Transcripts For KUSA 9News Special Edition 20160111 : compar

Transcripts For KUSA 9News Special Edition 20160111

i know, i wanted to show you how proficient i am in social media. we'll be in touch. excuse me. hi, i'm just following up on the interview. dimpatient. dim and impatient. problems, so we invented new snickers crisper. lemme get a mcpick 2 introducing a hot new deal at mcdonald's that starts with you. lemme get a mcpick 2 now, get 2 delicious tastes for just $2 dollars so so good the mcpick 2 menu. mix and match new melty mozzarella sticks with a juicy mcdouble or golden fries with a classic mcchicken only $2 bucks for any two hurry in and choose your faves for just $2 dollars. it's the tastiest deal yet. just ask for it. bada ba ba ba robbery at a subway- finds himself in hot water-- after he tried to capture the robber on his own. plus: temperatures chance for snow. >> announcer: welcome back to the golden globes much and now from the frds awaken orce awak "the forz a wak ce from, "the force awakens", harrison ford. >> once again it the nominees for motion picture drama. >> announcer: "carol." "mad max: fury road." "the revenant." "spotlight." [ applause ] >> and the golden globe goes to -- "the revenant." [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: coming to the stage and accepting the golden globe tonight is writer/director -- producer of "the revenant," alejandro g. inarritu. >> my god. >> speech. speech. >> sorry, there's a lot of kissing here. i forgot to say thanks to mark, my co-writing partner, all the native americans who help us make this film possible. and, i don't know, i want -- do something. i cannot say how surprised i am and how proud i am to have survived this film with all these fellas. please. tony. >> wow, thank you guys so much. this is such a surprise, brad westin, arnon, everybody at regioncy, fox, we love you so much. this was an incredible experience. alejandro, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, everybody. >> and leo, of course. >> thank you. i'm afraid that's it. we're out of time. shalom. >> announcer: the nomination eligible members of the hollywood foreign press association, who choose up to five nominees in each category. on the final ballots, the same members vote for one nominee in each category. information concerning the final results is known only to the accounting firm of ernst & young, llp prior to tonight's opening of the sealed envelopes. a man who robbed a subway restaurant gets chased by a witness with a gun. what the witness did that ended up getting them in trouble with police. warmer temperatures are ahead this week before snow makes its way back into forecast. a lawsuit -- lawsuit has been filed against -- -- and assisted living facility after was killed by his roommate. a young woman accused of taking millions of dollars in jewelry finally behind bars. and the broncos magnet giveaway kicks off this week. 9news starts now. tonight please continue looking for a man who robbed a subway restaurant. what's unusual about this case is that a man who witnessed the robbery is in trouble for trying to catch the suspect himself. a man entered the subway on east iliff near chambers. police say he hit a female employee and then demanded money. when the suspect took off, police say a witness, avery nelson, chart -- started to chase the suspect. nelson fired two warning shots in the air and then fired a few more at the suspects car. >> when you fire rounds into the air you have no clue exactly where those rounds may same with shooting into the vehicle. at this point in time, it appears he was shooting at the vehicle to try to disable it but again who knows where those rounds may have ended up. >> he will have to appear in court for reckless endangerment and firing at gun in public. it's more important for witnesses to remember details to tell police instead of taking the law into their own hands. skies are clear but it is chilly, temperatures in the teens. danielle, there is a break from this right around the corner. >> yes a couple more days to be in the 30s, the big story tonight though is that the fog is back. visibility -- zero. up in greeley about a quarter mile or less, downtown denver not quite as bad as last night but again it will be the fog that you wake up to tomorrow along with -- the south platte river valley. freezing fog right now as well. we have teens and low 20s across the eastern plains, another frigid night. we are also dealing with poor air quality around metro denver. we have an error advisory in place until 4:00 tomorrow morning. it's unhealthy for sensitive groups, so limit your time outdoors. visibility moderate as well. right now on hd doppler 9, pretty quiet to the west. it has been dry around colorado. that's the way we kick off the work week as well. sunshine out there and the gradual warming trend. we have a couple more days to go mark, dealing with the deep freeze before things finally start to thaw out. a lot of car washes really busy today. >> my car is disgusting. [laughter] >> we will be in line tomorrow. thanks danielle. to death by a fellow resident assist -- suing the assisted living facility. it's been nearly a year since homer castor the gerald propp . -- beat gerald propp. she said she wants to change assisted living communities. >> reporter: she is suing them for false -- false advertising, roger -- wrongful to -- death saying they could have done more to protect her husband elderly resident. >> he didn't know my name, but he knew who i was. >> her husband gerald propp, who she called jerry, suffered from alzheimer's. after searching more than a dozen facilities, she >> reporter: -- she chose atria . she said she counted on the facility to make sure he stayed safe until one day she got a call -- he was in the hospital. condition. >> his roommate who also had alzheimer's hit jerry repeatedly in the middle of the night. jerry passed away two days later . >> he was beaten mercilessly and the staff members didn't know this for two hours? what are they doing? >> basin the facility had limited staff, just 2 to 4 people to watch over 25 residents and they didn't tell catherine that his roommate had violent tendencies. >> now i feel they should of let me go -- let me know more of what was going on. >> they did release this statement: this was a tragic event. while we cannot comment on the pending lawsuit we continue to offer our condolences to the family and all those affected by his death. >> i think as i'm finding out now, there's so much more behind the scenes that you don't see. >> catherine's attorney says she was never told about other problems her husbands roommate had that could have swayed her decision to keep jerry there. -- investigation was a bunch of things that were very frightening to us. >> castor a wrench -- allegedly threatened to kill another resident and he scratched jerry just a few weeks before he was being. >> he wasn't protected. they just didn't protect him. >> castro passed away in november. he was found incompetent and never charged with jerry's murder. catherine greway is suing for $75,000 but that number could change if a jury finds the damages are worth more. >> victoria sanchez, thank you. a longmont man faces charges for allegedly trying -- driving drunk and firing a gun at the same time. they pulled over israel floors alvarez after seeing him -- fire a gun in the air from the driver side window. they used a stun gun on him when he allegedly used his waist -- reached for his went -- when president obama delivers his address he will save of first -- a seat in the first lady viewing box to honor those lost to gun violence. nearly 2 dozen people will have seats in the viewing box including rhonda rice from greeley, the ceo of lucky clover honey, a business her family founded in 1924 that has been running successfully ever sense. the white house says the people in the guest box signaled like progress -- the progress made in the economy. a new poll shows hillary clinton and bernie sanders are in a very tight race. clinton leads sanders 45% versus 40 a percent were in some places sanders has 50%. sanders now says he's willing to take another look at a gun >> through this morning he's been unwilling to join the president and me in saying that this should be repealed. >> when gun manufacturers are selling guns into an area and know that those guns are going into the hands of criminals, absolutely those gun manufacturers should be held accountable. >> clinton is also dismissing trump office latest family attack. he posted a picture of bill clinton with monica lewinsky on his instagram page. >> she is married to an abuser. horrible things. in the new poll ted cruz leads trump in iowa but trump is way ahead of the rest of the pack in new hampshire. mexican authorities want to talk to actor sean penn and a mexican actress following their secret meeting with the mexican drug lord 'el chapo' last fall. arrested after being -- escaping from a maximum security prison in july. they interviewed the drug lord in october at a secret hideout. portions of the interview were published by rolling stone magazine along with an article by penn. they said they were aware of the meetings and they use them to track 'el chapo'. is expected to be extradited to the us where he faces drug trafficking charges. >> 'el chapo' guzman will be fighting extradition with every resource he has. >> in his rolling stone article, he says 'el chapo' bragged about supplying more drugs to more people than anyone else in the world. a woman believed to have stolen more than night -- $4 million in jewelry is behind bars tonight. they say abigail lee camp didn't even bother to disguise stores throughout the south. she used a gun to force employees in the back room and then use zip ties to restrain them. a second person was arrested but that identity has not been released. this jackpot is enough to convince even the most skeptical person, even the person who says gambling is a waste of money because the powerball pool is so big. it has grown to $1.3 billion and with no grand prize winner last night, it will likely ballooned to even more before the next drawing on wednesday. in colorado four people one $150,000 each last night. we have a list of where those tickets were sold on just a reminder, if -- powerball isn't the only game in town. a foreign resident one -- won $2.7 million playing the lottery. and we are giving away free united in orange magnets all this week. thingies, the giveaway is being held at king soopers around the state. we will start handing them out tomorrow morning. >> it's a must