clinton as the winner. That will add a number of electoral vote to her tally as Washington State is some 12 electoral votes. That was expected, though, wasnt it, washington for her . Yes. Now the tally, donald trump 244 electoral votes. Lets look now at close states. In the state of nevada, we are calling that leaning Hillary Clinton. In wisconsin, cbs news estimates the edge goes to donald trump. In the state of arizona, cbs news is calling this a tossup at this hour. In michigan, also a tossup at this hour. And New Hampshire, a tossup. We have in pennsylvania, lets not forget about the keystone state, also a tossup. Wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, its all the same story. The rural vote is coming in for donald trump. Its coming in, not a huge amount in each county, but the counties they all do add up, and the clinton people and democrats are hoping on their big countyezs. And thats true in wisconsin, michigan, and peb pen. In New Hampshire, thats not the case. Its more financial spread out throughout the state. Wisconsin and michigan were two states that voted last time they vote republicans was in the 80, even though several republicans tried to make those contests states in the past. The last time they went for republicans in want 80s. Hillary clinton hasnt been to wisconsin during the general election at all. She may be regretting that tonight. Wisconsin has been a very close state but has its part of the democratic wall. And, you know, now theyre going when we do the lookback on tho campaign, democrats are going to say, you know, why didnt she spend more time there . You know, in michigan, barack obama didnt go back after july, and they must thought it would be equally as durable for them. Pelley and charlie rose is standing by now with our political panel. Charlie. Im here with peggy noonan, and jamelle bouie, and ben dominic. Tell me what you think is happening here because it is within 26 votes of donald trump having 270. All right. Its epic. It is surprising. It is, to my mind, what i think im seeing is a kind of uprising, a kind of revolt, a kind of pushback. Against the elites, the establishments of both parties. There is a sense of theres protected people in america, and unprotected people, and the unprotected just pushed back in a way that strikes me as deeply historic. Reporter more than political parties, more than elections, a movement, and the fact they are backing mr. Trump when they dont necessarily back him personally. It says its a movement. After the civil war there was reconstruction. And reconstruction, black americans and black americans attempted to build a new kind of south. What happened after reconstruction was angry recalcitrant whites pushed back. They retook their governments and we had redemption, and it lasted up until the 20th century. We had a second reconstruction in the 1960s. And we had a backlash to that reconstruction. I think the extent to which crump has won, winning a campaign of racism and bigotry, turning out millions of white americans for that campaign, suggests we are living through a kind of second redemption, a pushback against the advance advancement. I think its a pushback and pac lash but i think its about something that is much more longer running than race. I think its a rejection of the elets of both of our political parties. In the past no, i think that its its longer running than merely a reaction to the election of the first black american president. I think its much more about a reaction to the fact that we had, under bush and obama, policies that did not benefit these people. That they did not see as benefiting themselves. And i think theyre rejecting both of those party elites. I think thats why trump came along and was able to take over the Republican Party with a message that was very unrepublican. Were looking at unified white support for donald trump. Unified. Among collegeeducated whites, among working class whites. I dont think this is just a question of poor Economic Policy for working class whites. But clearly theyre dissatisfied with the obama agenda, and its something they dont view as satisfying their needs. Barack obama expanded medicaid dramatically, and a lot of these White Working Class communities, under the idea it would both help them but give them a vested interest in reelecting the Democratic Party. This is the whats the matter with kansas problem. Clearly that didnt work. Reporter peggy . Im thinking what is it like in the white house tonight . The president of the United States will, if trends continue, if mr. Trump is elected tonight, i think experience this as a rebuke, as america almost saying, we thought youd bring us together. You didnt. And now weve taken the surprising decision and really kind of confounded political history. Reporter let us say very clearly here, this is as tight as it could be. Donald trump is in the lead. He needs 26 more electoral vote to get to 270. He is not there. There are too many undecideds right now, nor is Hillary Clinton. Take it back now to scott and norah. Pelley charlie, thank you. Lets take a quick look at exactly where the race stands right now. Lets have a look at the Electoral College map. Charlie just mentioned that donald trump has 244, not far shy of the 270 needed to win. Hillary clinton, as you can see there, 209. The blue states weve estimated for clinton, the red states we have estimated for donald trump. The states in white are the ones that are still too close to call. We want to go now to wisconsin, because cbs news has a new estimate. We are saying that wisconsin is now leaning donald trump. Pelley Bob Schieffer, what does that mean . That means hes getting even closer than he was. If he wins and pennsylvania and anything else, basically pennsylvania, wisconsin, or pennsylvania and michigan, pennsylvania and iowa, that would him to 270. Yeah, i. If he wins wisconsin, and arizona behaves as it is supposed to, then its at the end of his fintertips. He can do it with michigan, pennsylvania, New Hampshire, maine, so its his path those six paths that Kellyanne Conway was talking about earlier tonight, he has six paths. He already has gotten iowa. I miscalled that. Pelley what would Hillary Clinton have to do to win at this point . She would have to have her big Population Centers come in, in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, and then if she loses wisconsin, shed have to win michigan, pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and maine to hold him off. Pelley she would nearly need to sweep the table. Yeah. Pelley but she has a shot. Thats true. Well, to the extent 61 away. She only needs 61. So and her shot is the urban vote coming in, and she does better than expected. Yes. At the moment it looks like its not i mean, it looks like its going to be she has a better chance of doing that in michigan than wisconsin. I mean heft shot, of course, would be to hold all those states, wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, but that does not look like it will happen. I dont think she can win without pennsylvania. Lets take a look at pennsylvania because pennsylvania is biggest prize still left on the table with 20 electoral votes, and with just about qorp of the vote, 84 of the vote in or more, i cant see that far based on my computer, 90 of the vote in, it is neck and neck, according to what im seeing. Were talking about a vote difference of just about 10,000. Pelley out of five million cast. Out of five million cast. Yeah, and she had been ahead in the numbers. So this is if youre a clinton person watching this, the numbers are going in the wrong direction for you. Now, theres still some out in bucks county, which is a county that can bring in some more votes. But youre not you want the numbers t to be going in the otr direction. One of the big surprises of the night is wisconsin. Pelley absolutely, and Anthony Mason is looking at the exit poll information that weve accumulated in wisconsin. Anthony, what is it telling us . Yes, scott, disappointing trends for democrats in wisconsin. First among young people. Hillary clinton is winning young people, 46 to 39 . But four years ago, obama got 60 of young people in wisconsin. As you can see, 11 of this has bled to thirdparty candidates, but a serious underperform asbestos here by Hillary Clinton among young voters and also among independent voters. Barack obama won independents by two point in wisconsin four years ago, donald trump is winning them by five points today. And again, thirdparty candidates taking 10 of the vote there. So significant underperformance here for the democrats in these two places. Pelley you know, there might be another factor that we havent talked about, and that is its a little bit intangible, but its extremely rare for the American People to grant one party three terms in the white house in a row. Its very, very rare. Its only happened once, since the 22nd amendment in 1947. And that was reaganreaganbush. George Herbert Walker bush. The other thing in history that the clinton people were hoping for is traditionally president ial models when the Approval Rating of the president is above 50 , it helps the incumbent party. President obamas Approval Rating is at 51, i think is the average. Its not helping. It particularly isnt helping in michigan, where the African American vote is not turning out enough to beat the trump insurgency. The very thing that peggy raised in your panel, charlie, she said i wonder what the white house singling tonight . Even today, the president was on the phone calling radio stations in michigan, in pennsylvania, in florida, encouraging people to go out and vote. I remember sitting at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner where he gave a very impassioned plea and said i would be insulted it would be an insult to my legacy. At one point, even, when he was on the campaign trail said, listen, you know, if you care about what weve done in this white house, think of this as a vote for this to continue. And it seems tonight that voters are sending a very different message. They are sick of washington. Theyre sick of the establishment. Washington has done nothing for the last five or six years. Do they like donald trump, bob . I think thats part of it. I think thats part of it. But i think mostly its people are sick of nothing happening. Its also interesting that having the first woman president may not have been as powerful a factor in this circumstance as we might have imagined. Is it a woman president , charlie, or is it that people just didnt want the woman president to be Hillary Clinton . What do you think . Because i think the country seemed to be ready fair woman president. You