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Im morley safer. Im morley safer. Im morley safer. Kroft morley safer, a reporters life on this special edition of 60 minutes. Life is a sport. We are the utility. The new ford escape. Be unstoppable. I to the acidity in any foods. Ht never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. He told me to use pronamel. Its going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. Flea bites can mean misery for your cat. Advantage® ii monthly topical kills fleas through contact. Fleas do not have to bite your cat to die. Advantage® ii. Fight the misery of biting fleas. Iin 25 feet turn right. Turn right now. Recalculating. For called squamous adnonsmall cell,er previously treated with platinumbased chemotherapy, its not every day something this big comes along. A chance to live longer with. Opdivo, nivolumab. 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Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, or if youve had an organ transplant, or lung, breathing, or liver problems. A chance to live longer. Ask your doctor if opdivo is right for you. Bristolmyers squibb thanks the patients and physicians who participated in the opdivo Clinical Trial. Steve kroft morley safer has worked in Television News for 61 years. Hes spent 46 of those years on this broadcast, longer than anyone else. As a traveler, he holds some sort of record, taking planes, trains, boats, even bicycles to the ends of the earth, often visiting more than once. By the time he was 35, hed covered news in europe, the middle east, africa and southeast asia. Its fair to say that nobody alive today has seen as much and reported on it as brilliantly as morley. Hes retiring now. And no one here is happy about it. Simply by example, hes made the rest of us better journalists. His writing is the best in the business. His toughness and kindness and sense of humor are legendary. Youll see why in this hour. Morley safer this is morley safer reporting. This is morley safer. Kroft when he first spoke those words on television, Dwight Eisenhower was president. Safer it all began when an officer kroft morley and Television News grew up together. Safer the question remains are the American People prepared to lose more and more young men in vietnam . The revolution, the original chinese revolution. Kroft across the continents and across the years, he covered a huge range of stories. Safer last night kroft for some, his slightly oldfashioned name took some getting used to. Walter cronkite ok. Whats his name . Morley safer. Right. Got it. Safer my name is morley safer. Kroft but eventually safer im morley safer. Kroft it became a household name. Safer im morley safer. Im morley safer. Im morley safer. Morley safer . Safer yes, himself. How are you . Safer very well. Hi, morley. Ms. Piggy hi, morley. How are you . Kroft everybody wanted to meet morley. Well almost everybody. Safer in a sense, what youre saying is that kroft in a business thats fastmoving and sometimes cutthroat, he survived and prospered. Either outworking, outfoxing, or outliving everyone else. And always. Safer did you murder those patients . No kroft trying to get to the bottom of things. Safer what goes through your mind . Are these companies ashamed . What do they do down there . They really go after you. Admit it. Youve got a temper. How did we get in this fix . All right. Kroft like all of us, hes got his contradictions. He swears in all seriousness that looking into the camera lens, as hes done for six decades, is not his thing. Safer i really dont like being on television. I find it intimidating, discomforting. It makes me uneasy. It is not natural to be talking to a piece of machinery. But the money is very good. Kroft contradiction number two. Though morley is impeccable in dress, manner and thought, his office has always been a shambles. Visitors are shocked to see it. An avalanche of books, on art, on history. Old newspapers. Old scripts. Remembrances of stories past. The cleaning crews were often horrified. Jeff fager they found a piece of cake behind his desk from like 20 years ago, and a couple of dead mice. laughs kroft jeff fager is the boss at 60 minutes. He and the rest of us spent many hours in that splendid mess, listening to morley hold court. Fager he loves being a reporter. He has always loved being a reporter. You get that when youre around him. It rubs off on you. Kroft from the beginning, morley went to great lengths, literally, to find an offbeat story. Safer here we are on board the good ship dandahayloo, bound from mali to furudu. Kroft there he is, 37 years ago, sailing the indian ocean to a tiny island called furudu, having the time of his life. Safer it is on rare days like this that you must ask do they really pay me to do this. Yes. Kroft it turned out there wasnt much happening in furudu. But it really didnt matter. The story was just getting there. Kroft and there he is three years ago, out in the middle of nowhere again a tiny town called marfa, in west texas cattle country. A place where cowboys live in peace and harmony with