Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160901 : comparem

Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160901

for a great wall along the southern border. and mexico will pay for for the wall. cheers!" just one of a ten-point plan on immigration reform laid-out tonight by replublican presidential nominee donald trump in phoenix. other points included ending catch and release of illeg and blocking federal tax money for so-called sanctuary cities. what was billed as a policy speech at times, turned into a raucus rally. i'm christine maddela.. i'm john huck. donald trump spent most of the day in mexico speaking with the country's president before flying back to phoenix. other immigration policy proposals trump made tonight.. in his words.. cancel unconstitutional executive orders. block federal tax dollars from going to sanctuary cities. aliens.. and at this point trump couldn't hold back on lashing out at hillary clinton.. "i am going to create a new special deportation task force focused on identifying and quickly removing the most dangerous criminal illegal immigrants in america who have evaded justice, just like hillary clinton has evaded justice, ok?" cheering the other five po suspend issuing visas to people who cannot be verified. make other contries take back criminals who are also illegal immigrants. use biometric entry-exit visa tracking. turn off what he calls "the jobs and benifits magnet to illegal immigrants".. and reform legal immigration to the best benefit american workers. fox5's miguel martinez valle was watching with some locals tonight and is live in the fox 5 newsroom with their reactions. made his ideas on immigration clear, he layed out a plan saying what he expected to do if elected as president... and while we heard his side, there were a few local activists who wanted to share their reactions and their thoughts on the issues... " we have no idea who these people are... where they come from... i wanna say trojan hoarse..." its been more than a year since trump started his campaign... " donald trump, 15 months ago, set a stage for racism, for hatred, for zenophobia..." but for those watching his immigration speech tonight, the words were all too familiar... " we will build a great wall along the southern border..." he wan'ts to build the wall... deport undocumented people, and suspend visa's to countries like syria... " today were getting the same old, maybe even worse... a lot of hate, hate towards immigrants, hate towards a bunch of communities that are different than his" " it's shocking, and it's gross... the fear mongoring, the hate" trump's recent his campaigns aim to attract latino voters had some thinking he might be bit more diplomatic... " i thought that he would actually be presidential and lay out a real police plan, but today he did not do anything of what i was expecting" that wasn't the case... " 5,000 more border patrol agents, where are you gonna get them? " " i watched his speech when he was in mexico and the difference is night and day" people found his 10 point plan troubling because of what it could mean for their families... " we will immediately terminate, president obama's two ille amnesties" " i come from a mixed status family, and so anything that trump does, theyre done, my family is done." but also what it could mean for their communities as a whole... " i dont think he really understands the magnitude of what hes saying and how its gonna affect people" different progressive groups from southern nevada came together for tonights viewing party, including plan... mi familia vota... and toss to weather high temperatures begin to drop thursday, but remain above average. we'll see 102 on thursday afternoon with afternoon breezes to 20 mph and a slight chance of mountain showers. friday we dry out and see fewer clouds with afternoon gusts to 25 mph and high of 101. for your holiday weekend, afternoon gusts a man was found guilty of murder--- in the death of a valley teen-- it all happened over an i-pad. michael solid could face life in prison without parole. prosecutors say he and another man - jacob dismont - tried to steal an i-pad from 15 year old marcos arenas - who was walking home from school in may 2013. the teen held on to the device - and was run over by the suspects' car. dismont pleaded guilty before trial to second- degree murder and conspiracy. he will be sentenced in october. a local man reached out to fox5 after he bought a truck on craigslist. he went to the dmv to switch the title... thats when he found out the truck was stolen. police told him he's not the only victim. fox5's cyndi lundeberg joins us now live in the studio to tell us about this spike in craigslist crime... the victim in this case paid seven thousand dollars cash for the truck... only to stolen. we talked to the d-m-v. a spokesperson told me there are some key signs to look out for if you are buying from a private seller. kirk dudlau needed a new car... kirk duldulao dul-duh-lauw - 04 f350 eight inch life off road tires the truck looked too good to be true to save time and money he decided to shop on craigslist... and found this post. a white f350 for sale by owner for 82-hundred dollars. he immediately called the number... kirk duldulao dul-duh-lauw - where do you w lets meet up at the irish pub by the orleans duldalou says this is the man who sold him the truck... and dudalou says he even haggled the seller down to seven grand. kirk duldulao dul-duh-lauw - when i got those keys i was so happy i was like i got