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And have a live interview with senator Bernie Sanders. Will he contest his narrow loss to Hillary Clinton . Person to person. A new concern over zika as a patient in texas gets the virus from having sex with a partner who contracted it overseas. Is the disease even more dangerous than Health Officials feared . And reallife drama. I didnt kill her. The highly anticipated series the people versus o. J. Simpson premieres to rave reviews, but not from the family of ron goldman. Im forced now to have to endure this week after week. What kim goldman says the First Episode is missing. Today, wednesday, february 3rd, 2016. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Good morning, everyone. Welcome to today on a image back up. And you can just think, there is nothing good about that system moving across the country. No. A lot of the country have already been dealing with it and i think theyre going to see it on the east coast, too. Grab your umbrella. The weather is our top story. Impacting tens of millions. Blinding snow and winds across the midwest to damaging tornadoings in the south. Nbcs gentleman cob rascon is in collinsville, mississippi. Good morning. Reporter these are monster tornadoes leaving behind incredible damage in its wake. This is the First Baptist church in collinsville, mississippi. The roof was torn off. While the pastor and his family were still inside. Facetoface with a monster tornado. Storm chasers running for their lives. This is going to be crazy. Go, go, go reporter the twister hopscotching through a neighborhood and College Campus in rural alabama. Mississippi, a direct hit. A neighborhood decimated. Two dozen homes damaged or destroyed. The First Baptist Church Next Door ripped in half. You can see the complete devastation of our church. Its unbelievable. Reporter while pastor wade ricks and his family were still inside. My wife and i, my son came over to the church because we have cinder block walls and found a room and got under the desk. And within seconds, stuff started falling everywhere. Reporter more than a dozen tornadoes reported in the south. Part of a massive winter storm that also pummeled the midwest and plains with heavy snow and high winds. Millions of americans in the storms path. Some losing everything but the clothes on their backs. Others nearly losing it all. And National Weather service forecasters will be out later today to survey the damage and determine just how difficult, the pastor will also be back out here. And i took a tour of the damage in the neighborhood behind this church. Some of those homes, there is nothing left. People will be back out here later this morning to pick up the pieces where there are any left. Matt and savannah . Jacob rascon, thank you very much. Well talk to al about the storms in a couple minutes. Lets turn to the president ial race. The candidates are setting their sights on the next prize in the campaign, New Hampshire. In a moment, well talk to donald trump and Bernie Sanders, the frontrunners in the granite state. Lets first get the latest on both races. First, kristen welker, covering the race between sanders and clinton. Good morning to you. Matt, good morning to you. Bernie sanders has a double digit lead over Hillary Clinton here in New Hampshire, but she won this state back in 2008, so shes trying to convince voters, here in derry, later today, not to count her out. Reporter the fight for New Hampshire now in high gear. Both Democratic Candidates campaigning late into the night. In iowa, we took on the most powerful Political Organization in the country. I hope you will choose with both your heart and your mind. Reporter it comes on the heels of a hardfought battle in iowa. Clinton edging sanders by a hair. On tuesday, she claimed victory. And i am so thrilled that im coming to New Hampshire after winning iowa. Reporter clinton increasingly trying to tap into the progressive ideals propelling sanders surge. I am a progressive who likes to get things done. Im actually a progressive who likes to make progress. Funny thing. Reporter but sanders is resonating with young voters in a way clinton isnt. He beat her 84 to 14 with that group in iowa. Does it concern when you realize shes not connecting with Younger Voters . I think itll come around. The more that the younger vote listens to Hillary Clinton, i that she is going to be the candidate to get things done for them. Reporter in sanders, some democrats are seeing flashbacks of Barack Obamas appeal in 2008. Former president bill clinton dismissed that idea in an interview with andrea mitchell. Barack obama is not Bernie Sanders. Reporter sanders strong showing in iowa has energized an army of supporters. Here in New Hampshire, his backyard, hes up by double digits. His promise of taking on the establishment striking a chord with independents who are key here. Sanders now arguing hes the only real progressive in the race and flexing his muscles. We began the political revolution, not just in iowa, not just in New Hampshire, but all over this country. Reporter Sanders Campaign officials tell me this morning they raised 3 million in the 24 hours after iowa. The most single haul in one day for that campaign. Secretary clinton campaigns here in New Hampshire today, but her husband, former president bill South Carolina, the state that votes after New Hampshire. Thats where she has a sizable lead. Matt and savannah . Kristen welker, thank you very much. Senator Bernie Sanders is with us now from his home state of vermont. Senator, good morning. Good to see you. Good morning. Well, these results in iowa were as close as they could be, official. Winner. Do you accept that . Well, sure. She ends up getting about 22 delegates. We get about 20 delegates. We started that campaign 40 or 50 points down. We ended up losing it by 0. 2 of 1 . To tell you the truth, the iowa caucus is so complicated, its not 100 sure we didnt win it. We feel fantastic. We came a long, long way in iowa and now were in New Hampshire. We have a lot going on. Very quickly. Would you contest those results . Were looking at it right but the important point is, at the end of the day, we came from nowhere to really startle the entire world. We took on the most powerful Political Organization in the United States of america and, you know, nearly won that race. Lets pick up on that, senator sanders. You raised 20 million in january. Your Campaign Says you raised 3 million in the last 36 hours. So you move into New Hampshire with a big lead in the polls, as the candidate from the neighboring state, and with more money in the bank than the head of what you call the biggest Political Organization in this country. No, no, no, matt. Thats not accurate. Hillary clinton has a super pac. I dont have a super pac. I understand that. In terms of the campaigns direct financing. Well, that doesnt matter. You have a super pac, which has 25 million from secretary clinton. Street. Our quam Campaign Contributions are 27 apiece coming from 3. 5 million individual contribution. Also, when we go into New Hampshire, lets not forget, Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire in 2008. She has a strong organization. Her husband ran two campaigns. I understand that, senator. But given what the circumstances are right now, would anything less than a resounding victory in New Hampshire be disappointing for you . Matt, thats just media talk, you know. Every state you go to, thats what the media says. Whats in iowa . What happens in New Hampshire . Its important to us. We want to win it. Then were going to nevada and we think we have a shot to go there. Then were going to South Carolina and wisconsin. Every state is important. Were in this race to represent working people whose standard of living in many senses has gone down n a nation which has massive income, wealth inequality and a corrupt Campaign Finance system. Were going all the way to the convention. We have the momentum. I think people are tired of establishment economics. Senator, lets talk about the issue of electability. Its something that Hillary Clinton raises a lot on the trail. Let me put it to you a different way in terms of her electability. On the issue of her emails, you said youre sick of hearing about them. You said its a serious issue but theres a process and set that aside. Let me ask you this instead. A decision between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders factor that in . Should they consider the fact that this is an issue that Hillary Clinton faces, for better or worse, over which she has no control . Does it affect her electability . Savannah, i think all issues affect electability. What i will tell you is two things. Number one, if you look at the matchup polls which have taken place recently, Bernie Sanders against republican candidates, we are doing very, very well. Lot, more than Hillary Clinton. Republicans win when voter turn out is low. I think our campaign has the energy to rally working people, middle class people, young people, high voter turnout, we win the general election. But all factors, every issue, is an issue of consideration for voters. A lot to watch over the coming days. Senator sanders, we appreciated your time this morning. Thanks very much. Thank you. We move now to the republicans. Donald trump looking to rebound in New Hampshire after his second place finish in iowa, laying some of the blame on his decision to skip last weeks debate. Well talk to mr. Trump live, straight ahead. First, lets go to Peter Alexander for more on the republican race. Peter, good morning. Reporter savannah, good morning to you. The man who is all about winning, donald trump, is now trying to get back to it here this morning. Downplaying his defeat in iowa. Here in New Hampshire, hes going to rely on a much more heavily libertarian minded, less evangelical group of voters, to we will fix iowas mistake. Here in the live free or die state, a huge crowd reaffirming that Donald Trumps campaign is still very much alive. There were 17 people when we started. Now you have 11. I come in second. Im not humiliated. Reporter trump mocking reports that iowa made him a loser and marco rubio, who finished third, a winner. Winner of the night, marco rubio. Trump, humiliated. Reporter also acknowledging his absence at the fox news debate last week may have affected the outcome. I think it could have been the debate. I think some people were disappointed that i didnt go in the debate. Reporter overnight, trump quickly returned to his familiar form and familiar target, ted cruz. What kind of people do we have running for office . No, honestly, really, really dishonest, and i think i know why. You know why . Because he was born in canada. He gets the nomination, theyre reporter fresh off his win, cruz is already eyeing both New Hampshire and more conservative South Carolina, its primary two weeks away. Last night we heard a howl coming from the potomac. Reporter meanwhile, a trio of governors are staking their sights here. Setting their sights on each other and marco rubio. Chris christie with kelly odonnell. Hes the boy in the bubble. Never answers questions, very the boy in the bubble has to get out of the bubble if he wants to states. Reporter rubios rebuttal with gabe gutierrez. I think its been a tough couple of days for some of the other guys. Some people react badly to adversity. Reporter the states wild card, john kasich, rising to second place in many polls, now vying for a breakout moment. My tone is different. Its a tone of inclusiveness, get up. Reporter the bottom line is youre not going negative against your opponents right now right tone for the party. Well, its not just not the right tone for the party, its not the right tone for me. Reporter this morning donald trump is boasting the endorsement of a former massachusetts senator, scott brown. Jeb bush is going to be bringing out one of his top surrogates. Former first lady, barbara bush, 90 years old, will join him on the trail tomorrow. Peter, thank you so much. Donald trump is on the phone with us now. Mr. Trump, good morning. Good morning. I have to say, savannah and i were talking, we had the chance to interview you when we were in iowa on monday morning. We were both a little surprised at how understated and subdued you sounded on the air that morning. Had members of your team given you a hint of what might be to come that evening at that point . No. Im just trying to be a little bit more understated and statesmanlike. Some people like, that some people dont, actually. No, i dont