Story since bluff We're not here to call bluff we're here to find the truth to uphold the Constitution of the United States this is not a game for us this is deadly serious the White House has been using the issue to stonewall House investigators when it comes to document requests and witness testimony a lot of Democrats say helps them build a case where obstruction of Congress trial Snyder n.p.r. News Washington today House Democrats will hear from a former u.s. Ambassador as part of the impeachment inquiry Michael McKinley was a top aide to Secretary of State Mike pump aoe until last week that's when McKinley resigned and Oklahoma judge has admitted to making a 100 $7000000.00 math error when he gave his verdict in the state's opioid case from member station k.g. O. You Jackie $48.00 reports in August Johnson and Johnson was ordered to pay Oklahoma more than half a 1000000000 dollars at a hearing Tuesday Oklahoma judge that Baldwin acknowledged that he meant to order Johnson and Johnson to pay the state 107600 dollars for one portion of the addiction costs not the 100 and $7600000.00 written into the decision his announcement could mean the judgment will be cut but it's unclear how much Johnson and Johnson will ultimately have to pay Oklahoma the judge will rule on other legal objections to his verdict at a later date Jackie $48.00 reporting the National Weather Service is warning that a strong storm is developing off the coast of the mid Atlantic states it will bring very heavy rainfall to the area today and surge into the northeast by tomorrow you're listening to n.p.r. . Turkey's president says his country will stop its military offensive into northern Syria against Syrian Kurdish fighters only if they put down their weapons and pull out of the designated border area president. Says his country won't give in to world pressure to stop its military actions vice president Mike Pence is flying to Turkey today Swedish automaker Volvo is announcing its plans to help reduce carbon emissions company representatives made the announcement in Los Angeles where Volvo's 1st all electric cars being unveiled this morning from member station k.p.c. See Sue carpenter reports Volvo says that within 5 years most of its cars will be electric and Samuelsson as president and chief executive of Volvo cars he says the company will introduce a new electric vehicle for each of the next 5 years when there will be an all electric to elect the version. That we are selling Samuelson says Volvo his goal is to take concrete actions that align with the Paris climate agreement of 2015 but am Selema global warming to $1.00 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels where the 600 companies have pledged to do their part to limit global warming Falvo plans to be fully carbon neutral by 2040 for n.p.r. News I'm Sue carpenter in Los Angeles the Washington Nationals are going to their 1st World Series they defeated the St Louis Cardinals last night 74 to take the National League Championship Series the Nats will take on either the New York Yankees or the Houston Astros in the World Series I'm core of a Coleman n.p.r. News support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include I drive maker of remote p.c. Providing real time remote access to computers anywhere and featuring remote p.c. Vision and augmenting reality support to learn more at remote p.c. Dot com. Today on This American Life Stacey is standing on a street corner in Brooklyn wearing this cost her. Feathers rise up in the back 7 was coming out of this some stones came off just know if you're going to do it carry some crazy. We go inside one of the biggest parties in New York City people are masks rivalries go back years later today this. Program questions everything except your intelligence coming up in the space time continuum never understood the space is one thing time is another thing time is things changing things happen in space so no space. Time and things just the way they are in space without getting into when you disagree with Einstein and modern physics the strange time continuum. First. Public radio. On the next valley addition to violent incident shook the sick community in Bakersfield this year now a women's group is running a resource hotline in English and shopping and one father in Fresno who lost 2 children to gun violence has a strategy for fighting it in his own neighborhood is a working we follow him to find out I'm Karen Klein and I'm Daniel tune into Valley edition Friday morning at 9. I mean to Martin and I'm Steve Inskeep How is the White House going to defend itself against an ongoing impeachment inquiry some White House officials and people connected to the White House have declared a congressional investigation to be unconstitutional have said they will not cooperate Rudy Giuliani the president's personal lawyer says he does not have to comply with subpoenas his lawyer wrote a letter saying the impeachment inquiry was unconstitutional and baseless and then that lawyer resigned vice president Pence has issued a more nuanced statement suggesting that he may be able to provide some documents in some circumstances the White House Counsel's Office has said there is no need to cooperate with an illegitimate inquiry and yet witnesses connected with the administration continue to appear before a House impeachment inquiry So what's going on Steven Groves is on the line he has a special assistant to the president until recently was in the White House Counsel's Office and is now deputy press secretary Mr Gross Good morning morning thank you ever for having me on I want to begin with Rudy Giuliani's statement the statement made by his lawyer who then resigned saying it was unconstitutional and baseless to to investigate in this way and saying that he doesn't have to provide documents for various reasons really direct question because you're a lawyer in the United States can someone decide to ignore a subpoena. People can ignore or not comply with 'd subpoenas you know if they're asking for materials that the person issuing the subpoena are entitled to like for example if someone subpoenaed you and said I want all the communications between you Steve Inskeep and your lawyer you don't have to necessarily comply with that subpoena I mean you might you might have to litigate and have a judge decide whether your attorney client privilege can be overcome by the subpoena but the subpoena alone. Is not something that cannot be challenged in the United States in other words you can save Sumi. You can or the person issuing a subpoena can realize oh I'm asking for attorney client privilege