Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 6am 20161005 :

Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 6am 20161005

tomorrow morning for elk he'd and park mound days above 8,000 feet, 3 to 6-inches of snow and rain snow mix in the way of accumulation. it's really important at 8, 9 miles per hour mix and i know we have we will have sun in about an hour and fairly mild day, cooler day coming up tomorrow in a couple of minutes. looking at traffic, a relatively quiet morning, different from yesterday. we have an accident over i-76 and 96, a view from sky 9 and we have a big rig pulled to the side so i will have more details throughout the morning. and more headlights, a similar situation to the south of the metro area and i-25 downtown right now, not too much traffic. yes, the headlights are out there but no major issues. we'll keep our fingers crossed we don't have accidents in the next half hour. gary? >> you can't have the top who demeans every good thing he talks about. >> that's small potatoes compared to hillary clinton calling half of supporters a basket of deplorables. they were debating each other but both vice presidential candidates were really talk about their running mates last night. trump and clinton were mentioned frequently in the debate. it was the only vice shine. >> reporter: and whatever they wanted to say, they had to say it and, boy, did they say a lot. mike pence and tim kaine debated for an hour and a half, much of the time interrupting and talk over each other. they debate on jobs and the econom , accusing the other of flawed plans. pence said clinton would raise taxes by $1 billion. the actual amount would be a little less over ten years, taxing the top 1% of income earners. trump wants to get rid of the minimum wage. fact checkers said he wants the states to do it instead. and pence said would she do enough to keep terrorists posing as refugees. immigration enforce expect vet refugees payed on whether they're dangerous or not, not based on discrimination from the country or religion -- >> but the problem with that -- >> antiantithetical, jeffersonian values -- >> -- director of the homeland security or fbi stayed we can't know for certain who these people are -- >> syria. we don't know well, don't let them in. and we don't know who may are we don't let them in. >> reporter: one moment, funny, pence lit up the internet with one phrase. pence interrupted, saying, "you whipped out that mexican thing again." >> "that mexican thing." hillary clinton's campaign bought the do main. >> really? that's interesting yeah. and if that gets more people to read about the debate, and inform themselves, that could be a good thing. >> #thatmexicanthing. 9news will host that debate between the senate candidates, michael bennet and darryl glen, live on 9news october 11. that starts at 7:00 and can be simulcast on >> 6:05 now. there's a man with dementia missing and his family and police are asking for help to find him. perry yamashita was visiting from las vegas and 69. he was visiting family near west 104th street and huron when he wander away. he's 5'9", 160-pounds, blue shoes, blue jeans. he's not president this area and could be very confused, not knowing where he is. share the picture on social media, if you can. thousands are waking up in shelters as a fire southwest of pueblo burns homes in its path. discover it has destroyed 8,000- acres. 2,000 people have been evacuated and more than 400 firefighters are battling the re to what started it. a boulder county bus driver will not get prison time for a crash. elizabeth buries has to pay a $300 fine and will face a year of probation. she faced several charges including vehicular assault and child abuse and took a plea wildlife refuge, 25 years and $7 billion later. this land northwest of denver is the rocky flats refuge. much of the land and wildlife hasn't been disturbed in years. there will be four public sharing sessions since some believe the site is dangerous. >> we recognize people have different opinions about what that means for us and support the cleanup effort and rely upon them to inform us. >> rocky flats down winders is working on a health survey to understand how living in the region affect people's health. hurricane matthew is now a off the eastern tip of cuba cuba. trees knocked down homes, streets filled with rivers of mud and 11 people have been killed by this storm. the number is expected to go up as the cleanup continues. from florida to georgia to the carolinas, people on the eastern seaboard are the getting ready for matthew or waiting in line for gasoline. in south carolina alone, more than 1 million people are being order to evacuate coastal areas. >> storm surges are not to be messed with so when you live on the coast, please heed caution through with the evacuations that we ask you to do. >> governor haley there. the storm is expected to make landfall in the united states target. >> not only the target but a strengthening storm, category 3 that could go back to category 4 as it moves through the back ham mass over the eastern tip of cuba. we have a 115-mile-per-hour sustained wind, an update