Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160209 : comparem

Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160209

vicki green, mother: "january 8th, my baby just turned two, that man took my baby and left, what you mean." vicki green was inconsolable as she mourned the death of her baby girl evelyn... " my daughter, i'm holding my daughter in my hands dead, what you mean." dozens of family members and neighbors lit candels and joined in prayer over the loss of innocent life... but the night almost turned violent as emotions ran high, north las vegas police were called to the vigil after reports of yelling that risked turning into a fight no violence took place, family members of two- year-old evelyn surrounded her mother and father, trying to calm them, and show their support... bonita harris, aunt " its very emotional because its a baby, i mean you dont, its unexpected and the man responsible for evelyn's death is still on the loose, he's described as a hispanic man in his mid 40's, he was driving a white van with no windows at the time of the hit and run. erica green, aunt "he's gonna have to live with it, he's gonna have to dream with it, he's gonna have to breath with it every single day." as the family grieves, evelyn's father and mother are just hoping for justice for their little girl... joshua green, father "he's a sucker for that, to jump in the car and leave, turn yourself in man, you have to bro." vicki green, mother " i just want justice for my baby, i want my baby back. right now" when the hit and run happened many neighbors stepped in to help, but there is talk of someone telling the driver to take off, what neighbors told me at, miguel martinez-valle, fox5 news local las vegas. if you saw anything last night.. or have any information that could lead police to that driver.... you can leave an anonymous tip. call crime stoppers 702-385- a picture showing students eating their breakfast on the cafetaria floor... shared on social media... is causing controversy. this photo was taken at clifford findlay middle school in north las vegas last week. you can see the tables folded up while two students eat near trash cans. one of those students in the picture is eight- grader chris yannatone. he says several girls threatened to call their parents. "i dont know what happened exactly before that all i know is that i went in the cafeteria to get breakfast before school and all the tables were folded up and everyone was sitting on the floor." "we're not aloud to go into the quad for lunch or breakfast." c-c-s-d says students were not forced to sit there... and that there were tables set up and an outside quad area. the breakfast is a "grab and go" so students can take it wherever they want. crews rushed three people to the hospital after a car crashes into the waiting room of a medical office. it happened around 10-30 this morning near jones and spring mountain. were in the lobby when a car crashed through the wall. the three people hurt were taken to spring valley hospital. police tell us they weren't seriously hurt. the driver stayed at the scene. investigators say the car had an issue with the accelerator. a local veteran being confused for a sex offender.. after the criminal started using his name. "he didn't use my identity per se to try to get a credit card or something like that he tried to use my id to get a job or residency. so when that happened they automatically flagged him and put database and it's there forever. now the man is having trouble getting a job because he keeps getting flagged.. an attorney said his best bet would be to legally change his name... we spoke with an attorney who had some other advice.. and the way he found out his identity had been thirty. hundreds of off employees from solar companies rallied in front of the "public utilties commission" building. "they take our jobs, lets take theres in november (screams and cheers)" today -- nevada regulators listened to arguments on if existing rooftop solar customers should be "grandfathered" into lower rates. the p-u-c approved higher ones before the new year. several wheelbarrows were brought in with more than 30-thousand petitions to overturn the p-u-c rules. solar company workers ask the public to show their support for the industry and solar customers. "this battle will not end. solar city in in for the whole time. they've invested millions of dollars in this and will fight to end well help them do it." a decision by the p-u-c is not expected until later this week. metro is looking for a few good men and women... and they are opening up their search for new recruits--- internationally. " we would like people from everywhere, this is a diverse community reflect that diversity. we'd like to make sure we reach out to everyone that we possibly can, find those diamonds in the rough currently there are recruitment centers in 20 different states... and they are using social media to reach more candidates. in all- the department would like to hire 360 officers. the henderson police department is also looking for police officers and corrections officers. they are holding a free recruitment information night-- tomorrow at the henderson convention center at six p-m. a woman-- convicted of a crime-- she says she didn't commit. mounds of d-n-a-- never tested. "'its something i tr not to think about or address at all because its too overwhelming " nearly 15 years later... kristin labato and her family still seeking her justice. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buuck! bu-buck, buck, buuuck!! buck, buck, bu-buck, buck, buck, bu-buck! buck, buck, buck, buck, buck! buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck! buck, buck, buck... foster farms chicken nuggets. 100% natural with no added hormones or steroids. foster farms. now in your freezer aisle. switch to centurylink prism tv, and get the same great channels cable gives you, without having to deal with cable. yes and? and...there's whole home dvr. plus tons of on demand options so you can watch whatever, whenever. yes and? why do you guys keep saying that? it's the first rule of improv. by saying "yes and," we accept the reality created by our comedy partners, paul. yes, right, i know. do you? feel like a hollywood insider re watching fox5 news at 10, with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief pretty. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. july 1, 2001.... a homeless man named duran bailey was found brutally murdered. someone left his body in a dumpster across the street from what is now the palms an 18 year old was found guilty of the crime. the family of kirstin lobato and her supporters maintain it was a botched police investigationin which dna was never tested, leads were never followed. and more importantly the family says the savage killer or killers are still out there. now more than a decade later the family is still fighting to have more than a dozen pieces of dna found at the crime scene tested which they say will prove lobato is innocent. their fight now sits before the nevada supreme court. we do want to warn our viewers this story contains graphic content. fox 5s cyndi lundeberg has our investigation guilty until proven innocent. blaise lobato has sat in the florence mcclure female prison since 2002... despite there being no physical evidence tying her to the murder. so how did the 18 year old get convicted of the crime? july first 2001 diann parker says she was raped by a homeless man named duran bailey. parker lived at the grand view apartments with her boyfriend steven king and also spent a lot of time with men she referred to as the mexicans. according to her statement to police... parker told her friends that bailey was going to kill her stephen- police didn't do much in the way of investigating had they just investigated a little bit more maybe he wouldn't have been killed this is a transcript of her conversation with police after the rape parker asks police to do something and at the end of the conversation the officer tells her you got to do what you got to do to keep yourself safe less than a week after diann parker is raped duran bailey turns up dead. stand up: this is where the body of duran baily was covered in trash behind this dumpster where we are right is 100 yard from where diann parker lived. las vegas metro police officers thomas thowsen and his partner james larochelle are assigned the case. phillip kohn first lawyer - so law enforcement goes to the scene of the crime they set up a barrier to protect the evidence there were number of people from surrounding apartments who came down there one of them was diann parker steve moore a former fbi agent with more than 25 years experience became involved in this case after learning about it.... moore questions why police never followed up on viable leads. steve moore- people