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Miami got the two. Thats the ruling on the field. Phil yeah, inside. The center is the guard. Oh, yeah, hes way over. That is a great job by thomas. Santele, good push on the inside. Thats the toughest part of this broncos defense. When you still make it inside, youve done a good job. Jim thomas, who had the touchdown on the games opening drive. Miami went right down the field, and thomas found the end zone. He hasnt been used much in between, but comes in and brings the dolphins within three, and remember, miami has one timeout, as we anticipate this onside kick, 1 34 to go. Well see if denver is able to recover it. That would end it. For those of you that were expecting to see 60 minutes, youre watching the nfl on cbs. A shootout between the dolphins and the broncos. Jim nantz, phil simms, tracy wolfson. Lance, mike, and our entire fabulous crew here at the mile high city. 60 minutes lts can be seen immediately following the game except on the west coast. Phil we had the advantage last wednesday, remember, we went to see the dolphins practice, and they were trying some onside kicks, and you can see right there, they got both guys out there. They got the punter. Jim will it be sturgis backing the football . Phil which way will it go . Jim this is sturgis, and he goes to his right, and its recovered right away by j. C. Nderson. Phil pretty clever what they did. You thought it was going to the kicking teams left. He turned it around and goes to the right side. Jim oh, my gosh, how about c. J. Anderson today . 167 total yards, including the recovery that will close it out. Look at that move. Phil my back is hurting me right now. Jim it reminded me a kick a long ago from my youth. It was a cowboys playoff game against San Francisco, and pulled it off, and the cowboys won a game in San Francisco in the old landry era, 1972. Phil trying to catch them off guard, and of course theyre going to neil here. Jim anderson, hes got two more added to his total, putting him now at 141. Just one timeout for miami, and they use it now. Phil i saw a game like this, watching notre dame and northwestern. Instead of neiling, they fumbled, and northwestern came back and won the game, tied it up and won in overtime. Jim again, heres the lineup tonight on cbs. 60 minutes, and then an allnew madam secretary. Miami cannot stop the clock with 90 seconds to go. Phil well, maybe they think they want to get a few seconds off the clock. Now Peyton Manning can take the snap and drop back to do it, so there is a couple of seconds of down time there. Thats why they ran it. That was a little too quick. Jim and they run it. Ender son throws it, and inside the 30. At the 16, game over. 26 yards for c. J. Anderson. Phil well, you know, really, well earned by c. J. Anderson and this offensive line, looking to franklin still hustling down the field. Jim they honored champ bailey. He signed a oneday contract and he are you signed as a bronco. He was particularly close to c. J. They spent weeks and even months training together. This week when they came here for the celebration, how proud he was of anderson. And c. J. Told us, you know, im special with the ball in my hands. Tell you what, hes proven it. Update the playoff picture on the a. F. C. Side. The broncos at 83 now. Miami is going to fall back to 65. Phil c. J. Anderson gives this offense what it needs, a power runner who can protect Peyton Manning. Its a nice blend to go along with the passing game. Joe now they go on to kansas city, does denver. Phil yeah, big challenge there in a night game next week. Jim they may look back at that fourth and 2 late in the Third Quarter when they were down 11. Anderson picked it up, has the play that may have gotten him back on track for the remainder of the season. Look at all the teams in the hunt. Miami falls back to 65, and that right now is currently 10th position in the a. F. C. This is a huge play in this game right here. Phil look who makes the big block again, orlando franklin. Of course, virgil green had an awesome day blocking from the tight end position. Jim picked up 20 yards on a fourth and 2. And there are the old aggie teammates meeting in the end, miller and tannehill. Theres the lineup tonight on cbs. [captioning made possible by cbs sports division] [the captioning on this program is provided as an independent service of the national captioning institute, inc. , which is solely responsible for the accurate and complete transcription of Program James with 6 19 remaining in the Third Quarter, colts quarterback andrew luck throws a deep pass connecting with t. Y. Hilton. He outruns jags defender for the 7 yard score, and t. Y. Kept his promise to his newborn daughter by scoring a touchdown in honor of her birth this morning. You will fly southwest. You will go to southwest. Com and book a flight. Is it working . How bout now . Now . Captioning funded by cbs and ford see that structure underneath it . They actually built that to catch any of the falling