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Of utah. Finally all of this will play out tonight on the second debate stage during this most surreal moment of the campaign. Joining me for insight and analysis are steve schmidt, Senior Adviser to john mccains 2008 president ial campaign. Ruth marcus, columnist for washington post. Sara fagen white house director for president bush and heather mcghee, president tank. Welcome to sunday. Its meet the press. Announcer from nbc news in washington, this is meet the press with chuck todd. Good sunday morning. This one does feel different. There have been so many times weve said trump cant survive this or cant survive that crisis but the 2005 hot mic recording with billy bush and surprise even donald trump cant survive. I moved on her. I was in palm beach. I moved on her and i failed. She was married. I moved on her very heavily. In fact, i took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said ill show you where they have nice furniture. I moved on her like a i couldnt get there. She was married. I see her, shes got the big phony ive got to take some tictacs. When youre a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Anything you want. Grab them by the hi, how . Nice to meet you. Those were the words of republican nominee donald trump ended up releasing what he said was an apology late saturday night. He said the following, i will never let my supporters down. Also trumps wife melania put out a statement calling his words offensive. Then she went on saying, i hope people will accept his apology as i have and focus on issues facing our nation and the world. Trump is likely to lose. The question now is how much damage will this do to the Republican Party. Already a parade of republicans have either condemned trumps comments, condemned or called on hill to st. Patri d the nominee all together. Some are worried about their own prospects this fall, others are simply disgusted with trumps words. Even maker of tic tac candies said it was reprehensible. 2005 billy bush, then host of access hollywood has sent the Republican Party reeling. Reince priebus, no woman should House Speaker paul ryan disinvited trump to a saturday event calling the comments sickening. There is a bit of an elephant in the room. It is a troubling situation. Not leader Mitch Mcconnell called on trump to apologize to women and girls everywhere. Republicans rushed calling them offensive, inappropriate, outrageous, demeaning, impossible to justify. I think the president ial race is effectively over. The idea he can resurrect his Campaign Based on this town hall debate is not going to happen. Republicans in tough races were the first to withdraw support and the dominoes kept on falling. I can no longer endorse donald trump for president , just cant do it. Step aside. Step down. I think its degrading to ou what[ . . It means for republi candidates across the boarf . Is now they are . . Going to have to run their individual campaigns without the traditional help from the top of the ticket. Trump finally did apologize in a facebook video late friday night. I said it. I was wrong, and i apologize. But trump didnt stop with the apology and instead called the revelation a distraction and attacked the clintons. Bill clinton has actually abused women and hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed, and intimidated his victims. On friday, pence defended trump. They will say this time we got him. This time we found theres another tweet thats come out. This time weve got another thing, another issue thats come forward. Then they turn on the television the next morning and donald trump is Still Standing stronger than ever before. But by saturday pence had released a statement saying, i do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them. If they wanted to. Republicans are already voting. Many ballot certification deadlines have passed and the ballots are already in voters hands. So far trump himself has said he isnt going anywhere. See you at the debate on sunday. And joining me now is former new york city mayor and donald trump supporter Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Mayor, welcome back. How are you, chuck . Backtoback meet the press. Let me start with this, definitively, is there any would not show up to tonights debate in st. Louis . Oh, no. Hes showing up. Hes as prepared as hes ever been and hes all ready for the debate tonight. Hes obviously, you know, feels very bad about what hes said. He apologized for it, will probably do it again. What hed like to do is move onto the issues that are facing the American People. They only have a few more days to kind of think about it. Let me ask you this, donald trump, Reince Priebus was supposed to go on other shows. They all pulled out. Only you are out defending donald trump. Are you the only one in the campaign that was willing to defend him . No, absolutely not. I was with kellyanne all day yesterday. She could have just as easily been on as me. The same thing is true with chris. Okay. So im the one who was selected for the show but either one of