myself a nice truck! monday duldalou took his car and a copy of the title to the dmv.... kirk duldulao dul-duh-lauw - the guy comes out with the title and goes is the truck here? this truck was stolen three days ago my heart dropped the dmv told duldalou police would be in touch... wednesday morning officers new truck. kirk duldulao dul-duh-lauw - i was like no no no no no i just paid seven grand for this truck we went to the dmv and told them about duldalou's issue... they werent surprised. kevin malone says this is a problem they're seeing more often. his advice? buyers: get to know as much as possible about the seller. kevin malone- pio dmv- we suggest sales take place at a residence so youll have some recourse and youll know who this person is the dmv says... make sure the seller's i-d matches the name on the title. kevin malone- pio dmv- ifhe good to be true... it probably is duldalou went back to the pub and got this surveillance video showing the parking lot. you can see duldalou and the man who sold him the truck. we tried to track that man down. we called the number listed on the craigslist ad. your call has been forwarded to an automated messaging system down seven grand... but as for as duldalou's concerned.... he's not down on his luck. he tells me hes thankful money is the only thing he lost. theres more people in worse debt than me there are worse things in life than losing money the dmv spokesperson also told me a car marked well below market value is a red flag. they said check drivers licenses... make sure the id and the address on the title. there's also a feature on the d- m-v website. for a small fee you can check to see if a car has been reported stolen. we have that info for you on our website, fox5 vegas dot com. the college football season is here! tomorrow night - unlv kicks things and tonight - jackson state's famous marching band put on a show for the locals. fox 5's kevin bolinger is live at sam boyd stadium with a preview of the game and a look at the sonic boom of the south. this is a game where fans are getting a two- fer.....seeing unlv football begin what promises to be an exicting season with a program on the rise....and then at halftime being able to see one of the best college bands in the country. nats of band the jackson state marching band - boom of the south along with the prancing j-settes put on a show for several hundred people at the pearson community center in las vegas. lawrence weekly: up close and personal there is nothing like it. unlv's first opponantof the season brought out their entire 350 member award winning band - thanks to efforts from the lvcva and county commissioner lawrence weekly. mississippi is from the group historically black colleges and is the first of at least three that will come to las vegas for games over the next three years. lawrence weekly/clark county commissioner: to be able to bring this rich and pure history from the south and mix it with that good old rebel spirit, it makes for a great labor day weekend. tina kunzer- murphy/unlv athletic director: these young people today and looking at these students, saying i can do that and i have opportunities. this is what's right about college athletics. on thursday night at sam boyd stadium - the football teams will play. unlv season with a lot of hope....a noticiably better team in training camp that hopes it equates to wins. but on the rebzone last sunday - head coach tony sanchez said the rebels will get jackson state's best shot. tony sanchez: it's week one and everyone's fired up. we've all put in the good work in the spring and all summer we've gone through a greuling camp so everyone is fired up for pay day and that's what game day is, it's payday. it's the carrot at the end of the stick. so they;ll be fired up and ready to go but just to go out and execute at a high level. sanchez hopes the rebles fire up the crowd....and at halftime...our guests from jackson state's band will keep the party rolling. station casinos has unlv listed as a 37 point favorite in this game. we'll see what new starting quarterback johnny stanton can's all set for a really fun night to get the season going. kick-off is set for 7:00 live at sam boyd stadium....kevin bolinger, ffnllv. and don't forget to join kevin and head football coach tony sanchez on the rebzone this sunday night at eleven following fox5 news at ten and sports plus. we'll be right i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. as a doctor, i see how decisions in washington impact my patients here in nevada. so even though i'm a republican, i won't be voting for joe heck. joe heck's voted ten times to defund planned parenthood, which thousands of women depend on for cancer screenings. and heck opposes a woman's right to choose even when her health is at risk. for me and my patients, i pledge allegiance, to the flag [continues in background] they're bringing drugs, they're brigning crime, they're rapists... you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes... blood coming out of her...wherever [pledge continues in background] you gotta see this guy; "oh, i don't know what i said. ah, i don't remember." i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters... get him the hell out of here... get him out of here! december last year. 14 americans are killed in a mass shooting inspired by isis. in the aftermath, congressman joe heck had the chance to ban suspected terrorists from buying guns. heck voted "no." 23 times. individuals on the fbi terror watch list have purchased firearms over 2,000 times. it's not just that joe heck does nothing to stop them. it's that he's voted to let them keep doing it.... 23 times. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this ad. pushed to the ground and arrested by a police officer on monday. the entire ordeal-- happening right in outside the school... and it was caught on camera. stewart marriott was dropping off his daughter-- when he saw it... he says he recognized the officer had stopped him last year... and got aggressive. " "it's so inappropriate its mindblowing, its disturbing, this is somebody's mom getting manhandled right in front of her kids" her face, from the video it was hard to tell but it's red from the color of the pepperspray, so for me its terrifying" " ccsd police said the officer followed procedure and there isn't any investigation into the officer or the use of force. we are just three days into the new school year--- and already parents have reached out to fox5 to say there are issues with the bus system. some of the complaints include-- kids being late to class because the bus is late. bus drivers dropping kids off at the wrong stop. kids being left on the bus saying.. her daughter-- who just has knee surgery got off the bus because there was nowhere to sit down. she ended up walking home four miles. the district says if a parent wants to file a complaint they will look into what happened... but for the most part, they defended their employees. if there is a concern or there is something they're not doing appropriately, we're going to address that. we're going to make sure they get additional training. if there is something to be found done wrong, our drivers like any other employee tghey could face " the district says so far this week-- 96 percent of their buses have had no problems getting to the proper destination on time. for all things back to school.... click on the special section of at the top of our homepage-- fox5 vegas dot com. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty begin to drop thursday, but remain above average. we'll see 102 on thursday afternoon with afternoon breezes to 20 mph and a slight chance of mountain showers. friday we dry out and see fewer clouds with afternoon gusts to 25 mph and high of 101. for your holiday weekend, afternoon gusts 25-30 mph with highs in the 90s. high temperatures begin to drop thursday, but remain above afternoon breezes to 20 mph and a slight chance of mountain showers. friday we dry out and see fewer clouds with afternoon gusts to 25 mph and high of 101. for your holiday weekend, afternoon gusts 25-30 mph with highs in the 90s. closed captioning plenty of people the strip this holiday weekend... visitors can have fun and party- smart. how several organizations are teaming up to keep party-goers safe. donald trump travels to mexico city where he sounds very diplomatic on immigration.. hour's later he's in phoenix... firing up his supporters and says if he's president .. a wall is going up and mexico is going to pay.. the vastly different approach is one of the topics in the rant tonight.. we want to hear from i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. there's a race going on right now. the world's clean energy super power's either going to be germany, china, or us. and i'm going to make sure it's us. from 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. we'll beat the competition and create new high wage jobs. and tourists will be hitting the strip to party this weekend for labor day. the rape crisis center has joined forces with tao... uber and metro to make the clubs a little safer. they've started the "party smart" campaign. the initiative encourages partygoers to stick together and watch out for each other. it also trains night club staff and prevent predators from getting in the clubs in the first place. "we have to move our resources more and more to the prevention side. i mean, we will always be there to serve victims but if we're not actively taking whatever steps we can to prevent sexual assault, we are not doing our job." uber is doing their part by offering free rides all weekend for first time users. just enter the promo code "party smart l-v" the north las vegas police department is looking for a few good men and woman to join the force. over 200 new recruits participated in an endurance test today. it's one of the first phases in becoming a police officer. if they're chosen to move on in the process-- the next steps are an in- depth background check and an interview with the police chief. the department is hoping to hire at least twenty new officers before next summer. "it's not an easy test where you can just come out here and walk around the track. there is some preparation involved and we really like to highlight that and we applaud those make it possible to be able to pass todays test and advance." if you're interested in becoming a police officer-- you can call the department. they'll direct you to a written test. donald trump tackles the topic of immigration. "zero tolerance for criminal aliens. (applause) zero. zero. zero. " the republican presidential nominee lays out his plan for securing the made a major immigration speech in arizona. it comes following a meeting with mexico president. and tonight-- the republican presidential nominee made his commitment to securing the border clear. fox's steve rappoport, has details. trump says: "i've just landed having returned from a very important and special meeting." donald trump giving a major speech in arizona clarifying