Transcripts For KUSA Today 20161028 :

Transcripts For KUSA Today 20161028

and if she got change she put the oval office for sale. anchts mother's pay. we responds gary and refused to describe his relationship with her daughter. this morning she is speaking out to nbc news. and sweet home chicago. cubs team to wrigley field. we are ability to give two tickets away today friday, october 28th, 2016. good morning everyone. welcome to today on a friday at wrigley field tonight for game there? >> moments after we give those away i was honing you would be that person's date. >> we will end up at this place in chicago. that world famous bar is filled with fans this morning ch it is there we'll give away tickets in just a little while. >> i love let's start with this scene. governor mike pence's plane sliding off the runway download. tom has made his way there overnight. what can you tell us, tom? >> reporter: this flight was coming in landing on runway 22. they removed the plane from the populations. later today they begin an analysis. it was a rough and scary landing. it happened in the pouring rain. just before 8:00 p.m. a plane skidding off the wet runway. >> a 737 ran tauf roadway. zblt just any plane the one carrying indiana governor, mike sp pence. >> passengers clearly rattled. >> you could smell the rubber. that's when we realized it was a typical mandate. >> he said it wasn't the first time pence's plane had a bumpy landing. out. >> the if aa says runway safety system stopped the bed! arrester beds are faa required ip sta installations which is to slope down an aircraft which is approaching the end of the runway. >> they tweeted overnight, so thankful everyone is responders and concern and prayers of so many. late thursday at a rally in ohio donald trump said he spoke to pence. >> i do know he was in an accident with a plane. he's okay. the plane stwas in danger. >> our imports are from a third world country. become a third world country. >> as for democrats, hillary clinton and tim kaine said they were glad pence was okay. pence did not answer questions when we got to his hotel. >> so the ntsb will be looking at the cockpit how far down the runway did the pilot land? was he coming in too fast in all of that all right part of this investigation with the ntsl pod. >> okay. 11 days to gochl. new numbers out. have already cast their ballots according to ballots provided by target smart. >> it shows the race is at a dead heat there. clinton and trump tied. >> beth holding rallies achbltd clinton had two events focused on vetters. trump is his rifle appears to be looking forward to what happens after election day. we kick off our coverage this morning. good morning. >> good morning. health care healthcare is increasingly looking beyond district of columbia. nbc news reporting hillary clinton's transition team is adding him to a short list for secretary of state. after considering a run himself burg the primary biden had been a constant presence on the trail for clinton. clinton is ahead in most polls but the race isn't locked up yet. and thursday donald trump about clinton's general. >> she put the secretary of state up for sale and if she got the state she would put the oval office up for sale office. >> hacked e-mails including a memo wbin by doug band. he said we dedicated ourselves in for-profit activities. >> the e-mails aren't authenticated by the clinton campaign. clinton's spokesperson pushing back. >> they have had that there was no decision on ho turned to the campaign. >> she enlisted barack obama. >> if hillary clinton does not win this election it is because we did not vote for her. that is what her opponent is hoping will happen. this election so dirty we don't want any part of it. >> the candidate repeatedly calling the election rigged. a trump official telling bloomberg business week it has voter suppression operation underway. either this unsnamed source misspoke or they have no idea what we are trying to accomplish >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to right, right? >> the billionaire saying it was illegal. >> it happened after a taping of access hollywood. >> hello. network. t >> he referred to others as gwht her campaign called its toughest battleground stale. she will try to energize her base women voters join bade number of women rights leaders. >> all right. thank you. we have nicole and steve let me start with you that hillary clinton has joe biden on a short list to be considered for secretary of state should she win. a, what are you reporting on this and b, is this what alike out there? >> they say their focus is on closing strong, having the best 12, 13, whatever it is we have left to go. his current responsibilities he is deeply engaged. he would certainly be willing to do so. they knowledge and our reporting confirms he is on that list. zwl it is kind of measuring the drapes of optics there. i wouldn't think they would want it all. they are trying to' if itks out. >> the west is lacking . >> let me ask you about this. it is a steady, drip, drip, drip. at this stage of the campaign with 11 days go, have supporters already factored this into their decision? have they come to accept that there are going to be things dealing with trust and going get satisfactory answers to? >> the you go back to all of the questions around why bernie sanders stay until after he couldn't become the nominee. chuck reminds us sit the two most popular. this is baked in the cake now. even people who say they are for her despite these kind of issues. >> if you're a fence sitter -- >> yes. or swing voters. >> if trump is relatively on mess age it can't be good for clinton. >> she has a little bit of rig l i like the idea of voting for clinton say what it, this is whefrg i don't like there is still room for north carolina to win. >> and the people supporting him have already accepted the fact there would be things to do with his semperment that they don't like. >> all right. thank you both very much! inspi inspirational time. they protest the construction of a pipeline. we have the latest on this. good morning. >> good morning. the con fran fronation between police and protesters spilled into the early morning hours. more than 140 people were arrested and a second bridge was set on fire. demonstrators promise their where they clashed with native american protestors, an army of 200 officers clearing semists demonstrat demonstrators. use high pitched sound authorities arrested protesters that we fused to leave private labd. >> many get into the officers and say hundreding vowing they will be back. >> what lengths are they willing to go? >> it will cross four states with some 1,200 miles of pipe. capableover transporting oil a day. they say the pipeline plan to pollute the missouri river which provides water to millions of people. after months of protest this turned into a movement, the largest modern day with celebrities and activists going but those -- it's for the protection of all of us. >> reporter: authorities called this a mass arrest operation. protesters and police say there is no end to these demonstrations insight. >> all right. thank you. the making. it is the first time since 1945. no. i was not there. the cubs and indians tide it a game a piece. fans will be going out of their plan to. > > . >> reporter: you know, spring fans get excited. this year they are here. you guys ready? everywhere you look it's cubs, cubs, cubs. they put a big c in front of the name. the lions at the art institute are wearing helmets for the first time ever. they are getting their fingernails done, haircuts, you that's the lucky number, 108. the willis tower broadcasting the 23118th i will have to get into costume. how does that song go? go thaw are almost requester if a we with. >> we'll find out who is going to tonight's game a little later. >> you weren't there but listening to it on the radio in 1945 was just as exciting. >> i just set them up. fr forecast? >> let's show you what the forecast is for the next three days. today windy, 64 degrees. showers possible for tomorrow's game four and of 66. the temperature about 53 degrees. we have had non-baseball-like weather moving there. this is michigan. we are looking at any where from 1 to 3 inches of know parts of ran every day. ser toit is now pushing away. some snow in northern new england. wet weather along the coast. we may see rain from portland on into east port. we'll continue your forecast coming up in the next 30 >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks very much. >> coming up we'll talk to mike pence about the rough landing at the airport last night and the trump's plans for the last day of this race. and seawe will talk about refung her daughter but first this is with my moderate to severe crohn's disease,... ...i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i had it covered. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,... including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,... ...and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,... ...hepatitis b, are prone to infections, ...or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. ? ? special k nourish. apples, almonds, and raspberries. devour something different. special k nourish. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, it just made me feel good. this is dove. i'll have that goat cheese garden salad. that gentleman got the last one. sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. can i keep the walnuts? sold. but i get to pick your movie. can i pick the genre? yes, but it has to be a comedy. a little cash back on the side. with the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. throw. s more than cash back. it's backed by the service and security of american express. liste of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine?. bring out the bold? hillary clinton: far too many families today don't earn what they need and don't have the opportunities they deserve. women, and jobs they can really live on. people ask me what will be different if i'm president? well kids and families have been the passion of my life and they will be the heart of my presidency. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. if you' try clarispray.mes to escape your nasal allergies... from the makers of claritin. runny nose, and nasal congestion. return to the world. try clarispray today. good morning, i'm corey rose, here's a look at what's happening on channel 20 for nine news 8 am. health insurance in colorado is pretty limited these days. the most recent changes over on channel 20. let's check weather and traffic with amelia and marty. >> there's a massive delay building around the denver tech center. northbounders are backed up to lincoln. the left lane is closed and as we see on our c-dot camera, this is what it feels like to sit in this delay. as we go down to ground level, the back-up is here so through that cdot camera, we can see into the slowdown. look at the opposite side of the highway, that's the southbound traffic coming through because of all the curiosity. >> they're going, what's going on over there?"i just want to say drive your car, unless you're going to stop and help. for us today, no sun glare because of the clouds in the area. we will get a bit of sun going in the afternoon with light showers in the mountains and during the day. it will take just a little bit of is unto move us into the lower 80s. day 2 of record heat around here. the old record -- i should say the existing record is 80. i do think we're going to break that during the day today. slightly cooler for the weekend. still a solid 15 above average and then mild and dry coming up for halloween. it's going to be a great night it is 7:30, friday morning, october 28, 2016. there is a happy crowd, and they are happy, because the one direction, specifically, niall horan, who has a solo act now. he is here. he has just released a and it soared right to number one. the girls outside all day. and they're like, and you are? >> you should tell them he will be inside and not outside. first, let's look at some of the headlines this morning, in ntsb go team arrives at laguardia airport to look into the incident involving governor mike pence's campaign plane. it slid off the runway during a bad rainstorm here last night. pence about that, and other things, in just a moment. federal jury delivered a surprise verdict on thursday. acquitting in the armed takeover of a federal wildlife refugee in oregon. the january standoff lasted about six weeks, brought attention to the long running dispute of control of federal lands. the bundys still face charges at a nevada ranch. vladimir putin sis his country is not trying to in race. speaking in a form in sochi, he accused americans of hysteria, calling it a ploy to distract voters. donald trump jr., making an unexpected stop on his way to a campaign in arizona, to help a driver whose car was stuck. and trump is there on the right. he and two other men help push the woman's car off the road and the woman. >> exciting times on the campaign trail. let's bring in indiana governor, mike pence. governor, good morning. always good to see you. we're really glad to see you, that was scary last night. what -- was it -- >> it was ten seconds of uncertainty, as the plane came down. we just have been so moved by the outpouring of concern, but we're all fine and ready to hit the campaign trail today. responders, thank the people who made the arrester strips also that stopped the plain before it got to the grassy area on to a busy highway here. >> right, it was pretty rema remarkable. we were flying low ceiling, but as soon as we landed, we could tell they were trying to brake the aircraft pretty quickly, and we felt the plane fishtailing a little bit, and then it slid side ways, and when we saw the knew we were off the runway. but we're so grateful. it seemed like the first responders were literally around the airplane before it came to a rest. we thanked the pilots as well. my son is a marine corps aviator, and michael likes to say every landing you walkway from is a good landing. >> our campaign reporter part of p used to bumpy landings. is that something you've ever been worried about before? >> no, i've never been concerned about it. we've been landing on some pretty short are underways around the country. we have a family in, we feel like we're supposed to be. hopefully serving as vice-president of the united states, after this election, so we're just, we're really grateful everybody is okay, off to pennsylvania and north carolina. >> you're really happy the president corps is okay? just kidding. i'm glad your wife and daughter are okay too. yesterday, your running mate joked and said maybe we should cancel the election and declare me the winner now. it was tongue and cheek, we should admit that, but coming on the mealsheels of his pledging that he'll accept the results, should a candidate for president be casting doubt in that way? >> you're absolutely right in saying he was joking about that, specifically, he was talking about the news about obama care, which i can tell you, traveling out west, campaigning all week, people are very troubled by the news there will be a 25% in the average premiums under obama care next year. hillary clinton's plan is to continue to expand it. she would like to bring single obama care. donald trump and i are committed to repealing obama care and replacing it, with the kind of health insurance reform that gives consumers more choices. >> you are correct -- his joke was about obama care, but in combination with those other statements, should he be casting doubt on the election process? >> he was joking about that. but i -- i do think that now is the time for people to take an opportunity, not only to exercise their franchise to vote, and early voting is underway in many states ad but also, where there are concerns about the process, you know, our elections are administered on a state level, whether you're republican, democratic, independent, there are ways for citizens to be respectfully involved in the electoral process. we want a victory on november 8th, but i want a victory for american democracy as well. >> you mention, we were talking about the rigged system this morning, you have seen polls tightening up and good momentum ti -- trump/pence ticket. does that relief any concerns about a rigged system? something that donald trump talks a lot about, that somehow the election will be unfair? here you are seeing things going more your way, does that settle those concerns? >> well, you know, when he has talked about rigged system, he has talked as much frankly about how the bias that we see in much of the national media, with all due respect to the both of you. there was a study recently that showed that evening network news, he gotten the majority of coverage in the last few months, but 91% of it was negative. >> the polls are tightening, the proof is in the pudding. >> i think they're tightening because the american people are focusing on how dramatic a choice we have here. a chance between change and status quo. choice between policies that have weakened america's place in the world, stifled our economy, and in donald trump, we have leadership that will rebuild our military, revive the american did through tax relief, regulatory reform, repealing obama care, and having trade deals that will put the american worker first. >> can you answer in five seconds, would joe biden make a good secretary of state. >> we'll have a lot of good choices if we have the privilege to serve. it is the greatest honor of my life, standing shoulder to shoulder with the man who i believe will be the next president of the united states. >> heading to pennsylvania today. >> pennsylvania and north carolina. >> pennsylvania, could you drive or take the n. governor, thank you, our best to your family as well. >> thank you. let's check the weather with al. >> warm weather to talk about throughout most of the country, could even be records set in between the rockies and into the plains. we're looking at 85 degrees in oklahoma city. san antonio, atlanta, 70s in indianapolis, and that makes its way to the southeast, as we get into the beginning of next week as well. and of course, we're are a excited, sunday night football night in america, at&t said stadium, it will be clear, mild and 78 degrees. on sunday night, football night, in america, here on nbc. >>announcer: this sunday night football weather is brought to you by verizon, introducing lte advance, largest and fastest 4 g network ever. better matters. watch every live, local and primetime game with nfl mobile, exclusively on verizon. the one thing you should never do when you wake up. mother responding to i'm jamie foxx for verizon, america's best network. and i'm jamie foxx for t-mobile. you are not jamie foxx. t-mobile's got unlimited data. really? 