the two of them would probably say pretty much the same thick i was saying. I was with the yesterday. As you know in the last 24 hours, a slew of republicans from across the country. I sure do. Have said, he needs to reexamine his candidacy. Cory gardener, he needs to step aside allow mike pence. Thune, donald trump should withdraw, carly fiorina, i Ask Donald Trump to step aside. Condoleezza rice, he should withdraw. There is any chance that donald trump is going to listen to these Republican Party leaders that are begging him to withdraw . I think he answered that race. Hes going to remain in the race. He was selected by more Republican Voters than anyone has ever been selected in a republican primary. He owes them the duty to run. It is true he said something said a group of things during that interview that are reprehensible and terrible and awful and he feels terrible about it. It was 10 or 12 years ago. He wasnt at that time running for office. He wasnt thinking of office. Hes gone through i think a very, very intensive process, as president. The last 14 months hes been all over the country. He understands the responsibilities on his shoulders now which werent there back then of all these people who believe in him, believe he can reduce taxes, make us stronger against islamic terrorism, deal with this tremendous rising crime. Last year mr. Mayor, let me understand last year crime went up more than in 41 years. Thats extraordinary. Attacking a gold star family. He didnt apologize to questioning the nature of a federal judge just because of his ethnicity. Why did he choose to apologize for this . Well, i think in this case he realized it was were talking about his personal behavior and his statements that were absolutely wrong. I think when he heard them he was shocked. Im not sure im not going to say he didnt remember them but they probably werent at the top of his when he was confronted with it, he was pretty darn shocked he said such terrible things. He feels terrible about it. He feels terrible for his family and how embarrassing it is for them. He feels terrible from his own point of view. He also realizes he has a responsibility. I think the last 14 months have driven that into him. There seems to be a pattern. Let me play for you. This isnt the first time hes talked this way. Here he was with howard stern. Take a listen. Ill tell you the funniest is ready and Everything Else. No men . Wv are . . Anywhere. And im allowed to go in because im the owner of the pageant and im inspecting it. Youre like a doctor. Is everyone okay . They are standing there with no clothes. Is everyone okay . You see these incredible women. You sort of get away with things like that. That wasnt 11 years ago, that was 2008. He wasnt running for president. He was o howard stern is a friend of mine. Why is this idea let me ask you this, mr. Mayor, why is the idea hes not running for president so its okay to be a misogynist, its okay to make unwanted sexual advances. Chuck, chuck, chuck, im not saying its the right thing to do. Im saying, for example, when i was mayor of new york and i went on howard stern show, i made sure we didnt fool around, didnt tell jokes, didnt say that are said arent true. You just say them because they are funny. Im a good friend of howard stern and i really like him a lot. Every time i was on his show, my people, my mayors people, handled it so we never talked about things like that. Its not right to say it whether youre a politician or not. Its not about saying it, mr. Mayor, its doing it. Hes bragging about making unwanted sexual advances. It is wrong. Youre saying the words are how about the actions. Well, the actions would be even worse if we were actions. Talk and actions are two different things. Wait a minute. New york times, temple tagart was 21yearold beauty contestant when she was a pageant event. An unwanted advance. Turned it over in her head for years. Watching the video made me feel a lot better. One can say i made this up. Youre implying this stuff was made up. Im not saying it was made up. Im saying were talking about things he was talking about. I dont know how much is exaggerating. I dont know how much is true. I dont know the details of it. I do know this is unfortunately the kind of talk that goes on among a lot of people and they shouldnt talk about this. This is wrong. He realizes that. He understands it now. Hes running for president. He realizes that hes0l . Got th weight of the responsibility of and this something hes not going to do in the future. Lp hes very apologetic about it and wants to move onto whats going to be really important 30 days from now. He is going to lower taxes. Shes going to raise taxes. Hes going to add to our military, shes going to decrease our military will hes going to support the police at a time when weve had the biggest increase in crime in the last 41 years. Hes going to take on radical islamic terrorism. Hes not one . ; . Thing hes n wikileaks, that is two people. Hillary clinton actually specifically described shes two different people. To the financial people who are giving millions