from a couple hours ago but as the storm moves through the bahamas, it's anticipated to go to category along the u.s. coast, slamming the u.s. coast with heavy rain upwards of a foot or more in several areas and devastating for the east coast of the u.s. >> damage incredible. >> the storm is the size of arizona. >> and the wind, my food. and the procedure he you that could be controversial. at 6:15, i'll give you an yep, here i am. around here today, we're looking at cooler air in idaho, western wyoming and northern utah and will drift into the state. we have a little pocket of snow. that's not the main core of snow that's going to affect western colorado. that's going to increase during the evening tonight. for us, a sunny start. after noon, we get a few clouds in the front range, not as ni on the plain and will run 15 to 30 miles per hour along and east of the continental divide in the mountains look for 60s here with 50s in the mountain and i talked about the light snow in the flat tops break up ever-so-slightly, picking up this evening and flipping over to all snow anticipating a rain/snow mix in the valleys inches of snow by the middle of the morning tomorrow, 60s and 70s, cool in the mountains with 40s and 50s. 69. it will get cloudy this afternoon and stay dry and mid- 30s. i like 50s and may get a sprinkle in the afternoon. we'll clear out friday, back to warm, dr weekend. i-76, numerous accidents being reported. here's sky 9 over 76 and 96 with a vehicle to the side and a big rig as well and i-76 westbound, two accidents, one at 88th and one at vazquez boulevard. every now and then we see brake lights stacking up and you will have to tap those brakes. the accidents and really seeing a couple on i-76 so this is where we see the slower speeds, 20 to 30 miles per hour so nothing that will cause major delay in the morning but where we see the accidents throughout the rest of the metro area and looks calm and quiet with a few more spots congested on the map. >> tracey, thank you. today is international walk to head to school on their two feet, dating to the mid-90s. in addition to kids walking to school, parents in boulder will bus to promote the transit service. colleen ferrara has more. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, corey. they make a good point. in a bus to let somebody else do the driving and getting you where you need to be? . a lop lot of people bike to work and many times people tube to work. we have seen that, too but today is the first bus to work day to encourage people. environmentally it's better and just try it for one day. they will have stations, refreshments, and if you go to a station from 4:00 to 6:00, you can get coupons for rides in the future and restaurants so it's a pretty great deal and this afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00, chair massages so a really chilly morning today. . we haven't seen too many but maybe skip the bike for one day and try the bus, try the public transit and is a chilly morning because it's getting colder and, you know what? all on cue here -- free is for me. [ laughter ] >> and forever more will be. . >> it is 37-degrees. >> chilly. >> the chair massages shouldn't be a one day thing. let's keeper that day. >> that would morning. there's a little kid in haul of us and adults can show they never grow up on their feet. >> some new shoes, new vans >> welcome back. 6-year-old jacob hall is getting the superstar treatment at his funeral. several people superthe visitation as superheroes. he was shot outside while going for recess and died saturday. batman, one of jacob's favorite superheroes. the family wanted to celebrate instead of bringing up bad memories. >> 6:20 now. the clown craze continues, but these guys were not looking to scare people. they were looking for a quick buck, unfortunately. an ohio convenience store and took money and ran. police arrested several suspects. a person stole a shuttle bus when the bus driver got out of his seat. you can see, passengers seem confused. "what's happening?" he got out of the airport before getting stuck in traffic. two passengers hopped into action and grabbed him. charges. he hopes to save lives about raising awareness about a test that saved his life. ben stiller is going public with his battle with prostate cancer a few years ago and said his doctor gave him a baseline psa test when he was 46 and helped discover a cancerous tumor removed and stiller is cancer-free. he recommends men get screened early, which is controversial, as some say routine tests lead to overtreatment with pail side effects. the american cancer society recommends men talk to their doctors about the benefits and risks of having the tests. >> hmm, okay. blood test? i don't know. i mean -- we have blood tests all the time at the 9 health fair for psa level. >> if it works for you, i would understand why you say "it's fine, it saved my life." >> time dr. john did a medical story, he said it's up to the individual person -- background, history. so i think that's where the conversation comes in. >> you doctor. >> i'm not sure it should be that controversy but i guess it is. they made headlines