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? i love it ? start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. i was in shock when my to me the acidity dentiof foods andining what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence. pronamel is all about your enamel. helping to protect your enamel. alright, how's this for a tv show. sous chef. lawyer by day, prep-cook by night. also, his name is sous. no. sloppy joseph. a middle-aged man who's trying to get his life together, but he can't - he's to sloppy. huhhh - no! i got this. i get cash back so it's like everything's on sale. with the blue cash everyday card from american express you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. everything's on sale! a home shopping show takes place on a sailboat. that's the one! banana boat dessert on me. look at you being all lactose tolerant. it's more than cash back. here's what's coming up on channel 20 for nine 9 a.m. this morning. a tax for sugary drinks. that's on the ballot because they want to make sure, everyone, especially kids stay healthy. broncos running back c.j. anderson in good spirits this morning even after he faced a -- faces a lengthy recovery weeks. a small group getting smaller every day but we have a chance to hear from an amazing world war ii pilot. >> right now we want to check the weather and the traffic with marty and amelia. >> thank you, gary. we're taking a look outside here, big improvement down to the south side where i-25 and county line is back to normal after an extensive slowdown because of a multi-car crash. up to the north side, we have a ing into downtown, southbound coming in from 120th there's a crash at 20th as well as a northbound wreck at i-70. southbound santa fe remains closed at union due to a serious crash that happened overnight. amelia, we have clouds over the area. those are going to be thinning through the morning, giving us a brief glimpse of sun every now and again but plenty to get us quite warm. light showers will be confined to the mountains and west and today. highs in the 60s and 70s in the mountains. mid-70s out west and record- setting heat here for the front range and denver area specifically, even with just a little sun i think we're going to top 80 degrees today which will be an in new record high. over the weekend, it is plenty warm, dry, but not quite to record levels. we do moderate things a little it's 8:00. close call. vp hopeful, mike pence's plane slides off the runway, as his rug campaigns in ohio, and calls for a big win. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right. while hillary clinton tries to shake off new allegations of improprieties at her family foundation, with just 11 days to go until the election. plus, big country surprise. hoda heads south to treat a very special teacher to the surprise of a lifetime. >> alicia. >> oh, my god. >> and you won't believe what >> i don't know we're going. if the whole world was watching -- and going solo, he shot to star dumb in one direction. now, niall horan is kicking off a solo career, with a highly anticipated performance, right here in studio 1a, today, we are back now, 8:00 on friday morning. it is the 28th day of october, 2016. we have a big, big fall classic crowd here. a lot of these people probably her here to see niall horan as well. from what group? >> one direction. >> you have a brain cramp. >> i love it. >> you rarely do. >> you flushed. >> you know what, when it came out of my mouth, i said that didn't sound right, and then she >> youou were channeling the fih dimension from 1970s. >> that would be my era. >> we have such a great crowd on our plaza this morning. i have to say there is nuth not like the crowd we're going to see at wrigley field. impossible tickets. can we show savannah's jersey real quick. >> we are all wearing our jerseys. >> i couldn't choose. >> come on, man! >> i'm neutral. >> you need to go out on a limb. >> they're both so great and they both deserve it. >> earlier this week we launched our world series super fan get away kicking off the search for the biggest cubs and indians fans. surprised our winning indians fans for two tickets to the series. now after going through thousands of entries, we're going to give away two more tickets this time to the ultimate cubs fan. let's take a look at our three finalists. first up, we have jennifer. she shared this video of her husband, dwight. he's sobbing at a bar the moment the cubs made it to a world series. the two of them went to their first cubs game together 15 and together ever since. next up, bob stewart and dwight ha haulenbeck. a former principal and gave barb her first teaching jobs because he could tell she was a cubs fan. that was 41 years ago and the two get together today. i love that. last but not least, rosell shared this picture of ted, her cub wearing stuffedma years. listen to this, the bear even went on the honeymoon. comforted her through the ups and downs and downs and downs every cub season. meanwhile, she is in chicago with our finalists ready to surprise the winners with tickets to tomorrow's game. that's basically baseball heaven. how are the fans holding up? >> i wish i had the words to i have a question for you, i have a question. is anybody going to work today? anybody going to work? okay. so, let's get right to it. okay, everybody. let's introduce you to the finalists. first of l we have jennifer and her husband dwight. is it really true you saw him tearing up. >> he did the ugly cry and he didn't even ugly cry at our wedding. i knew then it was real. those emotions were completely real. what would it mean to you to go >> no words could even mean what it would mean to me to go to a game. such an amazing time and we've been waiting for this for so long. >> let me introduce you to barb and dwight. you guys have been waiting for 41 years. what would it it mean for you here in chicago? >> i grew up watching with my dad and my mom is 99 and we're just so excited and this me right out of college. >> you got to be friends ever since. >> he hired me because i was a cubs fan. >> now we have raquel and her father rafael. this is ted here. have you ever washed him? >> i have not washed ted because he doesn't need a bath. >> for the last 40 years, he never needed a bath. are we ready to announce who is going to game four? drumroll, please. okay. got our two tickets here. ready? the winner -- the winner is, the winner is barb and dwight! tell me this -- ? >> i think i'm going to cry. you guys have been waiting your whole life for this. he's 88 years old. congratulations. >> thank you! >> all right, guys, back to you. >> that's cool. they're going to have a blast. thank you for that. that was fun. >> so cute. all right, we do have other stories. here's the news at 8:00. >> good morning. no world series tickets here, but we do begin with the race for the white house. i'm haley jackson in new york where mike pence has a new campaign plane after his other one skidded off the runway overnight at laguardia shutting down the airport. no injuries, but the ntsb is looking into it. both trump and pence will get back out on the campaign trail today as will hillary clinton with nbc news confirming her transition team is seriously considering a big name as a president joe biden, if clinton wins. on a rainy runway a scary landing. >> remain seated. >> reporter: mike pence's plane skidding off the tarmac, mud splashing the cockpit windshield. >> a quick bounce and for about two, three seconds started to slide. >> reporter: no one was hurt. pence posing with rescuers afterwards. the accident shut down the airport for nearly 40 minutes. >> we felt, felt the plane fishtailing a little bit and then it slid we saw the mud splash up on the windows up in the front of the aircraft, we knew we were off the runway. >> reporter: pence getting a call from his running mate as donald trump headed to a rally in ohio. >> the plane skidded off the runway and was pretty close to grave, grave danger. but i just spoke to mike pence and he's fine. got out. everybody's fine. >> reporter: trump blitzing the in a new interview whether he blames that now infamous "access hollywood" tape for his second place showing in most recent polls. >> the microphone is not supposed to be on. i don't make that as an excuse for myself, but it was an illegal act that was nbc. >> reporter: the candidate threatening to sue nbc. "access hollywood" and nbc universal program. trump with 11 days left in this race joking about getting it over with already. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right? what are we even having it for? what are we having it? her policies are so bad. >> reporter: hillary clinton now under fire for what is seen as the most damaging wikileaks release yet. stolen e-mails not authenticated by nbc news or the campaign describing bill clinton's business dealings making millions from clinton foundation donors. that's not illegal, but republicans are pouncing regardless. clinton looking past it on the campaign trail and looking ahead new this morning, a source familiar with the decision making confirms a political report that clinton is now seriously considering vice president joe biden as secretary of state. if she wins to help her get there the former first lady is getting a hand from the current first lady. some in the fired up crowd waiting overnight for the chance to see clinton and michelle obama on stage together. >> if hillary doesn't win this election, that will be on us. stand with her. it will be because we did not vote for her. and that is exactly what her opponent is hoping will happen. >> hillary clinton will be in iowa today and so will donald trump later on tonight with a new poll there showing the race in a dead heat. tied at 44% each. we're also get agnew look at the latest fund-raising numbers. the last of this race showing clinton with a clear financial election day. matt, savannah. >> all right, thank you very much. up next, what michael phelps is now revealing about his secret wedding before the rio olympics. hoda is wrapping up her month of pink power surprises with one of her biggest and best yet. look who's here. from one direction goes solo with a perform ance in studio 1. he just corrected me, again. first, these messa ebrating 115 years, giving away one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars and other daily cash prizes. buy today for your chance to win! ? president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton w much longer you think this will take? i'll over-explain the process, then give you an unrealistic timeline. i'll nod in agreement so my wife thinks i understand what you're saying. i look forward to questioning your every move. okay, well i'll leave your house in shambles and disappear for six months. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi? double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. we're back at 8:13. time for trending, folks. >> we were talking about the close door buttons in elevators, basically useless. the "new york times" highlighted two other buttons that don't make a difference either. first the crosswalk button. >> i knew it. >> you're waiting to cross the street. you have to push that button thinking the light is going to move along. the vast majority of them don't do anything. >> why are they there? >> and, secondly, the office thermostat. just don't bother with it. many offices are filled with so-called dummy thermostats designed to make workers think they have some kind of control. >> that's sad. >> that is horrible. >> that's great. what about the belly button. what does that do? >> why is that there? >> what doesha >> what's it holding up. >> joining us now the pillsbury dough boy. nc does the snooze button do anything? is it good to push? >> i don't hit it. if i hit it, do you fall back asleep? >> yeah. >> no, i have to get up right away. >> i hit it on my phone. >> you're a snoozer. >> in so many way, yes. >> what about you, savannah? dangerously. >> no. >> we can settle this. a reader wrote into an advice columnist in "wall street journal" is it all right to hit the snooze button. no, it is not. this columnist, i don't know what the expertise is you need to get up as soon as your alarm goes off because if you just confuse your body. >> i think it's more stressple. you fall asleep. >> i'd like to see that. >> the version of the snooze. >> if y that's just a snooze button. that's the same thing. >> but i get up with the first alarm generally. just in case. >> safe. proud of that jack-o-latern you just carved for the holiday weekend? those pumpkins are nothing compared to the ones the engineers at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory came up with. look at this a barbecue spin roast, a towering birthday cake, game. what a return mission from mars might look like. and, of course, a little political commentary. >> wow. >> it's like when martha stewart comes here with her jack-o-laterns and you just want to go home and throw yours out the window. >> your results may vary. >> we like this the most. it's a carving of our little buddy charlie. carver put this together for >> that's so sweet. >> i love it. >> he was simply glowing. >> that's cute. first up, michael phelps. we told you he secretly married his fiancee, nicole, back in june. yesterday on facebook live michael explained why he kept the wedding so secret. >> i had to keep it secret from y'all. i had to keep it hush hush from you guys. just because. thank you for the beautiful family and baby number two may be coming soon. >> wait, stop the press. baby number two may be coming soon. >> he's already stripped down. >> he's going swimming, i hope. so he kept it a secret just because he could and that's a good enough reason for anybody. he and nicole are already parents to just the cutest little kid, boomer, who was born back in may. >> that's a big old hint to i feel like he may know something. >> if we follow that pattern -- >> we'll see. next to jennifer lopez she is set to bring her super star talents to a live musical airing right here live on nbc. we have a tradition of staging musicals and this year is "hair spray" and jennifer will star in next year's production "bye-bye birdie." in a statement jennifer called people in the world. she's got "shades of blue" in vaegas and doing this. >> she does it all like a level ten. >> i want in on that. ? what's the matter with kids today ? >> come on. >> except i can't sing, but other than that. all right. pink power today is sponsored by net jets, the worldwide leader in private aviation. and now it is time for the finale of our series, in honor of breast cancer awareness month. >> hoda has been crisscrossing the country this month. >> i have had so much fun. such a special month. we've do a spa surprise, surprise party, surprise car delivery, even a surprise from wonder woman herself. th of one of country music's biggest stars. we told luke bryan about that amazing special ed teacher in missi mississippi, and he was more than happy to help her kick up the dust. >> you're lucky, you may have had that extra special teacher in your life. >> she is like a second mom. >> you know, the one who wouldn't just make learning fun, >> you got this test. you know it. you're ready. >> at rich land high school in richland, mississippi, it is alicia tems, ms. tems to her kids. >> she is like a lioness, that protects not only her family, but her family at the school. >> i love her. she is the most kindest person you'll ever meet. >> she'll stand up for you, no matter what. >> even when sheas with breast cancer a year and a half ago, which she tried to hide from her two young children, and her students as long as she could. until she lost her hair from chemo. >> we prayed, and we said that this will work. and -- i don't believe the girl missed a day. >> her students, still emotional about watching their greatest protector in pain. hey, hey, i'm fine. >> alicia acknowledges, it was these students who got her through those dark times. >> it was hard. i wouldn't have made it, had it not been for them. >> but little did she know, the whole school was in on a little secret. alicia's husband cliff, had written us about helping him arrange an adventure of a lifetime. spoid and a princess for the day. >> we had to tell a little white lie, doing a piece on special education teachers. we were about to reveal we were doing a piece on one special education teacher. [ applause ] >> the camera crew here today, they're with the "today" show. and going on a trip. >> we quickly whisked alicia off to the airport. where she hopped aboard a private plane to designations unknown. >> here we go. i don't know we're going. >> 90 minutes later, alicia and cliff touched down. >> there is a limo. why are those people filming? >> and alicia was stillur >> what is that? >> alicia. >> oh, my god. >> hi. >> okay, do you know where you are? >> no, i don't. >> you are in houston, texas. okay, guess where you guys are going tonight? >> where? >> oh, my god. you're loved. >> yes. >> i don't know if you know how much you're loved. do you know? >> i found out today. >> come on in. >> and the love continued on board the limo, with brand new concert ts and cowboy hats, naturally. >> tell me about you and luke bryan. have you ever seen him in concert? >> no, this is my first concert. >> what do you mean? >> ever. >> this is your first very concert ever? >> yeah. >> this is the best and the best day ever was about to get even better, as we waited backstage for the concert to begin. >> oh, my god! >> are you having a good day yet? >> yes, oh, my god. >> good to see you. i'm glad you all are having a good time. >> thank you. >> how are you? >> you all are from mississippi. flew in today? can you take a picture? >> hey, we got time for that. >> don't you love luke? >> i love being able to do this. make people happy. you got your tickets that hoda hooked you up with? >> hoda don't have the tickets. i got the tickets. there you go. i know a guy in the ticket office. >> luke, we love you. thanks to you. >> we love doing this. going through. we know it is a struggle, and -- >> you want one more hug? >> yes. >> glad you're beating it. >> yeah. >> awesome. have fun tonight. >> thank you. >> good to meet you. >> luke, fun was an understatement. >> houston! >> as far as concerts, this one wasn't bad. ? whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky ? >> a special day for a deserving special ed teacher from mississippi. ? rain is a good thing ? >> we love her so much, we're so happy to report, alicia is doing great. her doctors say she is in remission. by the way, when luke barged in the room, she was face timing her mother. she was like bye, mama. big dive in for luke. >> i love it was her first concert, ever. >> e a big thanks to luke bryan and his entire team. he is up for entertainer of the year. big thank you to the jets as well. they do such great work with the corporate angel network for cancer patients. we had so much fun doing it this month. >> hoda, thank you for all the smiles and a couple of tears too. let's head over to tamron. >> i hear the screams starting. do you hear it? single. what's up? he doesn't have a halloween costume yet. we're talking about that. are you good morning, here's a look at what's happening on channel 20 for 9 news a.m. the election cycle has been pretty mean. we're hearing that feedback from a lot of you. attacks on each candidate both political and personal but be careful where you're talking, you called "playground politics." >> people on the western slope will soon have fewer choices for health insurance carriers. by fewer choices, for some it will mean one choice. >> and you can be somebody's savior next week by donating blood. it's blood drive tore life at the mile -- for life at the mile high stadium. we talked to the top female blood donor. she has saved an incredible channel 20. let's check in on more potential record-breaking temperatures . >> here's a live look and proof that we're starting to improve. at 84th avenue and i-25, you have plenty of room, which is pretty rare, so enjoy that north end commute. but unfortunately, we still have to return to the southbound stretch of santa fe, which remains closed at union where a crash investigation pole and the highway shut down southbound. northbound remains open but it's highly