Transcripts For KUSA Today 20161013 :

Transcripts For KUSA Today 20161013

american destroyer as the u.s. is drawn into yet another conflict. >> officers down, two boston police officers in critical condition this morning after being shot during a domestic disturbance a man wearing body armor, shot and killed by other officers. >> a dazzling debut. a rookie hockey player scores not once, not two, but four goals in his very first nhl game bringing his mom to tears creating a picture perfect moment today. thursday, october 13th, 2016. welcome to "today" on this thursday morning. i love hearing about that hockey game. i think this takes it beyond beginner's luck. >> how many times have you told me to watch out for this auston matthews guy. he will be a comer. >> he is from the area. >> playing for toronto. we'll have more on that game in a little while. let's begin this thursday morning with politics. let's get to the state of the race 26 days to go until the election. accusing donald trump of inproper behavior including kissing and groping. the trump campaign denies the accusations. >> a new bloomberg politics poll showing hillary clinton now with a nine point lead in the critical state of pennsylvania. 51 to 42%. >> and for a third straight day, trump campaigns in florida before heading to ohio this afternoon hillary clinton is off the trail but the obamas will be campaigning for her. it covered for you. the decision 2016 team is in place and let me start with hallie jackson. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi savannah. for days, donald trump has said that vulgar 2005 audio was locker room talk, words not actions. that is being disputed by the women coming forward. allegations trump and his campaign strongly deny allegations, multiple women who say donald trump touched her kissed them inappropriately. >> he was like an octopus, like he had six arms. he was all over the place. >> reporter: jessica leeds tells the new york times that more than three decades ago she sat next to trump, a stranger on a flight when he began groping her. >> when he started putting his hand up my skirt, that was it. that was it. the times in 2005 when she was 22, she introduced herself to the businessman at trump towers. instead of a hand shake, he kissed her. there is natasha stoynoff, a writer for people magazine visiting mar-a-lago in 2005 for an interview with the trumps. a pregnant melania upstairs. down stairs, donald trump inviting her into a room. i turned around and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his nbc news has not independently verified the allegations against trump. all of the women going public after sunday night's debate when trump was pressed about his lewd comments during a 2005 access hollywood taping, a show owned by nbc universal. >> for the record, though, are you saying what you said on the bus 11 years ago, that you didn't actually kiss women without consent. >> i have great respect for women. women than i do. and women have respect for me. no, i have not. >> the trump campaign vigorously denying the new accusations. in a statement to nbc news, a trump advisor says for the new york times to launch a completely false coordinated characters assassination against mr. trump on a topic like this is dangerous. to reach back decades in an attempt to smear mr. trump trivializes sexual assault and sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in the efforts to determine this election. reporter's accusation, a trump spokesperson says this never happened. there is not merit or veracity to this fictional story. why wasn't this reported at the time snl the women's new allegations building on others. in an exclusive interview with nbc news, temple taggert, 1997 miss utah recalls meeting donald trump at a pageant he owned. >> he embraced me and gave me a >> reporter: taggert tells nbc she didn't consider it assault, just awkward. >> how are you? hi. >> reporter: she became upset when she heard the vulgar audio emerge friday. >> i don't want to get emotional. it is really hard because you think of sending your little daughter out there, i'm sorry. with men like that that think like that. >> reporter: despite photos of trump and taggert together, trump tells nbc i don't know anything about her. i don't evenno adding i emphatically deny this ridiculous claim. the trump campaign is now demanding a retraction of that new york times article, pointing to the timing of the publication just weeks before election day calling it politically motivated. lawyers now say more political action telling nbc they're drafting a, quote, big lawsuit we'll hear exclusively from arianne zucker, the actress at the center of the 2005 hot mike moment. >> let's bring in nicolle wallace and steve carkarnaki. you said it might be the low, the final straw. is this the final, final straw in this campaign? >> i should stop saying final, but i think that what politics but as a participant in this of the conversations is that a man comes out and confesses to sexual aggression and then women come out and detail say sexual aggression and then the man threatens to sue the women and the people who report on that, so i think he is in a pickle with voters. if he was the first one to describe his own sexual aggression. his own pattern of kissing before talking. kissing before consent. means no. you teach children to talk about these things. he described sexual aggression without consent, without conversation and all of these stories, what they all have in common is sexual conduct, sexual aggression without any conversation. >> let's be devil's advocate. these are allegations. >> it is innocent until proven guilty. >> he has denied them. question is how trump defends them. if you're fending off sexual allegations in the final month of the campaign, that is a whole other issue. and now people are just following that script and saying oh, yeah, that is what happened to me. i can see the flip side of of the argument as well which is when he sat there and said i never did this. some women said enough, i'm coming out, yes, you did. >> he can say that. of course, the other thing is look at that defend. you have the statement from the trump campaign, you're reaching back ten, 20 years for allegations here. of that is part of the trump strategy when it comes to this issue with hillary clinton. clinton, ten, 20, 30 years ago and trying to im apply indicate hillary clinton in that. it sort of takes the teeth out of the strategy of the trump campaign has been using to deflect some of this stuff. >> how does hillary clinton, how does the campaign deal with this? very, very carefully? >> very, very carefully. and i looked at where they're moving their money around and they're reaching into states like georgia and arizona. politically speaking, they're on the offense but i think this is a lives and about the potential of the allegations there, too. it transcends applipolitics. there is no pleasure in the potential of sexual abuse or harassment coming out and going to war with donald trump. he is not some sort of soldier who fights fire with fire. he with a suicide bomber. you have to give these women, at least until more is known, the benefit of the doubt that they >> a lot for them to take on by becoming public and putting their names out there. there is no question about it. i mean, we have to look at this through the lenses of politics. steve, do you see the same dynamic at play that we've seen from the beginning with donald trump which is his true believers and supporters just really don't care and are not going to believe these allegations? >> and i think also there is a lot of anger at the media among his sort of core of supporters and this reenforces it. even if this just what both sides think of him, he is behind. the people he needs to win over are suburban women and they will be most affected by a story like this. >> steve, thank you so much. appreciate it. the clinton campaign is hitting trump hard over these latest accusations, even as it faces new trouble of its own. nbc's kristin welker is in las vegas with more. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning to you. secretary clinton will spend the morning. an endorsement from "the washington post" which writes she has the potential to be a great president and calling donald trump, quote, dreadful. all of this comes as her campaign is taking sharp new aim of the latest controversy enveloping donald trump. hillary clinton hitting her stride and hitting donald trump before a crowd in las vegas wednesday night. >> his campaign has said today that he has going to, and i quote, run a scorched earth whatever that means. that is how desperate they are. that is all they have left. >> and while she didn't directly mention the new allegations levelled against trump, she did slam him for his alleged treatment of women. >> you know, this latest incident about, you know, how he treats women, well, he has doubled down. he doubled down on his excuse that it is locker room talk. >> reporter: in a statement, her these reports suggest that he lied on the debate stage and that the disgusting behavior he bragged about in the tape is more than just words. all this helping fuel the campaign's belief they may be able to expand the election map. clinton aides telling nbc news, they believe traditionally red states may be in play. >> we are competing everywhere and the polls are tightening because i think americans want possible to reject the dark and decisive and hateful campaign that is being run by my opponent. >> reporter: but clinton is dealing with her own challenges. wikileaks releasing 1,700 new hacked e-mails wednesday. republicans pointing to one purportedly from jennifer palmeiri. their rich friend wouldn't house speaker paul ryan blasting the clinton campaign saying the disdain for evangelicals is staggering. >> i'm a catholic. i don't recognize the e-mail that we saw. and the effort is led by the russians. >> with the fbi saying it believes russia is responsible for prior hacks, clinton campaign chairman john podesta also his e-mail. noting this level of middling by a foreign power can only be aimed at boosting donald trump and should send chills down the spines of all americans. >> reporter: this morning, one of trump's top advisors from a new york mayor, rudy guiliani is apologizing after saying on wednesday hillary clinton falsely claimed she was in new york on september 11th, something clinton never did. secretary clinton fund raise, top surrogates will be out in force including the president, first lady and the vice president. >> kristin welker, thank you. another major story breaking this morning, the u.s. fir firifiringi missiles at rebel held sites in yemen. let's get to the foreign correspondent richard engel with the latest. >> reporter: it does seem like the u.sit sucked into yet another conflict in the middle east. the pentagon announcing that u.s. war ships have launched tomahawk cruise missiles to destroy three radar sites along the coast of yemen in areas that are controlled by rebels. it is important to understand the context here. for about a year, saudi arabia has been at war with rebels in anti-american and anti-saudi sentiment has been growing among the rebels and a few days ago, this weekend, the rebels allegedly launched an attack from their territory targeting a failed attempt to target u.s. war ships. the united states vowed it would respond mill tearily if this should ever happen again and yesterday, it did happen again. there was yet another failed attack on u.s. war ships in the red sea and wha this morning was the u.s. military response. the u.s. saying it will act at any time. >> richard engel on the story, thank you. two preolice officers in boston are fighting for their lives after a dramatic shoot out with a man wearing body armor. tammy leitner. >> reporter: two police officers roommates got into an argument. one of roommates was