concrete so it wouldnt hit traffic underneath it. Kroft thats amazing. This is just one of nearly 70,000 bridges in the United States that are rated structurally deficient and in need of Major Repairs or replacement. Its part of a Public Infrastructure crisis thats damaging the american economy, hurting our ability to compete globally, and threatening the public safety. Everyone in government knows it, but no one can figure out where the money is going to come from to fix it, one more example of the political paralysis gripping washington. Simon its called the zone, and getting into it is crossing a border into one of the most contaminated places on earth. The nuclear melt down at chernobyl in ukraine was 30 years ago, but the crisis is still with us today. Thats because radiation virtually never dies the crippled reactor still has the power to kill. And theyre building a giant arch to cover it. Theres. Theres beepers going off. No, no. Its not. Its normal. Simon youre sure . Yes, yes, yes. Simon i dont like a beeper in chernobyl. laughter i dont like that sound. Cooper these heavenly looking South Pacific islands were once known as a forgotten corner of hell. Thats because more than 200 american fighter planes were lost here during world war ii. But its forgotten no more as Technology Helps discover the wrecked aircraft and respectfully recover the remains of american airmen, both on land and under water. At the end of the game, its not about finding wreck sites. Its about finding the m. I. A. S who. Who are no longer m. I. A. Im steve kroft. Im lesley stahl. Im bob simon. Im anderson cooper. Im bill whitaker. Im scott pelley. Those stories tonight on 60 minutes. Daughter do you and mom still have money with that broker . 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Business leaders, labor unions, governors, mayors, congressmen, and president s have complained about a lack of funding for years, but aside from a onetime cash infusion from the stimulus program, nothing much has changed. There is still no consensus on how to solve the problem or where to get the massive amounts of money needed to fix it; just another example of political paralysis in washington. Tens of millions of americans cross over bridges every day without giving it much thought, unless they hit a pothole. But the infrastructure problem goes much deeper than pavement. It goes to crumbling concrete and corroded steel, and the fact that nearly 70,000 bridges in america one out of every nine is now considered to be structurally deficient. Ray lahood our infrastructures on life support right now. Thats what were on. Kroft few people are more aware of the situation than ray lahood, who was secretary of transportation during the first obama administration, and before that, a seventerm republican congressman from illinois. He is currently cochairman of building americas future, a Bipartisan Coalition of current and former elected officials that is urgently pushing for more spending on infrastructure. According to the government, there are 70,000 bridges that have been deemed structurally deficient. Lahood yep. Kroft what does that mean . Lahood it means that there are bridges that need to be really either replaced or repaired in a very dramatic way. Kroft theyre dangerous . Lahood i dont want to say theyre unsafe, but theyre dangerous. I would agree with that. Kroft if you were going to take me someplace, any place in the country, to illustrate the problem, where would you take me . Lahood there is a lot of places we could go. I mean, you could go to any major city in america, and see roads and bridges and infrastructure that need to be fixed today. They need to be fixed today. Kroft we decided to start in pittsburgh, which may have the most serious problem in the country. Our guide was Andy Herrmann, a past president of the American Society of civil engineers. From up here, you can see why they call it the city of bridges. Andy herrmann yeah. Between the highway and the railroad bridges, theres many of them. Kroft and most of them old. Herrmann most of them old. Theyre nearing the end of their useful lives, yeah. Kroft there are more than more than 4,000 bridges in metropolitan pittsburgh, and 20 of them are structurally deficient, including one of the citys main arteries. This is the liberty bridge ahead . Herrmann yeah. Kroft an important bridge for pittsburgh . Herrmann a very important bridge for pittsburgh a connection from the south to the city itself, and then to the north. Kroft it was built in 1928 when cars and trucks were much lighter. It was designed to last 50 years. That was 86 years ago. Every day, in pittsburgh, five Million People travel across bridges that either need to be replaced or undergo Major Repairs. Herrmann one of these arch bridges actually has a structure built under it to catch falling deck. See that structure underneath it . They actually built that to catch any of the falling concrete so it wouldnt hit traffic underneath it. Kroft thats amazing. Herrmann it all comes down to funding. Right now, they cant keep up with it. 300 bridges become structurally deficient each year in the state of pennsylvania. Thats 1 added to the already 23 they already have. They just cant fix them fast enough. Kroft pennsylvania is one of the worst states in the country when it comes to the condition of its infrastructure, and philadelphia isnt any better off than pittsburgh. Nine Million People a day travel over 900 bridges classified as structurally deficient, some of them on a heavily traveled section of i95. Ed rendell is a former democratic governor of pennsylvania. How critical is this stretch of i95 to the country . Ed rendell its the nations number one highway. 