look at susan b. Anthonys grave site today gray with that. Yes, of course,. But back to but back to bobs point a moment to make history. When people were worried about Donald Trumps temperament and judgment, and i would talk to trump voters and say to them, do you worry about his temperament and judgment . And they said, maybe but you know i dont care because i want the system dismantled. And if its dismantled then well figure out things out. But the systems never worked for me so the nice ets and judgments never worked for me so lets try to disruption. I would like to see a businessman in the office to see what he can do. If his business is so successful, who knows what he can do for the country. Pelley at the rate of data is coming in at this point we may have a decision in this race in the next 30 minutes or so. Youre looking at the battleground state, the states in blurk Hillary Clinton. The states in red, donald trump. In the remaining state, donald trump has numeric leads in just about all of them. Very slender leadses, maybe 10,000, 20,000 votes out of millions cast, but he does have slender leads in just about all of those remaining states. Major garrett is at the Trump Watch Party tonight. Major. Im sorry, scott, yes. One of the interesting things about this phenomenon that is playing out before the entire nation is the Donald Trump Campaign and led always by donald trump, the single most important force within his campaign, him throughout, is that he can do this without the regular support of the republican establishment. He has been at odds with the speaker of the house, paul ryan. Ive just been talking to senior House Republicans who believe this will give ryan and trump some bit of business to take care of, if in fact these trend lines continue and donald trump becomes president elect of the United States. He fought with other senators, lindsey graham, who was a rifleav him. George w. Bush didnt vote for him. George h. W. Bush, we are told, did not vote for him. This estrangement trump had was always believed to be a weakness. He always believed it was a core strength and a manifestation of what he most represented to those who supported him from the very beginning, that he was against the structure of power as it existed in washington, and more importantly, how those voters who felt left behind by that power structure viewed it. One last thing about trump and this orientation to his supporters. If i heard one thing said about donald trump repeatedly in the 16 months ive been on the road, its that this person, whatever his flaws, cannot be bought. And for lots of meshes who told pollsters for years and years and years theyre frustrated about Campaign Finance or they think the system is someone corrupted by too much money, they decided to stop waiting for legislative remedies or a constitutional amendment. They just put someone or put their support behind someone who they believe, because of his wealth, and because of his understanding of the system having once been a donor but now an outsider of his own, couldnt bought and would really represent their interests and not anybody elses. Pelley Major Garrett really do a magnificent job covering the Trump Campaign from day one. Were going to take a break but before we do, theres some more votes coming in, and they are the votes of wall street. Have a look at the dow. They are down at this moment 840 points. Thats almost 4. 6 . Those are the dow futures as they stand right now. Were going to be back in just a moment. We will break in with any Late Development coming right up. It is Election Night on cbs. It is quite a night on this Election Night and we want to go straight to some of the battleground states. First, the keystone state of pennsylvania with more than 90 of the vote in, cbs news estimates that this is still a tossup. It is a mustwin state for Hillary Clinton. In the state of michigan, with 70 of the vote in, you can see, look at that, just about 20,000 votes separate the two candidates. As toup. And in wisconsin, with about almost 80 of the vote in, also just about 100,000 votes, less than 100,000 votes separating those two candidates. John. Its just amazing to watch these i mean, in pennsylvania now, as i look at tits about 2,000 votes that separates the two of them. Pelley out of five million cast. For those of you who sat at home thinking my vote doesnt count. Wrong again. And so here were watching this enormous country, all of this collective behavior, and its coming down to, you know, a hand full of votes in these states to determine who the next president is. John, when senator al franken was here at the table, and he said, listen, i am the poster child of close elections. Of he said he won his election by 312 votes. He said let that be a lesson, a warning to anybody who,s, it doesnt make a difference if i go and vote. Its moments like this that show yes, it makes a big difference. The florida of 2000 is now pennsylvania. Charlie rose is standing by with our Election Panel tonight. Charlie. Were with Michael Gersen and Michelle Noris and ruth marcus. As yogi berra said its not over until its over, we cant repeat that enough, but donald trump is leading in enough states to get him to 270. So i raise this question what if donald trump becomes president . Well, people concerned about that need to remember that we have strong institutions in america, strong legislative branch, strong judicial branch, and a balance of power system where the president doesnt get to do everything he wants. Although, he has tremendous power on the international stage, and this is someone who the russians wanted to have elected, may have actually helped to get elected. And someone that our Alliance People in our Alliance Structure are very afraid about whats going to happen. Hes going to have to reassure them. So there are going to be a lot, on the international side, a lot of immediate implications. Reporter michelle. You know, but there are checks and balances but if we have a republican in the white house and a Republican Senate and a republican house, you dont sort of have that modulating pressure, perhaps, on someone who is rewarded for being taught, who is rewarded per being piewj listic, who is elected by 25 of his supporters who said they cannot care for his judgment but they elected him anyway. Can he bring people together and figure out how to deal with this deep, wide, roiling chasm that woo vein this country . So i want michael to be write about the resilience and strength of the other branches of government, but im really worried that hes not. Why would we think that republicans in congress, who were not willing to denounce and reject donald trump when he said outrageous things about gold star families and mexican rapists and everything else, would be willing to reject him when he is inhabiting if he is the most powerful position in the land . Yes, the courts exercise a check, but he is going to be able, if he is elected president , to nominate a replacement for Antonin Scalia and cement a conservativeleaning majority on the court. And hes awfully powerful in military affairs. Reporter thank you, ruth. Theres so much more to come. Well be right back after this break. Cbs news continues. Well, this is one kind of a night as we are waiting to announce the 45th president of the United States. A number of battleground states still in the tossup column. Well have much more as cbs News Coverage of Election Night continues. From cbs3 Eyewitness News. This is a campaign 2016 Election Nights update. Good morning everyone. Im Ukee Washington with this election update. The race for president in the commonwealth of pennsylvania is still too close to call. Take a look during the quick math, very tight with a 2000 votes but 20 electoral votes are up for grabs. Trump has the electoral lead 244 to 209. 270 is needed. Natasha brown is with the Trump Campaign in new york tonight for more reaction. Natasha . Reporter well, ukee, good morning to you now, as it is after midnight and we can tell you that the excitement in this crowd here behind us is palpable at this hour. Donald trump has pulled off major wins tonight. Major battleground states, like the state of ohio, North Carolina and florida. Most importantly, cbs news projecting that trump is just about 20 or so electoral votes away from possibly winning the presidency. Pennsylvania, a state traditionally been a blue state Democratic State too close to call even at this hour, trump touted himself as the outsider, someone who can bring a fresh perspective. The billionaire turned reality tv star may be on the virtue of making history. Thats the latest at Trump Campaign. Ukee, back to you we will get back to you later this morning. Tonight, pennsylvania has a new attorney general, josh shapiro beat out challenger John Rafferty and joe holden has been covering that. Hes at shapiro headquarters in king of prussia. Joe . Reporter ukee, good morning, this is a race that is altogether for tonight. Were joined by josh shapiro. Congratulations. What does day one look like we got to restore integrity to our justice system. Ill be bringing in a strong team. Im going to be the peoples attorney general. Im honored and humbled to be elected attorney general and i recognize my task is to be attorney general for all pennsylvaniaian, democrat, republicans and independences. Im going to bring everyone together and work for each of them. Reporter thank you so much for your time. Josh is pointing out to us that he is the highest vote getter in pennsylvania. A lot of people turning out to the polls. This race at this moment is settled. The concession call from John Rafferty came in at 11 30. Live in king of prussia. Joe holden cbs3 Eyewitness News. Thank you for that. Lets check one more race before we call eight morning just for a few minutes. A local race that could have National Implications. The senate race here in the commonwealth of pennsylvania, pat toomey versus Katie Mcginty, and Katie Mcginty 48 a piece with 95 of the vote and many eyes are on this race, no doubt about that. But something tells us this could be awhile before something is settled one way or another. 2,622,600 votes, and 2,664,000 votes for Katie Mcginty. Well bring the latest to you throughout the morning on Eyewitness News. Live local coverage throughout the morning, im Ukee Washington. For our entire team. Well get you back to cbs news, election 2016. We asked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. Travel with my daughter. Roller derby. Now give up half of em. Do i have to . This is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. But, if we start saving even just 1 more of our annual income. We could keep doing all the things we love. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Pelley back now with campaign 2016 Election Night here on cbs. Lets show you where the race is right now at this moment. Were going to go to the Electoral College map. And as you can see on the Electoral College map, Hillary Clinton has 209 Electoral College votes, donald trump 24, well within striking distance of the 270 he needs to win. Whats outstanding. Pennsylvania. Cbs news has not been able to make an estimate there. Its still a tossup. Look at that vote count. They are separated by 2,000 votes in pennsylvania after five million were cast. Michigan, having a look at that now. Look how squeaky tight that is. Donald trump just ahead of Hillary Clinton in michigan. Arizona, still considered by cbs news to be a tossup. Donald trump slightly ahead. Now lets have a look at nevada. Nevada is leaning, in our estimate, toward Hillary Clinton. But not by a great deal. And New Hampshire, donald trump and Hillary Clinton essentially tied there. It is a tossup. This is a review of the 13 battleground states at the beginning of the night might have gone either way. The red states have gone for trump, the blue for Hillary Clinton. And those remaining states you see right there in all but one of them, donald trump has a lead but its a slender lead, and yet, he does not need much. Hold on ufs just looking in pennsylvania, it looks like lebanon is out, and thats about mitt romney won that 63 to 35 in 2012. So in pennsylvania, where its very close, youve got a county that looks like its out, nothings been reported yet. That should be a strong county for republicans. Pelley and by out you mean it hasnt been reported yet. Yes, yes. All right, in nevada, we have a call. Cbs news projects Hillary Clinton will win the state of nevada when all of the votes are counted. This is a state that the Clinton Campaign felt strongly they would do well in, in part because of the early vote and the sizable hispanic population. But nevada has just six electoral votes. But that puts her within 55 of 270. Are you good at math, Bob Schieffer. 55 and one more we can cross off the list. We are now down to five battleground states. And we do think that perhaps in the next half hour we will be able to call who is the 45th president of the United States. We should check in with our correspondents who have been covering these two candidates for more than a year. Lets check in first with Major Garrett who has been covering the Trump Campaign. Major, it sounds look a celebratory mood there. Yeah, theyre feeling very, very good here at the trump Campaign Headquarters. Youll probably hear ripples of applause behind me as various projections come through. Certainly, the trump inner circle feels better than they felt the entire night. They see numerous paths to 270 to make donald trump the next president elect of the United States. I will tell you this in the last week to week and a half, everyone associated in the inner circle of Donald Trumps campaign told me the following, that if this breaks, if there is a collective sense that donald trump is the change agent, that the country says it wants, it will break late, and it will break consistently throughout all of the narrow states. And it wont necessarily be detected by exit polls or polling data. It was that central hunch, ive called it the great hunch repeatedly on cbsn, that is beginning to be borne out by the votes of americans in all or nearly all of the battleground states. That there would be this psychological sense that it was worth taking the chance on donald trump as not only an agent of change, but someone who would bring a stronger sense of leadership dealing with terrorism, dealing with the global economy, meaning globalization, and disrupt the word i heard over and over on the campaign trail, disrupt the washington order. That appears to be whats going on. The sense that that collective psychology might take hold appears to be on the target. Major garrett, thank you. It is late into the night. Nancy cordes hes been at the clinton watch party. And, nancy what, is the mood like there . Reporter norah, its like all the air has been sucked out of the room, and everyone is holding their breath. Its almost entirely silent here. No one thought that this race would be coming down to a state like wisconsin. And heres why. Back in 2012, president obama won that state by seven points. In 2008, he won it by 14 points. Michigan, another state thats too close to call right now, president obama won in 2012 by 10 points. And just for fun, i was looking back at some of the articles that have been in wisconsin newspapers in the past few days sosee what they were saying about this race, and get a load of this headline from earlier today,Hillary Clinton hoping to win wisconsin without setting foot in the state. The article says it was shes the First Major Party nominee not to visit the state during the general election since 1972. The fact that it is so close tells me two things. First of all, that trade was an even bigger issue in some of these midwestern states than the Clinton Campaign believed. And this was one of Donald Trumps signature issues. It also shows, frankly, that a lot of wisconsin democrats probably didnt believe that their own state was a battleground state. They may have grown complacent because the Clinton Campaign wasnt treating wisconsin like a battleground state. A lot of voters may have thought that they didnt need to, either. All right, nancy cordes. Thank you. We should take a look at the toorm map right now, because donald trump leadses with 244 electoral vote. Hillary clinton has 215 electoral votes. That means that donald trump is just 26 vote away from the presidency. Weve still got five states on the map. It could still go either way. I can just throw this on the table, regardless of how this turns out tonight, as you point out, bob, as weve all said, it could go either way, shouldnt he be congratulated or Somebody Just say what hes done is extraordinary. The fact that it started with 17 candidates. Its now Election Night. Its gone right down to the wire, and we still dont know, after midnight, we still dont know how this is going to turn out. If you were a supporter of donald trump, or he wasnt your candidate, what hes accomplished is extraordinary. Extraordinary. Pelley its a remarkable feat. Few of the pollsters would have expected anything like this. I dont know any pollster that predicted this. Pelley ion of the washington elites week expected this, and yet he has essentially done, or is about to do, exactly what he said he would do. Is this, scott, is this a victory for the Republican Party or is this a victory for some new party . Is this the victory for the trump party . I mean, where does the Republican Party go . We talking about if trump lost, would the Republican Party survive . Well, the Republican Party david brooks had a column in the New York Times today calling for a new party. Sure, there will be some calling for a new party. There will be some who see a parade in front of which they now want to run and will try to join in. And there were those who tried to keep their distance from donald trump, who will now join in. And he will, if he becomes the president , if this roll he is on continues, he will need the help of other republicans. What about the Democratic Party . Is the Democratic Party going to survive this . Its not like theyve had great years lately. Pelley donald trump will be the leader of the Republican Party and he will remake it in his own image, if he chooses to. It will be interesting. It will certainly abe different Republican Party than weve known about in the past. Starting with it will me longer be a party for free trayd trade. He thinks of it as more than a party. He thinks of it as a movement. He compared himself to brexit. Yes. Pelley as you might imagine, social media is on fire tonight, and our Elaine Quijano is keeping up with that. Elaine. Scott, one of the most popular hashtags is right now is draintheswamp. Deplorable josh tweets. Ive never been more proud to be a deplorable. I i think all my fellow deplorables, drain the swamp. Election night. Another one, also from a trump supporter tweets, the silent majority stands with donald trump. Drain the swamp. We have one from an account, democrats for trump. The establishment is panicking. Drain the swamp. Lock them all up. At the same time, we have others tweeting under the hashtag america is over party. One of them reading, if you voted trump. You voted trump. If you voted third party. You voted trump. If you didnt vote, you voted trump. So, scott and norah, just a sampling of some of the reactions that were seeing right now over social media. All right, Elaine Quijano. We are waiting on calls in a number of these states that are going to decide this election. John, what state are you looking at . Remember when i was talking about Lebanon County being out, meaning the votes had not been counted yet there in pennsylvania. It was once a 2,000person race. Donald trump was ahead by 2,000 votes. Hes now ahead by 26,000 votes. Lebanon has come in. Pelley he is beginning to pull away, john, as you say in pennsylvania. And he is now leading in the remaining five states. He only needs two or three to win the presidency tonight. And we will be following that for you, and we will break in at any moment that we are able to make an estimate about one of these remaining states. But in the meantime, russia has come up again and again in this campaign. The Clinton Campaign accusing russia of hacking their Democratic National can committee emails and the like. And so we sent our Elizabeth Palmer to moscow to monitor the reaction to the election there. Liz. Reporter good morning. Well, the suns just come up here in moscow. And russians are getting out of bed to discover that donald trump has a plausible path to the white house. Thats going to go down very well here. People generally think of trump as a man that russia can cobusiness with. Hes called nato obsolete, and has praised president putins leadership style. And so russians, who would like better relation wgz the world, they want an end to sanctions, hope this may lead to less aggression between russia and the u. S. Now, the kremlin, you can probably see the kremlin towers behind me, president putin and his insiders probably up all night watching the results come in. President putin is a pragmatist, and he has made it clear he will work with whoever wins the white house. But he may still be hoping that these results bring some kind of discord in the United States because basically, he still sees the owz as an opponent, and anything that weakens it, strengthens