serial here maybe I'll pursue other documents that are covered by a privilege Well I want to understand Giuliani's position and I recognize that he's outside the White House you don't directly speak for him but yeah course have to have some understanding of this Giuliani has publicly said in the last couple of days I don't care if people look into my business dealings in the Ukraine and of course Giuliani had business dealings in Ukraine while also representing the president of the United States in seeking an investigation of people connected with Joe Biden and Joe Biden himself he said I don't care if people look into my business dealings they can look into it all they want but then his lawyer drops this letter saying that we won't cooperate if there is nothing to hide why not cooperate. Well you're quite right that as a private citizen not working in the u.s. Government I don't speak for Rudy Giuliani and then more to the point the letter that you referenced in the opening issued by the White House counsel you know that that doesn't apply to people you know outside of the administration I think that. There may be some things that were subpoenaed from Giuliani that touch on attorney client privilege if they were communications that he had with the president but otherwise you know it's up to Giuliani to decide whether he's going to be complying with a congressional subpoena and would you urge him to cooperate and comply with a legitimate subpoena was definitely not my place to urge him about complying with the subpoena that's something that he and if he retains another lawyer as you pointed out they'll have to decide that or or deal with Congress in their own way or have to go to court if the subpoena is going to be enforced or of Congress tries to hold them in contempt these are all decisions that you Leon you will have to make I'm trying to understand the White House specifically the White House's strategy here as well because the White House counsel as you know for whom you worked until recently has taken what to a layman seems like the same view this is an illegitimate inquiry we don't have to comply with anything and yet people who are in the administration still are testifying showing up complying with subpoenas producing documents when asked Are is the White House doing anything to try to stop them. The White House has been clear on its position that you know in the past when impeachment Cory's have been opened there's been certain processes that everyone has agreed to whether it was Nixon with a Democrat Congress or Clinton with a Republican Congress there's been a 4 vote opening of formal inquiry and then most importantly in both cases. Men and de minimus due process rights were afforded to both President Nixon and to court today but I want to suffer the same because we have discussed this but you're in a situation now where you've said the house is being unfair we don't have to cooperate and yet people are cooperating are you trying to stop them in any way. I believe without getting into anything that's like internally deliberative witnesses has been informed about executive privilege and informed about classified information. And they have gone and participated or sad for depositions or interviews hopefully they you know are you know know what their obligations are as current or former employees of the federal government the city revealing executive privilege in revealing classified information. But. You know we're going to go forward with this inquiry as as best we can given the Democrats. You know lack of transparency lack of formality and you know we'll see how this thing pans out in the end but right now the White House is clear that it's not going to participate in an illegitimate sham process which is really what this is but you're only going so far in stopping other people who are working for the u.s. Government from participating when you say we're going to go forward as best we can that's what I hear you saying and that's what seems to be happening. Well we don't want people to be hurt we don't want people to be held in contempt you know the Democrats are are issuing subpoenas like hotcakes and you know we have an obligation to protect classified information and executive privilege information and we'll go forth and this thing. You know as best we can and we intend to go forward not to Mr Gross thanks for your insights really appreciate it thank you Steve Steven Groves is a special assistant to the president of the United States n.p.r. White House correspondent Frank Gore join us has been listening along with us and Franco What do you hear there well I mean he's following the administration line he's talking about. You know that the administration is you know is not going to cooperate with what it sees as a sham investigation criticizing Palosi and Democratic leadership of giving out subpoenas like hotcakes but I found it interesting that you know he you know said that the administration won't cooperate or at least the White House won't be quite cooperate but as you pointed out we're finding out that many members of the administration are sitting down for these interviews and the White House is is only going so far to try to stop them we haven't had court battles over the testimony of various u.s. Diplomats for example know exactly I mean this is this been fair it's very fascinating particularly you know we have someone coming up we just had told her we just had we have mechanically coming tomorrow Party today it's you know the next few days are going to continue to be very interesting N.P.R.'s Frank or Don yes thanks so much thank you authorities in Fort Worth shared more details yesterday about the killing of a Tatyana Jefferson She's the 28 year old black woman who was shot by a white police officer who had been called to her house to do a welfare attack Jefferson's young nephew told investigators that his aunt heard a noise outside and pointed her gun at a window right before the officer outside shot her that officer who resigned from the department Monday has now been charged with. Murder N.P.R.'s law enforcement correspondent Martin costy reports on what the case says about the state of police training and the problem of officers who are too quick to shoot in the last few years there's been a push to teach police to get better at avoiding split 2nd decisions about using force the mantra is time and distance deescalate get back up and avoid surprises but in the body camera video of the Fort Worth incident you see Officer Aaron Dean in the dark sneaking around the house. Whispering to his partner as he approaches the