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Want to make a last minute splash. Edward lawrence has the against his republican and democratic rivals, donald trump went on defense agains some protesters at a come on, security move faster playing to the crowd ust steps aww from senator Bernie Sanders Campaign Headquarters the republican ontrunner says he would love to run agaginst sanders wwo trails hillaay clinton on the democratic side. That woold be a dreammcome true. But i have my mind set on hillary. Former president bill clinton, on the campaign trail for his wife, refused to engage trump making an issue of his past transgressions. I ha no interest in getting involved in their politics. I disagree with the republican frontrunner mr. Trump. You see, i think america is great. Trump and senator john mccain questioned the eligibility of his closest its no surprise. Everybody knows that john mccain is going to endorse marco rubio. The first test for who survives the attacks, accusations, and heckling will be february 1st. The iowa caucus will be first, then the New Hampshire primary eight days later. If other republican candidates drop out, their supporters will be highly sought after edwarr lawrence nbc newsswashington. Severallpresident ial candidates will be in eastern iowa today. Ted cruz will be in decorah, Bernie Sanders will be in cedar kentucky senator rand paul knows the commitmenn it takes to r rn for president. So he did not go home to celebrate his birthday with his family. Happy birthday to you instead rand paul celebrated the with supporters in des moines. Hes not getting a lot of supportin the polls. But paul says his he wasnt the only president ial candidate at a bar last night. Like you still have a choice. Go to your caucus february first former Maryland Governor Martin Omalley entertained a packed house in des moines. Omalley is likely singing the blues. Last week he failed to file the number of signatures needed to appear on ohios primary ballot in march. Financial markets are off to a rough start in 2016. Thursday marked another ugly day in trading and more losses for ininestors. A big concern is whats happening in china. Reid binion fills us in. Its been almost seven years donna howell. Of investors business daily, on the wave of selling cking wall street this week. Stocks are off to their worst start to a new year ever. With the dow dropping more than five percent in the. And ten percent from correction territory for the second time in a yearar. Ssrking fears of a possible bear market on the way. The losses on wall street have been triggered largely by market chaos on trading floors in china. Beijing debuted a Circuit Breaker system this week to event panic selling. Then scraped the system after it halted trading for the second time in four days. It appears the Circuit Breakers, which are new, may have exacerbated the selling wave on chinese markets. It comes as china tries to jumpstart its slowing economy. By devaluing currency to boost exports. Cnn Business Correspondent alison kosik says thats adding to the angst on wall street. To investors, that sends a message that chinin could be in worse shape than we may realize. Another factor oil prices, which plummeted to a 12year low at one point thursday. While that may ve you money at thehegas pump, it also increases anxiety on wall street. Im reii binion, reporting. Seventeen salt miners are safe after being trapped for nearly houous. It happened just after 10 oclock wedesday night in new york. The miners were trapped in an elevator 8 to 9 hundred feet below the ground. They got to safetyyith the help of a crane and the efforts of dozens of first responders. A texas state trooper turns himself in after a grand jury says he lied about what led to his confrontation with saadra bland last year. The trooper is charged with year in prison and a 4thousand dollar fine. The socalld affluenza mom heads to court today. Tonya couch, the motheeof gitive teen eehan couch, is being charged with hindering the apprehension of a felon. Prosecutors were investigating whether ethan had violated his probation fr killing four people in a drunk driving rash. Authorities believe she helped her son flee to mexico during the investigation. Her bond is set at onemillion dollars. A man is rescued after accidentily being dumped into a garbage running. Take a look at the rescue in northern california. Fire crews say the man was sleepingin a dumpster when the garbage truck made itsspickup. Ththtruck driver says they made four more stops before hearing the morning. Police are searching for five men involved in a smashandgrab burglary. Takka look at thh stolen pickup truck here smashing trough a Convenience Store in texas. After they get inside you can see the group of people trying to move the safe but they cant. Police say they ater took off and abandoned the truck. All five have yet to be found. A man is killed after a small plane crashed behind a tenessee home. No one else was hurt. Theqes no word yet about the cauu of the crash. One person is critically hurt after a house