Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160818 : comparem

Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160818

the child was taken to sunrise trauma where we are told they later died. the attack was about 330 this afternoon. neighbors say earlier most of the street was blocked off and there were dozens of officers. most of those neighbors are just in shock. "it's kind of shocking to hear there was a dog who killed a boy here i'm a dog owner myself and there adorable but having a pit bull.... makes a face " "if i had a kid.... it could have been my kid" neighbors also told me it's completely this street... that is what they say is most concerning about this... is it could have been anyone. metro police also tell us animal control came in and took the dog. reporting live near desert inn and hollywood cyndi lundberg ffnll "dc: we're in a drought and you couple that with winds and the relative humidity humidity, high temps ..its just the perfect scenario for a fire " the blue cut fire is still burning about 200 miles southwest of las vegas - across the state line in the cajon pass area of san bernardino county. it's burning near the interstate, so a 20 mile stretch of the i-15 is still closed. all lanes are closed between hesperia - just south of victorville... and where the interstate splits off from the 215 near san bernardino. the flames already destroyed nearly 30 thousand acres in 36 hours... more than 80 thousand people were forced from their homes and more are in danger. chief meteorologist ted pretty tells us how the smoke is but first... fox5's miguel martinez valle is in the cajon pass west of hesperia where he's been talking to fire crews working to gain ground. thats right im here in pinon hills one of the many communities along highway 138 that have been evacuated. and if you take a look behind me you can see why, he hills of southern california are on fire and firefighters are having a hard time keeping the flames from spreading. still not everyone's gone. i spoke to one man who says he staying home as long as he can. " you know when you see that black smoke and i just explodes well that's just everything going up all at once" and watching as more than 15 hundred people work around to clock to put those flames out... eric sherwin, pio socal incident management team three "we get the heat of the day along with the i'll canyon winds that just pushes this fire through a number of communities that are contained within the same canyons" the blue cut fire has devestated around 25,000 acres of the cajon pass area, causing emergency evacuations for more than 82 thousand people... and while paqhuin admits this is the worst disaster in recent memory, hes stayed through fires before "i've waited until ashes fell down on this porch but i stayed for that reason you only get one home" so despite official warnings and evacuations, hes staying put as to save it and if it gets too rough or everything gets too close, then i got me a dog up there in the backside, me and her are gonna start walking down this road." officials told me earlier today that as far as they know no civilians have been injured due to the flames and that's because most people have been following evacuation orders the only two injuries were suffered by firefighters are minor injuries and the two are right back at work fighting this evacuation centers are set up across san bernardino county for the tens of thousands forced from their homes. some people left when evacuation orders were voluntary.... many of them are now under mandatory evacuation orders. the red cross set up a shelter in hesperia. more than 150 people stayed there last night. as the fire continues to grow--- more people are expected. "i'm not really too much concerned about the house. if it burns, you can't so anything over it with everything else doesn't really help matters too much at this point. you just have to pray and just hope the fire department can get a handle on it. " many of the people staying at shelters-- left their homes just to get away from the heavy smoke. the fires are also affecting truckers who have to find alternate routes so they can make deliveries. "fuel prices haven't been too affected that i've seen. the other aspect of it is lot of loads because you can't get there if you have to go through the fire areas. i've been stuck here in las vegas for three days." the fire is taking a toll on business... trucker august walkman tells us there have been a lot of cancellations because of all of the delays. also... he has to pay for his own gas and hotel room while he's stranded. he says he's spent almost three thousand dollars because of the fire. toss to weather more heat for us on thursday with a high of 104 and afternoon gusts to 25 mph from the southwest. there's a good chance more wildfire smoke will move into the las vegas area over the next few days. we'll have 103 on friday with 102 expected sunday. slight chances of showers and thunderstorms will be with us on monday through wednesday of next week. with highs be sure to download our fox5 mobile app... for all of the latest information on the fire... and updates on the road closures. a woman's body was found in a burning home early monday morning. now - her death has been ruled a homicide. the clark county fire department told metro detectives the fire were suspicious. citing a coroner's report - police say 54- year-old carol lopez suffered blunt force trauma and was already dead before the flames were ignited. the fire broke out at a vacant home on boston avenue - near sahara and lamb. a car believed to be driven by a homicide suspect has been found. police say 25- year-old jaime santana was driving a blue 2015 scion... and it was found today near valley santana is wanted in connection to the death of wendy rodriguez. police say her body was discovered in a home last week... and there was a struggle before she was killed. police say santana may have altered his appearance... and cut his hair. if anyone