who are involved in crimes frequently return to the scene of the crime while the police are investigating they want to know what the police know they want to overhear things after reviewing the evidence fox 5 doesn't believe parker murdered bailey but through our investigation found police failed to follow up on multiple suspects. the murder of duran bailey was horrific. bailey was beatenhis teeth were knocked out he was stabbed had his rectum cut and his penis was cut off. at the crime scene there were cigarette butts chewing gum bloody shoe prints fingerprints pubic hair and semen. dozens of the items at the crime scene were never tested... steve moore- the murder of duran bailey was consistent with a revenge killing diann parker had black eyes this guy had his eyes pounded by a baseball bat diann parker had been raped anally and this man's penis was severed and there was a knife in his rectum what do you think might have been a motive there? nats phone ringing metro police 12 days after the murder police receive a phone probation officer officer laura johnson asked detective thowsen cases where a been cut. johnson heard the teacher named dixie tienken phillip- well this is almost like a game of telephone tienken says in may 2001 her student 18 year old kirstin lobato who goes by blaise came to her and said a man tried to rape her. she cut his groin to get away. phillip kohn- dixie then calls a probation officer named ms johnson and tells her about the story ms johnson very quickly thereafter calls the metro police department metro police interviews ms johnson she tells them the story that dixie told her that blaise told dixie fox 5 spoke to dixie tienken over the phone she originally agreed to be a part of our investigation then changed her mind. according to tienken... lobato was living at the budget suites when a man attacked her from behind. this is blaise talking about the attack blaise confession a week before then i was out of my mind on drugs it was late at night he grabbed me penis... i tried to cut it off i dont know if actually did following the phone call from johnson police records show thowsen and larochelle drove to panaca and arrested lobato for the murder of duran bailey. a penis in this case and a penis in this case is all that ties it together? that is all that ties it together we tried to calling laura johnson for comment but were unsuccessful. phillip kohn kirstin lobato's first attorney says when she talked to police. she was describing her attack phillip kohn- my concern is law enforcement could have asked more questions because all we truly all we have in this case is her statement there is no physical evidence whatsoever that ties ms lobato to the crime blaise- i thought of my gosh i killed somebdy i didn't realize until much later that they were talking about something completely different once police were told about lobato's attack they zeroed in police never questioned diann parker her boyfriend steven king and their friends were questioned about their whereabouts the night of the murder. despite parker testifying that her friends threatened bailey less than a week before he turned up dead. becki larr- you manipulated a young girl who was scared to death into giving a confession of something that really happened into something that didn't happen and then used it against her in court to convict her of a crime that she didn't commit that to me is horrible lobato is charged with first degree murder and necrophilia . because police say some of the injuries happened after bailey was already dead. her trial begins may 2nd 2002. thought we had a pretty good chance because the truth is always believed in the system let's just that burst lobato's defense lead by phillip she was 170 miles the time of the murder. police mixed up lobato's sexual assault in murder in july and most importantly lobatos car shoe prints and dna exclude her as the murderer. nearly a dozen witnesses that placed her in panaca from july 2nd until she was arrested by police. becki larry- i knew she didnt do it because she was with me and us 175 miles away and her going into this trial i knew she was innocent so i figured no matter what they can't prove it there's no dna there's no nothing michelle ravel- "no one ever thought she would be convicted how can they convict you when you're 150 miles away" the prosecution's attorneys bill kephart and sandra diagocomo argued lobato drove 340 miles roundtrip to buy meth. they believed she had agreed to exchange sex for the drugs then changed her mind and killed bailey beating him with a bat then cutting off his penis. a bat was found in loboato's car but tested negative for blood there was also no blood found in her car. phillip kohn- there's nothing that puts mr. bailey and ms lobato was killed across the street from the palms there is nothing in the world that ties them together no physical evidence at the scene and certainly no one ever saw them together that's very troubling to me he was crying when i left the state argued that lobatos initial conversation with police was a confession. labato says she was describing her own sexual assault. i didn't think anyone would miss someone like that kephart and diagocomo also had a very important witness. a jail house snitch named korinda martin. kohn says he had proof martin would do anything to get out of jail including lie about lobato's case but he was barred from cross examining her during the 1st trial. phillip kohn-this is a woman who before this trial during this trial and after this trial would do whatever it took to get out i had this letter and i wanted court wouldn't let me ask that despite the holes kirstin blaise lobato is found guilty of first degree murder and necrophilia. phillip kohn- i did not think that they would ever come back with first degree murder becki larry- in real life they put on a pretty good show they spun a pretty good tail none of it was true but they got away with it nearly two years after her conviction kirstin blaise lobato. is briefly a freewoman. thanks to a decision by the nevada supreme court. but her freedom won't last long. we'll explain why in part 2 of our investigation guilty until proven innocent. cyndi lundeberg fox 5 news local las vegas fox 5 wanted to speak to diann parker... but through our investigation found out she has since died. the detectives on the case thomas thowesen is now retired and james larouchelle is a leituenant at the metro police department... we asked both of them to be apart of this investigation but they denied multiple requests for comment. the prosecutor in the case bill kephart is now a clarke county requests. current clarke county district attorney steve wolfson also did not want to be interviewed for this piece. join us for part two of our investigation guilty until proven innocent tonight at 11. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. we'll pick up a few clouds for sunday into monday with a slight chance of showers expected on monday year is 61. we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. we'll pick up a few clouds for sunday into monday with a slight chance of showers expected on monday afternoon. average closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning praised as one of america's best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. a practical and successful legislator, bernie sanders passed more roll-call amendments in a republican congress than any other member, primary care access for millions of americans, protected social security, cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans' healthcare. a consistent, principled, and effective leader. building a future to believe in. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. year of the monkey... and celebrations are taking place across the valley. the mandarin oriental las vegas uses a delicious tradition to ring in the year of the monkey. the resort used the "yusheng toss" to celebrate chinese new year. you have to "toss" a dish made up of several ingredients that represent prosperity and blessings. special guests were former las vegas mayor oscar goodman and doctor katie zhong -- which is the founder of lou ruvo center for brain health. the ethel m cactus garden lights up for a romantic date night. more than 200- thousand red... pink... and purple sparkling lights make up the valentine's day display. the gourmet chocolate factory also has seasonal pieces on sale at the shop next door. the cactus garden lights up through valentine's day. to the public. a veteran has his identity stolen--- by a sex offender. now the mix-up is keeping him from getting a job. we are just hours away from the first presidential primary in the nation-- and the gloves are off... as the candidates get in a few last-minute jabs the real world. the grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent can't wait. a single mom who desperately needs a raise can't wait. a student with a mountain of debt can't wait. we can make real progress right now for people and families who need it. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. a 2-year-old girl is hit and killed... by a hit and run driver in north las vegas. the man responsible-- is still on the run.... family of the little girl--- holding a vigil in her honor.... evelyn green was struck by a van right in front of the family's north las vegas home... near pecos and lake mead.... the mother emotionally described holding her daughters lifeless body as the man who struck her apologized over and over again. when she left to take her daughter to the hospital, the man took off. hes described as a hispanic in his mid 40's with faciale hair. the grieving mother had a clear message to send to the man resposible for her daughters death. ""whoever you are, in, like you took my daughter my everything, i lost my daughter, i lost my evelyn, yall just dont know. yall just dont know... god please bring my evelyn." " tonights vigil almost turned violent as tension brewed between different sides of the family , north las vegas police were called. anyone with information on the man involved--- is asked to call police. a veteran... can't find a job.. because a sex offender stole his identity. he didn't even know it had happened until he got pulled over by a cop one day... and now four years later.. he's still living in this personal hell.. he can't even coach his daughter's basketball team because he's flagged as a sex offender... fox five's elizabeth watts live in the newsroom with more on what happened.. these two men share the same first and last birthday... but this man is a sex offender.... and started using this man's middle name to get things done... and as a result- this navy veteran can't get a job and is living a nightmare... it's been tough on me and my family this man is looking for work to help support his family... but they have to rely only on his wife's income... because a sex offender stole his identity. eric james morgan- started using eric alan morgan's name as an alias... he didn't even realize it had happened until a cop pulled him over for speeding in 2012... and acted like he was a criminal at first... eric morgan/victim of identity theft he asked me do you know you're a sex offender. i said no that is not the case. i just got out of the military. eventually the officer was able to find major differences in looks and stature- he sent morgan on his way with a warning... that's when morgan started to dig in the sex offender database. eric morgan/victim of identity theft i immediately went in there and took a look. sure enough when i punched in my name first and middle name this eric james morgan, he believes the offender used his middle name- not for credit card fraud- but maybe to get housing or a job. but that act- caused morgan's name to be flagged and permantly thrown in the database. he tried to clear things up starting where the offense happened with missouri highway patrol.. they said we regretably feel sorry for your situation however there's nothing you can do about it. four years later- morgan can't pass a background check. las vegas defense group attorney michael becker says- this is problematic and one reason why he's against the registry: michael becker/las vegas defense group once mistakes are made it's going to be really difficult to try and clear up mistakes and there are some people that get caught up as collateral damage he suggests morgan files a restraining order against the state sex registry and try to get his name off.. but it could be costly with bad results... michael becker/las vegas defense group if he can't succeed in doing that ask the court to issue some type of order to carry around and show there's convicted of a sex crime. he could use that document when applying for jobs.. but that's not exactly the best first impression when trying to get hired... an attorney the veteran spoke with suggested he legally change his name... but not many people including morgan want to do that.. he just finished a degree in small business management by the way.. his wife's also a navy veteran by the way- she's a social worker at the v-a hospital.. they just hope someone will hire him soon... as it seems this may never be resolved. live in the newsroom ew ffn llv. metro police say sometimes names will match someone elses with a violent crimes past... or a warrant for their arrest... they say cooperate with officers if you're pulled over.. and have a valid i-d to help alleviate the situation. we have a warning tonight. scammers are targeting people. with a jury duty hoax.... scammers call and claim to be they say there is a warrant out for the victim, for skipping jury duty. the scammer then gives the victim a fake name and badge number and tells them- they must pay a 25 hundred dollar bond. the district court says potential victims should independently verify all claims, and thoroughly examine and verify any paperwork or e-mails that asks for money. a murder suspect-- released by mistake from a los angeles jail... is back in custody-- after being recaptured at a boulder city hotel. police say steven lawrence wright-- was taken into custody today... a man and a woman were also arrested-- charged with aiding and abetting. wright was mistaking released last month-- due to a crerical error. he is awaiting trial in a gang killing. four protestors are still holding out at the malheur national wildlife refuge in oregon.... 16 others-- were arrested nearly two weeks ago... and indicted on charges of conspiracy to interfere with federal workers. their leader-- ammon bundy-- is now asking elected officals-- protestors. bundy's attorney released a message today-- urging officials from eight different states... to visit-- in an effort to show support for the right to free speech. the department of justice has a list of reforms for the ferguson department following the deadly shooting of teenager agreement may be out of the city's price range. implementing the reforms could cost up to 4 million dollars-- in year. will vote tomorrow whether or not to agreement. if they decide against it, ferguson faces a federal civil rights lawsuit.... which could cost millions of dollars to fight. concerns over the rapidly spreading zika virus continue... now president obama is asking congress for almost two billion dollars to fight it. the administration wants one point eight billion dollars for emergency response in the u.s.-- and overseas. the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and is tied to birth abnormalities in newborns. it has spread to least 50 americans have returned to the u-s infected. zika can also be sexually transmitted.... "we've shipped out laboratory diagnostic tests so that states can recognize this. and we've issued a number of guidances not just for travel but guidances for health care workers so they know how to take care of women who may have been exposed to the virus " vaccine development is already underway, with a phase-one trial expected to start by the end of summer. but it will likely take years before a vaccine is readily available. the southern nevada health district says we do not have the zika virus in clark county... but they are actively monitoring for the specific mosquito. "it cant be transmitted here and main reason we dont have right kind of mosquito to transmit it many virsus and other paracites like to be transmitted through one type of mosquito or another one, and this one we dont have here in las district says the zika virus has been found in california and arizona. they are testing a few people here who have symptoms... which are fever... joint pain... or red eyes. however -- there are no confirmed cases. the first lawsuit has been filed in connection to the flint michigan water crisis. " "i just noticed that something was just not right with her. it's hard for her to concentrate and learn. like when we flashcards and stuff like that. she's really irritable right now." " luke waid's young daughter-- is battling lead poison.. a few months after flint switched to using the river for drinking water, the girl's blood lead level was at 14, that's more than twice the level considered to be toxic. now waid filed a suit against the city, the state, and many of the people who made key decsions about the drinking water in flint. "we all have a right to rely upon our government to make us safe." "these guys don't to be their voice." " numerous individual lawsuits are pouring in.... and about 17 hundred households have now contacted a detroit area lawfirm about joining a class action lawsuit filed in novemeber. fans of chipotle had to find another option this afternoon... every single location of the mexican fast food chain-- closed its