visible across the road. the alternate is westbound union to southbound federal, back to eastbound bowles and marty, a lot of people got that delay because it's a connection. for us today we have thick cloud cover over the area today. that's going to thin for the afternoon, a little bit, not completely. but it will thin enough to really warm us up. we'll se western colorado tonight and tomorrow morning. not really going to affect that many places or provide that much moisture. for us today, i still think even with the clouds we're going to manage very briefly touch into the low 80s today. breaking another record high. we did yesterday at 83 degrees. warm over the weekend. dry over the weekend. the wind starts picking up sunday afternoon and continues good morning, everybody. it is 8:30, friday, october 28th. we've got a great crowd on the plaza. pretty ladies. we are going to turn it up quite a bit in quite a few moments, because -- >> yes. >> niall horan, of one direction fame, yes, is coming out right about now. >> boom. guys. he is going to perform his new solo single in just a little bit. and yes, he has willegions of f waiting all morning. >> great guy. meanwhile, we've covered the world series excitement, but there is a big football game as well. we've got chefs from both cities here, ready to share a few favorite football recipes. >> so savannah, what time do i call you and mike after the eagles lose to my cowboys? >> don't talk to me. >> snack talk. >> this is the one time we go at it. one time a year. with the holidays right around the corner, we'll introduce you to the year's absolute best new toys, talking about the best new toys, so we don't have to waste your time and money on anything else. speaking of the holiday, halloween is on monday, and ourselves. revealing our big costumes don't miss it. come dressed up. >> let's check the weather. let's look at the weekend. starting with tomorrow, we're looking at wet weather in the pacific northwest, northern and southern california, record warmth from midatlantic into the gulf coast. sunday, sunday, more rain, moving into the northeast. wet weather from the plains. the upper mississippi river california, and let's look ahead toward halloween night. spooky. casper, wyoming, 48, salem, that's your latest weather. don't forget, check it out any channel. thousands of now toys hit the shelves each and every year, just in time for this time of year. holiday season. which ones will stand up to the ultimate test, the kid test. only a select few earn an oppenheim, revealing the winners. >> good to see you, matt. >> these are kid tested, parents choices. >> absolutely. innovative and age appropriate, and at the end of the day, the kids have to love them. the first toy is from little people, and they're playing with it. what's great is you can use it as a tower, so you can use it this way. >> sets up two different ways. >> two different ways. the highest, and sets up as a roadway there. highest rating for toddler toys, our parents testers wanted me to say, it does not com >> next is what? >> castles are not new, but this one is. you can build is as one big castle, james, elizabeth are playing with it. it is a great to pretend they can use, and really good for building story telling ability, language skills, a great toy. >> durable, it will hold up? >> yeah it is a great toy. season that teach kids, introduce them to coding. >> how? >> each part will send it in a different direction and make a different sound. so kids learn how to use things in sequence, in an age appropriate way. one of the best uses of technology. it lights up, goes off, open-ended game. it is a lot of fun. >> i love that. >> now we're in early school. matt, this is one of the coolest toys -- >> like a tablet. >> this is osmo, i can then put one of the award stickers here. i push the button, and the animation will magically, watch for it, it will grab the wand. see the wand is in the animation. you know what i love about this toy is that it engages kids to use technology in an active way, rather than just watching the screen passively. >> is this expensive? >> the add-on is under $50. we grew up with racetracks, the showdown, what is different here is you have light-up tracks that glow in the dark, but then the cars will also leave a trace of light. super cool. this is a super big set. i call this a grand toy, but there are smaller sets. >> would this be appropriate for a 58-year-old man. i may have to take it home. >> you got it. everything on the site is not high this is a message from verizon group. they can show off, and also give as gifts, which we like as well. tweens, castles are super hot and this has enough to make seven different bracelets. >> last but not least? >> all right, this is the invention mansion from goldie build it any way you want. what i love, it is targeted to girls, but the brothers of the girls who tested it wanted it, and they wanted to build it. it is so cool. it even has a trapdoor. >> very cool. >> yeah. >> price see, or not? >> $59, and we have things on all price ranges, for all budgets and all ages. >> stephanie, these are great ideas. >> thank you, matt. >> as always, thank you very much. for the complete list of platinumar out the cowboys and eagles, but yeah, the music is on. 8:39, "today" loves football. city, and from the deep heart of texas, good morning to both of you. >> we've got a texas style recipe that tray will do. and we're doing cheesecakes, but you've got a twist. >> we're doing grilled cheese, so it will be crazy. i have a pork shoulder, i take a knife and make incisions on the inside. take the garlic and push it inside. each one. that's all. >> big shoulder. >> but this will cook down. i take some rosemary, shove it in. little bit of salt on the outside, same thing with the pepper. don't be afraid of the pepper. olive oil across the whole thing. pick it up, drop your oil everywhere, and pop it right into a crock pot. >> slow cooker. >> do it for about eight hours. leave it and let it go. then over here, we've got the part. >> that moist and easy. >> super, super easy. press it together. then you're going to pull it apart, let it sit. on the inside, there is a whole bunch of good garlic as well as in the pot, i put garlic too. pop it in there, and a little bit of the this, and i make my garlic butter. it works across. then over here -- >> nothing going to waste here. >> nothing. i've got my garlic butter, grain butter. >> i've got my cheese -- we're not all swine fans in philly, but this is a good way to go. pop the butter on the outside, just like that, and i take my pork, provolone. >> it has to be? >> it has to be, aged, nutty flavor to it. a little bit of broccoli rabe. the recipe is on the website. then your pulled pork over the top of that. same thing on the other side. pop it over here. >> throw it on the griddle. >> right on the griddle. >> i'm calling half time, tasters, what do we think of the cheese steak. >> it's good. >> i'm on the second half already. >> jay, what are we making? >> you know what, my boy j.j. wilcox is one of my closest friends, and so j.j.'s favorite chicken pies, i make a spice rub out of coriander seeds, chilli flakes, add it to the salt, season your chicken thighs, bone in, skin on. that's where the flavor is at, baby. >> don't think about a chicken breast, right? >> no, it is not that recipe. >> i know. we're not doing that. thighs, coomb the veg right here in the pan. hit it with some red wine. >> nice. >> tomato, thyme, it goes over this, pop it in the oven, boom. nice and simple. br braise it and it will fall off grits. >> let me take this giant spoon. >> there you go. >> guys, what do you think -- sorry, i'm eating for two. >> this is so good. what a new interpretation. >> it is where the flavor is at, baby. >> you are gatetting a lot of love. >> cowboys got the record. we may have to take it to night in america, 7:00 eastern. catch the recipes on the website. live performance from one direction star, niall horan, >>announcer: the citi concert series is presented to you by citi. hugely successful group, one direction, and his fans are so happy, because he is stepping out on his own. >> his solo career is off to a great start, his single, called "this town." >> debuted at number one on the twitter and top tracks. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> we were outside, talking about the world series and all of a sudden, this commotion in the crowd, and it was because little rehearsal. are you still getting your arms around that? >> you never get used to it, actually. i was saying to everyone this morning how nostalgic to be back here. i don't remember if all the times we were here. >> of course we do. >> so yeah, obviously you never get used to that. >> security still talks about that. >> so do i. >> let's talk about going out on your own, which i'm sure in some ways, it is bitter tweet, but it must be your music. >> obviously, it is going to be different, because there is less people with me. but yeah, it was a daunting prospect, but you know, the song is good, and i'm enjoying making the album and stuff like that. it has been a fun process, something i'm sure i'll get used to. >> always liked you so much, loved you so much, i saw you on he wi ellen and then i saw you on james corden. people mistake the two of you for one another. >> all the time. every time weo online, it's niall and ellen. they do split screen and all of that. >> we've got your halloween costume. >> seven with the skit with james. >> who is the better dancer, you or ellen. >> ellen. s she daniel >> ladies and gentlemen, niall horan. ? waking up to kiss you and nobody's there ? ? the smell of your perfume still stuck in the air ? ? it's hard ? ? yesterday i thought i saw your shadow running round ? ? it's funny how things never ? so far from the stars ? ? and i want to tell you everything ? ? the words i never got to say the first time around ? ? and i remember everything ? m from when we were the children playing in this fairground ? ? wish i was there with you now ? ? if the whole world was watching i'd still dance with you ? ? drive highways and byways to be there with you ? ? over and over the only truth ? ? everything comes back to you ? ? i saw that you moved on with someone new ? ? in the pub that we met he's got his arms around you ? ? and i want to tell you everything ? ? the words i never got to say the first time around ? ? and i remember everything ? ? from when we were the children playing in this fairground ? ? wish i was there with you now ? ? if the whole world was watching i'd still dance with you ? be there with you ? ? over and over the only truth ? ? everything comes back to you ? ? you still make me nervous, butterflies come alive when i'm next to you ? ? over and over, the only truth, ? know that i can't move on, there is something about you ? ? if the whole world was watching i would still be watching you ? ? over truth ? ? everything comes back to you ? ? butterflies come alive when i'm next to you ? ? over and over the only truth ? everything comes back to you ? [ applause ] niall, thank you so much. what a beautiful song. we're back in a moment, on friday morning. ...... ... you forget how beautiful your voice is individually. you have a stunningly beautiful voice. >> thank you, matt. you too. >> you travel with your family, your aunt is here, your cousins are here. >> my aunt has been living here for 30 years. >> she was mouthing every single >> you you have always traveled with your family, nice young man, since success has had. i'm so proud of you. >> thank you very much. >> we brought you ice cream. >> i haven't got a sweet tooth, but thanks. >> i do. >> no secret, this one loves milk shakes, she has cravings, which are normal. another one day. >> these were especially prepared in honor of universal's up these one of a kind milk shakes, a key lime pie shake, that has entire piece of key lime pie. a 19th century themed restaurant. check it out at universal >> that's the key lime pie, red velvet, which looks amazing. >> that's america. >> i know. chocolate, i don't know. i'll try this -- i'm going to go different. i'm going to do red velvet. >> willie, you've got to look ahead to sunday, don't you? >> yes, i do. we'll be live with both campaigns as we come up on a week with the presidential election, we'll be hearing from both sides, also highlighting up and coming artists, justin timberlake. talk about his family, new documentary, how he made the transition, as niall is doing now, from boy band to solo star. >> how did you get out of the game? what was the strategy as you >> i don't know. it can bring out a lot of courage. at the end of the day, you know that you're getting the opportunity to do what you love. and that's just something that can't be taken gfor granted. it could be different. hi, everyone, i'm gary shapiro with this 9 news update. 9 news wants to know and have obtained never-before released dna data in the jonbenit ramsey murder case and it's asking whether the girl's family should have been exonerated. experts say the dna evidence in the case is to the conclusive. they say it may not even be the killer's and may not even be the profile of pe they say it might be from three different people. tonight, 9 wants to know, we'll take a look at what may have led to the decision to exonerate the ramseys and we ask the question, what is next? marty joins us with the weather forecast. it's going to be a great weekend especially considering when october is going to wind up. >> with the last weekend of october in store, we have some clouds over the area. we're still going to be able to get quite warm today and see some light showers in the west, most of us remain dry and warm. it is so warm in eastern colorado, we are once again pursuing record high temperatures. in the denver area with a little bit of sun, hitting 82. topping our existing record of 80 degrees. the weekend is going to be mild and dry. mid-70s both days. wind starts picking up sunday. it will be out of the south. we get a bit of a wind shift coming up monday, it gets br halloween for you. . >> marty, thank you so much. this morning on "today's take" kenny chesney. we'll go one-on-one with the super star. it's freebie friday. we're giving away prizes. plus, a tasty treat for your big halloween weekend. apple >> announcer: fr nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome to "today" on a freebie friday morning october 28th, 2016. i'm al along with tamron and dylan. you do not want to miss. this is our biggest give away ever. >> we've run out of ideas so we're just giving money. it never goes out of style. it's going to be good. >> of course, everybody getting ready for halloween. >> not thanksgiving. >> not thanksgiving. yesterday i jumped a holiday and went to thanksgiving. but we've got some pumpkin carving experts. we have andrew, james and gene. carving kit. a >> are you doing that today or do you have pictures. >> for the next hour we sit and do nothing. it is the most boring show ever. >> how did you become a professional pumpkin carver? >> i've been carving pumpkins since i was a little kid. the tradition. and we carve hundreds of pumpkin every year. >> we can't wait to see them. >> at the end of the hour -- >> you'll have our likeness. >> who do you think is the hardest to do, guys? >> well, if i tell you that, it could be giving away some secrets. i can tell you this that using these tools we have on the tools they're all going to be easy. super easy. >> nice plug. >> you're a genius. >> seamless he worked that in there. >> didn't even see it where did we get him from? pumpkin masters. >> pizza makes everybody feel good. i wasn't sure what to make last night for dinner. this is just a suggestion for you. i'm usually intimidated. i ended up buying an already made pizza dough from my local store. >> i'll even go to a pizza place and just ask for the dough. >> fresh mozzarella -- this pizza. >> i didn't make the dough, but i rolled it out. >> you spent the dough to get the dough. >> put some fresh basil and chili flakes. on both ends, lela and nick like the crusty ends. so, they were able to get that and i was able to get the middle. >> i bought a pizza oven, a really big one with a pizza stone. >> really? >> like a convection oven size and i can't --s those, the treadmill where i put my clothes on. >> if you can get your oven up to 500 degrees and you get a pizza stone. >> what is your feel good friday. >> my feel good friday has to do with pizza. >> food theme. >> this is the best pizza place in my life, i think. it's called federicies. that's my dad and i when we went a few months ago. i'm having a little baby shower -- >> that looks like a hot oven. it's all burnt. >> i want to bring it in for you but it will never be as good. >> let's just see. you can bring it in and i'll decide. >> we'll bring an extra and see if it holds over until monday. >> don't strip us of this joy. >> i get so excited to go here. even though my f new jersey, i don't go often enough. that tunnel is so long -- >> there is a bridge. >> it's just as long. >> see what he did there. but you're going out your shower is going to be there. >> little baby shower with my dad's side of the family and i would love it, i just want some pizza, low key. >> a pizza shop. >> i like that. >> that's fantastic. make it rain pizza. >> it's a big shower, al roker. keeping the baby thing. account where people put up pictures of their babies. this one i watched until i fell asleep, i don't know, like 30 times. two twins and they're having a moment of crisis. >>ava was born one minute older than alexis. one minute. >> but i want to be bigger. >> you want to be older? don't cry. >> i've big enough - i'm not saying bigger. she's not bigger than you. you're the same size. she's just one minute older. >> i'm just one minute older. i'm just one minute older, that's it. i'm just one minute older. i'm just one minute older. >> she's not happy. >> she is rubbing it in. i'm just one minute older. >> as a parent, you don't really know the moment when your child is actually going to need therapy. they've got it. no, i'm just joking. >> this was my feel fgood. >> cut to when they're 50 -- >> you're the older one. >> i don't know what that video was, burn the tape. >> it is so sweet the sibling. i'm trying to help you, but by >> so send us your feel good friday moments. #todaystake. i like that. christie teagen. al showed pepper jumped up as pumpkin spice and many of you submitted your pooches. we had bosco in throw back thursday jeans. karen westbrook a picture of her grandson, lloyd. kim o'neil came up with ralph a pugghetti and meatball. presents mugsy the i. greta sent this one. this is olivia as a hot dog. and i said this is the tie in, baby luna. here's your moment. ho >> dressed up -- >> john legend and chrissy's baby as a hot dog. they then dressed her as a peacock. >> fashion show, i love this. >> like any good parent, you don't stop. a banana. >> much appeal. >> much appeal. >> and then minnie mouse. >> that's as cute as it gets. >> are you going to do the feeling that i'm going to. i say right now that i won't. >> that's just the first thing, first thing of things you say you won't do that you will end up doing. >> it's like that commercial. we're never moving to the city, we're never having kids. >> all of a sudden it changes. this david s. pumpkins, i think you both have taken it to the next level. i've been getting tweets of people dressing their kids and dogs. >> any questions. >> i have a present for you. bring it yesterday. our team and jerry. something special for