artists and hipsters. Buck johnston i mean, its nutty. Its just this cultural little hub in the middle of nowhere. We think its the best small town in america. Fager morleys stories were always an adventure. And sometimes into places that people couldnt imagine going. Kroft in 1977, viewers traveled with him on the fabled orient express. Paris to istanbul. He found out that somewhere along the way, the trains romantic reputation had gone off the tracks. Safer the train that once carried only first class passengers now is made up almost entirely of second class carriages, carrying turkish Migrant Workers home. Tom brokaw hes such a natural. Hes so good at it. When you watch him, youre just pulled in. Kroft morleys friend, tom brokaw of nbc, thinks theres a key element to his success. Brokaw you have to be who you are. He did not take himself so seriously that he seemed like some kind of a phony. When he was on television, he was morley safer. And his interests and his intellect and his humor all came through. And people saw that. Kroft especially the humor. Morley likes to laugh. And america laughed with him. Heel. Kroft he profiled barbara woodhouse, the famous and slightly dotty british dog trainer. Barbara woodhouse left hand in front, mrs. Field. Safer she had the voice of an angry regimental sergeant major. Halt mary she would say its time for walkies woodhouse walkies walkies safer the dogs would just snap to attention. Woodhouse that was excellent. Ms. Piggy is your wife here . Safer no, shes not. Ms. Piggy great. Kroft interviewing the muppets, he was hit on by that femme fatale, miss piggy. Ms. Piggy morley, could i see you later . Thank you. Safer i must say, shes a fascinating woman. She can be very, very aggressive but very sexy at the same time. Ms. Piggy i thought 60 minutes was a high class show. Kroft morley was at his best working with producer john tiffin. Two politically incorrect guys who loved doing wild and crazy stories. In 1993, they went to a tango club in finland, of all places. Wondering how did such a hot blooded dance wind up in such a coldblooded place . Safer the finnish tango is not to be confused with the groingrinding, passionate latin american version. The finns have managed to neutralize all that. Its a sad shuffle in a minor key, with lyrics to reaffirm a couples instinctive sense of hopelessness. Fager humors one of the hardest things to do on television. But in a subtle way, morley accomplished it on a regular basis. Safer could it be that the true secret of happiness is a swift kick in the pants . And not only that. Kroft hes always had humor. Authenticity. And a sharp eye for the absurd. Safer to an outsider, these shows are another planet part dazzling part rocky horror show. Models who seem as angry as they are emaciated, wearing clothes fit for a cadaver. Kroft but morley insists theres one element above all thats crucial for great television. Safer what youre aiming at are peoples ears more than their eyes. The impact is what youre saying, not so much what theyre seeing. Kroft in other words, the writing. Up until fairly recently he did it the oldfashioned way, on a royal instead of an apple. Turning out scripts that were rich in elegance and insight. Safer he stares down from the podium like some Benevolent Bird of prey. Eyes staring past that great beak. Kroft his writing is very much like music. Whether hes profiling a man of music, conductor Michael Tilson thomas. Or a man of the cloth. Safer Timothy Dolan is hard to miss. This burly, overweight, cherubic irishamerican charges through life like a holy bulldozer. Timothy dolan where you been . Safer and always ready to refuel. Dolan stick around. Give me a cold beer. laughs kroft or writing about a great name from history. Safer in the french countryside he loved, on the very edge of the wheat fields he painted so vividly, here lies vincent van gogh. David mccullough he knows how to make every sentence count without being pretentious. Or showing off. Kroft historian David Mccullough is another typewriter man who knows a thing or two about writing. And hes a big fan of morleys. Safer this is where she grew up southwest d. C. , guns made the music of the street, drugs were the currency, and the violence was not operatic. Mccullough his narration, his story gave to whatever the camera was showing a depth and a human value that it wouldnt have had if anybody else had been doing it. Safer in your most idle moment are you hearing music . Its a 24hour radio. This ought to be some fun to drive. Kroft when he was off the clock, morley liked the feel of fast cars, especially his ferrari, and was still leaning on the pedal well into middle age. And he was game for other manly pursuits. Kroft one of his most famous profiles was with Television Legend jackie gleason. Jackie gleason and away we go safer the producer of that piece, alan weisman, did something absolutely brilliant. We did it in a bar. Gleason now rack them up. Kroft gleason had played the legendary pool shark minnesota fats in the movie the hustler. And he knew his way around the table. Morley figured