22 miles of it goes through the city of philadelphia. There are 15 structurally deficient bridges in that 22 mile stretch. And to fix them would cost 7 billion, to fix all the roads and the structurally deficient bridges in that 22mile stretch. Kroft rendell says no one knows where the money is going to come from, and this stretch of i95 has already had one brush with disaster. In 2008, two contractors from the Pennsylvania Department of transportation stopped to get a sausage sandwich, and parked their cars under this bridge. Rendell and fortunately, they wanted that sausage sandwich because they saw one of these piers with an eightfoot gash in it about five inches wide. And oh, they knew automatically that this bridge was in deep trouble. Kroft the section of 195 was immediately shut down and blocked off while construction crews buttressed the column with steel girders. It was closed for three days, creating havoc in philadelphia. But the city was lucky. Rendell i mean, it was unbelievable. Its so fortuitous. Kroft and if they hadnt wanted a sausage sandwich . Rendell theres a strong likelihood that bridge would have collapsed. These all are tragedies waiting to happen. Kroft the i95 bridges were built in the early 1960s and are now more than 50 years old, the same vintage as the i35 bridge that collapsed in minnesota back in 2007, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The antiquated skagit river bridge in Washington State that collapsed last may after a truck hit one of the trusses was even older. And its not just bridges. According to the American Society of civil engineers, 32 of the major roads in america are now in Poor Condition and in need of Major Repairs. Yet the major source of revenue the federal Highway Trust Fund, which gets its money from the federal gas tax of 18 cents a gallon is almost insolvent. Former transportation secretary ray lahood says it will go broke by next spring unless something is done. Lahood that was the pot of money that, over 50 years, helped us create the best interstate system in the world, which is now falling apart. Kroft why . How did it get this way . Lahood its falling apart because we havent made the investments. We havent got the money. The last time we raised the gas tax, which is how we built the interstate system, was 1993. Kroft what has the resistance been . Lahood politicians in washington dont have the political courage to say, this is what we have to do. Thats what it takes. Kroft they dont want to spend the money. They dont want to raise the taxes. Lahood thats right. They dont want to spend the money. They dont want raise the taxes. They. They dont really have a vision of america the way that other congresses have had a vision of america. Kroft lahood says public spending on infrastructure has fallen to its lowest level since 1947. And the u. S. , which used to have the finest infrastructure in the world, is now ranked 16th, according to the World Economic forum, behind iceland, spain, portugal, and the united arab emirates. Its a fact thats not been lost on the most powerful economic and political lobbies in the country, who believe the inaction threatens the countrys economic future. Big corporations like caterpillar and g. E. Say its hurting their ability to compete abroad. And at a Senate Hearing earlier this year, tom donahue, president of the generally conservative u. S. Chamber of commerce, voiced strong business support for raising the gas tax for the first time in 20 years. Tom donahue first, lets start by having some courage and showing some leadership. For once, lets do whats right, not whats politically expedient. Second, lets educate the public and your fellow lawmakers. Kroft he was joined by richard trumka, president of the aflcio, who said that every billion dollars spent on transportation infrastructure would create 35,000 wellpaying jobs. Richard trumka if business and labor can come before you united on this issue and we are united on this issue, despite our sharp disagreements on a variety of other matters i think that should tell everybody something and tell it very loudly. Kroft but it was not heard during the midterm elections, where there was virtually no public debate on infrastructure, and that has barely changed in the weeks that have followed. We wanted to talk to pennsylvania congressman bill shuster, the