is position on immigration... just hours after a visit with mexico's president in mexico city. trump says: "we agreed on the importance of ending the illegal flow drugs, cash, guns and people across our border and to put the cartels out of business." democrats and some republicans have been questioning trump's stance on immigration recently... saying he was softening on reaffirmed his commitment to securing the border... saying he will make mexico pay for a wall. trump says: "mexico you that they will work with us. i really believe it." mexico's president however saying on twitter... he told trump his country will not pay for that wall. meanwhile... hillary clinton blasted trumps visit to mexico. clinton says: " it certainly takes more than trying to make up for a year of insults and insinuations by dropping in on our neighbors for a few hours and then flying home again." the visit comes as hillary's poll numbers are slipping... a trump tries to recover from slip ups earlier this month. stirewalt says: "he has a lot more latitude than normal politicians do because his followers. that core group of believers will do whatever he says. they will walk through fire for him because he's the right guy." as part of trump's speech wednesday night ... he also pledged to implement new screening tests for people trying to enter the u-s. ... requiring a quote "ideological certification." in new york, steve rappoport, fox news. hillary for reponse to trump's speech.... it reads in part.... in his darkest speech yet- donald trump doubled down on his anti-immigrant rhetoric and attempted to divide communities by pitting people against each other and demonizing immigrants. a few local activists were also watching closely as trump spoke immigration tonight... fox5's miguel martinez valle was watching with them, he was there to capture their thoughts... and miguel you say some of them were shocked? thats right... a few dozen people showed up to tonights viewing party and many say the speech was a total contrast to what he was saying in mexico just hours ago. he brought back his "build a wall and make mexico pay for it" talking point... which he didn't mention when he met with mexico's president today... so people found that odd... they were also surpised he used ... and i'm paraphrasing their words here... and dividing language he used before..." they say his calmer approach in recent weeks made them think he was pivoting to sound more presidential. they say they're shocked the republican presidential candidate is getting away with this kind of rhetoric. " the hate that he's been spewing, this isn't policy, this is fear this is gross, this isn't america, this isn't our values, this isnt the country i naturalized to be a part of. " much of his plan, including deportations, and the repeal of obama's executive actions, would affect the family members of some of those at this viewing party... so for them this wasn't about party affiliation, this was personal . talking to some of the people at the viewing party, many decided to become activists and volunteer around town soley because they felt trumps words directly impacted their communities. mmv, ffn, ll the viewing party was put together by various progressive groups from around las vegas and mi familia vota... republican congressman cresent hardy weighing in on the race to the white house today--- but he did stop short.... question "do you endorse donald trump for president?" hardy "i have not, no." question "who are you endorsing?" hardy "i've said all along that i will support the republican nominee." representative hardy is back at work--- just days after suffering a heart attack. doctors put a stent in his artery to repair the collapse. for re-election in nevada's 4th congressional district. president obama made a stop today at lake tahoe... to talk about concervation efforts. "( "just as this space is sacred to native americans, it should be sacred to all americans. that's why we're here. to protect this special, pristine place, to keep these waters crystal clear. " the president spoke about climate change and other environmental issues-- he says he wants environmental catastrophes before they happen. since the first summit in 19-97 - the federal government has invested more than one-point- eight-billion- dollars in lake tahoe projects. it is an epidemic... at least one person dies every day here in nevada, from an opioid overdose. now governor brian sandoval is working to put an end to painkiller abuse. "we want to make sure anything we do is evidence based. we don't want to throw things against the wall and hope they work. that is the purpose " governor sandoval along with his wife- first lady kathleen sandoval are hosting a two-day summit at the m- g-m grand, to raise awareness on drug abuse. he talked about the importance of education... and making sure doctors understand to issues... and consequences when prescribing drugs. the governor says they will also address mental health at the summit. we are learning more about the deadly shooting involving a nevada highway patrolman. n-h-p says the tropper-- identified as shawan peckham... a three year veteran. trooper peckham pulled over a car--- and one of the passengers who took off running.... investigators say the man turned around and fired at the trooper- who took position behind his car. he returned fire - killing the suspect - identified later as matthew gibbon. peckham has been placed on paid administrative leave. she says rapper chris brown pointed a gun at her head... now