after making national anthem protests. why the eastern carolina university band members' decision to kneel while they played means their team won't see national coverage this week. we'll talk about it but first, we're a quick check of the weather and traffic. sunshine and cool this morning, cloudy and relatively and will cloud up later in the day. i don't think we'll see rain or snow here. looking ahead to the weekend, it will be another warm, dry weekend which means the broncos play yet again in sunshine and falcons in town, kickoff after 2:00, mostly in the 70s this sunday. numerous accidents on i-76 westbound causing major delays. this is a look at i-76 approaching i-25 and notice slowly so an influx of traffic, those accident have not help this area. it's the north metro area with those numerous accidents. across the rest of the metro area, things look relatively nice but i-76 westbound and 88th avenue. i have this song in my head and there's a reason. you know it says ? just remember what your old pal says ? [ overlapping conversation ] >> fans of "toy story" can soon wear random messages on their feet. >> the movie we love. line of inspired shoes for adults. there are color schemes for favorite characters including woody, buzz, and even the aliens. if you were a fan of the bad kid next door, sid, there's even a shoe for you. my favorite part -- several of them come with andy inscribed on the bottom of the shoe just like andy's toy in the movie. don't worry if you have a little kid who likes "toy story" because kids and toddlers will have their own versions. they come out this friday >> they have done this before with disney princess and mickey mouse and were huge hits. >> cheryl could keep singing. >> i know. >> ? just remember what your old pal says ? ? you got a friend in me ? >> i like it. >> ? oh, yea ? >> we digress. the biggest mystery surrounding broncos turbulent off season may have been solved. what dallas police are saying >> i've never seen anything like this. i'm a little nervous and i've been through three hurricanes before and don't want to be caught off guard. hurricane matthew days away from making landfall in the united states but millions of people along the eastern seaboard are evacuating or hunkering down from what could be a once in a lifetime storm. mouth. >> that's absolutely false. between the insults, interruptions, and jabs, vice presidential candidates mike pence and tim kaine did debate the issues but some of their biggest statements -- we're putting some of their biggest statements to the truth test this morning. good morning. if you work in and around the city of boulder and want a free ride to work today, you are in luck. today is the city's first bus to work day. we'll tell you 6:45. >> time the bus pulse up. >> a lot of buss on that street. they're all pulling up. >> happy wednesday. we're tracking the major storm in the atlantic but first want to focus on our weather. marty, we see colleen in her gloves because of 30-somethings this morning but we're work up to a nice day, huh? >> we're getting there and you know how it is, a steep climb it is a clear start and this is a live picture from sports authority field, temperature in the 30s, cooler on the platte river and are hovering at or below freezing and looks like we have just enough wind to keep us above freezing, with snow showers intensify and th tops area but 3 to 6 inches of snow. it will mix around in valley area and will see rain in northeastern colorado with light snow in places other than flat topps and same thing from rocky mountain national park to the northwest. we'll be able to look west and snow. we're starting in the 30s and 40s, finishing around 60, and clouds drift from the western slope to our neck of the wood by late today. i-76 westbound, numerous accidents caused slowdowns and are seeing accidents on i-70. we have two new accidents on i- 70, sky 9 over i-70 and highway 58 where we have a car off so that lane is blocked. cars are going around it and that is what we have seen so drive safe. we will battle the slowdowns. right lane also blocked on i- 76 with accidents approaching i- 25 with numerous accidents across i-70 so i-76, right lane quickly. >> thank you. hurricane matthew is taking aim at the bahamas after leaving behind flooding, mudslides, and destruction. many homes are destroyed and at least 11 people are dead. people in florida, georgia, and carolinas, are preparing for matthew. a state of emergency is in effect more than 1 million people evacuated from low-lying coastal areas. "the today show" has the latest on storm preps there. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the number is staggering, 1.1 million people asked to evacuate 100 miles inland, an historic matter, something that hasn't been ordered in decades here. chances, working its way north up the eastern seaboard seaboard. folks need to move inland to get shelter from the storm. later this afternoon at 3:30, they will begin lane reversals and some 280 school buses will be loaded up, ready to transport people 100 miles inland for those that need a ride. it's an his torsion back to you guys. this is going northeast of cuba, just to the north and east of the eastern tip of cuba. this is a very strong hurricane that weak the last few hours but still a category 3 hurricane, a major hurricane. just where we draw the line is where we could have landfall, which is why they're evacuating so many people off the coast of florida, georgia, and south carolina. this will be a major hurricane and if it makes landfall in the southeastern u.s., the first major hurricane to hit landfall big issue is not only the wind, huge storm surge but rain that could be in excess of a foot or more along the east coast and could be devastating. it's that shaded area you have to watch, not just the red line. >> all right, friday into saturday, we'll keep an eye on that for sure. one of the mountain vista high school student accused of plotting to kill her classmates olds charged as adults. prosecutors said the girls were working together to find weapons to attack their school around christmas last year. they were charged with conspiracy to commit first- degree murder under extreme indifference and after deliberation. both the girls are asking for what is called a reverse transfer to send their cases back to juvenile court. >> 6:37 now. a psychiatrist said a man charged with killing his aunt and uncle in 2014 was le insane at the time. the "aspen daily news" reports a doctor testified he could not find a mobile reason to kilo pose and his wife in their home. the doctor is diagnosing the suspect with schizophrenia. a fire in pueblo is growing bigger and doing more damage. it's destroyed eight homes in beulah. hundreds of people are staying more than 400 firefighters are helping fight this fire and a federal command team is coming in to help this morning. that means more money and more firefighters to help. there is no containment at this point and nothing has been confirmed how the fire started. >> gentlemen, people at home cannot understand either one of you when you step over each other. i would please, ask you to wait until it is that the and that was one of the biggest complaints about last night's vice presidential debate. the candidates interrupted each other too much. >> each was frying to get his point across, hoping to win vote in a contentious race. >> tarhonda thomas has a wrap- up. the moderator sounded like an elementary schoolteacher. 27 times. 27 times she had to reinthem in. >> reporter: one at a time, children. she should have made them raise when they weren't interrupting each other, the candidates were defending their running mates. taxes, immigration, abortion were all topics last night. tim kaine attacked donald trump from the beginning, criticizing him for not releasing tax return and remindedded his running mate of controversial statements. kaine said pence himself could not defend what was said or done. pence fired back, saying hillary clinton lobbied insults on the republ continued policies pence and trump think weakened america and slowed the economy. as kaine defended woman's right to choose, pence said clinton supports partial birth abortions. despite the accusations, each candidate denies they have been running negative campaigns. >> to be honest with you, if donald trump said all the things you said he said in the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction clinton leveled when she said that half of our supporters were a pact of deplorables. >> did donald trump apologize for taking after somebody in a twitter war and making fun of her weight? did he apologize for saying african-americans were living in hell? did he apologize for saying president obama was not a citizen of the united states? you will look in vain to see donald trump ever taking responsibility for anybody and apologizin . >> reporter: this was the only vice presd making points, even if they had to talk over each other. we have a complete wrap-up and fact-check on but, again, nobody said they ran a negative campaign. >> are we watching same commercials they're making? >> i don't know. [ of lapping conversation ] >> reporter: no matter where people think about this race and what side they fall on, i think that most americans would >> that's a complaint about many election years but seems con ten and the superpacs run commercial so that's why you can say they would say "neither one is negative." >> there's not a lot of kumbaya. >> reporter: social media makes it worse. >> you don't have to tweet. >> everything get out there. >> hashtag ri were interrupting each other. i was looking to see, you know, who people on twitter were saying was winning the debate last night and more of "stop interrupting." it happened so far. >> i got an e-mail from a viewer who said this person interrupted more than that person and, you know, i'm sure if you go on any website you could tally them up in many directions. depends who the person is doing the tallying may be voting for. debates are. >> #thinkbeforeyoutweet. >> like it. >> tarhonda, thank you. both candidates had their say on twitter. donald trump sent out 50 tweets and retweets, saying his running mate looked great on stage and was winning throughout and criticized hillary clinton been the