of dollars, shes on their side and wants to be a big part of theroh governm but she tells them she has to pretend to everybody she isnt. If you believe Hillary Clinton says one thing in private and that means what she really is is what she is in private, should we assume what donald trump did in that access hollywood bus is really what . In pr with Hillary Clinton. . Know, chuck, the reality is that in both cases, both people have things in their personal lives that maybe if they could redo it, they would do it differently. The reality is that this is a situation in which neither side should throw stones because both sides have sinned. So how about we . Ue . That behind us and Start Talking about who islamic terrorism so we can finally defeat them, and who is going to best be able to support the police so the largest increase in crimeq . In 41 years isnt going to become a trend. Is it donald trump and his policies or Hillary Clinton who has had a chance shes been part of our political fabric 30 years and 70 of the country thinks were mooching in the wrong direction. Shes one of the reasons for it. Mr. Mayor, last question. Has he ruled out bringing up bill clintonli personal life a tonights debate . Up bill clintons personal life. I do believe theres a possibility hell talk about Hillary Clintons situation if it gets to 2x] . That. I dont think he prefers . To that. But i think he will. What does that mean . What situation . What im talking about are the things that she has said and that have been reported in various books and magazines and other places about the women that bill clinton raped, sexually abused and attacked. Well, ive run out of time because i know you have to do another television interview, but those allegations have not been true. Wed rather not get into that. All right. Mr. Mayor, ill leave it there. Well watch tonights debate. Thank you for sharing your views. Joining me now is the first republican senator to call on trump to step down, mike lee of utah. The Democratic Party has chosen during president ial election cycle. I dont think we have to follow that path. The path i would suggest is a path that would bring republicans together, bring together those grassroots activists who have made donald trump so successful, who have had this successful argument washington establishment of both a new leader, a republican leader who can win, who can defeat Hillary Clinton. Thats what unites us more than Everything Else as republicans, the fact washingon Hillary Clinton needs to be defeated. We need al that. I would like to see q . The Republican Party identify such a party andb5 . T that change. You identified flaws with a lot of people are now joining you over the last 48 hours. A lot of democrats and even some voters in the middle are going to say why now . There was some like me who had raised questions in light of warning signs early on. There were a lot of others who wanted to be persuaded, who hoped they might be persuaded between now and novemr. Hours ago was less than persuasive. In fact, it turned a lot of people off to the point that i have serious doubts now about mr. Trumps ability to defeat Hillary Clinton. In fact, i dont think he can. There is aoh . E . Here for mr. Trump to have a legacy in this election cycle and for his supporters, who are really energetic and have done a whole lot of good as far as expanding here. That is for donald trump to step aside and for the Republican Party to find a candidate who can bring together all the elements within the Republican Party and defeat Hillary Clinton in november. Thats what we want to do. Thats what we need to do now. If Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan jointly made that plea that you just made, it would probably send a powerful message. I know youve been urging others to join your cause. What would you like to hear speaker ryan and trump, so far they are sticking by him. They are the current leaders of your party. Do they need to step up . Look, i would always encourage any other republicans, whether they are leaders, whether they are in congress or not, to step up and make their opinions known. The fact is, once again, chuck, we dont want to see Hillary Clinton elected president and weve got lots of other people who can do this. Our party is not a personality cult, our party is about ideas. Reinvigorate americas middle class, help the poor get out of poverty and end this washington centric mindset that has been crippling the american economy. We can do that. Weve got candidates that can do it. Theres still time to do it and we have to actually do it. That candidate for you, is it mike pence . Im agnostic at this point about who it might be. Theres still time to decide who it should be. The point is mr. Trump, in order for any of this to to step aside. I need to make very clear we cannot win this election without donald trump supporters, but we also cant win this election at the top of the ballot and in manyp . Cases down ballot withoua different president ial candidate. Thats why the time to act really is now. Mike lee, republican from utah. Appreciate