think so. Not at all. I mean, i think, you know, when it comes to iowa, i was not supposed to even go there. A lot of people thought i wouldnt do well in iowa. I know some of the people and theyre great people. And i came in second. You know, which is a good finish. I mean, you have 11 people and you started off with 17 and i came in second. What do you think happened . Do you think it was the organization . Well, i dont know. I mean, i didnt lose by much, and i got more votes other than ted, i got more votes than anybody in the history of the iowa caucus republicans. You know, i got a very a lot of votes and came in a solid second. The person that came in third, marco, a good guy, but he came in third and they made it sound like he had one of the great victories of all time. Everybody said, great victory. I came in second and nobody said it was a victory. It was sort of strange. And you do bristle at the fact that people are saying this was devastating for you. I would agree with that. I was reading a lot online yesterday, mr. Trump, and the gist seemed to be, now were going to find out what donald trump is made of. Does he have the gut . Does he have the heart to fight this long fight . How would you answer that well, ive been winning all my life, matt, and thats what ive done. Well see what happens. Im doing very well in New Hampshire. That was supposed to be my first stop, really. I think im very happy i did the whole thing in iowa because i came in second. Look, i beat a lot of senators, a lot of governors. They do it professionally. Ive never done this before. Im not a professional politician. I come in second and they dont. It was such a big story i came in second. I dont know why. But i was actually somewhat semisatisfied with it. I guess one poll came out, or a poll came out saying i might win it by four or five points. You know, that didnt happen. I think caucuses are hard to poll, by the way. I was going to bring that up. Because you love the polls. Its a big feature of your stump speech. A lot of polls, not just the des moines register, but several polls in the final weeks had you winning. Have you lost faith in the polls at all . I think when you get to polling a caucus, its tough. Its a much more complex process. No, im a believer in polls, but i think when it comes to a complex caucus like that, i think its probably hard to poll. Donald trump, well be speaking to you again, im sure. Thank you. The more understated, subdued mr. Trump. Thank you for your time. Thank you, matt. There are new fears over zika this morning. Health officials in dallas reporting a person there has become infected with the virus through sexual contact. This is a first here in the u. S. Amid the outbreak that is now being called a Global Health emergency. Dr. Natalie azar is an nbc news medical contributor. Good morning. When i read this headline, it jumped off the page. The notion that it could be sexually transmitted. First of all, is that certain or is it just a suspicion that it might be . What does it mean for the spread of the virus . They are fairly certain that thats the case. They havent told us the sex of the people yet. They havent fully confirmed, lets say, that there wasnt another mosquito. Listen, the contact of a person who contracted the zika virus. And without any evidence of a mosquito bite. What worries me about that is youve told us in the past that many of the people who have the virus are asymptomatic. Yes. How do you go about protecting yourself during sexual contact obviously, condoms are one idea but if you dont know the person or you have the virus. Thats where we are now. The cdc made it very, very clear that their charge in the upcoming days is to give the guidance now to the American People about what they should be doing. In particular, sexually active partners of women who may be either pregnant or trying to become pregnant. I think its important to note that this is not its surprising and certainly unwelcome news, but this is not the first documented case of sexual transmission. We had a case in 2008. We also have evidence virus can be found in semen and urine. Importantly, to reiterate, the still thought to be mosquito bites. But this does raise a new concern for people. I will also point out that in england they already have a protocol in place. If you have a documented infection, the man is to wear a condom for six months. If there is exposure without documented infection, its a different timeline, wear a condom for one month. The cdc wants to get information on how long the virus can be seen or excreated in sexual secretions and inform their guidance based on that knowledge. Dr. Azar, thank you. Swinging this direction now. Mr. Roker is here to talk about the storms. Thats right. We are at the northern part. We already saw what the southern part did with the tornadoes. Northern part, a lot of snow from minnesota to michigan. We had anywhere from 4 to 8 inches of snow and theres still some left over as that system pulls up and away into canada. In the meantime, were watching this now. Look at the showers and we have some heavier thunderstorms down to the south. Its already going to be making its way to the new york city area in the next several hours. Look for major flight delays because of the rain and the wind. Midmorning in d. C. Boston, midafternoon. As we move to the south, youll look at the strong storms from atlanta making their way to jacksonville, charleston. The heavy rain and storms will remain for florida and the coast. Well see clearing later tomorrow. Flood watches extending from new jersey all the way into florida. Look at florida and into southern georgia, were talking about anywhere from 5 to 6 inches of rain before this is all over in the next 48 hours. Were going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. vo making the most out of every mile. Impreza. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Thats your latest weather. Al, thanks. Coming up, an explosion ripped a hole in the side of a plane mid flight. Wait until you see the video from on board, showing how calm passengers remained during an Emergency Landing. Reaction to the premiere of the controversial new series simpson. What ron goldmans sister says hollywood is getting wrong. First, this is today on just ahead, you might want to check your pockets and drawers. To the woman in the mid90s showstopper. Youre right. Its time to set this bird free. Hot blooded, check it and see. Got a fever of 103. Feelin hungry . How bout a donut . Im hot blooded. Im hot blooded whether its 30years old or 30days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 minutes. And then your only concern will be how to spend the cash. Rad. When you make a pb j with smucker s, that s the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Because with a name like smucker s, it has to be good. All year long. You put the time in. You put the work in. Day in and day out. Arrives, make the most of it. Low prices on everything you need to put the fun in your tax refund. Happy tax refundays from walmart. Good morning. Most of us are driving on neighborhood roads that are still covered in snow. The sidewalks should not be like that. Today were looking at the dead live to getting your sidewalks cleared and it varies based on where you leave. Well have details. The super bowl is being held in a college town and some of the students are big broncos fans. Well tell you why one is already apologizing to his mother on tv. Well check the weather and check with amelia and marty. Good morning. We have traffic to worry about, but the uber puppies are almost here, good news. We like puppies. Now lets talk traffic outside to the cdot cameras, its busy and slow and sunny out there. The sun glare, we have not had to deal with in the past few days but slowing down the eastbound routes. Look at all of these slowdowns related to accidents. Lets talk about the big ones across i70, the eastbound southbound 25 crash near hampton, two more out in the east side. I70 is open, and airport and tower. Dry around here and a couple of foothills flurries. We might get a bit of snow. Dry on the plains and dry in most valley areas and struggling into the singles and teens in the northern valleys and the mountains today. Well be in the 20s and 30s for the eastern plains. Low 30s around metro denver and partly cloudy here all day and a few light snow flurries in the foothills, a cold night coming again with Single Digits lows, 30s tomorrow and 30s friday and might see a bit of i feel good today 7 30 now, its wednesday morning, the 3rd of february, 2016. There is a happy crowd on our plaza. You may get a little wet, too. We think the rain is headed our way. Absolutely. No, he thinks. He knows its heading our way. Looking at the headlines today. Go, go, go, go, go severe storms brought damaging tornadoes to parts of the south, including this one in alabama. Several buildings were damaged. That same system blanketed the midwest in snow. Whiteout conditions in minnesota, leading to hundreds of accidents. President ial candidates are spreading out across New Hampshire today. The primary there is just six days away now. Ahead of a rally in milford, donald trump said his decision to skip last weeks Republican Debate may have contributed to his second place finish there. On the other side, Bernie Sanders isnt ruling out contesting the iowa election results. We talked to him earlier. Were looking at it right now, but the important point is, at the end of the day, we came from nowhere to really startle the entire world. Sanders and clinton will face off in a debate on msnbc tomorrow night. Health officials in dallas are reporting an alarming new case of zika. Heres what theyre saying. A patient tested positive after having sex with someone who contracted the virus in venezuela. It is the first u. S. Case of traveled outside this country. Also this morning, a frightening scene on a flight overseas. An explosion blasted a hole in the side of a plane. Incredibly, some passengers who were on board at the time pulled out their cell phones and recorded the Emergency Landing. Nbcs keir simmons has more on this story. Good morning. Hi, savannah, good morning. Youre five minutes into a flight when an explosion rips a hole in the cabin of the aircraft youre traveling in. Youll see how passengers reacted when that happened on a commercial flight on tuesday. Reporter an eerie calm as it makes a descent. Oxygen masks. A hole in the side of the cabin, visible from inside the cabin. Passengers are lucky to be alive, while witnesses say a man on fire was sucked out at 14,000 feet. There was a terrible explosion, i think it was a bomb. The airbus 321 is operated by daallo airlines. It has not confirmed the cause of the explosion, but from outside, black soot can be seen from the fuselage. It had taken from somalia, where al qaeda militants are waging war. Last year, a suspected isis bomb blew apart another jet in egypt. The explosives hidden in a soda can, isis claimed. This time, Officials Say one passenger was killed and two injured. The body of a 55yearold man discovered on the ground, thought to have fallen from the air. While most of the relieved passengers walked off the plane after a terrifying ordeal. One saying, i think we were all in shock. This morning, officials in somalia say there is no evidence of a criminal act here. United airlines jet back in 1989 over hawaii, part of the fuselage was ripped out. A passenger was pulled out. Theres a picture there of the incredible scene when that happened. This time, whats really stunning is the way the passengers reacted. They were just so calm, guys. Weve been kind of debating what we would have done in a similar situation. I think nobody knows until it actually happens. I cant imagine. To record the moment on the cell phone, thats id be saying my prayers. Keir, thank you very much. Lets get a check of the weather now from al. Announcer todays weather is brought to you by jared, the galleria of jewelry. Come in today for the one piece of jewelry that will take her breath away. So, its going to be wet along the east coast, but at least its going to be warm for now. Thats because weve got the warm flow of air. New york city today, 58. 65 in d. C. Charlotte, 68. But look, by friday were down to 44. 