clinton team called pence dive vicist and extrem lot of retweeting of news source that were fact-checking the debate -- for example, an article of what pence said he did and did not. how did aqib talib get >> welcome back at 6:45. some kids will skip the bus stop and caroline and head to school on foot power. it's international walk to school day and boulder is hosting a bus to work day. colleen ferrara is bundled up. get a massage on the way to work. i call that wednesday. >> reporter: it's wednesday so it's the first bus to work day and they have bike to work day and in the summertime we show you all the people tubing to boulder creek? they thought it was the first day to say, ride the bus, why not? you're participating today. >> we're excited to have ride frequently and encourage others to ride. we have transit stations around town, promotions at local businesses and people can get a ride on this. >> reporter: i heart ride. i love that. their routes are free and routes are free on the hop with via so it's a great partnership with the city and county and celebrating walk and bike to school. the a really cool day and we're really excited to be here >> reporter: we're excited to have kids walk to school today, which is great. a wonderful thing about public transportation is you can relaxes to and from work and with people riding the bus and walking to school, there may not be that much traffic which may be a good thing. >> i hope so. unfortunately we have numerous accidents popping up this morning, earlier than normal, but they're blocking roadways so unfortunately you have to go around those and two accidents on i-76 and three of these are blocking lanes that will cause delays throughout the morning. tracey, what we're looking at here, clear conditions here through the morning, temperatures now in the lower 40s, a few spots to 37, 38 degrees but will stay above freezing, moving into the 50s by 10:00 a.m. late in the afternoon, clouds start to drift in and puts a move 60s during the day today. over the next few days, we get cooler tomorrow. that's the same system bringing some snow to our mountains tonight. we'll bring one or two light showers tomorrow evening and we warm up oh, so quickly coming up on saturday. in the nine-day, we'll see if the weather will stick around. >> that weekend looks good. marty, thank you. the snow is falling at some colorado ski areas -- well, the fake snow, anyway. started snow making monday night. loveland is planning for a late october opening that will be here before you know it, while copper mountain looks to open november 11. i already have my passes. >> you do? >> i'm pumped. i'm so excited. good ski season. no snow making at 9news. i'm sorry. we have to wait for the real stuff. when will it fall here? we want you to tell us. we're bringing back the snow on 9 challenge and did this last year. let think we will have the first measurable snow -- not trace snow, measurable snowfall. >> early november last year. >> november 5. >> you know who do it right on the monday? >> smarty marty, our meteorologist. >> well, of course! >> he's got some technology to help him. >> yeah, something like that. >> unless you guess. >> i think 23 other viewers last year also picked november >> chime in again this year. we'll check back to see who got the closest once it happens. >> we'll let you know on tv. it's ten minutes before 7:00. one of the biggest mysteries surrounding the broncos off season has been answered. dallas police said cornerback aqib talib shot himself in the leg this summer. according to our sister station in texas, police said talib's claim somebody shot him in a park is not founded. talib first told police he heard a gunshot, then fell to the ground. he interview with police and his lawyer took over from there. no word on whether he will faces any charges in dallas over all this. he could still face some disciplinary action from the nfl, which is also investigating what happened. mlb wild cards are rough. two team among the best in their league have to win one game to move on to the divisional series. it's always heartbreaking for one team. but, man, does it lead to some >> turned a lot of double plays -- oh, there's a fly to deep left field! and the ball game is is over! >> and the park goes wild! >> oh, my gosh. spread win incar yays nonhit without a doubt the biggest home run of his career and a three run shot. they celebrate at home plate and celebrated in the locker room the traditional champagne everywhere. they will start a thursday. >> that's one way to put ski goggles to good use. >> yes, i love the wild card fames. they're awesome. >> fun to see them so happy. 