he would get creamed. But. Safer i suddenly was hitting these brilliant shots. Fager he was on fire during that shoot. He almost ran the table. Gleason hey, hey kroft but gleason rallied and won. Gleason you like that one pal . Safer please. Kroft though soso at pool, hes really good at cards. Profiling sam simon, one of the creators of the simpsons t. V. Show, morley made a little money in a hollywood poker game. Little did the others know that when he worked for cbs in london, he bought himself a bentley with his poker winnings. Tom brokaw poker players are tough. And theres no sentimentality about it. And when i heard that morley was a very good poker player, that said to me, this guys a tough guy. Kroft and when it was called for, he could do a tough interview. Asking alec baldwin, the actor, about the infamous Voicemail Message he left for his young daughter. Baldwin phone call i dont give a damn that youre 12 years old or 11 years old or that youre a child or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass. Safer how could you do that . Alec baldwin you get so frustrated. And you realize, number one and its wrong, its totally wrong that i was really speaking to somebody else when i left that message. Safer but you werent talking to another person. You were talking to your daughter, to a kid, and you said you thoughtless little pig. I mean, i find it hard to utter the words. Baldwin did you ever lose your temper with your kids . Safer yeah. But nothing like that. Baldwin if youre asking me do i feel bad about leaving that message, i think that goes without saying. At the same time, im pretty overwhelmed by the sanctimoniousness of people who seem as learned and sober and together as you are who all said to me, man, im glad they didnt tape some of the things i said to my kids. Safer you feel the shame . Ruth madoff of course i feel the shame. Kroft ruth madoff. The wife of wall street scam artist bernie madoff, who cheated his clients out of billions of dollars. Safer its a tough name to live with. Madoff it sure is. Fager and he was very respectful, but he was tough. It was morleys human side. Hes asking a question on behalf of all of us. Safer its really hard for people to believe that you didnt know, that you must have known. Madoff i cant explain it. I mean, i trusted him. Why would i ever think that there was something sinister going on . Kroft its worth noting how many of morleys best interviews were with women. Meryl streep oh, this is my High School Yearbook picture. Oh god. Kroft he simply found them more open in conversation than men. Meryl streep. Safer she was fascinated by the classics. Streep and i loved Carole Lombard and i loved kate hepburn and bette davis. And barbara stanwyck. I like girls with attitude. You know . Moxie. Theres an old word. Safer do you feel like a legend . Katherine hepburn i dont think you feel like anything you feel like a bore. Kroft he had interviewed Katharine Hepburn 32 years earlier. Talk about moxie. Safer if you hadnt been an actress what would you have been . Hepburn ive never thought. I would have tormented some man i suppose and had about eight children and tormented them. Safer hepburn scared the hell out of me. Hepburn what the hell is it . Safer a granite woman hepburn bunk safer in her opinions and her character. Kroft there was anna wintour, editor of vogue magazine. The fashion arbiter with a reputation as fearsome as hepburns. Safer the blurb on your unauthorized biography reads shes a perfectionist. An inside look at the competitive bitcheatbitch world of fashion. Anna wintour a bitch . Perfectionist . Perfectionist. Well lets try bitch first. Dolly parton you want me to ask me to sing it or you want me to just wup it out for you . Safer just wup it out for me. Kroft dolly parton. She and morley got along famously, to say the least. She wrote a song called dumb blonde, which people in the music world found she definitely was not. Parton you know i look like a woman but i think like a man. And in this world of business, that has helped me a lot. Because by the time they think that i dont know whats going on, i done got the money and gone. Betty ford i dont feel unliberated when im sitting here talking to you. Kroft he interviewed first lady betty ford. Ford didnt the fact that i had the cancer operation and the publicity of that save a lot of peoples lives . Brokaw when he talked to accomplished women, he wasnt patronizing in any way. Here was a gentleman who appreciated their gifts and put them at ease. Helen mirren morley, could you . Safer of course. Fager helen mirren fell in love with him. And i think he might have fallen in love with her. laughs kroft a veteran of movie nude scenes, mirren suggested to morley lets get naked. Mirren you should try it. Safer well, no. Mirren yes, i think we should do this interview both of us in the nude. You would love it. Go on. Safer well, what the hell. Kroft their encounter had a hollywood ending. Safer we both looked over and saw this ridiculously beautiful sunset. And just instinctively held hands and walked into the sunset. Kroft