she is speaking out to t-m-z about the ordeal that sparked an hours long standoff--- "i don't know if it was hi kind of triggered chris but he said don't go near the diamonds, started calling me names, said get the f outside, go back outside and that's when chris went off and said what did i tell you girls. i've been telling you over and over again and then he pulled out the gun and said get the f out of here " baylee curran went to the home with a friend on monday night. early tuesday-- one of brown's associates began displaying pieces of jewelry on a table --- when curran admire them, brown began lashing out. that's when she says she called police--- brown was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. he is due in court on september 20th. history is made.... the first commercial flight between the united states and cuba in more than 50 years... makes a landing. "music" the jetblue flight out of fort lauderdale landed in cuba today... it is the first commercial airline flight since 1961. service is going to santa clara, and soon, the cuban cities of camaguey and holguin. " : "the big difference is it's easier to just get on board. we can just buy a ticket now. you could always just buy a ticket, but there were more hurdles to go through. the fact that some of the regulations about who's allowed to go are easier to get through, the fact that you can just now self certify as opposed to applying and waiting for the paperwork to get back, those things make it easier." " silver airlines begins its commercial flights to cuba thursday and next week, american airlines begins its highly anticipated flights departing from miami. pure cuban tourism remains illegal for americans. officially, one of 12 approved reasons, like business and cultural exchanges, must apply. amazon is testing out a new work week for some of its employees. "mos says: "nine to five, weekends off." mos says: "tuesday, wednesday, thursday." mos says: "i would say about 10 to six." mos says: "overnights." amazon is allowing some flex scheduling... employees are working 30 hour work weeks... for a three- quarters of a salary ... full- time-employee status and full- benefits. experts say the company is smart to explore alternative scheduling to find the best scheduling option for both employee and employer. " : "it's always surprises me that when one of the cool companies announces something, everyone assumes that it's new and innovative. there's nothing that they've announced that companies haven't been doing for decades." " amazon is testing this program with only a few dozen employees. to start, all those working 30-hour- weeks ... will work on other 30-hour-a- week employees. from the stage to the classroom.... the lessons cirque du soleil hopes to bring to students across the valley. be sure to check out our fox5 mobile app... for all of your up to date news and weather. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is coming up next class is back in session.. but those flashing yellow lights and school zones don't seem to do much to deter the insanity of some of our drivers.. we get the [ted]quality top tier gas helps keep engines clean. [ted]whoa. [robot]i have helped keep your engine clean. [ted]i will call you donnie! is that okay?do you like that name? [woman}who's donnie? [ted]he's my roboctopus. hawaii's big island is bracing for the biggest storm to hit the region in years. hurricane madeline has been downgraded to tropical storm. but still-- islanders in hawaii county stocking up on food, water and other supplies. locals stocking their pantries, stowing away lawn furniture and preparing for power outages. hawaii county mayor -- billy kenoi -- is urging people happens. " : "i know, sometimes we wonder if and fact the hurricane will in fact make an impact. we are making our decisions based on national weather service, the best available information we have at the time. " the storm is expected to bring winds of about 90 miles per hour.. and will likely be passing by or making landfall in the region within the next 36 hours. a brush fire is burning in california's cleveland national forest. the fire broke out rancho santa margarita. nearly 50 firefighters are battling the blaze... and the u-s forest service also helping to contain the fire. right now- no buildings are in danger and no one has been injured. the cause of the fire is under investigation. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty high temperatures begin to drop thursday, but remain above average. we'll see afternoon with afternoon breezes to 20 mph and a slight chance of mountain showers. friday we dry out and see fewer clouds with afternoon gusts to 25 mph and high of 101. for your holiday weekend, afternoon gusts 25-30 mph with highs in the 90s. high temperatures begin to drop thursday, but remain above average. we'll see 102 on thursday afternoon breezes to 20 mph and a slight chance of mountain showers. friday we dry out and see fewer clouds with afternoon gusts to 25 mph and high of 101. for your holiday weekend, afternoon gusts 25-30 mph with highs in the 90s. closed captioning : any thoughts that donald trump would soften his approach on immigration have to be gone after listening to the candidate tonight in phoenix outline a ten point immigration plan. quite a different approach earlier in mexico city.. where a diplomatic and muted trump met with mexico's border wall, let alone who would pay for it... hours later.. he was whipping up his supporters saying that wall was going up and mexico