Colorado Public Radio is supported by active members thank you to network partners Gwen young bud and Marie wants to itch and Barbara Benedict for sustaining c.p.r. Programming learn about giving levels on the support page at c.p.r. Dot org. You know let. Let. Let let. Let. Let let. Let let let let. Let let let let let let let let let. Her. And. That. Was the in. The end. Was saying. States music by Antonio. Classical the overture to fall staff or the 3 hoaxes. Up next local guitarist went to Aguilar who has these sots on playing her instruments your tone is your voice and with every know you play you're you're saying something and you're maybe you're making a statement even if you don't think of it that way though I think that is what you're doing and so I think I want to figure out how to to do that how to play every know in a way that reflects the music he reflects the composer and reflects everyone thats that's helped me play the music but also reflects who I am to. Go a little sarcastic sometimes I have a feeling I'm always kind of reflective too here's the reflective side of guitarists when Agel or she recorded this music by fancies Poulenc right here in our studio. B. . We have a mighty 5th Symphony coming up next no it's not Beethoven for a coffee at Colorado Public Radio brings you the full breadth of classical music from the past. To the press. Calm inspiration peacefulness when you need more of it we have it for you. C.p.r. Classical to name any time or hop on line at c.p.r. Dot org Support for Colorado Public Radio comes from Listen Up featuring control for home automation systems complete design and installation services available to create a smart home learn more at Listen Up dot com This is member supported c.p.r. Classical Good morning I'm Jean Inaba in all this week for Carla Walker It's been nice spending some daytime hours with you I'm usually your evening companion next week. What is it with composers and the number 5 I ask you maybe it's just a coincidence but you know some of their greatest symphonies were their 5th Beethoven Mahler Sabbat For example this is Perkoff contribution his mighty and bold Symphony Number 5. Conducts the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra. Org. You. Feel. To. Feel. Beautiful. Me me me me me me. Me me me me. Me. Me I am. Union Union. There's. The I. A lawyer. hey . That is music with a lot of wow at the Symphony Number 5 by Sergei Prokofiev have mercy on since conducted that most spirited performance by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra for coffee it's 50 states from the mid 1940 s. While World War 2 was in full swing I conceived of it as glorifying the grander of the human spirit praising the free and happy man his strength his generosity and the purity have his soul words there they composer himself there's a fascinating back story about the premiere of these 5th Symphony in Moscow troops of the Red Army were embarking on their triumphant March into Nazi Germany Soviet artillery was standing at the ready to signal to the Muscovites when the advance was underway for coffee f. Took his place on the podium to conduct the symphony the thunder of artillery salvo suddenly broke the silence for coffee if waited until they can as has stopped before bringing his baton down on the premiere of his new Symphony Number 5 story let me totally different next some water music from handle on c.p.r. Classical. Q. This is c.p.r. Classical at 88 point one in Denver mid day Mozart is coming up at noon and this weekend as an f y I there is more Mozart at the Colorado Symphony Douglas Boyd a former principal guest conductor of the orchestra returns to Denver this weekend to conduct late Mozart according to Boyd both conks final symphonic triptych was a tour de force created in a remarkable period of time the 3 some funny so 3948 that were performing on the Jupiter 7041st were all written in the space of 6 weeks. With from. I would challenge your listeners to destroy copy these 3 scores in 6 weeks never mind compose them and if you look at the facsimiles you know the original material there is hardly a correction it is utterly extraordinary if you look at it in modern technology Mozart's brain was the hard drive and the quill would have been the printer for Willow and. He'd already composed it it was already in the hard drive and so the 6 weeks were to a large extent copping out what was already in his head. Was . That less Boyd conducts a mostly Mozart program this weekend at the Colorado Symphony details or on line at c.p.r. Dot org. Boy only 2 Was. Was. This is c.p.r. Classical the liquid Denver at $88.00 f.m. On h.d. 2 it may be point one f.m. And t.v. Xo for colored it $88.00 f.m. Support for Colorado Public Radio comes from the Littleton symphony presenting The Composer is Dead their annual children's concert this Saturday at 230 at Littleton United Methodist Moore at Littleton symphony dot org I'm Barbara sector I live in Denver and I'm a network partner when I think about giving $100.00 a month or more I realize how little that is every day and I think giving that to c.p.r. In making net.