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Her behind closed doors. Was the hotel negligent for letting it today . Happen. Opening statements get underway today, tuesday, february 23rd, 2016. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning. Welcome to today. Tuesday morning. Im savannah guthrie. We have willie in for matt again this morning. The battle between apple and the government got more interesting. Remarkable twist yesterday when the founding father of the Silicon Valley speak out. Bill gates. Came out on the side of the government against apple. Weve seen titans line up on different sides. Our top story is politics. Todays nevada gop caucus and, of course, next weeks super tuesday contest are looming large for both parties. Lets start with nbc National Good morning. Savannah, good morning to you from here on the vegas strip. Donald trump is in the drivers seat in the race and, yet, his rivals have barely touched him. Today will pit trump against the son of the city, marco rubio, who spent his childhood here and has more family here than in miami. Ted cruz is looking to sneak in second. Reporter its starting to sound like its vegas act. Trump, the inevitable. We have a big lead and dont want to blow it. We have to go all the way. Reporter venting his anger against a protester. Were not allowed to punch back any more. I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in theyd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. Id like to punch him in the face. Reporter trump is polling ahead of his rivals in 10 of the next 14 states. On track of the delegates. If we nominate someone that were going to be fighting against each other all the way to november. Well never win that way. Reporter with jeb bush out, marco rubio is trying to lead the establishments large. Charge. Ted cruz is cleaning up the mess within his campaign, with his top aide showing rubio blow off the bible. I made clear in the campaign that we will conduct the campaign with the highest standards of integrity. Rubio outraged. For them to take a video and transcribe words on it thats not what i said, its disturbing. Every day, something comes out of the Cruz Campaign thats not true. Reporter later, trump teed off on cruz. This guy is sick. Theres something wrong with this guy. Reporter despite speculation that a rubiokasich ticket could chancement chance. Kasich described how he first won Public Office 40 years ago. We got an army of people who and many women who left their kitchens to go out and go door to door, and to put yard signs up for me, all the way back when, you know, things were different. Reporter the Clinton Campaign pouncing. Its 2016. A womans place is wherever she wants it to be. Kasich later apologized for what he called an inartful comment. This morning, were getting a snapshot of where things stand. A roll shows Trump Holding on to the lead nationally, 36 . Ted cruz in second. Marco rubio creeping up in the last week. Whats noticeable in the numbers, rubio gained this last week with two key republican groups heavily represented in nevada. White evangelicals and voters who identify as conservative. Savannah and willie . Peter, thank you. Bernie sanders says he has no plans to leave the race, even with Hillary Clinton taking the lead in democratic delegates. Clinton has 52 to sanders 51. Clinton maintains a lead on the party leadership. A survey of super delegates finds 449 backs clinton and only 19 supports sanders. Sanders told supporters monday he sees a path to victory. Short three letter answer is yes. We are in the campaign till the end. We have gone much faster, much further than any or many people would have believed possible. Theyve got the resources to stay in. Next up for democrats, the South Carolina primary on saturday, where clinton holds a big lead in the polls. Lets bring in chuck todd, moderator of meet the press. Chuck, we want to do something a we want to run through the scenarios that Establishment Republicans are running through right now. How you would stop trump, who is in a commanding position. There are a couple scenarios people talk about. The first one, you mentioned, has cruz losing to trump in texas. Explain. Well, savannah, the cleanest way to stop trump is to hurry up and get this to a one on one between marco rubio and trump. Whats the fastest way for that to happen . On super tuesday, for ted cruz to lose his home state of texas. Its a neck and neck race. This gives donald trump potential advantage because he can beat his rivals in their home states. If youre marco rubio, the fastest way to get to a one on one, cruz loses texas and, suddenly, everybody coalesces and a possibility of a one on one is there. Chuck, we hear it every four years. A brokered convention. This is going to the convention and hadnt happened for more than 60 years. Could this be the year, and what its possible. On super tuesday, of the 12 contests, essentially, Everybody Wins a few contests. Rubio wins tennessee and florida. Cruz wins texas. John kasich wins ohio. Donald trump wins his fair share. Its three or four didnt candidates who win regional states or their home states and nobody has a delegate lead. By the way, we will know this on march 16th. Well know the day after the second super tuesday in march if there is only a 100 delegate lead for trump, were going to a brokered convention. Theres one other scenario, and thats a late entrant to the race. This would be if trump is blowing through march and then the panic really sets in, and then its all about simply denying him a majority of delegates, doing whatever it takes. There is still a filing deadline to make in the california primary. Maybe a mitt romney. This is a scenario someone outlined to me a couple days ago. Mitt romney would file late, you daughters to file late, simply to try to beat trump, deny him delegates and create another way for a brokered convention. I have to tell you, its the most farfetched. Romney said he wont get in but maybe itll change. Before we let you go, lets look at the democrats and do math. We laid out the challenges Bernie Sanders has. 20 of the delegates up for grabs on super tuesday. Hillary clinton has a good sized lead in a lot of the states. She does. The only way this starts to be to get tough for her again is if, number one, Bernie Sanders comes within Single Digits on saturday in South Carolina. And then from there, hes got to beat her in a big state. Texas, tennessee, virginia, georgia. Those are four of the biggest states on super tuesday. Can he beat her in one of the four . If he does, i think maybe he has a chance to sort of reset this race. Right now, it doesnt look possible. Chuck todd, thank you so much. Chuck, thanks a lot. There is a new wrinkle in fbi over a cell phone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. Bill gates is weighing in and you might be surprised by what hes saying. Nbcs justice correspondent Pete Williams has more on that. Pete, good morning. Good morning, willie. Surprising because up until now, the other tech giants, including facebooks mark zuckerberg, the founder of twitter and founder of google supporters apple. Bill gates says apple should do what the fbi is asking. I think the people want the government to act on their behalf if the safeguards are there. Reporter bill gates, the founder of microsoft, says Technology Companies should be forced to cooperate with Law Enforcement in terror investigations. He disagrees with apples ceo tim cook, that forcing apple to help the fbi open the iphone of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook will set a dangerous precedent. Has gone to phone companies and banks and lots of companies to gather information. Reporter washington lawyer ted olson, representing apple, says the government never demanded this much. Privacy and liberty is important to the citizens of this country and to the people that buy apple products. Are we going to allow terrorists to take that right away from us . Without fighting back and asking the court to look into these issues . Reporter writing in the new york times, new yorks Police Commissioner bill bratton also goes after apple. He asks, how is not solving a murder or not finding the message that might stop the next terrorist attack protecting anyone . A new poll shows 51 say apple should help the fbi unlock the phone. 38 side with apple. For gates, he says he welcomes the controversy. People feel like the government not being blind and being able to try and stop bad things before they happen, its a good debate to be having. Apple customers who support the company stand against the fbi plan demonstrations today in theyll carry banners that say, dont break our iphones. Fascinating debate. The other side, you have a former nsa and cia chief taking up for apple. You cant predict where this shakes out. Pete, thanks so much. Complicated questions. We turn to the tragic shooting spree in kalamazoo, michigan. A vigil was held for the victims last night. Were hearing from the family of a teenager clinging to life this hour, as police try to figure out a motive in the attacks that appear to be random. Ron mott has the latest on this. Good morning to you. Good morning, savannah. 14yearold girl is one of two survivors of the shootings. Shes being treated behind me at bronson methodist hospital, as the community is struggling what drives someone to target unsuspecting people like her. She is alive, and she is fighting for her life. Reporter late monday, tears and hope from the parents of abigail kopf, the youngest victim in the kalamazoo shooting spree. A vibrant, beautiful young lady and didnt deserve this. Reporter the 14yearold was shot at a Cracker Barrel parking lot, along with four women who are killed. At the hospital, abigail was pronounced dead. While doctors prepared for organ donation, she squeezed her mothers hand. It was a miracle on its own. Reporter doctors say the other survivor has a bullet lodged in her kidney but is expected to recover. Nbc news learned the girlfriend of tyler smith, killed alongside with his father in a car dealership, survived by hiding under a blanket in the backseat of a car. The suspect, uber driver, jason dalton, admitted involvement in the rampage that killed six people. He made a statement. From his responses, theres little remorse. Reporter no answer to the questions why. I prefer to remain silent. Dalton was picking up uber passengers between shootings. We didnt have any red flags. Prior to that day, his record looked good. Reporter dalton had been on the job one month, undergone a background check by the company and had a high rating before his arrest. Hundreds came together at a vigil monday night to pray for the survivors and remember the victims. The 45yearold suspect is due back in court in a few weeks on march 10th. Savannah, willie, back to you. Ron mott, thank you. By the way, coming up in the next half hour, well focus on how Companies Like uber screen potential employees. Questions a lot of people have in the wake of this. In other news this morning, bill cosbys wife has answered questions under oath in a civil suit tied to her husbands alleged Sexual Assault of seven women. Lawyers say she answered questions for two and a half hours at a massachusetts hotel. The seven women accuse her husband of defaming them by denying their allegations of Sexual Assault. After mondays deposition. He said he believes the jury will restore their good names and reputations. At the end of the day, a jury is going to determine who has more credibility. Is it the seven women that we represent, or is it bill cosby . Camille cosby will answer questions at a second deposition next month. Bill cosby has repeatedly denied all claims of sexual misconduct. There is a threat of Severe Weather in the south today and al is watching that. Right. Not just today but into the overnight hours which can be potentially very dangerous. Were watching the storms already firing up from houston to galveston, corpus christi, pushing to the east. We have a tornado threat from new orleans to houston, 21 Million People at risk, large hail, tornadoes likely. Overnight, tonight into tomorrow morning, weve got a severe risk, a strong risk, from mobile tallahassee involved, as well. Damaging winds. Wind gusts of 60 miles per hour. This will push to the east early today, the storms in texas. Then they go to louisiana, new orleans under the gun. We move to this evening. The storms move to mississippi. Damaging winds and really significant, longtracked tornadoes overnight. Wednesday, it tracks into georgia, the carolinas. Were looking for a tornado threat in the