doors today for four hours... for a food safety meeting. the move comes after an e-coli outbreak at the restaurant last year. about 5-hundred people got sick. at the meeting, employees discussed the updated food safety program implemented by the chain in january. rescue crews are still pulling survivors from a collapsed building in taiwan.... more than two days after an earthquake rattled the area. an eight-year-old girl was pulled alive from the rubble this morning... a short time later-- a woman believed to be her aunt was pulled out. more than 30 people were killed in saturday's quake. nearly 5-hundred were injured-- and still trapped inside. taiwan's president and president- elect visited the injured in the hospital on monday.... and talked about steps they planned to take to improve buildings that are prone to collapse. "we need to continue improving our preparedness, no matter whether it is shock-proofing buildings or taking any other measures that can prevent disasters." " taiwan's interior minister says an investigation will examine whether the developer-- of the high rise-- cut corners during the building process. ahead of the new hampshire primary... candidates are out hitting the campaign trail hard.... and some of them... are getting down-right nasty. mary malony explains. (jeb bush/(r) presidential candidate): "it is a sign of real weakness." jeb bush taking a page out of donald trump's playbook. (jeb bush/(r) presidential candidate): "donald trump, you're the loser." the candidates bashing each other at campaign stops. (donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate): "jeb is a lightweight, let me tell you." and continuing the attacks via twitter. trump writing -- "bush is a pathetic figure." bush responds -- "trump you aren't just a loser you are a liar and a on saturday an awkward moment at abc's republican debate -- when ben carson and trump missed their cues. (nats) "former florida gov. jeb bush." after everyone settled on stage -- chris christie laid into marco rubio for using a rehearsed line. (marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate): "this notion that barack obama doesn't know what he's doing is just not true. he knows exactly what he's doing." (chris christie/ (r) presidential candidate)"there it is. there it is. the memorized 25- second speech. there it is, everybody." the latest cnn poll of polls of new hampshire shows trump topping the republican field. with rubio and ted cruz rounding out the top three. for democratic voters -- bernie sanders has a commanding lead over hillary clinton. (bernie sanders/ (d) presidential candidate): "what people will be asking is not just who wins, but whether the people of new hampshire are prepared to lead this country in a political revolution." hillary enlisting the help of her husband making last minute case to voters in the granite state. (bill clinton/ former president): "when you are making a revolution you can't be too reporting caucus is up first- on saturday and the follows on tuesday february 23rd. an iconic show is ending its legendary run.... when jubilee will vegas strip. 24/7 forecast is coming up next a two year old girl is the victim of a hit and run driver... outrage and switch to centurylink prism tv, and get the same great channels cable gives you, without having to deal with cable. yes and? and...there's whole home dvr. plus tons of on demand options so you can watch whatever, whenever. yes and? why do you guys keep saying that? it's the first rule of improv. by saying "yes and," we accept the reality created by our comedy partners, paul. yes, right, i know. do you? feel like a hollywood insider the world a president has to grapple with. sometimes you can't even imagine. that's the job. and she's the one who's proven she can get it done. ...securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons... ...standing up against the abuse of women... ...protecting social security... ...expanding benefits for the national guard... ...and winning health care for 8 million children... the presidency is the toughest job in the world and she's the one who'll make a real difference for you. i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. in for the super bowl... but aren't really concerned with the game... they are watching for the commercials... and so far--the spot with the most youtube views goes to hyundai. "(nats) "that's my cheat day, so i'll just eat around it." " many companies pull out all of the commercials... and according to youtube -- most people continue to watch the ad in the days after the big game. that's good news for the companies who forked over up to five million dollars for a 30 second spot. with so many ads being released up to a week before the game, there were few surprises. there was this feeling of sameness to a lot of the ads. you felt like oh i've seen liam neeson before do a super bowl ad. i've seen animals singing along to music. so there was a little less innovation felt this year. " so far-- google says -- the super bowl commercials have been watched for more than four million hours that's both before and after the big game. it was a sweet super bowl victory for one local professional sports bettor. halfway through the season when manning got hurt, everyone gave up on him and i saw that as an opportunity to bet more money i laid a little over 120 thousand dollars to win 2.3 on the broncos. " "dave oancea"... "vegas dave" placed his bets in several casinos, since not one would take such a large wager. he says he had a lot of confidence in the broncos' defense. "vegas dave" has won three major upsets in a row... the royals winning the m-l-b championship, and holly holm becoming u-f-c's bantamweight champion. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. we'll pick up a few clouds for sunday into monday with a showers expected on monday afternoon. average high this time of year is 61. we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. clouds for sunday showers expected on monday afternoon. average high this time of year is 61. closed captioning a two year old child was killed by a hit and run driver neighbors say the driver.. did stop but then someone told him he should get out of there.. and he fled. another witness says she smelled alcohol on the man's breath. we have callers. the superbowl entertainment.. the critics say lady gaga nailed it... coldplay was overshadowed by beyonce voicemails! send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- the superbowl entertainment.. the critics say lady gaga nailed it... voicemails! send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285 here's a look at what's coming up.. on fox five news at eleven. we continue part two, of fox5's "guilty until proven innocent" investigation. young woman's second murder trial... that some say is questionable years later. r-rated insults are thrown at a donald trump rally. how the presidential candidate candidly responded to some tough words words about his opponant. when a deal seems too good to be true... it usually is. how scammers are targeting travels in search of a low airfare to las vegas. a staple on the las vegas strip.... is coming to an end. as the las vegas showgirl says-- farewell. this as jubilee ends its reign as the longest running showgirl production on the strip. for 23 years the show has dazzled its audiences with showstopping musical numbers, elaborate sets and... of course their famous costumes. the curtain will close on jubilee this thursday-- at bally's. it was an unusual day at an upscale california restaurant after employees stumble upon one very hungry table for one... at an upsale restaurant in southern california. a customer-- waddled into the "marine room" in san diego. restaurant staff says they discovered the little sea lion pup-- inside a it napped and then gazed at the surf through a window. the pup-- was very hungry... so they called a team from sea world to come get him. he'll will be returned to the wild once it feels better and gains a little weight. fox5 news at 11, your only local station here for 11 congress doesn't regulate wall street... wall street regulates congress. it's a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1%. and it's held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. people who know you can't level the playing field by taking more money from wall street. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. join the fight to take back our government. live from las vegas it's time for fox5 news at 11. "they manipulated a young girl who was scared to death into confessing something that really did happen, into something that didn't happen, and

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Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160209 :

Transcripts For KVVU FOX5 News At 1000pm 20160209