6:51 now. the east carolina university band joined a growing number of people protesting during the narc anthem before a sporting event. the band was loudly booed as a result. it may have cost their team an opportunity as "usa today" north carolina, is planning to not air the team's game this saturday against south florida. players on the new york nicks and houston rockets showed a symbol of unity ahead of the preseason game on tuesday, putting their arms around each other -- everybody on both teams on each other's shoulders during the anthem, a sign of solidarity with other athletes speaking out against police brutality and racial inequalit . it is 6:52 right now. it will next few days from mother nature so how are things shaping up for the weekend? that's the most important thing. >> it is. >> broncos game, we need to know. >> marty has the outlook we're looking at really interesting weather across the region with clouds over the area in northwestern colorado. there's some snow going on and just a little impulse of energy ahead of the main storm system that will swing through mountain areas tonight with light snow from crested beauty to the north with the heaviest ow inches. we'll see a few clouds this afternoon. above 8,000 feet, the wind is clipping at 25 to 30 miles per hour so it is breezy. during the day, we'll see the snow in the flattops decrease a bit and then pick back up this evening as the front that we've been talking about starts to and an inch or two in many locatings but along the flattops, 3 to 6 inches of snow above 8,000 feet. 60s and 70s throughout the east, 70s in the west, cool in the mountains with 50s. it will be mild this afternoon, 69 today and stay in the upper 30s tonight, clouds stay, no rain tonight but tomorrow af here and things get simple as we jump to the 70s. a check of the roadways this morning, we're not battling weather elements but the metro area. here's 25 and orchard with the heavier traffic moving and have a couple of lanes blocked across the metro area clogging some major arteries. one in particular is i-70 moving east and an accident i- left lane blocked. you will need 20 minutes between 6 and i-25 eastbound on i-70 so the left lane is blocked, causing major slowdowns eastbound on i-70. the north metro area, a couple of accidents i-76 westbound and i-25 southbound, causing major delays as of 7:00 this morning. corey? >> tracey, thank 6:57. here's a look at top stories today. >> six times tonight i have said to governor pence i can't imagine how you can defend your running mate's decision and he has refused to defend -- >> don't put words in your mouth. [ overlapping conversation ] >> and yet he is asking everybody to vote for somebody he cannot defend. mike pence and tim campaign on the stage last night, their running mate's choices but they argued a lot. a tribute fit for a superhero. 6-year-old jacob hall will be laid to rest today. dozens showed up to visitation dressed as superheroes and is expected again for the funeral today. he was shot while going out to recess at his south carolina school last week. he died saturday. batman was jacob's favorite superhero. police in northland need your help year-old man with dementia. terry wandered away tuesday night. he weighs 160-pounds, 5'9", blue shirt and white sweater with blue jeans and tennis shoes. >> 6:58 now. people are wake up in shelters as the beulah fire burns, destroying eight homes than 5,000 acres burned. it's not contained at all right now and no word on what sparked it but the wind have been a real problem. matthew is still so strong and at least 11 people have already died after hurricane matthew went through haiti and dominican republic, also cuba. communications lines are down and some roads are impassable. it's very hard to get emergency work in to get help where they need it most. matthew saming for the bahamas states. millions of people on the east coast get water, gas tanks filled up, grocery store shelves empty. people leaving homes before the storm hits. around here, a little cooldown tomorrow, warmer for the weekend, and next week, it's back to summer around here. >> absolutely. a nice weekend. >> look at the broncos temperature, 78 degrees. sunny. >> loving that. go, bronco. we're going to channel 20 news of the day. we'll see you over there. good morning. breaking news. hurricane matthew inching closer to the u.s. mainland. emergency declarations in four states, evacuations under way. the storm now bearing down on the bahamas after wreaking havoc in cuba and ha sparks fly. >> no, no, no, don't put words in my mouth. >> mike pence and tim kaine duke it out in the one and only vice presidential debate, going head to head over the presidential contenders. >> you can't have somebody at the top who demeans every group that he talks about. >> there's a reason why people question the trustworthiness of hillary clinton, and that's because they're paying attention. >> did either of them emerge victorious? did they have an impact on

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Haiti , New York , United States , Georgia , North Carolina , Texas , Boulder County , Colorado , Dominican Republic , Florida , Syria , Bahamas , The , Denver , Boulder Creek , Mexico , Arizona , South Carolina , Idaho , Wyoming , East Carolina University , Boulder , Houston , Loveland , Ohio , Dallas , Cuba , Utah , Carolinas , Provincia De Ciego Avila , Americans , America , Mexican , American , Ben Stiller , Jacob Hall , Tim Kaine , Darryl Glen , Las Vegas , Tim Kaine Duke , Michael Bennet , Colleen Ferrara , Hillary Clinton , Perry Yamashita ,

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