halloween. >> shut up. where did you find this? >> two of the last david s. pumpkin suits from spirit halloween. thank you. >> are we trying it on? >> this is how we make dreams come true. they said there was none left. it is all you and al. dress up. >> for those of you who just caught up on a friday. these two are obsessed with this character. there he is. >> any questions? >> i need to work on that. >> any questions. >> tom hanks brought this joy to our life and this is a part of our field good friday. dylan and al dressed -- >> it fits. >> it fits. >> you got your own lit >> oh, my gosh, and the pants. this is the best. >> that's great. >> yes, thank you so much. >> you can't put the pants on, you have to go off to the side. >> if it wasn't tom hanks doing that bit, it wouldn't have worked. >> he is a genius. there you have it. happy halloween presents. it's the new trend. finding your friends costumes. still looking for a last-minute halloween costume. siri, any questions? answers after these messages. ? sorry... sorry... regerts? sorry, i was eating a milky way. ? hey girlfriend, how's your cafe au lait? oh, it's actually... sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) your coffee is. it's... sfx: (balloon squeals) hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah. happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. when l'oreal asked me what i wanted my skin to be... i said bright, smooth, you know, with a little glow. new bright reveal from l'oreal. what dermatologists use. diminishes dullness and visibly reduces wrinkles. reveals brighter, younger-looking skin in just one week. one week? you can do it. new bright reveal from l'oreal skin expert/paris. beautiful skin at every age. because you're worth it. why be in the kitchen when you can be in the moment? olive garden now offers catering delivery. ?? ?? i was in shock when my to me the acidity dentiof foods andining what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. namel. helping to protect your enamel. so we're back with more of "today's take." dylan, al. al, dylan. in my both you're so sweet in the same. you have your costumes. if you're still looking for suggestions. apparently siri, if you ask siri halloween, there is a solution. you have to specifically say, siri, what should i be for halloween. so, you guys are david s. pumpkin. siri, what should i be for halloween? i'm afraid i don't know what you should do. >> yeah, but you didn't ask the right question. >> siri, what should i be for >> try again. >> this is fascinating. >> siri, what should i be for halloween? >> you have to hit the button first. >> i did. listen here. it shouldn't be this complicated. hold on, let me do this one more time. siri, what should i be for halloween? >> sorry, there's nothing to -- >> you can put on surgeons scrubs and hold some instruments and tell people you're an operating system. >> that was worth it. >> how bad is mine picked up your question. >> what? >> look, i didn't ask this. we have the perfect video for you heading into this halloween weekend. check out this giant -- >> this is your transition? this is disgusting. >> look at this. have you ever seen that? it's a spider with a mouse in its mouth. >> australian wildlife is that's not in the wild. >> please tell me that's not someone's kitchen. >> i'm sorry, dylan, are you okay? >> i have a baby next to me. what is wrong with you? >> are you okay, baby. >> any questions. >> did you know that was coming? >> actually, i didn't. i didn't know. i was thinking as i was reading, i wish we had a spider. >> were you holding your breath? i'm sorry, baby. you know what, do they still have osha, i've just been knocked out by a spider. >> sorry, i just shouldered you in the head. >> let's see what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. right now. we have that world series. oh, yeah. all in chicago. going to be windy tonight. game four tomorrow some showers. 66. game five on sunday. little cooler but still not bad, partly cloudy. 53 degrees and for halloween on monday, in frankenstein, missouri, 53 degrees and we're looking at deadwood, oregon, some showers and a temperature of about 51 degrees. weather. tamron? >> hey, there, al. now that i have gotten my legs back. i've been trying to choose contestants for our freaky friday. i've got two lucky people. they're going to go and they're going to stuff the cash in their pocket. where am i going? who do i know? you. and then one more. you, you're going with me. i lost an arm, but i gained two friends. we're going to have our viewers participate at home. just because you're not here does not mean you're not participating. you at home, you in the crowd, oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. wrinkles. neutrogena?. maybe almond breeze tastes so good because it's the only almondmilk made with california blue diamond almonds. but if you ask our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. every great why the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. for you. that was invigorating! you're probably wondering why i've just carved a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. ill. ? ? crisp garden vegetables. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? garden vegetable. rich, creamy... ...and delicious nothing else tastes like philadelphia?. don't miss kohl's 50% off sale! take 50% off hundreds of items plus take an extra 20% off plus take an extra $10 off your purchase of $50 or more plus yes 2 you members earn triple points. now that's the good stuff. kohl's when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol? pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol?. today's freeb created with our sponsor, nabisco. creating 115 of joy. today we are giving away cold, hard cash. >> here's the deal, you both are going to get into these booths and money is going to start flying everywhere. you're going to have 30 second to grab as much cash as you can from the air. you can't pick it up off the ground. whatever you grab is yours. >> now, here's a tip, ladies. they told us if y grab it. but you can't grab it off the ground. >> ready? >> ready. >> let's put you in the booths. >> i have to put you in. i'm sorry, i forgot. hang on. hang on. are you ready? you got in. come on, ladies, bring home big money. >> in three, two, one, go! >> go, jackie. come on. here we go. >> here we go. >> yeah, come on, jackie. grab that money. >> grab it. >> don't worry about the door, i got it. >> grab that money. >> grab it! >> you have ten second. nine seconds. >> grab it! >> in five, four, three, two, one. all right. >> go, go, go! >> stop the machine. come on out. come on out, your door properly, so, let me just help you out and pick this up for you. can't have money on the floor. okay, come on. all right, jackie, you ladies did it. >> that was fantastic. >> got a little bit of money in here. little bit. >> it always happens to be nabisco's 115th birthday. cash you got. >> and i'm going to give you a little of this cash in here. >> you worked up a little bit of an appetite. why don't you open up the box and have a little cracker. >> i'll hold it. >> by the way, we also have a crazy friday surprise for you of $1,150. >> $1,150. >> thank you! >> from our >> bring your pals over. >> so, dylan, we didn't leave our viewers at home in the cold. what do you have for them? >> we're giving out $1,150 to three more viewers for a chance to win, visit our today's take facebook page's take and don't forget to like us. excitement in the background. send us your best recipes with ritz crackies and we may feature it on the show. and speaking of food, just ahead, homemade apple cider doughnuts. an easy recipe to make your weekend extra sweet. plus our pumpkin carvers are hard at work making -- what? >> so people know, we want people to know three viewers at home, three viewers at home you go to our facebook. and register to win go to all the rules are there. >> just because these ladies are the most amazing crew ever. where are you all going to spend the money? >> and by the way, they're real crackers. >> and you just said the cutest thing. she said, oh, my lanta. >> we're back after your local and fifteen thousand dollars and other daily cash prizes. buy today for your chance to win! ? the search for a 13-month-old boy... missing from cheyenne... is moving to a landfill in weld county. deputies in laramie county say the boy was killed... and put in a trash bin at laramie county community college. they believe the boy's remains are in ault... 80 miles away. the child's mother told deputies her boyfriend gave the fishing saturday. drilling has begun... on water wells near peterson air force base... to figure out how water south of colorado springs got contaminated. the first of 18 test wells started thursday near the colorado springs airport. the air force is trying to figure out how foam used by military firefighters... got into water supplies. people on the western slope will have one option for healthcare insurance next year - anthem blue cross blue shield. that's a big change from 20-14 where every colorado the colorado division of insurance says because of the limited choices in the state health insurance exchange, 92- thousand people will have to switch plans. marty coniglio joins us.. another possible record today we are back now on a special edition of food, we've teamed up with buzzfeed to bring you tasty videos. a sped up version on how to make a fall favorite, apple cider donuts. week's treat. the best part of apple picking, you go and get those donuts. here is the grid. you got apple cider, you got all the spices you need, sour cream, flour, butter. take your apple cider, couple of cups of apple cider, filtered or not. cook it down until you end up with about a half cup of apple cider. concentrate. butter in and let it melt. in the meantime, combine all of your dry ingredients. do the ingredients separately. so you've got your flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt. mix it together. all right. >> all right so you can do dry ingredients if you want. >> the great thing is, it doesn't take all that long. you get it together and now you've got sour cream, you've got egg, you've got and then -- the sour cream, moisture and denser and richer. then you combine your wet ingredients. and you're going to take those, fold them into your dry. then just mix it up and end up with a very nice dough. >> had you tried this recipe before, seeing it on buzzfeed? >> i have not. the proof is you can? >> exactly. that's what is great about this. you can end up learning some new tricks. >> got it. >> even though it is something something like that. >> mine is always really long. >> exactly. >> you get this, roll it out. what you're going to do, put a little flour down on top of your marble or your cutting board that you want and you're basically going to take nice little rounds. you can use a coffee cup. now you first do that, for your outside. then you get a smaller one. >> for the donut hole. >> my nieces are obsessed with donut holes. i try to connc the same. >> in between, when you make the dough, you should refrigerate it a little while. it is harder to get it in there. this is what we've got. you have to be careful. this is perhaps the only dangerous part. fill a pretty good-sized pan of hot with oil. ca candy thermometer. >> what kind of oil? be -- put them in carefully. then boom, these will be fun halloween shapes, because you don't know what they are. you don't want to overcrowd your pot, so you put in the donuts, you put in the donut holes. and you just watch it. it will take about five to ten minutes. they'll float to the top. you just keep moving them around. once they come out, this to me is the best part, when they're still warm. put them in a mix of >> when they're warm. >> and it all sticks. some people use powdered sugar. >> at home, get a paper bag and put it in, you see the grease on the outside. >> there you have, your apple cider donuts. >> love that. >> doh! >> so if you go to, tasty fall favorites, so you can get the recipe for the apple cider today food tasty videos on the site. check them out. coming up, natalie goes one-on-one with kenny chesney. plus, pumpkin portraits, almost ready. >> can't wait to see them. >> can't wait to see them. aft anyone with type 2 diabs knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? 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( ? ) ? they tell me i'm wrong ? ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? ? talkin' 'bout my, my love ? you ready, dad? ? whoa-ooh ? ? ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? we're non stop, we've gotta have our extra protein. ? whoa-ooh ? oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable. mmm dannon ? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? when cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplet form. it's the only cold and flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you can instantly feel theraflu. for a powerful comeback. ? ? new expressmax caplets. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. just ask listerine? users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold?. go to to join the bold percent for the chance to win my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf all thats left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings the new false lash look? flaunt the winged effect. new falsies push up angel mascara from maybelline ny. lashes so winged out, test test test test test test test test test test test test test wlapchicken! well, at least until it's in the soup. it's the movie already getting a lot of love by critics, and still doesn't hit theaters until next weekend. >> it is called "loving", and joel edgerton, who starred opposite johnny depp. >> mildred and richard loving, landmark civil rights case. >> richie. >> what are you doing in bed with that woman? >> i'm his wife. >> that's no good here. >> good morning, good to see you. congratulations on this film. it is one of those moments you cannot believe this was so recent, that after i saw the film, even though i do the news, i ran online to learn more about this couple. you just consumed how close illegal for a white person and a black person to be married in this country. >> yeah. >> yeah, it is staggeringment i mean, i was very surprised how few people knew about then, and two people who changed the constitution. two people whose stories is a massive part of this country's civil rights timeline. >> when you look at something like this, there is archived material obviously, and do you to -- these two people who changed so much, the simple act of saying "i do" was against the law at a point in this country. >> very much so. we definitely felt a responsibility to this, and their loving daughter. but i think at some point, that sort of honor and reverence, you can't do your job we fell in love with this couple, watching the documentary, called "loving story" fabulous documentary, and watching the archival footage. it was a privilege playing them. they were really in love. they liked one another. they respected one another. they treated each other as equal. we felt it was our job to them to people who might not know them. that's what we're privileged to be part of. >> incredibly shy kind of people at the forefront of change. they weren't trying to run a revolution. they found themselves in the middle of this thing. when you watch the documentary, you see just how shy and sort of unwilling they were to be part of that force of change. but they were. their strength marriage, it was a gateway for so many other people. >> you play normally a tough guy. was it a nice change of pace to take on the more tender role? >> it was, you know. like, you watch the footage of richard, he was one of those very strong looking, but very quietly spoken and very shy kind of get the cameras away from me type of person. it is nice to live in silence, and you know, silence, i think the movie says a lot about how silence is born out of injustice. people learn to shut up and not talk and not fight and not debate. it was a nice place to live in, and a real challenge, i think. >> how does it feel, ruth, to have all this oscar buzz and critical buzz? we have a good track record. when we love a movie usually, we'll end c of the award shows and saying hey, congratulations. no pressure on us. how are you balancing it? >> i think we're doing okay. aren't we? my voice is -- >> let me feel your pulse. >> my voice is going, i've been talking so much. a few ocktives lower than when i started a few weeks ago. it genuinely is lovely. because it is giving this couple deserve. i really do think they are a couple for not just america to be proud of, but the word. it speaks volumes of what we're capable of. sometimes when you feel you might be going down a cynical path, they remind you we're great goodness and hopefulness. >> congratulations on all of it. by the way, "loving" from our system company, focus feature, november 4th. it is beautiful. congratulations. >> thank you. up next, our pumpkin carvers, ready to reveal their masterpieces. do we look like them? do they look like us. find out, first on "today" on likeness. here we go. time for the big reveal. lights out. here we go. >> anyone home? >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, that's so -- >> that's crazy. >> oh, i love it. >> look at that. it looks just like me. >> mine is a selfie of me. >> that's right. >> oh, that's funny. >> wow. >> pumpkins have hands. >> they look amazing. >> one more plug for the company. >> you know, w what we did here today. we really do want to stress how easy it is for anybody to be able to do this. there is a tool for everything. >> a tool for everything. >> thanks so much. >> last minute halloween costumes, after your local news. campaigning side- by-side with first lady michelle obama in north carolina. president obama and tim kaine are in florida campaigning. their message -- get out and vote. and this morning... we're learning, vice president joe biden is under consideration to become secretary of state if clinton wins. today... donald trump is visiting several states... including iowa and new hampshire. he returns to colorado tomorrow. he will hold a rally in golden at the jefferson county fairgrounds event center. the event begins at noon - doors open at 9 in the morning. you can register for tickets online. marty coniglio join us... another eighty degree october day. we'll see you over on channel 20 for 9news at 11 a.m., and then back here for coming up on 9news 11 a.m. over on

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Transcripts For KUSA Today 20161028 :

Transcripts For KUSA Today 20161028