morleys curiosity, a key element in journalism, included a fascination with how things work. Safer were looking at the future. Colin guinn and then i can spin around us. Safer and whether we like it or not, the future is looking back at us. Kroft hes always been up for a story about a new gadget or a backstage look at how familiar things are produced. He went to the philadelphia mint to see, literally, how money is made. Edmund moy were making a couple million pennies a day. Kroft he went to hollywood to watch director James Cameron put the finishing touches on his blockbuster avatar. James cameron were going to have to push that smoke element back. Flavorist this is a home run. Kroft and he spent time with the flavorists. Flavorist strawberry creations. This is a chicken flavor. Kroft people who put together chemicals that taste like real food. This is the chicken in the hose. Safer chicken in the hose . And it comes out in a dry cake form. Safer chicken just like grandma used to make. What is growing here . Kroft he kept up with new discoveries in science. This is actually an ear mold. Kroft marveling at one of its latest miracles an artificial heart valve, grown in the lab from human cells. Safer its beating kroft marveling as well at a young scientific genius. Safer this is jack andraka, age 15, as he beats out 1,500 contestants and wins a 100,000 prize with his invention. A test for pancreatic cancer that could save lives. Kroft another life saver forrest bird, inventor of the modern medical respirator. In the tradition of Great American tinkerers, he made his prototypes from scratch. Forrest bird i went to the Hardware Store and got a doorknob. You can see this doorknob right here at the top. Kroft morley found bird so fascinating he started talking only half jokingly about doing a series of reports titled geezers you should know. Marty cooper i said, joel, this is marty cooper. Kroft for geezer number two he chose marty cooper, the man widely considered the father of the cell phone, here recreating the first call he made years ago on his little phone, as he put it. Safer little phone . What are you talking about . Little phone. Cooper well, relatively small. I mean, after all, it only weighed 2. 5 pounds. Colin guinn let it just, let it keeping going. Kroft and he made an historic find of his own. Safer on our sunday in the park with drones, we discovered that man never needs to exercise the dog again. Just sic the drones on him. It ends here. Kroft 61 years on the air. Covering everything from the cold war to cyberspace. Safer come on kroft with great perception and wisdom. Safer ah ha kroft and humor. Fager its the range, i think, that is most impressive about morley. I mean, i dont think anybody in the history of broadcast journalism has a body of work as significant, as varied, as large and as impressive as morley safer. With noninsulin victoza®. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza®. He said victoza® works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. Vo victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza® is not insulin. 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If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza®. Its covered by most health plans. And with touch id it does way more than unlock your phone. It logs you into things, like your bank account. See what i mean . It checks you into your flight. Ooop, your phone it pays for stuff like. mouth full doughnuts. How about chew then talk. It unlocks things for you. It signs documents for you. Hey, you bought a boat i bought a boat i just said that. And it does this. Yeah, it starts your car. So now were just starting cars with our fingerprints. Just. Whoa. Julie chen the first asianamerican to win an olympic gold medal for the United States. Celebrate sammy lee. Steve kroft at the outset of World War Two, as canada joined britain and france in declaring war on nazi germany, morley was a seven year old kid in toronto. The safer family had struggled through the Great Depression reading was about their only affordable pleasure. Morley followed the war news in the papers, and also discovered the writings of ernest hemingway, the novelist, adventurer, and war correspondent. Hemingway became morleys hero. And by wars end, an idea took hold that he couldnt shake living the life of a foreign correspondent. Surrender. The great news of the century. And in canada, as across the world, both wild elation and sober thankfulness. Kroft after the war, morley took up sports in high school and read more hemingway. He went to college, but only for a few weeks. He dropped out. He had other things on his mind. Morely safer i wanted to be a reporter. I was young and i was restless and i wanted to get out and do it. Kroft he got a job on a small town newspaper, and bounced around the business for a few years, sharpening his skills, and learning the essentials of newswriting. Safer certainly respect for the language. Keeping the mush out of the story. And getting to the heart of it very quickly. Kroft when he was 24, a door opened that would change his