31 in burlington. D. C. , 47. Cleveland, 40. Cold supply out west. Its going to be making its move slowly to the east. With temperatures that drop back into the 20s in minneapolis. Low 30s in chicago. Mid30s in omaha. Rest of the day today, we are looking at the wet weather along the east coast. Icy mix as you get to the north. More wet weather and windy conditions in the Pacific Northwest. Thats whats going on around the country. Thats your latest weather. Matt . Al, thanks very much. The attempt worth 25,000. On rossen reports, pets on a plane. Is this a scam . Good morning. Im jeff rossen. Coming up, meet my emotional support animal, rory. It was easy to get her certified. All i had to do was fill out a couple forms online and done. But this is nothing. My team was even able to get a pig on a plane. Yes, thats a reallife pig. Why some experts say the entire systems out of control, coming up. Your jewelry wardrobe. Jared the galleria of jewelry. For the ultimate selection of levian. Only levian, masters of jewelry design for centuries. Makes jewelry with chocolate diamonds. Gorgeous, trendsetting looks. Like this limited Edition Piece you can only find at jared. Making levian the essential part of her jewelry wardrobe. My Opioid Pain Medication leaves me feeling locked up millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioidinduced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. Really . Yes. Oic is a different type of constipation. Opioids block pain signals, but they can also block activity in the bowel. Its been a real struggle to find relief. You ready to paint a different picture . Yeah talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. Im on it who knew dates and cashews mashed together could taste like a cookie . You think theyd taste like dates and cashews. Nope, cookie. Weird. La rabar. Food made from food. The citi double cash card comes in very handy with cash back twice on purchases. And again as you pay. Thats cash back now, and cash back again later. Its cash back d\j vu. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and p it makes a lot of other cards seem one sided. Adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Book now, offer ends soon. Nivea inshower body lotion. First i wash. Then i apply it to my wet skin. It moisturizes with no sticky feel. I quickly rinse off. And im ready to go. Nivea inshower body lotion in the body lotion aisle. Announcement this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. With total accumulation of up to three feet. Roads will be shut and schools are closed. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Made for real, real life. People think californians live in our own reality. With our heads in the clouds. Like a bunch of space cadets. Huh . What . Ive drawn a blank. Whats my line . [director] reset maybe we do live in a fantasy. In our own little bubble. Just hangin out as if were not completely down to earth. But just a bunch of dreamers . No way were just like everyone else. You know, average joes. Start dreaming big at visitcalifornia. Com your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your move to a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. R xeljanz can reduce r the symptoms of ra, p even without methotrexate. Rask your rheumatologist t were back at 7 40. This morning on rossen reports, Airline Passengers abusing the system to get their pets on flights for free. Jeff rossen and his Team Discover just how easy it is to get an animal on board. Jeff, good morning to you. Good morning. We complain about leg room, right . Its the least of your issues on your next flight. What if you got on board and there was a miniature horse or kangaroo sitting next to you, encroaching on your space . Believe it or not, its happening. You can bring almost any animal on a plane, as long as they are certified as an emotional support animal. Must be hard to get one of those official letters, right . Buckle up. You wont believe what we got on board. Reporter pets on planes. From dogs to really big dogs. Even turkeys, sitting in coach. This recent photo going viral. They dont need a ticket. They have something better. An emotional support vest and health professional. Snakes, birds, pigs. Reporter some flight atten attendants are mortified. You get on the aircraft these days and the cabin looks like a barnyard. Reporter there are legitimate cases of people who need an emotional support pet, but too often, passengers are abusing the system. Its out of control. Often, its about the money. One way to travel with a pet on some airlines can be up to 600. If that animal is designated as an emotional support animal, it gets to come with you for free. Reporter so how easy is it . There are plenty of websites offering esa certifications. All you have to do is fill out a questionnaire. What type of animal do you have . Dog. Reporter i go online and do it. How often have you been sleeping less than usual . Often. I work on a morning show. A few clicks later. Book. Jeffrey, you are a good candidate for an emotional support animal. Great. Reporter for 150, i get it. Then they email me this Mental Health professional. I never met with her. I never even spoke to her. Come on. Reporter before you know it, im flying with rory. Im boarding the flight and they didnt ask to see the letter. No problems. No questions asked. Reporter and because rory is an emotional support animal, she can ride in my lap. No crate required. Stay on my seat, rory. Reporter in fact, we take two flights. Were going up. Reporter the airline never asks a thing. So i just flew with a dog. Were going to ramp this up. This is my producer lindsey. You are certifying a different animal. What kind . I certified an emotional support pig. Emotional support pig. Did you have to meet anybody . No. Same with a dog . Exactly. Youre going to fly with a pig. Sure thing. Reporter thats spencer, a 3 we borrowed him from a pig farm. Remember, hes now an emotional support animal. At security, the agent asks for proof. Thank you. Reporter no problem. Remember, we have that secret weapon, the letter. Were boarding. Reporter on board, spencer gets to sit on her lap, too. Pig on a plane. Reporter this pig flies round trip. On the second leg, agents ask lindsey for the letter at the gate. Spencer gets right on again. People are definitely abusing the system. We see it every day. Reporter disability experts say our experiments showing how out of control its become. There are people watching this right now who do this. Saying, who am i hurting . Youre passing yourself off as a person with disability, and it can be consequences for those who need the animals. Reporter until theres a crackdown, this could be sitting next to you on your next flight. The pig is cute though. By the way, delta told us its federal regulations and often review them. Reserving the right to evaluate each case. Experts say the best way to get this under control is develop a standardized certification system where owners have to meet with the doctors to prove they need it. Theres also the issue of safety here. Emotional support animals are not required to have any formal training, like wrangler, for example. Thats why im in the orange room. Wrangler is being trained as a service animal. There is a difference between Service Animals and emotional support animals. Wrangler is here getting trained. The emotional support animals, because they arent trained, can be disruptive in flights. There was a case of a dog that went to the bathroom in the aisle. Had to make an Emergency Landing. Really . Wow. Thank what about people with allergies . Thats the other thing. They wont serve you peanuts on a plane if somebody has an allergy. If you have an allergy to the dog, you cant do anything about it because its considered you have a disability when you get seems way out of hand. Yeah. Jeff, thank you very much. Coming up on pop start, why youre about to see a whole lot of lady gaga. Plus, carson is back. Yay hi, how are you . He has a behind the scenes look at what will have you talking. Hello, carson. Right after with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. Make any day a pancake day with nutella spread the happy [ indistinct conversations ] always set a place at the dinner table stay seated, napkin on your lap and elbows at your sides. And remember, mealtime is for nourishment, nothing more. Let the music play, he wont get away hell come back to you again let it play let the music play at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. It s a fact. Kind of like vacations equal getting carried away. More proactive selling. What do you think michal . Let s get out there. Let s meet these people. Starin at it by malibu n helene stand out. By design. That feeling recaptured. By design. Look at this sweet face. So sweet. Ok, were going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. Toaster strudel. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine, i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for were back at 7 50. Carson, is that you . Its me. Youve come back. We missed you. It is i. Thank you. Were you under the weather . I was. Feeling better. Good to have you back. Appreciate it. People online talking about foxs production of grease. Did you see it . It was unbelievable, what they were able to do. The finale. New video has social media in awe. The associate director of the show is responsible for coordinating the camera moves to the beats. She shared this behind the scenes video. The control room during grease live. Two, two, three, four. One, two, twelve, thirteen. Two bars, three beats. Two, two, three, four. One, two, three, a. Five bars. Three, four, five, two, three, four. How cool is that . Having the timing down with all the music. Calling the cameras, letting the shots live for beats, giving the screen. Blown away. A lot of her facebook friends commenting. Mary writing, it is an art form in and of itself. Rock star. If we can take a shot of our control room, if you want to see rock star. Count out the beats, come on lets play music. Come on, erica. This is why were not in the musical business, by the way. Lets go commercial, five, four, thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges bleeding gums . You may think its a result of brushing too hard. Its not. Its a sign of early gum disease which you can help reverse by using listerine added to your brushing routine listerine and helps reverse early gum disease in just two weeks. Listerine power to your mouth also try listerine floss. Removes more plaque. In my business i can count on im not the i. T. Guy. Im the desktop support tech supervisor. And my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. Introducing realtime delivery notifications. Learn more at myusps. Com we brought you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. To keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. Feels like a bmw. Reminds me a little bit of like an audi. So, this car supports apple carplay. Siri, open maps. She gets me. Wow. It also has teen driver technology. It even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. Im very curious what it is. This is the 2016 chevy malibu. And it sells for . It starts at twentytwo five. What . Oh wow. I mean with all this technology. Thats a game changer. Soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. And 500 calories or less. The clean pairings menu. Adventures from 599, plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Book now, offer ends soon. vo my names nick and i make dog chow in denver, colorado. One of my fondest memories of khloe is the day we got her. I knew right there she was gonna be a great dog. Khloes a big influence on the family. She loved lincoln from the start. Shes his little protector. I trust dog chow to keep khloe healthy because i see the high Quality Ingredients that go into it. The standards that we follow are top notch. I trust dog chow enough to feed ryan murphy is back in denver. He was questioned in a prostitution sting in he was released and no charges were filed against him but coach kubiak didnt want distractions and they sent him home. The zika virus is spreading and theres new concerns that it could cause a debilitating illness in adults. Its a big time for High School Athletes in colorado. We want to celebrate their accomplishments. Tweet us a picture of your athlete. Tell us their high school and college they are going to. Well share it on tv and online throughout the day. A check of the weather and traffic now with amelia and marty. Good morning. Still eyes, crunchy on the side streets, transitioning from ramps and freeways and we have delays and crashes. This is pretty typical. The snow melting off on the main free ways is turning into a bit of slush but the thats where we see most of the problems. This sums it up, different yesterday. This