eastern carolinas, as well. Over the next couple days, anywhere from 2 to 4 inches of rain. Guys, the real threat here, especially overnight, we cant stress this enough, the danger of the tornadoes, especially longtrack ones. Theres a winter side to the storm, as well. Well check back in a second, al. Thank you very much. News from overseas. The Syrian Government saying it accepted a halt to combat operations in line with the u. S. Russian plan for a partial truce. Syria would coordinate with russia to decide which groups and areas would be included in the ceasefire. Isis is not included in the deal. Will appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee over enforcement of the truce. The ongoing battle over the u. S. Supreme court and efforts to fill the seat of the vacancy left by the death of antonin scalia. Republicaning jumping on statements that then senator joe biden 24 years ago. June of 1992, biden said the senate should not consider a nominee during an election year. He was speaking hypothetically. The senate wasnt considering a nominee at the time. Biden responded. As my record shows, i presided over the consideration of justice kennedy, reagan nominee, who was confirmed in a president ial election year. We have dramatic video out of australia. A construction crane was on fire in melbourne. That led to this. The arm of the crane crashing to the ground. Thankfully, no one was injured in the accident. Officials say the fire may have crane. Huge waves are causing big problems in hawaii. A historic swell hit the north shore of oahu with waves jumping on to roadways and soaking cars. Transportation officials were forced to close the highway. Locals said the surf was the biggest theyve seen in a decade. A few daring surfers jumped in for a ride. Al is back with more on the weather. Quick look at the national forecast. Well show you we are expecting the strong storms down through the south. Beautiful weather along the west coast. We have snow out of the rockies. Itll make its way east later on. Well get to your local forecast breezy conditions tomorrow and thursday. Stormtrack7 Live Weather Network cameras will show a few of those showers off and on today but will be mainly dry. Temperatures are mild. We are still in the low to mid 30s in our viewing area and across the state with light winds. They are turning to the south and will eventually turn to the snowy side of the storm will come up in ten minutes. Al, thank you very much. Opening statements begin today in Sports Reporter erin andrews lawsuit. Was the hotel where she was videotaped by a stalker increased scrutiny over the vetting process in Companies Like uber in the wake of the deadly rampage in kalamazoo, michigan. How do you know your driver is first, this is today on nbc. Just ahead, keshas dispute with the production shes accused of abuse. What hes saying about the allegations and the fellow stars rallying behind her. The duke and duchess staff at Kensington Palace are threatening to strike. Well explain after your local news. To my allergy season. And i am still claritin clear. Because when i got itchy watery eyes. I started taking claritin every day. When your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. 23 days relief from sneezing. And runny nose. Claritin is powerful, lasts 24 hours. And its nondrowsy. Get the number one doctor recommended. Live claritin clear. Every day. 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You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, extremely dangerous and authorities call it a full court press as they search for a this man 22 year old Kevin Edwards is wanted in a chicago murder. Chicago Police Believe he killed this boy 9 year old tyshawn lee in november in a gangrelated shooting. They say edwards and two other men lured the boy into an alley where they shot and killed him. Home in the 400 block of randall street in waterloo over the weekend. Its one of several waterloo homes connected to edwards he also has known connections throughout eastern iowa. Authorities did not find edwards but they did arrest this man theyre still searching for edwards. Look at weather. A few showers track through today with breezy conditions tomorrow and thursday. More wind temperatures cool even more. Well be back in 30 minutes, be so, let me get this straight u. S. Cellular has the phone youre looking for, a network thats built to give you coverage way out here where the other guys dont, and 6 gigs for only 40 a month. Thats a lot less than verizon and at t. So, why on earth would you ever go with one of those other guys . Switch to u. S. Cellular now and get 6 gigs of data for 40 a month plus get 300 back. [ echoing ] just sayin. 7 30 now. Its tuesday morning, 23rd of february, 2016. Its like were at a rave here. Its studio 1a. We have a nice crowd outside. Well get out there in a couple moments. This is the lamest rave. This is not a great rave. Back inside studio 1a, heres a look at the headlines. Republican president ial candidates are vying for votes in the nevada caucus today. Donald trump holds another commanding lead in the polls as he looks to make it three wins in a row. At a packed rally last night, even trump seemed surprised by his performance so far. Who knew this was going to happen . I figured maybe wed be in the middle of the pack and edge it out at the end, like a racehorse. We win in the end. But we have a big lead and we dont want to blow it. You know, frankly, weve got to go all the way. No republican has ever won New Hampshire and South Carolina and lost the nomination. A judge denied bail to the uber driver accused of going on a deadly shooting rampage in kalamazoo, michigan. Jason dalton is charged with killing six people and attempting to kill two others. So far, no motive has been determined. And the white house has Just Announced that later this make a statement on the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, cuba, a facility hes vowed for years to close. Nbc news will have live coverage on many of these stations. Also this morning, Sports Reporter erin andrews and her 75 million lawsuit against a peeping tom who recorded her naked and the hotel she blames for allowing it to happen. The trial gets underway. Janet shamlian has more. Good morning. It was a public personalitys most private moments. This morning, Sports Reporter erin andrews is going after not only her stalker but the hotel that put him in the room right next to her. Reporter sports caster erin andrews walks into a National Courtroom this morning, eight years after a man secretly recorded her naked in her hotel room, then posted it online. Looking for a payback, shes asking for 75 million from the and the hotel where it happened. In 2008, a man, michael barrett, became obsessed with her and Court Testimony revealed that he followed andrews secretly from city to city. At this Marriott Hotel in nashville, according to court documents, barrett requested his room be placed next to andrews and he was granted the request. The complaint saying barrett removed and altered the peephole of andrews door and recorded getting dressed without her consent or knowledge. Andrews emotions were raw still at the trial, agonizing over an embarrassing video that had been viewed more than 300 million times. I wont get this down in 30 months or 30 years. My kids, my future husband, will have to deal with this. Reporter barrett pleaded guilty to stalking and shooting the nude videos and served 30 months in prison. Hes free now. Suing barrett and marriott. Marriott international is no longer part of the suit. The Management Company at the time. Claiming the video caused and continued to cause her great Emotional Distress and embarrassment. Andrews telling oprah. I kept screaming, im done. My career is over. Im done. Reporter but she wasnt. Shes appeared as a host and contestant on dancing with the stars. Her career as a Sports Reporter thrived. If i run and hide, its showing the stalker victims you should be ashamed of yourself. I did nothing wrong. I should be allowed to live my life, but this isnt over. The jury of seven women and five men will hear Opening Statements this morning in a trial expected to last about two weeks. Andrews stalker will testify, but not in person. He will be on video. Savannah and willie, back to you. Thank you. Now to more on the deadly shootings in michigan that killed six people and wounded two more. The uber driver now charged in the case picked up passengers there were no apparent red flags and uber did run a background check on him. But some are wondering if more could have been done to prevent the tragedy, and how Companies Like uber vet their employees. Nbcs tom costello has been looking into it. Uber doesnt plan to change any policies following the tragedy in michigan. In large part, because the suspect had no criminal background. In this digital age of apps and ride sharing and home sharing, how do you know if youre totally safe . Reporter it takes just a click and these days, you can borrow a total strangers bedroom for a weekend get away, or summon a stranger to take you, even your kids, home. All you have to go on is the other persons customer rating. Every uber driver is rated. You can rate them on your app. They can rate you. Its like, its reliable. I trust them. Reporter uber says driver jason dalton had a close to 4. 73 stars and he passed the uber background check. No criminal record. In a situation like this where a background check comes back completely clean and the Motor Vehicle checks are completely clean, we cant always prescreen and predict all behavior. Reporter to become an uber driver, applicants must provide name, address, Social Security number and insurance company. Uber vets them through local and international databases. Including court records. Uber has been accused of not doing enough elsewhere. Prosecutors in l. A. And San Francisco last year said the background checks missed criminal records of 25 drivers. Including one who spent 26 years in prison for Second Degree murder. And uber doesnt run fingerprint checks of potential drivers like Taxi Companies do. Because uber does not use fingerprints, it cant be sure the information on the background check belongs to the reporter one challenge, say tech experts, Services Like uber are growing too fast to thoroughly check everyone. Youre not sitting next to the person who is going to hire you and looking them in the eye and convincing them to hire you. Reporter uber drivers themselves have been targeted. Beaten by enraged or drunk passengers. Some violence caught on camera. From ride sharing to home sharing, its a brave new world. For millions of americans, there is no substitute for safety. So in this new economy of sharing, the question is whether simple arithmetic would suggest bad actors will get through, as they do in every business. In education, schools, in industry. As one uber rider said to me, i believe in what Ronald Reagan used to preach. Trust but verify. Willie and savannah, back to you. Tom costello, thanks so much. Uber saying this guy had no criminal record. We couldnt have caught him in the first place. 4. 75 rating, so he was good to that point. Tragic situation. Were talking about the winter side of the storm. Now, we have Winter Weather watches in effect from champaign, illinois, up to michigan. 11 Million People under these watches. Were watching this storm system push up through the ohio valley. Rain will change to wet snow in ohio and indiana. We expect it to continue east into the appalachians tomorrow. Itll end as snow for interior parts of the northeast. Snowfall is basically going to be really confined to northern michigan, where we could see over a foot up near saginaw. Chicago, youll see about 4 to 6 inches of snow before its all over. Thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happtomorrow and thursday. Stormtrack7 Live Weather Network cameras will show a few of those showers off and on today but will be mainly dry. Temperatures are mild. 30s in our viewing area and across the state with light winds. They are turning to the south and will eventually turn to the southwest to thats your latest weather. Al, thank you very much. Coming up on trending, surprise stowaway. What a gorilla is doing aboard the International Space station. What . Got to be a good story there. First, why members of the Kensington Palace staff are threatening to go on strike and what it can what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis . This is tecfidera. Tecfidera is not an injection. 