have. it will start at the king soopers in parker and starting at 4:00 p.m. tomorrow we will be at the one in brighton on north 50th avenue and east bridge street. it's a good idea to get there early as supplies are limited and go pretty fast. head to to see the other locations where giveaways will be happening this week. next on 9news at 9:00, she was a young girl when she first took the stage. how she continues directing theater well into her 80s. and i will let you know hollywood's awards season kicked off tonight with the 73rd annual golden globes in beverly hills california. if known as being one of the less formal, more fun, more drinking kind of ceremonies. wiki germanys was the host and he was a big -- ricky gervais was the host. the crowd erupted when sylvester stallone won an award for his role in creed. he got a standing ovation as he walked to the stage. when and his third nomination. his two previous nominations were for rocky, the original film in 1977. the martian starring matt damon won for best motion picture for musical or comedy. probably a surprise that that was in the comedy category. as it centered on an astronaut who was left behind in space after law -- wrongly being presumed dead and the winner for drama was the revenant , who is on a quest for survival after being brutally mauled by a bear. we asked you to give us your thoughts on twitter. a lot of people using -- talking about the discussion on social media. head over to 9news for pictures of the stars, a list of winners and more. if you ask most folks who work in denver theater it's longtime theater director. and she tells jonathan gonzalez why she still loves doing this after all those years -- all these years. >> reporter: anytime beverly newcomb-madden walks into a denver area theater -- >> do you want to sit on the side? >>it simply means it's time to get to work. >> reporter: beverly has been working at getting her actors to work on stage -- >> i never considered directing -- >> reporter: since the 1960s. and the 87-year-old has not held back since. >> whenever you are ready, would you do that again? joe -- don't look so disgusted with everybody else. >> i have to be careful because i take over if i don't shut up. [laughter] it's bad. things change from moment to moment apparently. >> reporter: but sitting back >> give that to me one more time and make it even bigger and more menacing. okay pick that up. let's try it. >> reporter: she was a young girl when she first took the stage. >> i usually played someone's little sister. >> reporter: eventually she became the first woman to direct a production at the historic bonfils theatre. >> to be asked to direct -- who was i? a housewife and a mother. >> reporter: and decades later -- >> i don't do it for the money. >> is the piano to break? >> reporter: she is casting her latest production, little women at the aurora fox. >> if we should decide to go a different way with smarmy, would you be interested in a smaller role? >>i look at the printed words life. >> speaking of coming to life -- known he reaches all my life -- i've known elitches all my life. >> reporter: she was asked to direct one of the first performances at the historic elitch theater . in more than two decades. >> she has no filter which is awesome and sometimes scary. >> i do want to see any of you until it's time for you to come on. you don't have to rush. if i don't hear her, i don't want her to say it. >> reporter: she talked about being lucky and appreciating the fact that she is still asked to work. >> i think i am so lucky to still be wanted. >> reporter: but she says the want is going away. >> i am so old, i don't know what i am doing. >> reporter: -- >> she will say to the room in the middle of rehearsal, we get to do this. it's pretty great. >> you don't have to rush. people have to come to you. ring to be hired. >> reporter: and this rehearsal for little women may be for her very last show. >> it's a young peoples field and i've been able to hang on by my fingernails. >> reporter: but whenever the lights to come down on her career -- >> there won't be another beverly newcomb-madden. >> reporter: her lasting legacy will remain up on stage . with photojournalist adam vance, jonathan gonzalez 9news. >> beverly has been honored with numerous awards throughout her long career. she says she's still waiting for that next phone call to direct but she doesn't and a little time off of her husband. vikings fans braved -- braved record-breaking cold for the nfl playoff game against the seahawks. it was the third coldest game temperature at kickoff was -6 with a windchill of -25 but the stopped. it didn't stop tailgating or beer drinking. >> yes a lot of that. >> we could do that in colorado, we're tough. >> but you may have noticed a lot of people were wearing the same appropriate headgear that danielle is wearing in the backyard. >> i want to be standing over the grill with all those brats. it is chilly outside, and also dealing with a little bit of fog especially around the south platte river valley where temperatures have been fluctuating. right now -- disabilities have been fluctuating. this is going to be the theme all evening long so if you do minutes. also the temperatures clearly below the freezing mark, so you will have freezing fog out there , and it