8 minutes left 3rd quarter the Nets was again without the injured Kyrie Irving up on the king 7256 and college basketball at Madison Square Garden number one Duke leads Georgetown 60 to 52 with about 10 minutes to play Duke was down by 11 points late in the 1st quarter its 1st half rather Kentucky and Ohio State with wins Villanova and Texas each one currently in Jamaica a minute to go 15th rank Utah state leads 80 to 78 over Ellis you Steve to say. Sports Radio. One guy is divorced one guy has no kids one guy has 2 beautiful John Guy went to college in a cornfield in Ohio one guy went to an Ivy League school in a big city one guy spends his Sunday morning seated in the scene we're to anybody else the other spends it throwing money at the Can these 2 sports writers share a radio show without driving each other crazy from the get go studio so far sports radio here's the odd couple Chris Broussard and Rob Parker It is the odd couple on Kristi's Robert coming from the guy go Fox Sports Radio Studio 50 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on your car insurance visit guy code. For a free rate Well all right Rob Parker We're in our number 3 in our man he joins us every Friday evening he's the m.g.m. Grand race and sports book director Lamar Mitchell he will be on at the bottom of the hour to get your ready for your big picks this weekend I know many you'll be picking the games in the n.f.l. And let's start right there in the n.f.l. a Lot of big games you've got Green Bay and San Francisco that's going to be a big one. Seattle who Seattle's got. They got Philadelphia and huge game for the Eagles So some big games this weekend for sure but none bigger than Dallas at New England and there was some question I guess I never really doubted it was some question as to whether or not Tom Brady might play now he's expected to play with that sore right elbow that's been hampering him cause they didn't seem to that's why he's not been throwing the football is what the Clearly all you know doctor now how does it all I mean I'm just I mean it's common sense and not only elbow you know I don't throw it as it was you just called old age maybe he's just 42 and older that's why I thought it well let's once in a life time 60 but we're talking about when it's always somebody I'm just asking I'm just asking that's all that's all no no answer no. Well I'm not here to talk about Tom Brady I'm here to talk about the man he's going to be facing and I told you Rod Parker I told you not in week one not in week 4 but in the preseason they that press got within really wants in route to becoming elite and I'm telling you he is playing out standing football he is a top 10 quarterback at this point and you didn't see that coming many didn't see it coming but now you have to admit that Prescott is doing work he wins and now his numbers are big time his numbers are big time in the last 16 games that's a full regular season last year and this year last 16 games he's thrown for almost $5000.00 yards. 37 touchdowns 12 picks I mean he's doing damage last game even with Zeke now struggling we all thought he needed to be o.j. Simpson Jim Brown Barry Sanders to be able to get off no. Running for 40 yards the last 2 weeks and dac is still carrying the Cowboys at me to Rob Parker he's in room to be Kamin. Are you done because I'm not buying it all and neither is Jerry Jones or stopping the Dallas Cowboys hierarchy hierarchy you don't believe they don't know that night not by Barry Jones you don't think Jerry Jones going pain that's why he doesn't have a contract and there isn't because you know that the numbers that he's put up all fraudulent because they come against the weaker than expected of the weaker teams in the league and that's the only knock is that the 3 lot 3 of his 4 losses this year has 6 in $46.00 of those winds have come against teams at $500.00 to $1.00 team and what about the Eagles and all the other teams are below $503.00 of us for losses or against teams that are would be playoff teams. And knew all the loss was to the New York Jets for a politician and when they lost to the Saints he didn't even throw a touchdown I mean to say this is a to be like 513 I would say the Bridgewater but the same but the same city was score a touchdown and were able to beat this tack plus got to you talking about a leader not allowed to have a bag erasures has been lights out every game and they lost over $300.00 pleasure Hearts 3 times this season and they lost the 2 playoff games they played at home they lost to the Packers in the Viking So all I'm saying is he hasn't done work against the better teams and that's why it is a question mark anybody Capossela numbers against also rans and bad teams that's what he's done in his last 16 games that you want to trumpet he's only been 2 playoff teams in the last 60 so it's just not of that's impressive as you make it out to be and I'm not mad at him for Pollard up numbers against bad t.v. Of course but you also got to do it again some of the better competition here I know that Chris if they lose to the Patriots would where Tom Brady would is bad wearing it will be another example of dac not being able to beat a call to be Audax far none of the waving none of