wearing a ballistic vest and had an assault weapon. he opened fire on police. the big question is why. this morning, two police officers are struggling to survive. one of them shot multiple times during a domestic dispute turned gun fight. in a boston neighborhood late wednesday. >> i need all ten cars to respond to east boston. we have a 303. >> reporter: two roommates were having an argument when one of the men pulled out a gun. when police arrived, the armed men began shooting at them and they returned fire. >> advising units at this time. shooter is still shooting. >> reporter: two officers seriously wounded in the exchange. >> need some more units that are free to assist with going to the hospital. >> reporter: authorities briefly locked down the neighborhood until s.w.a.t. officers shot the suspect. some sort of assault rifle who also had on a ballistic vest. >> there was a lot of gunshots. over 30 gunshots. a bunch of police came in s.w.a.t. teams, the dogs, everybody. >> reporter: one of the officers has about 28 years on the police force and the second officer, a 12 year veteran. >> domestic calls are the most volatile. you never know what you're walking into and we see right now the dangers of our job. it is a officers, i'm real proud of of the work they do day in and day out in keeping this city safe. >> reporter: one of those officers went in to surgery early this morning, both are in extremely critical condition. matt? >> tammy, thank you very much. we have new developments on the fiery plane crash in connecticut. a u.s. official says the crash appears to be a suicide. student pilot was killed tuesday when the plane went down on a the crash but was badly burned. the official says the men had a fight inside that small plane and the instructor was unable to regain control from the trainee before it crashed. the fbi is now investigating. 7:18. let's check the weather. al is recovering from the knee surgery. dylan is on duty. hi. >> reporter: yesterday we pointed out hurricane nicole it exploded overnight. i mean it is a very major category 4 hurricane right now. look at the view from the inrn very close to bermuda and we'll see hurricane conditions in bermuda very shortly as they're already dealing with tropical storm force winds at this time. it is a major category 4 storm. it is going to track, if not over bermuda, very, very close to bermuda. winds are at 130 miles an hour. you can see the track takes it over very close to bermuda as winds might die down to about nine inches of rain. had it will weaken over the water. winds gusting up to 51 miles an hour. the codes in bermuda are tight so usually bermuda tends to fair pretty well in these situations but this is the first major hurricane seen come close to bermuda in some time. we'll see the hurricane force winds but it should start to improve as we go early into this evening as perhaps 7, 8:00 tonight. that is a look of the weather across the countr in just 30 seconds. no matter what you love, we'll help you style your home from floor to ceiling. now get up to $40 off our best paint via rebate and make your home happy, and that is your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you very much. coming up, a today exclusive. arianne zucker, one of the woman donald trump made offensive comments about on the leaked tape speaks out for the first time. >> a warning about so called sliders. how thieves are targeting unsuspecting women at the gas station and how you can protect just ahead, al hits a milestone in his recovery from knee surgery. >> and the legendary barry gibbs performing a classic after your local news. mom, i have to tell you something. dad, one second i was driving and then the next... they just didn't stop and then... i'm really sorry. i wrecked the subaru. i wrecked it. you're ok. itment to getting them home safely. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. people always say let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just learn how to drive... or solve the world's problems... be a 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"or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia from top to bottom... there's nothing "or something" about it. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. [?diggy? by spencer ludwig] ? ? ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. good morning. i'm corey rose. here's a look at what's happening on channel 20 for 9 news at 7:00 a.m. colleen ferreira has a new development to hopes to help for a win and hoping that their scotch - - coach is on the mend. we have a northbound slow down at arapahoe and it looks like-- we'll walk over here for a closer look, i'm going to call it clear, nobody right in the two right lanes, blocked by two crashes involving 7 cars. the slow downs lead up to lincoln avenue but we are going to improve, a northbound from c470 into downtown. crash wise, southbound 25 at park avenue and also at 20th. we do have clouds over our neck of the woods today. it's not the haze and drizzle that we had yesterday though it has been drizzly and foggy in northern colorado especially around greeley. southerns in southeastern colorado scoot out of here in the morning, and we end up with a sunny day here. it will be dramatically warmer than it was yesterday with locations east and west rovenning into the 70s. we won't be that much cooler in the mountains with 50s and 60s and afternoon clouds and sun, mid-70s. it gets windy in and near the foothills tonight and tomorrow and that will give us a chinook effect with the warmer weather tomorrow. 80degrees plus and we'll do that again sunday and monday and cooler air finally moves in back now, 7:30 on a thursday morning. the 13th day of october, 2016. we're throwing it back to the '70s with the beegees staying alive. the reason is that the legendary barry studio in a little while to perform for us in our 8:30 half hour. >> i'm so excited. >> it will be cool. really good. by the way, let's get a check of the headlines. the first headline is a musical audio headline. >> ? how does it feel? ? >> bob dylan has won the nobel prize for literature. the swedish academy citing him american song tradition so congratulations to bob dylan. >> back to politics, donald trump fighting back against new assault allegations. multiple women have come forward through the "new york times" and other publications in the last 24 to 48 hours claiming he touched and kissed them inappropriately years ago. trump's campaign is denying the allegations and demanding they retract the story and threatening to sue. nb confirmed any of the allegations. >> clinton's campaign released a statement against the allegations saying they suggest the behavior he bragged about is more than just words. >> here is today's campaign moment. tom brady, who trump has called a great friend was asked to weigh in on that 2005 access hollywood video that trump dismissed as locker room talk. >> how would you respond if your >> that response comes as several professional athletes have come forward dismissing trump's defense saying it does not take place in the locker room that they know of. >> also this morning, the woman that trump talked about in the 2005 tape is speaking out in her first interview since the controversy erupted and the tape was leaked. specifically with her. >> she is a soap opera star thrust into a real life drama. arianne zucker was the woman he talked about. she discussed the comments he made about women and about her. >> arianne zucker played nicole walker on "days of our lives". >> the only way we'll make a mends is if i never see you again. >> her fictional character, she says, has never been through >> it feels surreal to be in it. i'm not quite sure -- >> it is zucker donald trump was referring to when he said this to billy bush on an access hollywood bus. >> i've got to use some tic tacs in case i'll be kissing her. when you're a star, they let you do that. you can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ]. >> the crude comments made moments before meeting her. >> hello. how are you? hi. >> nice to see >> the recording became public last week, instantly going viral and sending trump's campaign into crisis. >> do you find them offensive comments? >> they are offensive comments for women, period, yes. yes, they are. >> as a mother of a 6-year-old daughter, she had concerned but working in the entertainment industry, she says, the language didn't surprise her. >> you weren't shocked? >> not with that type of personality. it wasn't shock. which is probably why it doesn't >> what about the role of billy bush. some people believe he egged it on. what is your reaction. >> who knows how he was feeling when he walked off the bus and what he needed to do in the relationship. when he came off the bus along with mr. trump, i had no feeling about professional. that is it. >> bush has been suspended by nbc news and has apologized for his role in the incident. >> that is better. >> zucker says she hasn't been able to turn on the television the past few days without seeing the video. at the cameo. >> walker, walker. please. >> i'm a happily married man and if is a job you're looking for, i have all of the apprentices i need. >> donald trump issued an apology for what he described as locker room banter. do you accept his apology? >> it was an interesting apology. >> the actress says she is looking forward now, hoping to lead by example. >> i want to teach my daughter situation like mommy is right now, that she will hold her head high as well and if she learned anything from it, how can she share this with other women or young girls or whoever is around her, young boys even, i think young men can learn from this. of how not to be in front of women or when they're speaking about women. >> are you ready for this to go away? >> i'm ready to use it in a i'm ready to use it for positivity. i'm ready to use it for women to step forward and to do good things in my life and for other people. >> arianne zucker says she is planning to vote but won't say for whom. she also says she has not heard from donald trump nor from his campaign. matt and savannah, back to you. >> interesting, janet shamlian. >> let's turn to dylan and get another look at the weather. a nice warm up is expected today. we should get into the 70s ahead of the cold front that is producing spotty showers from kentucky to southeastern ohio. buffalo, heavy pockets as well. it is a front that will move in. a lot of the rain fizzles out. keep the umbrella handy and you might run into spotty showers. back behind it, temperatures will drop down. back into the 60s. even though we'll be in the 70s forecast. >> thank you so much. just ahead, the new app that does your kids math homework for them. is this high-tech cheating? >> the rossen reports that all women and men need to see. >> the crime hitting across the country. thieves targeting women while pumping gas and what they're doing is coming to the other side of the car, sneaking in, and getting all of your stuff inside before you even know it and how to protect yourself, next. ? ? one smart choice leads to the next. ? the new 2017 ford fusion is here. it's the beauty of a well-made choice. runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. like country crock's recipe made with real simple ingredients. and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. xarelto? 