is the big one here. Southbound 25 here hampton, northbound delays, back to lincoln, southbound 225 affected with delays towards parker. And hampton and southwest of i 25, all the red as folks are trying to transition south. Oh, man, you wont get a tremendous amount from temperatures, continuing to be cool. Light snow north and west facing slopes in the northern and central mountains. Singles and teens in some of the mountain valleys for highs today. Well make it into the 20 and low 30s. Downtown, about 31, to me. Foothills, flurries, but they now im on the outside its 8 00 on today. Coming up, the people versus o. J. Simpson. Nothing to hide. 20 years after the o. J. Simpson trial unfolded on live tv, the drama is back on the small screen. And stirring up a new controversy. My brother was doing a good deed. Walked in on what we believe was a horrific crime. He didnt run. Putting marriage to the test. For one month, we are spending half of what we normally do. Our friends gave us their a couple who decided to put themselves through the relationship ringer before walking down the aisle. For you i bleed myself dry adventure of a lifetime. Ahead of coldplays super bowl performance, james corden gives chris martin a ride to remember. The bells are ringing Roman Calvary the results, car pool karaoke magic. Today, wednesday, february 3rd, 2016. On the today show. Birthday. Celebrating my birthday with matt lauer. Shout out to my beautiful wife in california love to everybody back home good morning were back now. 8 00 on a wednesday morning. Its the 3rd day of february, 2016. As predicted by our own mr. Roker, the rain has arrived in the northeast, in new york city. Heavier, windier and south it gets worse. Well get more of your forecast in a bit. Jill martin is here with a steals and deals surprise. The bargains that are so big, blindfolds. We dont know whats coming so we dont spill the beans. Dont back up into the fire, jill, with the blindfold. She acts and cooks. Kitchen with the ultimate sliders for your super bowl. Smells great up there. These are pulled pork first, natalie has a check natalie . Good morning. Once again, with less than a week to the New Hampshire primary, donald trump is back on the attack going after iowa winner ted cruz. At a New Hampshire rally tuesday night, trump called cruz dishonest. Once again, raised his birth in canada as an issue. Earlier on today, matt asked trump if he has the heart for a prolonged primary fight. Ive been winning all my its what ive done. Well see what happens. Hampshire. That was supposed to be my first stop, really. I think im very happy i did the whole thing in iowa because i came in second. Cruz told supporters at a New Hampshire church on tuesday that grassroots conservatives are the ones who will determine the eventual nominee. Bernie sanders strong iowa showing energized his supporters in New Hampshire. Polls give the vermont senator a solid lead in the state. Savannah asked him if hillary is an issue voters should care about when they consider whether she is electable. I think our campaign has the energy to rally working people, middle class people, young people, high voter turnout, we win the general election. All factors, every issue is an issue of consideration for voters. Clinton claimed victory by the slimmers of margins in iowa. She appeared with Gabby Giffords and her retired astronaut husband kelly. Were hearing from the parents of Nicole Lovell, who was found dead days after disappearing from her virginia home. Who Virginia Tech students are charged in connection with her murder. Reporter Nicole Lovell survived a rare liver tumor, overcame lymphoma and beat the odds against an infection. Music, dancing, dreamed of being on american idol. Reporter at a news conference, nicoles mother fought back tears. A preliminary cause of determination of the cause of death is stabbing. Reporter authorities believe nicole was killed on the same day she climbed out of her bedroom window after reportedly showing her friends texts from an 18yearold man she planned to meet. Those texts on a messaging app called kik, which police say have been used by sexual predators. The investigation quickly know li ly focusing on 18yearold eisenhauer, a track star at Virginia Tech, charged with murder. And natalie keepers, charged ing ing eisenhauer after death. Now they say she is part of it. Neither eisenhauer or keepers entered a plea, but eisenhauer arrest document, i believe the truth can set me free. Nicole touched many people throughout her short life. Yeah, i cant do that part. Such a tragic story. Nicoles mother said because her daughter had scars from her medical procedures, she was bullied on social media and at school to the point where she would often keep her daughter at home. Terrible. Former prosecutor on the bill cosby sex assault case told a judge on tuesday that he personally believed cosbys accuser when she said she had been inappropriately touched by cosby in 2004. However, bruce castor said he did not bring charges because he felt the woman might not be a credible trial witness. Castor also said he believes he made a binding verbal deal that shielded cosby from future prosecution. Cosby is back in court today asking a judge to throw out the case. Emergency water landing off the coast of hawaii on tuesday due to a problem with its landing gear. The pilot circled the airport for two hours, burning fuel, and then he landed in a nearby lagoon. Emergency crews pulled the uninjured pilot out of the water. He was the only person on board. Thankfully, okay. Scary though. Thank you. The highly anticipated mini series, the people versus o. J. Simpson premiered last night. Sparking reaction from the people at the center of the case. Morgan watched the First Episode with one of the victims families. Good morning. Good morning. I sat down with kim goldman, whose brother rod was killed along with her friend nicole. She felt sick all day, counting down to the premiere, knowing her familys pain would be back in the spotlight. Im forced to endure this week after week. Gets used to the image of her brothers body ply ground. Ive seen the images millions of times. Its jarring. Getting my milk and there it is. Reporter the people versus o. J. Simpson, kim is confronted with another dose of fact and fiction. I wish there could be a, this isnt. This didnt happen. Reporter the line of truth and fiction is blurry. We know simpson was found liable in a civil trial filed by the Goldman Family in 1997. Hes serving a sentence of up to 33 years for unrelated Armed Robbery and kidnapping. The show has already earned rave reviews from critics. Meticulously crafted. Its one of the most compelling tv dramas in recent memory. Viewers seem to agree. Guess ill have to watch every week. Thanks, fx. Perhaps helping, the starstudded cast playing what are now household names. Like kris jenner. Stop running. Reporter and johnny cochran. Kim goldman spent 21 years writing the story of the one character who, for her, matters most. What i think is going to be lost is my brother was doing a good deed. Walked in on what we believe was a horrific crime and he didnt run. They dont show that in this. That really sucks. My brother could have runned and saved his own life, but he stayed to help his friend. I want people to remember my brother was a hero. Simpson has not seen the show, but appears indifferent about his portrayal. Matt and savannah . Morgan radford, thank you very much. Up next, were going to shift gears and ask the question, would you be sitting on a 63 million fortune and not the search for a winning Lottery Ticket that is about to expire within hours, actually. Plus, another new and exclusive first look at a Super Bowl Ad that everyone else will be talking about on sunday. Supermodel secrets. Tamron is catching up with all year long. You put the time in. You put the work in. So when your tax refund arrives, make the most of it. Low prices on everything you need to put the fun in your tax refund. Happy tax refundays from walmart. See, weve completely remodeled the kitchen. Cozy. Lets go check out the pantry its our dunkin dream room. Amazing. Delicious Dunkin Donuts coffee. Pick some up where you buy groceries. America runs on dunkin. Vo you get used to pet odors in your car. You think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this. El iminate odors youve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. Female passenger wow. Smells good in here. Vo so you and your passengers can breathe happy. Theres a voice of a daredevil in all of us. That urges us to shake things up, to turn up the heat, and take bigger risks. Why should damaged hair silence that voice . New dove regenerative nourishment with red algae complex in a formula that nourishes to regenerate extremely damaged hair. For smooth, strong and healthy looking hair new dove regenerative nourishment. To the used car buyer whos worried about getting taken for a ride. Dont worry. The only rides youll get taken on at carmax are the ones you take yourself. But just in case that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. Less than perfect. We give you five days to change your mind. Sorry. Blindfolds are mandatory for seems random but ill ive smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. Now i use this. The nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. . Gin an aspirin regimen. A typical male penguin shows his love by offering the female. A pebble. Some male penguins, however. Are a little smarter than others. This valentines day. Everyone loves a gift from kay jewelers. Save up to 30 on select diamonds in rhythm. Its continuous motion catches light from every angle. At kay, the number one Jewelry Store in america. And, apparently antarctica. Every kiss begins with kay. Time for a welcome back carson version. We start with a question, could you be missing out on the huge fortune . Lottery officials in california are searching for the winner of a superlot toe plus ticket. No one has come forward and time the deadline to come forward is 5 00 tomorrow. They say the clock is ticking. Public service, check it out. August. Were you at a 7 11 in the chats chatsworth neighborhood of california . If so, get to the Lottery Office by 5 00 tomorrow. It would be the largest unclaimed prize in California Lottery history. If no one claims it, it goes to public schools. We should leave our doors unlocked here. Theyre probably calling the switchboard right now. They will be now. I hope somebody comes forward, but if not, the school districts. One of the thing what are happiest in life and what makes you miserable . Theres a new study that comes from the London School of economics. Topping the list of things that make people miserable, lying sick in bed. That makes sense. But guess what came in right after it . Going to work. Going to work. Thats a sad commentary when you think about it. Lying in bed sick and then going to work as the next one . Some other annoyances, people dont like waiting in line, commuting, working on your finances, but it wasnt all doom and gloom. For the good things in lifer, people said sex, playing sports and singing. There you go. Okay. All right. Lets take a look at there. Carson, youre a golfer and i am. An incredible putt on the basketball court. A pro golfer returned to georgia tech on tuesday to make a that gets 25,000 in tuition for a student. Lets look at that again. 90 feet. Did he play a break . A little left to right. I think it went straight. Hes known for his putting. Whats the longest putt youve sunk . Not 90 feet. I think it was just one shot at it. 25 ,000 in tuition. Not bad. Now to one of the most coveted jobs in music. Carson will get to the bottom of it. Lets start with lady gaga and her super gig on tuesday. Shell be performing the National Anthem on sunday. Shell be joined by an oscar winner. Thats not all for lady gaga. The following week shell one of the great regrets one had was she was signed to a record contract and they let her go. Unbelievable. Gwyneth paltrow opening up about her split. Were still very much a family. Even though we dont have a romantic relationship, you hes like a brother. Is that weird for anybody . Thats a little weird. Chris martin, he did a little car pool. Heres a few highlights. We plight have to stop for i mean, james cordon just it gets better. Hes hosting the tonys. Such a huge personality. Hes doing the chris martin part. Chris martin is doing to background. Hes a joy on the stage. Its like hes best friends with everybody in the car. I like your gravelly voice. I like it. Al. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Now more of our week long series. Todays super bowl commercial kickoff. The exclusive first look at this sundays must see ad. Todays commercial comes from mountain dew. It features a chant you wont be able to get out of your head. Tonight. Puppy monkey baby. Puppy monkey baby. Puppy monkey baby. Puppy monkey baby. Puppy monkey baby. Puppy monkey baby. Mountain dew kick start. Dew, juice, kick start. Puppy money key. It sticks in your head. Who sits in a room and thinks about that . Can we get the puppy monkey baby . These are things that are probably all highly searched on the internet. Thats wild. Well have more exclusive commercials tomorrow here on today. Puppy monkey baby. Lets get a check on the weather. I cant get it out of my head. Rain coming down. Heavier showers and thunderstorms pushing through the new york area and the northeast through today into this afternoon. Getting ready to cause problems in atlanta and the South Eastern Atlantic coast. Flooding is going to be an issue. Flood watches from north new jersey all the way to florida. You get into the florida peninsula, into the panhandle, five to six inches of rain. The rest of the country, more heavy wind and rain and snow. Moves into the Pacific Northwest. Midsection of the country, a little on the chili side. Plenty of sun shine. And thats your latest weather. All right. Time for more of our special series. Supermodels, where are they now. Veronica webb was the first African American model to land an exclusive model. We caught up to chat about live and beauty. Beauty is health. The best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to be healthy. With a career spanning 30 years, Veronica Webb knows tef lugs of beauty. In 1992, the supermodel became the first woman of color to sign an exclusive contract with a major cosmetic company, redefining what it meant to be beautiful. Was there a moment that you im still trying to convince myself that i actually have it. A favored runway designer for many, she says her success was the result of people recognizing the drive and talent in her. 90 , its working hard and showing up. And smiling when you fail. And laughing when you succeed. And sharing when you have enough. Her biggest champion, her mother, a lieutenant konl cornell in the army. We all have a part of us thats practical and a part that dreams. One of the things that my mom taught me was try to figure out how to marry those. Accomplices. Obviously the number one question i imagine that people how is it that you look exactly as you did 20 years ago . I have my secrets. The biggest one is im listening. The biggest one is i try to break a sweat every day, eating right, and then you have to make sure that what youre doing makes you happy. Today she says that happiness comes from her major to her husband and the four children they are raising together. I get my confidence from being a good mother and a good wife. My family is my everything. Are they happy . Are they healthy . Are they hungry, eating, smiling, crying . What was it about your journey as a model that repaired you for who you are now . One of the things you learn is you have to be really responsible to the people who work around you, with you, for you, under you, because everyone counts on you. Webb, where is she now, how do you answer that question . Shes home and happy, raising a family, and blessed to be able to do so. Shes also staying busy. Shes is beauty editor of as is magazine. Shes also modelling on her own terms. Her legacy is really just beginning, she said. Cool. So beautiful. Carson, over to you. Thank you. Coming up, we have an oscar winner talking about making history on broadway. Good morning. Im corey rose. Coming up on channel 20. A lot of your streets probably look like this. That monies a lot of you will be digging out this morning as you leave for work. The newest medalled of honest are recipient will be honored next month, with a colorado connection. Even a battle of cancer cant stop a young boy from supporting his broncos. Lets check weather and traffic now. We saw on your Facebook Page yesterday, that video, awesome. Check that out. Lets take a look. Outside, cdot, c470, a gridlock, two separate crashes rolling in, in the eastbound direction. One near santa fe and another near broadway. Northbound 25 and alameda, the crash is sitting off to the thats just a bottleneck, squeezing in there, that area, trex. Cold temperatures out there and well get a slight warmup later in the day. Areas of flurries are possible in the foothills. I could also see very few and light snow showers, kind of getting caught up in some of the northwest facing ridge lines and slopes in the mountains. Its below zero for most of the central part of the state. Around here, look for 20s and 30s with partly cloudy, and we get at least a little bit of sun the next two days. Clear conditions around here tonight, dropping us back down to single figures, and that leads to another chilly day tomorrow, even colder on friday, a very weak system will bring light snow to the area of snow in the foothills. We have another similar system moving in for super bowl sunday, so i think a lot of folks will just want to curl up good morning. 8 30 now. Its wednesday, february 3rd, 2016. Its starting to get wet out here on our plaza. A lot of the Severe Weather is headed east. Coming up, inside, we have lupita nyongo. Shes taking her best talents to broadway for the very first time. Well talk to her about that and get her take on this years oscars. Plus, we really have no idea what is about to happen to us in all we know is jill is here. Shes brought us blindfolds and promising us bargains. We have to figure out what they are. Whats better than they ater tots . Sweet potato tots. Thats one of the things that former saved by the bell star and now chef stiff Tiffani Thiessen has for us. Windy conditions in new england. Could have airport delays from new york and boston to atlanta. Were looking at wet weather in the Pacific Northwest with mountain snows. Tomorrow, the rain moves off most of the east coast. Though the southeast is looking at wet weather. Rain in the Pacific Northwest. Look for lakeeffect snow showers around the great lakes. Sunny and mild. Stretching from the gulf coast into the southwest. Well see sunshine in the thats your latest weather. Savannah . Al, thank you so much. Lupita nyongo is best known for her breakout role in if the 12 years a slave, which earned her an oscar in 2014. She was in a movie you may have heard of, star wars the force awakens. Now, shes adding one more accomplishment. Shes heading to broadway for a starring role in eclipsed. Good morning. Good to see you. Good to see you. I know youre excited about you posted an adorable clip on instagram, which i want to play right now for everybody. Ready . Open your eyes. Okay. Its real oh, my gosh. Your name in lights. Is it exciting to be debuting on broadway . It really, really is. I mean, i understudied the girl at yale Repertory Theater in 2009, the role i play in the show. I remember making a promise to myself that i had to play this role. The fact that i get to play this role and i get to do it on broadway, i mean, its more than i could have asked for. You are an accomplished stage actress, and thats actually your background. You went to yale school of drama. Is there a different feel when its broadway, which is, you know, for an actor, the absolute, you know exactly you know, for me, i did display at the public for ten weeks. Im glad i got a test run of doing this show off broadway. Now, im really excited to be able to share it with a larger audience. In this incredibly beautiful theater, the golden theater. Its such a great, intimate space. Ive visited it and i cant wait to see what will come of it. Its a heavy topic. I mean, this is about women in the middle of the liberian civil war. Tell me about your role and why you think this is an important story to tell. So this is an incredible story about these five women and how they deal with wartime. I play the girl who is the latest inclusion into a rebel commanders group, if you will. Shes the youngest. Shes 15 and just joined this compound. Its about how she deals with of being in captivity. Its intense. Its really funny. Its full of suspense, and its very moving. Its exhausting to do every day, but its such a joy. All female cast. All female cast. Female playwrite. Wonderful, you have that. Theres also so much talk about the oscars and the controversy there. Shorthanded as oscars so white. What do you think as somebody who won an oscar and has done well in the industry. What do you feel about what people are saying about this years oscars . I think it is a symptom of something else. I think what we are asking for is really for more stories to be told, for inclusion in the stories that are told. I think that, you know, its good for all of us, when we hear a diverse number of stories and are able to experience more diversity. Its more reflective of the thats what we ultimately want, is for a diversity of stories to be told. On the one hand, youve done well by hollywood standards, any standards, but is it something you can relate to . Are there roles you wish would come your way that you havent gotten to see . I feel really grateful to be in the position that i find myself, where i can use the little weight i have to get stories that i feel are untold or yet to be told made and done. For example, with eclip ed se eclipsed, this is something i brought to the table because it moved me in a way where i wanted to perform it and share it with people. I feel thats the role i can play. Finally, i have to ask you about star wars. Are you a star wars nerd like the rest of us . Were you so excited to be in it . Now i am. Now youre officially im a bona fide nerd. I go around with a stormtrooper and all that. Thank you so much. Always good to catch up with eclipsed opens on broadway march 6th. Up next, we will reveal the reason all of them are blindfolded. Jill martin is going to reveal a special steals and deals. First, this is today on were back with an all new steals and deals. For reasons unknown to all of us, jill martin has decided we should be blindfolded for this. 8 39 seems like a good time to be blindfolded. There is a method to my madness. We have deals to get cozy. To prove it, you can only use your sense of touch as i show you the deal. Ill sit you down. No, no, no. All right. Youre kind of going to sit on everything. So i am going to present you with something and you tell me hold on one second. Whats happening . This is like a fur throw of some kind. Okay. What about the other one . What do you mean, the other one . Theres two here. Its a pillow. Take your blindfold off. Those are pillows. Its luxe faux fur pillows. Retail, 119. 99. Oim cover im covered in this now. It comes in a variety of colors. Retail, 119. 99. Deal is 35 for each, 71 off. Comes in different colors. Its a rug throw. It is a rug but you can also put it on a couch as an accent or pillow. All right. Thank you. Carson, thats sharp. Yours hold on one second. This is nice. What do you want me to say, the fabric . What do you think it is . Elephant . What kind of fur . What kind of item . Its a big wrapthing. A cashmere thing. Right. Im right . Its alicia adams alpaca throws. 