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vicki green, mother: "january 8th, my baby just turned two, that man took my baby and left, what you mean." vicki green was inconsolable as she mourned the death of her baby girl evelyn... " my daughter, i'm holding my daughter in my hands dead, what you mean." dozens of family members and neighbors lit candels and joined in prayer over the loss of innocent life... but the night almost turned violent as emotions ran high, north las vegas police were called to the vigil after reports of yelling that risked turning into a fight no violence took place, family members of two- year-old evelyn surrounded her mother and father, trying to calm them, and show their support... bonita harris, aunt " its very emotional because its a baby, i mean you dont, its unexpected and the man responsible for evelyn's death is still on the loose, he's described as a hispanic man in his mid 40's, he was driving a white van with no windows at the time of the hit and run. erica green, aunt "he's gonna have to live with it, he's gonna have to dream with it, he's gonna have to breath with it every single day." as the family grieves, evelyn's father and mother are just hoping for justice for their little girl... joshua green, father "he's a sucker for that, to jump in the car and leave, turn yourself in man, you have to bro." vicki green, mother " i just want justice for my baby, i want my baby back. right now" when the hit and run happened many neighbors stepped in to help, but there is talk of someone telling the driver to take off, what neighbors told me at, miguel martinez-valle, fox5 news local las vegas. if you saw anything last night.. or have any information that could lead police to that driver.... you can leave an anonymous tip. call crime stoppers 702-385- a picture showing students eating their breakfast on the cafetaria floor... shared on social media... is causing controversy. this photo was taken at clifford findlay middle school in north las vegas last week. you can see the tables folded up while two students eat near trash cans. one of those students in the picture is eight- grader chris yannatone. he says several girls threatened to call their parents. "i dont know what happened exactly before that all i know is that i went in the cafeteria to get breakfast before school and all the tables were folded up and everyone was sitting on the floor." "we're not aloud to go into the quad for lunch or breakfast." c-c-s-d says students were not forced to sit there... and that there were tables set up and an outside quad area. the breakfast is a "grab and go" so students can take it wherever they want. crews rushed three people to the hospital after a car crashes into the waiting room of a medical office. it happened around 10-30 this morning near jones and spring mountain. were in the lobby when a car crashed through the wall. the three people hurt were taken to spring valley hospital. police tell us they weren't seriously hurt. the driver stayed at the scene. investigators say the car had an issue with the accelerator. a local veteran being confused for a sex offender.. after the criminal started using his name. "he didn't use my identity per se to try to get a credit card or something like that he tried to use my id to get a job or residency. so when that happened they automatically flagged him and put database and it's there forever. now the man is having trouble getting a job because he keeps getting flagged.. an attorney said his best bet would be to legally change his name... we spoke with an attorney who had some other advice.. and the way he found out his identity had been thirty. hundreds of off employees from solar companies rallied in front of the "public utilties commission" building. "they take our jobs, lets take theres in november (screams and cheers)" today -- nevada regulators listened to arguments on if existing rooftop solar customers should be "grandfathered" into lower rates. the p-u-c approved higher ones before the new year. several wheelbarrows were brought in with more than 30-thousand petitions to overturn the p-u-c rules. solar company workers ask the public to show their support for the industry and solar customers. "this battle will not end. solar city in in for the whole time. they've invested millions of dollars in this and will fight to end well help them do it." a decision by the p-u-c is not expected until later this week. metro is looking for a few good men and women... and they are opening up their search for new recruits--- internationally. " we would like people from everywhere, this is a diverse community reflect that diversity. we'd like to make sure we reach out to everyone that we possibly can, find those diamonds in the rough currently there are recruitment centers in 20 different states... and they are using social media to reach more candidates. in all- the department would like to hire 360 officers. the henderson police department is also looking for police officers and corrections officers. they are holding a free recruitment information night-- tomorrow at the henderson convention center at six p-m. a woman-- convicted of a crime-- she says she didn't commit. mounds of d-n-a-- never tested. "'its something i tr not to think about or address at all because its too overwhelming " nearly 15 years later... kristin labato and her family still seeking her justice. your fox5 weather 24/7 forecast is buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buuck! bu-buck, buck, buuuck!! buck, buck, bu-buck, buck, buck, bu-buck! buck, buck, buck, buck, buck! buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck, buck! buck, buck, buck... foster farms chicken nuggets. 100% natural with no added hormones or steroids. foster farms. now in your freezer aisle. switch to centurylink prism tv, and get the same great channels cable gives you, without having to deal with cable. yes and? and...there's whole home dvr. plus tons of on demand options so you can watch whatever, whenever. yes and? why do you guys keep saying that? it's the first rule of improv. by saying "yes and," we accept the reality created by our comedy partners, paul. yes, right, i know. do you? feel like a hollywood insider re watching fox5 news at 10, with emmy award winner john huck. christine maddela. and weather 24/7 with chief pretty. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. july 1, 2001.... a homeless man named duran bailey was found brutally murdered. someone left his body in a dumpster across the street from what is now the palms an 18 year old was found guilty of the crime. the family of kirstin lobato and her supporters maintain it was a botched police investigationin which dna was never tested, leads were never followed. and more importantly the family says the savage killer or killers are still out there. now more than a decade later the family is still fighting to have more than a dozen pieces of dna found at the crime scene tested which they say will prove lobato is innocent. their fight now sits before the nevada supreme court. we do want to warn our viewers this story contains graphic content. fox 5s cyndi lundeberg has our investigation guilty until proven innocent. blaise lobato has sat in the florence mcclure female prison since 2002... despite there being no physical evidence tying her to the murder. so how did the 18 year old get convicted of the crime? july first 2001 diann parker says she was raped by a homeless man named duran bailey. parker lived at the grand view apartments with her boyfriend steven king and also spent a lot of time with men she referred to as the mexicans. according to her statement to police... parker told her friends that bailey was going to kill her stephen- police didn't do much in the way of investigating had they just investigated a little bit more maybe he wouldn't have been killed this is a transcript of her conversation with police after the rape parker asks police to do something and at the end of the conversation the officer tells her you got to do what you got to do to keep yourself safe less than a week after diann parker is raped duran bailey turns up dead. stand up: this is where the body of duran baily was covered in trash behind this dumpster where we are right is 100 yard from where diann parker lived. las vegas metro police officers thomas thowsen and his partner james larochelle are assigned the case. phillip kohn first lawyer - so law enforcement goes to the scene of the crime they set up a barrier to protect the evidence there were number of people from surrounding apartments who came down there one of them was diann parker steve moore a former fbi agent with more than 25 years experience became involved in this case after learning about it.... moore questions why police never followed up on viable leads. steve moore- people who are involved in crimes frequently