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now watch this silver car pull up next to her, just like any other customer. as the woman is focusing on the down, opens her passenger door, slides in and grabs her purse. the entire crime takes 19 seconds. police call these crooks sliders. >> this is the lowest of the low. before the victim knows, they're looking for their purse it is gone. they pull into a gas station and look for a victim. a woman pumping gas by herself. i see one right here. in this case it is my producer lindsey. they pull up along side and no one would even notice. you're pumping gas at another they call them sliders, they slide out and stay beneath the door frame so no one on the other side can see me. open the door up and here is the pocketbook right here. i grab the bag, close the door, slide back into my own car, no one is any the wiser and boom, i have her bag and i'm out of here. how long did that take? just seconds. i'm gone. now watch the same demonstration from lindsey's point of view. she is looking at the pump and look closer. i opened her passenger door. you can barely see it. here, i'll highlight it. see it now? i get her bag, close the door and speed away. did you hear the door open or close when i came in? >> no. i knew you were coming and i didn't see or hear anything. there are cars around. i didn't notice a thing. >> reporter: there are new cases across the country. just weeks ago in south florida, watch this man snatch the victim's purse from the front seat. by the racing away but she chases him down, climbing on his car and hitting him with her wallet. she tumbles off. thankfully she is okay but he gets away. in detroit, another new case, this thief waits until the woman is looking at the pump and strikes right there. >> best advice is to lock the if you see somebody slide out, get a license plate, things that can help us put the bad guys away. >> we were saying, don't mess with the woman who jumped on the car. police are targeting women who leave bags on the seat wallets, keys, on the side. it is not just for women. this is for men, too. leave nothing on that front seat. >> the woman who jumped on the car, yeah, brave, but that could have ended very badly. >> thankfully she the arizona teen who just had the greatest start to an nhl career ever. >> the hotel hero. carson has dramatic video of a man who raced into action to save this dog. there is a world, like no other world. where happiness can be found around every corner. savory moments. and moments to savor. because here, the laughter has no limits. here, the magic is endless. since the launch of the new dannon whole milk yogurt, a natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. 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[heartbeat] a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. ?and if you want to be free, be free? ?'cause there's a million things to be? ?you know that there are? ?and if you want to be me, be me? ?and if you want to be you, be you? ?'cause there's a million things to do? ?you know that there are? ? people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. discover card. i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that's great! it is great! thank you. (simultaneously) nhl fans, show your team pride at t they contour to your body. it keeps us comfortable and asleep at night. change your sleep, change your life... change to tempur-pedic. to sleep happy guaranteed, and zero percent apr financing, visit mattress firm. 7:50. 7:50. we've got a dramatic rescue caught on tape. >> an incredible video of a fast acting hotel manager saving a guest dog. absolutely in awe this morning. look at the footage. there is the surveillance. you can see a hotel guest get on the elevator with his leashed dog but the dog doesn't follow close enough ended up trapped on the other sides of the doors. there is ben duke stepping out of a storage closet. see the dog, springs into action, snaps the leash, frees the dog just in time. duke said the dog was scared. scrapped him on the face but obviously the outcome could have been a whole lot worse. the view counts are going up. this dog has a guardian angel. ben duke. many are calling duke a hero. he said he did what anybody would have done in that situation. this have very dramatic image for our puppy charlie. later today, show charlie the video. >> such a good lesson. if you behind you. >> quick reflexes in a pinch. >> it wasn't a leather leash, he snapped that thing quick. >> amazing. >> carson, thank you very much. just ahead, al's road to recovery. he will walk us through his knee replacement surgery from start to finish. >> all right. this is a throw back thursday and barry gibb will be here to perform one of the beegee's biggest hits. (einstein) hey! what's going on here? in einstein since he started eating the new beneful recipe. the number one ingredient in it is beef. (einstein) the beef is fantastic! (becky) he's a very active dog. he never stops moving. he has enough energy to believe that he can jump high enough to catch a bird. it has real beef, grains, vegetables, and he loves it. well, we were coming for an interview... so he wanted to wear his tie. (einstein) it's my power tie. it gives me power. (vo) try new beneful originals with beef. now with real beef as the number one ingredient, healthful. flavorful. beneful. ? or happily ever after. but you believed when the right one came along, you'd be ready. time to shine. orbit. ? ask sherwin-williams during the four-day super sale. save 40% on paints and stains from october 14th through the 17th. visit to find the store nearest you. what is driving performance? it's not a weekend hobby. you have to live and breathe it for 50 years. it's the sound... and the fury. it's letting it all hang out there, and it's hanging on for dear life. and this is where it lives. the 503-horsepower mercedes-amg c63 s coupe. fact. people spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. gentle, non-habit forming advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. keep it simple. always be real. don't be artificial, but always be sweet. nature valley granola bars. no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. just good. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician... ...or dance. listerine?. hi, there. i'm tarhonda thomas with a look at what's happening on channel 20 at 8:00 a.m. police are looking for a suspect in a shooting. and an old colorado mine is getting cleaned up and the swan river is getting a new chance at life. and i'm sure we would all like to be millionaires right lucky enough for that to be true but only if they cash in the winning ticket. let's talk with marty and amelia about the traffic and weather. good morning. good morning, that ronde a 25 - - tarhonda. and 25 has cleared at arapahoe and highway 85, it cleared out of there. we had sunshine for a while but marty, the fog is back. what's going on? i think we are getting part of the area. it's going to steadily decrease through the morning. showers over southeastern colorado will move into kansas and oklahoma this morning and most everybody finishes the day with sunshine. it's going to be a lot warmer than it was around here yesterday. we'll move into the 70s for daytime highs today as well as over the eastern plains. 50s 60s in the mountains and but that will give way to the afternoon sun across the front range. temperatures in the mid-70s today. tonight into tomorrow, the wind picks up in and near the foothills with wind gusts pushing near 40 miles per hour along the peak to peak highway and i-70 and the continental divide. and that westerly wind translates into warmer temperatures tomorrow with low 80s tomorrow and clouds drift in on saturday, push us to the 70s, above average. we ramp temperatures back up by monday and the winds shift from medicine into tuesday - - it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, flood of accusations. the trump campaign reacts after multiple women come forward claiming donald trump made unwanted advances. >> he turned to me and embraced me and gave me a kiss on and i remember being shocked. >> the candidate denying their accounts as hillary clinton deals with yet another e-mail controversy. plus, roker's recovery. we're going to check in with al and see how he's feeling as he begins rehab after knee replacement surgery. ? jive talkin' ? >> and the man behind the one and only barry gibb as he talks about relaunching his legendary career "today," october 13th, 2016. ? >> good morning from east minnesota shriners! >> celebrating 50 years in the city from st. louis, missouri! >> happy birthday, matthew! woo-hoo! ? >> celebrating 50 years in new york city from minnesota. >> mom's turning 80 on "today"! woo! it's 8:00 on "today," thursday, october 13th, 2016. a beautiful fall day. we have just a great morning all fired up here. >> they're so noisy out here. we have barry gibb here! >> i know, i am so excited. i love the beegees. >> going to do an old song and he's going to do a new song as well. just ahead, we also have giada up in the kitchen. but first, a "news at 8." i'm andrea mitchell in washington. with the election now only 26 days away, donald trump's campaign pushing back hard today against multiple reports of alleged inappropriate behavior toward women. this morning, more women are coming forward to accuse donald trump of bad behavior dating back years. trump denies every sexually assaulting anyone and in the debate sunday night, the republican nominee claimed his "access hollywood" tape, which is owned and distributed by nbc universal, parent of nbc news and msnbc, was just locker room talk. >> i'm automatically attracted to beautiful women. i just start kissing them. >> have you ever -- >> women have respect for me. i will tell you -- no, i have not. >> reporter: this morning, a front page story in the "new york times" quotes a passenger who sat next to trump on a plane 35 years ago saying he groebed h her. >> he was like an octopus. part of the body, i might not have gotten -- i might not have gotten that upset. when he started putting his hand up my skirt, that was it. >> reporter: the "times" also reports rachel crooks, a receptionist at trump tower in 2005, accuses trump of inappropriately kissing her on the mouth. in a statement, the trump campaign denies the "times" story. "this entire article is fiction and for "the new york times" to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against mr. trump dangerous." others are also stepping forward. a former miss utah, temple taggart mcdowell, telling nbc news she met trump for the first time at a pageant rehearsal in 1997. >> he turned to me and embraced me and gave me a kiss on the lips. i remember being shocked. >> reporter: in a written statement, trump says i don't even know who she is. i emphatically deny this ridiculous claim. nbc news cannot independently verify any ofhe claims. rens night hillary clinton took a jab at trump. >> this latest incident about how he treats women. well, he's doubled down. he doubled down on his excuse that it is just locker room talk. >> reporter: her communications director adding in a written statement, "these reports suggest that he lied on the debate stage, and that the disgusting behavior he bragged about in the tape is more than vice president job weighing in on seth meyers calling trump's remarks on the "access hollywood" tape -- >> absolutely outrageous behavior. >> today a lot of white house firepower with clinton, the president, vice president and first lady all campaigning for her. michelle obama will be in new hampshire where she is expected to raise the issue of trump's behavior toward women. trump will rally in two states crucial for him, florida and ohio. wells fargo's ceo, with john stump, recently -- or suddenly resigned on wednesday amid mounting criticism from the public and members of congress. wells fargo's been under fire since last month when it admitted it created as many as 2 million phony bank and credit card accounts without customer permission. no criminal charges have been filed but wells fargo has agreed chief operating officer tim sloan will become the new ceo. coming up next, is it just a fancy new way to cheat? wait until you see how this app will do your kids' math for them. then, al's first steps on his new knee as he recovers from surgery. and, barry gibb taking over ... ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? great rates for great rides. [ cough ] shh. i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. better take something. dayquil liquid gels doesn't treat a runny nose. it doesn't? alka-seltzer plus cold and cough liquid gels fight your worst cold symptoms including your runny nose. ? you should be dancin' ? ? yeah ? our special today is the seared ahi tuna, and i'll be right back to take your order. thank you. thanks. don't you hate that? when they don't tell you how much something costs? and you have to ask? right. o... ...?bring up the costs associated with your services.? i know. hey, i'm nothing if not predictable. lemme guess, the salmon? being transparent about our costs. it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. . good times are trending. >> what song is that that y >> solutions by lady gaga. >> nice. okay. i love this story, talking about making an entrance. toronto maple leafs player, auston matthews, remember that name. he's a rookie, first player to ever score four goals in a professional debut. he was responsible for every single one of the maple leafs goals. he's just 19. his mom was there. she can't believe it, that's my kid right there. by the way, four goals, auston, amazing, but they still lost 5-4. >> you think it's -- >> he's from the desert, from arizona. >> isn't that where the best hockey players come from? >> that's why he was so good. so happy to practice on he's like i'll practice all day. >> if a hat trick is three, what's it called for four? >> you get the scarf as well. and the mittens. i'm not sure. great job for auston matthews. you guys good at math in school? >> up until like sixth grade. >> no? no? well, there is a new app that's getting popular with struggling math students and it's got a lot of schools very unhappy. it's called photo map. let me tell you, a lot of people you use your phone and you actually take a picture of a math problem -- >> wait. you're doing it right now. >> i'm doing it right now. and it actually gives you the answer. >> no! >> here we go. here is the next one. >> that's a hard one. >> wait until you get the equals sign in there. you don't do anything. it is supposed to just -- >> does it work on word problems? >> wow! >> there is even a portion of it where you can push a button and it will show you the work. >> that's what they need to see, the work. >> that's amazing! >> does it work on word problems like one train's going one direction -- >> i wish. >> you can't have your phones in school, but -- >> teachers see kids like this. >> but on homework? things like that? >> think of how much easier your lives will be when you don't have to do your kids' homework. >> not a good idea. >> i don't know how to spell anymore because i spell-check. >> in 60 years, what are we -- we're going to be using our phones on hoverboards, we won't be walking, talking, adding, reading. >> many people said that about the calculator. remember when you used to use the abacus in sorry. >> rocks in the sand. >> bail me out, carson. first up, sara paulson, one of the stars of "the people versus o.j. simpson" revealed she's she's actually one of the only people who's not seen the show. she won an emmy for her part in thri validation she needs. she was saying people were so happy with her performance, she says if she watched it she would rip it to shreds. she says she's on a kick now of not watching her work. most recently on "american horror story." you like guys to watch yourselves on tv? >> i hate it. >> i can't stand my own voice. >> justin timberlake's got a new concert documentary out on netflix. to celebrate, some big j.t. fans tweeting out "who wants pizza tonight? #timber lame lake and chill. lucky fans who used that hashtag got a knock on their door and received a free pizza courtesy of netflix. he even showed up and delivered a cheese pie to somebody. good idea. finally, we should have known shia la beouf's wedding would have a bit of a twist. earlier this week, it was reported that the 30-year-old actor was reported to have tied the knot. they had a full vegas ceremony. impersonator. they didn't actually legally get married. the clark county office tweeted out we show no records for a ceremony. a commitment ceremony was performed, #vegas. >> i got it. even when the county clerk puts in a hashtag. >> that means just stop calling us. as you know, al's not here, he's recovering from knee replacement surgery. >> let's put up this shot right he is joining us at the hospital for special surgery which is a fantastic facility. al, how you feeling? >> i'm feeling great, thanks to this terrific team here, including my physical therapist. i'm going to take some steps here. the only way i can get out of here is when wei says i can walk. >> pretty much. >> pretty much. that's right. this has been 15 years in the making, guys, whereas i knew, sooner or later, i was going to and wei. >> thank you. sometimes your body talks to you. mine was yelling at me that i needed to do something about my knee. you may have even noticed, i've had a harder time getting around lately. my right knee was worn out. i knew it. i'd been through this before. >> what's going on with your knee? looking at they x-rays -- >> reporter: in 2001 i got my left knee replaced, a casualty from a lingering injury from a car accident, made worse by my due to complications, i was in the hospital for 11 days and after some tough rehabilitation, back on the air after a month. >> you've got to get the other one done but don't do it too soon. because we missed you. >> no, no, i'm going to put it off. >> reporter: i put it off 15 years. maybe too long. in that time i'd had another big surgery, gastric bypass. i've made a lot of changes to stay healthy. finally, it's time to address my knee. >> what are you here for? what's going on? >> i'm getting a right knee replaced hospital for special surgery, they put me through a battery of tests before the surgery this past tuesday. ahead of the procedure, i spoke with my surgeon. dr. david niemann. he's seen a growing number of younger patients. >> you're in a generation of people that have been told all their life, stay active, stay fit, go to the gym, work out. some people are wearing their joints out earlier, and not wanting to give up those activities. >> reporter: on the day of the surgery -- >> would you please spell your full name, please? checking things. the doctor signs off making sure everyone in the operating room knows which knee is the right knee to fix. >> bye-bye. >> love you. >> reporter: the surgery removes damaged bone and tissue, capping the thigh and shin bones with specially designed metals and plastics. my procedure takes just over an hour. >> people get back to a lot more than they used to. people ski. people golf. people play tennis. people hike. people swim. suggest that they get into high-impact activities. >> reporter: the following morning, it's tough getting out of bed and the hard work is just beginning. my first steps on the new knee put me that much closer to recovery. >> so, i am now on a cane. if i can do this -- and a lot of people think it's about putting all your weight on the cane. it's just for balance, right? >> correct. your weight on it. the more weight you put on, the greater chance of falling. >> guys, 15 years ago i had metal staples and it was major deal. this is basically super glue. derma bond that puts together. it's like crazy glue. it is a pretty cool thing. the doctor did an amazing job. >> does it hurt, al? >> no, it doesn't hurt. i can feel some pressure, but all the folks here keep coming up, that is beautiful! >> you are beautiful. >> when are you coming back to us, al? >> well, all things being equal, i'm hoping monday, may 24. >> may? >> not may! >> that's a long time. >> no. no. no. more drugs! no. october 24th. >> october. >> october 24th. >> all right. you scared all of us there, al. >> keep walking but take it easy. all right? >> yes. yeah. and i'm going to get a calendar, too. >> we love you. >> love you guys. >> see you soon. >> it is amazing how much they encourage activity on it so close to the surgery. they want you to get on it. >> but he looks good. really strong. >> especially if he's putting his weight on his knee and not the cane. incredible. >> miss dylan? >> yes. so clearly we know where al is. so i'll handle the weather right now. we are watching a series of storms making their way onshore in the pacific northwest. this could be an historic event, especially as we go into the weekend. not only are we log of rain, but hurricane-force winds possible. we have high-wind warnings from seattle to the coast of oregon, stretching down into northwestern parts of california. but also the higher elevations, too. we could see 50-mile-per-hour wind gusts tonight and into tomorrow. gusts along the beaches could be as high as 75 miles per hour. that's just storm number one. we have a second storm that's going to move in over the weekend, and that one has the potential perhaps of producing wind gusts along the beaches of per hour farther inland. this is going to be a big event with several inches of rain. look at just the first two storms alone through monday, we could see up to seven to more than ten inches of rain possible. we have to keep a close eye on that for the possibility of some flooding. but it is really the winds that could create widespread power outages. again, as of right now, there are three storms on the horizon, the first one moving in today. it is a chilly start through the upper midwest and northern plains today. on this afternoon. >> and don't forget to check out our sirius xm channel 108. savannah? >> dylan, thank you so much. friendly reminder, there are only 72 days left until christmas. just this morning, amazon is out with its holiday toy list, one of many retailers rolling out the top picks. >> megan murphy, executive our kids are like the exact same age. where do you want to start? >> these came out just last week. they're $59.99. they're already temporarily out of stock in most places. these are creatures inside a magical egg and they respond to touch. the more you love them and touch them, the quicker they come out of their shell. >> so you hold them -- >> oh, my gosh! >> do they reload? >> once they emerge you get this little creature that you nurture you take it from toddler, to baby to full blown hatchimal. this is what happens when they hatch. >> super cute. >> how long does it take? >> it takes about 25 minutes of active play for it to fully emerge. if you want to hold it. >> okay. i'll hold it. >> these are one of the best sellers last year, season six just came out last week, this is the chef club. for the first time they all work together to create recipes. there is an app on the bottom. you scan it and they come to life. how cool is that? >> that is cool. >> look at these teeny things. >> the play sets start at $11.99. this is my robot boyfriend, cosmo. he is not out until friday. $179.99. he was created by pixar and dreamworks animators. he literally learns you. he has artificial intelligence, he's look in your eyes, recognize your face and start to say your name. he's incredible. i'm in love with him. he replaces a dog as far as i'm concerned. >> $180. >> if you have talented artist on your hands? >> there is a 3-d doodler. this was a "good housekeeping" toy test winner. 