chairman of the house transportation committee, and made numerous requests over the last five months for an on camera interview. All of them were declined. We did the same with michigan congressman dave camp, chairman of the house ways and means committee, which has to come up with the money to Fund Transportation projects. We met with the same result. But we did talk with one of the committee members, earl blumenauer, a nineterm oregon democrat. He says the last Time Congress passed a major sixyar transportation bill was in 1997. Since then, there have been 21 shortterm extensions. Earl blumenauer ive actually been trying now for 44 months to at least get a hearing on transportation finance on the Highway Trust Fund that is slowly going bankrupt, and weve not had a single one. Kroft why cant you get a hearing . Blumenauer it has, to this point, not raised to the level of priority for the republican leadership. Although, in fairness, when the democrats were in charge, we had a few hearings, but not much action. Kroft so you see this as a bipartisan failure. Blumenauer absolutely. The bush administration, they had two blueribbon commissions about Infrastructure Finance that recommended a lot more money, and additionally the gas tax being increased. We couldnt get them to accept. Being able to move forward. Since president obamas been in office, there has been, to be charitable, a lack of enthusiasm for raising the gas tax. Kroft and the problems with transportation infrastructure go well beyond roads and bridges and the gas tax. Theres aviation. A shortage of airports runways and gates, along with outmoded air Traffic Control systems, have made u. S. Air travel the most congested in the world. And then there are seaports when a new generation of big cargo ships begin going through an expanded panama canal in another year or so, only two of the 14 major ports on the east coast will be dredged deep enough to accommodate them. There are more than 14,000 miles of highspeed rail operating around the world, but none in the United States. In chicago, it can take a Freight Train nearly as long to go across the city as it would for the same train to go from chicago to los angeles. But perhaps the most glaring example of neglect and inaction may be this sad ittle railroad bridge over the Hackensack River in new jersey. It was built 104 years ago and is, according to amtrak president and c. E. O. Joe boardman, critical to the u. S. Economy. Joe boardman this is the achilles heel that we have on the northeast corridor. Kroft how much traffic goes over it every day . Boardman its almost 500 trains a day. Its the busiest bridge in the western hemisphere for train traffic, period. Kroft and what kind of shape is it in . Boardman its safe, steve, but its not reliable. And its getting less reliable. Its old. Its systems are breaking down. Theres an inability to make it work on. On a regular, reliable basis. Kroft boardman says the portal bridge is based on a design from the 1840s, and was already obsolete shortly after it was completed in 1910. Its a swing bridge that needs to be opened several times a week so barges can pass up and down the river. It takes about a half an hour. The problem is it fails to lock back into place on a regular basis. And what kind of problems does that cause . Boardman it causes trains to stack up on both sides. And actually, when a train stacks up here, it can stack up all the way down to washington and all the way back up to boston. This is a single point of failure. Thats one of the biggest worries we have on this corridor is these single points of failure. Kroft amtraks president says the bridge has to be replaced. The design work has already been completed, and the project, which would cost just under a billion dollars, is shovel ready. Boardman if Congress Wants to do something now, build this bridge. Its ready to be done. Its been ready for two years. Build it. Its tangible evidence that they can really get something done. Kroft its less a case of wanting to get something done than coming up with the hundreds of billions of dollars needed to do it. There is no shortage of ideas from democrats or republicans, whove suggested everything from raising the gas tax to funding infrastructure through Corporate Tax reform. But there is no consensus and not much Political Support for any of the alternatives, as Andy Herrmann told us last summer when we were flying over pittsburgh. Herrmann youre sitting there at these committee meetings. They seem to agree with you. Yes, we have to make investments in infrastructure. Yes, we have to do these things. But then they come around and say, well, where are we going to get the money . And you sort of sit to yourself and say to yourself, well, we elected you to figure that out. Cbs money watch update sponsored by glor good evening. Washington, dc, area airports will be the first to get new fuelsaving satellitebased navigation systems. The European Parliament may call for the breakup of google this week. And eli musk says tesla