return to the scene of the crime while the police are investigating they want to know what the police know they want to overhear things after reviewing the evidence fox 5 doesn't believe parker murdered bailey but through our investigation found police failed to follow up on multiple suspects. the murder of duran bailey was horrific. bailey was beatenhis teeth were knocked out he was stabbed had his rectum cut and his penis was cut off. at the crime scene there were cigarette butts chewing gum bloody shoe prints fingerprints pubic hair and semen. dozens of the items at the crime scene were never tested... steve moore- the murder of duran bailey was consistent with a revenge killing diann parker had black eyes this guy had his eyes pounded by a baseball bat diann parker had been raped anally and this man's penis was severed and there was a knife in his rectum what do you think might have been a motive there? nats phone ringing metro police 12 days after the murder police receive a phone probation officer officer laura johnson asked detective thowsen cases where a been cut. johnson heard the teacher named dixie tienken phillip- well this is almost like a game of telephone tienken says in may 2001 her student 18 year old kirstin lobato who goes by blaise came to her and said a man tried to rape her. she cut his groin to get away. phillip kohn- dixie then calls a probation officer named ms johnson and tells her about the story ms johnson very quickly thereafter calls the metro police department metro police interviews ms johnson she tells them the story that dixie told her that blaise told dixie fox 5 spoke to dixie tienken over the phone she originally agreed to be a part of our investigation then changed her mind. according to tienken... lobato was living at the budget suites when a man attacked her from behind. this is blaise talking about the attack blaise confession a week before then i was out of my mind on drugs it was late at night he grabbed me penis... i tried to cut it off i dont know if actually did following the phone call from johnson police records show thowsen and larochelle drove to panaca and arrested lobato for the murder of duran bailey. a penis in this case and a penis in this case is all that ties it together? that is all that ties it together we tried to calling laura johnson for comment but were unsuccessful. phillip kohn kirstin lobato's first attorney says when she talked to police. she was describing her attack phillip kohn- my concern is law enforcement could have asked more questions because all we truly all we have in this case is her statement there is no physical evidence whatsoever that ties ms lobato to the crime blaise- i thought of my gosh i killed somebdy i didn't realize until much later that they were talking about something completely different once police were told about lobato's attack they zeroed in police never questioned diann parker her boyfriend steven king and their friends were questioned about their whereabouts the night of the murder. despite parker testifying that her friends threatened bailey less than a week before he turned up dead. becki larr- you manipulated a young girl who was scared to death into giving a confession of something that really happened into something that didn't happen and then used it against her in court to convict her of a crime that she didn't commit that to me is horrible lobato is charged with first degree murder and necrophilia . because police say some of the injuries happened after bailey was already dead. her trial begins may 2nd 2002. thought we had a pretty good chance because the truth is always believed in the system let's just that burst lobato's defense lead by phillip she was 170 miles the time of the murder. police mixed up lobato's sexual assault in murder in july and most importantly lobatos car shoe prints and dna exclude her as the murderer. nearly a dozen witnesses that placed her in panaca from july 2nd until she was arrested by police. becki larry- i knew she didnt do it because she was with me and us 175 miles away and her going into this trial i knew she was innocent so i figured no matter what they can't prove it there's no dna there's no nothing michelle ravel- "no one ever thought she would be convicted how can they convict you when you're 150 miles away" the prosecution's attorneys bill kephart and sandra diagocomo argued lobato drove 340 miles roundtrip to buy meth. they believed she had agreed to exchange sex for the drugs then changed her mind and killed bailey beating him with a bat then cutting off his penis. a bat was found in loboato's car but tested negative for blood there was also no blood found in her car. phillip kohn- there's nothing that puts mr. bailey and ms lobato was killed across the street from the palms there is nothing in the world that ties them together no physical evidence at the scene and certainly no one ever saw them together that's very troubling to me he was crying when i left the state argued that lobatos initial conversation with police was a confession. labato says she was describing her own sexual assault. i didn't think anyone would miss someone like that kephart and diagocomo also had a very important witness. a jail house snitch named korinda martin. kohn says he had proof martin would do anything to get out of jail including lie about lobato's case but he was barred from cross examining her during the 1st trial. phillip kohn-this is a woman who before this trial during this trial and after this trial would do whatever it took to get out i had this letter and i wanted court wouldn't let me ask that despite the holes kirstin blaise lobato is found guilty of first degree murder and necrophilia. phillip kohn- i did not think that they would ever come back with first degree murder becki larry- in real life they put on a pretty good show they spun a pretty good tail none of it was true but they got away with it nearly two years after her conviction kirstin blaise lobato. is briefly a freewoman. thanks to a decision by the nevada supreme court. but her freedom won't last long. we'll explain why in part 2 of our investigation guilty until proven innocent. cyndi lundeberg fox 5 news local las vegas fox 5 wanted to speak to diann parker... but through our investigation found out she has since died. the detectives on the case thomas thowesen is now retired and james larouchelle is a leituenant at the metro police department... we asked both of them to be apart of this investigation but they denied multiple requests for comment. the prosecutor in the case bill kephart is now a clarke county requests. current clarke county district attorney steve wolfson also did not want to be interviewed for this piece. join us for part two of our investigation guilty until proven innocent tonight at 11. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. we'll pick up a few clouds for sunday into monday with a slight chance of showers expected on monday year is 61. we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. we'll pick up a few clouds for sunday into monday with a slight chance of showers expected on monday afternoon. average closed captioning will resume shortly closed captioning praised as one of america's best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. a practical and successful legislator, bernie sanders passed more roll-call amendments in a republican congress than any other member, primary care access for millions of americans, protected social security, cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans' healthcare. a consistent, principled, and effective leader. building a future to believe in. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. year of the monkey... and celebrations are taking place across the valley. the mandarin oriental las vegas uses a delicious tradition to ring in the year of the monkey. the resort used the "yusheng toss" to celebrate chinese new year. you have to "toss" a dish made up of several ingredients that represent prosperity and blessings. special guests were former las vegas mayor oscar goodman and doctor katie zhong -- which is the founder of lou ruvo center for brain health. the ethel m cactus garden lights up for a romantic date night. more than 200- thousand red... pink... and purple sparkling lights make up the valentine's day display. the gourmet chocolate factory also has seasonal pieces on sale at the shop next door. the cactus garden lights up through valentine's day. to the public. a veteran has his identity stolen--- by a sex offender. now the mix-up is keeping him from getting a job. we are just hours away from the first presidential primary in the nation-- and the gloves are off... as the candidates get in a few last-minute jabs the real world. the grandmother who has to choose between paying for medicine and paying rent can't wait. a single mom who desperately needs a raise can't wait. a student with a mountain of debt can't wait. we can make real progress right now for people and families who need it. this is fox5 news at 10. local. las vegas. a 2-year-old girl is hit and killed... by a hit and run driver in north las vegas. the man responsible-- is still on the run.... family of the little girl--- holding a vigil in her honor.... evelyn green was struck by a van right in front of the family's north las vegas home... near pecos and lake mead.... the mother emotionally described holding her daughters lifeless body as the man who struck her apologized over and over again. when she left to take her daughter to the hospital, the man took off. hes described as a hispanic in his mid 40's with faciale hair. the grieving mother had a clear message to send to the man resposible for her daughters death. ""whoever you are, in, like you took my daughter my everything, i lost my daughter, i lost my evelyn, yall just dont know. yall just dont know... god please bring my evelyn." " tonights vigil almost turned violent as tension brewed between different sides of the family , north las vegas police were called. anyone with information on the man involved--- is asked to call police. a veteran... can't find a job.. because a sex offender stole his identity. he didn't even know it had happened until he got pulled over by a cop one day... and now four years later.. he's still living in this personal hell.. he can't even coach his daughter's basketball team because he's flagged as a sex offender... fox five's elizabeth watts live in the newsroom with more on what happened.. these two men share the same first and last birthday... but this man is a sex offender.... and started using this man's middle name to get things done... and as a result- this navy veteran can't get a job and is living a nightmare... it's been tough on me and my family this man is looking for work to help support his family... but they have to rely only on his wife's income... because a sex offender stole his identity. eric james morgan- started using eric alan morgan's name as an alias... he didn't even realize it had happened until a cop pulled him over for speeding in 2012... and acted like he was a criminal at first... eric morgan/victim of identity theft he asked me do you know you're a sex offender. i said no that is not the case. i just got out of the military. eventually the officer was able to find major differences in looks and stature- he sent morgan on his way with a warning... that's when morgan started to dig in the sex offender database. eric morgan/victim of identity theft i immediately went in there and took a look. sure enough when i punched in my name first and middle name this eric james morgan, he believes the offender used his middle name- not for credit card fraud- but maybe to get housing or a job. but that act- caused morgan's name to be flagged and permantly thrown in the database. he tried to clear things up starting where the offense happened with missouri highway patrol.. they said we regretably feel sorry for your situation however there's nothing you can do about it. four years later- morgan can't pass a background check. las vegas defense group attorney michael becker says- this is problematic and one reason why he's against the registry: michael becker/las vegas defense group once mistakes are made it's going to be really difficult to try and clear up mistakes and there are some people that get caught up as collateral damage he suggests morgan files a restraining order against the state sex registry and try to get his name off.. but it could be costly with bad results... michael becker/las vegas defense group if he can't succeed in doing that ask the court to issue some type of order to carry around and show there's convicted of a sex crime. he could use that document when applying for jobs.. but that's not exactly the best first impression when trying to get hired... an attorney the veteran spoke with suggested he legally change his name... but not many people including morgan want to do that.. he just finished a degree in small business management by the way.. his wife's also a navy veteran by the way- she's a social worker at the v-a hospital.. they just hope someone will hire him soon... as it seems this may never be resolved. live in the newsroom ew ffn llv. metro police say sometimes names will match someone elses with a violent crimes past... or a warrant for their arrest... they say cooperate with officers if you're pulled over.. and have a valid i-d to help alleviate the situation. we have a warning tonight. scammers are targeting people. with a jury duty hoax.... scammers call and claim to be they say there is a warrant out for the victim, for skipping jury duty. the scammer then gives the victim a fake name and badge number and tells them- they must pay a 25 hundred dollar bond. the district court says potential victims should independently verify all claims, and thoroughly examine and verify any paperwork or e-mails that asks for money. a murder suspect-- released by mistake from a los angeles jail... is back in custody-- after being recaptured at a boulder city hotel. police say steven lawrence wright-- was taken into custody today... a man and a woman were also arrested-- charged with aiding and abetting. wright was mistaking released last month-- due to a crerical error. he is awaiting trial in a gang killing. four protestors are still holding out at the malheur national wildlife refuge in oregon.... 16 others-- were arrested nearly two weeks ago... and indicted on charges of conspiracy to interfere with federal workers. their leader-- ammon bundy-- is now asking elected officals-- protestors. bundy's attorney released a message today-- urging officials from eight different states... to visit-- in an effort to show support for the right to free speech. the department of justice has a list of reforms for the ferguson department following the deadly shooting of teenager agreement may be out of the city's price range. implementing the reforms could cost up to 4 million dollars-- in year. will vote tomorrow whether or not to agreement. if they decide against it, ferguson faces a federal civil rights lawsuit.... which could cost millions of dollars to fight. concerns over the rapidly spreading zika virus continue... now president obama is asking congress for almost two billion dollars to fight it. the administration wants one point eight billion dollars for emergency response in the u.s.-- and overseas. the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and is tied to birth abnormalities in newborns. it has spread to least 50 americans have returned to the u-s infected. zika can also be sexually transmitted.... "we've shipped out laboratory diagnostic tests so that states can recognize this. and we've issued a number of guidances not just for travel but guidances for health care workers so they know how to take care of women who may have been exposed to the virus " vaccine development is already underway, with a phase-one trial expected to start by the end of summer. but it will likely take years before a vaccine is readily available. the southern nevada health district says we do not have the zika virus in clark county... but they are actively monitoring for the specific mosquito. "it cant be transmitted here and main reason we dont have right kind of mosquito to transmit it many virsus and other paracites like to be transmitted through one type of mosquito or another one, and this one we dont have here in las district says the zika virus has been found in california and arizona. they are testing a few people here who have symptoms... which are fever... joint pain... or red eyes. however -- there are no confirmed cases. the first lawsuit has been filed in connection to the flint michigan water crisis. " "i just noticed that something was just not right with her. it's hard for her to concentrate and learn. like when we flashcards and stuff like that. she's really irritable right now." " luke waid's young daughter-- is battling lead poison.. a few months after flint switched to using the river for drinking water, the girl's blood lead level was at 14, that's more than twice the level considered to be toxic. now waid filed a suit against the city, the state, and many of the people who made key decsions about the drinking water in flint. "we all have a right to rely upon our government to make us safe." "these guys don't to be their voice." " numerous individual lawsuits are pouring in.... and about 17 hundred households have now contacted a detroit area lawfirm about joining a class action lawsuit filed in novemeber. fans of chipotle had to find another option this afternoon... every single location of the mexican fast food chain-- closed its doors today for four hours... for a food safety