life. He was hired as a Television News writer at the cbc, canadas premier broadcasting network. Safer they had trouble getting good people. Because no one in newspaper journalism considered Television Real journalism. And that was my view of it too, by the way. But i must tell you. Within about two weeks, i. God, this is really fun. The predominant feeling among the europeans in Central Africa is that time is running out. Kroft and soon enough, he was a foreign correspondent, the job he had dreamed of. Safer at this moment im standing in east germany. Kroft his passport filled up quickly. From his base in london, he covered shooting wars in algeria and cyprus. He reported from budapest, tel aviv, amman, damascus, rome. For morley, the college dropout, the world was his university. In late 1963, he took part in a cbc discussion of the years events. One of the other reporters on the panel was angling for a job at cbs news. And sent this tape, as an audition. Safer i would like to speak for a moment about the possibility of a brushfire war. Kroft but instead, it was morley who caught the eye of the American Networks executives, who hired him to join the prestigious cbs bureau in london. Safer so i really felt that i had joined the yankees. Edward r. Murrow hello, america. This is ed murrow, speaking from london. Kroft morley would be following in the footsteps of edward r. Murrow. Murrow just telling you what im seeing. Kroft the cbs man in london during the war years. A hero to countless listeners for his vivid accounts of the nazi bombing of the city. Murrow there are no words to describe the thing that is happening. The courage of the people, the flash and roar of the guns rolling down the streets, the stench of the air raid shelters. Kroft by the time morley got to cbs, murrow had moved on. But his mystique remained. Safer my desk was murrows desk. Murrows old World War Two cbs desk. So there was a lot of baggage. I mean, wonderful, positive baggage. Somebody once called this. Kroft but he had barely settled in london when a war 6,000 miles away drew him in. A cbs executive in new york called to say youre going to vietnam. Safer and he said itll just be for a couple of months. Im going to leave it openended but well call it three months because this things not gonna last. Kroft he soon learned otherwise, arriving in saigon in early 1965. As more american troops came in, and more coffins went out. Safer there was clearly an enormous buildup going on in terms of a ground base for a major american commitment to this war. I mean, it was in the air. It was, you could taste it. Goddamn it, were in the middle of these guys. We seem to be pinned down by snipers. Kroft he did three tours in vietnam, reporting in language as spare and direct as hemingways. Safer it was almost like looking at old newsreels of korea and the pacific war. The same youngold faces, the same shattered landscape, the same agony. David mccullough there was a compassion to what he was saying. But there was a melancholy. There was a sadness to it. Safer behind me, over here kroft he barely survived a Helicopter Crash on the edge of enemy territory. And had plenty of reminders of the random nature of death on the battlefield. Interviewing a young man whose tank was about to take a direct hit. Safer take care. Seconds later, the boy is dead. Blown to bits when the tank exploded. Joe stringham tomorrow, we are going on operation matchstick. Kroft 51 years ago, Joe Stringham was an army captain commanding a Green Beret Special forces unit when he and morley first met. Stringham he was all business and he reported what he saw. Nothing staged, nothing phony. Kroft he went out with stringhams unit of american and south vietnamese soldiers, searching for the vietcong. Safer theres no such thing as a safe patrol. No such thing as a routine day. Stringham beastly hot. Its dusty, its hard work. And theres one other thing, they were carrying a ton of equipment. Got a lot more stuff than we were carrying. Safer operation matchstick slogged through the streams infested with leeches. Stringham morley was right in back of me, every step of the way. I had to do it. He didnt. Kroft morley would come under enemy fire several times in vietnam. The first time was with Joe Stringhams unit. Stringham morley, he was cool as a hog on ice. laughs safer the end of the long road back to ben cat. Kroft back at base camp, after walking for ten miles a day, all morley wanted was some water for his feet. Stringham he was brand new at the thing, with soft feet. laughs kroft a friendship had been born thats lasted a half a century. Stringham he is a very cool guy. Kroft in august of 1965 came morleys most controversial report. It started as a routine mission with a company of u. S. Marines. Safer i was talking to a young captain, and i said, where are we going, what are we doing . And he said, a place called cam ne. We are going to punish this village. I had never heard that word before, in that context. It first appeared that the marines had been sniped at and that a few houses were made to pay. As we came in, the