you coming on this morning, getting up early out there. Thank you, chuck. Always appreciate it. Thanks for sharing your views. When we come back, can pleading to do, bump donald trump off the ticket . What happens if he does decide to step down, could they get another name on state ballots. Democrats, could donald trump democrats, could donald trump return nancy pelosi to the welcome to the world 2116, you can fly across town in minutes or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes and if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. . . Hey girlfriend, hows your cafe au lait . Oh, its actually. Sfx short balloon squeal its ver. Sfx balloon squeals ok can we. Sfx balloon squeals im being so serious right now. I really want to know how your coffee is. Its. Sfx balloon squeals hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye happens to more people than you think. Try lactaid, its real milk, without that annoying lactose. Mmm. Good right . Yeah. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. Welcome back. Steve schmidt is here with us, and heather mcgee, ruth marcus, and sara fagen who is a political director during george w. Bushs administration. I want to start with what mike lee is pleading to do. He said theres still time. You both dealt with ballot deadlines, is there time . There functionally isnt it. People have been voting in florida and north carolina. 18 states will have started early voting so you can do it symbolically. It m candidates to have a different face of thelogistically. What happens tonight . Well, you will see someone who is manifestly unprepared for the duties of the office of the president of the United States who has no idea what hes talking about what a policy perspective. Who lacks the requisite dignity required of someone who wishes to be the head of state of the capacity to be the commander in chief of the most powerful military and the worlds most potent nuclear arsenal. I would suggest theres another way, in which that donald trump will come in sounding contrite. We will is or not, he will do his best to exhibit contrition, but it will only last for so long. And these tweets and Everything Else were seeingug just he showed us last time around he cant keep it together for 90 minutes. Heather, i dont mean to interrupt, but literally, so Rudy Giuliani says no hes not going to bring up bill clintons past allegations. Donald trump has tweeted a video interview with juanita broaddrick. Thats what he tweeted a few minutes ago. I think we know where his head is at. And suddenly that folly. The idea that mike pence will somehow rise as the man who can return the republican ticket to the fold of few mail voters, women havent gone for the republican president ial nominee in decades. Mike pence is someone who was the initial sponsor of the bill to cut off funding for planned parenthood. He cut off funding for planned parenthood in indiana which led to the Public Health crisis. He signed a bill to give Women Services for the fetal tissue this is a party okay. We know who youre running against the nominee, mike pence. They can sort of push trump aside. The republicans did very well with women. Let me throw out the women numbers by the way. This was before all this among Hillary Clinton was ahead by 51 . He was actually, sarah overperforming his favorable rating with women by 13 points. Is it possible he could actually go lower with women . I think its entirely possible he could go lower with women. We saw friday indicates that he will go lower and what we also dont know is what else is still out there. Theres a month left in this campaign. You know, you think about the tax bombshell a week ago. Now this. Its hard for me to believe that well go a other significant news here. By the way you can always go lower. By the way, central park 5. Right. In the middle of nowhere, hes saying they were acquitted. Paid money. Paid money for the false acquisition of murder. And they found the perpetrator. But he was throwing it out there. The president ial race is effectively over. States. Chuck schumer will be the majority leader of the United States. And the only question is how close the democrats will come to retaking the house majority. What this exposes is much deeper and goes to the Republican Partys institution. This candidacy. The magnitude of its disgrace to the country is almost impossible i think to articulate. But it is exposed the intellectual rot in the Republican Party. It has exposed in a massive level the hypocrisy, the modern day money changers in the temple like Jerry Falwell jr. And so this party to go forward and to represent a conservative vision for america has great soul searching to do. And what we have seen in the and the danger for all of the candidates is over the course country, denying what is so obviously clear to anybody whos watching about his complete and total manifest unfitness for this office. Well, steve, i will let that be the last word of this segment. Pretty power statement from you. You guys are coming back in a little bit. Right now shes the House Minority leader nancy