will be icy and some spots. fort lupton at four degrees, 5 in longmont, low 20s downtown, 16 in evergreen and already negative for in kremmling. -- negative 4 in kremmling. it feels like 2 degrees with the windchill here in denver. earlier this morning it was beautiful. we had loads of sunshine, blue skies, the sun was almost blinding and then by the afternoon, did you see it -- there it is, the brown cloud forming across the denver metro area. unfortunately we are looking at an error advisory and this will continue just because we are looking at unhealthy for sensitive groups as far as air quality goes. visibility moderate tomorrow but elderly, kids, limit your time outside just because it's hd doppler 9 you can see we don't have any major storms out to the west to help mix up some of the air. we are hoping for a couple of storms to help their us out. really most of the moisture has been out across new england where it has just been wall-to- wall rain out there across boston into maine, 1 to 2 inches stacking up. a little bit of lake effect snow coming into the buffalo area late tonight. around here it's been pretty quiet, what you see is what you get and that will be the case all evening long. pushing north across the i-25 quarter, may not wake up to wall-to-wall sunshine but by the afternoon that should clear out and it should be a pretty nice looking afternoon. 2:00, 3:00 clear across the front range -- but a little bit of snow in the mountains. meanwhile storms are pressing in further out east. a quick moving canadian clipper weather but this cold front is trailing behind and will just nudge its way into colorado by tuesday. that will help stir up our wins and hopefully bring us better air quality. tonight temperatures are plunging, teams for a lot of folks, single digits up north and definitely subzero up in the high country. tonight 11 degrees in the metro denver area, sunrise at 7:20 and you might have to fight the fog in some spots early on. 39 degrees tomorrow, still having the snow in place, so it will be tough to warm up our temperatures. a few spots along the eastern plains will pop into the low 40s but not everyone -- we will stay in the low 20s in nederland, idaho springs, 37 it for -- in fort collins. tuesday, wednesday, thursday -- there's the warm-up. more seasonal greetings coming at us but the next system rolling into the state on thursday bringing in his crease to clouds -- and increase to clouds. we head toward the weekend it looks fairly sunny, we remain cool and quiet for the broncos game-day forecast. from colorado's sports leader, here is to switcher. >> -- -- completely irrelevant at this point, same two teams meeting in the first round of today. the steelers came from behind to beat the broncos in a regular-season game just before christmas but that is so yesterday. >> it's just obviously the stakes are higher in every play is so crucial, but i think the bottom line is when it's all said and done, the top teams are there and going at each other. you usually know each other pretty well, you are playing guys -- you normally don't play people on the playoffs -- that you haven't seen before. that has a lot to do with it but that's what this game is all about, it's why you work, it takes a lot of effort and focus for a long period of time just to get yourself into the position to playing these games so that you appreciate them. >> to be honest, people say it's faster -- which, i guess it depends on the guy. i felt like it was the same last year when we played the colts. it felt the same as the regular- season games. were running faster. we know the sense of urgency is obviously higher. i was able to run around and do what i could in the playoff games -- i felt like the game wasn't too fast. >> the broncos are seven point favorites, sounds like a lot. 9news brock -- broncos insider mike klis is inside -- i'm guessing by the spread they may not think roethlisberger and brown can play for pittsburgh or, what do you know? >> it's more than manning factor, everybody's impressed by how he played in his last game against san diego. but then had a separated shoulder, he got sacked, went into the locker room, apparently to pop it back in, they beget a painkiller, came out for the last drive, there's lose that game with big ben throwing on a separated shoulder unless the bengals lost game and indeed that's what they did. antonio brown who also burned the broncos earlier this year, just three weeks ago, he's in the concussion protocol. those things have a way of clearing up on playoff week. i fully expect roethlisberger and brown will play against the broncos on sunday. they do get an extra day, eight days rest between games. >> peyton manning returns to the starting lineup for the first time in two months. should we expect to see mr. hall of fame or the imposter from earlier this season? >> there are three games left for the season. if all goes well for the broncos, i think in those three games, peyton manning can one time have a hall of fame caliber performance. i think there will be another game where he plays similar to what he did earlier this year. remember through the season he had nine touchdown passes against 17 interceptions and then another game -- other games where he played subpar. the broncos have to figure out how to win