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Youre unpacking already . Yeah, help me find some mugs. Sure. beep hey. O. K. Theyll do. Wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. The best part of wakin up so, where do you want to start . I think this is a pretty good place. Is folgers in your cup were back at 7 43 with a dispute involving the royal family. The duke and duchess of cambridges staff at Kensington Palace threatening to go on strike. Keir simmons is in london with more. What is going on . Hi, guys. This follows a historymaking strike threat. That dispute was resolved last year, but now folks at Kensington Palace are threatening to walk out. What must the queen be thinking . Reporter at the royal palaces, they are worried abilityabout money. Not the income the royals receive, but a proposed pay cut for some staff. Already, some are complaining that william is a little, well, underemployed, putting in few shifts as a helicopter pilot and taking a month off at christmas. Kate was working hard just last week. How long does it take to change over . Reporter editing an online newspaper for charity. No, stop the press, its some royal staff threatening a strike. Theyre among those who work at william and kates home, Kensington Palace. Royal employees fear theyll lose 5,000 a year. The salaries cut by a charity former staff say when you work with the royals, you dont do it for the money. Youve worked for the royals. Why does someone work for the royals . The reason is, there is this privilege, the idea that im working next to a royal. Reporter it cant help that Kensington Palace just had an upgrade, costing 23 million. Those staff that are closest to william and kate, the guys that buttered their toast and poured their tea are not involved. But the royals are famously frugal. The queen is said to walk around Buckingham Palace switching off the lights to save electric. True story. She turns the thermostat down. True story. A lot of places dont stand with the refrigerator door open. Keir, thank you so much. Just ahead, what is that . The massive fish the size of a car. What . It has the internet buzzing. Starbucks not sitting well with some customers. First, these messages. Binge eating disorder, or b. E. D. ,. Isnt just overeating. Its a real medical condition. And while the exact cause is unknown. Certain chemicals in the brain may play a role. B. E. D. Is also the most. Common eating disorder in us adults. Hi, im monica seles. When i binged,. I wasnt in control. I never felt satisfied. No matter what the quantity was. Afterwards, i felt so upset with myself. To learn more about b. E. D. Go to Binge Eating Disorder dot com and talk with your doctor. Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. To the couple wondering what a good deal looks like. No. Seriously . Well give it a 6 for composition. Scary. 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No harsh rubbing, no rinsing. New micellar water from garnier skinactive. General mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. All year long you worked hard to take care of business and take care of the people who matter most. So when your tax refund arrives, make it go a little further at walmart. From electronics, to home decor, even tires, get low prices on everything you need walmart. Were back at 7 49 with whats upset a lot of starbucks customers today. Carson is in the orange room with that story. Wish me luck. Starbucks announced on monday what they called exciting new changes to the rewards program. Many on social media were not so thrilled. Heres the deal. Right now, you get a star every time you make a purchase. Basically, no matter what you order, youre earning points toward a free drink. Come april, the focus shifts. Youre going to get points based on how much you spend instead. If you are like me and get a simple coffee every day, itll take 40 more to reach the free beverage each time. If you spend more, youll get there faster. Starbucks said this was the number one request heard from customers. Punishing those of us that like regular black coffee. Steven wrote, now i have to spend three times as much to gain any rewards. Sincerely, a tall dark roast drinker. Starbucks are encouraging people to hold out for whats to come. They tweeted, well be introducing new ways to earn stars so the majority of members will earn stars just as fast, if not fast as before. It remains to be seen if this will have impact on customer loyalty. Well find out in april. You lost me at, try to follow this. All the time at starbucks and not getting the rewards, ive been missing out. If this is our biggest problem, were doing great as a country. Thanks, carson. Coming up, natalies Devil Wears Prada moment as cosmopolitans newest intern. Weather. A warm sun. Nutrient rich soil. Thats how you grow the best, tastiest vegetables. And thats how you make it progresso. I recommend nature made vitamins. Because i trust their quality. They were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. Nature made. The number one pharmacist recommended letter vitamin brand. They say when mr. Clean saw all the Different Things his new smart phone does. It reminded him of his magic eraser. Its not just for marks on walls. Its tough on kitchen grease. And bathroom grime too. Hes your. All aroundtoughcleaner, mr. Clean. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. You need the power of. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Are you powered by protein . We are. Milk has 8 grams to help give you energy to unleash your potential. Start every day with milks protein and milk life. Abdominal pain. Urgent diarrhea. It could be ibsd new prescription xifaxan is an ibsd treatment that helps relieve your diarrhea and abdominal pain symptoms. Do not use xifaxan if you have a history of sensitivity to rifaximin, rifamycin antibiotic agents, or any components of xifaxan. Worsens while taking xifaxan, as this may be a sign of a serious or even fatal condition. Tell your doctor if you have Liver Disease or are taking other medications, because these may increase the amount of xifaxan in your body. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. The most common side effects are nausea and an increase in liver enzymes. If you think you have ibs with diarrhea, ask to your doctor reporter so when you hear, say, one side, saying that theyd like to wait til the next president is in office to appoint a justice, what do you think about that . Justice oconnor i dont agree. I think we need somebody there, now, today, Opening Statements will be made in a murder trial moved to eastern iowa. Alexander fazzino is charged with first degree murder in the death of his wife, emily. Her body was found in their home in boone in 2012. Her grandfather founded the Fareway Stores grocery chain. Fazzino called police saying his wife was unresponsive. He told them he believed emily was trying to kill herself, and that she was addicted to prescription drugs. Police investigated it as a homicide after the autopsy showed she suffered head trauma. The high profile case was moved to Winneshiek County and is expected to take up to three weeks. Now, lets go to eileen with a look at weather. A few showers track through today with breezy conditions tomorrow and thursday. More wind sunday and monday as temperatures cool even more. Well be back in 30 minutes, be whats all this nonsense about balls . Pink balls, blue, yellow, red. Its hard to keep the whole thing straight. And all these socalled deals . Well, they come with a lot of deal breakers. Like when you leave the city the signal goes weak. U. S. Cellular built a network to give you a stronger signal where the other guys dont. And as for deals . Hows 300 back for every line you switch . 300 no ball nonsense. Get 300 per line and a stronger signal, its 8 00 on today. Coming up, the its 8 00 coming up app the angelina effect a new study shows women undergo the man is after she accuses of him of rape. Some of the biggest names behind the popular singer. And she puts her best heel forward and see if she has to take what it. Today tuesday february 23rd, 2016. Were from san diego and we love today. Hi, kids. Mom and dad are in new york city. Virginia. I love you. Its 8 00, tuesday february 23rd, 2016. I know i say this every day, but we have the best crowds, everyone so excited, so happy to be here. Theyre here with bells on so good morning to them. Good day for a selfie. All right. Thats a good thing because matts under the weather. Hell be back soon we hope. Coming up, celebrity style for the rest of us. Were going to show you to tackle the seasons hottest trepds that you think you cannot pull off. You can pull that off. First, lets head inside for a check of the morning top stories. Good morning. Trump unloaded on a heckler at a rally saying hed like to punch him in the face. Cruz fired a top aid on monday that tweeted marco rubio of brushing off the bible. With jeb bush now out of the race rubio is hoping to pick up support from Establishment Republicans backed by bob doyle. A rift is growing over apples refusal to help the fbi hack the iphone. Rallies in favor of iapple are being held coast to coast. A new poll shows over half of americans back the fbis effort to force apple to help investigators. Micro soft founder bill gates weighing in in support of the fbi saying this is a specific a new report finding that more women are opting for preventative mast ektmys than ever before. Doctor, good. So the study shows that women are getting by more than ever before. I think women are being more aggressive about their care and more proactive, but according to experts the biggest risk for a woman in terms of cancer really has do with their genetic predisposition as well as Family History. According to some studies that have been done, what seems to be driving this more aggressive approach is more fear and anxiety and maybe some risks are because studies would suggest a more conservative approach as the same outcome. What is alarming is according to the same study is the number of women getting double surgeries is triple. Are they taking off more than they need to . According to experts if youre Family History is not very strong and you have an Early Stage Breast Cancer your outcome would probably be similar if you do a similar conservative approach. Thats why experts are slightly alarmed. This study is not taking into account because this is 2015. Thats a good point. I think if this trend continues we might even see a higher number in the next five to ten years if that effect actually comes into play. Thanks so much. That he was hiv positive may have had a life saving impact. More people googled hiv than ever before. Researchers at San Diego State University Say the number of searches for hiv information jumped by 2. 75 million and after years of waning interest news reports mentioning hiv was more. A fish getting revenge on a young hocky fan. It is a New Hampshire tradition you toss a fish on the ice, but when the tradition called this guy instead flocked, he couldnt heave the slippy fish over the glass. It took him three times to achieve the goal. His embarrassing performness a a viral sensation. How did it get in there . They bring it into the arena. I think if you dont get it over twice you just quit, put it back in your bag and bring it home for dinner. A heated case for pop star kesha. She is fighting to get out of her reporting contract. The man at the center of this dispute is speaking out for the first time. Reporter the high profile court battle between a well known pop star and producer is turning into what some are calling a trial by twitter. Shes getting support from singers and celebrities after the judge denied her bid to be contract. Hashing the free kesha. Lady gaga writing im ina of your bravry. Taylor swift is donating 250,000. She is going to have a difficult road ahead of her to win in the court of law, however she seems to be winning big time in the court of public opinion. In 2014 she sued dr. Luke claiming he sexual, physically and emotionally abused her. She said he forced himself on her while she was intoxicated and drugged. Monday dr. Luke took to twitter saying i didnt rape her and i have never had sex with her. We were friends for many years and she was like my little sister. In a statement his attorneys accused her of using a Vicious Smear Campaign to ruin his reputation. She made up the allegation so she could get out of her recording contract with him and sony music. Her attorneys argue her career is at a stand still because she wont work with dr. Luke as her contract requires, but his attorneys say she is already free to record and release music without working with