3-d printers are crazy expensive. this is $50. you put in the plastic stick. it works a little bit like a glue gun and you can create these amazing creations. our good housekeeping toy tester said it took a little bit of time to get the hang of it but once they did, it was so much fun. >> what's ag >> is it glue? >> it's like a glue stick. it gets hot but we even tested it on skin. no burn. completely fda approved. really fun, safe toy. >> okay. play sets. >> everybody's got a favorite franchise. my little pony, this was the explore equistry ia, crystal palace castle on the amazon hot toy list today. it is going to be hard to get. $40. it comes with two of the little can't get it? such a hot toy, you can't find it? >> they're going to restock. you want to put your name on an e-mail list for alerts. just watch, watch, watch. that's why. you have 72 days. this is the batman or superman ultimate castle. it is walmart, $99. there was only one in stock last night. it is bigger than me. >> look at that. >> pokemon mania, it is the this is new from the new nintendo. two new games, moon and the sun, not even out until november 18th. this is such a super sneak preview, there may not even be a game in there -- yet. the cool new thing about it is, you create your own trainer. that looks like savannah and carson. you put the hair color. the outfit. new pokemon in there, too. >> i'm so skinny. >> you can preorder these now but that's going to be hot, hot, hot. >> my son loves skylanders. this is the newest thing. this is not out until sunday. $75 for the starter kit. the cool thing is this has a skylanders creator app. he's doing his christmas shopping. >> he is. >> don't worry about me, megan. >> skylanders. there is a skylanders creator app so you can create your characters on the go and even turn them into t-shirts and characters. who does not want a toy? >> that's a tesla? >> oh, my gosh! >> is he's one of our toy testers at "good housekeeping." this is a collaboration from radio flyer and tesla. it's got all the bells and whistles. >> o.m.g. >> i need this! >> it has a sound system. >> come on! >> you're kidding me. >> you need to preorder this now. >> how much is it? just be honest. >> it's $500. but who doesn't want a car for christmas, right? put a bow on that. >> that is incredible. >> can you go in reverse? um -- >> it's got an 80-pound limit but i may or may not have squeezed into it. it goes really fast. >> i think carson is going to drive it right out of this studio. >> probably. >> megan, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> oh, it goes faster? >> we'll drive it during a commercial break. we're going to pat you down after this. >> for more of these toys, go to thank you very much. giada's in the kitchen with a good morning. i'm corey rose with the 9news update for 9news at 8:30 this morning, keeping bikers and pedestrians safer. we have details on the improved but authorities have not nailed down the person behind it yet. the latest on the investigation coming up. and you have likely see morgan carroll being allowed to allow welfare recipients use money in strip clubs we'll have a fact check co crash at c470, and this is just south of the area at ridgegate. delays are slight. we will check back on channel 20. c470, 12 minutes and not a lot of sun glare. across town, we're looking at a crash on parker and quincy and possibly a new 1 on 225. marty? plenty of cloud cover over the area, fog in northern colorado especially around morning. we will have sunshine this afternoon. none of that foggy hazy stuff we had yesterday and it's going to be about 25 degrees warmer today than yesterday. in fact, mountain areas will be plenty mild as well with 50s and 60s. get rid of the haze. get rid of the glads clouds and bask in the sunshine. tonight and tomorrow, the wind kicks up in the degrees it -- for tomorrow. we will have a slight moderation in temperatures saturday because of the clouds around the area. as it clears out, it gets windy and warm on monday before the next cold front on tuesday. it doesn't look windy. it looks cooler but unfortunately, i do not see a lot of rain coming along with ? thursday morning. it's the 13th day of october, 2016. it is a beautiful day here in new york. we're hoping it's nice where you're waking up as well. we've got charlie out on the plaza and a great crowd here in new york city. and we can barely contain our excitement because we have the one and only, barry gibb here. he's going to perform a beegees hit and some music off his first >> yes. >> what? >> don't tell me. >> you want to be surprised? >> by the way, his first new album in more than 30 years. >> i love him. another big concert tomorrow. >> who? >> we are so excited. kings of leone. get here early. get ready to rock. love that band. >> wow. also this morning, who loves pork chops? >> giada's in the kitchen. we can smell it. it's going to be delicious. >> that's the best part of the chop. >> the gnawing. before we get to weather, dylan showed us a picture in the orange room of her throwback thursday. look at this photo. you have to explain it. it is like your parents' defense mechanism. when boys chase you. how old are you there? >> i think i was a freshman in high school. i was on my way to a school dance that i don't think i >> is that dress actually made of the leaves? >> it sure looks like it. there was a dress underneath. that was the jacket. my mom thought, look how nice it will look with the leaves in the background. i mean, it is an exact match. >> we might only see your head floating. >> if you were wearing those as pants, we'd evenly see your head. >> we'll have more pictures from dylan's childhood tomorrow. >> the glasses in most of the pictures are just -- yeah. they'r weather? >> for fall. right? that's what that was for. let's look at what's going on this weekend. on friday we are still looking at that rain potential especially in the pacific northwest where we could see flooding rain and very gusty winds, hurricane force in some spots along the immediate coastline. on saturday we're going to see extreme winds again, we could see up to 100-mile-per-hour gusts possible along the coast. we are looking at unseasonably looks nice in the northeast. looks very unsettled on sunday. i want to point out, we'll see most of those showers across the western great lakes sunday morning, then they'll move east as we go into the afternoon. it is just a cold front and once it passes through, still more >> we're celebrating a big anniversary on the plaza. 50 years? >> 50 years. >> i love this! where are you guys from? jackson, minnesota? >> westburg, minnesota. >> where was your honeymoon? >> colorado springs. >> your 50th wedding anniversary celebration in new york city. >> yes. >> well, congratulations. any secrets you want to share? >> lucky, lucky. >> thank you so much. guys? >> dylan, thank you so much. this week on "today food," we are all about fresh fall produce. today's contributor giada knows how to put it to good use. she is in food and wine festival. you are cookling tonight? >> i am cooking tonight and tomorrow night. >> is that pressure? >> tonight it is a little easier because i am making sandwiches. you can make hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them in advance, so that's great. tomorrow is a little more pressure. >> okay. we have a couple dishes today. the first is a porkchop. it smells divine. tell me about the ingredients first. >> these are pork chops the pork chops, so it keeps them moist. i get them at about one to two inches in thickness, the pork chops. keep them nice and moist. pomegranates for decoration. butter, balsamic vinegar. i make a little glaze. you can kind of smell it right here. balsamic vinegar, thyme and garlic. honey to sweeten. and thicken it a bit. let it cook down for about three minutes together. then finish it with cold butter. >> it has to be cold why? sauce. >> room temp wouldn't do it? >> no. that's what you want to do. it basically will just melt faster and thicken the whole thing. when it thickens, what we do is in the meantime, season some pork chops. you said you like pork chops, right? >> i love pork chops. you do salt and pepper, nothing fancy. do you do both sides? >> yeah. as long as the grill's nice and hot -- >> that was my next question. not a lot. the more fat you put on it, the more it is going to just basically cause a bunch of steam and heat. you're just going to basically cook it about five minutes per side. then once you flip it, you start to glaze it. you don't want to glaze it yet. you want to flip it and glaze it. then you just glaze it for another five minutes on the opposite side. look how gorgeous it looks. >> you glaze, then take it right off? >> there is only one thing we need to do, and that's ask our taste testers downstairs. >> i have to say, pork chops are my absolute favorite. >> can you hear them? >> i miss the bone. >> they didn't give you the bone. i don't know why. because the bone is the best part. sometimes pork chops tend to get bite from the balsamic vinegar. >> you guys liked it, right? >> mm. yes. >> next dish is perfect fall dish. farro. yes. >> next dish is perfect fall dish. farro. >> this is all about mushrooms and leeks. i already browned the mushrooms. put leeks in a pan. farro is a grain kind of like r rice. with farro. toast that up. add white wine just like making a risotto. you let that cook down for a minute. to kind of cut down time, i like to add the brought, the warm brought, a little bit more than just a cup at a time. that way it doesn't take so long to cook. >> are you calling this a side? >> this can be an entree, yeah. but it can also be a side with the pork chops. in my restaurant this is an entree. like this. >> any tricks? i know risotto can be kind of tricky in terms of not getting it overcooked. >> this you cannot overcook. that's the great thing about using farro and it is better for you, really, because it has more fiber. parmesan cheese and a little bit of pecorino. one-third cup of each. finish it off with a little bit of butter. frozen peas, because i love peas. >> taste testers, how do you like the farro? >>t' >> definitely has more of a chew than rit soto. it's very fall. >> it is very fall! feels like so cozy. giada, thank you so much. she's going to stick around and answer our questions on and on our facebook page. up next, barry gibb performing a beegees classic for us. but first, this is "today" on >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. it is a throwback thursday and we've got one of the best ones you could imagine. we're all going way back to the 1970s for some "jive talking" straight from the beegees catalog of hits. ladies and gentlemen, barry gibb. ? ? it's just your jive talkin' you're telling me lies ? ? yeah, jive talkin' you wear a disguise ? ? c'mon, jive talkin' so misunderstood ? ? jive talkin' you're really no good ? just what you mean to me ? ? oh, my child you got so much you going to take away my energy ? ? with all your jive talkin' telling me lies ? ? good lovin' still gets in my eyes ? ? nobody believes what you say ? ? it's just your jive talkin' that gets in the way ? ? is ? ? oh my love you're so good treating me so cruel ? ? there you go your fancy lies ? all your jive talkin' telling me lies yeah ? ? jive talkin' you wear a disguise ? ? jive talkin' so misunderstood ? ? jive talkin' ? ? you just ain't no good ? ? ? ? jive talkin' telling me lies ? ? good lovin' still gets in my eyes ? ? nobody believes what you say ? ? it's just your jive talkin' that gets in the way ? ? ? jive talkin' ? ? so very fine ? ? jive ? ? ? ? ? ? welcome back. barry gibb has been a mainstay in music for more than five decades from the legendary group the beegees to his award winning work as a solo artist and producer. with more than 220 million albums sold, he is ready to add to that number with his first new album in 30 years called "in the now." barry gibb, welcome back. 32 years is a long time. a lot has happened during that period of time. why now? >> well, i didn't want to sit around any longer. it's always been more important than anything else. as far as i don't know what else to do, so this is it. i love music and i love making records. >> you didn't just pull the title "in the now" out of thin air. from what i understand -- >> yes, i did. >> from what i understand, it is about your life in the present. what jumps out? >> what jumps out? >> yeah. about your life right now. >> my personal sort of defiance of time. i don't -- i've given up on i feel