fatal window the question is always going to be how does a person on the other side perceive that Walter Katz has worked in police oversight in California and Chicago and now he's a private consultant for departments he says thinking about perceptions is vital to good policing understanding that when you're near a residence and Texas where a lot of homeowners have firearms understanding how would somebody react to hearing a potential problem are outside their home at 2 30 in the morning creating unnecessary risk or escalating a conflict he says that's the kind of thing that he sees more often from inexperienced officers who are often stuck on overnight shifts the officer in Fort Worth had been on the job only a year and a half but even if he lacked experience he likely did have extensive training according to Kim Vickers Vickers is executive director of the Texas Commission on law enforcement and he says the officer is sure to have had training in deescalation and shoot don't shoot scenarios I would almost guarantee you there officers on the 4th police department if they've been there any length of time have gone through multiple times of those trainings still vicars says it's not easy to break policing of certain bad habits such as the so-called warrior style of training which has come under intense criticism from groups such as Black lives matter it's a style of training that's fallen to official disfavor but some police departments still hire consultants who use video clips of cops being ambushed and killed. To impress upon officers the potential dangers posed by civilians Vickers says he tries to discourage departments from too narrow a focus on this kind of mentality we're just real slow to change and it's hard the Swat stuff and all that stuff is is impressive and it's sexy and it's hard not to fall into that and policeman Tallaght is what Cory session blames in the case of the Fort Worth shooting sessions vice president of the Innocence Project of Texas he got the training he got the training the tragedy Sessions says is that the officer didn't follow the training he made a judgment instead of just following what the written policy is you just knock on the door hello such as if there is a silver lining here it's that he believes this incident has increased pressure on city officials to create a civilian review board for the Fort Worth police one of the last big city departments without one Martin n.p.r. News. This is n.p.r. News. From Silicon Valley to the San Joaquin Valley what happened in California matters to you and the host of The California Report inviting you to join me weekday mornings for the latest news from across the Golden State now with expanded coverage at New Times 6 50 am and 8 50 am here on Valley Public Radio f.m. 89. Calendar Fresno City College is hosting the annual toasting the arts dinner and auction Saturday October 19th 5 30 pm enjoy food fun and entertainment while you support scholarship funds for performing and communication arts students tickets and more information through friends of the Arts a Fresno City College 594424600 the San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust invites you and your children ages 6 to 9 to an outdoor adventure the weekend you've naturalist program aims to equip the next generation with the skills necessary to be stewards of the earth through fun learning activities reservations River Parkway org. The heritage art gallery Historical Museum presents to Larry County educators art exhibition a special showing by flurry County teachers there will be an opening reception Thursday October 24th $5.00 to 7 pm with a chance to meet the artist this event is free on the public is welcome. To Larry Historical Museum daughter org China peak ski resort will be holding its 20192020 hiring fair Friday and Saturday October 25th and 26 from 9 to 5 pm in the cold to see our vista mall many full and part time jobs are available for the upcoming winter season information is its Ki-Chan a peek dot com. P.r. Comes from this station and from Alliance for lifetime income educating Americans about annuities and protected lifetime income online and across America is sponsor of the Rolling Stones $21000.00 u.s. Tour at Alliance for lifetime income dot org from Jones Day and integrated partnership collaboratively providing legal services for more than a century 43 offices 5 continents serving clients as one for worldwide learn more at Jones Day dot com and from Subaru featuring the 3 row ascent with seating for up to 8 and a choice of 2nd row captains chairs love it's what makes Subaru Subaru learn more at Subaru dot com. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Steve Inskeep a lot of Americans are using gender pronouns differently this is pretty simple or it was in the past she him her But many people are embracing what they see as a morning clues of way of speaking using gender neutral pronouns like they and them for people who are gender non-binary and don't associate female or male This is in fact changing workplace norms in many places but that shift can be tricky N.P.R.'s Yuki Noguchi reports as a child Joshua Byron realized dressing up as Princess layer was unconventional for a boy it wasn't until young adulthood that Byron 1st encountered the concept that someone could identify it as something other than male or female the idea of being gender neutral or part one part the other felt like it fit so Byron who's $24.00 came out as gender non-binary to friends 3 years ago Byron wanted to be referred to in the 3rd person as they or them as in they meaning Byron asked their friends to honor their wish but they didn't feel comfortable asking the same of people at work I had a very supportive friend group and then I would sort of go to work and I would not think about that part of myself that changed 2 years ago after Byron applied for a teaching job in New York a reference outed Byron as non-binary the new employer had no problem with it and hired Byron but being out at work meant fielding endless questions from colleagues is this really a thing how could a plural pronoun refer to one person as well as more invasive personal inquiries I think people feel really in Times about you know I guess as a who to understand if you like how can this be how can this be I think this is breaking some rule norms about gender have been changing studies show more people especially young people identify as something other than male or female Some employers are already shifting policies United Airlines gives customers the option to you. As non-binary when booking tickets retirement company t.i.a.a.