dr. Luke as a pruser if she doesnt want to and he claims she isnt free is a myth. It has marked bitter lawsuits in three different states with both sides digging in now fighting in and out of the courtroom. For today nbc news. Lets bring in the legal analyst. Good morning. Lets be clear about what this is. We havent gone through a trial. This isnt the end of the case, this is the beginning of the case. So shes saying he abused me, i dont want to work with him, i want out of my recording contract and sony is saying you you are bound by your contract. This is a preliminary injunction hearing which sw early in the case and her lawyer had to meet a high legal bar and the judge said he didnt meet that bar. This is just the first step and she lost this first legal battle. It doesnt prevent her from coming forward with her case. What happens with these claims she makes of all kind of abuse with dr. Luke what happens now . Does she have to prove them . There will be a trial and her attorney can bring forth witnesses and evidence. But at this point the judge says theres no injury because you dont have to work with him anymore. All shes claiming is that sony wouldnt promote her in the future. On those allegations of Sexual Assault dr. Luke says she gave a statement under oath at a previous deposition saying it didnt happen. Its a huge problem for her. We know that Sexual Assault survivors do tend to say no it didnt happen, but its tough for her to overcome. Is it a problem that she never went to Law Enforcement and reported it . I think its less of a problem. She did bring these claims forward with her lawyer. The bottom line you see all these celebrities and theyre saying free her, but she is free to record as long as she stays with sony. If these allegations were proven, would that be prove enough to get her out of her contract with sony. I think its a winning point for sony that she does not have to work with dr. Luke anymore and theyve pointed out theyve lived up to their end, theyve spent millions of dollars promoteling her music. They want to promote her music, sony wants to go forward with her. Well see what happens. Thank you. Coming up next how do you handle it when youre at a restaurant and your order is messed up . How about gorillas in space. And the not so fabulous side of the fashion world, natalie takes on an sbernship. With my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Listen up im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. And give her the strength and energy to stay healthy. Whos with me . the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. With 9 grams of protein. And 26 vitamins and minerals ensure. Take life in everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. Keep it simple. Always be real. Dont be artificial, but always be sweet. Nature valley granola bars. 8 14, otherwise known as trending time. Weve all been on Job Interviews and know the question, where do you see yourself in five years . Whats your biggest weakness . Right. The ceo of Charles Schwab takes a different approach. He takes the person to breakfast. Its not scones and green tea. Beforehand, he tells the restaurant to mess up the job applicants order, to get something wrong to see how they react. Do they get upset, frustrated, are they understanding, solutionoriented . He told the new york times, well all make mistakes. The question is, how will we recover and will we be its a way to look inside someones heart rather than just their heads. Great idea. I like it. Its interesting. On the other hand, if you were on a job one has to do with the other. If you were on a Job Interview. Apparently, it goes on to say that some bosses think if youre not assertive and dont say, i ordered the salmon, not the chicken, it says something negative. I think if i were on a Job Interview and they brought the wrong order, i wouldnt say one thing. Id just eat it and concentrate on the interview. Usually, youre too nervous anyway. Not me. I wonder if anybody has shown up and gotten so mad and flipped the table order when the order was wrong. Thats my guy right there. Youre hired all right, the words mola mola mola. Its this massive fish captured on video off the coast of portugal. It translates to ocean sunfish. The species can weigh up to 5,000 pounds. The size of a small suv. This video is up to more than 4 million views. So cool. Mola mola doesnt translate to terrifying fish . No. Giant forehead. Look at the shape of that thing. Translates to a special at red lobster. Wow. Rare mola mola. Sorry. Now to another strange creature, at least in space. What is king kong doing aboard the International Space station . Of course, its not king kong, its astronaut kelly having fun, chasing around a fellow crew member. Where did he get the gorilla suit . Acme. No, a care package sent by his twin brother, mark kelly. Scott kelly wraps up his thats what happens when you spend that much time in space. Great excuse to play benny hill music. Theyre american heros but it might be time to come home. Its their entertainment. Now to the pop star who just outdid the king of pop. A fictional president gets a real honor. Rihanna is first up this morning. Wheres the tequila . Oh ill try and make it through. Rihanna has a huge milestone here. She has a new song called work featuring drake. Topped the billboard singled chart, giving her her 14th hit. She has one more than michael jackson. Theyd been tied at 13. With the new honor, rihanna is only behind the beetslesbeetles. Her residency where shell honor her husband, who died after battled cancer. The show will kick off at 10 30 eastern time. If youd like to see it, the concert will be live streamed on her website. Finally, a big honor for one of the nations most respected and feared leaders. You respect president frank underwood, right . Of course. The military vet from South Carolina who is not above mau niplation murder . Kevin spacey played him. Its part of a publicity stunt for the series which debuts march 4th. Pretty good. Thats your pop start today. Tequila less. You keep a little flat today. Thanks a lot. Al, how is the weather looking . We have Winter Weather here in this area. First, again, want to reiterate the threat of Severe Weather down south. Got a risk, strong risk, from new orleans to hat. Crestview to al, significant overnight tornadoes. Were watching wet snow in the northeast. Itll start around noon. As it makes its way to the north, snow in boston, rain along the coast. Winter weather advisories from parts of pennsylvania all the way up to vermont. Heavy thunderstorms on wednesday in the afternoon. We look for some places picking up 2 to 3 inches of rain in the breezy conditions tomorrow and thursday. Stormtrack7 Live Weather Network cameras will show a few of those showers off and on today but will be mainly dry. Temperatures are mild. We are still in the low to mid 30s in our viewing area and across the state with light winds. They are south and will eventually turn to the thats your latest weather. Willie . Al, thank you very much. Day two of our up for the job today series, where we put our skills to the test by being interns. Al tackled the San Diego Zoo on monday. Natalie, its your turn. Ive always loved fashion and had the opportunity to work at cosmopolitan cosmopolitan, the best selling young womens magazine in the country. Sounds like a dream, doesnt it . I filled in for the executive assistant to the editor in chief. What a day it was. Cosmopolitan, here i come. Oh, my gosh. I feel like im in my dream right now. Im living my dream. I like that one. I like that one. I like that one. Little bit like Devil Wears Prada. Hello. How are you . Im your assistant for the day. Good. My boots have got dog hairs on them. Can you find a lint roller . Sure thing. Ill be in with a lint roller. Thank you. Where is the lint roller . First off, tea, little bit of milk, no sugar. Lipstick, i cant remember the color. I need endless supplies of it. The fruit bowl behind you, the banana looks like its going to give off poisonous gases. Get rid of it. These shoes, i want to meet the designer. Try to get them in this afternoon. Okay. That should do for now. Is that all . It is for you, but ill have more things in a couple of minutes. Okay. Tea, tea, tea. She likes earl gray. There is none. Theres english breakfast. This is her cup but it doesnt fit. Okay. Natalie, natalie, when city for a cup of tea, i need it otherwise, had i been in a desert, my inner organs would have shrivelled to the size of a walnut and i would have dehydrated. Ill get it first next time. Fancy, look at that. Can i take a message for her . What is the chefs special in the cafe . Grilled chicken. I need more tickets for hamilton. Shed like to see, if possible, if you have four Tickets Available for fridays show. This friday . I need some jewels. She would like to see if she can borrow jewelry from sydney garber. Friday, four tickets. Lipstick, i need to reapply. Needle in a hay stack. I think i found a lipstick. Long earrings, feathered. Natalie, try this on. Cuffs. No. Could you get that out . Where do i begin . 3 00. Think we got hamilton for friday. Amazing. Im so good at my job. The perks of the job. Look at that. These are amazing. Oh, my gosh. What are you doing . I just wanted to make sure these are the jewels. I wanted to model them for you. You did, did you . I would take them off now and put them somewhere. Then will you disinfect the earring, natalie . Sure. I just got in trouble. Lets go down to a shoot later on. I want some help. Little lower. Bring it down a little bit. Natalie . Sure. It was super fun, ladies, back to the office. Bye. Bye. You called . I just wanted to let you know my actual executive assistant is back, heather. You are relieved of your duties. I thought you did a good job. I thought you did a good job. I wasnt expecting a lot and, actually, you exceeded my expectations. If you need a reference, you can give me a call. Yours now. Thanks. Im out so glad to be back at my real job. Obviously, a lot of that was did you get a ticket for hamilton . No. But thank you to joanna and her staff. They were sweet to let me tag along and pretend to be their assistant assistant. If you want to be an intern there, you have to be in college to receive credit for it. She is tough but is a great boss. She didnt notice you never got her the tea. Dont tell the secret. Too late but youre out. Her assistant said, i switch it on her all the time. Sorry you threw her under the bus. Thats her last day today. Thank you very much. Seriously, howd you get hamilton . Know a guy at the front office. Very resourceful. Had to do something for my job, right . Working hard. Tomorrow on up for the job, its carsons turn. He went to the airport. Had a great time. The men and women at delta work hard. You get on a plane and assume itll get you to the destination safe and you never think of the men and women and what they do you kpolice say a man killed by officers this month is the suspect of a january homicide. Urbandale Police Officers shot and killed ali yahia on feburary 13th at a hotel. They say he fired at them first. Investigators say testing found yahias blood matched dna found at the scene of a january murder in des moines. Yahia is the only suspect in the homicide. Warmer weather causing problems for an iowa bridge. Ice is ramming into the wagon wheel bridge near boone. Large pieces of ice stick together on the Des Moines River and like dams ice jams keep the water weather warmed up they come crashing downstream with lots of water and ice. Look at weather. A few showers track through today with breezy conditions tomorrow and thursday. More wind sunday and monday as temperatures cool even more. Well be back in 30 minutes, be sure to whats all this nonsense about balls . Pink balls, blue, yellow, red. Its hard to keep the whole thing straight. And all these socalled deals . Well, they come with a lot of deal breakers. Like when you leave the city the signal goes weak. U. S. Cellular built a network to give you a stronger signal where the other guys dont. And as for deals . Hows 300 back for every line you switch . 