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and if she got change she put the oval office for sale. anchts mother's pay. we responds gary and refused to describe his relationship with her daughter. this morning she is speaking out to nbc news. and sweet home chicago. cubs team to wrigley field. we are ability to give two tickets away today friday, october 28th, 2016. good morning everyone. welcome to today on a friday at wrigley field tonight for game there? >> moments after we give those away i was honing you would be that person's date. >> we will end up at this place in chicago. that world famous bar is filled with fans this morning ch it is there we'll give away tickets in just a little while. >> i love let's start with this scene. governor mike pence's plane sliding off the runway download. tom has made his way there overnight. what can you tell us, tom? >> reporter: this flight was coming in landing on runway 22. they removed the plane from the populations. later today they begin an analysis. it was a rough and scary landing. it happened in the pouring rain. just before 8:00 p.m. a plane skidding off the wet runway. >> a 737 ran tauf roadway. zblt just any plane the one carrying indiana governor, mike sp pence. >> passengers clearly rattled. >> you could smell the rubber. that's when we realized it was a typical mandate. >> he said it wasn't the first time pence's plane had a bumpy landing. out. >> the if aa says runway safety system stopped the bed! arrester beds are faa required ip sta installations which is to slope down an aircraft which is approaching the end of the runway. >> they tweeted overnight, so thankful everyone is responders and concern and prayers of so many. late thursday at a rally in ohio donald trump said he spoke to pence. >> i do know he was in an accident with a plane. he's okay. the plane stwas in danger. >> our imports are from a third world country. become a third world country. >> as for democrats, hillary clinton and tim kaine said they were glad pence was okay. pence did not answer questions when we got to his hotel. >> so the ntsb will be looking at the cockpit how far down the runway did the pilot land? was he coming in too fast in all of that all right part of this investigation with the ntsl pod. >> okay. 11 days to gochl. new numbers out. have already cast their ballots according to ballots provided by target smart. >> it shows the race is at a dead heat there. clinton and trump tied. >> beth holding rallies achbltd clinton had two events focused on vetters. trump is his rifle appears to be looking forward to what happens after election day. we kick off our coverage this morning. good morning. >> good morning. health care healthcare is increasingly looking beyond district of columbia. nbc news reporting hillary clinton's transition team is adding him to a short list for secretary of state. after considering a run himself burg the primary biden had been a constant presence on the trail for clinton. clinton is ahead in most polls but the race isn't locked up yet. and thursday donald trump about clinton's general. >> she put the secretary of state up for sale and if she got the state she would put the oval office up for sale office. >> hacked e-mails including a memo wbin by doug band. he said we dedicated ourselves in for-profit activities. >> the e-mails aren't authenticated by the clinton campaign. clinton's spokesperson pushing back. >> they have had that there was no decision on ho turned to the campaign. >> she enlisted barack obama. >> if hillary clinton does not win this election it is because we did not vote for her. that is what her opponent is hoping will happen. this election so dirty we don't want any part of it. >> the candidate repeatedly calling the election rigged. a trump official telling bloomberg business week it has voter suppression operation underway. either this unsnamed source misspoke or they have no idea what we are trying to accomplish >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to right, right? >> the billionaire saying it was illegal. >> it happened after a taping of access hollywood. >> hello. network. t >> he referred to others as gwht her campaign called its toughest battleground stale. she will try to energize her base women voters join bade number of women rights leaders. >> all right. thank you. we have nicole and steve let me start with you that hillary clinton has joe biden on a short list to be considered for secretary of state should she win. a, what are you reporting on this and b, is this what alike out there? >> they say their focus is on closing strong, having the best 12, 13, whatever it is we have left to go. his current responsibilities he is deeply engaged. he would certainly be willing to do so. they knowledge and our reporting confirms he is on that list. zwl it is kind of measuring the drapes of optics there. i wouldn't think they would want it all. they are trying to' if itks out. >> the west is lacking . >> let me ask you about this. it is a steady, drip, drip, drip. at this stage of the campaign with 11 days go, have supporters already factored this into their decision? have they come to accept that there are going to be things dealing with trust and going get satisfactory answers to? >> the you go back to all of the questions around why bernie sanders stay until after he couldn't become the nominee. chuck reminds us sit the two most popular. this is baked in the cake now. even people who say they are for her despite these kind of issues. >> if you're a fence sitter -- >> yes. or swing voters. >> if trump is relatively on mess age it can't be good for clinton. >> she has a little bit of rig l i like the idea of voting for clinton say what it, this is whefrg i don't like there is still room for north carolina to win. >> and the people supporting him have already accepted the fact there would be things to do with his semperment that they don't like. >> all right. thank you both very much! inspi inspirational time. they protest the construction of a pipeline. we have the latest on this. good morning. >> good morning. the con fran fronation between police and protesters spilled into the early morning hours. more than 140 people were arrested and a second bridge was set on fire. demonstrators promise their where they clashed with native american protestors, an army of 200 officers clearing semists demonstrat demonstrators. use high pitched sound authorities arrested protesters that we fused to leave private labd. >> many get into the officers and say hundreding vowing they will be back. >> what lengths are they willing to go? >> it will cross four states with some 1,200 miles of pipe. capableover transporting oil a day. they say the pipeline plan to pollute the missouri river which provides water to millions of people. after months of protest this turned into a movement, the largest modern day with celebrities and activists going but those -- it's for the protection of all of us. >> reporter: authorities called this a mass arrest operation. protesters and police say there is no end to these demonstrations insight. >> all right. thank you. the making. it is the first time since 1945. no. i was not there. the cubs and indians tide it a game a piece. fans will be going out of their plan to. > > . >> reporter: you know, spring fans get excited. this year they are here. you guys ready? everywhere you look it's cubs, cubs, cubs. they put a big c in front of the name. the lions at the art institute are wearing helmets for the first time ever. they are getting their fingernails done, haircuts, you that's the lucky number, 108. the willis tower broadcasting the 23118th i will have to get into costume. how does that song go? go thaw are almost requester if a we with. >> we'll find out who is going to tonight's game a little later. >> you weren't there but listening to it on the radio in 1945 was just as exciting. >> i just set them up. fr forecast? >> let's show you what the forecast is for the next three days. today windy, 64 degrees. showers possible for tomorrow's game four and of 66. the temperature about 53 degrees. we have had non-baseball-like weather moving there. this is michigan. we are looking at any where from 1 to 3 inches of know parts of ran every day. ser toit is now pushing away. some snow in northern new england. wet weather along the coast. we may see rain from portland on into east port. we'll continue your forecast coming up in the next 30 >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks very much. >> coming up we'll talk to mike pence about the rough landing at the airport last night and the trump's plans for the last day of this race. and seawe will talk about refung her daughter but first this is with my moderate to severe crohn's disease,... ...i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i had it covered. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,... including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,... ...and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,... ...hepatitis b, are prone to infections, ...or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. ? ? special k nourish. apples, almonds, and raspberries. devour something different. special k nourish. we invited women to a spa to test a new body wash. dish soap. you may not feel it, it just made me feel good. this is dove. i'll have that goat cheese garden salad. that gentleman got the last one. sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. can i keep the walnuts? sold. but i get to pick your movie. can i pick the genre? yes, but it has to be a comedy. a little cash back on the side. with the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. throw. s more than cash back. it's backed by the service and security of american express. liste of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine?. bring out the bold? hillary clinton: far too many families today don't earn what they need and don't have the opportunities they deserve. women, and jobs they can really live on. people ask me what will be different if i'm president? well kids and families have been the passion of my life and they will be the heart of my presidency. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. (war drums beating) fight heartburn fast. with tums chewy delights. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. if you' try clarispray.mes to escape your nasal allergies... from the makers of claritin. runny nose, and nasal congestion. return to the world. try clarispray today. good morning, i'm corey rose, here's a look at what's happening on channel 20 for nine news 8 am. health insurance in colorado is pretty limited these days. the most recent changes over on channel 20. let's check weather and traffic with amelia and marty. >> there's a massive delay building around the denver tech center. northbounders are backed up to lincoln. the left lane is closed and as we see on our c-dot camera, this is what it feels like to sit in this delay. as we go down to ground level, the back-up is here so through that cdot camera, we can see into the slowdown. look at the opposite side of the highway, that's the southbound traffic coming through because of all the curiosity. >> they're going, what's going on over there?"i just want to say drive your car, unless you're going to stop and help. for us today, no sun glare because of the clouds in the area. we will get a bit of sun going in the afternoon with light showers in the mountains and during the day. it will take just a little bit of is unto move us into the lower 80s. day 2 of record heat around here. the old record -- i should say the existing record is 80. i do think we're going to break that during the day today. slightly cooler for the weekend. still a solid 15 above average and then mild and dry coming up for halloween. it's going to be a great night it is 7:30, friday morning, october 28, 2016. there is a happy crowd, and they are happy, because the one direction, specifically, niall horan, who has a solo act now. he is here. he has just released a and it soared right to number one. the girls outside all day. and they're like, and you are? >> you should tell them he will be inside and not outside. first, let's look at some of the headlines this morning, in ntsb go team arrives at laguardia airport to look into the incident involving governor mike pence's campaign plane. it slid off the runway during a bad rainstorm here last night. pence about that, and other things, in just a moment. federal jury delivered a surprise verdict on thursday. acquitting in the armed takeover of a federal wildlife refugee in oregon. the january standoff lasted about six weeks, brought attention to the long running dispute of control of federal lands. the bundys still face charges at a nevada ranch. vladimir putin sis his country is not trying to in race. speaking in a form in sochi, he accused americans of hysteria, calling it a ploy to distract voters. donald trump jr., making an unexpected stop on his way to a campaign in arizona, to help a driver whose car was stuck. and trump is there on the right. he and two other men help push the woman's car off the road and the woman. >> exciting times on the campaign trail. let's bring in indiana governor, mike pence. governor, good morning. always good to see you. we're really glad to see you, that was scary last night. what -- was it -- >> it was ten seconds of uncertainty, as the plane came down. we just have been so moved by the outpouring of concern, but we're all fine and ready to hit the campaign trail today. responders, thank the people who made the arrester strips also that stopped the plain before it got to the grassy area on to a busy highway here. >> right, it was pretty rema remarkable. we were flying low ceiling, but as soon as we landed, we could tell they were trying to brake the aircraft pretty quickly, and we felt the plane fishtailing a little bit, and then it slid side ways, and when we saw the knew we were off the runway. but we're so grateful. it seemed like the first responders were literally around the airplane before it came to a rest. we thanked the pilots as well. my son is a marine corps aviator, and michael likes to say every landing you walkway from is a good landing. >> our campaign reporter part of p used to bumpy landings. is that something you've ever been worried about before? >> no, i've never been concerned about it. we've been landing on some pretty short are underways around the country. we have a family in, we feel like we're supposed to be. hopefully serving as vice-president of the united states, after this election, so we're just, we're really grateful everybody is okay, off to pennsylvania and north carolina. >> you're really happy the president corps is okay? just kidding. i'm glad your wife and daughter are okay too. yesterday, your running mate joked and said maybe we should cancel the election and declare me the winner now. it was tongue and cheek, we should admit that, but coming on the mealsheels of his pledging that he'll accept the results, should a candidate for president be casting doubt in that way? >> you're absolutely right in saying he was joking about that, specifically, he was talking about the news about obama care, which i can tell you, traveling out west, campaigning all week, people are very troubled by the news there will be a 25% in the average premiums under obama care next year. hillary clinton's plan is to continue to expand it. she would like to bring single obama care. donald trump and i are committed to repealing obama care and replacing it, with the kind of health insurance reform that gives consumers more choices. >> you are correct -- his joke was about obama care, but in combination with those other statements, should he be casting doubt on the election process? >> he was joking about that. but i -- i do think that now is the time for people to take an opportunity, not only to exercise their franchise to vote, and early voting is underway in many states ad but also, where there are concerns about the process, you know, our elections are administered on a state level, whether you're republican, democratic, independent, there are ways for citizens to be respectfully involved in the electoral process. we want a victory on november 8th, but i want a victory for american democracy as well. >> you mention, we were talking about the rigged system this morning, you have seen polls tightening up and good momentum ti -- trump/pence ticket. does that relief any concerns about a rigged system? something that donald trump talks a lot about, that somehow the election will be unfair? here you are seeing things going more your way, does that settle those concerns? >> well, you know, when he has talked about rigged system, he has talked as much frankly about how the bias that we see in much of the national media, with all due respect to the both of you. there was a study recently that showed that evening network news, he gotten the majority of coverage in the last few months, but 91% of it was negative. >> the polls are tightening, the proof is in the pudding. >> i think they're tightening because the american people are focusing on how dramatic a choice we have here. a chance between change and status quo. choice between policies that have weakened america's place in the world, stifled our economy, and in donald trump, we have leadership that will rebuild our military, revive the american did through tax relief, regulatory reform, repealing obama care, and having trade deals that will put the american worker first. >> can you answer in five seconds, would joe biden make a good secretary of state. >> we'll have a lot of good choices if we have the privilege to serve. it is the greatest honor of my life, standing shoulder to shoulder with the man who i believe will be the next president of the united states. >> heading to pennsylvania today. >> pennsylvania and north carolina. >> pennsylvania, could you drive or take the n. governor, thank you, our best to your family as well. >> thank you. let's check the weather with al. >> warm weather to talk about throughout most of the country, could even be records set in between the rockies and into the plains. we're looking at 85 degrees in oklahoma city. san antonio, atlanta, 70s in indianapolis, and that makes its way to the southeast, as we get into the beginning of next week as well. and of course, we're are a excited, sunday night football night in america, at&t said stadium, it will be clear, mild and 78 degrees. on sunday night, football night, in america, here on nbc. >>announcer: this sunday night football weather is brought to you by verizon, introducing lte advance, largest and fastest 4 g network ever. better matters. watch every live, local and primetime game with nfl mobile, exclusively on verizon. the one thing you should never do when you wake up. mother responding to i'm jamie foxx for verizon, america's best network. and i'm jamie foxx for t-mobile. you are not jamie foxx. t-mobile's got unlimited data. really? 