fire started by a deep fryer. Firefighters saw flames coming from the back of the house in merrill, wisconsin. The 77yearold man inside was able to get out t ut was takennto a hospitals burn unit. Both the garage and the home suffered damage. Of this ars olympic ames. The fire started in a shipping container near the tennis venue at rios olympic park. Police are investigating if it was possibly started by former workers protesting layoffs. Wildfires burned out of control in australia, destroying almost a hundred homes in a single township and threatening other communities. Emergency crews also say three people were unaccounted for, and four firefiggters got minor injuries. The wildfires have burned 125 thousand acres of woods and farmland. Hoverboards are now banned in some spots on the university of iowa campus. Weve heard of several reports of fires all over the country. The hool says it doesnt want an accident happening on campus. If a fire breaks ouou, thats our main concern. If a fire breaks can damage a lot of property. He says the hoverboard ban will likely juut be temporary. It could be lifted if the number with the forecast predicted for tomorrow and last next week. K. You might end d p making one of the biggest mistakes a lot of parents make in the winter. Kwwls Amanda Gilbert joins us live waterloo with more on what you can do to make sure you arent puttng your child in danger when you hit the road. Know i made more than once when putting my youngest brother in his car seat. When its rrlly cold out. You might be strapping your child in with their winter coat on so they stay warm. Turns out although you might be trying to protect your kid. You may y e putting thee in danger. This crash test video simulating a child with their coat on in their car seat. But when the car crashes. The child flys out of the seat. I spoke with deb jones. A certified car seat technician th allen hospital. And she says the main problem is the straps are too loose. You want that strap snug those straps to slip off those this baby was strapped in with her winter coat on. We took it some titis if you are worried about your child getting too cold. You can put a blanket over them or put their winter jacket over out of the house. Weve got you covered live in waterloo. Amanda gilbert. Kwwl news. Another interesting fact according to jones the same rules apply to drivers and passengers. No matter how old you are. You should not strap in while wearing a large or pufff winter jackett the Salvation Army is opening a new winter day shelter. The iowa city shelter will be open from 9 in the morning until 11 30 beginning monday. Breakfast willle served for those in need of a meal. I eat out of dumpsters. Theres no breakfast, but now that they may he says the new shelter at the Salvation Army will help him out. It will be open through mid march. A High School Student in North Carolina with a fourpoint gpa recently passed up the chance to graduate early. She opted to stay in school to pursue her newfound love of wrestling. Its a tough sport for anyone, but this teenager has an added challenge she cant see her opponents. Todd gibson has our story. Liana mutiaajust cant understand what the big fuss is. I dont, i dont think theres anything interesting about me. A female, playing a males sport is very unusal,. But even more amazing,. I was legally blind for a get, i really couldnt hide it anymore this year. Liana has been losing sight since her sophomore year but that t asnt stopped her from competing. Judo is her primary sport but liana wanted a new challenge,. Wrestling provided that. Her parents at first,. Were skeptical. In practice and in matches,. Her opponent is required to always keep contact with her. Thats the only advantage liana is given. On the mat, there are no special privileges,. Everyone is equal. Shes a good teammate, she works hard and competes and thats whatats great about her. Beinggvisually impaired. I mean its less scary not knowing what they look like in her first year of varsity wrestling. Four wins against six l lsses. A good recoror for a girl and a blind girl to be in there. But to liana,. He wins and losses are not whats important. Wrestling kind of but more than anything, liana is thankful for her teammates who look out for her id like to see what they look like. Instead liia will have to settle for physical sport foreign to most girll. Its coming up on today in iowa. A new study finds owning a dog can make aaman more attraccive. Plus. One company is transforming your tv experience. Well introduce you to what could be the v of the future. Temperatures are steady in the mid 30s and will only climb a few more degrees with rain acking in this afternoon. Ill have details coming up. Youre watching kwwl, weve got you covered with jerry gallagher, ally crutcher now your storm track 7 donkey noise elephant noise mic screech theres a big difference between making noise. mic tap . And making sense. elephanannoise donkey noise when it comes to Social Security, we need morehan lip service. Our next president needs a real plan to keeeeSocial