35 different colors and patterns. Whatever matches i dont know if i need it with the roaring fire, but its very nice. Its hot in here. We need smores. Retail, 398. Deal is 89. Very soft. Moving on, come to natalie. Where are you. This may be a little hot and frightening. Wow. Some sort of cozy shirt, sweater. Right here. Lets go down here. This is silk. What do we think . A knit. I think its a pajama three for three. The pj harlow. Retail, 138, two piece. Soft knit. You even got the fabric. Made in the u. S. , retail, 138. Deal is 42 for the set. 70 off. Cozy. Thanks. Here he is. Here he is. Im the one with the blindfold. Right . Thats the scary part. Blind moment. Oh. Its a bad joke. Its like a, i dont know, scarf . Blindfold, glasses. Nice. I tried to trick you. I cant get it off. Its a scarf. Oh. You got it. Wow. Retail, 138 from magaschoni. Deal is 39. Very nice. Good deal. Now, savannah. I need to turn you around. Okay. This was hiding before. Someones boob. Not me. Feels like a cotton robe. Take your blindfold off. Were five for five. Did everybody peek . Sorry, i havent met you. First introduction, i went right to the boob. R. I. L. A. Robes. I took a little snap nap. That was very cool. Bathtub . This was different. The pillows and rugs or throws from luxe. Alpaca alpaca. Pajamas, the scarves and m. I. L. A. Robe. Information. Coming up next, could your relationship survive the marriage test . Why one couple put themselves really through the ringer on purpose to get ready for marriage. First, this is today on nbc. Hoorah were back at 8 46 with an important question. How do you know if the person youre dating is the one . Jill andrews s and brook simulate the challenge of real marriage and determine their fate. Hello. Im brook. Hello, im jill. We are the couple behind if the marriage test. 40 days over a year to measure a lifetime of compatibility. Brook and jill dated fiver year years, traveled the world and lived together. One question remained uncertain. Would they take the next big step together and become husband and wife . Many of the things that ultimately break up marriages are really hard to practice for until youre married. We wanted to step back and pressure test our relationship. Reporter from finances to family, the test tackled issues that can make or break a marriage. For one month, we are spending half of what we normally do. For a month, we swapped credit cards. Going on a lunch date with our exs. Reporter they documented their journey along the way. Simulate the exhaustion of new parenthood, were not going to let ourselves sleep for more each time were woken up, well pull out an activity and have to complete it before we go to bed. We needed a baby, so we had a 12 pound watermelon to be our newborn for the week. Mel required a lot of attention. Our friends gave us their baby. 9 month old jack for 24 hours in our care. Press a button . Reporter some tests led to a few laughs. Were going to handcuff ourselves to each other for 24 hours. Reporter some to tears. Do we want to talk about this . The things that scare us, were talking about them in a way that in your day to day life, it doesnt come up. We think couples looking for more certainty before taking the big step toward forever might find these dates useful, too. Brook and jill, authors of spoiler alert, did it work . Are you marry snd. We are, yeah. Do you think going through the tests clarified things for you . Absolutely. Yeah. Wed been dating a few years but with a yearlong breakup in the middle. We reached a place where a lot of couples do. We love each other but how does the couple know how theyll be at marriage, when things that trip up marriage, you dont experience when youre dating. Raising a family, combining money. These tests made it easier for us to make the step. Whose fault was the breakup . No, im kidding. Which was the most challenging date for you two . One of the early dates we did for a month, we tried to live on half of what we normally spend. People say, money is a tough thing in all relationships. Little bit. Then you get into it and almost immediately, there was tension. We werent getting along so well. I came away from that month thinking, i have a lot of respect for how tough those moments can be for a healthy relationship. Which test was your favorite . Complicated. One was simple, we didnt use electronics for a week outside of work hours. It was relaxing. I slept better. We connected in all the ways a couple connects. It was a good week. Do you think this would work for everybody . Do you recommend all people contemplating marriage try a version of this . Absolutely. So a great date we recommend for people, what we did, we recorded a fight and listened to ourselves back about a week later when we cooled off. Thats courageous. Turns out, i talk a lot. I dont let brook get all the words in. We recommend everyone give Something Like that a shot. It can help. I think the most important thing i did for us is when we went through the stressful parts of getting engaged and married, wed already dealt with this. Long before we were engaged, wed had a conversation about the religion wed raise our kids. The prenuptial agreement, raising kids. What could you not have prepared for . Writing a book together. Kidding. The book is called the marriage test. Thank you. Tiffani thiessen is here to make a recipe for your super bowl party. Next level. First, this is today on bend me shape me, any way you want me as long as you love me, its alright bend me shape me, any way you want me shape the best sleep of your life. Sleep number beds with sleepia technology adjust any way you want it the bed that moves you. Only at a sleep number store. It is 8 52. Were back with our today food countdown to super bowl 50. Everyone knows the snacks are right . Tiffani thiessen, star of saved by the bell, 90210 and white collar. Shes host of dinner at tiffani tiffanis. Ive been looking forward to this all morning. Were making pulled pork sliders. What i do is a dry rub. I really think marinating your pulled pork overnight, little plastic wrap. I have smoked paprika, regular paprika. Why two kinds . The smokiness of a smoked paprika, its amazing, right . I have onion powder, garlic powder, cumin. Its a dry rub. Make sure your pulled pork is super dry before you pat it in there. Is this Room Temperature . Exactly. This is already done. You actually take it and you flatten it and really work that dry rub all over it. Then put plastic wrap on and in what cut of pork is that . This is the pulled pork. This is actually what were going to do is yes. You want the fat on it because what were going to do is onions in here. This is a slow cooker. We love the slow cooker. Me, too. Having two kids and a little baby, absolutely. Great. We stick this in. Why . The fat side up, what you want, literally, the flavor from the fat is going to go through the meat. Okay. Thats what you want to make sure you do. Opposed to it sitting in the fat, this way, it goes through it. Then take chicken broth. Thats all you need . The onions will sweat, as well. You have your barbecue sauce. Do we have guys downstairs to taste test . Were quiet down here. Does that mean you have already gotten into this . Yeah. Its great. Al is a pulled pork expert. Really . What do you think, al . Really terrific. Thanks, al. This will stay in here for 5 to 7 hours on high. We cover that, of course. Make sure this is what it looks like when its finished. Right. Pull it apart. This is where the pulled pork comes from. What were going to do also is separate all the juices afterwards. Get all that out. Youve drained that into this cup here . Its a fat separator. Handy thing for the kitchen. I use it quite often. Pull that apart. Ive taken the onions. Add this and take our Apple Cider Vinegar and brown sugar. Thank you. I have a fork. Its okay. Were all friends. Little salt. Little pepper. Exactly. Then we add this back in. Then were going to blend it. You do that. I make a mess with these. House the ws the consistency . Well, youre supposed to have more in there. Lets pretend we did this. You pull it apart and this is where we are here. Most people use cabbage on their pulled pork. This is brusz sels sprouts. Healthier. Its good. Apple cider vinegar. Mayonnaise. Then we basically assemble then on buns. The pulled pork and the brusz sels sprout s. Sweet poe this is 9news many city streets are still pretty snowpacked right now. We saw cars sliding around trying to get the day started this morning. Remember, homeowners have 24 hours to clear the sidewalks. He say to not leave the snow on top of the car because it could be dangerous to drivers who are behind you when it slides off and could mean a ticket for you. A check of the forecast, marty jones us. It doesnt sound like it will melt any time soon. No. We wont get a lot of help with temperatures chilly the next well have a really little bit of additional snow in the foothills today, flurries there, and some of the higher mountain peaks, specially the northwest oriented ones. Through the night tonight, it will clear out and look for another cold night. Its still in the Single Digits and below zero in many central valleys, many areas having trouble getting to double digits today, a very cold day. Well be in the 20s and 30s here in eastern colorado. Tonight will be clear once, again, with temperatures around 8 degrees above zero, into the 30s for the next couple of day, a slight warmup. This morning on todays take, christina on todays takes chris in a aguilera back on the voice and carren catching up with the judges. Then you are in for a road trip when we show you Carpool Karaoke with coldplay. And the first look at the Super Bowl Ads. All that and more coming up next. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take. With al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and camryn hall. Life from studio 1a a. Welcome to today on wednesday morning, its february nice crowd outside on our plaza this morning. Im willie along with natalie and al. Tamarind on an assignment in all the Political Action is going on right now. Did you guys see this plane video . This is a commercial airplane with a big hole in its side after an explosion forced an Emergency Landing five minutes after take off. Its dalo airlines, had it taken off from an airport in mowing leash shoe on its way to jabuti. Officials say one passenger was killed and two injured. Witnesses claim a man was sucked out at 14,000 feet, the pilot telling a newspaper, quote, i think it was a bomb. The cause of the explosion has not yet been confirmed. Last i had seen they hadnt confirmed that death, maybe weve jun dated that, guys, i dont know. Boy, you look at the video how calm everybody was as they filmed in on their phones. You actually got up and walked around. Now, is that still in the air when theyre doing that . Its thats in the air. You can so he that. A hole in the plane. Look at the passengers. I would be saying my prayers, i would be crying. I mean, we were talking about, you know, you have had a couple of experiences, al. Just a few months ago we had a really, really bad attempt like three attempted landings at jfk and i actually wrote out a text that i was ready to hit send to for deborah and the kids because i thought this might not end well. It races through your mind. What would you do in those moments . I dont think i would pull out my phone and record whats going on around me. I think i would be and as the video scanned the plane there were other people sitting in their seats calmly, no yelling, no screaming. Maybe doing that removes takes it one step away, i dont know. I think they were in shock as we heard from one of the passengers, i think we heard in the earlier piece, said that they probably were all in a happening. They were lucky they werent up high enough. If a hole blows like that at 35,000 feet its over. They had just taken off five minutes ago they were fortunate in that respect. We goth interesting news about the National Anthem being sung at the super bowl by none other than lady gaga. Another addition to this allstar line up. You have coldplay, beyonce performing during halftime, got to imagine they will probably add a few more before this sundays game. You open with gaga, you get beyonce and coldplay at halftime. By the way, there is a great Football Game in between. Yes. Predictions. Were doing our predictions already. Im going pronk keys. I want Peyton Manning to go out strong. I think its cam and the panthers by two touchdowns. Id love for the broncos to win and for Peyton Manning but i do think that its going to be come on, broncos. Broncos fans. Experts, ozzy the grisly bear chooses one of two cakes in his cage. Yesterday ozzy went with yes. The broncos. The broncos. Thats right. In recent years ozzy has had only one wrong pick. He knocked both of them over. But he ended up eating the broncos cake. Oh, okay. Does a grizzly bear enjoy a cake . I would think he is more of a red meat kind of cake. Another super bowl exclusive ad to preview, we want you to watch it and then use the time on sunday for a bathroom breakin stead. This hyundai add stars kevin hart as an overprotective dad. Check it out. You look good. Thank you. Hey, so you are the guy taking my little girl out, haw. Why ep. Why dont you go ahead and tiek my new car. Thanks, pops. Watch this. Boom. Favorite spot, favorite girl. Youre messing with the wrong daddy. Im taking you home. Why . Car finder on the hyundai genesis. Back so soon . Here you go, sir. Because a dad has got to do what a dad has got to do. Honey, what did you guys do tonight . That is good. I like that. I love that. Fantastic. Well, youve got a glimpse of whats coming up with super bowl and we talked about coldplay. Super bowl halftime performer chris martin joined james cordon for a Carpool Karaoke