300 no ball nonsense. Get 300 per line and a stronger signal, here we go 8 30 now. Its tuesday morning, 23rd of february, 2016. Starting to see the clouds roll in in the northeast. Well get some rain over the next few days. Some storms in the south that al has been telling us about. Good day, nonetheless. He was just crowned the biggest loser, live on the finale last night. Hes here and well talk to roberto hernandez. Also, were catching up with Debra Messing. A lot to talk to her about, from her hit show to dirty dancing. Whats going on there . Youll find out. The martian was a hit at the box office but before that, it was a book. We have your guide to the years hottest reads before they hit the big screen. Also, tailor made celebrity styles you can pull off yourself. Dont forget to pack your bags, bring a friend and be on the plaza friday morning for a chance to win a spontaneous trip to los angeles over the long leap day weekend. Make a creative poster to show us how youd spend your extra 24 hours. The trip includes three nights at the line hotel, a bike tour on the beach, dinner and much more, courtesy of discover los angeles. Dont forget, come to the plaza an friday and rsvp at today. Com plaza. Now lets say hello to roberto hernandez, the 36yearold who lost a160 pounds and crowned the biggest loser. Roberto, good morning and congratulations. Thank you. What a whirlwind. You were just crowned last night. Were you shocked . You know what . Ive been busting my butt since september 9th. The first day filming. Was i surprised . Yes and no. I was working to it and i was a finalist. Your brother. You lost almost half your weight, 160 pounds or so, down to 188. Yes. How do you feel physically . Amazeing. My body felt beat up because i was working hard. At home you wake up, go cycling and during lunch, i would run three miles. A crazy workout. You know, workout constantly every day. I took off maybe four days from the time i begun. How did it change your life . It was amazing. My little boy jacob tells my wife he misses the fat daddy more. But thatll change. I wont work out four times and he will get more of my time. Congratulations to your brother, as well. Its awesome. Backstage, i was like, yes, yes hugging strangers. I didnt care who it was. It was amazing. You look great. Congratulations, roberto. Thank you. Now lets get a check of the weather. Way to go, roberto. Lets show you what we have going on for today. Severe weather down through the gulf. Watching that for tornadoes possible and strong storms. Look for sunny out west. 58 in seattle. Tomorrow, were expecting that sunshine to continue in the southwest. 82 in l. A. 79 in phoenix. The eastern half of the country, if you are flying or driving, it is going to be a real nightmare. Windy and snowy. Could be almost blizzard like conditions in the u. P. Of michigan and parts of the upper great lakes. Icy mix in Northern New England and risk of strong storms along the midatlantic coast tomorrow and down to the southeast. Western third of country looking good. Thats whats gotomorrow and thursday. Stormtrack7 Live Weather Network cameras will show a few of those showers off and on today but will be mainly dry. Temperatures are mild. We are still in the low to mid 30s in our viewing area and across the state with light winds. They are turning to the south and will thats your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thank you so much. Emmy winner Debra Messing is a new york city detective in the mysteries of laura. When her sister looks to be in trouble, she pledges all she can do to help. Take a look. If you want to avoid going to jail for murder or being murdered yourself, let me help. I will protect you. Pinky swear. Debra messing, good morning. Good morning. Are we going to have a cliff cliffhanger . Were almost to the end of the season. Tomorrow is the first half of the twopart finale and itll be major. Dont miss it. Youd think from that clip that we were close, from the pinky swear, but not so much. Is she like the dark side . Shes the dark side. Shes the bad one, obviously. I know she has her red hair just like you. She does. You look like sisters. It was actually my 11yearold son romans idea. Really . They were like, we want to bring in a sister. He was like, debbie ryan would be great. Hes like a casting agent now. We watched jesse for years. The show is doing well. I was thinking, if you could invent a show, wouldnt you have made this up . Its funny, quirk i cany, mystery, you have romantic tension with the exhusband. It has a Little Something for everybody. It does. It has everything, for me. It really does keep me on my toes, and it keeps me creatively interested. Difficult murder mysteries, to figure those out. I love that we keep the audience really questioning up until the last minute. You know, the characters that have been created, theyre accessible, quirky and people you can care about. We have a lot of fun. You mentioned your little boy, hes 11. Is it a good mom job, being on a regular show like that . Are you able to spend the time you want to spend with him and all that . Well, doing an hourlong drama is pretty brutal. Yeah. But the great thing is, hes literally grown up on the set. Thanks to will and grace. Its his second home. After school, hell come over and hang out. He knows everyones name and says action and cut. And casts your sister, apparently. Very well, also. You put a cute picture up on social media of his backpack, which is enormous. Come on. Look at that thing. You said it was like a microwave oven, from the 70s. What does a 6th grader need that requires that much . Youre going to be crippled by the time youre 12. Youre going to have a back back like your mama. I have to ask about dirty dancing. There is an abc remake and youll be babys mom. Are you flipping out . Totally flipping out. Its been retooled. The character is really interesting. You know, singing, dancing, its dirty dancing, come on. Choreographer from hamilton. Really . Yeah i mean, come on. Did you love dirty dancing . I loved it. It was the thing that kept me on my path to being an actress. It was the first time i remember sitting in a Movie Theater and seeing a character and saying, i could see myself playing that character. Like, shes quirky and not no one puts her in a corner. No one puts her in a corner. Debra messing, thank you so much. Youll be back later with kathie lee and hoda. Mysteries of laura, Season Finale tomorrow night, 8 00 7 00 central on nbc. The remarkable life story of the 106yearold woman who danced her way through the white house and stole hearts. Nbc. Were back at 8 41. Looking back, moving forward. Our series in honor of black history month. Monday on trending we introduced you to the 106yearold who fulfilled a lifelong dream of visiting the white house. Hoda has more of her story. Youre welcome. This is a good one. You cant help but smile when you see the video of virginia mclaurin, dancing with the president and the first lady. The meeting was part of a black following a letter and even a phone call to the white house. For virginia, it was a moment of joy after living through some of the darkest times in our nations history. Hi how are you . Im fine reporter a meeting for the ages. You want to say hi to michelle . Reporter at 106 years old, virginia mclaurin becoming americas sweetheart when the meeting prompted her to start a dance party in the white house. Whats the secret to dancing at 106 . Reporter stunned by her newfound fame. I didnt think id ever be this famous. I said, why didnt they do it when i was young . Reporter an accomplishment she once considered unthinkable. I thought i would never live to get in the white house. I am so happy. I said, im here to represent black history month. Look at him right there. A black wife. Thats me. Yes reporter virginias visit to 1600 pennsylvania avenue marked a milestone along a difficult journey that began in a segregated South Carolina. Born in 1909 as the daughter of a sharecropper, she married at age 14 and had two children. Three years later, she became widowed and moved to washington, d. C. Where she worked as a nanny. She lives there today and volunteers as a foster grandparent to Elementary School children. With no signs of slowing down, she not only serves as an inspiration to the students, but to all of us. Including the first family. I want to be like you when i grow up. Reporter from only knowing a world of black and white, to one now allowing us to celebrate all colors. I didnt think itd ever and i got a chance to see it. Are you so happy right now . Mclaurin thought it was time for a Career Change at 55 a seamstress. In 1994 she started volunteering at schools because she loves the education aspect. She did this writein campaign since 2014, trying to get into the white house. She said, dont worry, ill come to you if it makes it more convenient, and she got to. Now shes the star. Sheup upstaged everyone. I love her. Shes seen a couple world wars, civil rights, and now an africanamerican president. Thanks. Great story. Nine books to read before first, this is today on nbc. Hollywood hit the jackpot in 2015 with book to big screen adaptations like mockingjay part 2, insurgent and the martian. This year, theres a new crop of literary movies heading to theer theaters. If you want to read before you see them, we have your guide. Welcome to the today show lounge. Ive never seen these chairs before. We should have some scotch. We should. Theres an idea. Lets go through some of these. 19 books you put out. People need to read before they hit the theaters. Well start with kids. First one, the bfg. It tells the story of sophie as shes taken to the land of giants by a big, friendly giant. Its directed by steven spiel burg Steven Spielberg and has been in the works forever. How about the jungle book . Everyone is in this movie. You have bill murray. So many people are involved in it was all cji, except for the actor, and itll be this visual masterpiece. We have this one with alice, through the looking glass. This hasnt been a movie before . No. You had lal isalice in wonderland. Johnny depp is returning as the mad hatter and this time, alice is helping the red queen. Its a twist. Lets move to young adults. This is a huge business for hollywood. Hung er gam you have the hunger games, twilight twilight. So this is the fifth wave. Its this story of basically one woman from ohio trying to make her way and find her brother. How about allegiance . So exciting. This is the third basically taking the third book, like with the hunger games and harry potter, and dividing it in half. This is the first half of the end of the series. Burton is directing something. So this was on the top of the y. A. Best sellers list for so long. Its a creepy, awesome book. Thats what teens love. They want a little goth. They want to look at the dark side. Theres not a lot out on this movie yet. Theyre keeping it under lock and key. Im excited to see what they do with the story. Nobody better to do that than tim burton. Absolutely. Highly anticipated ones for adults. Girl on the train. Its this years gone girl. Im just going to say it. Incredible thriller. You have emily blunt in the starring role. Shes taking this train every day and looks at this couple who seems perfect but theyre not and she gets involved. Cant go wrong with dan brown, inferno. And my man tom hanks. Going on a wonderful adventure. Trying to find his way and figuring out, always trying to solve the puzzle. Last but not least, for the fantastic beasts and where to find them. This is the one everyone is excited about. Returning to the wizarding world. Its here in new york city. Wizarding world comes to america. Its j. K. Rowlings first screenwriting credit. This is a textbook. This is one of the books that harry potter would read at hog hogwartz. Her screenplay is one youll have to go to theaters to see. Love your passion. We have a lot of reading to do, my friend. Keep reading, willie. Siaee ya. Fashion looks from hollywood, how to pull them off first, this is from sky high to head to toe denim, there are a lot of fashion trends to try. Mastering it is not always easy. We have today. Com style editor emily here to show us how its done. Good morning. You see things celebrities are doing and go, can i pull it off . Thats what this is about today. Exactly. I think its 90 confidence. 