knows where he is -- call police of crimestoppers. metro police officers are trying to track down two stolen nuclear density gaugues. police say someone stole them on august 11-th... near alta and valley view. a density gauge is a tool used in civil construction and industy. only trained technicians should use them. the gauges are stored in bright yellow cases about the size of a normal ice chest. if you have information on either one of these cases - call police or crimestoppers at 702-385-55-55. this year - nevada voters will decide on legalizing marijuana for recreational use. the "coalition to regulate marijuana like alcohol" has already raised 800 thousand dollars measure on las vegas stations. most of that money is coming from nevada marijuana dispenaries. the ads will launch in early october and run thorugh election day. "if we regulate marijuana instead of having a black market system we'll be able to produce over 60 million dollars a year for education funding. we'll create more than 6 thousand jobs and if you take a look at what happened in denver, 70 percent of the black market is gone already." groups opposing the ballot haven't reported raising any funds to camp the initiative. we sent out an s- o-s.... and the community answered our call... how many students will now be prepared for the new school year... because of the donations. the road to the white house made a stop in southern nevada.... the message republican vice presidential candidate mike pence delivered-- to voters who may be on the fence about for seniors like barbara, social security makes a difference every month. but for the wall street types who've given congressman joe heck's campaigns over $500,000, social security could mean billions of dollars in fees. that's what privatizing social security means and why joe heck and wall street support it. under heck's privatization plan, retirement security gets risked on the stock market. k make billions. whose side are you on? senate majority pac is responsible you're watching fox5 news at 10, with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief meteorologist ted pretty. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. the republican vice presidential candidate mike pence makes a campaign stop in henderson.... where he rallied for donald trump. : " donald trump just gets it, right? i mean he understands the hopes and asra frustrations of the american people more than any other leader on the national stage since a president from california by the name of reagan. i truly believe it. " the indiana governor said that donald trump speaks from the heart... he then switched gears... and jumped on the media for the way they are treating mr. trump. "just about everyday the national media latches onto some issue about my running mate. ever notice that? i mean, they're so busy that donald trump said in the last 30 minutes they dont apparently have time to talk about what the clinton's have been doing for the past 30 years!" " a recent c-b-s news poll shows clinton leads trump by two points in nevada. one casino mogul says when it comes to the presidential election... he isn't ready to endorse either candidate. ""they're both intelligent. i'm friendly with bill and hillary and i'm a friend of donald trump's. i haven't given a dime to either one of them. and i haven't decid vote for because i'm waiting for someone to have a responsible conversation. and address the issues that affect the american people. it hasn't happened yet. " wynn says both candidates are intelligent-- but neither have really addressed the economy now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty more heat for us on thursday with a high of 104 and 25 mph from the southwest. there's a good chance more wildfire smoke will move into the las vegas area over the next few days. we'll have 103 on friday with 102 expected both saturday and sunday. slight chances of showers and thunderstorms will be with us on monday through wednesday of next week. with highs around 100. more heat for us on thursday with a high of 104 and afternoon gusts to southwest. there's a good chance more wildfire smoke will move into the las vegas area over the next few days. we'll have 103 on friday with 102 expected both saturday and sunday. slight chances of showers and thunderstorms will be with us on monday through wednesday of next week. with highs around 100. a local chili's waitress got the "tip of a lifetime" ""omg!" (jessica) " the fox5 surprise squad went undercover for one of the biggest surprises ever. conor mcgregor and nate diaz will meet once again in the octagon... but it looks like tensions are already high-- ahead of this weekend's fight. hotels and motels near the blue cut fire are accused of price gouging.. taking advantage of the thousands who have had to run from their homes... one of the topics in the rant tonight.. we want and i know i'm prejudiced because he was my son, but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them. don't let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything. ? i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. letterman:"has a line of clothing, now where were these made?" trump: "these were made, i don't know where they're made. but they were made someplace. but they're great. it's ties, shirts, cufflinks, everything sold at macy's and they're doing great.? letterman: ?where are the shirts made?? off-camera voice: ?bangladesh.? it's good. we employ people in bangladesh." letterman: ?ties? where are the ties made?" they have to work, too. these are beautiful ties. they are great ties. the ties are made in where? china? off-camera voice: ?china.? letterman: ?the ties are made in china." [ audience laughter ] "take 5 to care is sponsored by nv energy, subaru of las vegas and henderson hospital." our take five to care team had a greati collecting school supplies for students. today was the third and final day of our s-o-s "supply our students" drive and it was a success. many of you generously