Security strong. elephant noise hey candidates enough talk. Here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team rain and fogtoday with a mix this afternoon aa temperatures start to fall. And continue to fall through most of the weekend. We have rain showers tracking through now, although some snow fell to the north, so there areesome partially covered roads there. We also have areas of dense fog. Visibilities are below 2 miles over most of the viewing area this mornii. Stormtrack7 Live Weather Network will keep that fog and rain in the area this morning with some snow showing up later today and tonight. Right now, temperatures are e olding in thth 30s across the state and we keep the rain in our part of the area, but there is starts to work into the system. That will track to the northeast and we will have some snow mixing in this afternoon with snow showers through saturday, but mainly we will notice the cold. Much colder air will track in. With teens and 20s in the dakotas covering much of the upper midwest by tomorrow. We will start with the rain and fog, but the lling temps through tomorrow will head toward very low wind chills by sunday. Today will be mild, though, with highs in the mid 30s to low 40s. Fog and rain will mix with snow this afternoon as temperatures start fall. Light snow tonight with no accumulation expected and temperatures will continue to drop through saturday. Lightt snow showers and breezy north winds. Highs will only be a few degrees above the very cold low on sunday with those very low wind chills all day. It will stay cold through wednesday before getting back into the low 20s barely on thursday. Its coming up on today iowa. Its a smartphone, its a smartwatch, its a smart. Dress . Well show you what happens when you Mix Technology and ashion. Plus. At a time of year when many people have resolved to eat better. The federal government has issued its latest set of dietary guidelines. Stay with kwwl, weve got you cocored. Reletheyre updated every five years. For the first time the government suggests we limit the amount of added sugar to 10 percent of daily caloris. The guidelinene also suggest we cut back on salt and saturated fat. The bureau of labor statistics will release job numbers for the month of december. Economists predict the figure will show between 200 and 215 thousand jobs were added last month. The Unemployment Rate is expected o remain at five percent. Though some experts believe its possible it cououd dip beloww eight years. A new Study Suggests what we order when eating out. May be influenced by our waiters appearance researrers found people with heavier waiters were four times more likely to order dessert and ordered 17pecent more alcohol. One good solution. Is to cide ahead offime if youll have an if youre a single guy looking for love, you may want to consider buying a d. A new study by a group of professors finds men who own dogs are more attractive. K majority of women surveyd said ownnng a pet akes someone more attractive. But not just any pet. 39 percent said owning a cat is a deal breaker. A dress featured at this weeks taking the term Wearable Technology to a whole new level. This is a smart dress. It expands and collapses based on wwen it senses ress or adrenaline from the person who wears it. Thats not the only crazy innovation. Samsung hs debuted a new kind of television that can be stacked like legos. Once theyre stacked together, the individual screens combine to form one large tv unit. A a werful processsng engine insidid each deviceeadjusts the create. Heres a live look at storm track seven meteorologist eileen loan has your storm track 7 forecast this is today in iowa on kwwl. Storm t in the middle of a time when senior poverty is increasing. Republicans and some democrats came up with a brilliant idea for cutting costofliving adjustments for Social Security. We said, it will be over our dead bodies if you cut Social Security. As president , i will do everything i can to extend the solvency of Social Security and expand benefits for people who desperately need them. With another check of your storm track seven forecast. Fog and rain this morning with rain and snow this afternn. Temperatures will begin to fall this afternoon and keep going through 25. Highs will be only in the in iowa. Now on today in iowa he draws some of the biggest crowds on but this time, its a crowd of one. Kwwls ron steele has a oneonone interview with Bernie Sanders. Plus, no shirt, no shoes, no service. But if you have a gun, you get a discount at one restaurant. Its a unique idea. But find out why police might be needed to protect that business this weekend. And its a workout video that is so good. So powerful. It only needs some dramatic music now to top it off. The story behind the young woman whose training video went viral. Good morning, im ally crutcher. And storm track seven meteorologist eileen loan is here now with your storm track seven forecast. We continue to see some rain tracking through the viewing area this morning. We had some snow earlier, so there are some