it's always easy none of it's on Jason Garrett and Kellen Moore It's all the way back when is it oh never one daggers never is that's the problem you sound like Skip Bayless know it's who I am sometimes I've never said he's Patrick moans I've never said he's erasures Even now I'm not saying he's top 5 or anything like that I'm saying talk to. An end here is the problem with your argument. When he was 13 and 3 is a rookie talking about for another 10 years or he's let me finish when he was 13 and 3 as a rookie it would have been stupid to say he was an elite quarterback at that time but in by your argue meet your standards just because they won that means easily what about we guys tell you Rob I'm not watching him go up how does it mean I must take out the defects point out the defenders who's blitzing changed up the protection package just plays I do watch and big. Enough watch them against some of the elite teams and when he does he does a Windows games and netball this week he won them again on the rookie that's why Yeah given what I've also had an unbelievable often savor Ruchita year is eagerly so I like a 100 sheep I don't have the r l e but we know that that happens with teammates we have to. Have all that well known sort of like that Terrell. Davis Yeah all I'm saying is it happens when you have 2 great stars on the same team but my point is he still got his a.q. You still have to do better against the better teams what is a quick curates help me with this then you just why are they waiting to sign because he wants more and more money than they are willing to give Ok why why won't they just sign what is a matter of just walk out on them if I were you did I mention that I like him I wouldn't be paying 41 not you guys I mean you just said he's a little pot he's making 40000000 somebody good and then Russell Well somebody else is make it 35 somebody is going to need it though a pick in the Superbowl or lose the Super Bowl so maybe Russell Wilson should make 35. I'll get that I'm not entirely I mean. He's asking for 40 I want to see this money crisply up there right now no don't get me to ease argue me it's to let me know what he's supposed to but if you want you want to argue money argue money with a lot so what is the one who has to have the Cowboys won a Super Bowl it's been 25 years you got your you're for it just quarterback they lost come up. To a Aikman just went out on national television they should pay him why why won't they pay him Oh they're good you Rob Parker because you keep saying this and you don't even. Pay him I'm just asking another way for him to get hurt do you really do you really think seriously I'm dead serious do you really think they are not going to sign that Prado No I'm just saying I don't want to hold on yes I do you say to our callers yes or no no no they're not going to not going to so you will not be a Dallas Cowboys next and I want to see what the rest of the year plays out before I guess a novel thinking that we're not that they could franchise tag Well that's what they might want that's what they might i the same way our other car Chris the same way that it happened in d.c. With this forgot his name Kirk Cousins same thing off they went to the playoffs they were doing well Cooke cousins didn't will never and if you don't well and they wouldn't pay ilm they were like no franchise tag and then they fresh eyes tagged him again and he had to go elsewhere to get his big pay day this is the same scenario go look at how good a cook cousins was with Washington they made the playoffs 2 out of 3 years and they still didn't but go look at his numbers they were really good and then. You're lucky Rob g. Is in my ear telling me. Bronnie. Year in Bronnie you know it Rob Parker was Le Bron James Jr and Zaire way sons of Le Bron James and the way way they are going to be playing games on e.s.p.n. Nish year their day play on the same high school team 1515 it aired games will be only e.s.p.n. Last night's game was on e.s.p.n. And here's what Le Bron James saying it about when his games in high school and I remember watching him on e.s.p.n. And some of his games are on pay per view it back it back in 2001 here's what he said last question here it's my software year they moved our home games to the university so how do you have to say it was a high school 1515 under we opened up my 1st home game more years at the University of axes and shot like 6000 people and they sell season tix All right then and there as a softball 15 I knew that this is a this is business this is definite business and this thing is to actually put on paper what you are watching the ball anywhere in the state paid by. I have absolutely no problem with their games being annoying e.s.p.n. . You know we are in other sports players their age athletes their age our own national television who's the great gymnast Simone bio's. She's she's on national television and already other great gymnast her age are on national television young tennis players who don't Coco Coco go off 15 years ago Wimbledon on national television. So I add I know there was a moan not good page but Coco Goff obviously getting paid for that but I got no problem every high school kid I wish I could have played only