guys started lighting up. With matches, with lighters, with flamethrowers. And they were clearing these people out. And torching their houses. This was not like any operation i had ever been on before with american troops. Or with any troops anywhere, quite honestly. This is what the war in vietnam is all about. It smelled very wrong. The old and the very young, the women and the old men who remained will never forget that august afternoon. Kroft Many Americans were shocked at what they had seen. Brokaw he was tearing the cover off about the pacification of the citizens of vietnam. You know, we were always going to make them our friends. But then, we were burning down their huts at the same time. Kroft at the white house, president johnson and his advisors were enraged. Morley found himself in the administrations crosshairs. Fager the president of the United States wants you fired for your reporting. Thats tough. Thats really tough. Safer there were allegations that i was a kgb agent. That i was a wellknown communist. Brokaw he was not the morley safer of 60 minutes at that point. He was a grunt correspondent for cbs. And i think that made him a larger target, if you will. Kroft but cbs stood behind him. His career flourished. And a few years later, he was checking in for a flight from london to new york, for a new assignment becoming morley safer of 60 minutes. Never one to waste time. One right over the middle. Kroft he shot part of a story about airline security. Safer just how safe is it to disarm a gunman on a plane . Ill show you. A funny thing could have happened to me on my way to this broadcast, but it didnt. Kroft for morley, 60 minutes was a gamble. The broadcast was finding its way, the ratings werent great. Mike wallace im mike wallace. Safer im morley safer. Kroft 46 years later. Safer im morley safer, those stories tonight on 60 minutes. Kroft . He holds the record for the longest run ever on primetime television. In a moment, lesley stahl with our favorite morley stories. Ex. With cricket, you get an unlimited plan on a Bigger Network for 65 a month after 5 auto pay credit, and monthly taxes and fees are always included. Looks like tmobiles not all its cracked up to be. And now for a limited time, switch to cricket and get a 50 bill credit. Cricket wireless. Something to smile about. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to her Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition. 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Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Whatcha gonna do when you get outta here . Im gonna have some fun what do you consider fun . Fun, natural fun yeah, we rocking right now. Theres a party over here. Hey, im in heaven. Leslie stahl to mark morleys retirement, we added up all the stories hes done for 60 minutes a grand total of 919. If you strung them all together and watched for eight hours a day, it would take nearly a month to see everything. So heres a shortcut. Were going to show you some of morleys favorites. And what some of his friends consider his greatest hits as well. Starting with a remarkable trip back through time. This story was called market street. About a film taken on San Franciscos main thoroughfare over a century ago. David mccullough that one film opens the door to us into that world of San Francisco right on the eve of the earthquake. Stahl to historian David Mccullough, theres something magical about seeing the people in an old film like this. Mccullough and theyre moving those people theyre not still in the photograph theyre alive, they turn and look at you, theyre real. Stahl for a century, no one knew exactly when the movie was made. But film historian david kiehn looked at license plates, weather forecasts, Old Newspaper clippings, and figured out it was taken five days before the 1906 earthquake that nearly leveled the city. Safer the odds are some of the people you see had just days to live. Stahl and because of one mans curiosity, a mystery was solved. Mccullough which is largely what history is about. Its a detective hunt. Stahl 24 years ago, billy bulger was the most powerful politician in massachusetts. A natural for a morley profile. Jeff fager incredibly colorful, articulate, smart character. Stahl back then, jeff fager was a young producer working with morley. The bulger story is one of his favorites. Fager billy was president of the massachusetts state senate, and a real boss. Brother was a mobster. He was the direct opposite. You know, fluent in greek and latin. A real scholar. Stahl bulger loved to bash the press. Billy bulger i mean, who the hell are they . Stahl and that included morley. Bulger morleys going to be good to me, arent you morley . Thats how they all start out, im your pal. What is it . Safer just remember im editing it. Bulger grab your camera and get out of here. Fager we loved that. It was pure fun. Stahl there was a story called the french paradox in 1991 that got tom brokaws attention. Tom brokaw in our household, our favorite story was about red wine and how it was good for your health. Stahl research suggested