roads that have a coating early this morning. We have fog out there, too, with visibilities remaining at 2 miles or less over most of the viewing area. Rain will continue to track in today, with more snow mixing in this afternoon. Temperatures will only climb a few more afternoon as winds turn to the in a few minutes. Our top story today one of the hottest debates in our country right now and the president hopes even more people Start Talking about it. Last night, cnn hosted a town hall with the president about guns. It comes just days after he spelled out new executive actions he hopes will cut down on gun n ra did not show up for town hall saying hes invited the group to the white house repeatedly. The president says he respects all of us can agree that it makes sense to do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of people who would try to do others harm. Or. To do themselves harm. The president says he will not vote for any candidate even a democrat who does not support reform. There are new gun laws on the books in some states this year. In texas, theres a new open carry law. Discounts to customers who legally carry guns. That restaurant is now the target of threats. Someone posted on facebook theyll shoot up the place tomorrow and armed customers wont be able to stop the attack. Were gonna open on saturday as usual, were not gonna run food and were gonna go about our business as if it was a regular day. Police know about the threats and will be at the restaurant tomorrow. The debate about guns takes a backseat on the campaign trail in iowa. As a former president drops in. President clinton is campaigning for his wife, the democratic frontrunner. He stopped by newbo city market in cedar rapids for lunch and to answer some questions from business owners, workers, and nbc reporter. Donald trump is again today making an issue of your past transgressions do you want to i dont have a response. If he wins the republican nomination, well have plenty of time to talk about it if hillary wins. I have no interest in getting involved in their politics or help hillary. The former president spoke at events in cedar rapids and dubuque on thursday. Hundreds turned out to hear him at the hotel julien. He talked about jobs, hillarys experience. But the most memorable moment of the night mightve been this. My phones ringing. Ill have to call hillary back and explain why i cant take it. Clinton stuck around for about 30 minutes after his speech to talk to people in the crowd. On the republican side, senator ted cruz is making his way to eastern iowa later today. His bus tour across the state made several more stops yesterday including in humboldt where he talked about a former democratic president. Jfk campaigned on cutting taxes, on five percent a year jfk would be tarred and feathered and thrown out of the senator cruz will be in decorah today and waukon, strawberry point, oelwein, new hampton and waverly tomorrow. Weve been asking repeatedly for a sit down, 1on1 interview with him during his campaign. So far, weve been told he doesnt have time. We heard the same thing from senator Bernie Sanders campaign for months. Until last night. He sat down with kwwls ron steele for a one onone interview about the issues and about whether he thinks he 80 to 85 percent of the people and, i think we have narrowed question is, do i think we can win, yes, i do think we can win. But, your point is right if were going to win this, we need to bring our people out, get a large voter turnout, and that is what we are working to sanders says his plans call for a tax on wall street speculation. Saying its time for wall street to help the middle class. Senator sanders kicks off his 4day iowa tour at 10 this morning in cedar rapids at the double tree hotel. You can see much more of the sanders oneonone interview in a steele report later this month. New this morning what could be another bumpy ride for investors. The markets in china got off to a wild start today one day after a sharp drop in prices triggered a shutdown of trading. Chinas major stock indexes swung up and down, then rose more than two percent in early trading. Well have to wait and see how the markets respond in the us later this morning. Yesterday, the dow closed down almost 400 points. Its off more than five percent to start the new year. Were also keeping an eye on oil prices which felel to whether thatll lead to another drop at the pump. Police are investigating a suspicious death. Dubuque olice say they went a home on jackson street on monday and found the body of he was 72. No one else was inside the home at the time. His body was sent to the state medical examiner for an autopsy. But at this point Police Believe his death is suspcious. One Facebook Page about police leads to another. With two verz different messages. Earlier this week, we found out about a page encouraging others to target Waterloo Police officers. The Waterloo Police chief believes it was created after these pictures popd up. With te caption ve got my eyes on you. Those pictures were takk after a shooting on new