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(woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. we asked woman to smell two body washes and pick their favorite. b. i would like to smell like this every day. but what was body wash a? ohhhh i love bath and bodyworks. i have this in my bathroom. and what was the one they preferred? ohhhh. this is suave. really? that's quite a bit of smelling good. suave three fragrances preferred over bath and body works. when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol? pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. with luke bryan for an technology is useful. with luke bryan for an i just bought a book. and while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending. you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. you don't let anything keep you that's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. ? sorry... sorry... regerts? sorry, i was eating a milky way. ? l finished. umm... you wouldn't want your painter to quit part way. i think you missed a spot. so when it comes to pain relievers, whole house? here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin. aveeno? daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno?. naturally beautiful results? campbell's one dish recipes. one pan, less than 30 minutes. because if they aren't going to eat it, real life. ? life can be messy... but with crayola color wonder... it doesn't have to be. don't you wish life could be this mess-free? color wonder. find it in the crayola aisle. sets each sold separately. introducing tresemm? botanique a blend of coconut milk and aloe vera in a professional-quality formula, inspired by nature. blended by professionals to replenish for stunning tresemm? botanique professional. at your fingertips. professional. to feel this special... you need to eat this special. ? ? i love it ? start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. i was in shock when my to me the acidity dentiof foods andining what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence. pronamel is all about your enamel. helping to protect your enamel. alright, how's this for a tv show. sous chef. lawyer by day, prep-cook by night. also, his name is sous. no. sloppy joseph. a middle-aged man who's trying to get his life together, but he can't - he's to sloppy. huhhh - no! i got this. i get cash back so it's like everything's on sale. with the blue cash everyday card from american express you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. everything's on sale! a home shopping show takes place on a sailboat. that's the one! banana boat dessert on me. look at you being all lactose tolerant. it's more than cash back. here's what's coming up on channel 20 for nine 9 a.m. this morning. a tax for sugary drinks. that's on the ballot because they want to make sure, everyone, especially kids stay healthy. broncos running back c.j. anderson in good spirits this morning even after he faced a -- faces a lengthy recovery weeks. a small group getting smaller every day but we have a chance to hear from an amazing world war ii pilot. >> right now we want to check the weather and the traffic with marty and amelia. >> thank you, gary. we're taking a look outside here, big improvement down to the south side where i-25 and county line is back to normal after an extensive slowdown because of a multi-car crash. up to the north side, we have a ing into downtown, southbound coming in from 120th there's a crash at 20th as well as a northbound wreck at i-70. southbound santa fe remains closed at union due to a serious crash that happened overnight. amelia, we have clouds over the area. those are going to be thinning through the morning, giving us a brief glimpse of sun every now and again but plenty to get us quite warm. light showers will be confined to the mountains and west and today. highs in the 60s and 70s in the mountains. mid-70s out west and record- setting heat here for the front range and denver area specifically, even with just a little sun i think we're going to top 80 degrees today which will be an in new record high. over the weekend, it is plenty warm, dry, but not quite to record levels. we do moderate things a little it's 8:00. close call. vp hopeful, mike pence's plane slides off the runway, as his rug campaigns in ohio, and calls for a big win. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right. while hillary clinton tries to shake off new allegations of improprieties at her family foundation, with just 11 days to go until the election. plus, big country surprise. hoda heads south to treat a very special teacher to the surprise of a lifetime. >> alicia. >> oh, my god. >> and you won't believe what >> i don't know we're going. if the whole world was watching -- and going solo, he shot to star dumb in one direction. now, niall horan is kicking off a solo career, with a highly anticipated performance, right here in studio 1a, today, we are back now, 8:00 on friday morning. it is the 28th day of october, 2016. we have a big, big fall classic crowd here. a lot of these people probably her here to see niall horan as well. from what group? >> one direction. >> you have a brain cramp. >> i love it. >> you rarely do. >> you flushed. >> you know what, when it came out of my mouth, i said that didn't sound right, and then she >> youou were channeling the fih dimension from 1970s. >> that would be my era. >> we have such a great crowd on our plaza this morning. i have to say there is nuth not like the crowd we're going to see at wrigley field. impossible tickets. can we show savannah's jersey real quick. >> we are all wearing our jerseys. >> i couldn't choose. >> come on, man! >> i'm neutral. >> you need to go out on a limb. >> they're both so great and they both deserve it. >> earlier this week we launched our world series super fan get away kicking off the search for the biggest cubs and indians fans. surprised our winning indians fans for two tickets to the series. now after going through thousands of entries, we're going to give away two more tickets this time to the ultimate cubs fan. let's take a look at our three finalists. first up, we have jennifer. she shared this video of her husband, dwight. he's sobbing at a bar the moment the cubs made it to a world series. the two of them went to their first cubs game together 15 and together ever since. next up, bob stewart and dwight ha haulenbeck. a former principal and gave barb her first teaching jobs because he could tell she was a cubs fan. that was 41 years ago and the two get together today. i love that. last but not least, rosell shared this picture of ted, her cub wearing stuffedma years. listen to this, the bear even went on the honeymoon. comforted her through the ups and downs and downs and downs every cub season. meanwhile, she is in chicago with our finalists ready to surprise the winners with tickets to tomorrow's game. that's basically baseball heaven. how are the fans holding up? >> i wish i had the words to i have a question for you, i have a question. is anybody going to work today? anybody going to work? okay. so, let's get right to it. okay, everybody. let's introduce you to the finalists. first of l we have jennifer and her husband dwight. is it really true you saw him tearing up. >> he did the ugly cry and he didn't even ugly cry at our wedding. i knew then it was real. those emotions were completely real. what would it mean to you to go >> no words could even mean what it would mean to me to go to a game. such an amazing time and we've been waiting for this for so long. >> let me introduce you to barb and dwight. you guys have been waiting for 41 years. what would it it mean for you here in chicago? >> i grew up watching with my dad and my mom is 99 and we're just so excited and this me right out of college. >> you got to be friends ever since. >> he hired me because i was a cubs fan. >> now we have raquel and her father rafael. this is ted here. have you ever washed him? >> i have not washed ted because he doesn't need a bath. >> for the last 40 years, he never needed a bath. are we ready to announce who is going to game four? drumroll, please. okay. got our two tickets here. ready? the winner -- the winner is, the winner is barb and dwight! tell me this -- ? >> i think i'm going to cry. you guys have been waiting your whole life for this. he's 88 years old. congratulations. >> thank you! >> all right, guys, back to you. >> that's cool. they're going to have a blast. thank you for that. that was fun. >> so cute. all right, we do have other stories. here's the news at 8:00. >> good morning. no world series tickets here, but we do begin with the race for the white house. i'm haley jackson in new york where mike pence has a new campaign plane after his other one skidded off the runway overnight at laguardia shutting down the airport. no injuries, but the ntsb is looking into it. both trump and pence will get back out on the campaign trail today as will hillary clinton with nbc news confirming her transition team is seriously considering a big name as a president joe biden, if clinton wins. on a rainy runway a scary landing. >> remain seated. >> reporter: mike pence's plane skidding off the tarmac, mud splashing the cockpit windshield. >> a quick bounce and for about two, three seconds started to slide. >> reporter: no one was hurt. pence posing with rescuers afterwards. the accident shut down the airport for nearly 40 minutes. >> we felt, felt the plane fishtailing a little bit and then it slid we saw the mud splash up on the windows up in the front of the aircraft, we knew we were off the runway. >> reporter: pence getting a call from his running mate as donald trump headed to a rally in ohio. >> the plane skidded off the runway and was pretty close to grave, grave danger. but i just spoke to mike pence and he's fine. got out. everybody's fine. >> reporter: trump blitzing the in a new interview whether he blames that now infamous "access hollywood" tape for his second place showing in most recent polls. >> the microphone is not supposed to be on. i don't make that as an excuse for myself, but it was an illegal act that was nbc. >> reporter: the candidate threatening to sue nbc. "access hollywood" and nbc universal program. trump with 11 days left in this race joking about getting it over with already. >> we should just cancel the election and just give it to trump, right? what are we even having it for? what are we having it? her policies are so bad. >> reporter: hillary clinton now under fire for what is seen as the most damaging wikileaks release yet. stolen e-mails not authenticated by nbc news or the campaign describing bill clinton's business dealings making millions from clinton foundation donors. that's not illegal, but republicans are pouncing regardless. clinton looking past it on the campaign trail and looking ahead new this morning, a source familiar with the decision making confirms a political report that clinton is now seriously considering vice president joe biden as secretary of state. if she wins to help her get there the former first lady is getting a hand from the current first lady. some in the fired up crowd waiting overnight for the chance to see clinton and michelle obama on stage together. >> if hillary doesn't win this election, that will be on us. stand with her. it will be because we did not vote for her. and that is exactly what her opponent is hoping will happen. >> hillary clinton will be in iowa today and so will donald trump later on tonight with a new poll there showing the race in a dead heat. tied at 44% each. we're also get agnew look at the latest fund-raising numbers. the last of this race showing clinton with a clear financial election day. matt, savannah. >> all right, thank you very much. up next, what michael phelps is now revealing about his secret wedding before the rio olympics. hoda is wrapping up her month of pink power surprises with one of her biggest and best yet. look who's here. from one direction goes solo with a perform ance in studio 1. he just corrected me, again. first, these messa ebrating 115 years, giving away one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars and other daily cash prizes. buy today for your chance to win! ? president bush and obama. i fought the taliban. i was asked to form a global coalition to counter isil. when someone makes the comment that they know more about the islamic state or isil than do the generals, it implies a complete ignorance of the reality. but i believe secretary clinton really understands the threat that the islamic state poses to the united states and to the american people. and i believe she understands how to wield american power to ultimately defeat this threat and to keep us safe. i'm hillary clinton w much longer you think this will take? i'll over-explain the process, then give you an unrealistic timeline. i'll nod in agreement so my wife thinks i understand what you're saying. i look forward to questioning your every move. okay, well i'll leave your house in shambles and disappear for six months. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi? double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. we're back at 8:13. time for trending, folks. >> we were talking about the close door buttons in elevators, basically useless. the "new york times" highlighted two other buttons that don't make a difference either. first the crosswalk button. >> i knew it. >> you're waiting to cross the street. you have to push that button thinking the light is going to move along. the vast majority of them don't do anything. >> why are they there? >> and, secondly, the office thermostat. just don't bother with it. many offices are filled with so-called dummy thermostats designed to make workers think they have some kind of control. >> that's sad. >> that is horrible. >> that's great. what about the belly button. what does that do? >> why is that there? >> what doesha >> what's it holding up. >> joining us now the pillsbury dough boy. nc does the snooze button do anything? is it good to push? >> i don't hit it. if i hit it, do you fall back asleep? >> yeah. >> no, i have to get up right away. >> i hit it on my phone. >> you're a snoozer. >> in so many way, yes. >> what about you, savannah? dangerously. >> no. >> we can settle this. a reader wrote into an advice columnist in "wall street journal" is it all right to hit the snooze button. no, it is not. this columnist, i don't know what the expertise is you need to get up as soon as your alarm goes off because if you just confuse your body. >> i think it's more stressple. you fall asleep. >> i'd like to see that. >> the version of the snooze. >> if y that's just a snooze button. that's the same thing. >> but i get up with the first alarm generally. just in case. >> safe. proud of that jack-o-latern you just carved for the holiday weekend? those pumpkins are nothing compared to the ones the engineers at nasa's jet propulsion laboratory came up with. look at this a barbecue spin roast, a towering birthday cake, game. what a return mission from mars might look like. and, of course, a little political commentary. >> wow. >> it's like when martha stewart comes here with her jack-o-laterns and you just want to go home and throw yours out the window. >> your results may vary. >> we like this the most. it's a carving of our little buddy charlie. carver put this together for >> that's so sweet. >> i love it. >> he was simply glowing. >> that's cute. first up, michael phelps. we told you he secretly married his fiancee, nicole, back in june. yesterday on facebook live michael explained why he kept the wedding so secret. >> i had to keep it secret from y'all. i had to keep it hush hush from you guys. just because. thank you for the beautiful family and baby number two may be coming soon. >> wait, stop the press. baby number two may be coming soon. >> he's already stripped down. >> he's going swimming, i hope. so he kept it a secret just because he could and that's a good enough reason for anybody. he and nicole are already parents to just the cutest little kid, boomer, who was born back in may. >> that's a big old hint to i feel like he may know something. >> if we follow that pattern -- >> we'll see. next to jennifer lopez she is set to bring her super star talents to a live musical airing right here live on nbc. we have a tradition of staging musicals and this year is "hair spray" and jennifer will star in next year's production "bye-bye birdie." in a statement jennifer called people in the world. she's got "shades of blue" in vaegas and doing this. >> she does it all like a level ten. >> i want in on that. ? what's the matter with kids today ? >> come on. >> except i can't sing, but other than that. all right. pink power today is sponsored by net jets, the worldwide leader in private aviation. and now it is time for the finale of our series, in honor of breast cancer awareness month. >> hoda has been crisscrossing the country this month. >> i have had so much fun. such a special month. we've do a spa surprise, surprise party, surprise car delivery, even a surprise from wonder woman herself. th of one of country music's biggest stars. we told luke bryan about that amazing special ed teacher in missi mississippi, and he was more than happy to help her kick up the dust. >> you're lucky, you may have had that extra special teacher in your life. >> she is like a second mom. >> you know, the one who wouldn't just make learning fun, >> you got this test. you know it. you're ready. >> at rich land high school in richland, mississippi, it is alicia tems, ms. tems to her kids. >> she is like a lioness, that protects not only her family, but her family at the school. >> i love her. she is the most kindest person you'll ever meet. >> she'll stand up for you, no matter what. >> even when sheas with breast cancer a year and a half ago, which she tried to hide from her two young children, and her students as long as she could. until she lost her hair from chemo. >> we prayed, and we said that this will work. and -- i don't believe the girl missed a day. >> her students, still emotional about watching their greatest protector in pain. hey, hey, i'm fine. >> alicia acknowledges, it was these students who got her through those dark times. >> it was hard. i wouldn't have made it, had it not been for them. >> but little did she know, the whole school was in on a little secret. alicia's husband cliff, had written us about helping him arrange an adventure of a lifetime. spoid and a princess for the day. >> we had to tell a little white lie, doing a piece on special education teachers. we were about to reveal we were doing a piece on one special education teacher. [ applause ] >> the camera crew here today, they're with the "today" show. and going on a trip. >> we quickly whisked alicia off to the airport. where she hopped aboard a private plane to designations unknown. >> here we go. i don't know we're going. >> 90 minutes later, alicia and cliff touched down. >> there is a limo. why are those people filming? >> and alicia was stillur >> what is that? >> alicia. >> oh, my god. >> hi. >> okay, do you know where you are? >> no, i don't. >> you are in houston, texas. okay, guess where you guys are going tonight? >> where? >> oh, my god. you're loved. >> yes. >> i don't know if you know how much you're loved. do you know? >> i found out today. >> come on in. >> and the love continued on board the limo, with brand new concert ts and cowboy hats, naturally. >> tell me about you and luke bryan. have you ever seen him in concert? >> no, this is my first concert. >> what do you mean? >> ever. >> this is your first very concert ever? >> yeah. >> this is the best and the best day ever was about to get even better, as we waited backstage for the concert to begin. >> oh, my god! >> are you having a good day yet? >> yes, oh, my god. >> good to see you. i'm glad you all are having a good time. >> thank you. >> how are you? >> you all are from mississippi. flew in today? can you take a picture? >> hey, we got time for that. >> don't you love luke? >> i love being able to do this. make people happy. you got your tickets that hoda hooked you up with? >> hoda don't have the tickets. i got the tickets. there you go. i know a guy in the ticket office. >> luke, we love you. thanks to you. >> we love doing this. going through. we know it is a struggle, and -- >> you want one more hug? >> yes. >> glad you're beating it. >> yeah. >> awesome. have fun tonight. >> thank you. >> good to meet you. >> luke, fun was an understatement. >> houston! >> as far as concerts, this one wasn't bad. ? whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky ? >> a special day for a deserving special ed teacher from mississippi. ? rain is a good thing ? >> we love her so much, we're so happy to report, alicia is doing great. her doctors say she is in remission. by the way, when luke barged in the room, she was face timing her mother. she was like bye, mama. big dive in for luke. >> i love it was her first concert, ever. >> e a big thanks to luke bryan and his entire team. he is up for entertainer of the year. big thank