pelosi. But could donald trump back the speakership . Back the speakership . As we go to break, snl had safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job at bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. This man creates software, used by this bank, at bp, safety is never being satisfied. To protect this customer, who lives here and flies to hong kong, to visit this company that makes smart phones, used by this Vice President , this little kid, oops, and this obstetrician, who works across the street from this man, who creates software. They all have insurance crafted personally for them. Not just insured. Chubb insured. Everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you when it comes to healthcare, seconds can mean the difference between life and death. For partners in health, time is life. We have 18,000 people around the world. The microsoft cloud helps our entire staff stay connected and Work Together in real time to help those that need it. Ork. What we do together changes how we live. Welcome back. Weve heard from a number of republicans this morning reacting to Donald Trumps comments on the access hollywood tapes. Were fortunate enough to have a democrat join us, not just nancy pelosi. Good morning. Lets start with the mess donald trump finds himself in. What would you advise secretary clinton to do if he does bring up bill clintons past. I dont think secretary clinton needs advice from anyone. Shes such a talented debater. When she goes into the oval office and she will in january, shell be the best prepared one of the best prepared people in the history of our country to do so by her knowledge, experience, judgment, her so i think she will talk about the issues. Do you think that stuff is fair game that he brings up. No. You know why, elections are about the future. Hes talking about something about bill clinton. Hes not on the ballot. Whats really important to note about all of this is that theres not a dimes worth of difference between donald trump and the republicans in congress when it comes to issues that really affect peoples lives its a disrespect by saying it will pay for equal work, respecting a womans decision to make decisions about size and timing of her family, whether its about medicare, Social Security. Pence voted to privatize Social Security when president bush was president and three times for the ryan budget to voucherize medicare, to take away the guarantee. Wellbeing are more important than locker room talk. Its interesting you want to tie House Republicans to donald trump. I understand a lot of republicans say donald trump doesnt represent the Republican Party. It wasnt just republicans who said that. A pretty prominent democrat said this at the democratic convention. Let me play the sound. Look, we democrats have always had plenty of differences with the Republican Party, and theres nothing wrong with that. Its precisely this contest of idea that pushes our country forward. But what w last week wasnt particularly republican, and it sure wasnt sieve. Did the president inoculate rank and file republicans from donald trump with that comment . No, no. I completely agree with what the president said. The Republican Party is the grand old party. Its done great things for our country. What weve been saying to them is take back your party. Its been hijacked by a radical wing of i dont know even not even of your party. And when president bush was president , we treated him with respect. We got a lot done working together, opposed the war in iraq, privatizing Social Security but he was one of the best president s on that. We had one of the Biggest Energy bills in the country. This goes on. We need a strong Republican Party. I dont paint everybody with the same brush, b in the house of representatives i do. Okay. Let me ask you about something that came out in these leaks, some leaks of hacking, john podesta, speech excerpts. One from Hillary Clinton that implied lets take a look at it. Implies she says one thing, everybody watching, back room discussions and deals you know people get a little nervous. So you need both a public and private position. Is im going to tell you one thing here in this private speech and im going to have a public position another way. Trade, for instance, seems to be one topic where she seems to say one thing behind the scenes and one thing publicly. How do we trust her trade position . I trust her trade position. What shes saying is we are a global economy. We have to face that reality. We dont have to accept tpp and that we should recognize sit down start with workers growing paychecks and put trade starting with investment. Take you her at her word she will never support tpp. Absolutely. Youre there, too. You will never support tpp. I want to have a trade agreement. I say to my members, i dont want to give anybody fasttrack. We didnt give it to bill clinton, president bush or barack obama. Were indiscriminate democrats and republicans in terms of saying congress should have the prerogative to have more saying affect american workers. Were against tpp, overwhelmingly