donated school supplies to make sure our kids have a successful year. classroom necessities like backpacks... pencils... notebooks and crayons will be going to valley kids who need it the most. the drive was held right outside our studio. "it's been outstanding! i mean we just had an incredible day. an incredible 3 days. the community has helped us reach all of our goals. it's fantastic." we beat our cash goal and collected more than five thousand dollars, with help from our fox5 general manager who donated a 15 hundred dollar check. we'll have a final backpack count this weekend. they'll be given out next saturday before school starts. bottles went flying at the u-f-c 202 presser-- ahead of the saturday rematch between conor mcgregor and nate diaz. mcgregor says: "shut your bleep mouth! you'l nothing! you'll do bleep nothing! not one of you will do nothing! get the bleep out of here! get the bleep out of here!" an fight between the fighters broke out after mcgregor arrived 30 minutes late-- angering diaz and his crew. diaz walked out but not before chucking a water bottle towards the stage. mcgregor then went off...throwing water bottles and cans towards diaz-- forcing officials to end the event early. tickets to their u-f-c fight are still on sale. it will be held at the fast moving- blue cut wildfire--- continues to burn in southern california. crews are attacking the fire from the ground and air.... we have details on the efforts of those battling the blaze. "i h ones and i got to do it for them - it's all i can do. " a local mom trying to hold on to her family... and job - she gets "the tip of her life" in a special undercover this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. a deadly dog attack in a valley neighborhood.... a nine- year old has died from the injuries. it happened late this afternoon near hollywood and desert inn. metro police say the child was visiting a friend's house when the pit bull got loose and mauled the nine year old. the rushed to sunrise hospital where they later died. neighbors say the neighborhood was blocked off for hours while police invesitgated. "that's very very terrible there are a lot of kids walking around we can't have this happen again" metro police say animal control came in and seized the pit bull. the blue cut fire continues to burn through southern california despite thousands of resources dedicated to putting out the flames the wild fire is only at 4 percent containment ... fox5s miguel martinez-valle is at one of the many canyon communities devastated by the fire and miguel most of the community has been evacuated...? john christine it's pretty dark out here right now but you ca see the embers and the small fires burning in the hills behind me. what you can't see is that where there are fires there also homes homes that are being completely demolished by the flames. earlier today i was at a farm a half mile down from here that was completely overcome by flames this destruction and devastation that the blue cut fire is having on this community. official still don't have an exact number for how many structures were caught in the fire but they're saying 34 thousand were threatened... the flames are taking up a space of more than 25,000 acres this has led to the evacuation a more than 82,000 people. one man who stayed behind was telling me how his neighbors who have bigger animals horses or some kind of livestock they needed help getting their pets and family out of here. ""you know what the sheriffs are really good people because they're even helping pulling horse trailers to get everybody all their animals and stuff out of here because from the highway to all the way to the 138 is all close" " there are 1309 people working on containing this fire . they been working around- started-- overnight to today right now they have it at 4% containment but they told me that the dry condition and the wind in the canyons it's not helping keep the fire in one place there have been no reported citizen injuries because of the flames and the firefighters tell me that this is because most people are adhering to emergency evacuations. officials also said while they're working hard to clear up the i-15... and open the highway from las vegas to los angeles it's remaining closed as of right now the interstate closure is costing it is costing truckers a lot of money. "if you're an owner and operator you pay for your own fuel. so if your sitting there idling to stay out of the 110 degree weather. yeah, your paying basically like a hotel room." semi trucks were lined up-- looking for alternate routes... in an effort to make scheduled delivery times.... and not surpass their driving limit the fire is forcing and their pets to evacuate their homes... with little time. animal rescue organizations are also doing what they can to protect their animals. " in my van i have a dog and another dog over there and then in anthony's truck there's another dog, but there's cats and lions and bears and stuff coming down the hill " the forever wild exotic animal sanctuary in phelan-- spent a lot of tuesday bringing animals inside.. but luckily fire crews were able to divert the flames. through tomorrow... while the shelter cleans up. the body of the vermont firefighter killed near reno-- is heading home to his family. his family says fighting fire-- was his passion. "i think his legacy should be for people to strive to be the best that they can be. that would be what he wants." " justin beebe was killed over the weekend by a falling tree... he was a member of the hotshot firefighting crew. today ac state.... governor brian sandoval ordered all flags to fly at half staff. the fox5 surprise squad is powered by united nissan and america first credit union. a young local couple found themselves in the fight of their lives. with four small children and a diagnosis that would shatter their dreams. this henderson couple held strong and did everything possible for each other. jessica-- a waitress at chili's- would soon get