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On television during the Miss Universe pageant. That is a won erner. And he crowned the wrong woman Miss Universe. Miss univevee 2015 is colombia [ applause ] i have to apologize. The first ruruerup is colombia. Miss uninirse 2015 is philippines. Philippines. This is exactly what is on the card, but i will take responsibility for thid please dont. I feel so badly, but it is still a great night. Oh, gosh. Ugh if you were watching it last night live like some people were, amanda, avery, they didnn actual actually take the crown off to gi and so they saw miss colombia with the crown on and miss philippines next to her was worse, he tweeted it out how sorry he was and thenenpelled both countrieie wrong. G. He spelled philippines book in the bible. And colombia was spelled columbia. And you know how you mess up and then it just keeps messing it out and onene causeds the next and the next. Yes, it is because he wanted to apologize. And he took credit and didnt blame anybody else. He is a great guy, everybody. And he even e showed deded the card. Anda t it off. And oh, here they are backstage. Anything that you want to say to the fans . Everything happens for a becoming this dream, and so i am so happy for all, and thank you for voting we love you. It is a very, nontraditional crowning moment, isnt it . Yes. It is very 2015. [ laughter ] and why is miss usa in there . Well, she was third runnnnup. He was the support. Secondrunner up. No, dont confuse u no, because colombia was runnerup. Why dont they say, you won and you are first and second. An looked at the card and saw winner runnerup, and he didnt see t ttunnerup part. Ou my motherinlaw and sister sisterinlaw love you. Well, the t y all. We have a statement from Miss Universe. It says th of Miss Universe was apparent and we apologize for any error. And donald trump weighed in. Yd given them both the crown, and if he were running Miss Universe, this nevev would have trump. And now, a lot of people were wonder ing wondering if tina fey and amy poehler were going the revive their Hillary Clinton character. Changed your hair. So i did. Arent you worried about the who is their frontrunner . Brace yourself. Hillary, just tell me. Donald trump. Ah oh, geez, looks like i wepep through time and space again. Poor thing. I heard that after you lost you had to become a secretary. Of state. Oh, god, that is a real fun e election and i was paired one with that cue j fellow, and may he rest in peace, im guessing. He is alive. And hillary, weu get back to sleep. I need to get back to 2008 and send a bunch of emails. N cute, cute, cute. And the movie was well reviewed, t obviou in light of the juggernaut of star wars, it didnt do well, but maybe word of mouth. It is maybe one of the things that people go to later. An k around up till the end of a Paul Mccartney cameo and he joined the b bs and sang. And trust us, it was excellent. You better not pout, im telling you why santa claus is coming santa claus is coming to town santa claus is coming to town he is always i dont know, he looks terrific. Does. And something very cute i havent seen. Have you seen this . No. Microsoft opened up a new store here in new york city right down the street from apple. And new commercial for the holidays addresses the rivalry which is legendary between the two companie let peace begin with me let this become a moment now with every step i take to take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally let there be christmas and let h it beit begin with me pretty cool. Lovely. Apparently they auditioned eve best singers that we have got, and that is what we are hearing, and then microsoft g g permission from apple to fillm the commercial outside of the stores. Vy sweet. That is a song that i lo\e, and that is something that you dont often hear me say around here here. It is a beautiful song with a e h wednesday. She is confined and home confinement, and she is going to i dont think that hee sisis going to mind home confinement. And so she has been in prison since january and her husband goes next. And then m tak out of the country to italy, right . Yes, he may be deported. All righty. Merry christmap boxes, and people are getting them. Finally the preses that we told you that have your favorite things in them, and they have been arrivinggt your home, and we wanted you to send us pictures and so lark from el dorado, arizona, got her goodies and thank you for is sending those. That is it. The only one. Go to klgandhoda. Com to find out where to purchase the gift box. One person got it . Fine. What is your favorite thing, hoda . I might be confuse by mine, but it is a Laura Mercier that is a makeup line, but it looks like chocolates and now, hold on and look at that, look at the red lipstick, and hold on, and let me wipe off ne. L l me get it out for you. Okay. I have no lipstick on, becokoff. Is it smudged all over . Yes. Okay. Watch. And