10 knowhow. Just wear the trend or have it wear you. Okay. You are wearing the first friend, a beauty trend, blue makeup. You have a little blue mascara going. Can you see it there . We see it on some of the stars. But not as scary as the 70s powder blue. Its a metallic blue. Mascara, maybe an eye liner, just a touch of blue. If you have blue eyes, do more of a purple, they say . Just so your color really pops. It doesnt compete again its color of your eyes. Would you do it with your nails and match or is that too much . Fun colors for the nails is always a good choice. Another trend, wide leg pants. Weve seen it on a lot of celebrities. Its really cute. Especially people who are petite, they often think, i dont know if i can do this. Thats the question. Even Nicole Richie pulls it off. The vertical lines make it look long and lean. This is our model corrin. Shes rocking the look. Its about the fit. High wasted pant, hug the smallest part of the body and skim all the way to the floor. Heels are a must. They are. Maybe after the boot. Exactly. Heels with it, to keep the leg long and sleek. If you are petite, do you want to do the fitted top as opposed to Something Like a blouse . Absolutely. Shes wearing a body suit. You dont worry about the top coming out. Its completely going to stay exactly where it is. It is nice with the back of your body suit, it has a wide hole to add a fun element. Pretty. Thank you so much. The next trend. Lets show celebrities because weve seen this look a lot. It can be very, very chic. Sure. Olivia wilde is wearing a big 70s bows. She can wear this to work at a law firm and go out afterwards and look trendy. Whats fun is wearing it a little to the side. Its pinned a little off kilter. Wearing like a trendy mini skirt keeps it modern and sleek. How do you make sure its not too, i guess, like too pris sisy, i its about keeping the shape, hugging the waist, long mini skirt and heels. Keeping the hair down so it doesnt feel too pilgrim and covered up. No age limit on wearing bows. You can even do a bow in your hair. Its a trend, wearing a little ribbon, maybe a loose, low ponytail. Not a grease ponytail. Thank you so much, aerial. Riel. Denim on denim. You have to get this one right. Here, we see, is that kate hudson . Gwen stefani. Its a great airport look. We have janelle modeling it. Its about two different washes. Dont watch the two of them. Also, treat denim as a neutral. Add a pop of color with your lips or earrings or a fun pattern. Shes wearing the leopard flats. Its like wearing black but better. Have the denims watch completely. Have two colors or textures. Also, dont stick with jeans and a button down shirt. A skirt. Lets bring the models back out for one more look. Ladies, terrific. You, too, emily. More fashion tips, including how to pull off a hat, head to our pinterest page. Casey affleck is coming up. Weather. A group of parents at Linn Mar High School in marion say their children have been verbally and physically abused by the assistant football coach. In a school board meeting, people spoke out both against and in support of the coaching staff. Accusations range from verbal abuse, to making players pick up according to the linnmar principal, an ivnestigation found no abuse. Some parents want the state board to come in and investigate. We havent seen him much but today, university of iowa president Bruce Harreld is holding a town hall meeting. Its for the campus community. It will be from four until six this evening in the pomerantz center. The University Community is encouraged to attend there will be time for questions now, lets go to eileen with a look at weather. A few showers track through today with breezy conditions tomorrow and thursday. More wind sunday and well be back in 30 minutes, be sure to check kwwl dot com for this morning on todays take, oscar winner adrian brody is here talking about his new thriller backtrack. Casey affleck on playing the good cop in triple 9. Plus, the gadgets that will get you looking gorgeous. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today. Its tuesday morning, february 23rd, 2016. Im willie along with natalie and al. Tamron on assignment. My morning jam takes you back to middle school, the symphony by marley marl and the juice crew. 89, i think it was, great fantastic. Great bass line. Terrific. Lets talk about this apple story. It keeps getting more interesting. A new twist, the fight between the fbi and apple over unlocking an iphone used by one of the attackers in the San Bernardino mass shooting. Microsoft founder bill gates weighed in, siding with, surprisingly some people, the fbi fbi. Saying Tech Companies should be forced to cooperate with Law Enforcement in terror investigations. Government to act on their behalf if they feel like the safeguards are there. Historically, the government has gone to phone companies and banks and lots of companies to gather information. People feel like the government not being blind and being able to try and stop bad things before they happen, its a good debate to be having. Interesting because so many of the other Silicon Valley executives immediately side with apple and tim cook. Including facebook and twitter and google, as well, actually came in on the side of apple. Hes an outlier and one of the founding the fathers of Silicon Valley taking this position. He says there is a risk even among Silicon Valley, as theyre having the debate we are having. Slightly more than half side with the fbi as opposed to apple. On the flip side of it, general michael haden, the head of the nsa and cia says apple you cant predict where people are going to come down on this. Its fascinating. I think bill gates said, it is a good conversation to be having. Absolutely. We have the freedom, and its protected by our constitution. Like the freedom to look like an idiot when youre texting and walking. Ill refrain from using the word idiot because ive been known to do this. Into a sculpture . Not into a sculpture but this happens on rock center on a daily basis. Not only me but ive seen people walk into pillars. This is this giant sculpture in england, called the kiss. The problem is, its in the walking path. Thats not going to present a problem, is it . Well, it sure did. This is 20 feet high. They say within hours of installation installation, they had eight people walk right into it. How do you miss that . It is giant. But it is right in the walking path. Over the path. In their defense, the people no. This hits close to home for you. I nearly walked into a table. Dont move it. Enough of youthis. Put a camera on it. Epic fails. Fantastic. Apparently, they had to remove it. They put it to the side. Oh, come on the artist said that texters apparently were not looking, of course, while walking. There you go. The huge sculpture is part of their every day routine, like in that walking path. I cant believe they caved to texters. Come on, guys word gets around. Stand your ground. I love this next one. If youve got more than one kid, you have them together, something is going to happen. Check out this little girl who had some fun with her baby sister. With a permanent marker. Uhoh. What . I did what . [ laughter ]. I love it. Going to leave her scarred later in life, the little sister. She doesnt say anything. Looks at her mom like, whats your problem . Even her face. Thats the best part. When the little one turns around. Front and back. Binky in her mouth. With her little butt. I love it. Zebra. Come on, zebra. I love zebra. And the lady gaga, covering the one eye. Permanent marker . Thats my question. Permanent marker. The cheek, the face. Oh, my gosh. Clearly mom isnt that upset. Coming in with the camera and asks the question. I cant wait ten years from now what the payback is going to be. Alltimer. Its great. Itll be one of those where dad and mom embarrass the younger sister by whipping that out to a date. Look what the girls did back then. Coming out at the rehearsal dinner. Sibling rivalry there later in life. So funny. You had a late night. A citizens brigade . The upright citizens brigade, the improv group here in the city and now across the country, its started by amy poehler, and they do night late, like a late night show, in front of a live audience. This Amazing Group of young actors and writers at ucb write the material, they produce the show. They did all the hard work. Theyre so funny and talented. Theyll be the next snl write writers writers. Its like a talk show. I did a monologue, had a side kick. Nicolle wallace was my guest, talking about the campaign. This man killed it. Listen to this. Oh, no. 24 hour mcdonalds in south korea will try serving beer to attract customers because if theres one thing ive thought while sitting at mcdonalds at 2 00 in the morning, its, boy, i wish everyone here was more drunk. And they wrote some. You have a future, my friend, willie. Ive always said, youll go places someday. Ucb is awesome. If you get a chance to see a show here, l. A. , wherever, check them out. So much talent in that place. Well played. Were asking, we got this shoutout going. Moms, send us their wildest first concert looks. Dads cannot apply. Why . I dont know. Its what they said. Not fair. But thats what this is. For a chance to be flown to new york and win a head to toe makeover, courtesy of jcpenney. Natalie shared her wildest first concert look when she was 14 and went to spandal ballet. Share your throwback pictures. Well pick a winner at the end of the month. Go to our facebook page, facebook. Com todays take and tell us why we should tell you rock your style. Speaking of going to our facebook. Com todays take page, today is day 20 of our 25 days of give aways. What do we have, britney . A cook ware set. Worth 500. We want to break 300,000 today. What are we at . 296,000. Come on, people. Facebook. Com todays take. Check it out. All right. Also, check this out. Whats going on here. There you go. Now, weve got heavy thunderstorms pushing through galveston, houston, moving to louisiana. For today, weve got a tornado threat stretching from new orleans to hattesburg. The concern is tonight to tomorrow morning, the risk of longtrack tornadoes. A significant threat overnight. This is really dangerous. Well be watching this very, very closely. System would be pushing up and through. Behind it, snow from chicago, st. Louis into detroit. We are expecting to see the rain change to wet snow there. Heavier showers and thunderstorms. The rain into snow for interior parts of the northeast. Some places picking up upwards of a foot of snow before its all over. Thats whats goingbreezy conditions tomorrow and thursday. Stormtrack7 Live Weather Network cameras will show a few of those showers mainly dry. Temperatures are mild. We are still in the low to mid 30s in our viewing area and across the state with light winds. They are turning to the south and will eventually turn to the facebook. Com todays take. Getting awfully close. Guess what, guys . Guess who is at our todays take table. This guy. Youngest person ever to win an Academy Award. Now, starring in a new psychological thriller, adrian brody, ladies and gentlemen. Yes we have an actor. Joining us after this. Pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. Then your eyes may see it differently. 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Muddle no more. 13 years ago, adrian brody shot to super stardom after winning the Academy Award for now, adrian sees dead people in his new thriller backtrack, about a psychologist haunted by the loss of his daughter. Take a look. [ screaming ]. Okay, im out. You can let go now, willie. Sorry. I was like, its coming. Something is going to happen. Heres the thing, you know its coming. I know, but it still happens. Adrian brody, what was this like, shooting this thing . I mean, interesting thing about shooting anything scary is its much less scary when youre making it. But i love the world of the super natural. I love its the beauty of film. You can really get to a place that can actually be frightening and exciting. And its safe. Tell us about your character. You play a therapist, is that right . Yeah, i play a psychologist who is going through a traumatic time, where his he recently lost his daughter, and hes mourning. He realizes that all of his patients are deceased. Oh. Thats frightening. Thats hard to bill. Exactly, it is. Al gets to the heart of the matter. Never going to see any money with that. Very true. Concerns, by the way. Wasnt thinking about accounts payable in those moments. So youre restoring or you have restored this 1800s stone barn, basically, in upstate new york. Mmhmm. Youve made a documentary about it, which is a story to itself. Any creepiness there, in something that old . Its interesting. I actually, when i first moved into the house, it was an enormous process, to rebuild this place. The first few nights of living there, which was after a sevenyear journey, so it was only a i managed to live in the main house, and i was in bed, trying to go to bed, and i heard what sounded like snoring. It was coming from the second floor. Literally, the house was snoring. I was scared. It was my own little and you still want to live there . I have no choice. I spent seven years working on the place. Im living here. How do you get a breathe right strip for a whole house . Open all the windows. Wow, crazy. Yeah. It went away. I still dont know what it was. It was the first night. I thought it was some strange thing with the pipes but it wasnt. Somebody just let you know. I woke him up and he stayed awake, i guess. Youre a braver man than me. Thank you so much. Backtrack is available on directv until it hits theaters this friday. The good guy in the new action film triple 9. Hey, youre going to do great. Hi. Choose your match new revlon colorstay 2in1 compact. Expertlymatched foundation and concealer deliver a flawless, complete look that lasts. Choose love new revlon colorstay 2in1 compact. This is the joy for me. I love bread i love bread. I now just manage it, so i dont deny myself bread, i have bread everyday. Thats the genius of this program. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. Fortifying the gravitydefying. Friendconnecting. Dayseizing. Strong. You. New special k nourish. Multigrain flakes with quinoa, apples, almonds and raspberries. New special k nourish. Fortify. Dad, can you help me with this . Sure, riley. Uggh. Ahchoo oooh disgusting eeawww so gross germmmmssss great, this is just great guys, its alright when life gets messy, get clorox. It cleans and kills germs. Fruit. Nuts. Silky smooth dark chocolate. Revel in the pleasure of new dove fruit and nut. Want a different way to cleanse . Try new micellar water from garnier. The micelles attract dirt like a magnet. To 1. Remove makeup 2. Cleanse and 3. Refresh. No harsh rubbing, no rinsing. New micellar water from garnier skinactive. I am never getting married. Never. Psssssh. Guaranteed. You picked a beautiful ring. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. Breathe. I love it here. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. For all the nevers in life, state farm is there. Casey affleck starred in a string of hit films from block busters like the oceans trilogy to gone, baby, gone. And the assassination of jesse james by robert ford, which earned him an oscar nomination. Now, he stars in the new highstrung, triple 9, where he plays a clean, new detective surrounded by a group of dirty cops. Heres a look. This aint a game, chris. The rules around here are different. You better learn fast. Man, let me tell you something, you have a problem with me, put it on the table but dont question me like you know something i dont know. You let an [ bleep ] in front of the neighborhood, you have explaining to do. Casey affleck, good morning. Morning. Youve got a hell of a cast, between anthony mackie, aaron paul what was the other name . You raced through that one. Its how we do it. I was counting on you carrying me through. Norman. What was it like on the set with all that acting power . I was the pain in the ass. Theyre all so good. You know, this movie, i didnt always see them. They werent always on the set when i was there. He showed up and he got an easy scene. Driving down the street, park his car, get out and walk up the steps to see me. Thats fairly simple. Woody takes the first take, races down the street and hits a tree, jumps out of the car, head is bleeding and runs up the path to me. I figured everyone would descend and stop and lay woody down for a minute. Woody kept to the scene. It here. Oh million, my gosh. Cut . Yeah, it did. Thats always better, the unexpected, right . Who is your guy in this landscape of characters . Who is your character . Where does he fit in . I play sort of the only im the good guy. A bunch of bad guys. Hows that . Thats good. You play a lot of different and intense roles. What drew you to this, besides well, you know, ive played a lot of bad guys, and i wanted to do this was kind of different. He was he has a simple, moral code, simple sense of right and wrong. That seemed appealing to me. I wanted to play a police officer. I liked the script. The director is really talented, sweet guy. You got a lot in the works. Your latest film at sun dance, manchester by the sea, has a lot of buzz. Tell us about that. That is written and directed by kenny and it was one of these it was a beautiful strict. Everything he writes is exceptionally well written. I dont know what else to say. It was a small movie, and it ended upturn turning out great. Took it to sundance. Ive been in a lot of small movies that didnt turn out this one turned out better than i could have imagined. A lot of good talk about that. You worked with your brother ben quite a bit. Youve said hes your sounding board when youre considering a role. Have yoto ask you about that. He is. Have to ask you about batman. Are you as excited as his fans are . Havent theyre excited. I am very excited. This is the movie everybody wants to see. Batman versus superman. Versus deadpool, yeah. Exactly. Im excited. I want to see it, yeah. He sounds excited. Thrilled. Let me try that again. Im so excited to see this movie. Much better. Barely contains himself. Drive a car into a tree. Olay regenerist renews from within. Plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation your concert tee might show your age. Your skin never will. Olay regenerist. Olay. Ageless. And try regenerist microsculpting eyeswirl. It instantly hydrates to plump and lift. If your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec. Muddle no more. A developing story this morning a Mental Health patient accused of stealing an ambulance in it was a very tense hour or so this morning in waterloo as police searched and a school was locked down. This is what we know. Police say a man stole an ambulance from Covenent Medical Center this morning. He was found around 845 walking down lindner drive. Investigators say he had abandoned the ambulance at that point and was looking for an unlocked car. Waterloo columbus went into lockdown. The school says police told them they were looking for a Mental Health patient who had escaped. So to be safe, the school went into lockdown which has now been lifted. Police say the man is in custody right now. They also say theres damage to the hospitals garage. At this point, we still have many questions about what happened this morning. We have a team on it. And will keep you updated throughout the day announcer this is an nbc news special report. Here is willie geist. Good morning. In just a moment president obama will make a statement from the roosevelt room at the white house. We expect him to put forth a this imething the president has vowed to do since he first ran for the job as a United States senator. We have already heard clear opposition from Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell and it will stir up debate on the campaign trail. Lets bring in jim mik la she have skier in there were as many as 1,800 detainees at Guantanamo Bay. That number down to 91. Under the president s new plan as many as 35 could be released to other country and it could cost the u. S. 460 million to build detention facilities for 30 to 60 of those detainees who would be brought to the u. S. And inncarcerated many most likely for life. We have republican majorities in both chambers of congress. Lets go to the president right now. Good morning, everybody. Like al qaeda and isil we are using every element of our national power. Our military, intelligence, diplomacy, homeland security, Law Enforcement, federal state and local, as well as the example of our ideals as a country thats committed to universal values. Including rule of law and human rights. In this fight we learn and we work to constantly improve. When we find something that works, we keep on doing it. When it becomes clear that something is not working as intended, when it does not advance our security, we have to change course. For many years its been clear that the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay does not advance our National Security. It undermines it. This is the opinion of experts, this is the opinion of many in our military. Its counter productive to our fight against terrorists because they use it as propaganda in their efforts to recruit. It drains military resources. With nearly 450 million spent last year alone to keep it running. More than 200 million in additional costs needed to keep it open Going Forward for less than 100 detainees. Guantanamo harms our partnerships with allies and cooperation we need against terrorism. When i talk to other World Leaders they bring up the fact that guantanamo is not resolved. Moreover, keeping this facility open is contrary to our values. It undermines our standing in the world. Broader record of upholding the highest standards of rule of law. As americans we pride ourselves on being a beacon to other nations, a model of the rule of law. But 15 years after 9 11, 15 years after the worst terrorist attack in american history, were still having to defend the existence of a facility and a process where not a single verdict has been reached in those attacks. Not a single one. When i first ran for president it was widely recognized that this facility needed to close. This was not just my opinion. This was not some radical far left view. There was a bipartisan support to close it. Close it. It was one of the few things that i and my republican opponent, senator john mccain, agreed on. And so in one of my first acts as president i took action to begin closing it. And because we had bipartisan support, i wanted to make sure that we did it right. I indicated that we would need to take our time to do it in a systematic way and that we had examined all the options. Unfortunately during that period where we were putting the pieces in place to close it what had previously been bipartisan support suddenly became a partisan issue. Suddenly many who previously had said it should be closed backed off because they were worried about the politics. Thinking that, well, if we close it somehow we will be less safe. And since that Time Congress has repeatedly imposed restrictions aimed at preventing us from closing this facility. Now, despite the politics we have made progress. Of the nearly 800 detainees once held at guantanamo more than 85 have already been transferred to other countries. More than 500 of these transfers, by the way, occurred under president bush. Since i took office we have so far transferred 147 more. Each under new significant restrictions to keep them from returning to the battlefield. And as a result of these actions today just 91 detainees remain. Less than 100. Thanks to very hard work by secretary of Defense Ash Carter as well as his team working in concert with the office of management budget, today the department is submitting to congress our plan for finally closing the facility at guantanamo once and for all. Its a plan that reflects the hard work of my entire National Security team. So i especially want to thank ash and his team at d. O. D. This plan has my full support. It reflects our best thinking on how to best go after terrorists and deal with those who we may capture and it is a strategy with four main elements. First, we will continue to securely and responsibly transfer to other countries the 35 detainees out of the 91 that have already been approved for transfer. Keep in mind that process coordination across our federal government to ensure that our National Security interests are met when an individual is transferred to another country. So, for example, we insist that Foreign Countries constitute Strong Security measures. And as we move forward that means that we will have around 60 and potentially even fewer detainees remaining. Second, we will accelerate the periodic reviews of remaining detainees to determine whether their continued detention is necessary. A review board, which includes representatives from across government, will continue to look at all relevant information including current intelligence and if certain detainees no longer pose a continuing significant threat, they may be eligible for transfer to another number three, we will continue to use all legal tools to deal with the remaining detainees still held under law for detention. Currently ten detainees are in some stage of the military commissions process, a process that we worked hard to reform in my first year in office with bipartisan support from congress. But i have to say with respect to these commissions they are very costly. They have resulted in years of litigation without a resolution. We are, therefore, outlining additional changes to improve these commissions which would require congressional action and we will be consulting with them in the near future on that issue. I also want to point out that in contrast to the commission process our article 3 federal courts have proven to have an outstanding record