the kremlin. Scott, norah. Pelley Elizabeth Palmer in moscow for us tonight. Bob schieffer, did you ever think youd hear that . Well, i can tell you, i havent had time to do a survey yet, but i think moscow is going to be one of the few places this isnt going to be greeted with enthusiasm. I think its going to create a lot of worry in the capitals of the world. I think the japanese are going to theyre going to theyre going to wonder what happens next . Can they count on the United States . I think south korea is going to have problem about this. And all across western europe. This this is going to come as a surprise around the world. Perhaps what about the middle east . Well, yeah, i wouldnt even know how to assess that. I guess theyll like it in syria, but well see where this goes. Pelley we dont want to venture very far from the electoral map. Let us show you again. This is exactly where the race stands right now. Donald trump very close to being the 45th president of the United States, with 244 electoral votes, 270 needed to win. Hillary clinton at 215. There are five swing states still out, and donald trump is leading by tiny margins in all five. In pennsylvania, in particular, which has been the keystone state and a key part of her strategy in order to win the presidency, it appears now that he is opening up a bit of a lead in pennsylvania. John, can Hillary Clinton win without pennsylvania . No. I mean, not especially not the way michigan and wisconsin are going. The problem for Hillary Clinton in pennsylvania is the big area wheres she can get her vote just arent theres nothat much left of her vote in those big areas. Did she under perform obama in philadelphia . All the talk was if she ran up the vote tally essentially in philadelphia, which is why she had that huge rally there with jon bon jovi, with bruce springsteen, the president of the United States, the first lady, was to energize that because pennsylvania has no early vote. Barack obama got 557,000 votes, she got 550,000, only 2,000 votes more than barack obama. And so she didnt she did better than she did better in some of those counties. So, yes, it looks like she did not do big increase on what he had done. Pelley the presidency in the balance. Stay with us. We will be back in just a moment with Election Night on cbs. Re. But today theres entresto® a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto® was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto®. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto® with an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto®. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your heart doctor about entresto®. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. 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John dickerson, as you go through the exit poll information and all the vote coming in, how did he do it . Well, im still looking at that, scott. Its in different ways in different states. He you know, part of it is that if you look at a state like pennsylvania, barack obama 13 of the electorate in 2012 was African American in pennsylvania. So now its only 10 . So Hillary Clintons vote didnt turn out a little. His vote did turn out. Then youve got in florida, North Carolina, youve got gary johnson, the libertarian candidate, got 7 of the vote, took some of the Millennial Vote, which was up in North Carolina, but because johnson was taking it, Hillary Clinton, it looks like didnt grab as much of the Millennial Vote in that close state. In florida, Hillary Clintons strength with suburban excuse me, with White College educated voters did not exist. Donald trump beat her with that group by 20 point. Whereas in a state like pennsylvania, shes up by 20 points with collegeeducated white women. Its a bit of some of it is idiosyncratic to the state, but basically in the rural areas he boosted his support i think there are two big factors. The hispanic vote . I think there are two big factors here. The first factor is seven out of 10 voters are angry, dissatisfied, sick of government. Number one thing. Number two, amongst nearly every age group, blacks, hispanics, independents, she underperformed barack obama. So the Clinton Campaign had talked about that she would build a new kind of coalition, different than the Obama Coalition. It is a different coalition. And she wasnt able to replicate the Obama Coalition of 2012. Pelley i was talking to African American voters in cleveland, and i said, do you feel the enthusiasm that you did for obama . And they were telling me no. I hope we have a big turnout, but i dont feel the groundswell. Which is why president obama made such a push to black voarpts in a personal appeal saying you have knot to get out and vote. Charlie rose is with the political analysis. Were with lesley san chelz, and ruth marcus of the washington post. This is more than a national election. Absolutely. Talking to a lot of folks, certainly in the Republican Party, they feel this is an epic certainly historic global event, especially when you combine it with brexit, which was very much a big part of Donald Trumps argument. Hes also talking about the fact and norah was talk this in the bug cities you saw the democratic machine turn out but we whatwe see now is an avalanche of rural voters, small cities, the suburbs, the exushes that turned out in a bag way for donald trump, and nobody really saw that wave coming. Theres a saying that ideas dont run for president. People do. I think in this election, you had two very controversial people. And ultimately, you saw the motivating factor for Hillary Clintons voters, among the Barack Obamas constituencies, the younger voters, minority communities, et cetera, not be as much of a motivating factosh as the motivation of Trump Supporters, both for him and against her. Ruth. I know you dont want to hear this word, but im going to have to say recount. It could be donald trump wins tonight and Hillary Clinton concedes, but if things are close in enough state, its very possible we could enter the 2016 version of a recount, which is recounting provisional ballots. It probably is not going to happen but it definitely could. Ben, i have to go to break. Well be right back. More from cbs news election central. Stay with us. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. When i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . 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Well be back shortly with more Election Night on from cbs3 Eyewitness News this is the campaign 16 Election Night update. Good morning, im Ukee Washington. The race for president in the commonwealth of pennsylvania is still relative close. Donald trump is pulling away. He is now up 35,000 votes with 20 electoral votes up for grabs. Lets give you a live look at trump headquarters in new york city. Supporters are gathered there, celebrating his Strong Performance against Hillary Clinton as Donald J Trump inches closer to becoming the 45th president of the United States. The mood is exactly the opposite across town for the Clinton Campaign. There are still a few key states that we are awaiting results for. We will have them, cbs news will have them. Heres some results. A local race closely watched. The senate race in pennsylvania, here are the latest results with almost 100 reporting Katie Mcginty is down to pat toomey 49 to the incumbent to 48 pertains percent. David spunt is on the Toomey Campaign headquarters trail and david joins us from breinigsville, pennsylvania. David . Reporter ukee, were waiting for pat toomey to come out. We havent heard from him. We heard from him after he voted and announced that he was voting for donald trump. He waited until the 11th hour to make that known that he was voting for donald trump. Hes not a big fan of donald trump, but it will be interesting to see if he becomes President Trump and senator toomey will get electeds, a couple of gop officials came out on stage. About 20 or so minutes ago to kind of announce that pat toomey is in the building, things are looking up. Donald trump has a lead in pennsylvania, a sizeable lead and you have to wonder is thats why pat toomey is doing so well in pennsylvania right now. Again, were expecting to see senator pat toomey. But im told hes still waiting for a concession wall from Katie Mcginty. Ukee . Thank you so much. Keep us updated. We will get back to you. Lets switch sides and get over to alexandria hoff. Shes at mcginty headquarters in center city. The issue for the Katie Mcginty campaign is that it was expected that Hillary Clinton would hold a small but still solid lead here in pennsylvania and that Katie Mcginty would benefit from voters going straight down that ballot. Well, that idea has been thrown out the window. The mood here reflects that. As for the senate, this race has been and will be crucial for determining whether the senate will remain under republican control. Right now, republicans are three away from that majority and democrats four. As you mentioned ukee, 97 reporting right now with a difference of now about 60,000 votes in favor of pat toomey. Reporting from Katie Mcgintys headquarters in center city, alexandria hoff cbs3 Eyewitness News. You stand by, we will get back to you shortly. Alex and david spunt. Thats going to do it for our coverage here at cbs3, cbs news returns after a short break. Im Ukee Washington. See you in a bit. Pelley in the west, it is Election Night on cbs. In the east, it is election morning on cbs. It has been a long night, a fascinating night. Donald trumps night, so far. Let us show you the electoral map. Donald trump well within striking distance of becoming 45th president of the United States. Hillary clinton with 215 electoral votes, donald trump with 244. The red states for trump, blue states for clinton. The white states are those we have not been able to make an estimate because the race is too close to call. The polls have just closed in the last state, and that is in alaska. But while these states that you see in white are too close to call, donald trump is leading new mercally by small margins in all five. This is something from the exit poll. 73 of voters say they made up their mind over a month ago which means the access Hollywood Tape made very little difference, neither did the f. B. I. Hillary clinton email controversy. So seems the cake was already baked. If you were for Hillary Clinton or donald trump a month ago, its still that. There was so much speculation about the ups and downs of the campaigns, switching peoples minds, that doesnt seem to be the case. Everyone at home has their note pads doing the math to the different path to victory. Lets go to the states to give everyone the