and bmw are in talks about partnering on batteries and other components. Im jeff glor, cbs news. Which is why we prepare them fresh, in store. Were all about finding unique veggies. Making your sandwich a one of a kind creation. So come on in and get your veggie on. Subway. Eat fresh. Simon some tragedies never end. Ask people to name a Nuclear Disaster, and most will probably point to fukushima in japan three years ago. The Nuclear Meltdown at chernobyl in ukraine was 30 years ago, but the crisis is still with us today. Thats because radiation virtually never dies. After the explosion in 1986, the soviets built a primitive sarcophagus, a tomb to cover the stricken reactor. But it wasnt meant to last very long, and it hasnt. Engineers say there is still enough Radioactive Material in there to cause widespread contamination. For the last five years, a massive project has been underway to seal the reactor permanently. But the undertaking is three quarters of a billion dollars short, and the completion date has been delayed repeatedly. 30 years later, chernobyls crippled reactor still has the power to kill. Its called the zone, and getting into it is crossing a border into one of the most contaminated places on earth. The 20mile no mans land was evacuated nearly 30 years ago, but drive to the center of the zone today and youll see a massive structure that appears to rise out of nowhere. Its an engineering effort the likes of which the world has never seen. With funds from over 40 different countries, 1,400 workers are building a giant arch to cover the damaged reactor like a casserole. It will be taller than the statue of liberty and wider than yankee stadium, the largest movable structure on earth. Nicolas caille is overseeing the archs construction. You know, when you think about it, you have this massive project going on. All these people working here. Billions of dollars being spent because of one day 30 years ago. Nicolas caille yeah, yeah, yeah, youre right. It was the biggest disaster of the nuclear industry, yes. Simon the disaster was sparked by massive explosions that tore the roof off of chernobyls reactor number four, spewing radioactive dust into the atmosphere. The soviets drafted over half a million troops to put out the fire and clear the nuclear debris. Thousands got seriously ill from radiation exposure. Today, three decades later, the cleanup continues. But as this recent video shows, the reactor is still packed with poison heaps of gnarled steel and concrete, pools of nuclear fuel that have hardened into a dense mass called the elephants foot. Theres still so much radiation coming from the reactor that workers have to construct the arch nearly a thousand feet away, shielded by a Massive Concrete wall. When finished, the arch will be slid into place around the sarcophagus, then sealed up. Caille we will push it in once. The average speed, it will be around ten meters an hour, so its approximately the speed of. Of a snail. Simon right. But thats pretty rapid, considering the size of this thing. Caille it is, yes, yes. Simon but the construction itself will have to move a lot quicker. The old plant and sarcophagus are falling apart. Just two years ago, a snowstorm caused the roof of one of the buildings to collapse, forcing workers to be evacuated and raising fears of further contamination. Radiation is not subject to the usual rules of life and death. It is virtually eternal. When caille took us on a tour of the site, we were fitted with dosimeters to tell us how much we were being exposed to. Suddenly, a sound we didnt want to hear. beeper sounding simon hey, theres. Theres beepers going off. Caille no, no. Its not. Its normal. Simon youre sure . Caille yes, yes, yes. Im definitively sure. Simon i dont like a beeper in chernobyl. laughter i dont like that sound. Building the arch under these conditions is challenging enough. But some of the biggest obstacles have nothing to do with radiation. As violence gripped ukraine this year, one of the archs contractors backed out. The project is also 770 million short, and has been plagued by repeated delays. No matter when its completed, vast stretches of the zone will never recover. This is the city of pripyat, two miles from the reactor. 30 years ago, the population was 50,000. Today, it is zero. Pripyat was where many of the plants workers lived, grateful for their posting in a town that was the model of soviet modernity. Ninestory apartment buildings lined this boulevard. Theyre still there, but you cant see them anymore. The forest has taken over, a vision perhaps of what the whole world might look like were people to just disappear. It was springtime in pripyat that day in 1986, and an Amusement Park was due to open in a few days. Andre glukhov lived here then. So, that ferris wheel never had any kids in it . Andre glukhov never had any kids. These bumper cars, on your left, had never kids on it, too. Simon when you talk to your former neighbors, what do you call it, the accident, the catastrophe . Glukhov we