meeting. the move comes after an e-coli outbreak at the restaurant last year. about 5-hundred people got sick. at the meeting, employees discussed the updated food safety program implemented by the chain in january. rescue crews are still pulling survivors from a collapsed building in taiwan.... more than two days after an earthquake rattled the area. an eight-year-old girl was pulled alive from the rubble this morning... a short time later-- a woman believed to be her aunt was pulled out. more than 30 people were killed in saturday's quake. nearly 5-hundred were injured-- and still trapped inside. taiwan's president and president- elect visited the injured in the hospital on monday.... and talked about steps they planned to take to improve buildings that are prone to collapse. "we need to continue improving our preparedness, no matter whether it is shock-proofing buildings or taking any other measures that can prevent disasters." " taiwan's interior minister says an investigation will examine whether the developer-- of the high rise-- cut corners during the building process. ahead of the new hampshire primary... candidates are out hitting the campaign trail hard.... and some of them... are getting down-right nasty. mary malony explains. (jeb bush/(r) presidential candidate): "it is a sign of real weakness." jeb bush taking a page out of donald trump's playbook. (jeb bush/(r) presidential candidate): "donald trump, you're the loser." the candidates bashing each other at campaign stops. (donald trump/ (r) presidential candidate): "jeb is a lightweight, let me tell you." and continuing the attacks via twitter. trump writing -- "bush is a pathetic figure." bush responds -- "trump you aren't just a loser you are a liar and a on saturday an awkward moment at abc's republican debate -- when ben carson and trump missed their cues. (nats) "former florida gov. jeb bush." after everyone settled on stage -- chris christie laid into marco rubio for using a rehearsed line. (marco rubio/ (r) presidential candidate): "this notion that barack obama doesn't know what he's doing is just not true. he knows exactly what he's doing." (chris christie/ (r) presidential candidate)"there it is. there it is. the memorized 25- second speech. there it is, everybody." the latest cnn poll of polls of new hampshire shows trump topping the republican field. with rubio and ted cruz rounding out the top three. for democratic voters -- bernie sanders has a commanding lead over hillary clinton. (bernie sanders/ (d) presidential candidate): "what people will be asking is not just who wins, but whether the people of new hampshire are prepared to lead this country in a political revolution." hillary enlisting the help of her husband making last minute case to voters in the granite state. (bill clinton/ former president): "when you are making a revolution you can't be too reporting caucus is up first- on saturday and the follows on tuesday february 23rd. an iconic show is ending its legendary run.... when jubilee will vegas strip. 24/7 forecast is coming up next a two year old girl is the victim of a hit and run driver... outrage and switch to centurylink prism tv, and get the same great channels cable gives you, without having to deal with cable. yes and? and...there's whole home dvr. plus tons of on demand options so you can watch whatever, whenever. yes and? why do you guys keep saying that? it's the first rule of improv. by saying "yes and," we accept the reality created by our comedy partners, paul. yes, right, i know. do you? feel like a hollywood insider the world a president has to grapple with. sometimes you can't even imagine. that's the job. and she's the one who's proven she can get it done. ...securing a massive reduction in nuclear weapons... ...standing up against the abuse of women... ...protecting social security... ...expanding benefits for the national guard... ...and winning health care for 8 million children... the presidency is the toughest job in the world and she's the one who'll make a real difference for you. i'm hillary clinton and i approved this message. in for the super bowl... but aren't really concerned with the game... they are watching for the commercials... and so far--the spot with the most youtube views goes to hyundai. "(nats) "that's my cheat day, so i'll just eat around it." " many companies pull out all of the commercials... and according to youtube -- most people continue to watch the ad in the days after the big game. that's good news for the companies who forked over up to five million dollars for a 30 second spot. with so many ads being released up to a week before the game, there were few surprises. there was this feeling of sameness to a lot of the ads. you felt like oh i've seen liam neeson before do a super bowl ad. i've seen animals singing along to music. so there was a little less innovation felt this year. " so far-- google says -- the super bowl commercials have been watched for more than four million hours that's both before and after the big game. it was a sweet super bowl victory for one local professional sports bettor. halfway through the season when manning got hurt, everyone gave up on him and i saw that as an opportunity to bet more money i laid a little over 120 thousand dollars to win 2.3 on the broncos. " "dave oancea"... "vegas dave" placed his bets in several casinos, since not one would take such a large wager. he says he had a lot of confidence in the broncos' defense. "vegas dave" has won three major upsets in a row... the royals winning the m-l-b championship, and holly holm becoming u-f-c's bantamweight champion. now fox5 weather 24/7, with chief meterologist ted pretty we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. we'll pick up a few clouds for sunday into monday with a showers expected on monday afternoon. average high this time of year is 61. we'll stay in the mid-70s for the workweek with a decrease down to around 70 degrees for the weekend. the high on wednesday at 74 degrees would tie a high temperature record set back in 2014, friday's high will be two degrees shy of a record. clouds for sunday showers expected on monday afternoon. average high this time of year is 61. closed captioning a two year old child was killed by a hit and run driver neighbors say the driver.. did stop but then someone told him he should get out of there.. and he fled. another witness says she smelled alcohol on the man's breath. we have callers. the superbowl entertainment.. the critics say lady gaga nailed it... coldplay was overshadowed by beyonce voicemails! send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- the superbowl entertainment.. the critics say lady gaga nailed it... voicemails! send us your rants to the rant at or call at 702-436- 8285 here's a look at what's coming up.. on fox five news at eleven. we continue part two, of fox5's "guilty until proven innocent" investigation. young woman's second murder trial... that some say is questionable years later. r-rated insults are thrown at a donald trump rally. how the presidential candidate candidly responded to some tough words words about his opponant. when a deal seems too good to be true... it usually is. how scammers are targeting travels in search of a low airfare to las vegas. a staple on the las vegas strip.... is coming to an end. as the las vegas showgirl says-- farewell. this as jubilee ends its reign as the longest running showgirl production on the strip. for 23 years the show has dazzled its audiences with showstopping musical numbers, elaborate sets and... of course their famous costumes. the curtain will close on jubilee this thursday-- at bally's. it was an unusual day at an upscale california restaurant after employees stumble upon one very hungry table for one... at an upsale restaurant in southern california. a customer-- waddled into the "marine room" in san diego. restaurant staff says they discovered the little sea lion pup-- inside a it napped and then gazed at the surf through a window. the pup-- was very hungry... so they called a team from sea world to come get him. he'll will be returned to the wild once it feels better and gains a little weight. fox5 news at 11, your only local station here for 11 congress doesn't regulate wall street... wall street regulates congress. it's a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1%. and it's held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. people who know you can't level the playing field by taking more money from wall street. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. join the fight to take back our government. live from las vegas it's time for fox5 news at 11. "they manipulated a young girl who was scared to death into confessing something that really did happen, into something that didn't happen, and

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