ahead of making his way to the stadium on take a look at their road trip to the super bowl. Woo woo you do a good mick jagger. I love going to see the rolling stones. Say that as mick jagger. I think my favorite band to go and see is the stones. I love it. I love going to see them anywhere. Look at that. San francisco hats. Lets get them. Here we go. Come on, youve got it. Youve got this. Yeah. I mean, you dont look this heavy, actually. Put your wings on me so heavy put on a symphony cherish bells are ringing what it . No, a few cherished, is it not what is it . Little bells are ringing. Lets go with it. What is it, though. Doesnt matter. No, it does. Its music. I hear jerusalem bells are ringing. Thats what i sing. Thats what you sing. You can sing whatever you like i hear cherished little bells are ringing i love it. It gives you an idea, too, Chris Martins personality which i think a lot of people i think some people were like coldplay, i dont know, for the super bowl, but you can rest assured its going to be an incredible show. The joy on James Cordens face. Yes. So fun. This is a man still enjoying what he does, loves what hes doing. Such a talented guy. I saw him on broadway and he is a true, true talent. He is going to host the tonys they Just Announced yesterday. The previous one with adele was incredible. Now you have back to back adele and chris martin. Unbelievable. It is interesting that all three late night guys are named james. He should just become jimmy. Jimmy cordon, fallon and kimmel. The third. Today is the day six of our 25 days of give a ways on facebook. We want you to go to facebook. Com todays take and like us. Today you could like a trip to bow fort, north carolina. This is a gorgeous part of the bristol crystal coast. You and guest could spend four days, three nights at the inland inn. All right . So facebook. Com todays take, like us, register for the sweepstakes. We would love love, love to get another 20,000 people up today. We did over 20,000 yesterday. Yes. Before we do the weather lets just check it out right now, see whats in here. Now . 132,000. Lets see. Lets see. 133,000. Come on, folks, todays take. Okay. Facebook. Com todays take. Jimmy, careful there. Very nice. This is jimmy core began, not to be confused with jimmy kimmel or jimmy fallen or jimmy cordon. There you go. Lets show you what we have going on. We have this line of strong storms, rain is already moving into new york but Severe Weather, atlanta right now has pretty good storms, we will probably see some airport delays in this thing in the next hour or two. Major flight delays likely. Washington, d. C. , its in here midmorning, boston it will be midafternoon and it keeps pushing in those strong storms pushing into charleston, on toward jacksonville, heavy rain and storms for florida and the carolina coast. By tomorrow we look for clearing here in the northeast. Flood watches extending from new florida. 29 people 29 Million People at risk for these slow moving showers and thunderstorms, parts inches o lets hit the button again, see how many of you boom amazing. Thats it. Facebook. Com todays take. Register for the sweepstakes. North carolina, gorgeous part of the country. Ive always wanted to go there. Keep going to facebook. Com todays take. Just ahead, were a few week away from season ten of the voice and return of Christina Aguilera as coach. Mmmm mmmm, laughter mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm mmmm, yoplait theres a lighter, fluffier way for everyone to enjoy greek yogurt. Yoplait greek 100 whips give extra. Get extra. Cheers. Oh theres no reason to cry over spilled cabernet. All you need is some persil proclean. Oh thank you dont thank me. Thank the detergent. [laughs] im serious. Thank it. Persil proclean. No, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong. Yey which is why our products are too. Angel soft. 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Featuring new dishes loaded with flavor, and all under 650 calories. Right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. Only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. You could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. Learn how abreva starts to work immediately at abreva. Com dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. Im here at the shop at nbc studios in 30 rock. Get ready, fans. Season ten of the voice is nearly here. The blind auditions, battle rounds, get underway february 29th. Carson daly, our man at today and theirs, caught up with reigning coach adam levine. Also blake shelton, Pharrell Williams and Christina Aguilera, making her return to the chair after a season off. You guys were all very popular and celebrities before this show started. What is it like to be famous and successful on a hit Television Show . What is that success like . I didnt get into the music business to think, aisle be ill be a tv personality. It gave me a chance to give back to people with dreams, like me coming up. Little did we know it would be as successful as it was. Now youre back. Tell these guys what life is what was it like to not do it . Whats it like outside of the show, christina . In the real world, theres air and trees and people. Whoa, geez. Ive never heard of those. Youre having as much fun as you were from day one. None of us would be doing this if it wasnt fun. Right. We laugh a lot. You feel lifted. You watch people change, evolve and grow. Theres something in that process that i cant get anywhere else. Youre now more famous than anybody here. I dont know about that. What does that rise feel like . Its only been five years. The ultimate voice god, blake shelton. Youre a god amongst mortals. We went to dinner the other night and we had to pick the restaurant we went to based on whether or not blake could walk through the kitchen to get into the restaurant because of pap paparazzi paparazzi. Its nuts. Of course, at this point, no decision i make, its under the microscope. Climb every mountain are you inspired by your team ever . Of course. I won last season. Every season is different. Some seasons i dont have to coach at all because, like, i feel like i knew jordan smith was going to win the whole time. You are more concerned with people sticking around and having a good time. If someone steals one of your people, youre happy. Its unpopular and comes off weird, like what . I dont think it does. There was a nice moment yesterday. You exchanged pleasantries and you said something funny. You said, christina, weve come a long way from season one. He told me i have the winner on my team. She does. Most honest, again genuine and heartfelt advice. Honorable man, that gandhi. You write those votes down . Sometimes its the way hes dressed, his hair. Steam comes out of my ears, like so many things. Its like sometimes its not what blake is saying thats funny. Its your reaction. Its adams reaction. The face of like, man. Its the lack of awareness of all things around him. Its like a joke that my out of touch uncle would make. I feel like i have a responsibility on this show to point out ridiculousness. Guys, if you were running for president , of the other coaches, who would your running mate be and why . Blake. I need the country side. I need girl power. President christina . Well, country runs a lot of the country. I wouldnt run. Not running . I would rather have any good enough. The voice returns on monday. Who is excited about this . February 29th. Everybody excited . It airs mondays and tuesdays at 8 00 eastern. Willie, always wanted to press the red button. Thanks. Coming up, stone cold steve austin. Going to find out who is up for the broken skull challenge. Putting us to the test. What are we doing here . Pull the sandbag across the floor. Its a heavy sandbag. Were going to see what you got. Think i got it . I want the best you got, okay . Okay. Simple enough . Ill go head to head with my pals in a minute. Soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. And 500 calories or less. The clean pairings menu. At panera. Food as it should be. Hi hey you look good. Thank you, i feel good. It all starts with eating right. Thats why i eat amaz n prunes my body in balance. I love these. Good fruit. P proof of less joint pain. And clearer skin. That i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage and clear skin in many adults. Doctors have been prescribing humira for 10 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Humira. This is my body of proof wish your skin could bounce back like it used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena theres a story behind the fresh taste of philadelphia cream cheese. We make it daily using fresh local milk, real cream, and absolutely no preservatives. When it comes to fresh taste, nothing else tastes like philadelphia. I am never getting married. Never. Psssssh. Guaranteed. You picked a beautiful ring. Thank you. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. Breathe. I love it here. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. I am never letting go. For all the nevers in life, state farm is there. Wwe hall of famer stone cold steve austin, finishing off one opponent after another with a stone cold stunner. Now, he hosts the broken skull challenge, shot at his ranch in texas, where contestants duke it out over a 10,000 prize. These challenges with not for the faint of heart or stomach. No, they arent. Steve austin, welcome. Good to see you. Thanks for having me. How did you come up you built this Obstacle Course on your ranch. How did you come up with the challenges themselves . I was hosting a show on cmt and said, this is great. I love competition. Heavyduty competition. I built a career based on being tough. So there was nothing like broken we pitched this idea to cmt and they wanted to make it tougher than i had envisioned it to be. I give them credit for that. At the end of the day, you get a bunch of people coming up with the toughest things we can put other human beings into competition against each other with. Each day, three rounds of competition. If you win, you stick around and if you lose, you go home. At the end of the day, the last person standing takes on my Obstacle Course, the skull buster. It is designed to attack every part of your body. Yikes. You beat that, you get 10,000. Youre scaring me already. Lets go its tough. Some of the best athletes in the nation come out there and set the table for them to do the best they can. Participate, right . The women are badass, yeah. You have a challenge for willie and natalie. How did you get out of this . Im doing commentary. All right. Shortened version. The broken skull challenge, nothing is easy. What do they have to do . Uhoh. She took the shoes off. It just got real. Pull these handbags across the floor. The broken skull challenge, it would be tougher than that. But here we are in new york city. On your mark, get set, go pull, pull, pull. Keep pulling. All the way across. Wow, natalie. Natalie wins. Wow. Impressive. You would go step down the road. So in the broken skull, thats as hard as it gets. Whats the craziest thing people do . Theres a 50 foot long french with watt trench with water. You have to go ring the bell. Its head to head. People say, its cool, like american ninja warrior. Not so fast. This is head to head against another human being. If you win, you stick around. Then you have to face the Obstacle Course. Willie wants to give it a try. Ill fly you first class out there if you want to try it. I want to be in the trench with you. I dig the trench. Broken skull challenge sunday nightscmt. Back after your local news and weather. It would just be so painful and i couldnt even drink it. I would like almost scoot the ice over and try to sip it very slowly so that it wouldnt trigger the pain. Thats when i realized i had to do something. My dentist recommended that i use sensodyne. I think that sensodyne has been great in terms of reducing the sensitivity and pain that i was experiencing. Now i can put ice in my water. Sensodyne absolutely works, there you have it. Does your makeup remover take it all off . Every kissproof, cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. Colorado will receive the medal of honor. Warfare operator edward byers is still an active member of seal team 6. So we dont have a picture of him right now. In 2012, he was the second person through the door when his unit raided a taliban hideout. A colorado doctor was being held hostage inside. He protected doctor dilip joseph from gunfire. As he pinned a taliban fighter against the wall. Byers will