the democrats. You take her at her word shes not somehow saying two things an not just doing some progressives, some Bernie Sanders supporters see that and say, you know what, this is why i dont trust her. I think what ear hearing this the first time im hearing that. What youre hearing is we should have a trade agreement. It isnt tpp because that isnt what grows america. It doesnt start with the american worker. It rejects any discussion so Hillary Clinton, the fact is, she has such great knowledge. She has a vision about her country and its about strengthening the middle class. That is the biggest difference between democrats and republicans classically. Trickle down economics. Tax breaks for the rich. Middle income economy. Growing the middle class and spend and inject them into the economy to grow the economy. How damaging were bill clintons comments about obama care when call it the craziest thing talking about folks getting squeezed in the middle, folks that are not eligible for subsidies. Not clarifying it circles what he believes what he circled was essentially the issue republicans are bringing up on the campaign trail. Not damaging at all. Not damaging at all. Affordable care million more people have access to Affordable Quality Health care. Not only that, many tens of millions more are no longer subjected to preexisting conditions, eliminating do you acknowledge this problem with premiums and acknowledge the problem in the middle. I wanted a single payer id love a single payer but were not there. I wanted a public option which would address that. But weve never done anything, whether its Social Security, works and lets improve it. No, i wouldnt worry about that. What i do think is Affordable Care act stands there with social s7 . Security, medicare, acs a pillar of health and Economic Security for american families. I think its really important to know republicans have voted over 65 times to eliminate it, and they have voted more than one time to dismantle medicare by taking away the guarantee. . Guarantee. Pence voted for that three times. Final question, how confident are you you will get the speakers gavel . Oh, its not about me. Its about democrats winning as many seats. I want the American People to win in this election so we can take this to a place where we really are talking about thashs affect them in their daily lives. We can try to find some consensus. The other difference between democrats and republicans, we really do come forward to work in a bipartisan way. President bush. I hope that we can take this debate to a place where the American People are not disgusted and turned off by whats happening in the campaign but instead inspired by it. All right. Nancy pelosi go giants. No comments. I will leave it there as a dodger fan. When we come back, how big a role will the trump tape play tonight and in the next week. Stay with us. Now, mr. Trump, many republicans have stood by you through a but are now pulling their support. People like senator john mccain. Coward. This car is traveling over 200 miles per hour. To win, every millisecond matters. Both on the track and thousands of miles away. With the help of at t, Red Bull Racing can share critical information about every daniel you need to cool your brakes. Understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. Giving them the agility to have speed precision. Because no one knows like at t. Everyday millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you . . . My advice for looking younger, longer . And use aveeno . Absolutely ageless . Night cream with active naturals . Blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. Absolutely ageless . Welcome back. Time now forat even before the trump tape was released, donald trump was starting to sink in state and national polls. We have two brandnew maris polls taken earlier in the week. In the fourway race in florida, Hillary Clinton leads donald trump by six among all registered voters. 4539. The race does get tighter when you cut it down for likely voters, here clinton leads by three, 4542. Trump doesnt have a path to president without florida. A socalled firewall of pennsylvania. It looks like one. Pretty solid among registered voters she has a double digit lead in the fourway race, 4836. Guess what, when you cut it down for likely voters, that double digit lead is there, 4537. 12point lead for clinton in pennsylvania could mean shes likely gaining next door ohio as a couple of recent polls have suggest. In the field before the news of trumps access hollywood tapes broke. Coming up, well tee up tonights unusual president ial debate in st. Louis. And later, seth meyers on comedy in politics. We dont think of it in terms, well, well tell jokes which you are you . Be the you who doesnt cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Be the you who shows up in that dress. Who hugs a friend. Be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara . Just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. Stelara . May lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before starting stelara . 