that despite all the high fat content in their cooking, the french had relatively low levels of heart disease, stemming perhaps from their fondness for red wine. Safer the explanation of the paradox may lie in this inviting glass. Stahl scientists have debated the issue ever since. But theres no denying that red wine consumption in america took off after morleys report. Brokaw i think he probably got more calls that sunday night than any other cbs correspondent had ever gotten about, oh my god, thank god, laughs you know you did it all for us. Stahl one of morleys favorites was the story he uncorked about the antinori family of italy, winemakers since the year 1385. Safer people use these wonderful words to describe taste. Theres personality. What else . The elegance. laughs the wine has to be elegant. Safer their domain stretches from the legendary vineyards of tuscany and umbria to their property in Californias Napa valley. Antinori is perhaps the oldest Family Business on earth. Brokaw one of the things about morley that we were all conscious of was that a lot of his journalism was about vacation. laughs he would find an assignment that would take him to rome at the right time of the year or to paris at the right time of the year. Stahl and who could blame him . He had paid his dues. And as long as the story was a good one, why not . He loved the museums of paris. The beauty of the city, and the french landscape. But he really loved italy. The history. The food. The operatic nature of the italians themselves. In 1987, he went to casa verdi, the home established by composer Guiseppe Verdi for old opera singers. Safer erma collasanti, mezzo soprano. Age 70. Giuseppe manacciti, baritone age 83. I have never been in a situation where there were so many egos bouncing off the walls. Each person i spoke to here said they love this place, but each one wondered what all those untalented others were doing here. Stahl the story is one of morleys all time favorites. Safer the years may have damaged the vocal cords. They have done nothing to diminish the spirit. Stahl he explored the colosseum in rome. Reporting on the massive effort to clean up the landmark, scrubbing away centuries of dust and grime and auto exhaust. And he had a rare tour of the vatican library, an historical gold mine. Books, maps, coins, priceless manuscripts going back a thousand years or more. Safer its one of the really great experiences. The sense of touching history is overwhelming. Stahl but it almost never happened. The night before shooting was to begin, a cab backed into morley and knocked him flat on his face. He looked terrible. Sunglasses didnt seem appropriate at the vatican. So a movie Makeup Artist was summoned, and worked on him for two hours every morning. And he looked fine, as long as the camera wasnt too close. Safer vincent was enormously proud. Stahl morley loves art. He knows art history backwards and forwards. And hes always been a weekend artist himself, doing paintings, drawings, etchings. Even pictures of boring hotel rooms hes stayed in over the years. But hes always found some aspects of the modern art scene laughable, and said so in a 1993 report. Safer recently, a vacuum cleaner, just like this one and the one down in your basement, was sold for 100,000. Also, a sink went for 121,000 and a pair of urinals for 140,000. I was giving a definition of life and death this is the eternal. Stahl his premise was that its gotten to the point where just about anything can be palmed off as art and sold to people who have money to burn. Safer this one, a canvas of scrawls done with the wrong end of a paint brush, bears the imaginative title of untitled. Its by cy twombly, and was sold for 2,145,000. And thats dollars, not twomblys. The response, the outrage here in new york was extraordinary. I couldnt believe it. Its a white rectangle. Right, hes a minimal artist. Safer i would say so. Fager the art world went crazy. Crazy. He still feels it. They dont like him for it. Stahl but he wears the criticism as a badge of honor. Its another of his favorite stories. Safer i stand by everything i said and will say it again at the drop of a brush. Stahl but the story hes most proud of was a 1983 report on a man named lenell geter, arrested in texas for a holdup at a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Lenell geter one of the officers placed a gun in the back of my head and said if you move ill blow your head off. Stahl geter, an engineer by trade, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Geter i consider myself a hostage in the house of injustice. Safer the more we started to check it out, the more this story and conviction just smelled to high heaven. Stahl even eyewitnesses to the holdup agreed. Safer is that the man that held up the Kentucky Fried Chicken . No. Safer is that the man that held up the Kentucky Fried Chicken . No sir. Stahl the questions raised by the report played a major role in getting geters conviction thrown out. Morley considers it his finest moment. Geter when 60 minutes ran their segment, i was out within about seven days. And i was able to pick my life up, marry my college sweetheart. I wouldnt have a family had he not taken the time to come down there and take a snapshot of my experience, which was a travesty of justice. He saved my life. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And these feet would like to keep the beat going. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Kroft back in the swinging 60s, when morley was a bachelor based in london, his pals doubted that he would ever marry. Bulletproof, one of them said. He proved them wrong in 1968, marrying jane fearer. His best man was his best friend, john tiffin, who produced more than a hundred of morleys reports. As for jane, shes been his protector, intellectual sparring partner and biggest fan for going on 48 years now. Their daughter, sarah, grew up to pursue freelance journalism and photography. There are three grandchildren. And they all went on safari in africa a few years ago. And morley, of course, knew as much or more about the place than the tour guides. Now, its time to retire. For those who truly love their work, the decision to hang it up is often difficult. And so its been with morley. And so it was with his colleague and sometimes nemesis, the late mike wallace. Morley once compared their troubled relationship to two scorpions fighting in a bottle. And when mike retired ten years ago, morley interviewed him. Mike wallace its been a long time. Safer it has been a long time. Kroft it was a strange and salty encounter. Hard to tell, at times, who was interviewing whom. Safer do you feel its time to maybe pack it in and reflect or. Wallace reflect about what . Safer whatever. Wallace give me a break. Reflect . What am i going to reflect about . Safer you know, youre right. Wallace about the fact that im not working . Safer laughs youre absolutely right. Kroft from the start, there was often bad blood between the two fighting over stories, not speaking for months at a time. Wallace when i wanted to do a story, and you wanted to do a story, and its the same story, and. Safer and i come into the office the next day, youre out of town doing the story. Wallace you mean to say something. Safer it happened more than once. Wallace what story . Safer im not going to go into details. Wallace oh, please, no, no, no. Kroft they were frienemies for years. Great pals, except when they werent. Safer how did you feel about me coming . Uh, intruder . Somebody you could push around . Wallace oh, no, no, no. On the contrary, i was so far ahead of you. I mean, everybody knew me. Who the dickens was morley safer . Kroft morley finally got mike to fess up. Wallace i was jealous of you. I was jealous of you. Safer jealous of me . Wallace yes, ill tell you why. Because you had done so much in vietnam. I mean, superb reporting. And you wrote gorgeously. Kroft they talked about the pressures of travel, the weeks and months away from home and the family. Safer do you feel guilt about that . I know i certainly do, all the birthdays that i missed and all of those things. I still feel very guilty about that. Wallace you feel guilty about it . Safer yes. Wallace of course. Kroft it ended on a heartfelt note. Wallace and the fact of the matter is that i love you, respect you, admire you. Safer its been a very bumpy and satisfying road, though. Wallace thats exactly right. Kroft in closing, well try to avoid sugary sentimentality, or as morley put it, the mawkish and the maudlin, two very morleyesque words. He chose them all very carefully. At 60 minutes, he developed a new way to tell stories for television, not just with language, but with a leisurely pace and a sense of style. He was an original voice. There has never been one quite like him. Literate and urbane, he is a romantic at heart who believes in Old Fashioned things like honor, fair play, civility and courage. He once wrote a letter to then cbs chairman larry tisch telling him he was ruining the news division. Morley never got a reply, but he didnt get fired either. You cannot overstate his importance to this broadcast over the past 40 odd years. And morley, we know youre at home watching. We wouldnt be here without you. Captioning funded by cbs and ford. We go further, so you can. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org at subway. Ium carved turky this is ovenroasted justright. Slicedthicktheway youlike it, youdontfindthisjust anywhere type of turkey with no artificial preservatives. Its good. Dayafterthanksgiving good. 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Announcer ashley and brandon wright, coowners of hamburger marys, a oneofakind Dining Experience im tristen. Announcer will meet the people who keep their Company Rising to the top. Welcome to hamburger marys. Announcer along the way. Ooh ooh uhh one boss will let it all hang out. Woman there you go. Oh oh she loses it. Announcer and what will happen when they meet an employee who only has one thing on her mind . Money, money, money. Thats my money. I dont give a [. ] about his money. The [. ] is wrong with you

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