years eve. A waterloo man wanted to counter that Facebook Page with his own. His one tells pplice weve got your back. Its been liked thousands of rebuttal page, i didnt expect anything, but i started adding a few things and it was up to 50 people then later in the afternoon it was up to 500. He sss now he looking to help organize meet and greets between police and kids at places like most of us remember the rocky scene where hes running through the streets and up the steps. It was dramatic and inspiring. Cue up the eye of the tiger music gain. This time for a norwegian sprinter. Slowmotion videos of her training went viral. Shes seen leaping up several steps at a time in south africa, jumping in the gym carrying a barbell on her shoulders and throwing aa shotput. The jumping and weight lifting are training activities, but she said throwing the shotput is something she does juut for fun. She competed for norway at the 2008 and 2012 summer games. Basketball fans a star is born. A 14yearold girl from pittsburgh. Whossmaking threepointers like theres no tomorrow. Kelly brennan tells us about this basketball whiz. She averages fortyfive shes the second freshman. Meet fourteenyearold cali konek from imani chriiian academy i like to shoot a lot threes . well anywhere really. Yeah that includes nba threes. When did you see it in he, you looked at your daughter aa thouuht she could be a phenomenal basketball player . Probably third grade. And at that age cali wanted to get better we actuaaly at that age we found a trainer named Howard Dorsey in pittsburgh and i started bringing her down and i never stopped. And then, it was aau. To play aaainst the bbst, they took her to philly. Now at Imani Christian she stays in the gym for thirty minutes after every practice. Ill normally do this and then go on the ooting machiie and just shoot around. Her game high . Fiftynine. Much in a game but my expectations were to help hy team but i never knew id score that many points. Me coaching cali, its like a joy because her attitude and humility has transitioned into our teammates. She can shoot from anywhere. She can just do most things other people cant4do. Up and down the court she dont need breaksksshe just keeps s oing and i have to keep going with her. Safe to say for this fivefootfour point guard the bebe is yet to come. We still have a lot to get to this morning including star studde halftime show celebrating a big milesto this ar. One of the worlds best plus just soak that up for a second. This is not video of the midwest in january. Lf is back. The pgg tour returns for the new year in beautiful hawaii. Temperatures are steady in the mid 30s and will only climb a few more degrees with rain showers tacking through. Much colder air is hhading our way and mm start tracking in youre watching kwwl, weve got you covered with jerry gallagher, ally crutcher and meteorologist eileen loan. This is today in iowa. From the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather is the economy rigged . Well, the 15 richest americans acquired more wealth in two years than the bottom 100 Million People combined. Im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. My plan make walalstreet banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. The middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. Weather information. Here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team rain and fog today with a mix this afternoon as temperatures start to fall. And continue to fall through st of the weekend. Have rain showers tracking through now, although some snow fell to the north, so there are some partially covered roads areas of dense fog. Visibilities are below 2 miles over most of the viewing area this morning. Stormtrack7 Live Weather Network will keep that fog and rain in the area this morning with some snow showing up later today and tonight. T. Right now, temperatures are holding in the 30s across the state and we keep the rain in our part of the area, but there ii snow to the west as the cold air starts to work into the system. That will track to the northeast and we will have some snow mixing in this afternoon with snow showers through saturday, but mainly we will notice the cold. Much colder air will track ii. With teens and 20s in the dakotas covering much of the upper midwest by tomorrow. We with the rain and fog, but the falling temps through tomorrow will head toward very low wind chills by sunday. Today will be mii, though, with highs in the mid 30s to low 40s. Fog and rain will mix with snow this afternoon as s emperatures start their fall. Light snow tonight with no accumulation expected nd temperatures will continue to drop through saturday. Light snow showers and breezy north winds. Highs will only e a few degrees above the very cold low on sunday with those very low wind chills all day. It will stay cold through wednesday before getting back into the low 20s barely on its predicted that we will soon be dealing with some of the coldest days of the seasn so far. With the cold weather upon us, you might be one of the mmy