Transcripts For KWWL The Steele Report 20160201 : comparemel

KWWL The Steele Report February 1, 2016

And welcome for the first time on the show, heidi cruz, the wife of president ial candidate senator ted cruz, the junior senator out of texas. Theyvvbeen married almost 15 years now, going back to 2001. They have two young daughters, caroline and katherine. Mrs. Cruz in her own right is a very successful invesent banker and private wealth manager. Youre on leave from that right now, i understand. Shes the region head for Investments Management division for goldman in houston, texas, graduate of harvarar business school. She worked in bush 43 administration. And thats how you met your husband, so welcome to the program. Sounds like e ure the one that ought to be running for president. Heidi definitely not. Ron i enjoy having congressman king on the show because hes the most outspoken membmb of the iowa delegation. Im going to start with this because its in the news the last few days. Probably a real shocker to you when the governor of iowa, Terry Program m ny times as well, came out publicly and didnt endorse anyone, instead e said dont vote in the caucuses for ted cruz. Ababt that. You had to be stunned by that. Rep. King id say my Blood Pressure is not yet down to normal levels because of that and as terry bran sad has only caucus. He was very clear that he would endorse no one in this and yet apparently at the renewable e fuels conference on january 19th, he came out with that statement. As i listened to the statement, there were a number of components not supportable by the actual facts and the allegations made by the arf, the group formed to promote the rff standards, have been allegations that havent been supportable by facts from the beginning and theyve been running commerciaia against ted cruz on that and im in those commercials, so were taking negative hits for two months on this and governor branstad supported that. Id say this. And take a look at the text and listen to the audio of your statement. You will find at least four components of that that need to be corrected. Correct the record and let iowans go to caucus working with what is true and factual. By the way, this iowa caucus first in the nation was put at great risk by that statement. We lost the straw poll in ames and that was initiated, we know, with governor branstads statement a year ago. It. I said then if we lose the straw poll, that will bebehe elimination of a barrier that keeps them from eliminating the first in the nation caucus. What im concerned about now is can we hold this caucus tother . Because when a president ial candidate sympathies about coming to iowa to run for president , hes gogog to think about a governor that took a shot at him just a week and a half out. Ron and eric bratad, his son, as member of that organization that i i certainly supporting this. Mrs. Cruz, when you heard, this were you stunned by it yourself . Do you have a reaction to the governor of iowa going so public against your husband . About our campaigngns that it starts at the top with the leadership and that is our candidate. When our candidate isnt rattled by things, theres no reason the wife should be. Ted is focused on his strategy and wing the state of iowa through an enormous Grassroots Army we built and an incredible fundraising effort undertook in 2015,so were going to keep with the strategy thats been winning. Ron hes in favor of phasing out the Renewable Fuels starpd over a fiveyear period and thth is somomhing that weighs heavily on the minds of iowans, but doesnt carry too far beyond iowa, it does . Rep. King no, not too far beyond iowa. It might go as far as the corn distinction. The message delivered for two months was ted cruz was for eliminating the rff necessarily and thats not true. He immediately, and ats not true. He introduced a piece of legislation on march 27th, 2014, a Broader Energy bill, and in that bill, it steps down the rff it expires at the end of five years anyway, so the question is as it would be stepped down under the cruz plan, do we have more Market Access under the cruz plaand ted cruz would eliminate the 10 blend wall, allow us to sell e25 or e30 and those things give us an opportunity to sell more ethanol that were selling today. Someone who built more than half the ethanol plants in iowa estimates it would increase the masht share by 60 . I think the governor and the Industry Needs to stop, take a deep breath, and listen. We have a president ial candidate whom ive worked with on this issue, the immigration issue and others, and we have a president ial candidate who will work with the industry and understand and by the way, we have a first lady that understands it too in heidi cruz and i know that because we had a deep disisssion about the sue on the bus one day. Heidi we did. Ron therere looking at on the total goal of 36. Ived that donald trump on this program. Actually, he fired me on my own program, i dont know if that went over big or not, but a lot of people probably agreed with him on that one. Trump rallies of late have been interesting in that he does attract large, boisterous crowds that seem to support a lot of what he says until he criticizes ted cruz, your husband. What is that saying about your campaign here in iowa . Youre running neck and neck in the latest polls. Heidi our campaign reflects who ted is and from the beginning,g,hats a person anan a campaign thats not going to attack others, thats going to stick to our naej and take the high road. Ive always admired that inin teded because ted isiso focused on the substance, he knows the issues so well and hes principled. He knows what he believes in. He doesnt have to spend a lot of time attacking others and ats been a big posititi for our campmpgn and were going to keep doing that. People like on nbc in their profile of you recently, describe you as the quoteunquote, secrett weapon. Thats a flattering statement because you have not been afraid to take an active role in this campaign. As you look at republicans, do they have the demographics to win the white house now or do they have to expand . How is your husband going to be able to do that without compromising the principl you