like age is a number. and if you feel vital about what you're doing, as my wife said, get on with it. >> you have always been known as making family music. we all know. we all love the beegees. but it is still a family affair for you. >> it still is. my eldest son, steven. this is my gang. it's like family. we've been everywhere together. and we're going to continue to do so. >> what are you going to play for us? >> what are we going to play? "in the now." >> perfect. great to have you back. ladies and gentlemen, barry gibb. ? yesterday ? ? i need you here in the now ? ? in my heart in my soul in the now ? ? in my heart in my soul in the now ? ? i said it baby ? ? all my life was so wrapped up in you ? ? and ? that you could feel the way i do ? ? i found a love ? ? and i can't get enough ? ? to have you suddenly ? ? standing right in front of me ? ? i may be lonely but i'm not alone ? ? and we don't knee conversation ? ? you speak the pleasure within ? ? in my heart ? ? in my soul ? ? in the now ? ? in my heart ? ? in my soul ? ? in the now ? ? we claimed last summer darrellen ? ? you began to slowly bend ? love is like it ? ? we got no shame ? ? and time is standing still ? ? all my life ? ? i never felt this way before ? ? i'm learnin' what i never ? ? you were what i'm searching for ? ? in my heart ? ? in my soul ? ? in my heart ? ? in my soul ? ? in the now ? ? i may be lonely but i'm not alone ? ? and we don't need conversation ? ? in the now ? ? i'm only happy when i hear you moan ? . >> show. let's see who we are celebrating on our smucker's jars today. first off, esther colin of hershey, pennsylvania. her secret to longevity, i love this, bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning, as you should. it this jazz musician is from florida. he played the trumpet, drums and guitar, also performed as a professional dancer. lots of talent. happy 100th to helen muck she's celebrating her birthday with a big luau party. this dallas cowboys fan is from texas, and he's a world war ii veteran, so thank you for your service. ellyn is is 00 years old, honored as the oldest worker at her town senior center when she was 92 years old. sale had ello, happy 75th anniversary to seth and merlelenexa, kansas. don't forget, if you know someone turning 100, tell us all coming up in. d those whoserv dr. oz will help you get a better night's sleep. we're excited for that. >> and today's take. chitchat. >> yes. >> that's what you do. >> that's what we do. >> we should chat about whatever we field like. >> a lot of fun, coming up in a few minutes. first your local news and weather. i chatabout, because you don't -- good morning. i'm tarhonda thomas with a 9news update. the man deputies say is responsible for a fatal crash is due in court. 40-year-old christopher tarr has a preliminary hearing this afternoon. investigatorssay he was driving drunk when he hit and killed a plan who was walking last month. he pushed his friend out of the path before he driving, reckless driving, and dui before. denver police officers say that a shooting happened on south galena near alameda and havana last night. they have not told us if the victim was a man or woman and they have not released information on the suspects. we know you are wondering about the forecast, cold or warmer? marty will answer. it's all cloudy out there, that's what will happen. it's been foggy up north and that goes away. showers in southeastern colorado earlier in the day also will be long gone by lunchtime. that leaves us with what is really going to be a mild and sunny day. the mountains west had great weather yesterday and we had nice moisture around here, really great and on the chilly side but it's a nice reminder that it is in fact fall. for us, haze and clouds take off and we have sunshine in the afternoon and hit windy in the foothills tonight. when the foothills get windy, we get warm. we'll be above 80 degrees here. >> oh, it will feel like summer again. >> it will. thank you for joining us, and we will see you in 25 minutes with another news update. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. with sleep number, you choose the exact firmness and comfort you want and so does your partner for the best sleep ever. it's the final days of the columbus day sale,ncing. this morning on "today's take,"" corey feldman is back with a live performance you don't want to miss. then dr. oz turns back the clock on aging and helps you get a better night's sleep. renovate or not to renovate? the great real estate debate coming up now. nnouncer: from nbc news, this is "today's take," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." thursday morning. october 13th, 2016. "jive talkin'" and all kinds of things happening. beautiful out there but chilly. carson and dylan hanging with surgery. we'll check in and see how he is doing a little bit later. if you are following him on social media, it is like we're in the room with him. hoda was there yesterday. i talked to him this morning via text. he may have a really good update coming for us. >> he is up and walking already. >> he keeps in great shape. he rides his bike. that's what helps your ror recover. before surgery. >> he's got one more week. meanwhile, corey feldman. i just learned this morning. the most viewed video this year on >> just hands down. >> here is the performance. i was away for my birthday. i missed it. my phone blew up while i was in colombia with everyone saying, it went viral, and not for all the right reasons. corey got a huge backlash, what was he doing. >> it was worse than that. >> it really got into this cyber bullying category. well, guess what? he's back. he's facing the music again, playing another song. we're going to talk to him about how he found the courage i guess to get back in it and ignore the his. he should be able to -- >> i liked the performance. i watched it a million times. there is a lot going on there. listen, music is an art. when someone gets out there on live tv and performs that art, that takes a lot of courage to do that. a lot of people at home don't do that. he is expressing himself musically. there is integrity within that, regardless of your personal online. >> people just try to outdo each other with bullying. especially when we know -- you that uk to your kids, we talk to each other about the ramifications of that. but the better part of it, corey's comeback. he is performing "take a stand." that's the song. >> the angels back? >> the angels are women. >> i was here that day when he was on the show. i was excited. i don't know if i can call this a connection with corey, but my t was in the waiting room, my husband was with me. i just -- he was like have you seen this video? it was corey feldman's music video for "ascension." i didn't even know he was doing music. >> classic. >> i think we have the video. >> i had this song stuck in my head throughout the entire ultrasound appointment. it's just like one of those songs that gets stuck in my head. >> now the question will be, if you play it in the delivery room. >> my husband is in charge of making the play list for delivery. >> your husband's nickname is fish bowl -- >> fish. >> we can perform -- >> now it is getting very personal. i do like the name corey. someone is coming back soon because he is on the mend. mr. roker, there you are. >> looking fantastic! >> how you feeling? >> well, i feel pretty good. although it is funny, you take for granted walking. and so i did a lap around the hospital floor here. now i'm beat. but, you know, it's really -- i did the left knee 15 years ago and the difference between that and this, there were some other complicating factors. but the idea that i could be out, if not today, certainly tomorrow, is mind boggling to me. >> what is the comparison? how long was your recovery when you got your first one 15 years ago? >> well, like i said, it was from a car accident so there was circumstances. but i with a is in the hospital for about 11 days because of some complications. just the idea, this was -- this scar here all had like metal -- literally metal staples in it. so that was a lot of fun coming out. this knee, it's basically just glued. you can see where my doctor put >> scars are souvenirs you never lose. al, you've had both knees done. in two months from now, how will this change your quality of life? what will you be able to do that you haven't been able to do? >> i was limping a lot. i was becoming a little less active. it took me longer to rec it was getting in the way of my quality of life. i think as this gets better and i rehab more, i'll be more active, i'll be able to walk around more. i won't look like walter brennan, for those of you old enough to remember walter brennan. "hey, around the north 40." go on indb. >> can you give a window to see the world? >> i do. i have a view of the east river, >> do you give those people in that room a personal weather report just to stay -- >> they actually -- they actually come with the room. >> i was going to ask, do they ever leave you alone? >> no, they're here all the time. no, no, it's been great. especially right around the time of bed pan change. >> and on that note, mr. roker, you may be leaving today. we love you. we're going to check in with you every single day, even when you go home. >> whoa, whoa, whoa >> warn deborah now. >> every single day until you're back here with us. we love you. have a good day. >> bye, uncle al. see you, buddy. the other hot topic this morning, proposals. "esquire" magazine, matthew mcconaughey is on the cover, now telling his details of how he proposed to his wife, camilla alves. she is often on our show cooking. she is amazing. on christmas day 2011. he says in front of the whole family, they're all gathered and his quote was "she didn't say yes right away." then the whole family was going like, is she going to say no? >> long pause. >> was it just a pregnant pause or -- >> it was long enough for the whole family to say, is she going to say. >> maybe she didn't understand the question? >> no. they had been together for years. she lived >> he got down on one knee with the ring is kind of the give-away. >> she said yes. >> eventually. >> i was on the front porch of my husband's parents' house and my entire family was secretly in the back for this whole big surprise party. so it is a good thing i said yes because everybody was there in the backyard. i said yes right away. >> the pressure. i was thinking about people in like what if this person says no? >> you wait ten years. you pretty much are guaranteed a yes. >> on that good, goodnight. >> the children. moving in together. >> she can't go anywhere. dr. oz reveals the secrets to living to 100. but, feeling half your age. you don't want to be 100 and feel 100. up next, lady gaga, james cordin and car pool karaoke. need we look at all these purchases right af you made with your airline credit card. hold only got double miles on stuff you bought from that airline? let me show you something better. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase... not just...