its chocolate it wont last long, because you will eat it off. And it is a christmas miracle. It tastes like chocolate, and it is awesome, and you will be licking the lips all day long. And 48 from maggie. And what is yours . Mine is from anchored press and includes daily bible verses and inspired doe voegs ss ss devotion, and i have a friend with a boat, and i want to give nautical it is. That is from press. Com. And can you believe it is thank you. Thank you, again. Pat yourself upon your back. Your shopping is done. U aint no slack. Rest at ease its all ok. You ordered online and got them in the same day. Navigate the app at will with incredible digital ninja skills. The holidays could not bebeetter. Maybe you have time to knit him a sweater. I dont know maybe a snowman. I could do that. Lets get out of here. Im m st thinking. Order gifts online and pick them up the same day. This holiday, give the gift of ferrero rocher. Ferrero rocher. Make your momemes golden. Are you tired of hazardous glass made so clear by sfx slide show windex that you dont even know its there . Sfx slide show smudge it with the new smudge stick even clear glass s ts visibly smudged i i a snap. Sfx smudge sounds against glala get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass. Were only human. We. Get. Angry. Out of control, mad to the core, angry. So cancer,ouve got two options. Get out of the way or get rolled over. Just one reason more of us are surviving cancer than dying from it. Give now to the american cancer society. Before there couldlde a nation, there had to be peopleleilling to fight for it, to take on the worlds greatest challenges, whatever they might be. So, the u. S. Army masters not only tactics and strategy, but also physics and chemistry. We make battle plans and create breakthroughs in medicine, science and engineering. Our next mission could be anything. All righty. It is time for today thes buzz when we bring you a wrapup of all of the hollywood headlines that you may have missed. And bob is here. We love you. I love you. We loved you first. And taylor s sft with another good, good deed. Talki fantasticness of taylor swift, she went to colorado to visit a child with cancer. Delaney has blastoma, and so her mother said you have a guest, and she came in and visited her of delaneys started a hashtag of delaney meets taylor, and thousands of people retweeted it and now they are best friends, and it is beautiful. Taylor is great. What a beautiful person. And the way she uses her celeb celebrity to do so much good. Yes cameeut this week on ituneses and she says that her favorite place is blank space, and so in this break in the tour she is going to become a mixologist, and how fun. Yes. And she is going to learn how to make drinks. She should come here shghg, and make us a drink. Start a hashtag fous. And john legend and chrissy teigen. And he got what he called herer dream cheese wheel. She say s thas thathe he got a i dont know if if you have had pasta, but it coats it in a cheese deliciousness, and any o other pasta cooked that way, is like thehe runnerup in Miss Universe. Topical humor. That is different from what i thought it was. You actually put the stuff in there . Es, it is t and coooo and yoyo roll it in the cheeses wheel, and there is a hole in there, and it is delicious. And you put that whole thing in the fridge . Well, is it is a storage thing. I ty c afford it. Where is the cheese wheel . That is one thing that i craved so much when i was pregnant and so she is pregnand she probably thought. Well, she love s thes the food, and she has a cookbook comok co on with taylor. And eating. And star wars knocked it out of the park. 517 worldwide, and 278 doe domestically, and that not counti china. Even beat ave tar. Yes. It broke 14 record ss. Thank you for asking. And 68 of twa ma so if you are a single lady out there, go to the star wars movie, because the ratio is pretty good. Dress like chewbacca and you will g ay is in the eye of the beholder. Did you see it . No, i am not an opening day kind of crop an sisters took in 13. 4 and they will benefit from being in the theater, and i think that they will grow next week. And le alvin and the chipmunks did good. Yes, it is the least successful of the three. Bah, humbug. Thank you, brian, for all you do. Love you, sweetie. Thank you. Is your phone ringing . Pick it up. It is us. You could be the fan of the week. And now Olive Gardens allnew florfilled pastas, with raviolis so nice we filled them twice. Bursting with indulgent flavors like chicken marsala ravioli, an irresistible twist on an old favorite. Plus unlimited salad d breadsticks. For a limimid time. At olive garden. Why do i cook for the holidays . To share with family to come together, even when were apart in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain`bnd swelling in as lile as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, and other cancers have happened. Dont starxeljanz if you have an infection. Tears ininhe stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can redu`e the symptomsmsf ra, even withoho methotrexate. Ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz. Now, it is t te to surprise our fan of the week. Fan of the week and drum roll please as we spin the globe. And it is Lauren Wagner who watches us on watc. She nef went to schoolver went to school, so she watches us. She is an accountant, and uren said that she w wld le be my accountant, but i have to promise to be on time, and i cannot ever file an extension, but that is not going to be happening. And so e was broken into, and she lost h computer. But s s keeps a bright smile and ambush makeover, and she has a little wine to help her through the stress. All right. We want you to win. One guess. Our elf on the shelf surfaces ever everyday in a new spot, and we vhave been asking the fans to tune in with a picture. What is ourelfs fame . Name . Regis. You will be staying four days and three nights in the bahamas. And you will receive dinner for two at doon restaurant, and round trip and airfare included. Are you going to take your mom or some special person . Mom have a great time, and thank you so much for watching. Thank you. And merry christmas. And lilliana went to north fact you wont find the brand pharmacists recommend most for cold and flu relief at the shelf. Advil cold sinus is only behind the pharmacy counter. Ask k ur pharmacist for fast, powerful advil cold sinus. Theres nothing here . What should we do . I dontt know. Okay. Im sitt okay, you call me. And now you can take a pick chu of us. Smile tk chu of us. Smile urk chu of us. Sek ch picturechupicture of us. I see people doing it all of and this is a fight on uscreporting gas prices continue to fall. The average gas price is now below two dollars aaallon, according to tracker gas buddy. Hereren iowa were even lower, were down to one ninetyfive a gallon and some areas are down even more. Gas prices nationally are back to where they were in april 2009. If you own a drone. Or maybe hope to get one later this week, remember you need to register them. That registration starts today. And if you complete the form before january 20th, the faa i waiving the five dollar fee. For anyone ho buys a drrne after today. It must be registered before its first flight outdoors. We have a link to the registration on our website, now, lets go to eileen with a look at weather. Winter officially begins tonight just before 11 it is funday monday with more of today, and while you are stripging the lights to get into the christmas spiritit thehe is one place that is christmas ready all year long. That is right, it is the north pole, alaska. And the dyi network invited us to comomcheck o. To t mako make sure that the well, it is magical, and beautiful. And the temperature was just about 20 below and i only had four hours of daylight, and i suitp to the meet santa, but along the way, i met some pretty cool people. Cool. I made it. Im here in the north pole. But i only have about four hours daylight to track down santa, so we have to move. Lets go. I was determined to find mr. Claus before the day was up, andnd timeas mited, but i had a per perfect idea of where to start. Stop, stop, stop. Hi. How are y y doing . Are you taking the letters to nt no, i just did it. I just got back. Sorry. Do you know where to find him . He is down that way. Hi. Im lilliana. How are you . Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Now, these outfits lead me to believe that you have inside intel of where santa is . Well, normally this time of the year santa is at the workshop getting ready for the holidays. But you know who might know . Ask the mayor. Right over there . Yes. City hall. Should i curtesy . Yes, you should. And now, i found the mayor bryce ward at the city hall. Does santa live here yearround . Yes, yearround. En in the summer, he does not fake a vacation to hawaii . He is vacationing now and then, but he is here most of the time. And kids always know where santa is. Husky, which way to santa . This way. This is ms. Caseys class . Yes. Having the hardest time finding santa claus. All right. Who here has seen him . Where did you seehim . At the hockey party. At his house. At the store. Can you draw me a map to santa. Okay. Down the roodad and turn this way, and turn aga and tha santa . Yeah. Thank you, ys, so much, and happy holidays. Youre welcome, miss lilliana lilliana. With the help from the kids i could feel myself getting closnow, an ice skullculpture here at the ice park. This slide is super fast,nd something tells me that maybe santa is at the the end of the slide. Woo you know what . I did notot find san tashgs but i had fun. Hi, buddy. Could you tell me where santa is . Finally, a nod in the right direction. I promise my boots are of you. I finally made it. I found santas house, and where better to find santa than at well, hello, lilliana, what