s.p.n. When I was in high school that's not if they were nice guys not just dream you're missing you're missing the point is that I sure am a zealot Brian came out and made a stink that he was being exploited when he was in high school 1st of all do you do grossed us to do sound like he was making he said oh it was just sight o. I know I know I mean if he pissed off if he knew it then well what does he bring it up it wouldn't matter if he knew it if he already knew of course it wasn't a big deal why would he even bring it up he's going to the town because he would make you know talking about that they were being exploited like these guys have always been in people making money or ties on kids or being just just they are so what did they should be only has been Ok all with the money go on who's getting the money how did they do it and due to games and don't charge e.s.p.n. I love Paul thank Chris yet they call'd all he does the money 1st no how about no none of these kids the mother yes dear and do it for free how about that a newer is no no no you saying if they can if you will that about Simone bottles being on I'm talking about well no that's not going to ask you Are you talking about what we're talking related she knows I age no it's not I'm not sure you can pray I never heard a mother father complain about about what how do you get there without Ok so let's take the year wait out of it I'm talking of I've heard the way ways they die so the year is fine for you blue brown James the whole his son out it is that nothing like that just always that would you say yes he should because Le Bron to me could make a statement to say you're not going to exploit my son the way that you guys did me and he's not going to play on television so that you guys are making money if you show me that you took the feed at they pay to schools is going to a charity going to help inner city kids in Los Angeles or whatever I'm all for it we're is that money go and we're you going to the school to high go to somebody's pocket is going to I didn't go into the kids. Look that's that's ridiculous Look I wish if I had a dollar when I do have dogs if they had they were playing on national television and I'm going to hold my daughter out kill her dreams to make some statement about that high school kid good play with college kids anything in praise that's crazy Rod Parker that would be terrible to do the little liberal you know what you got to do Little Brown loves playing I'm sure playing on us he'll be sick no I'm guessing every high school kid wants to play on t.v. It's the same thing I decided I wanted to play and how silly and all the little league the Little League that they play actual Little League World Series and playing about that yeah I do play about every game shouldn't be all just a cheat using a Little League Baseball yes would you have love for your games they've been oh no I wouldn't want to get paid like that like that that was a good way you did they would have you know if you're on the team that's playing I'll just say I mean it's ridiculous you can't really love someone you don't really get it and double ace of the guy is there in your group they're not holding up they're not so many That's a man 18 years old is I'm saying it's the same principle going back in one you are killing you know there's not an 18 year old making about a day Ali money is how many years he'll make you money it doesn't matter to make a money off of the kids are going up the wrong you will hold out your kid just kill his dreams you know what happens Sandy I really want to play I'm serious diseases that got kids and I know you tell you I'll go to the Congress a come to me out in prokaryotic have your. Wine in a really want to play. You don't make some statement about that I'm a New York his dream on the term of Michael because I don't have a kid so I kid I guess a girl you like a savage 799 or a fox 877-996-6369 what do you think is a bribe being hypocritical should he try to prevent e.s.p.n. From air and his son's games on television will continue the conversation with you next is the I couple Fox Sports radio drama king please. If you ever need to listen to. Just ask for a ceiling play Fox Sports Radio get us up to turn away there you go thanks for coming in and you know this year a great year it's that easy. We're Fox Sports Radio. 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I still have hours of this ahead of I no longer have that make your day better with college help me face not am after Did Patrick come Fox Sports am 12 a day I'll grant you Baker may feel weaknesses quarterback Baker may feel Antonio Brown has got it's all health issues college football playoff ranking talked about it the scandal in the m.l. Be an Astros must forfeit the $27.00 team world or load management now it's out of control and healthy players are sitting all the time whatever it is you know we're going to talk about we're bringing people together it's what we box sports radio. Yes Do I. Want to kind of us want to your television go to Fox Sports dot com for details. Sucks. You are listening to the odd couple Chris Broussard and Rob Parker and I'm sure you were before. 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