(dismissively) airline purchases. every purchase. everywhere. every day. no really! double miles on all of them! going to the skate park today? maybe... you can make it gr-r-reat! ? kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat! i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. since the launch of the new dannon whole milk yogurt, an unprecedented natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. everything's all right in there? all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. new dannon, get into olive garden now for our lunch duos! choose your favorite pasta, piadina or sandwich. it all comes with our never-ending soup or salad. and all the breadsticks you want. starting at just $6.99 get never-ending value for lunch, today at olive garden. a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. we're back now with more of "today's take." a little gaga there. >> lady gaga. >> you're walking down the street. a car pulls up next to you. one lucky fan got a chance to see it. here is the moment. i love you so much! >> i love you, too! . >> so they were taking the popular car pool karaoke segment. we don't know when it is going to air but we have this exclusive video now. >> they were really doing it in a car. >> they drive around l.a. you can see in the background freaking out. i wonder what song they were listening to. when is it going to come out? >> we don't know. i thought they were just pretending to drive. >> they're really driving. >> that makes it so much better. >> that will be a good one, too. there is a funny story. there was this guy who went to go buy beer and he didn't have his i.d. on him. that's an awful situation. you want beer, you can't buy it. what do you do? he happened to have his old blockbuster card on him. so he whips out -- i think i still have mine somewhere in a box. >> what did he do with that? >> basically he said, i'm old enough to own this blockbuster >> did they allow him to buy the beer? >> they did. >> if i didn't have an i.d., i would walk into liquor store playing rubik's cube. or something. i can't buy beer? then how do i have this? >> a pager. a brick cell phone. >> a teddy ruxpin. >> did you have a pager? >> yeah. >> what color was yours? >> it was black. >> i had a clear teal one. >> remember when people would say to you, 411, they had something to tell with you? >> my friends would always write 80087355. >> i never knew this. i used my pager for contents. >> we did look it up. like there is a blockbuster twitter account but there are no more blockbusters. but if you google, it's like the loch ness monster. there's allegedly still one. >> but it happened fast. >> i guess i can't -- >> i found a vhs rewinder in my house once. one of those things you would just -- that just rewinds the tape? >> some looked like a car. >> bring back blockbuster. >> another video out there that we've been talking about this morning, a raccoon thief. an actual raccoon that apparently had some kind of criminal problem. a college student in kentucky named guy williams got more than he bargained for when he set his phone down in the grass. he was trying to film the raccoon and the raccoon wasn't having it. here it is. >> what's this? is this edible? >> raccoons will literally eat anything. >> it's delicious. he has the phone in his mouth or little paw thing. the guy's chasing him. >> i mean they'll eat anything. >> it also shows you how indestructible the new iphone is. it's like an ad. drop it in water, let a raccoon he has it in his mouth running. >> he did eventually get his phone back. >> what's the weather today? >> we're watching hurricane nicole. at one point it was a category 4 hurricane, it did downgrade to a category 3 storm. this is a major hurricane approaching bermuda right now. very shortly. likely 125-mile-per-hour winds. look at the eye of that storm just heading right towards bermuda there. it should remain category 3 through the day today. we could see six to eight-foot storm surge, posy nine inches of rain through the day today. bermuda's kind of built for this. their building codes are really intense but we are seeing wind gusts of 85 miles per hour. it is going to be a pretty nasty couple of hours there with those hurricane conditions, likely through early this afternoon. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> not that i'm trying to rush thursday, but you know what tomorrow is. >> >> thank you, dylan! yes. it's "freebie friday." we're giving away a huge prize. two of our biggest fans on plaza. for you at home, find out how you can win. we don't know what it is. it is a surprise. to us, too. we don't learn until that morning. come down to the plaza if you are within 100 miles of us. it is "freebie friday." we've given away computers! good stuff. also next, you sleepless than seven hours than 7 hours a night or wake up and you still feel tired after that? look who is here to help. our buddy, dr. oz, will reveal some of his sleep secrets to help you guys get a better night's rest right after this. we'll get to that, right after this. sweet sun ripened strawberries. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? strawberry. rich..., creamy... ...and delicious. nothing else tastes like philadelphia? the moments that connect us don't happen overnight. they happen one morning at a time, and one cup at a time. folgers, the best part of wakin' up. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. es guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. dare to blush nude. the blushed nudes palette from maybelline new york. our 12-shadow palette is selected to seduce from risqu? rose to tempting taupe. maybelline's the blushed nudes palette make them blush. make it happen. ? maybelline ? new york you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grain as our first ingredient. you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber? works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber? nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. clear, taste-free, benefiber?. packed with flavor, one hero was on a mission to save snack time. watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. ? ? it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. always keep laundry pacs away from children. keep them up, keep them closed, keep them safe. tide pods now come in a child guard zip pack. ooh. good morning, dylan. how you feeling? did you sleep well? >> wide awake. >> did you wake up this morning feeling tired, wishing you could slip back under the covers? if so, you are not alone. 4% of women are getting less >> according to a recent survey by the dr. oz show. dr. oz is here to reveal secrets do getting the best sleep possible. >> hello, sir. how are you? >> you look well rested but we'll find out if that is true or not. >> you say this is an epidemic. >> i was shocked by that 42% number. imagine that many people, almost half the population, ghot sleeping six hours a night. women don't appreciate how important it is. it is the single most underappreciated problem that iv people can get high blood pressure from not sleeping enough, cancer, they gain weight. when you don't sleep, you crave carbs. seems so easy but it is not. >> you have a couple questions for us. >> we had a big survey that allows people to grade their sleep. it starts off with how much you sleep. here's four options. are you sleeping less than four >> i'm b. i sleepless than six. >> i'm c, and nine on weekends. i sleep a lot. >> before the baby? >> yeah. i'm getting all the sleep i can. >> here's the thing. you might think that more than nine is the best. that's not the case. the best answer is seven to eight hours. people that sleep more than nine hours have other issues going on that cause them to want to sleep that much or they're frying to balance out the fact that they're not sleeping most time. women need seven, men seven and a half. men are needier. next question, how long does it take you to fall asleep. less than 10 minutes. 10 to 20 minutes. more than 20 minutes. >> i fall asleep fastfy have the tv on. i can't sleep without the tv on. >> i don't have a tv in my room. i wouldn't be able to turn it you don't remember it happening, you are probably too tired. just put your head on the pillow. if you're more than 20 minutes, usual you are thinking about things that happened during the day. the way you deal with those things that happen during the day is through sleep. 10 to 20 is the best. if you can. you have trackers? >> yes. >> i've never tracked my sleep. >> they even have apps now. i have one that i put next to my head and it patterns your don't care how you figure this out. but quizzes aren't as good as actually knowing. i tracked my sleep. >> what do you get? >> this is last night's sleep. october 12th. last night's sleep. >> this is an app? >> this is a device. there are many you can use. i partner with redman. i got -- first of all, out of 100, i got 96. rem sleep is how you process memories. >> dr. oz is going to come back. carson? >> yes. look at there. looks like halloween trick but it is not. little smoke and marbles. here we go. if we could turn back time, wouldn't it be so nice? unfortunately, we can't get younger, but we can look and feel younger by slowing down the clock. >> dr. oz back to reveal one of the biggest contributors to aging. >> it is what is going on in your gut. but why it is important is part of the challenge here. a lot of the inflammation people that have that could be joint pain, headaches, actually starts in their intestinal system. if the bacteria in your gut is waging a war against you, it's a problem. imagine these are the little bacteria in your gut. you have ten times more of these in cells in your body. if they are all the same, it's because you haven't been eating the right foods. put the usual junk food, potato inflammation. you'll start to see the fumes churning up. that inflammation as it percolates out there, the immune system says what's going on here? i'm going to attack everything i can. joints, you'll get the flu more often, i'll mess with your sleep. and it ages us. because we're not supposed to have continuous inflammation. >> how do you know what foods have this effect? >> junk foods. >> all the junk blow that away. instead of having one kind of bacteria, you want foods that give you lots of bacteria. foods that do that are a lot of leafy greens, onions -- >> really? >> yeah. even foods that prebiotics. these are probiotics. of this? for example, yogurt every morning, is that bad for you? >> these are all the foods you should be eating in order to feed the bacteria the right things so they'll grow the right way. onions, garlics, shallots. that whole class. a lot of artichokes, avocados, these feed healthy bacteria in sauerkraut is a combination of a prebiotic and a probiotic because it is fermented. we put all of these on to a daily checklist. if you want to deal with aging, you want to do something the same way every single day. the checklist is back here. we cover the probiotics and prebiotics. the herbs. other things on our checklist -- we put this all on the "today" website. >> can we eat yogurt every morning? will that cover it? >> yes. it won't cover it all. as your prebiotic. but other things as well. >> greek yogurt in the morning, then i go to chili's and have artichoke and cheese dip, that should be fine. >> no. this is the problem right here. >> have a nice kale salad! >> other things on your daily checklist, call a friend. >> no, carson! >> if you want to turn back time, keep track of time. both of you over here. this is a workout, again we'll pu website. >> i actually do this workout but not in heels. >> the reason seven minutes is important, everyone has to admit that they have like -- is so organized they can at least do 30 seconds or a minute. if you can do 30 seconds or a minute, you can build up to seven minutes. let's take squats. carson, oh, my god. that's embarrassing. >> seven minutes is going right now. >> stay in the squat? >> no. keep going down and up, up and down, seven minutes a day. >> just these squats? >> no. multiple exercises. again, we put the video up. >> it is a great seven-minute workout. i did it and you actually feel it. >> keep going. >> dr. oz, you can see his show weekdays. keep the local listings. coming up next, should you move in? we'll answer all your real estate questions right after my challenge is to be in sync, with my body, myself, my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. begin the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics everyday. take the activia probiotic challenge! ? eyes open? good. because it's here. billions of probiotics everyday. cue the confetti. xiidra is the first prescription eye drop solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye. so give your eye doctor a ring, and your eyes just might thank you. one drop in each eye, twice a day. the most common side effects of xiidra include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when the drops are applied to the eyes, and an unusual taste sensation. if you wear contact lenses, remove them before using xiidra and wait for at least 15 minutes before placing them back in your eyes. are you ready to do something about your dry eyes? maybe almond breeze tastes so good because it's the only almondmilk made with california blue diamond almonds. but if you ask our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. when your eye's look good. it can change your whole outlook. hydra-nutrition for eye's from l'oreal. our formula with precious oils plus calcium nourishes with moisture . ts right in. hydra-nutrition for eye's from l'oreal skin expert/paris. you've had this snack. but have you ever had a snack within a snack within a snack? three levels of snack time at the same time. reese's snack mix is pretzels, nuts, reese's pieces and reese's peanut butter cups. snacka-snacka-what? hershey's and reese's snack mix. snacks on snacks on snacks. if you have a typical airline credit card, hershey's and reese's snack mix. you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just ...