e you doing here . Santa, i have been looking for you all day long. S what do you want, lilliana . It is really simple, and real really just one thing. Okay. Wow. What was it you cant tell . I cant tell, but i did tell santa that i wanted to bring you some special gifts and so i brought these back from the north pole to a very happy holidays. Direct from the north pole. Elf in training at the north oh, you got me a big one. It fits hoda. And by the way, the north pole is crazy. Honest lyly, i felt like i was on a movie sno, we did fly all of the way to the north pole, alaska, and it takes a long time to get there, and the l. And t children we saw, do their parents work at all off the places . Well, they t t all live in that town, and big military base there, and they love living in fair banks and the north pole, and they want everybody to come to visit, and if you have the opportunity, please, it is the most beautiful state i have been to. I thought that you were in new jersey to the mall or something. No, we went there. And good going, little elf, lilliana. And the to see what the mayor does in his free time, you can catch living a tufoff the grid tomorrow on the dyi network. And with fever, aches, and chills, mom knows it needs a big solution an antiviral. Dont kid around with the flu, call your doctor within the first 48 hours of symptom and ask about prescription tamiflu. Attack the flu virus at its source with tamiflu, an antiviral that helps stop it from spreading in the body. Tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved to treathe flu in people two weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of ununual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. The most common sidede effects are mildld to moderate nausea and vomiting. Antiflu . Go antiviral the snow is starting to fall and our loved ones are gathered all around, so share that extra joy in your heart and make this christmas even more special than the lala. Walmart. Were only human. We rely on our courage. The kind of courage that shows up when we need it. And when cancer is least expecting it. Courage. Just one reason more of us are surviving cancer than dying from it. Give now to the american cancer society. With a wholeroasted hazelnut, delicate crisps, and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, theyre twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. Say more with new kisses deluxe. When its your timto shine you want to feel good from head to toe. Including yoururails. Introducing the latest innovation from amop\. The amop\ electronic nail care system. The fast way to file, buff, and shine wow nails so you can step out with that amop\ confidence and shine on the new electronic nail care systst from amop\. In week marks the slow roll out for the winter break for kids across the e untry, but keeping th busy can be a allenge. And angie gof is here with some tips and contributor for today thes parenenng am. And welcome. Happy holidays. You know, after christmas comes and goes, what stays with us . The kie from the schooll break a a trying to beat t t cabin fever can be a challenge, but one of the things that you can do, and you can see it right here is to take a twist on the co cololong. They love the color, but with it. So who doesnt have a ton of wrapping paper when is leftover leftover, and the st white side of it, and if you are bored with it, you turn the that is what we have little sophia doing, the michelangelo effect. U kcan see what she is doing. Coloring underneath. Oh, okay, just like Michael Angelo did oh the sus teen chapel. Exactly. And tar coloring sheets to the botttt of a table, and that can keep them entertained for hoyrs. And build u upper b by strereth. And now, what is this . This is something that people have, the blue painters tape lying around so you can create it on the floor, and you want to whip it out, take a yoga mat, and i used the masking tape, and soft pens, and youou kcan start playing. What is her name, sweetie . Catherine. This is suggested by holly the parenting team. Andyo hopsh sh . I had to refresh my skills. Thank you, hon. That is excellent. And p. J. What are you up to . He got the funnest job of aul all. Get the kids out in the snow. So we took the food coloring and mixed it with water, and put it in cheap spray bottles, a pnd the snow ever shows up, we can stend kids outside to enjoy that, and if not, you want to have faunt he, bowls, cupcake pans, and any type of pan really, and mix blocks of ice with the food coloring and the ice skullculptures can bebeade there one by one, ev the wil melt, but it is a nice thing to keep them entertained. I have created a time capsule capsule, and the idea with this and you can google it, and these printables, to write out a survey of all of the things that you have accomplished this year, and the things that you predict will happen in fivee ars. This is the copeland family who have included