just call it 26, which was the date of the accident. Simon 26 . Glukhov 26th of april. Simon sort of like the americans call 9 11 . Glukhov exactly. Simon back then, glukhov worked for chernobyls Nuclear Safety division. He took us on a tour through a part of the plant that had not been destroyed. He was off duty that night, but what he saw when he drove past the damaged reactor was like nothing he, or anyone else, had ever seen. This is the control room. Glukhov this was a terrifying picture. It looked like a sunset in the distance, about 100, 200 yards from you. clears throat and this was the glowing core of the reactor. Simon that was te first and the only time you saw it . Glukhov no, that was the first time when i realized the scale of the disaster. Simon glukhov told his family in pripyat to stay inside and close the windows. Soviet authorities covered the area with secrecy, told people they had nothing to worry about. But 36 hours later, over a thousand busses were sent in to evacuate everyone. Authorities told people it would only be for three days, one of many lies. The people never came back, and pripyat is being overwhelmed by the elements. One of the only things still recognizable is that old soviet iconography. Drive through the zone, and youll find that many villages suffered the same fate as pripyat. A row of simple markers has been planted with the names of each one. But amidst this wilderness, the strangest sight of all people, just a few. Ivan ivanovitch and his wife maria were evacuated to an apartment block near kiev after the accident, but couldnt take it. They werent made for the city, so two years later, they came back. Today, there are three other People Living in this village just a few miles from the old power plant. When you decided to come back to live here, did anyone tell you it was dangerous . Translator its really okay here. You know, when i lived in that apartment block, i got sick all the time. But when i came back here, i was fine. And ive been fine ever since. Simon you should never leave home. Translator i would be long gone if id stayed there. Id be in the ground. Simon despite the danger, tim mousseau also hose to be here. For the last 15 years, the university of South Carolina biologist has been studying the contaminations impact from a makeshift lab inside the zone. Arent many serious labs ive seen that look like this. Tim mousseau yeah, this is an opportunistic lab. Its an old villagers house. Simon mousseaus research has shown that the catastrophe continues to take its toll. Mousseau and were going to attempt to measure just how radioactive these mice are. Simon whats the comparison between the amounts of radiation a mouse would have here and a mouse somewhere else . Mousseau some of these mice have on the order of 10,000 times more radioactivity in their bodies than in clean areas. Simon the human toll has been profound, as well. Thyroid cancer and leukemia affected thousands, though the exact number of deaths is still being debated. Mousseau there certainly is evidence that some of the genetic damage that occurs at the level of the dna can be transmitted from one generation to the next. Simon so a Nuclear Disaster is never over . Mousseau there will be areas that will be contaminated for thousands, if not millions of years. Simon this makes the zone like no other place on earth, which is why its attracting tourists. If youve done paris and rome, why not try a holiday in hell, check out the apocalypse . How did your friends react when you told them you were coming on vacation to chernobyl . David mchale they thought it was very strange, you know. But, i mean, people have been coming here for a while, so, you know, i guess it must be safe. Simon you guess it must be safe. What makes you believe its safe . Mchale well, you know, i would assume that the guides wouldnt bring people here if it wasnt safe. Simon all right. Well, i hope youre right. Mchale so do i. Simon thousands of workers flood into the zone every day to look after what remains of the plant. Others live here yearround, in one of the few places safe enough for inhabitants, the town of chernobyl itself. Yevgen goncharenko was our guide. He lives here, too. Why are you living here and not in kiev . Yvengen goncharenko because i like this place. For me and. Its very interesting, maybe even sacred place. Simon a sacred place. Goncharenko . For me. For me, yeah. Simon he spends much of his time writing music on his bass guitar, music as desolate as the landscape surrounding him. As desolate as the remains of this empire that has long since disappeared. A decade after the disaster, workers here built a monument honoring their colleagues whose lives had been destroyed. The workers and the firemen made the monument themselves . Goncharenko yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. Simon and what does it say . Goncharenko to those who saved the world. Simon to those who saved the world. That may sound a bit hyperbolic, but when the reactor exploded in 1986, radioactive