mentioned . Heidi i absolutely believeve the Republican Party hasthe coalition to win this nraition. When you look at this nation. When you look at historical elections and general election knowledge, when we run a consertive, an economic conservative, a social conservative, and a National Security conservative, we win national elections. People turn out when they know that the candidate is principled, when theres a frofr ven track record and a consistete track record. People have a chance to get to know you and who you are and they can look at what youve done, theres a lot of voters out there who want to know that ally know them. When we turn out base in the Republican Party, we win elections. Ron even governor branstad, though he criticized your sband, asking ioions to voe against him on caucus night, admitted that he has the best ground game in the state right now. We have guys like steve king helpininyou, so tell me how proud you arof the team that you haha here in iowa because on caucus night, you just never know. Youve got to get your people out or youll find out, as other people have, that aurora not as strong as youre not as strong as you thought you were. Heidi we could not be more proud of the team weve built in iowa. This is an incredibly important state in this state and every president ial election. We started out with two traffic aims in this campaign. One is to build a Grassroots Army that this country has not seen since reagan. Our team thatcame togethth in iowa is the strongest that we could have even hoped for with congressman steve king joining family leader, and we got to know them deeply. These are important leaders and i will tell you and i want to tell iowa caucus goers, they do their homework. They have evaluated every candidate. Weve spent with them getting to know t tm, talking to them, talking to them about our marriage, our family, our faith, what drives us, what teds principles are. And it was such an honor, not just because of the election, but just personally to have the support and the respect of such incredible leaders in our nation in bob and steve. Ron ive seen a lot of video of you actually on the phone, nning the phones, trying to reach as many iowans, and i dont know if you were talking to iowans at the time, but iowans and New Hampshire and as you u ve into the other prpraries. Steve, when sarah palin came out with donald trump, what did that say to you guys . Were you hoping for he endorsement or is that i had a guy say to me that trtrp finally played a mistake, i mean in his mistaken. Sarah palin fan in iowa. What do you think about that endorsement . How does it hurt or help anybody . Rep. King i like sarah palin. She came to the event i hosted last january 24th a year ago and gave a speech in the state as did donald trump anded cruz d a number of oothers, and at that time, we set up a pheasant hunt for the next day, ron, and i remember ted and sarah and i standing in a little Triangle Circle there the evening before, and i was trying to convince herr to come to our pheasant hunt the next day. I didnt try hard enough. I could have closed the sale, but i thought im not going to press that hard. Now i know its my fault. If i had gotten her out there in the field with a shotgun, we would have had a bond. But a lot of sarahs policies are teds policy. Her statement on Energy Position is teds Energy Position and it cant hardly be Donald Trumps and teds at the same te becausshe said shes against the playing field. So i think philosophically shes closer to ted than trump. Well see how it works out on the night of caucus. Ron are you friends of sarah palin and were you surprised by her endorsement of donald trump . Heidi sarah came toto texas and campaign for ted and made big difference in his race. I expense soue time with their family and we like the pail lins. I think sarah haha had ininedible impact on the country and we hope she continues to do so. Ron so you were surprised probably that she is endorsing donald trump . Heidi not much surprising me. Ron were you upset about it . Heidi back to your question before, ted, if you watch ted and if you spend time with ted, you see what an incredibib unflappable character he has and that comes from his mother. Ted was born to an irishitalian mother. Her mother was one of 17 children. The family was blue collar teds father was the first of her family to go to college. She is smart, wise, shes an incredibib listener, very, very patient, and nothing rattles her and ted has a very, very strong dna of that and its a great blessing. Things really dont ther ted. I knkn what hess doing and why hes doing it, and we are confident that voters will get to know him. Ron im not going to get you to answer that question, am i . Heidi i juju answered. [ laughter ] rep. King answer this, ron. If you have irish blood, thats an explanation for any kind of behavior whatsoever. Heidi that can be true. Ron ll take a break real quick. Reminder, the program in its entirety will be on kwwl. Com as well shortly after we air it here, as wealways followow meet wel ron welcome back t tthe final portion n our repopo this week on the steele report on kwwl. We have, of course, congressman steve king and heidi cruz with us, the wife of senator ted cruz and on t campaign trail and doing a job that is really tough. I mean, its grueling, you have to be so dedicated. I know youve been mary about 15 married about 15 years, this has been to be a test of your dedication to each other. Your husband talked about this earlier, not relinquishing the core v vues on issues that are controversial like same sex marriage. To do that without any compromise at all tois faith, to what he believes . You were born, i believe, and grew up as a seventh day adventist, so you have strong faith in your background. Give me the pitch and give the people watching here today, your husband is a man who will not compromise, high values. Thats what you love about him, right . Heidi well, thank you, ron, for asking that question. Absolutely, ted will be able to run this race through the primary and the general without compromising his principles. This is whats been so interesting about elections for so long. Theres an old adage in the