everything from the show, and the ribbon of how tall thehe children were, and throw ing in throwingct close it up, and lock it up, and it says do not open until 2020. Cute idea, and fun thing to do as a family. Make sure that you store it in a dry place. Angie, thank you for coming from d. To share with us. For more ideas go to today. Com parentingteam. And from nashville old Eleventh Hour shopper. Thats you. Its ok because they know you. Theyre loaded up with gear. Ah xbox for the children. And a mixer for yououdear. No need to shop around for present youve missed its all here. Youre off the naughty list Eleventh Hour shopper. Thats you see you next year, buddy get low prices on all your lastminute gifts. Walmart. Feel a cold coming on . New zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. The challenges facing the country never stop. So neither does the u. S. Army. Adapt. And get smarter. Every soldier. Every unit. Every day. Not to keep up with change; but to drive it. Nobody knows what problems tomorrow will bring. Lips appear to age faster thananother skin. No worries. Now, theres new chapstick total hydration. Its 100 natural, age defying formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. Chapststk put your lips first there are some people you should give underwear to this holiday. And there are some people you shouldnt. People you should. Shouldnt. Janice should. Shouldnt. Yes. No. Should. No way. Should. No. Definitely not. Ha ha, nay. You shouldnt give underwear to everybody. Paris theres a lot to do on a dairy farm. Nobodys gonna do it for you. You have to get out there and do it yourse. Bernie sanders is a wellknown friend of family farms. Bernie cannot be bought out by big m mey. Bernies opinion cannot be purchased. Its time for our next president to get in there, roll up his sleeves, take off the gloves, and take on wall street, take on big business, take on big money, and get the working class back to where they should be. Hes a rock. Old dominion is the nickname nor the commonwealth of virginia, but it is also a top charting Country Music band. And they are having quite a year after signing theirirst rererd deal, and thehe are making the tv national debut. And now, off of the new album meat and candy, here is old dominion. Trictly out of curioussity what would happen if you goe kissing me and really hit the spot of me and come on and s couple rocks with me give m m your heart tonight and any reason that we need to i got somewhere we can tonight looking at you, girl, it is find and thosesetars need to be wished on and those lips need to be kissed on and my eyes are fixed on you in your snapback tshirt, and looking at my raybans, and breaking hearts like only you can in your snapback whoa oh oh whoa oh oh come on baby flash a smile at me midnight selfie o o a balcony a Little Something for my lock screen youre burning a hole in my pocket and we got the beat lets drop it your skin needs to be kissed on my eyes baby theyre fixed on you in the snapback tattoos, cutoffs and converse singing along to the song with the wrong words every move make baby it works in your snapback whoa oh oh oh in your snapback those stars need to be wished on your skin needs to be k ssed on my eye ss are baby they are fixed on your snapback tshirt of your favorite rock band checking y yr makeupup in my ray bans breaking hearts like only you can in your snapback whoa oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh whoho oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh in your snapback whoa oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh in your snapback all right oh, boy, more toys for lucky boys and girls. Come on all right. Still times to donate no 22nd annual toy drive and we are so grateful to those who have helped us out sending out toys to kids all over. And so for one of our generous patter ins from jack specifics, lets bring out griffin. Like a jack in the box. Hi, rachel. What do you have, hon . We have oveve 175,000 worth of retail toys. This is elsa who is nominated for the of th yea this year. She is. And why soomportant for you to donate every year. Money, giving is just as good for the giver as the receiver. And we value the kids, because they are the future of tomore kid receive a toy, it is more than a play thing, but it is a selfesteem builder and creating last inging memories. For the kids who don important. Thank you, rachel. Remember, you have until tomorrow to donate and go to k klgandhoda. Com for details. And guess who is going to be here tomorrow . And Giada Laurentis inoon. Mail carriers are busy today its the busiest delivery day of the entire year. And as you plan your Holiday Travel good news at the pump, especially in iowa. Announcer today on the Meredith Vieira show. Well b bck downn last weeks Republican Debate and what is behind halle berrys divorce and john edwars. Hes doing a reading with the

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