latest tally in those states weve yet to call. Well start first with the battlegrounds which we can show you there. One state not on this battleground and ill tell you that in a moment. First, through these browns battlegrounds tonight. Pennsylvania, 97 of the vote in the biggest electoral prize still left there. Michigan, donald trump has a slight lead there. Wisconsin, Hillary Clinton did not visit the state since the primary, donald trump did, spent money there, it benefited him. Arizona, Hillary Clinton, the gold water girl originally hoped to make a play there but donald trump leaning in the state of arizona. New hampshire at this hour a tossup. Those are the states still left on the map. The one state weve not talked about in a bit as we were all trying to do the math here is New Hampshire. Another one of these states that the Clinton Campaign had felt comfortable about, had assumed it was in the democratic column, but at this hour, as you can see, right here, this is a tossup, according to cbs news. I remember a conversation with john and he said he talked to the trump people and said why are you going to minnesota . Again, in the stories we look back on this campaign, the trump people had a different set of data. It was consumerrelated data. It was not sort of the normal state of the art political polling, and a lot of the people in the republican circles who looked at the trump polling and their method thought, you know, its not the same when youre selling a Consumer Product as when youre selling a candidate. Well, it turns out that the trump people knew something with their special black box of assessing the world, they figured out who their voters were and they figured out how to get to them and it looks like theyre getting to them. Kellyanne conway was just here this morning when we were all here however many hours ago and she said one of the story lines of this campaign will be about how many nonpolitical experts were involved in the Trump Campaign. Their director of an littics, social media, people who never worked on a president ial campaign before, pollsters who didnt predict this would happen, that traditional class of consultants and pollsters made a lot of money on these contests winning and losing for their candidates. We still dont know anything about maine. There are four electoral votes up there and the polls just closed in alaska. Lets dont forget old alaska up there. Three electoral votes but those might matter. It might matter. One to have the themes of this campaign has been kind of outsider populist versus the elites. Well, thats the message part but its also grew the campaign in the way it was run, were going to do it our different way, were not listening to the specialists and experts, though they used some from the Republican National committee, but it was an outsider campaign. Talking about the special and experts, you cant get more special and expert than the clinton machine. Right. What does this say if comes down for Hillary Clinton and donald trump, what does this say went wrong in h her campaign if it doesnt turn out her way this evening . If were taking just about the Clinton Campaign its got to be the democrats were not excited about her and they did everything they could with the stateoftheart, but another cliche of politics they say the ground game and structure is good for a field goal but you have to get within a field goal. And she has the backing of a president with high approval rates at this time. Thats right and we havent seen a connection between an incumbent and challenger like this, even bush and reagan didnt campaign the way these two did. I just think that outsider versus insider and those insiders who make a living trying to predict the turnout of the vote are scratching their heads saying they got this totally wrong. The Political Science books will get rewritten. If my math is right, there is now 67 votes still on the board, still in play here. She needs 55. He needs 26. That shows you how close it is. Nobody campaigned harder for Hillary Clinton in many of these swing states in recent weeks than president obama and margaret brennan, is at the white house for us tonight, margaret. Well, a crowd gathered here, scott, but the silence from the white house is deafening. President obama argued that the very fate of the republic, his words, hinged on this election, and he was on the stump for his successor more than any other president in modern history. Donald trump, a man ehe called uniquely unfit for office, is going to deal obamas historic presidency a serious blow. Clintonen promised she would protect his significant achievement obamacare which has been damaged in recent months, pledged to undertake immigration reform, roll out environmental protections and defend that landmark nuclear deal with iran which trump says hes going to tear up. Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland doesnt look like hell get confirmed, leaving us with a commit supreme court. Trump said hell renegotiate obamas free trade deal with asia and other alliances so this will make it very difficult monday when president obama heads to europe to try to reassure allies that america will stand by their defense particularly considering that trump has made friendly overtures to russia. How is he going to explain this pledge to possibly start a trade deal with china . So this is going to be really difficult for the white house to explain away in the light of day. But president obama said before the polls closed that when the sun rises, america will still be the greatest nation on earth. I think its safe to say he didnt think he would wake up to this kind of result. Pelley margaret, sounds like and looks like there is a really large crowd around the white house. Whats going on . Reporter well, scott, there has been a crowd gathering over the past few hours and its gotten much, much larger just in the past 30 minutes or so, and you have seen more secret service move towards that front gate of the white house just trying to protectively get things under control or watch for any threats. Youve got a mix here. Youve got black lives matter chants, antidonald trump chants, pro hillary chants, red, white and blue balloons, some singing the american anthem and other patriotic sounds earlier. So its hard to, in many ways, pull through the gate exactly where sentiment is. It sounds just as confused as many of the political experts have been in predicting this outcome. Pelley margaret, thanks very much. On january 20th, there is going to be a new resident in the most splen did of all Public Housing in america there on pennsylvania avenue. It will be interesting to see the world reaction to this result tonight, however it goes down. Especially i think people will be surprised its gone so down to the wire. Secretary kerry was saying the other day parts of this election have been downright embarrassing. I do think its important to point out this hour, it is 1 10, and the reason weve not made a call is because this race is so close in so many of these states. And can still go either way. It can still go either way. And while donald trump has had a very good night, were still looking very closely at a number of these counties that are coming in and we want to bring you all that data as it becomes available to us. It could go either way but there are more ways for donald trump than Hillary Clinton. Yes, if youre donald trump and looking at pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, youre seeing states in which the numbers are growing in your favor in those states, and if you couple that with what has happened tonight, you know, the momentum of the moment is with him. So you would rather be donald trump in this scenario. And hes leading in the popular vote as well. Yeah. Now, as we talk about all these things, i want to remind you who are watching us right now that the moment any one of these states can be estimated in the favor of one candidate or the other, we will drop what were doing, we will tell you instantly, you will be the first to know. Having said that, charlie rose has some insightful panelists for us to listen to right now. Charlie . Michael gertz, peggy of the wall street journal and frank luntz. Frank, what do you think . This is inconceivable five or six hours ago. First, all exit polling should be banned. The fact is the numbers were wrong all the way across the table on state after state after state, the 5 00 p. M. The second wave got it wrong. Second, there is still a hidden trump vote. People who refuse to tell pollsters who they voted for will not acknowledge it and i think they will come out of the woodwork tonight. Third, how do you address the anger . Those are the people who want to tear up, blow up washington. Theyre going to have to figure out a way to work with them, with the house, the senate. This will be the most chaos weve seen in washington in a long, long time. Your belief is trump has won . Es, ive had a chance to look at the counties, i believe trump will be the next president. I think there are, keep this in mind, tens of millions of americans tonight who are experiencing this evening not only as a political event and an historical event, but as a spiritual event. They feel grateful, they feel they are rebuking a decade establishment that has richly earned a rebuke in 25 different ways. Spoke to a friend of mine, major trump supporter this evening, i just spoke to him, i said, how did you react when you realized this was going to happen . Hes a tough, hardboiled guy, he said it was 9 00 p. M. And i burst into tears. He said, this is really going to be something, but he said, its the right thing we are certain, and leave it there. We often saw in this campaign when the focus was on donald trump, his numbers were down, when the focus was on Hillary Clinton, her numbers went down. My question at this hour of this election day, was this a victory for trump or a loss for Hillary Clinton . Was it about trump or clinton . Well, i think its hard to argue that this isnt a victory for trump. His people came out in the right places and numbers and brought an extraordinary upset, one of the largest in American History. The largest political upset in American History if we goes on to win this . Certainly. Biggest since 1948. I have to add this is also a validation of a certain kind of politics, more cruel, more ruthless, more personal than any ive seen in my lifetime. He has a huge burden if he wins this election to do some form of outreach to say that this is a single country, and not use, you know, groups to attack in that way. I dont know if hes capable of that, but every president has that and this president more than others. If he