dust and debris were carried as far away as italy and sweden. Until the arch finally seals up that stricken reactor and no one knows when that might be Something Like that could happen again. Unlike other historic relics, chernobyl does not belong to the past. Its power will never die. Chernobyl is forever. Welcome to the cbs sports update presented by pacific life. Im james brown with scores from around the nfl today. The bengals stay on top in the a. F. C. North while the browns remain half game back thanks to a 37yard gamewinning field goal. Denver stays unbeaten at home as Peyton Manning tosses four touchdowns. Seattle snuffed arizona, ending its sixgame win streak. The pats roll, the pack survives, setting up a huge showdown next sunday right here on cbs. For more sports news and information, go to cbssports. Com. Your future to look like. For more than 145 years, pacific life has been providing solutions to help individuals like you achieve longterm financial security. Bring your vision for the future to life with pacific life. Talk to a Financial Advisor to help build and protect your retirement income. Pacific life. The power to help you succeed. When diet and exercise arent enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55 . Yeah crestor is not for people with Liver Disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. 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They are doing it, they say, for the fallen and their families, and focus on palau, a Pacific Island nation that saw some of the fiercest fighting of the war 70 years ago, a place some pilots called a forgotten corner of hell. Fly today over palaus 586 small islands and miles of barrier reefs, and youll see no sign of the carnage that once occurred here. But beneath the jungle canopy, you can still find the rusted ruins of japanese antiaircraft guns, and in the clear blue water, a graveyard of planes and the men who flew them. As the Second World War raged in the pacific, the islands of palau were teeming with japanese soldiers, and under attack by american planes. The skies overhead were filled with hellcats, corsairs, avengers and b24 liberators. On september 1, 1944, this b24, number 453, and its crew took off on a bombing mission. Announcer a liberator is hit cooper 453, like the b24 in this newsreel, was shot out of the sky and disappeared into the sea. It was one of more than 200 american planes lost over palau during the war. Announcer our Pacific Island warfare is not cheap. Pat scannon this was a tough place. This was no pushover. There was as much antiaircraft fire available in this part of the pacific as anything that was over tokyo. Cooper today, dr. Pat scannon leads a group of volunteers that look for the wreckage of american warplanes and the missing airmen who flew them, including 453 and its crew of 11. They call themselves the bent prop project; many have military backgrounds. With permission from the palaun government, they come every year, paying their own expenses, to search in the sea and on land. Scannon i think thats what took my breath away when i saw that star and bar. Cooper when scannons team finds the remains of americans, they inform the u. S. Military, whose job it is to recover and identify the missing airmen. It all started when scannon was vacationing in palau 20 years ago and came across the wing of a b24 with its propeller sticking out of the water at low tide. The bent prop gave the group its name. Did it surprise you that it was still there . Scannon oh, absolutely. Cooper that moment you saw that, what did you think . Scannon i think somebody died there. Cooper the wing and engine of the b24 scannon found in 1993 are still here, the propeller undisturbed in a few feet of water. Scannon says he hasnt been the same since he first found it. Scannon it was one of those special moments in life where, from one step to the next, i. I knew i had to know what went on. It just was wrong to me that this wing is sitting here and nobody knows anything about it. Finding the answers rarely comes easily or quickly. Scannons team spent ten years looking for 453, acting on hunches and old battlefield reports. But it wasnt until 2004 and a tip from a local fisherman that they finally found the wreckage. Thats the tail section of the plane. It was about a mile away from where theyd been searching all those years. Scannon a mile away underwater is. You might as well be on the moon. We spent years doing grid searches in the area that we thought it was. Cooper just methodically, square by square, underwater. Scannon square by square underwater. Because we knew it had to be here. We. You know. You know, a b24 is a big thing. And you know, at least on the map, these waters dont look that big. So how hard could it be . At least thats what we thought. Well, it turns out, its hard. Cooper we went to 453 to dive with pat scannon and his team. The site is now protected by the palaun government. When you enter the water, its only a few seconds before you see the first signs