you to the jets as well. they do such great work with the corporate angel network for cancer patients. we had so much fun doing it this month. >> hoda, thank you for all the smiles and a couple of tears too. let's head over to tamron. >> i hear the screams starting. do you hear it? single. what's up? he doesn't have a halloween costume yet. we're talking about that. are you good morning, here's a look at what's happening on channel 20 for 9 news a.m. the election cycle has been pretty mean. we're hearing that feedback from a lot of you. attacks on each candidate both political and personal but be careful where you're talking, you called "playground politics." >> people on the western slope will soon have fewer choices for health insurance carriers. by fewer choices, for some it will mean one choice. >> and you can be somebody's savior next week by donating blood. it's blood drive tore life at the mile -- for life at the mile high stadium. we talked to the top female blood donor. she has saved an incredible channel 20. let's check in on more potential record-breaking temperatures . >> here's a live look and proof that we're starting to improve. at 84th avenue and i-25, you have plenty of room, which is pretty rare, so enjoy that north end commute. but unfortunately, we still have to return to the southbound stretch of santa fe, which remains closed at union where a crash investigation pole and the highway shut down southbound. northbound remains open but it's highly visible across the road. the alternate is westbound union to southbound federal, back to eastbound bowles and marty, a lot of people got that delay because it's a connection. for us today we have thick cloud cover over the area today. that's going to thin for the afternoon, a little bit, not completely. but it will thin enough to really warm us up. we'll se western colorado tonight and tomorrow morning. not really going to affect that many places or provide that much moisture. for us today, i still think even with the clouds we're going to manage very briefly touch into the low 80s today. breaking another record high. we did yesterday at 83 degrees. warm over the weekend. dry over the weekend. the wind starts picking up sunday afternoon and continues good morning, everybody. it is 8:30, friday, october 28th. we've got a great crowd on the plaza. pretty ladies. we are going to turn it up quite a bit in quite a few moments, because -- >> yes. >> niall horan, of one direction fame, yes, is coming out right about now. >> boom. guys. he is going to perform his new solo single in just a little bit. and yes, he has willegions of f waiting all morning. >> great guy. meanwhile, we've covered the world series excitement, but there is a big football game as well. we've got chefs from both cities here, ready to share a few favorite football recipes. >> so savannah, what time do i call you and mike after the eagles lose to my cowboys? >> don't talk to me. >> snack talk. >> this is the one time we go at it. one time a year. with the holidays right around the corner, we'll introduce you to the year's absolute best new toys, talking about the best new toys, so we don't have to waste your time and money on anything else. speaking of the holiday, halloween is on monday, and ourselves. revealing our big costumes don't miss it. come dressed up. >> let's check the weather. let's look at the weekend. starting with tomorrow, we're looking at wet weather in the pacific northwest, northern and southern california, record warmth from midatlantic into the gulf coast. sunday, sunday, more rain, moving into the northeast. wet weather from the plains. the upper mississippi river california, and let's look ahead toward halloween night. spooky. casper, wyoming, 48, salem, that's your latest weather. don't forget, check it out any channel. thousands of now toys hit the shelves each and every year, just in time for this time of year. holiday season. which ones will stand up to the ultimate test, the kid test. only a select few earn an oppenheim, revealing the winners. >> good to see you, matt. >> these are kid tested, parents choices. >> absolutely. innovative and age appropriate, and at the end of the day, the kids have to love them. the first toy is from little people, and they're playing with it. what's great is you can use it as a tower, so you can use it this way. >> sets up two different ways. >> two different ways. the highest, and sets up as a roadway there. highest rating for toddler toys, our parents testers wanted me to say, it does not com >> next is what? >> castles are not new, but this one is. you can build is as one big castle, james, elizabeth are playing with it. it is a great to pretend they can use, and really good for building story telling ability, language skills, a great toy. >> durable, it will hold up? >> yeah it is a great toy. season that teach kids, introduce them to coding. >> how? >> each part will send it in a different direction and make a different sound. so kids learn how to use things in sequence, in an age appropriate way. one of the best uses of technology. it lights up, goes off, open-ended game. it is a lot of fun. >> i love that. >> now we're in early school. matt, this is one of the coolest toys -- >> like a tablet. >> this is osmo, i can then put one of the award stickers here. i push the button, and the animation will magically, watch for it, it will grab the wand. see the wand is in the animation. you know what i love about this toy is that it engages kids to use technology in an active way, rather than just watching the screen passively. >> is this expensive? >> the add-on is under $50. we grew up with racetracks, the showdown, what is different here is you have light-up tracks that glow in the dark, but then the cars will also leave a trace of light. super cool. this is a super big set. i call this a grand toy, but there are smaller sets. >> would this be appropriate for a 58-year-old man. i may have to take it home. >> you got it. everything on the site is not high this is a message from verizon group. they can show off, and also give as gifts, which we like as well. tweens, castles are super hot and this has enough to make seven different bracelets. >> last but not least? >> all right, this is the invention mansion from goldie build it any way you want. what i love, it is targeted to girls, but the brothers of the girls who tested it wanted it, and they wanted to build it. it is so cool. it even has a trapdoor. >> very cool. >> yeah. >> price see, or not? >> $59, and we have things on all price ranges, for all budgets and all ages. >> stephanie, these are great ideas. >> thank you, matt. >> as always, thank you very much. for the complete list of platinumar out the cowboys and eagles, but yeah, the music is on. 8:39, "today" loves football. city, and from the deep heart of texas, good morning to both of you. >> we've got a texas style recipe that tray will do. and we're doing cheesecakes, but you've got a twist. >> we're doing grilled cheese, so it will be crazy. i have a pork shoulder, i take a knife and make incisions on the inside. take the garlic and push it inside. each one. that's all. >> big shoulder. >> but this will cook down. i take some rosemary, shove it in. little bit of salt on the outside, same thing with the pepper. don't be afraid of the pepper. olive oil across the whole thing. pick it up, drop your oil everywhere, and pop it right into a crock pot. >> slow cooker. >> do it for about eight hours. leave it and let it go. then over here, we've got the part. >> that moist and easy. >> super, super easy. press it together. then you're going to pull it apart, let it sit. on the inside, there is a whole bunch of good garlic as well as in the pot, i put garlic too. pop it in there, and a little bit of the this, and i make my garlic butter. it works across. then over here -- >> nothing going to waste here. >> nothing. i've got my garlic butter, grain butter. >> i've got my cheese -- we're not all swine fans in philly, but this is a good way to go. pop the butter on the outside, just like that, and i take my pork, provolone. >> it has to be? >> it has to be, aged, nutty flavor to it. a little bit of broccoli rabe. the recipe is on the website. then your pulled pork over the top of that. same thing on the other side. pop it over here. >> throw it on the griddle. >> right on the griddle. >> i'm calling half time, tasters, what do we think of the cheese steak. >> it's good. >> i'm on the second half already. >> jay, what are we making? >> you know what, my boy j.j. wilcox is one of my closest friends, and so j.j.'s favorite chicken pies, i make a spice rub out of coriander seeds, chilli flakes, add it to the salt, season your chicken thighs, bone in, skin on. that's where the flavor is at, baby. >> don't think about a chicken breast, right? >> no, it is not that recipe. >> i know. we're not doing that. thighs, coomb the veg right here in the pan. hit it with some red wine. >> nice. >> tomato, thyme, it goes over this, pop it in the oven, boom. nice and simple. br braise it and it will fall off grits. >> let me take this giant spoon. >> there you go. >> guys, what do you think -- sorry, i'm eating for two. >> this is so good. what a new interpretation. >> it is where the flavor is at, baby. >> you are gatetting a lot of love. >> cowboys got the record. we may have to take it to night in america, 7:00 eastern. catch the recipes on the website. live performance from one direction star, niall horan, >>announcer: the citi concert series is presented to you by citi. hugely successful group, one direction, and his fans are so happy, because he is stepping out on his own. >> his solo career is off to a great start, his single, called "this town." >> debuted at number one on the twitter and top tracks. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> we were outside, talking about the world series and all of a sudden, this commotion in the crowd, and it was because little rehearsal. are you still getting your arms around that? >> you never get used to it, actually. i was saying to everyone this morning how nostalgic to be back here. i don't remember if all the times we were here. >> of course we do. >> so yeah, obviously you never get used to that. >> security still talks about that. >> so do i. >> let's talk about going out on your own, which i'm sure in some ways, it is bitter tweet, but it must be your music. >> obviously, it is going to be different, because there is less people with me. but yeah, it was a daunting prospect, but you know, the song is good, and i'm enjoying making the album and stuff like that. it has been a fun process, something i'm sure i'll get used to. >> always liked you so much, loved you so much, i saw you on he wi ellen and then i saw you on james corden. people mistake the two of you for one another. >> all the time. every time weo online, it's niall and ellen. they do split screen and all of that. >> we've got your halloween costume. >> seven with the skit with james. >> who is the better dancer, you or ellen. >> ellen. s she daniel >> ladies and gentlemen, niall horan. ? waking up to kiss you and nobody's there ? ? the smell of your perfume still stuck in the air ? ? it's hard ? ? yesterday i thought i saw your shadow running round ? ? it's funny how things never ? so far from the stars ? ? and i want to tell you everything ? ? the words i never got to say the first time around ? ? and i remember everything ? m from when we were the children playing in this fairground ? ? wish i was there with you now ? ? if the whole world was watching i'd still dance with you ? ? drive highways and byways to be there with you ? ? over and over the only truth ? ? everything comes back to you ? ? i saw that you moved on with someone new ? ? in the pub that we met he's got his arms around you ? ? and i want to tell you everything ? ? the words i never got to say the first time around ? ? and i remember everything ? ? from when we were the children playing in this fairground ? ? wish i was there with you now ? ? if the whole world was watching i'd still dance with you ? be there with you ? ? over and over the only truth ? ? everything comes back to you ? ? you still make me nervous, butterflies come alive when i'm next to you ? ? over and over, the only truth, ? know that i can't move on, there is something about you ? ? if the whole world was watching i would still be watching you ? ? over truth ? ? everything comes back to you ? ? butterflies come alive when i'm next to you ? ? over and over the only truth ? everything comes back to you ? [ applause ] niall, thank you so much. what a beautiful song. we're back in a moment, on friday morning. ...... ... you forget how beautiful your voice is individually. you have a stunningly beautiful voice. >> thank you, matt. you too. >> you travel with your family, your aunt is here, your cousins are here. >> my aunt has been living here for 30 years. >> she was mouthing every single >> you you have always traveled with your family, nice young man, since success has had. i'm so proud of you. >> thank you very much. >> we brought you ice cream. >> i haven't got a sweet tooth, but thanks. >> i do. >> no secret, this one loves milk shakes, she has cravings, which are normal. another one day. >> these were especially prepared in honor of universal's up these one of a kind milk shakes, a key lime pie shake, that has entire piece of key lime pie. a 19th century themed restaurant. check it out at universal >> that's the key lime pie, red velvet, which looks amazing. >> that's america. >> i know. chocolate, i don't know. i'll try this -- i'm going to go different. i'm going to do red velvet. >> willie, you've got to look ahead to sunday, don't you? >> yes, i do. we'll be live with both campaigns as we come up on a week with the presidential election, we'll be hearing from both sides, also highlighting up and coming artists, justin timberlake. talk about his family, new documentary, how he made the transition, as niall is doing now, from boy band to solo star. >> how did you get out of the game? what was the strategy as you >> i don't know. it can bring out a lot of courage. at the end of the day, you know that you're getting the opportunity to do what you love. and that's just something that can't be taken gfor granted. it could be different. hi, everyone, i'm gary shapiro with this 9 news update. 9 news wants to know and have obtained never-before released dna data in the jonbenit ramsey murder case and it's asking whether the girl's family should have been exonerated. experts say the dna evidence in the case is to the conclusive. they say it may not even be the killer's and may not even be the profile of pe they say it might be from three different people. tonight, 9 wants to know, we'll take a look at what may have led to the decision to exonerate the ramseys and we ask the question, what is next? marty joins us with the weather forecast. it's going to be a great weekend especially considering when october is going to wind up. >> with the last weekend of october in store, we have some clouds over the area. we're still going to be able to get quite warm today and see some light showers in the west, most of us remain dry and warm. it is so warm in eastern colorado, we are once again pursuing record high temperatures. in the denver area with a little bit of sun, hitting 82. topping our existing record of 80 degrees. the weekend is going to be mild and dry. mid-70s both days. wind starts picking up sunday. it will be out of the south. we get a bit of a wind shift coming up monday, it gets br halloween for you. . >> marty, thank you so much. this morning on "today's take" kenny chesney. we'll go one-on-one with the super star. it's freebie friday. we're giving away prizes. plus, a tasty treat for your big halloween weekend. apple >> announcer: fr nbc news, this is "today's take" live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome to "today" on a freebie friday morning october 28th, 2016. i'm al along with tamron and dylan. you do not want to miss. this is our biggest give away ever. >> we've run out of ideas so we're just giving money. it never goes out of style. it's going to be good. >> of course, everybody getting ready for halloween. >> not thanksgiving. >> not thanksgiving. yesterday i jumped a holiday and went to thanksgiving. but we've got some pumpkin carving experts. we have andrew, james and gene. carving kit. a >> are you doing that today or do you have pictures. >> for the next hour we sit and do nothing. it is the most boring show ever. >> how did you become a professional pumpkin carver? >> i've been carving pumpkins since i was a little kid. the tradition. and we carve hundreds of pumpkin every year. >> we can't wait to see them. >> at the end of the hour -- >> you'll have our likeness. >> who do you think is the hardest to do, guys? >> well, if i tell you that, it could be giving away some secrets. i can tell you this that using these tools we have on the tools they're all going to be easy. super easy. >> nice plug. >> you're a genius. >> seamless he worked that in there. >> didn't even see it where did we get him from? pumpkin masters. >> pizza makes everybody feel good. i wasn't sure what to make last night for dinner. this is just a suggestion for you. i'm usually intimidated. i ended up buying an already made pizza dough from my local store. >> i'll even go to a pizza place and just ask for the dough. >> fresh mozzarella -- this pizza. >> i didn't make the dough, but i rolled it out. >> you spent the dough to get the dough. >> put some fresh basil and chili flakes. on both ends, lela and nick like the crusty ends. so, they were able to get that and i was able to get the middle. >> i bought a pizza oven, a really big one with a pizza stone. >> really? >> like a convection oven size and i can't --s those, the treadmill where i put my clothes on. >> if you can get your oven up to 500 degrees and you get a pizza stone. >> what is your feel good friday. >> my feel good friday has to do with pizza. >> food theme. >> this is the best pizza place in my life, i think. it's called federicies. that's my dad and i when we went a few months ago. i'm having a little baby shower -- >> that looks like a hot oven. it's all burnt. >> i want to bring it in for you but it will never be as good. >> let's just see. you can bring it in and i'll decide. >> we'll bring an extra and see if it holds over until monday. >> don't strip us of this joy. >> i get so excited to go here. even though my f new jersey, i don't go often enough. that tunnel is so long -- >> there is a bridge. >> it's just as long. >> see what he did there. but you're going out your shower is going to be there. >> little baby shower with my dad's side of the family and i would love it, i just want some pizza, low key. >> a pizza shop. >> i like that. >> that's fantastic. make it rain pizza. >> it's a big shower, al roker. keeping the baby thing. account where people put up pictures of their babies. this one i watched until i fell asleep, i don't know, like 30 times. two twins and they're having a moment of crisis. >>ava was born one minute older than alexis. one minute. >> but i want to be bigger. >> you want to be older? don't cry. >> i've big enough - i'm not saying bigger. she's not bigger than you. you're the same size. she's just one minute older. >> i'm just one minute older. i'm just one minute older, that's it. i'm just one minute older. i'm just one minute older. >> she's not happy. >> she is rubbing it in. i'm just one minute older. >> as a parent, you don't really know the moment when your child is actually going to need