wins its not only the biggest political upset of our memory but is it also the most transformative election because of who he was, how he campaigned and what he did . I think thats fair. On foreign policy, this is a total change from the reagan foreign policy. Its a change from the bush foreign policy. I mean, it is a removal its almost like kicking away from the past 15 years. And his supporters, i must say, you said trump said he would do this and it is a remarkable thing. His supporters, too, all along, said they were going to accomplish what they accomplished tonight. It is quite an achievement. But the problem is, ive talked to his supporters a lot in the last year, on your show, they want revenge. They dont want cooperation and compromise. What does revenge mean . They want to get even with the people in washington and wall street to did them down. What do you mean . Ith the politician who is didnt listen, with tabis who sent jobs to foreign countries, get even with a society who they think has turned against them. They think theyve lost america and want it back. There is also a confidence in the trump government. The Dow Jones Futures are going down and down with great concern of what it means. It does feel like brexit. Its a very similar turning of the establishment and then the financial establishment quaking and quivering. Well see what follows that. He wont be able to populate his government with loyalists. Hes need republicans to do this. People like senator corker secretary of state that would be reassuring, he could make moves like that. Whats the possibility this election will be challenged and have months and month of well, well see what kind of a margin were looking at at the end of the night. If this is close, close, close, looks to me like there may be movement in theiary of questioning certain state outcomes. If it seems for definitive than that, i would think it appropriate that it be accepted, and i would kind of expect that, although mrs. Clinton is not someone shes like trump in that neither of them would be quick to do a concession speech. So well see how that goes. This is not about them, this is about their voters and their voters are going to protest. We see it tonight in front of the white house. Mark my words, tomorrow those protests will grow. Let me turn it over to scott. As we try to find out are we any way closer to a decision we go to scott at the decision desk. Pelley this is the decision desk and these are some of americas best political scientists and stat tigs and statisticians and vote counters and they are looking at the last few states that are going to make a difference and this is under the direction of anthony salvanto, our director of elections here at cbs. Anthony, when we were here about an hour ago, the board looked just like this. Just like that. Why dont we know what the votes are in these states yet . Similar story all across here, scott. It is down to figuring out just how many absentee ballots there are left around detroit and in wayne county, places where Hillary Clinton has been doing okay, but if shes going to catch donald trump who has a slight lead in the total vote, they will have to to be made up in there. Hes doing better than republicans typically do in counties all around it. Pelley and in the remaining states in the upper midwest . Yeah, its a similar story in wisconsin where were looking around milwaukee, were hearing reports that there are still ballots outstanding, not everything has been counted in and around milwaukee, that is critical. As you see, Hillary Clinton is winning there. The only question is, are there more ballots there that can help her catch up. Pelley winning in Milwaukee County but not the state of wisconsin overall. But not in the state of wisconsin. This is still relatively close for the state if the rest of milwaukee comes in. We have been seeing 99 in, but this is a story weve told all night, which is the turnout is so high throughout so many of these states that not everyone knows exactly how many ballots are still outstanding. Pelley now, weve talked about an historic high turnout in florida. Mmhmm. Pelley have you also seen historymaking turnouts in other states or do we know yet . Yes, there has been high turnout but i tell you it favors donald trump in that the turnout has been higher in more rural areas, in more exurban areas where his voters have been strong. Its not so much a pattern where people are swinging as it is relative to the turnout Hillary Clinton got in her strongholds. Pelley youre seeing a massive turnout of his voters and thats why the math looks like it does right now . Yep. Pelley what do you have to have in order to make estimates in the remaining states . The ballots that are remaining. You have to have the rest of them counted in and included in those sounds so that once we can say where a state is going at this point, its less about models and patterns as it is about a raw vote, when it gets down to tend of the night an its this close. So once they say, okay, thats it, were done counting, thats where you can call the state. Pelley what is the path for Hillary Clinton to win at this point . How is that possible . Well, shell have to hang on to pennsylvania, thats going to be extremely narrow if she does, and then all of these states up here. Pelley she will have to sweep them . Shell have to sweep them. Pelley donald trump . What are his paths. Donald trump has a lot of paths. We expect not all the votes are counted in arizona but he has a slight lead there, then he would just need one or two of these other states where they have the slim lead. Once they finish counting, if he hangs on to the lead, he would go up and over. Much easier with Hillary Clinton. Donald trump with 244. 270 needed to win. Well within striking distance of being the 45th president of the United States. Back with the latest vote total information on Election Night on cbs. Cbs. Want longer lasting heartburn relief . Try. Duo fusion duo fusion goes to work in seconds and lasts up to 12 hours. Tums only lasts up to 3. For longer lasting relief. 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You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. This is the closest president ial election ive covered and i did cover the 2012 president ial election. In a number of states, close vote tallies. Anthony mason, what are we witnessing tonight . We want to look at the exit polls to see what the recipe is for motivating trump voters, and you could kind of if you remember the 1976 film network and howard behl, im mad at hell and not going to take it anymore, its that kind of coalition because 38 of voters told us theyre angry at the federal government, 93 said the country is on the wrong track. 77 said the fight with i. S. I. S. Is going badly. 57 said trade is taking jobs away. I remember going back a decade and covering the economy hearing middle class voters in ohio telling me they felt washington protected the rich and poor and forgot about them and in the last 16 years the Median Income in this country has not moved. That is a recipe for anger norah. Anthony mason, thank you. If i could follow up on what anthony said, one of the things that united the trump voters is 77 said they want that wall, something he announced on the first ride down the escalator 500plus days ago, they want the wall. And whos going to pay for it . Mexico. And then as we witnessed in the debate, Hillary Clinton challenged him on whether trump had the guts to bring it up, with the president of mexico, as to who would pay for thewell. We have more information ahead. Well take you inside the battleground states we have yet to call, also why some are calling it a tossup, has to do with absentee ballots in some of the main cities of the battleground states. More straight ahead as Election Night continues. From cbs3 Eyewitness News. This is the campaign 16 Election Night update. Good morning, everyone, im Ukee Washington with the election update. Breaking news. Pennsylvania senator pat toomey won reelection. This was a local race that is also being closely watched nationwide. Heres a look at the numbers. Toomey was up 82,000 votes when Associated Press called it just moments ago. Toomey victory means republicans will retain control of the United States senate the david spunt is live at toomey headquarters in breinigsville, pennsylvania. David, a lot of happy people there tonight. Reporter ukee, a lot of extremely happy people. Folks broke out in god bless america, the song about ten minutes ago, waiting on senator toomey to come out and give the victory speech. We assume hes getting a concession call at some point from Katie Mcginty. He faced an uphill battle in pennsylvania. Hes a republican but never really supported donald trump. He only announced his support tonight about an hour before polls closed. It will be interesting to see relationship between a likely President Donald Trump and senator pat toomey. Just had a chance to spoke with congressman of Lehigh County but they look forward to looking forward to working with a likely President Trump. Katie mcginty started off with strong numbers. It shows you these numbers can change by the minute. Pat toomey folks never gave up. You know what . Theyre declaring victory. Were waiting for senator toomey to come out we will bring his comments to you. Now alexandria hoff. Shes at mcginty headquarters. Katie mcginty is expected to take the stage at a any moment. Mood of this room took a hit. In a threehour period she went from up 20 to down by 80,000 something odd votes which is where we are right now. The expectation for this campaign was that clinton would have a small but still solid lead here in pennsylvania and that Katie Mcginty would benefit from people just voting down that ballot. Clearly. That is not what happened at least on the democratic side. Were here awaiting the concession speech from Katie Mcginty right now here at her Campaign Headquarters at the sheridan in center city. Ukee, well send it back. The 82,000 number came within last 45 minutes to an hour. Right now, were still waiting for a winner in the race for president in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Lets take a look at those numbers. Autopsy 1 30 in the morning, theyre the numbers right there, 49 for donald trump, Hillary Clinton with 48 . Once again, the Electoral College is the big thing here, donald trump with 244 electoral votes. Needs 270 to win the commonwealth of pennsylvania has 20 electoral votes up for grabs. Lets give you a look at trump headquarters in new york city, supporters are gathered there celebrating Strong Performance against Hillary Clinton. Well get that in just a little bit. There they are. You can tell from the hats, theyre the United States flags. They know what the result will probably be even though it is not over until it is over. Its not over yet. A live look at the clinton headquarters and the overall math, Hillary Clinton with 215 electoral votes, donald trump with 244. Were going to stay on this. And when the senate, the senate come out between mcginty and too scalpel. I have no idea what im doing. Im just a tv doctor. I never went to college. scream i dont do blood. But now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. Is that a foot . We are the tv doctors of america. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. Doctor poses. Cigntogether, all the way. Pelley its Election Night on cbs and we are watching these final vote totals coming in. If you didnt vote today because you thought your vote wouldnt count, how wrong you were in many of these states. Lets have a look at the electoral vote board as the race stands right now, Hillary Clinton 215 electoral votes, donald trump 244. That hasnt changed lately because the states you see in white are so close we cannot even estimate who the winner is going to be yet. We are watching the last vote totals come in on many of these states and it is that what were going to have to rely on in order to tell you who has won them. But we can say at this point in the five swing states, donald trump does have a small knew nuc lead in all of those. He is knocking on the door of 1600 pennsylvania avenue and it could be pennsylvania that puts him over the top. If you have a look at the board there, donald trump with 2. 8 million votes, Hillary Clinton 2. 7 million votes. It doesnt get a whole lot closer than that, folks. Now here is wisconsin, also, a very close result. Lets have a look at the battlegrounds in their entirety. There were 13 states at the ebeginning of at the beginning of election day yesterday, and 13 battleground states that were going to decide the election. The ones marked in red are the ones weve estimated will go to donald trump, the ones in blue Hillary Clinton and the ones not colored are the states outstanding. John dickerson, how has donald trump done this . Hes done it by running up the score in the rural parts of america, in the parts when we first met with donald trump back in 2015 in his office he said basically it was pretty simple, he needed to turn out the vote that mitt romney couldnt turn out in the conservative base at the he knew was there and he knew he would be able to turn out and he did. Pelley the conventional wisdom sorry, gayle is what the Republican Party must do in order to win is bring in women, africanamericans, latinos, and donald trump has repudiated that and proven that that was not the case. Thats right. There was a bit of a debate whether you had to do that immediately for this president ial election cycle or whether you had to get on your way to doing it because the demographic changes would hurt the party in 2020. Well, he said forget all that, and he went and did it his own way and found his own people to do it. He also said all along he didnt need the g. O. P. Establishment to accomplish what he wanted to do and he certainly didnt. Didnt. And we should pile up the things against him including the ad spending by the clinton team and allies plus the celebrities plus all the other media in the kind of popular media, the entertainers were against him. He had a lot going against him. He smirked at the Clinton Campaign the other day when he said there is no j. Lo, no jayz, no katy perry, its just me and i dont sing and look at the crowd that came just to see me, and i tell you, its a beautiful thing. Clearly that works for him. He was right about that. Money is the milk of politics, he says. Hillary clinton outspent donald trump by a lot. Hillary clinton raised about 1. 3 billion including state party committees. Donald trump, it was about 800 million. She had about a 500 million advantage. She creamed him when it was on the airways in the summer, she way outspent him. She was on the airways when he wasnt. So hes managed to do this well despite some of the structural advantages that favored the democrats. Pelley about six hours ago, there were high spirits at the Clinton Campaign headquarters here in manhattan but that changed dramatically. Nancy cordes is here for us this morning. Nancy . I just talked to a democratic strategist close to the Clinton Campaign who said no one is considering this over yet, they are not delusional either. And he brought up a name we havent heard a lot of over the past few hours and that is james comey. He argued the reason the Clinton Campaign was surprised by the close races in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania is partly because no one could have seen this bombshell coming two weeks ago, that the f. B. I. Director would send a letter to congress informing him his agent were looking at new emails relate to Hillary Clintons use of a private server, that he hand many other democrats are going to argue that that turned off a lot of White Working Class voters who were trying to decide at that point between Hillary Clinton and donald trump, and further they argued that even a couple of days ago comey essentially sent another letter saying never mind, weve looked at these emails, it doesnt change our fundamental understanding of the case. All that did was inject the email issue which has always been a loser for her right at the end of the race. Its essentially one day before election day. So you will see a lot of democrats arguing that he had a role to play if she loses in her loss. Republicans, on the other hand, will say if she hadnt used a private email account and server in the first place then he wouldnt have sent any letters at all. Pelley lets remember the days before the Democratic National convention when she was having a knockdown, dragout fight with Bernie Sanders who generated a National Movement of his own on the democratic side. How much do you think that hurt Hillary Clinton . I think it was very difficult for her because, during that race, Bernie Sanders tied her very closely to wall street over and over again, he called her the candidate of wall street, and that was something that hadnt been a huge problem for her historically but that combined with all the big speeches she gave to wall street firms in the year leading up to her decision to get into the race really showed people felt she was the insider. So he did come around in the general election and get behind her, but he was more convincing making a case against trump than he was making a case for clinton. And in some of these states, i think you will see that the margin of victory for donald trump could ent up being close to the number of votes that these thirdparty candidates wrapped up, and those are votes primarily coming from young people, from disaffected supporters of Bernie Sanders, in many cases, who might have otherwise gone for Hillary Clinton. We had an exit poll about an hour ago that said 74 of the people who cast their votes today made up their mind a month ago. Although when you look at the results tonight, i want to thank kate mcginty. Im deeply humbled by this victory. Im incredibly honored that the people of pennsylvania are giving me another term in the United States senate. [cheers and applause] thank you so much. Possession of an instrument of crime i need to thank but it needs to start with the person who is my most important constituent and the person that makes this possible, makes our family life possible. And without her, i certainly wouldnt be here and i love her and grateful and thats my wife, chris [cheers and applause] i also want to thank the big kids in our family who have had a in a bit of occasions when dad couldnt be there with them because we were out on the campaign trail. Our little guy, im hoping hes asleep in bed because hes only six. Is this bridgeton and patrick. Im grateful for them. I have to give a huge thanks to an absolutely unbelievable Campaign Team. My Campaign Team just amazing peter towey, the campaign manager, phenomenonal. And the whole team, really. Mostly, mostly, young men and women who worked their heart out im enormously greatful. I appreciate the work of these guys who played a huge role in the United States senate. A lot of people. He started off with his wife chris and entire family and the entire constituents. Before we go, ap is calling the commonwealth of pennsylvania for donald trump. When it comes to the race for president , give him 264 of the 270 needed to become the 45 and president of the United States. Well have more on our morning show at 4 30 in the morning and cbsd has been following the campaign in wisconsin. Chip . Reporter well, hi, scott. You can see behind me that theyve torn this room apart here. This is where paul ryan had his victory celebration tonight on his reelection for his ninth term for the house of representatives and we are told that earlier this evening paul ryan called donald trump and congratulated him on his big night and they say they had a very nice conversation. Its a very interesting dance were going to see between these two if donald trump does pull out this victory because you may recall that a month ago after that tape was released, the billy bush tape in which donald trump talked so rudely and lewdly about women, paul ryan was so offended that he said he wassent going to defend him anymore and he wasnt going to campaign with him. That really angered a lot of Trump Supporters and tonight some are saying that trump should do everything he can to keep paul ryan from being reelected as speaker. So youve got a real drama going on here in wisconsin aside from the fact that this race is so close and, by the way, when we first came out here a few days ago to cover this, we didnt come to cover it as a battleground state, we came to cover the battle between trump and rhine. It only became a battleground state today. So people really missed what was going on here. Pelley chip reid in wisconsin for us tonight. Also, we should make note that the democrats needed to pick up five seats in order to take control of the senate, and they have failed to do that. The senate will remain in republican hands. We will have the latest vote totals for you when we come back as Election Night on cbs continues. Sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They dont taste chalky and work fast. Mmmm. Incredible. Can i try . She doesnt have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. 