help thanks to a former teacher who tipped off the fox5 surprise squad. closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning closed captioning robert held on as long as he could. he passed away friday evening with his family by his side. if you would like to help the reboredo family during this difficult time... we have a link to their go-fund-me page on our website you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? climbs from massive flooding in louisiana-- the state's governor tours the damage..... twelve people are now confirmed dead from the record floods..... flood waters have begun to recede in the parish, revealing just how much damage was done. the devastation--- is widespread..... officials there estimate that about three quarters of the homes are a total loss. "16-30 it's a unprecidented tragedy here. the disaster with the flooding, but also unprecidented team work and the work thats being done by the first responders, volunteers and the people who are just being good neighbors. it is heartwarming " president barack obama has granted governor edwards' request for an emergency dozen other parishes are waiting for already requested declarations. the blue cut fire continues to burn in san bernardino county... making the trip between southern california and the valley... very difficult. you are looking live at the fire now.... more than 25 thousand acres have burned... and mandatory evacuation orders in effect for tens of thousands of people. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty more heat for us on high of 104 and afternoon gusts to 25 mph from the southwest. there's a good chance more wildfire smoke will move into the las vegas area over the next few days. we'll have 103 on friday with 102 expected both saturday and sunday. slight chances of showers and thunderstorms will be with us on monday through wednesday of next week. with highs around 100. more heat for us on thursday with a high of 104 and afternoon gusts to 25 mph from the southwest. there's a good chance more wildfire smoke will move into the las vegas area over the have 103 on friday with 102 expected both saturday and sunday. slight chances of showers and thunderstorms will be with us on monday through wednesday of next week. with highs around 100. closed captioning thousands of people are being told to get out of their homes as the blue cut fire continues to rage... at the same time.. hotels and motels in the hesperia and victorville area are accused of price gouging.. on the rant.. quite a few people mentioned motel 6 as one of the guilty parties.. and those social media including motel 6's facebook page by people who claim the chain is charging nearly 300 dollars for a room. the company hasn't responded to those fb comments. we have rants on the fairness of two ads attacking nevada's two senate candidates. one accuses catherine cortez masto of chasing while taking money from the taxi industry another accuses joe heck of wanting to privatize social security for everyone after taking money from wall street. and we have callers on question 2.. whether to legalize recreational marijuana send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285 here's a look at what's coming up... on fox five news at eleven. some of us may have griped here or there about our flights before... but apparently -- airline passengers less. how much complaints are down this year... and which airlines had the most criticism. olympic gymnast -- simon biles -- may have gotten something almost as good as gold. she got to meet her lifelong crush zac efron. how it inspired her floor performance. some celebrities are stepping in and sending some aid to those affected by flooding in louisianna. taylor swift-- has donated one million dollars toward relief. the singer says when she was there on tour -- fans made her feel at home. in a statement to c-n-n-- swift called the situation "heartbreaking" and encouraged others to help out. lady gaga has also taken to social media to say she is sending aid. we'll be right most pets have a favorite toy... one they just can't live without. for one dog-- there is no question which toy is number one.... take a look at this boxer. he loves the blue ball so much... he refuses to let go. as his owner tries to take it away... he holds on for dear life following.... the pup might need some lessons to prove how authentic my new brewhouse bacon burger is i'm going undercover, at an actual brewhouse. it's awesome. amazing! what if i told you, you are eating a jack's brewhouse bacon burger from jack in the box. not this one. absolutely lying. and what if i told you... that i'm jack. whaaaat?!! no way! no! porter ale cheese sauce, grilled onions, and bacon on a artisan potato bun. jack's new brewhouse bacon burger, new from jack in the box. this is fox5 news at 11. local las vegas. a nine-year-old is dead after being attacked by a pitbull. i'm christine maddela. i'm john huck. it happened while the child was at a friend's house near desert inn and hollywood. that's where we find fox five's cyndi lundeberg. she spoke with neigbhors who say this dog was known to be vicious. i just spoke to a family who told me a few weeks ago their child this same pit bull. the pitbull lives at this home right here behind me... at about 330 this afternoon police say a nine year old was waking up to

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Louisiana , United States , Cajon Pass , California , Nevada , Victorville , Vermont , China , New School , Indiana , Reno , San Bernardino County , San Bernardino , Denver , Colorado , Bangladesh , Valley View , Las Vegas , Hesperia , Clark County , America , American , Catherine Cortez Masto , Los Angeles , Hollywood Cyndi Lundberg , Conor Mcgregor , Jaime Santana , Miguel Martinez Valle , Barack Obama , Wendy Rodriguez , Eric Sherwin , John Huck , Leo Paquin , Carol Lopez , Nate Diaz , Justin Beebe , Zac Efron , Brian Sandoval , Hillary Clinton ,

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