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She has done 65 to trumps 33. Were being generous calling that 33. Interacting with every day people. That is a unique challenge. He did it the other night but it wasnt practicing for the debate up in New Hampshire. Sure, because real people can ask you rude questions or questions that you perceive, if what does donald trump tell us about how he deals with hostile, nasty questions, hes a counter puncher. You can counter punch Hillary Clinton, you can counter punch a Network Anchor but you cannot counter punch somebody in a town hall and thats going to be a hard thing for him. This isnt a particularly great format for her either. Shes been so incredibly scripted through this campaign. Even a lot of evidence that the town hall she does do, she prescreens the questions. So to the degree that she gets askedue uncomfortable about bill clintons past or the way she handled bill clintons past, it could end up not being a great night for her either. Its also true, though, with the trump tapes, this has broken through from the political roundtable through to culture, right. As soon as the trump tapes went live you had women going on social media to do something extremely brave, which is share their own stories of sexual assault. Im sorry to interrupt you. But what happens when a woman touched against my will and here is how i felt about it, mr. Trump. How does he deal with that . Thats a tough one. Were having a style discussion, how is he going to present. Think back to the first debate. Its not that he had a bad debate in the way george w. Bush did or barack obama did, for the first time in history you saw a candidate for president of the United States who was absolutely incoherent talking about Nuclear Weapons in one breath and then next breath. It was unprecedented how bizarre it was. I think tonight hes going to get questions. Has he no policy depth. He doesnt know anything on these Public Policy issues. Hes incoherent object National Security issues. I think youll see in this debate what happened in the last debate, just an inability to make it through 90 minutes. The best news would be for donald trump if the debate where he is as bad as you said. Arguably thats the case. The other thing weve spent little time talking about is that Hillary Clintons email more email from the Clinton Campaign was released. In it she is talking to wall street one way and talking to regular voters another. This is getting almost no news, because, once again, were talking about donald trump. Blocks out the sun. He blocks out the sun, thats a great way to put it. Heather, she is g t to answer that question tonight, the personal the public and the private. You know whats interesting about both leaks is it made everybody it reinforced a stereotype. With trump it reinforce add grotesque stereotype. With clinton it reinforced this politician stereotype. We elect politicians to office. How dare you. This is a different mom. Anyone. My organization has been strug licks to reign in wall street. Do you trust her. Someone who goes to the center of the political moment has made it easier for progressives to know how to organize. Im serious. In january we know that actually as opposed to what happened when barack obama came into office, this is what progressives talk about right now. Nobody wanted to organize against him and hush him to the thats very interesting. I think its deeply comforting for republicans that behind closed doors that she thinks Bernie Sanders is nuts. For a lot of republicans that cannot vote for donald trump, i think its comforting. By the way, let me put up our new battleground map. We put it up friday and now it feels obsolete. Essentially we have, as you see, very few tossup states, florida, north carolina, iowa, nevada, and New Hampshire at this point. We dont have pennsylvania in there. Knew our pennsylvania numbers and it was reinforced there. Where does this map go from here, steve . After this, what do you expect . It goes blue. Yes, the bottom is falling out. What next . Arizona, georgia, utah. Lets step outside of the revelations on friday from the tape, and lets just look from the debate performance through the attacks on miss universe, the midnight tweeting. I president ial candidate has ever had in october in a president ial election ever. Period. There are going to be a lot more swing states come wednesday. Swing states weve never seen before. Kansas, watch out. Who knows . Theres been a lot of talk about Senate Republicans distancing themselves. John mccain is the only one thats really publicly done that in advertising. I think the question is, is it going to be tuesday, wednesday, thursday before the rest of and is it too late . Let me pause there. 