therapy. they've got it. no, i'm just joking. >> this was my feel fgood. >> cut to when they're 50 -- >> you're the older one. >> i don't know what that video was, burn the tape. >> it is so sweet the sibling. i'm trying to help you, but by >> so send us your feel good friday moments. #todaystake. i like that. christie teagen. al showed pepper jumped up as pumpkin spice and many of you submitted your pooches. we had bosco in throw back thursday jeans. karen westbrook a picture of her grandson, lloyd. kim o'neil came up with ralph a pugghetti and meatball. presents mugsy the i. greta sent this one. this is olivia as a hot dog. and i said this is the tie in, baby luna. here's your moment. ho >> dressed up -- >> john legend and chrissy's baby as a hot dog. they then dressed her as a peacock. >> fashion show, i love this. >> like any good parent, you don't stop. a banana. >> much appeal. >> much appeal. >> and then minnie mouse. >> that's as cute as it gets. >> are you going to do the feeling that i'm going to. i say right now that i won't. >> that's just the first thing, first thing of things you say you won't do that you will end up doing. >> it's like that commercial. we're never moving to the city, we're never having kids. >> all of a sudden it changes. this david s. pumpkins, i think you both have taken it to the next level. i've been getting tweets of people dressing their kids and dogs. >> any questions. >> i have a present for you. bring it yesterday. our team and jerry. something special for halloween. >> shut up. where did you find this? >> two of the last david s. pumpkin suits from spirit halloween. thank you. >> are we trying it on? >> this is how we make dreams come true. they said there was none left. it is all you and al. dress up. >> for those of you who just caught up on a friday. these two are obsessed with this character. there he is. >> any questions? >> i need to work on that. >> any questions. >> tom hanks brought this joy to our life and this is a part of our field good friday. dylan and al dressed -- >> it fits. >> it fits. >> you got your own lit >> oh, my gosh, and the pants. this is the best. >> that's great. >> yes, thank you so much. >> you can't put the pants on, you have to go off to the side. >> if it wasn't tom hanks doing that bit, it wouldn't have worked. >> he is a genius. there you have it. happy halloween presents. it's the new trend. finding your friends costumes. still looking for a last-minute halloween costume. siri, any questions? answers after these messages. ? sorry... sorry... regerts? sorry, i was eating a milky way. ? hey girlfriend, how's your cafe au lait? oh, it's actually... sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) your coffee is. it's... sfx: (balloon squeals) hahahaha, i had a 2nd balloon goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah. happens to more people than you think. try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. mmm. good right? yeah. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. when l'oreal asked me what i wanted my skin to be... i said bright, smooth, you know, with a little glow. new bright reveal from l'oreal. what dermatologists use. diminishes dullness and visibly reduces wrinkles. reveals brighter, younger-looking skin in just one week. one week? you can do it. new bright reveal from l'oreal skin expert/paris. beautiful skin at every age. because you're worth it. why be in the kitchen when you can be in the moment? olive garden now offers catering delivery. ?? ?? i was in shock when my to me the acidity dentiof foods andining what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. namel. helping to protect your enamel. so we're back with more of "today's take." dylan, al. al, dylan. in my both you're so sweet in the same. you have your costumes. if you're still looking for suggestions. apparently siri, if you ask siri halloween, there is a solution. you have to specifically say, siri, what should i be for halloween. so, you guys are david s. pumpkin. siri, what should i be for halloween? i'm afraid i don't know what you should do. >> yeah, but you didn't ask the right question. >> siri, what should i be for >> try again. >> this is fascinating. >> siri, what should i be for halloween? >> you have to hit the button first. >> i did. listen here. it shouldn't be this complicated. hold on, let me do this one more time. siri, what should i be for halloween? >> sorry, there's nothing to -- >> you can put on surgeons scrubs and hold some instruments and tell people you're an operating system. >> that was worth it. >> how bad is mine picked up your question. >> what? >> look, i didn't ask this. we have the perfect video for you heading into this halloween weekend. check out this giant -- >> this is your transition? this is disgusting. >> look at this. have you ever seen that? it's a spider with a mouse in its mouth. >> australian wildlife is that's not in the wild. >> please tell me that's not someone's kitchen. >> i'm sorry, dylan, are you okay? >> i have a baby next to me. what is wrong with you? >> are you okay, baby. >> any questions. >> did you know that was coming? >> actually, i didn't. i didn't know. i was thinking as i was reading, i wish we had a spider. >> were you holding your breath? i'm sorry, baby. you know what, do they still have osha, i've just been knocked out by a spider. >> sorry, i just shouldered you in the head. >> let's see what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. right now. we have that world series. oh, yeah. all in chicago. going to be windy tonight. game four tomorrow some showers. 66. game five on sunday. little cooler but still not bad, partly cloudy. 53 degrees and for halloween on monday, in frankenstein, missouri, 53 degrees and we're looking at deadwood, oregon, some showers and a temperature of about 51 degrees. weather. tamron? >> hey, there, al. now that i have gotten my legs back. i've been trying to choose contestants for our freaky friday. i've got two lucky people. they're going to go and they're going to stuff the cash in their pocket. where am i going? who do i know? you. and then one more. you, you're going with me. i lost an arm, but i gained two friends. we're going to have our viewers participate at home. just because you're not here does not mean you're not participating. you at home, you in the crowd, oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. wrinkles. neutrogena?. maybe almond breeze tastes so good because it's the only almondmilk made with california blue diamond almonds. but if you ask our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how. every great why the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. for you. that was invigorating! you're probably wondering why i've just carved a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. ill. ? ? crisp garden vegetables. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? garden vegetable. rich, creamy... ...and delicious nothing else tastes like philadelphia?. don't miss kohl's 50% off sale! take 50% off hundreds of items plus take an extra 20% off plus take an extra $10 off your purchase of $50 or more plus yes 2 you members earn triple points. now that's the good stuff. kohl's when you ache and haven't slept... you're not you. tylenol? pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol?. today's freeb created with our sponsor, nabisco. creating 115 of joy. today we are giving away cold, hard cash. >> here's the deal, you both are going to get into these booths and money is going to start flying everywhere. you're going to have 30 second to grab as much cash as you can from the air. you can't pick it up off the ground. whatever you grab is yours. >> now, here's a tip, ladies. they told us if y grab it. but you can't grab it off the ground. >> ready? >> ready. >> let's put you in the booths. >> i have to put you in. i'm sorry, i forgot. hang on. hang on. are you ready? you got in. come on, ladies, bring home big money. >> in three, two, one, go! >> go, jackie. come on. here we go. >> here we go. >> yeah, come on, jackie. grab that money. >> grab it. >> don't worry about the door, i got it. >> grab that money. >> grab it! >> you have ten second. nine seconds. >> grab it! >> in five, four, three, two, one. all right. >> go, go, go! >> stop the machine. come on out. come on out, your door properly, so, let me just help you out and pick this up for you. can't have money on the floor. okay, come on. all right, jackie, you ladies did it. >> that was fantastic. >> got a little bit of money in here. little bit. >> it always happens to be nabisco's 115th birthday. cash you got. >> and i'm going to give you a little of this cash in here. >> you worked up a little bit of an appetite. why don't you open up the box and have a little cracker. >> i'll hold it. >> by the way, we also have a crazy friday surprise for you of $1,150. >> $1,150. >> thank you! >> from our >> bring your pals over. >> so, dylan, we didn't leave our viewers at home in the cold. what do you have for them? >> we're giving out $1,150 to three more viewers for a chance to win, visit our today's take facebook page's take and don't forget to like us. excitement in the background. send us your best recipes with ritz crackies and we may feature it on the show. and speaking of food, just ahead, homemade apple cider doughnuts. an easy recipe to make your weekend extra sweet. plus our pumpkin carvers are hard at work making -- what? >> so people know, we want people to know three viewers at home, three viewers at home you go to our facebook. and register to win go to all the rules are there. >> just because these ladies are the most amazing crew ever. where are you all going to spend the money? >> and by the way, they're real crackers. >> and you just said the cutest thing. she said, oh, my lanta. >> we're back after your local and fifteen thousand dollars and other daily cash prizes. buy today for your chance to win! ? the search for a 13-month-old boy... missing from cheyenne... is moving to a landfill in weld county. deputies in laramie county say the boy was killed... and put in a trash bin at laramie county community college. they believe the boy's remains are in ault... 80 miles away. the child's mother told deputies her boyfriend gave the fishing saturday. drilling has begun... on water wells near peterson air force base... to figure out how water south of colorado springs got contaminated. the first of 18 test wells started thursday near the colorado springs airport. the air force is trying to figure out how foam used by military firefighters... got into water supplies. people on the western slope will have one option for healthcare insurance next year - anthem blue cross blue shield. that's a big change from 20-14 where every colorado the colorado division of insurance says because of the limited choices in the state health insurance exchange, 92- thousand people will have to switch plans. marty coniglio joins us.. another possible record today we are back now on a special edition of food, we've teamed up with buzzfeed to bring you tasty videos. a sped up version on how to make a fall favorite, apple cider donuts. week's treat. the best part of apple picking, you go and get those donuts. here is the grid. you got apple cider, you got all the spices you need, sour cream, flour, butter. take your apple cider, couple of cups of apple cider, filtered or not. cook it down until you end up with about a half cup of apple cider. concentrate. butter in and let it melt. in the meantime, combine all of your dry ingredients. do the ingredients separately. so you've got your flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt. mix it together. all right. >> all right so you can do dry ingredients if you want. >> the great thing is, it doesn't take all that long. you get it together and now you've got sour cream, you've got egg, you've got and then -- the sour cream, moisture and denser and richer. then you combine your wet ingredients. and you're going to take those, fold them into your dry. then just mix it up and end up with a very nice dough. >> had you tried this recipe before, seeing it on buzzfeed? >> i have not. the proof is you can? >> exactly. that's what is great about this. you can end up learning some new tricks. >> got it. >> even though it is something something like that. >> mine is always really long. >> exactly. >> you get this, roll it out. what you're going to do, put a little flour down on top of your marble or your cutting board that you want and you're basically going to take nice little rounds. you can use a coffee cup. now you first do that, for your outside. then you get a smaller one. >> for the donut hole. >> my nieces are obsessed with donut holes. i try to connc the same. >> in between, when you make the dough, you should refrigerate it a little while. it is harder to get it in there. this is what we've got. you have to be careful. this is perhaps the only dangerous part. fill a pretty good-sized pan of hot with oil. ca candy thermometer. >> what kind of oil? be -- put them in carefully. then boom, these will be fun halloween shapes, because you don't know what they are. you don't want to overcrowd your pot, so you put in the donuts, you put in the donut holes. and you just watch it. it will take about five to ten minutes. they'll float to the top. you just keep moving them around. once they come out, this to me is the best part, when they're still warm. put them in a mix of >> when they're warm. >> and it all sticks. some people use powdered sugar. >> at home, get a paper bag and put it in, you see the grease on the outside. >> there you have, your apple cider donuts. >> love that. >> doh! >> so if you go to, tasty fall favorites, so you can get the recipe for the apple cider today food tasty videos on the site. check them out. coming up, natalie goes one-on-one with kenny chesney. plus, pumpkin portraits, almost ready. >> can't wait to see them. >> can't wait to see them. aft anyone with type 2 diabs knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? 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kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold?. go to to join the bold percent for the chance to win my sweethearts gone sayonara. this scarf all thats left to remem... what! she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings the new false lash look? flaunt the winged effect. new falsies push up angel mascara from maybelline ny. lashes so winged out, test test test test test test test test test test test test test wlapchicken! well, at least until it's in the soup. it's the movie already getting a lot of love by critics, and still doesn't hit theaters until next weekend. >> it is called "loving", and joel edgerton, who starred opposite johnny depp. >> mildred and richard loving, landmark civil rights case. >> richie. >> what are you doing in bed with that woman? >> i'm his wife. >> that's no good here. >> good morning, good to see you. congratulations on this film. it is one of those moments you cannot believe this was so recent, that after i saw the film, even though i do the news, i ran online to learn more about this couple. you just consumed how close illegal for a white person and a black person to be married in this country. >> yeah. >> yeah, it is staggeringment i mean, i was very surprised how few people knew about then, and two people who changed the constitution. two people whose stories is a massive part of this country's civil rights timeline. >> when you look at something like this, there is archived material obviously, and do you to -- these two people who changed so much, the simple act of saying "i do" was against the law at a point in this country. >> very much so. we definitely felt a responsibility to this, and their loving daughter. but i think at some point, that sort of honor and reverence, you can't do your job we fell in love with this couple, watching the documentary, called "loving story" fabulous documentary, and watching the archival footage. it was a privilege playing them. they were really in love. they liked one another. they respected one another. they treated each other as equal. we felt it was our job to them to people who might not know them. that's what we're privileged to be part of. >> incredibly shy kind of people at the forefront of change. they weren't trying to run a revolution. they found themselves in the middle of this thing. when you watch the documentary, you see just how shy and sort of unwilling they were to be part of that force of change. but they were. their strength marriage, it was a gateway for so many other people. >> you play normally a tough guy. was it a nice change of pace to take on the more tender role? >> it was, you know. like, you watch the footage of richard, he was one of those very strong looking, but very quietly spoken and very shy kind of get the cameras away from me type of person. it is nice to live in silence, and you know, silence, i think the movie says a lot about how silence is born out of injustice. people learn to shut up and not talk and not fight and not debate. it was a nice place to live in, and a real challenge, i think. >> how does it feel, ruth, to have all this oscar buzz and critical buzz? we have a good track record. when we love a movie usually, we'll end c of the award shows and saying hey, congratulations. no pressure on us. how are you balancing it? >> i think we're doing okay. aren't we? my voice is -- >> let me feel your pulse. >> my voice is going, i've been talking so much. a few ocktives lower than when i started a few weeks ago. it genuinely is lovely. because it is giving this couple deserve. i really do think they are a couple for not just america to be proud of, but the word. it speaks volumes of what we're capable of. sometimes when you feel you might be going down a cynical path, they remind you we're great goodness and hopefulness. >> congratulations on all of it. by the way, "loving" from our system company, focus feature, november 4th. it is beautiful. congratulations. >> thank you. up next, our pumpkin carvers, ready to reveal their masterpieces. do we look like them? do they look like us. find out, first on "today" on likeness. here we go. time for the big reveal. lights out. here we go. >> anyone home? >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, that's so -- >> that's crazy. >> oh, i love it. >> look at that. it looks just like me. >> mine is a selfie of me. >> that's right. >> oh, that's funny. >> wow. >> pumpkins have hands. >> they look amazing. >> one more plug for the company. >> you know, w what we did here today. we really do want to stress how easy it is for anybody to be able to do this. there is a tool for everything. >> a tool for everything. >> thanks so much. >> last minute halloween costumes, after your local news. campaigning side- by-side with first lady michelle obama in north carolina. president obama and tim kaine are in florida campaigning. their message -- get out and vote. and this morning... we're learning, vice president joe biden is under consideration to become secretary of state if clinton wins. today... donald trump is visiting several states... including iowa and new hampshire. he returns to colorado tomorrow. he will hold a rally in golden at the jefferson county fairgrounds event center. the event begins at noon - doors open at 9 in the morning. you can register for tickets online. marty coniglio join us... another eighty degree october day. we'll see you over on channel 20 for 9news at 11 a.m., and then back here for coming up on 9news 11 a.m. over on

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