of convicting some of the most hardened these prosecutions allow for the gathering of intelligence against terrorist groups. It proves that we can both prosecute terrorists and protect the American People. So think about it. Terrorists like richard reed, the shoe bomber, of abdul mute la who tried to blow up a plane over detroit, the man who tried to bomb times square and the bm, they were all convicted in our article 3 courts and are now behind bars here in the United States. So we can capture terrorists, protect the American People and when done right we can try them and put them in our maximum just fine. In this sense the plan were putting forward today isnt just about closing the facility at guantanamo, its not just about dealing with the Current Group of detainees which is a complex piece of business because of the manner in which they were originally apprehended and what happened. This is about closing a chapter in our history. It reflects the lessons we have learned since 9 11. Lessons that need to guide our nation Going Forward. So even as we use military commissions to close out the cases of some current detainees, which given the unique circumstances of their cases make it difficult for them to be tried in article iii courts, this type of use of military commission should not set a precedent for the future. As they have been in past wars, continue to be an option when individuals are detained during battle, but our preferred option, the most effective option for dealing with individuals detained outside military theaters, must be our strong proven federal courts. Fourth, and finally, were going to work with congress to find a secure location in the United States to hold remaining detainees. These are detainees who are subject to military commissions, but it also includes those who cannot yet be transferred to other countries or who we have determined must continue to be detained because they pose a continuing significant threat to the United States. We are not identifying a specific facility today in this plan. We are outlining what options look like. Restrictions that currently prevent the transfer of detainees to the United States, we recognize that this is going to be a challenge and we are going to keep making the case to congress that we can do this in a responsible and secure way, taking into account the lessons and great record of our maximum security prisons. And let me point out the plan we are submitting today is not only the right thing to do for our security, it will also save money. The Defense Department estimates that this plan compared to keeping guantanamo open would lower costs by up to 85 million a year. Over ten years it would generate savings of more than 300 million. Over 20 years the savings would be up to 1. 7 billion. In other words, we can ensure values around the world and save american taxpayers a lot of money in the process. In closing i want to say i am very clear eyed about the hurdles to finally closing guantanamo. The politics of this are tough. I think a lot of the American Public are worried about terrorism and in their mind the notion of having terrorists held in the United States rather than in some distant place can be scary scary. But part of my message to the American People here is were already holding a bunch of really dangerous terrorists here in the United States because we threw the book at them and there weve managed it just fine. And in congress i recognize in part because of some of the fears of public that have been fanned oftentimes by misinformation there continues to be a fair amount of opposition to closing guantanamo. If it were easy it would have happened years ago, as i wanted, as i have been working to try to get done. But there remains bipartisan support for closing it. And given the stakes involved for our security this plan deserves a fair hearing. Even in an election year. We should be able to have an open, honest, good faith dialogue about how to best ensure our National Security. And the fact that im no longer running, joe is no longer running, were not on the ballot, it gives us the capacity politics. Let us do what is right for america. Let us go ahead and close this chapter. And do it right and do it carefully and do it in a way that makes sure were safe, but but gives the next president and more importantly future generations the ability to apply the lessons weve learned in the fight against terrorism and doing it in a way that doesnt raise some of the problems that guantanamo has raised. I really think there is an opportunity here for progress. I believe weve got an obligation to try. President bush said he wanted to close guantanamo despite everything that he had invested in it. I give him credit for that. There was an honest assessment on his part about what needed to happen. But he didnt get it done and it was passed to me. Ive been working for seven years now to get this thing closed. As president i have spent countless hours dealing with i do not exaggerate about that. Our closest allies raise it with me continually. They often raise specific cases of detainees repeatedly. I dont want to pass this problem on to the next president , whoever it is. And if as a nation we dont deal with this now when will we deal with it . Are we going to let this linger on for another 15 years, another 20 years, another 30 years . If we dont do whats required now i think future generations are going to look back and ask why we failed to act when the right course, the right side of history and of justice and our best american traditions was clear. So, again, i want to thank secretary carter, you and your team did an outstanding job and you have shown great leadership with this plan we have the opportunity finally to eliminate a terrorist propaganda tool, strengthen relationships with allies and partners, enhance our National Security and most importantly uphold the values that define as americans. Im absolutely committed to closing the detention facility at guantanamo. Im going to continue to make the case for doing so as long as i hold this office, but this is a good moment for everybody to step back, take a look at the facts, take a look at the views of those who have been most committed to fighting terrorism and understand this stuff. Our operatives, our intelligence officials, our military, lets go ahead and get this thing done. Thanks very much, everybody. President obama addressing the country from the videos velt room at the white house laying out his plan once again for closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, cuba. Lets bring in chuck todd nbcs meet the press. The president twice invoking president george w. Bush as someone who once shared his view that guantanamo needs to be closed. You know, on his first full day of his presidency i remember sitting there watching him sign an executive order that said he was closing down Guantanamo Bay. That prison within one year. Here we are nearly eight years later and its still not closed. The point is this, willie. He had he had more bipartisan support for shutting down gitmo eight years ago than he does today. He had john mccain ready to work with him, Lindsey Graham ready to work with him. They dont do it. Already before the president spoke this morning, willie, a major democratic senator from colorado, a state that houses one of these big prisons that these guys might go to said they are not coming to colorado. This is a plan that the president wanted to get out but it has very little support in congress on a bipartisan basis. Thats a democrat and Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell calling this an ill considered much more right now on nbcnews. Com and msnbc. Al is going with the retirement account. We want to pay down debt. Its because the Interest Rate on the debt is probably higher oh, my goodness. Throwing away the money. I was celebrating my win. The interest on the debt is probably higher than the return youd get in the retirement. If youre getting matching dollars in the retirement account, thats the way to go. Always for the matching. Thats what i was thinking. Question two, getting a refund this year, like you do every year, is this, good, or that, not so good. How could getting a refund be bad . Al is the winner. Its not so good. It means youre giving uncle sam an interest free loan on your money. What you should do, go to Human Resources or adjust your withholding. If youre not putting 100 of account, bump up that contribution at the same time. Okay. Win all around. Question three, if youre looking to add value to your home, should you use your refund to do this, get a new front door, or that, get a new garage door . Both of you going with the front door. Yes. A new front door will cost you about 1,200. You get 100 of the money back if you sell. Paint it red. Thats my opinion. All right. Should you, many people who work exclusively at home are afraid of taking the Home Office Deduction because its an audit flag. Should you take it or should you skip it . Feels like a trick question. Willie is going with that, skip it. Al said take it. Al is correct. Take it. Trick question. If you truly have a home office. It has to be pay attention, class. It seems obvious. I didnt think itd be the answer. If you ever a home office and table. But it has to be a dedicated home office space. Interestingly, the irs is only auditing about 1 of filers, except for people who make over 1 million a year. Theyre auditing 7 of those. Okay. This or that . If youre going to use your refund to replace an old appliance appliance, should bit a tenyearold washer, or a tenyearold refrigerator . Willie is going washer. Al is going refrigerator. There you go. The answer is this. Washers made before the year 2003 have really been improved upon. Youll save yourself about 180 a year by energy star. Com. Who is our winner . We get one more. All right. This or that . According to a new survey from hello wallet. Com, what are most people spending more of their refunds on this year . Is it travel or clothing . The opposite to keep it interest. People are spending 67 more. People are spending more on travel this year. Goes with spending money on experiences rather than things. Makes you happier and who is the winner . Al is the winner. Im getting a bag of money, baby wow whew. Thanks for playing our game. Thank you. Congratulations, al roker. Thank you. This is today on nbc. I like zebra. What . A zebra. Oh when your big sister has a permanent marker and a little too much time. Oh so precious. I cant handle it. The best video of the day. That wins. We have Debra Messing. Thank you for asking. Hello, Debra Messing. Hello. Beautiful new book coming out called come to the garden. I got the audio. Yes, you did. And well cook something wonderful. What are we making . 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A developing story this morning a Mental Health patient accused of stealing an ambulance in waterloo has been found. It was a very tense hour or so this morning in waterloo as police searched and a school was locked down. This is what we know. Police say a man stole an ambulance from Covenent Medical Center this morning. He was found around 845 walking down lindner drive. Investigators say he had abandoned the ambulance at that point and was looking for an unlocked car. Waterloo columbus went into lockdown. The school says police told them they were looking for a Mental Health patient who had escaped. So to be safe, the school went into lockdown which has now been lifted. Police say the man is in custody right now. They also say theres damage to the hospitals garage. At this point, we still have many questions about what happened this morning. Will keep you updated throughout the day well be back from nbc news, this is today. With Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hello, everybody. Its february 23rd. Cheap thrills. How do you pronounce her name . Sia so in our kitchen slaving away is emmy winning and the always fun Debra Messing. And deborahs not just hanging around the kitchen doing nothing. Shes live tweeting our chat. So whats your handle . debramessing. Its very creative, isnt it . I like the picture you use on twitter. Youre looking down or up thank you. But its very creative. Is it provocative . A little naughty . Its like that. Thats what youve got going. Were going to be cooking up something in the kitchen, too. I see a naked chicken. What are we cooking . Sage roasted chicken. Theres five ingredients, though. So easy. The best roasted chicken of all time. Thats what joel says. All right

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