9 . Back in 45 seconds. End game and what seth meyers had to say about donald trump. Announcer coming up, . I9 . Announcer coming up, . I9 . The press end make sure youre keeping up with your kids online accounts and the social media theyre using. Talk with them about appropriate online behavior. Being proactive and involved is the best way to protect your kids from predators and bullies. The more you know. To protect your kids from predators and bullies. Six oclock, chucks at the office. When in iowa, hes still up early. Working the farm, meeting iowans in all ninetynine counties every year. No surprise then, my husband has been named the hardest working senator. Dawn to dusk. Chuck works. Announcer coming up, meet the press end game brought to you by boeing, building the future one century at a time. Let me finish the discussion. I cut you off. We wanted to do that. Can democrats turn this ht . Mome heather, into a wave moment . It needs to be, because the actual problems in our country are actually really all the mess, all the unfitness of him as a candidate, this election has shown that the donor class has broken away from working and middle class majorities of both parties. Both sanders and trump have shown that. Can we continue that into policy i think is the q . Aw . Ion. I democrats take back the house. If you look at polls you put up from pennsylvania and florida earlier, theres a question there. Only 4 and 5 respectively are hollywood tapes. People are really dug in. Its hard for me to imagine that while donald trump may lose a few points here that its going to be quite as wide as we think it is sitting here today. Se pennsylvania and florida, 12 se point lead for hillary, 4 point over toomey, meant a lead from a candidate democrats are walking away inside party, hit the emergency button. Were at that hour now. Chairman priebus has some enormously difficult deciding toss make monday morning to see what he can save and begin the prospect of rebuilding the party after whats in be an armageddon moment on election day. I think we need to we dont know about the wave yet because we dont know about knowns, unknowns. What happens when more things if and when things come out as donald trump wasnt all talk and no action but women come forward and say he grabbed me there. And. . . He question of how quickl and how soon republicans renounce c . Trump, i think the e boats are getting awfully full. I do think in tonights debate and donald trump is the wrong person to do this, but Hillary Clinton has never been asked about p the way she described the women who accused bill clinton, all alleged, but i do. I think theres no way in the world donald trump doesnt bring shouting match pretty quickly. W always wondered i has to have an u . Answer thatst a deflection. Her answer is my husband is not on the ballot. I am. But4g5 . T is and she handled that in a way my husband cheated on me and i stayed with him. You cheated on your wives and left them. Interesting statement. All right. Lets lighten the mood here a little bit. Our buddy seth meyers is bringing his late night show to d. C. All this week and i sat down with him on we talked about donald trump and this specific joke he made the last time he had a big deal time in this town. Donald trump has been saying that he will run for president as a ko . Republican, which isew . He was running as a joke. Obviously at that moment you didntc . Know his expression th night. I do now. Everybody else im sure youve seen this clip. Ridicule he received . . Gave him more drive to prove evryedybo wrong and run. I sincerest apologies to everyone if thats the case. Do you feel like theres a duty about this election . I dont feel i also dont think i could fulfill it if there was a duty. I dont think we have as much influence as every now and then people will write or claim taos have. Yeah, i dont feel its a duty. I genuinely enjoy doing it, though. That wbo and whether comedians in this last month have a duty to denounce trump more so than ever, or whether you just be funny. At least we found somebody who is enjoying this campaign. It is hard. They are not journalists, they are entertainers, and their job is to entertain. Its not to, you know, put in the minds of the public, you but they do reveal an essential truth about these candidates. So from a political adviser perspective, we try to mitigate their weaknesses. They reveal who they are. Thats part of this process. Its a full reveal. They are the mri technicians of american politics. Programming note, msnbc will have live coverage of a town hallstyle faceoff between donald trump and Hillary Clinton, the most surreal debate in amerqun history, i s 9 . lc thats all we have today. Be back next week. , in this is the steele report. This week on the steele report. A unique perspective on the social climate of life in the cedar valley. Our question begins right now. Now from kwwl, this is the steele report. And welcome to this weeks edition of the steele report. I i would like to introduce you within our community. Someone who is really kind of run the streets of waterloo for many, many years because hes an agent of this area and his name is Quovadis Marshall, pastor Quovadis Marshall or affectionately as parishioners call him pastor q. Your church, pastor is Hope City Church in waterloo. Ill talk about your new partner with prairie lakes. I kind of wanted to get your perspective

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