would pay. voicemails! of course trump said they didn't discuss the wall. he's a salesman..trumps a liar he didn't get the answer he wanted so that was the easiest way to say that. we went from building the wall and mexico's going to pay for it softening... to taking baby steps now to going to mexico... this is to the president of mexico. you know mr.president i hope you lose your job tomorrow because you're sitting on stage with a bigot. you know he's a bigot. i know he's a bigot and all of the rest of the mexican american public knows hes a bigot! does anyone obey the traffic laws anymore? school is back in session and rebekka is calling people out. this is to the idiots who are driving down lake 15 mph means 15 mph! not passing me going whatever speed you wish when you wish. even though you don't see kids around doesn't mean you can ignore the speed limit. caller! i saw a half dozen cars parked illegally where it says no parking where the kids are supposed to ride their bikes to the cars. there's nobody in them. i saw metro drove by not doing anything.. school in the area. they didn't do anything! from stephanie.... this morning while dropping my daughter off at canerrelli middle school, i saw no less than 10 illegal u-turns in the school zone around the school. does no one obey traffic laws? maybe we need police out there to direct traffic and issue tickets. someone is going to get hurt!.. and we end with a giant act of selflessness on display in one of the valley's er-s thank everybody at saint rose siena hospital in the emergency room that raised their hand and offered to let my mom who is having kidney problems go in front of them and cut in front of them. i really appreciate it. you guys are fantastic. thank you so much. send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285 here's a look at what's coming up... on fox five news at eleven. the first week of school can be nerve-wracking for students... especially when you're trying to make new friends. but -- one middle schooler who usually sits alone at lunch got a special visit. we'll show you which athlete decided to join him. rock artist billy idol won't be dancing by himself in las vegas. where he'll be taking the stage on the strip... cirque du soleil has been offering entertainment in the valley for more than 20 years... and now the production system. the company is launching a program for students called "artes nomades" it's is a learning program that pairs specially chosen cirque performers with pre-school and elementary students. the school kids learn some of the skills we see on stage in resident cirque shows... all to teach them valuable lessons that will be beneficial later in life. anik says: really its to bring arts to the local schools to interact- to have interactions between teachers and teaching artists come togeth a bring an artistic experience to the youth. and act on their perseverance, their discipline, their self esteem, and really have them have a positive experience within the classroom. and find an other way to bring in the academics but with an artistic way of bringing it the "art nomades" program is launching at mccall elemterary and golbert magnet school. the hope is to roll the program out in more schools in coming years. senior pictures are taken to remember an and the location is often chosen to provide a stunning backdrop. but one teen--- got more than she bargained for when choosing on lakeside. you're watching fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas i pledge allegiance, to the flag [continues in background] they're bringing drugs, they're brigning crime, they're rapists... you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes... ut of her...wherever [pledge continues in background] you gotta see this guy; "oh, i don't know what i said. ah, i don't remember." i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters... get him the hell out of here... get him out of here! get out! december last year. 14 americans are killed in a mass shooting inspired by isis. in the aftermath, congressman joe heck from buying guns. heck voted "no." 23 times. individuals on the fbi terror watch list have purchased firearms over 2,000 times. it's not just that joe heck does nothing to stop them. it's that he's voted to let them keep doing it.... 23 times. senate majority pac is responsible for the content senior pictures is scarred for one teen. she will certainly never forget the day-- she took her pictures. that's because she wasn't alone! while jillian henry was posing-- for her pictures-- there was an uninvited guest--- there was an uninvited guest--- the photographer caught a nude photobomber in the background. it's unclear what the man was doing... jillian had to share the pics on twitter-- and got more than 40 thousand retweets in just a from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto? is selective targeting one critical factor le with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. live from las vegas it's time for fox5 news at 11. republican presidential nominee donald trump gives a speech on immigration. we hear from locals who may be affected by his plans. a man buys a truck on craigslist... then finds out it's stolen! what the d-m-v says about the spike in crime. closed captioning will resume shortly 11. local las vegas. "number one. are you ready? are you ready? we will build for a great wall along the southern border. and mexico will pay for it." just one of a ten-point plan on

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