again when peyton the quarterback -- doesn't play at the top of his game all the way through the playoffs. >> that hall of fame player better be first or maybe not have a second game. it was so cold that tears rolling down the cheeks of vikings fans froze like icicles. -25 windchill, third coldest game in history. they just needed a field goal in the final seconds to beat the seahawks but placekicker blair walsh hooked it and the seahawks advance, 10-9. green bay be washington, aaron rodgers russia's this now because he notices about 30 defenders on the field, the problem is -- he still finds the receiver, packers win 35-18. shane scored twice tonight but the avalanche still lost, defeated by the defending duchenne -- gets the team- leading 21 goals. but kane and another lot -- notched a pair a piece in the avalanche lose 6-3. emmanuel mudiay played for the first time in more than a month and it was worth the wait. the beginning -- they began an eight-game homestand and the nuggets win 95-82. >> normally peyton manning is the one covered up in 9health are band-aids but tonight we are sticking one on the right shoulder -- the throwing arm -- >> dislocated, right? >> of ben roethlisberger. the 9health fair helps all kinds of people both from denver and elsewhere. right hand. too bad for him. go broncos. coming up, a man who painted a grocery store sign for more than 50 years will the takeover of a national wildlife refuge in oregon has the protesters are upset over federal land policies. the group leader has asked supporters for supplies, everything from warm blankets to coffee creamer to help the protesters. they have rejected calls to leave despite numerous requests from the mayor and governor. four days after declaring a state of emergency over a water crisis in flint michigan due to high lead levels the city is now giving people who live there bottled water and other supplies. brick snyder was criticized for making the declaration without offering a plan to help the community. the crisis began nearly 2 years ago when they abandoned their old water source lake huron for a cheaper one the flint river. the new water supply allowed led to seep into the water system. lead levels have still remained high and now five stations bottled water, filters and testing kits. it may be cold at the national western stock show but there is a lot of stuff to do that has nothing to do with farm animals. for example this -- travis reed of high country carvings is among those in -- with a booth at the event. his works are for sale at the show in the hall of education. >> i forget that a lot of people have a song and have a hard time just getting it started let alone carving something, so they do seem to be pretty amazed at times and this is always our best route here at the denver stock show. >> they had a big crowd almost 51,000 people came out on opening day and that's about 8000 more than the record set just last year. it features rodeos and bull riding and continues until 24 a man who left his mark outside a storefront in minnesota's twin cities will close the door on that era. reporter boyd huppert has the story. >> reporter: you know you've reached a level of comfort in your job when your brain takes a nap and your hands keep going . >> sometimes he will start to fall asleep while he is painting. nonetheless. [laughter] >> but few hands have practiced -- >> i started 55 years ago -- >> reporter: like randy kneelers. from high school art class to a deal with the neighborhood grocery, randy would eventually paid ads for chuck roast and squash alongside a dozen employees. >> i would probably be working 24 hours a day. >> reporter: good times for them until mom and pops were replaced by big-box. >> i am 73 years old. >> reporter: his last on the job , pondering his greatest work. >> that turned out to probably be -- he's probably turned out to be the best sign painter i've had working for me. >> reporter: for 17 years patrick moran has been painting by his side. >> randy took out an ad seeking a sign painter and then added the words: not college bound. beautiful words for a boy used to hearing these: >> reporter: i would here you are stupid, always so stupid so i believed i was stupid. >> patrick has a learning disability and spent his school days in special education. randy taught him differently. >> he used to say that the brush is like a tractor, pulling a semi trailer. >> reporter: but why invest in a team -- in a teenager so challenge? has randy saw something that man. randy's son todd struggled his entire childhood with a learning disability brought on by the brain tumor that took his life just a few months before randy hired patrick . >> the thing i'm most proud of is my dollar signs. >> randy's paychex allowed patrick to purchase his own mobile home as he takes the bus to his steady job were weekly the boss has treated him to breakfast with their favorite waitress. >> pam and dave is what we call her . >> so recently went randy sold was left of his business he placed just one kid -- wind condition on the new owner, who promptly agreed -- to keep patrick on. it? question. but could have answered it in his sleep. >> yes, it is. it's the thing >> reporter: not so common in grocery stores anymore, but still, the signs that bind. >> boyd huppert reporting from sister