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Pelley okay. One more time from our experts. We have mark, and michelle. Think about this and what do we add to this conversation, donald trump pivoting to governing . That is the question. It is someone who has not pivoted really to anything and has been one of the more sort of overused buzz words in this whole election. He never pivoted to being a nominee. He did it is h way. Hes obviously promise add great deal. Well see if he can deliver. In prod principles tha that r than programs. But tone would be the first thing. How gracious would he choose to be if elected. And cant forget Chris Christie is his Transition Committee chairman. Donald trump was elect bid people who want him to bring change to washington should he be elected, thats what theyre looking for. Oftentimes when president s are eelectricked people see the pivot almost immediately. When barack obama was electted in 2008, people said they could see something immediately change in his voice and demeanor. I dont know if you will see that from donald trump, thats not who he is and what weve seen throughout the campaign. The last time youve seen someone like donald trump rise to this level of office it was andrew jackson. Donald trump will have to turn to advisors who will give him advice on how to participate and run the Actual Office of the presidency. The question from my perspective right now is what is the very first note that he found . A con cilia tore note where he says we must not be enemies but friends. It must be an approach that he is not going to use the office of the presidency to engage in vindictive behavior that he has in the course of the election. There is hue multiand vindication. You have a sense he will take his victory if he were to win as a sign that his way was the way to get him here. I think clearly any newly elected president will Say Something comes over you the second that looks like youre going to be elected. So many things that during this campaign we said he wont get beyond this, but it looks like he will. The ultimate i told you so administration. Although weve not been able to find his way yet to 270 votes. You know, it is a situation that is unprecedented in a lot of ways. I think a lot of americans now are concerned about the direction their country is taking. A lot of people didnt support donald trump. I think its incumbent upon us to be hopeful about the fact that a hot of americans have given voice to concern and to i think a rising well of frustration. Also incumbent on him to recognize there are great reservations and an active leadership is to reassure a nation. Were a nation of states, and you may not hear that from him, but you can i mean, this is for some people, this is a very scary moment. This feels like a thunder clap for a lot of people. You may see the leadership coming from the states, not washington. The thing to keep in mind is while we look at this as a moment of chaos and from the world and the market i think they are looking at it, but from thespective of the people who voted for trump this is abact of democracy, sending a message that the system needs to change. Back to scott. Pelley charlie, thank you very much. But wherever you are on Donald Trumps successes this evening, about 56 million americans are happy about it and 55 million americans are not, those being the popular vote totals. Major garrett is at the trump headquarters tonight. Major . Reporter scott, the crowd and it may start to chant again but a few moments ago was bellowing call it, call it, call it. This is a sense in the midtown hilton where donald trump has his victory headquarters that they are on the cusp of this historic breakthrough propelling donald trump a political novice, no military experience, unprecedented in the history of the american presidency, the 45th president of the United States. They believe that moment is coming soon. Voters believe this is an expression of their definition of democracy, their definition of what america is, ought to be and can possibly be and believe donald trump is their best voice in achieving that. A couple of quick words about his approach to governing. I have been talking to republicans on capitol hill. They are not necessarily optimistic but theyre san theyn about dealing with donald trump, one reason specifically, mike pence, the former member of the house, well known, well respected, they expect donald trump to lean heavily on mike pence for many of his first legislative initiatives, specifically to rapidly and replace and repeal the Affordable Care act. And who is one of mike pences closest friends in the United States congress . Speaker of the house paul ryan. There is some Great Expectations among republicans i have been talking to tonight that mike pence can be a bridge between donald trump and the speaker of the house and a productive one at that. Pelley Major Garrett, thank you very much, major. Let us bring you up to date on where the election is. Whats taking so long . Its that close and really matters what some of the vote totals are because they are so close in so many of the states. This is the Electoral College map we have for you. Hillary clinton 215. Donald trump 244. Well within striking distance of the 270 he needs to win. The states in white are the states where the polls have closed but still, after hours of counting, the race is so close in those states, cbs news has been unable to make a projection of the winner. Norah, take us through some of the individual steps. Let me quickly why we are not able to call this race because what rates still remain on the table, here is my rough sketch of arizona, wisconsin, pennsylvania, maine, New Hampshire, nebraska, add up to 79 electoral votes and the right number getting you to 270 would win you the presidency. Quickly, weve not seen donald trump or secretary Hillary Clinton yet tonight. Clearly they are behind doors with their closest advisors and family looking at these results, and we are looking at these results trying to figure out who is the winner tonight. Clintons Campaign Chairman john podesta left the hotel and headed to the Javits Center. So perhaps well get an update from the Clinton Campaign about what they see in the results. Now to pennsylvania, the keystone state and key to a Hillary Clinton win tonight. We see here that its narrowed since the last time we looked at this. He opened up a bit of a margin, now were back to less than 80,000 votes. One of the reasons that cbs news has not called this up until now, the last update i received is there was a question about absentee ballots the n and from the ballots in and from the philadelphia area. Michigan, looks like to me less than 70,000 votes in the state of the michigan. Again, some discussion about absen see ballots around the detroit area. Arizona, what has been a traditionally republican state but has the largest number of hispanics of all the battleground states, you see donald trump with a margin there. Wisconsin, a state that Hillary Clinton did not visit since the primary, and donald trump is doing quite well in that state but also if you look at the the vote tally, its close. And New Hampshire. Look at this. Less than 4,000 votes in the state of New Hampshire. Its just four electoral votes, but had al gore won New Hampshire . 2000, h he would have been president of the United States. The gary johnson the spoiler for Hillary Clinton, the independent candidate . Well have to look in places like North Carolina and florida where he got the younger vote, the 18 to 29yearolds, well have to look at the margins to see if theyre big enough. We started out the night saying it was very difficult for donald trump to get his six different pathways. Now the narrative has flipped. It is very difficult for Hillary Clinton with those deficits and those three states of wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan to succeed in winning those and then you would still have to deal with New Hampshire and maine. Isnt it also true that no matter which one of them wins, it would be by a razorthin margin, perhaps, in some of these battlegrounds . Perhaps. But if he were to win all of them, he would be in the 300 range on electoral votes and once you go over 300, you get to Start Talking about but wisconsin. If he wins wisconsin and pennsylvania that gets him over 300. Is that likely . To norahs point, in the popular vote, theyre sprighted by 1 . Out of 100 million votes theyre separated by 1 million votes so that shows you how narrowly divided the nation is. Elaine . Gary johnson, our team has been doing the math, and with respect to florida, for instance, under 130,000 votes separated these two candidates, but when you look at the combined vote totals for gary johnson and jill stein, that number is in the neighborhood of 267,800 votes. So you consider the effect that the thirdparty candidates had in a battleground state like florida, were also looking at states like pennsylvania and wisconsin, the numbers are fluctuating, but now Something Like 70,000, 80,000 votes in pennsylvania separating the two candidates. Johnson and stein combined had about 188,000 votes separating them. So 188,000 votes combined. You see the effect of this. Im hearing from the Clinton Campaign that the reason Campaign Chairman john podesta left the hotel and secretary clinton is he is going to the Javits Center to say it is too close to call. So i think, you know, they know that people are leaving the Javits Center, that we saw the pictures earlier that people were dispirited, some even crying. Now the Campaign Chairman is going over to rally the troops and, according to an official inside the Clinton Campaign, saying its too close to call. Too close to call or not wanting to accept reality . Some are saying its not so close to call. Pelley we will be back with nor nbc News Coverage of students historic election. Its Election Night on cbs. We live in a pick and choose world. Love or like . Naughty or nice . Calm or bright . But at bedtime why settle for this . Enter sleep number. Dont miss the semiannual sale, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow give the gift of amazing sleep. Only at a sleep number store, right now save 500 on the queen cse mattress with sleepiq technology. Learn more at sleepnumber. Com know better sleep with sleep number. It is Election Night on cbs. We have breaking news. Cbs news has now made an estimate in the state of maine. We are projecting that when all the votes are counted, Hillary Clinton will be the winner in the state of maine. With its four electoral votes. That brings Hillary Clintons total up to 218. Donald trump 244. But still, a very steep hill for Hillary Clinton to climb. Again, we are looking inside those additional states. Really the ones that, animated our

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