(dismissively) airline purchases. seriously... double miles... everywhere. what's in your wallet? be overwhelming. to many people, it is one of the moststressful events that happen in their life. >> the star of "million dollar listing new york," ryan. >> let's start. we've got some scenarios here. i just got married. my wedding i think airs tonight on bravo. it is very nerve-racking. like i'm going through it all over again. but a lot of married couples have that question of kind of do we go into something that's bigger or do we go into something that has beautiful finishes. >> are you going to watch? >> yes, yes. i just relived the whole thing all over again. >> congratulations. >> with one eye closed, maybe. >> don't say that. but size how do we pick? is there a compromise, like with marriage, for example. is there a compromise? >> i look at it, plastic surgery versus makeup. finishings or makeup. you can always change it. it is going to cost you money but you can always change it later if you don't like it. size, if you want to add an addition, buy the apartment next door, that is plastic surgery, that is a lot more money, a lot more work. there's rehab involved, there's down time and that's hard to come back from. if it is the same price, i have to do the renovation at all once. a lot of people get nervous. they say we don't have the money. do the kitchen first. that's most important because you got to eat. do the floors first. then do everything else kind of piecemeal. bigger first, then take your time. renovation. >> bigger issues, when to buy. if you are renting and get caught in the comfort zone of every month just paying the rent, eventually you want to feel like a g you said right now in new york it is a decent time to buy. >> right now we are in a preelection time period, clearly. preelection is a great time to purchase because sellers are the most anxious because there is a lot of inventory on the market right now. if you look at it, where we are, interest rates are 3.6% for 30-year fixed. year over year we're about 3.8%. it is still relatively low. for what you can get for your purchase if you have the down better option. we are in the first discernible buyer's market that we've had since 2009. >> is that around the country? >> around the country. not just around new york. really in new york, but it is everywhere. if you are a buyer and you have a down payment, you have the power to negotiate, make offers. >> proximity versus community. >> that's one of the biggest ones that i have. you want to be either close to where you work or in a better neighborhood. do you want to be in a city or a suburb? that's a hard one to i always like to split it down the middle. that's the compromise. you don't have to be all the way out where the commute is an hour, make a half-hour. compromise. >> for ryan's wedding finale, it airs tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central. dylan, does it feel like wedding weather? >> it does feel like wedding weather actually. 60s. but tomorrow we're still going to be in the 50s and 60s. back through the northern plains. the big story will be out in the pacific northwest where we've got a series of storms that will produce several inches of rain and perhaps hurricane-force winds. saturday unseasonably mild through the middle of the country. still nice in the northeast. this cold front will trigger a couple of scattered showers and storms through the day on >> that's your latest forecast. up next, after his performance here last month blew up the internet, corey is back. he's come back to perform with the angels again. he has a brand-new song. we'll talk to corey about packed with flavor, one hero was on a mission to save snack time. watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. on their crisp-tacular chocolate-chipped-ness! it's no trick - we put an exclamation point on thin and presto-chip-o, now it's thin-credible! made with - when i have a headache, i've got a big night planned with my friends. and i want to enjoy every moment of it. that's why i use fast-acting excedrin for my headaches. excedrin has two pain fighters plus a booster. and for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. excedrin specializes in treating headaches. which is why moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] behold our greatest opus! ? ? ? ? can you say i love it? ? ? oh love it? ? ? can you say hey? ? ? hey! ? ? that's the spirit! oooooh.? ? ooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? wooh ooh ? ? sing sing, baby baby i love you. oh yes.? ? ooooh oooh.? ? every little thing. ? ? ooooh oooh.? crisp garden vegetables. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? garden vegetable. rich, creamy... ...and delicious nothing else tastes like philadelphia?. going to the skate park today? maybe... you can make it gr-r-reat! ? kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. coming up on "look! famous people!" we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save rogressive. you just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. does she have insurance for being boring? [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] >> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. as you know, corey feldman like "goonnys" and "stand by me." lately he's been in the headlines for his music career and a performance he did right here on "today" just a few weeks ago. corey and his band performed his latest single, "go for it," and the segment instantly went viral, being tweeted, shared and written about endlessly online. it's even become the year's most watched video. boom. take corey's back in our studio to sing another song for us from his new double cd, "angelic to the core." >> thank you for all the love and support. thank you. >> we were reading some of these tweets. they border on just awful. >> insanity? >> yes. but what people didn't know, you were hearing from a lot of people -- pink. >> yeah. pink. kesha. . miley cyrus. paris jackson. >> yes. she was lovely. lovely young girl. >> when did you realize it was all noise and you needed to be true to you? >> a friend of mine who actually helped. he is an investor of mine. brian mcmullen. he was on the phone with me. i was all depressed, i was crying. he said think of it this way, when kids first started, when eminem first started, when nirvana first started, they all got hate. people were turning them off at radio stations, people were walking off the dance floors at clubs because they didn't un that really turned it around for me. i'm like, you're right. a lot of people get hate in the beginning because we're doing something new. but it is all about innovation and being an arthist and we can't be afraid to share our art. >> you're not afraid to go at it again today? >> this song is for america. we are at a time when the world needs to focus on peace, love and tolerance. especially with all the bullying. this is about the government, this is about the race. this is about the united states. >> here we go. >> corey's comeback. go ahead, corey. ? ? ? caught inside a dream ? ? ignorance is blissful even quite serene ? ? cause i choose to ignore susur i suffering abroad doesn't mean it is not happening ? ? just means to turn it off ? ? if i can stop all the pain of the lives that are being lost ? winning at any cost ? ? we need peace right now ? ? world is dark from the clouds let the sunshine down ? ? just get up off the ground and take a stand ? ? right now ? ? take a stand ? ? right now ? ? take my hand ? ? right now ? ? and take a stand ? ? just get up off the ground and yeah ? ? ooh ? ? touch and feel my tv ? ? listen to the radio ? ? don't like what it is i see but i cannot let it go ? ? watching all the lives we've lost ? ? wondering who's lie ? ? if i could take every chance to do what's right or make a difference ? ? i would lay down my life just to give the world one more chance ? ? we need peace right now ? ? we need love somehow ? ? the world is ours ? ? from the clouds let the sunshine down ? ? just get up off the ground and take a stand ? ? right now ? ? take a stand ? ? right now ? ? just take a stand ? ? just get up off the ground and yeah ? ? right now ? ? we need what's right now ? ? just get up off the ground and take a stand ? ? ooh ooh ? ? ? take it can you feel it ? ? gonna take it feel it come on ? ? we need peace right now we need love somehow ? ? but it's dark from the clouds let the sunshine down motors ? just get up off the ground and take a stand ? ? right now ? ? take a stand ? ? take my hand ? ? right now and just take a stand ? ? jus just get up off the ground ? ? just get up off the ground ? ? let the sunshine down ? ? get up off the ground ? ? just get up off the ground ? ? just get up off the ground ? ? just get up off the ground and yeah ? >> we love you, america. >> corey feldman! corey wrote an exclusive essay for us addressing his critics. go to our website, you did it! you did your comeback! >> god bless you. >> we are back in a moment. today we need al is not here. >> but we have a great show here. a ali sheady is going to be here, barry gibb. >> "ambush makeover"s on the plaza. >> good show, ladies.

Related Keywords

East Boston , Massachusetts , United States , Minnesota , California , Russia , Connecticut , Arizona , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , East River , Texas , Hollywood , Clark County , Ohio , Greece , New York , Georgia , New Hampshire , Missouri , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kentucky , Florida , Boston , South Galena , Kansas , Colombia , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Washington , Oregon , Seattle , Swan River , Denver , Colorado , Colorado Mine , Oklahoma , Colorado Springs , Saudi Arabia , Sweden , Dallas , Yemen , Utah , Bermuda , Americans , America , Swedish , Greek , Russians , American , Corey Feldman , Ben Duke , Billy Bush , Jessica Leeds , Tim Sloan , M Colleen Ferreira , Camilla Alves , Andrea Mitchell , Tom Brady , Morgan Carroll , Barry Gibb , Justin Timberlake , Spencer Ludwig , Zucker Donald , Miley Cyrus , Esther Colin , Walter Brennan , David Niemann , Paul Ryan , Sara Paulson , Barry Gibbs , Matthew Mcconaughey , Tammy Leitner , Paris Jackson , Kristin Welker , Richard Engel , Arianne Zucker , Edward Jones , Megan Murphy , Hallie Jackson , Brian Mcmullen , Christopher Tarr , Nicole Walker , Nicolle Wallace , Michelle Obama , Guardian Angel , Las Vegas , Seth Meyers , Bob Dylan , Jeff Rossen , Rockefeller Plaza , Temple Taggart Mcdowell , John Podesta , Hillary Clinton ,

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