station in minneapolis. his signs have been ordered and shipped to the south. he says he looks time -- forward to time with his grandchildren now. and our next story, the man brought back after his heart the number one gripe about home printers according to a survey is the high cost of ink so there was lots of buzz when epson introduced a printer that promises to save on ink. the question is, does it deliver? we look at the latest test from the consumer reports labs. >> reporter: at $400, it's far more expensive than most. but the company says its refillable tanks will save you from the high cost of ink cartridges. but is that worth getting your hands dirty for? >>we would -- we tested the printer. >> the tests are based on the average amount of people -- printing people do in a month according to a survey. that's 23 pages of text, nine pages of graphics and about at the end of two years the total cost of the printer and ink is $400 for the epson inco tank but only $325 for this $200 printer or this $150 canon printer. so should you forget the epson a tank? >>if you do a lot of printing and you plan to keep it for a while it could save you money in the long run. after five years the total cost is $448, the hp officejet pro has climbed to $588 and the canon max if i, $692. >> if you don't print a lot of make sense to buy the two. -- to printer up front. >> both the hd and cannon arm consumer reports best price. the canon is a very good option for printing photos. asked -- espen -- which prints excellent photos and you can find all this information on our website at the top drone pilots came to vegas looking for a challenge. they drove through an extreme course, the first of its kind for drain racers. firefighter sean taylor wanted -- an event back in october. >> i feel like i'm flying. you put the goggles on and you feel like you are inside. that got me hooked. >> he went on to win this weekend competition as well. he says he only started racing drones about a year ago. so colebrook, if this tv thing doesn't work out for us -- >> every kid down that it's after christmas, i don't know what they are doing, but there are drones everywhere. it looks like a crime scene. 45 minutes before a group of police officers brought him back to life . >> now the man is talking about the medical emergency in the dramatic rescue that changed his life. actually giving him a second chance at it. here's jacob long. >> reporter: -- >> i tried calling him and he didn't answer. >> i don't remember any of it. >> he crossed over four lanes of traffic. >> 47 minutes, i was dead. >> it began as a routine errand . >> i went to go get my son -- >> reporter: but october 13, 2015 was the day edward died. >> he was completely unresponsive, no pulse, not -- not breathing, no activity at all. >> and the davis police officers helped bring him back to life . >> it's what we are trained to do. >> the fairview heights husband and father was a victim of a at an unusually young age . >> being 32 i never thought i young. >> it's the kind of emergency police say they are required to train for every year. >> you administer the shock and you doesn't -- you never know what you are going to get. it's not a matter of if but when . >> as if the heart attack wasn't serious enough it happened while he was in the drivers seat, so while the entire world around him went dark, he lost all control and drove right into this church here behind me. >> we removed him from the vehicle, shocked him until ems arrived . >> but it was nearly an hour before he regained his balls and began breathing again. >> there was a part of you -- before he regained his pulse and began breathing again. >> his survival is in constant limbo . >> i kept thinking man, he it was heartbreaking. broke me. >> reporter: but after a month in the hospital he was finally able to go home a changed man. >> there must be some reason why after 47 minutes to i come back? i don't know what it is yet but i am working on figuring that out. >> it's an outlook that even his wife is embracing. >> we took a need -- ekg of the day his heart finally stabilized . >> today he has to wear an external defibrillator because his heart still isn't beating at full capacity . >> i hope i just get back to normal. that's all i really want. >> but the fact that it's even beating at all, he says is a direct result of those brave police officers who saved his life . >> each of those people -- if each of them had done exactly what they did the right way, i >> that was jacob long reporting from our sister station in st. louis. danielle came into get one because it's cold out there. >> yes i still have goosebumps. it's chilly and foggy but some of that freezing fog makes for some pretty press -- kate captured this one. and this one out there in currency, looks like -- incurring the -- freezing fog is in place along the platte river valley. we will improve over today with temperatures, some folks out on the eastern plains will return to the 40s. a little bit warmer on wednesday, not too shabby. right now it doesn't look all that impressive, but what does look impressive, sunday. the game-day forecast not too bad, a little bit of sunshine. >> the moment we are living for, wednesday. all right everybody 9news at 10

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