Republican Party, run to the right in the primary and run to the middle in the general and guess what . When we do that, we lose. When we run as o we genuinely are and we have a candidate whos a consistent principled conservative and even on the website, we dont talk about the issues and talking points. We talk about what hes done. When people see that, well turn out the base of the party and and vote for ted in the general and what is so unique and from larve about ted as a candidate, hes a man of fate, a christian man, raised a family dedicated to democracy and fighting for freedoms. His father came here from cuba as a freedom fighter. He was raised with the bibleeand the constitution is deep endly superlative about him is hes able to have the principles personally and vern from base of faith, but as a constitutionalist. Our constitution was inspired to govern a land of freedom, of individual choice, of opportunity and consequence. Law and order and consequence. And ted, i believe, is one of the foremost in our nation today that understands the constitution and how to apply it to citizens and states of this country. And when y y listen to what he says and not what others say about him, it is a fascinating experience because ted does not back down from who he is and his three branches o ogovernment, he knows the limits on power, and he understands the 10th amendment. I am with ted wherever he campaigns, from new york city to iowa to south carolina, New Hampshire, los angeles. And he says the same thing to every single voter in any of these different states. We are a nation ofmany, many different of many, many faiths. Peopleleame here from all over the world and its natural that they live differently, but we need to convince our fellow citizens of our beliefs and not rule through the executive ordede in the office. Ron know he has the pen out asking for more ink to get rid of some of these executive orders. Donald trump did bring the citizenship eligibility. What was that all about . Heidi i dont know buy donald trump brought it its when he does. Thats his own campaign strategy. Well keep running ourace. From the way this played t and i said this on television before, this is not a legal matter that will be of consequence. Rep. King id just like to jump in on that. Im on the constitution subcommittee, the House Judiciary Committee and ive looked into this deeply and actually tracked it over the years. It really comes down to this. There are two ways to be a citizen the united ststes. You can be naturalized or natural born, and if you look back at the scholarship on this, when this was debate, when it was put into the constitution, the people that passedthe act that clarified that in 1790, a number of them were there shaping the constitution itself. And so they understood what natural born was and what it really means is if when youre born, you are a citizen of the united states, youre naturally born to be a citizen of the united states. You can either be naturali\ed or natural born. Theres no otherer kind of citizen. No one questions ted cruzs citizenship. Hes not naturalized, hes natural born and it fits the constitution and it fits current law that goes back to 1790. Ron lets talk about new york values. Does he wish he phrased it another way is that anotherr thing that hes not going to back down from saying Something Like that that apparently offended a lot of people inhe state of new york . Heidi as you might know about ted, he is willing to work with those who want to advance our country. From day one in the senate, he campaign to 17 million texans that he would work hard to redudu the debt and deficit and to defund and get rid of oak, and he has done obamacare and he has done exactly that. He is happy to work hard with those who want to move our country y orward. Hes not happyto gogo up and not do what he said he would do and make deals to do less than what he promised voters. So when if its ever said about ted thathes uncompromising, he is uncompromising to get a bad deal, that is true. Ron did you just say that he regrets saying new york values or not . Heidi you have to ask ted himself what he regrets saying, but i do talk to ted and ted is experience ron as of you. Heidi and my experience of 1616ears knowing ted cruz, assess what he means and he means what he says, and he define the terms as he did in a letter that he wrote to those that asked, which were democrats, asked ted for an apology and id really encourage the caucus goers of iowa to read that letter of apology that ted wrote to the dememrats, which is what he meant by his statement. Ted apologize for Small Business owners for being run out of new york because of overregulation. Ted apologized for the overregulation of manhattan because of the size of their soda drinks. Ted apologized to the African American kid who had his choice taken away from him by de blasio ananput back in failing excuse. That is what ted meant. I encourage you to go to google and look up that letter. Its one of the greatthings means. Thats why we encourage people to listen to what he says, not what peopl say about him. Ron that seems to be one of the things that are at tracking cruz. Two men who are saying whatever is on their mind and not being as politically correct as seem people feel we need to be. Theres a auaul lot ofof debate about that. Lets make predictions now rep. King ron, whats missing from the dialogue is that the new york values that ted spoke to on the debate that thursday night were thth new w rk values that donald trump had described to the rest of america in an interview with tim russ sart, october 24th, 2009. He even referenced that his values might be different from iowa. I would say the politics didnt change, 84 of manhattan still we for barack obama. Thats the p pt thats missing from there dialogue here today and i appreciate heidis answer, i think is better than mine. Heidi thank you. Ron one other issue not really dogging you, but im you work for a bank, goldman sachs, got a loan in 2012, a couple loans, obviously paid back or are being paid back, but were not disclosed properly or may not have been. Why dont you set the record

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