receive his medal at the white house on february 29th. Its National High school signing today. Today student athletes across the state and country will be making their College Commitments official. Tweet us a picture of your athlete using the hashtag co signing day. Well be sharing them throughout the day. For the most up todate list of Colorado High School signees. Go to 9news dot com slash hss. Becky ditchfield back with another minutes. Taking a look at the taking a look at the headlines. More fallout from the recent e. Coli neurovirus updates from chipotle. The company says its earnings dropped 36 in january on top of the almost 15 drop in the Fourth Quarter last year. Chipotle said the scope of a criminal probe has widened beyond a single restaurant in california. It is now a nationwide investigation. Amazon reportedly has big plans to open book stores around the u. S. The wall street journal is quoting the ceo of a large mall saying amazons goal is to open the Company Opened its first bookstore in november in seattle calling it a physical extension of amazon. Com. One of the worlds most popular messaging services has just hit a major milestone. Whats app says it has reached 1 billion active users around the world. Thats about 1 of every 7 people on the planet. Whats app is owned by facebook and with it users can make free phone calls, send texts, video and Text Messages anywhere in the world. It delivers an amazing 42 billion messages a day. It was a very close call for a family in england when their car went out of control, flipped over and then sped down the highway on its roof in a shower of sparks as you see there. Incredible. It hits another car on the way. All caught on the dashboard camera of a truck that was almost hit. All three people in that upside down car survived including a baby who was unhurt. Time is running out for whoever bought a winning california Lottery Ticket last the ticket worth a staggering 63 million but it will become worthless unless the winner turns it in by tomorrow afternoon. The super lotto ticket was bought in a Convenience Store outside of los angeles. If nobody shows up by the deadline though, the winner loses all that money. Lets get a check of the weather right now from mr. Roker. Hey, al. The good thing is it goes to California Public schools if they dont get it. Thats good. You can see on your map thats wewe want you to go to facebook. Com todaystake. A trip with 146,000 likes. Remember, todd. Com facebook. Com todaystake. Like us. Now i like you, natalie. I like you too, al. Thanks. Now to the zika virus. As a growing crisis reaches american soil, just this week as you know the World Health Organization declared zika a Global Health emergency. Now transmission of the zika virus has been confirmed in 29 countries and territories throughout south america, latin america, polynesia and the caribbean. Now it is hirting even closer to home with the first zika virus case acquired through sexual transmission in dallas county. Now if a zika carrying mosquito bites a pregnant mother the unborn child can be at great risk. Right now about 4,000 babies in microcephaly. This is a serious birth defect that affects the brain. Experts say that for most people the zika virus presents with mild symptoms including fever, rash, joint pain and con junktive viet tis or pink eye. Some countries reporting a link between zika and guillainbarre syndrome. Its rare but it has yet to be confirmed by the c. D. C. The c. D. C. Has put out a travel warning to avoid for pregnant women or women trying to become areas. They say that women who have been infected should wait two years to become pregnant. Lets send it over to willie and dr. Natalie azar who have more. Dr. Azar has more. Lets talk about the dallas case. A lot of people who werent paying attention to zika perced up. Cdc confirms it was a man or yes. It was transmitted from of these countries who received zika. What does that tell you . It gives us more evidence about a suspicion that weve had. There are already documented cases in the literature, one in 2008 of a physician who was in senegal who was infected with zika who came back to the u. S. And infected his wife and then more recently in 2013 with the very large outbreak in french polynesia, there was a tahitian man whose semen and urine tested positive for zika. The idea that it can be transmitted with blood transfusion or sexual contact is not necessarily new, ground breaking, or surprising, but as i stated earlier this morning, its certainly unfortunate and unwelcome news because this now is a whole other set of protocols and precautions that we need to talk about in light of this outbreak. Does this mean, dr. Azar, someone coming back from one of these countries with zika should remain abstinent and if so for how long . Right. We dont have a specific intend on having that in the next coming days per dr. Frieden of the c. D. C. I will state though that our friends colleagues in england have a protocol in place already, and that is that if a man who has a documented zika infection returns or wherever he or she is, he should use a condom for six months. If a person if a man has had potential exposure, exposure could just be being in an area where zika is being transmitted, the recommendation there is to wear a condom for four weeks, one month. At issue here is we dont know how long the virus, number one, is still detectible in sexual secretions and even if detectible, is it actually infectious. Can it be transmitted . That right now is the next step for the cdc and researchers in brazil to try to get as much information as possible so that they can inform their guidance for us. Quick bottom line before we go here. For people watching this at home, how concerned should about zika right now . I think the concern hasnt changed all that much in terms of location, first of all. You know, travel to areas where viral transmission is ongoing and bringing back the infection to the United States is an issue. One thing we didnt get a chance to talk about so much today is the potential, you know, serious contribution to guillonbarre. This is a moving a moving target. Yeah. Theres a lot more questions to be answered. Dr. Azar, thank you so much. Coming up, work a who will licks made a tv star. Now hes carving out his place on the big screen. Well talk to him right after this. Workoholics, anders holm heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin. 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Early gum disease in just two weeks. Listerine r . Power to your mouth Weight Watchers has changed. Weight watchers allnew beyond the Scale Program puts the focus on you and not just the number on the scale. Lose weight while eating healthier, with all new smartpoints. And move more by including fitness see how good youll feel with the new Weight Watchers beyond the Scale Program join for free now and lose 10 pounds on us. Anders holm has been stealing scenes in some of the smartest, edgiest comedies of the last few years. Success doesnt happen overnight. First, a look at his rise. Its anders, okay . Anders. Not anders. It never was that. I dont know why you keep saying that. Reporter anders holm started out behind the camera as a writing assistant. From the writers room, he joined forces with two fellow comedians. Blake anderson and adam devine to form the group, male order comedy. Dealing with stress in the workplace. Reporter their web series central, leading to the creation of workoholics. Ive been promoted. See the suit . Reporter the hilariously unambitious telemarketers are in their sixth season. Youre my dude. Blake is my man. Reporter anders went on to gueststar on the mindy project, as Mindy Kalings love interest. Will you marry me . Yes, yes. Reporter from tv, he moved to feature film, joining the cast of the interview, with james and seth. Yours is cool and mine is serious. Reporter then sharing with screen with Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro in the intern. For the record, never been my turn. Reporter anders is now a ladys man in how to be single, proving his work is just getting started. There are 8 Million People in this city. Sounds like a lot, right . These are the women . Anders holm joins us now. Good to see you, man. Whats up, guys . You tweeted something yesterday. Im on the today show tomorrow at 9ish, pushing how to be single. Should i go blazer, no shirt . I showed up with no shirt. There was a riot for security reasons. Put a shirt on im like, all right. Promoting your movie. But you say you actually are promoting your body. Yeah, its more for a body day for me. You are shirtless a lot in this new movie. Yeah. You had a lot of disturbing nude scenes over the past, i should say. Yeah. Youre comfortable with the body. I have to be. Its my craft, you know. I grew up as a swimmer and you wear speedos. I think like, those are perhaps the most embarrassing outfits out there. I had to a leg up. Back at your career. Workoholic workoholics has become a hit. The early version of the web series you said was before hair and makeup. Yeah. It seemed like a different show. Can you believe where its come since those days . Honestly, yes. Only because blake, adam and kyle, i think those guys are amazing. With their im riding their coat tails, you know what i mean . Besides your skill with acting, youre a beat boxer and you have a group . Professional, yeah. The group is called, perfecto . Or thats the album . Thats the group and the album. With kenny dennis. Our excuse to show a video. Lets take a look. Mankind, out of line brothers and sisters, of the future late 80s sound to it. Music factory. Its hip hop chicago side. You can beat box a little . Without a doubt. On live television. Ripe fruit. Im here in my tight suit see, those words rhyme. Was that it . Thats rapping, guys. Im sure if we had more time, it would have gone on. Oh, yes. Eons. Anders holm, great to see you. How to be single opens february 12th. Dont miss workoholics on comedy central. Up next, jim dolan treating us to a Live Performance when we come back. About dancing. He was thinking about his joints. But now hes taking osteo biflex, and noticing a real difference in his joint comfort. The feeling originates in this area. Spreads throughout the to here, inducing hilariously high levels of embarrassment in his son. 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Better find a church, better find it soon better search through the light by the light of a sinners moon better find a church, get on your knees beg for a chance just to dance and you better confess, get it off your chest, give yourself some rest while you still have one left even youve got to live with the things that you did, the secrets you hid heaven forbid that the devil gets word, better find a church when you find a church, you wont find me there cause ill be home, not alone, in the arms of someone who cares and you better confess, get it off your chest give your soul some rest while you still have one left even youve got to live with the things that you did, the heaven forbid that the devil gets word, better find a church never meant to hurt no one in the end, thats what you done a sinners past, still gonna pay the good lord back and you better confess, get it off your chest give your soul some rest while you still have one left cause even youve got to live with the things that you did the secrets you hid gets word, better find a Church Better find a Church Better find a Church Better find a church [ applause ] jd and the straight shot. Thank you so much. Were back in a moment. Lovely ladies. Hello, everybody. We have a big show. Very, very big. Guess who is here, again. Who . Colin quinn. Love him. L. A. Reid is going to come and talk about his new book. Any lottery dream home. Who knew super bowl edition. It was on there. They said, stick to the prompter. All that and so much more. Not wanting any distractions the team sent practice squad ryan murphy home after he was questioned in a prostitution sting in san jose. Nbc news reports he was released after authorities concluded he was not involved in any criminal activity. The starting goalie Semyon Varlamov is off the hook after sued him. The civil trial his favor yesterday. His exgirlfriend claimed he abused her and was asking for damages. Instead the jury found him not liable and decided she should pay him 126thousand dollars in damages. Her attorney plans to appeal. Becky ditchfield well see you over on channel 20 for 9news at 11 a. M. , and then back here for

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