rents making this common mistake. Kwwls Amanda Gilbert joins us live in waterloo with more on no matter how coo it is outside. E. Its important that you dont strap your child in a car seat with their winter jacket on. Heres crash test vjdeo showing you why not hit this crash test video is schocking. Its simulating a chil with their coat on in their car but why did thiss happen. Siblings. Indy and ellis tigges are going to help show us what went wrong. When they have a big fluffy snow suit on like this. You have reliable in a crash. Loose. You want that strap snug enough that you cant pinch up any strap. If we take indys coat off. We can see just how loose those straps were with the coat on. Its possible for those staps tt slip off those shoulders because its so loose. Jones says this is thr right way to put your child in is put the childs coat over them once theyre stapped in. One thing we encourage them to do is to warm the car up before they take the child out so t ts never happenen crash another nteresting fact according to jones the same rules apply to drivers and passengers. No matter how old you are. You jacket weve got you covered live in waterloo. Amaaa gilbert. Kwwl news. Another tip make sure to warm your car up before you take your child out of the house. A High Surf Advisory is just what the doctor or surfers ordered in california. They rode huge waves at mavericks one of most dangerous surfing spots in the country. One surfer had to cut it short after dislating his shoder. Still to come this morning a routine walk turns upside down for a dog. Hear how firefighters stepped in to save the day. Here ya go. 1, 2, 3 push. Plus, those are not tte words you expect to hear during a traffic stop. But an officer has to play doctor when a couple cannot get the hospital n time. You covered in elgin, of time to put on a show for the ages. Theres a lot of anticipation for this years show. We know beyonce is in. Shell perform wwth coldplay. The last time beyonce performed during the super bowl halftime show was three years ago. Were wondering if anything speial will be done since its super bowl 50. Well have to wait and see. Alltime greats in basketball. Kobe bryant has now scored 33 thousand points in his career. Hes the third n ba player in history to do that. And at 37 years old the the pga tour is back for another year. And this is a with most of usshivering, the best golfers in the world are enjoying the upper 70s in hawaii. Masters champ Jordan Spieth is 1 shot back at 7 under par after the first round of the tournament of champions. Back in the chilly midwest, firefighters put their training to the test. In the water. They rescued a dog that fell into an icy pond in illinois. Is owner let him off the leash as they were out walking in quincy. But the Chocolate Lab chased after geese on a frozen pond and then fell through the ice. His owner quickly called 911. Iieally want a a ig shout outut to the 911 dispatchers. They were awesome. Thank you very much. A firefighter in a wet suit pulled the is now doing well and is already back to his normal routine. Thanks to state troopers a woman is a very happy mother this morning. She gave birth on the side of a highway. Here ya go. 1, 2, 3 push. Dashcam video shows two troopers in new jersey giving the woman instructions. She and her husband d ere rushing too hospital when their baby decided it could no longer and are doing well. Heres another unusual delivery. A 53yearold gave birr to her granddaugther after agreeing to carry the child for her daughter. She and her husband had tried for years to have a baby on their own but couldnt. Her mother offered to step in as surrogate. She went through a series of treatments so she could carry a baby once again. Its youre watching today iniowa on this morning. Lily, brookfield zoos 11yearold greyeal gave birth to a female pup on january 2nd. E weighs just over 30 pounds, could triple or quadruple her weight in the next month. Eileen loan is back with another chek of your stotom track seeen fofocast. Fog and rain this moring with through sunday morning. A few snow showers tonight and tomorrow wont add up to much. Wednesday. Heres a live look outside at , theres another h hr of today inin iowa coming up right here on phone ringing phone ringing you cant deal with something by ignoring it. But thats how some president ial candidates seem to be dealing with Social Security. Americics work hard and pay into it, so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise hey candidates now on today in iowa. State troopers help a woman deliver hehe baby on the side of the highway plus. Donald trump campaigns in Bernie Sanders territory. And blocks the senators supprters from the event. And as the coldest weather of heres a lilie look at our good morning its 6 am today is. Good morning, im ally crutcher. And im jerry gallagher. A few School Delays decorah, postvill and mflflmarmac all running on a 2hour delay. And morning activities are canceled at dike new Hartford Eileen loan is here now with

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