of the plane. The plane impacted, and as it hit the water. And thats why its now laying in sections. At first, you might mistake it for coral. In fact, coral has been growing over it. And over here, you can see the propeller. Scannon at the end of the game, its not about finding aluminum. Its not about finding wreck sites. Its about finding the m. I. A. S who. Who are no longer m. I. A. Cooper the remains of eight crew members were found at this site, and later recovered and identified by the u. S. Military. One of the men was jimmy doyle, a 25yearold texan who was 453s nose gunner. You can still see the turret where he was sitting when the plane crashed and where his remains were found. That diver, pausing in the spot, is jimmy doyles grandson, casey doyle, an active duty marine who now volunteers with the bent prop project. Casey doyle just to know where the last few moments of his life were is a very special time, and to see that down there, and theres probably still a little physically. A little bit of him and the rest of the crew still down there, so its an incredibly powerful and special place for me. Cooper until bent prop found the wreckage, jimmy doyles family didnt talk much about him. Some family members actually believed he survived the war and started a new life. What did people say about your grandfather . Doyle theres a whole generation of people in my family that just did not speak of this because of. Of the unknown. Scannon you can tell a family that their loved one is missing, or that their loved ones were captured and were p. O. W. S. But i swear to goodness, i have talked to families who really believe that grandpa somehow made it out, was saved by the natives and had amnesia, and was living on an island being taken care of by young native girls. And hes. Cooper and families really believe that. Scannon i. I have heard it. Cooper why would people think that . Scannon i think it comes with the hope that someone missing may show up. Cooper jimmy doyle finally returned home with seven of his crew members in 2010, 65 years after their plane was shot out of the sky. A memorial was held in Arlington National cemetery, where some of the men were buried. Pat scannon was invited to attend. What was that like to. To be at arlington . Scannon i was. I felt that my job on that plane was done. And i actually. I stepped back and watched the ceremony from a ways off. And it was extremely emotional. Cooper youre emotional just thinking about it . Scannon yeah. Its. I think about it a lot, actually. Cooper whats the emotion for you . Scannon happiness, that they know whats. What happened. Cooper but not everyone from 453 has come home. Just after the plane was hit, three crew members parachuted out, including 22yearold art schumacher. All three were quickly captured by the japanese, and according to witnesses, taken to a camp in the jungle and executed. The bent prop team is still looking for their remains, but searching on land is no easier than in the ocean. Pat scannon has tried to pinpoint the location of the graves by traveling to japan to interview former japanese soldiers stationed in palau. And hes tracked down palauans who say they saw the men just before they were captured. Scannon so you saw the parachutes . Yeah. Scannon do you know how many . Well, i saw like three, i think. Cooper one palauan drew a map in the dirt showing where he believed the prisoners were executed. Using that information, the bent prop team has identified two spots in the jungle where they think as many as a dozen americans were killed. We were with them when they started digging. The red sticks are where buried pieces of metal were detected probably fragments of munitions, but perhaps a prisoners button or zipper. The chance of finding art schumacher and the others on the first dig may be small, but schumachers niece jo has flown here from washington. What would it mean to find your uncle . Jo well, gosh, we could bring him home. We could bring him home to family. And we can do a proper burial, we can honor them. And they gave their lives for the country. Cooper scannons team has found debris from at least 30 american planes over the past 20 years. In addition to the eight airmen recovered from 453, bent props other discoveries could lead to the return of 16 more m. I. A. S from palau. But many planes crashed in far less accessible parts of the ocean and dense jungle, and their crews never found. Do you know how Many Americans are still missing here . Scannon we think its somewhere between 70, 80 american. American airmen crashed in this area. The real question is how many crashed inside the barrier reef. Inside the barrier reef means we can possibly find them. Cooper why . Because outside. . Scannon its 2,000 feet deep. Cooper in 2005, scannons team found this wing of a tbm avenger in the jungle. They believe the rest of the plane is in the water nearby, and theyve been searching for it the past nine years. Scannon weve never been le

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