Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 4 OClock 20161020 : comparemel

Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 4 OClock 20161020

debate between republican congressman mike coffman and his democratic opponent morgan carroll. they have clear differences on policy and philosophy when it comes to the ring of suburbs around denver on the north, east and south. they also have differing views about immigration. carroll said a pathway to citizenship and coffman said as long as people have violated criminal laws to give them legalized status, they should be allowed to work without deportation. there have been differences over support r presidential candidates. coffman said he may not vote for any presidential candidate. we are going to talk about what to watch for during the debate tonight with our political experts coming up later this half hour. the debate airs tonight on channel 20 and streaming on and the 9news mobile app. kyle kyle and brandon rittiman will moderate. the presidential race is really tense in one area in a way people don't want it to be. southern colorado has endorsed hillary clinton for president. that's an area that typically votes republican. the staff of the bare truth at the high school made the decision to endorse clinton. advisor tom patrick said that has outraged some parents. residents in the palmer lake and monument area are mostly republican. in the last presidential election nearly 3/4 of voters in that area voted for the republican candidate. >> we've gotten a negative comments from parents, but we've also gotten an overwhelming amount of support from different parents and members in the community. >> parents have taken to social media. they've been e-mailing the school calling for the suspension of the newspaper staff. some parents said the editorial was inappropriate for a student publication and that donald trump should have been given equal space. other newspapers from around the country have been showing support for the paper and some have even sent some gifts. it is warming up again meteorologist danielle grant is in the backyard. it started off awfully cold this morning, freezing temperatures, but it's getting warmer heading to the weekend. >> it certainly will, back to the 70s, possibly low 80s in some areas. i was really craving a day like today when you wake up, it's frosty outside and with the afternoon and sunshine daytime highs return to the low 60s. this is what it should feel like for october, but mother nature has different plans. up in the high country e nature keeping temperatures cooler up there to help out with all the snow making. this is our web camera in loveland. you can see the ski area looking good with all this blue sky. blue skies in downtown denver, a couple clouds over the metro area. today was nice at 62 degrees. currently at the airport we're a little cooler in northern colorado, mid- to upper 50s, lamar, kremmling. the winds in the foothills picking up to about 15 to 20 miles per hour. i think the wind once again will be with us tomorrow afternoon as well. on hd doppler 9 it's been pretty quiet. this is the trend at least the next couple days. they're we are in the low 60s. we cool off a couple degrees. by the time you are driving home temperatures look good, doing dinner dropping to the 50s. so again this evening extremely quiet and calm out tomorrow tgif. we are back in business with more sunshine around here and wait until you see that weekend forecast. man, it just seems like mother nature is hanging onto that summer heat. she just keeps bringing it back for us truly each and every weekend. >> i was going to say is this live or did we tape this three weeks ago? >> maybe we taped this in late august practically. >> last saturday i was like give me a hat. it's crazy. >> a record breaker in october. we'll cool off eventually. >> yes, we will. >> thanks. the boulder county sheriff's office is investigating a semi truck accident that happened this morning in superior. a 35-year-old man from thornton was killed. this happened near highway 128 and el dorado boulevard. the driver became trapped in the rear tires of the semi truck and the truck roll. investigators say ey pulled off on the eastbound shoulder of highway 128 between ridge parkway and el dorado boulevard to check out the rear driver side tires. a medical chopper took him to a denver hospital where he died. investigators say they don't know why the truck rolled. they're asking anyone who saw what happened to contact the sheriff's office. finally some cooler weather helping fire crews get a handle on the junkins fire in southern colorado. some of those who evacuated are able to return home. the fire is 11-mile east of it started when high wind blew down a power line that landed on a barbed wire fence sparking a fire. it's burned more than 16,000 acres. the environmental protection agency's internal watchdog said the epa had enough information to issue an order to protect residents in flint, michigan, before a contaminated water well did what it did. the water supply was tainted for 18 unknowingly consumed improperly treated water. it had high lead levels after the city switched water sources to save money. today investigators said the epa could have told residents seven months before it declared an emergency. in april of 2014 flint began getting water from the flint river for the city to save money. in september, 2015 doctors urged flint to stop using the flint river for water after finding high levels of lead in the blood of children. crisis. a few days later he declared a state of emergency. july 25th the attorney general started an independent review. two months later a panel appointed by the governor found the state was fundamentally accountable for the crisis. this week a group of families sued the city of flint because they believe students' performance and behavior at school are worse because of drinking that drinking that lead are not obeying the law to help disabled students. nine public officials have been charged in flint's water crisis. crews spent hours today removing a plane that crashed into the house of a new jersey home. it experienced an unknown mechanical issue yesterday. the plane appeared to come between four homes on a diagonal striking some trees before ending up on the ground. two people were on board, both injured but will survive. hazardous materials crews were leak. the faa is still investing. a heads up for drivers headed to the mountains this weekend. cdot said it could be saturday before crews reopen colorado highway 133 in the north end of payonia reservoir between hotchkiss and glenwood springs. a rockslide early yesterday morning left more than 100 tons of debris on the highway. no injuries were reported. detours can add up to roughly three hours of extra time. crews are doing rock scaling in the area to prevent future slides. parking in downtown breckenridge will cost more this ski season now that the town is installing paid parking stations along main street. 9news mountain newsroom matt renoux joins us live from breck. parking when been free along main street, but that's not -- had been free along main street, but that's not going to last. >> reporter: the town already and shults in, you can, but starting this ski season if you want to park on main street like all these people have and have always done for free, you're going to have to pay. at breckenridge town hall -- >> breck has gone from being a one season to two season to almost four season resort now. >> reporter: -- mayor eric manuel has been talking a lot. >> with that success come congestion. >> reporter: transportation. >> reporter: with good reason. drive into town, you'll have a hard time finding a place to park. so starting in december -- >> we start december 1st. >> reporter: -- a big change is rolling into breckenridge. >> this is the one that moves the needle the most. >> reporter: when this mountain town ends free parking along its core streets. >> it's the next phase in our evolution. >> reporter: and starts charging from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. to park along main street and >> main street, ridge street and what we were calling the interior lots. >> reporter: the first hour will be 50 cents, the second $1 and third $1.50 with the price rising significantly from there. >> by the time you're in your fourth or fifth hour it becomes really expensive. >> reporter: the plan is to keep skiers and employees working downtown from parking there all day hopefully freeing up spaces along streets that right now are always packed. >> so there's constantly a co when you drive into town to go shopping or eat at a restaurant, you'll find a space. >> reporter: while charging to park will be tough on locals. >> i'm not going to be lie. particularly it will be painful for locals. >> reporter: -- mayor manuel said down the road it will bring lots of tourists. >> it's a good problem to have. >> reporter: already the town of breckenridge has started to install pay stations along main breckenridge. people can use those, but you don't have to. there's also going to be this app right here called the passport parking app. you'll be able to sign up for that. get a log-in. then you put in your license plate. you put in the time you want, your credit card number and you're go ahead to go. you can even add time on this which i'm kind of suspicious about because you can add time on that app, why not just park, head out and do what you want to do ex up significantly after three hours. >> there it is. >> that's the difference. >> matt, you better sign yourself up for that a.m. because we send you to breck quite a bit and you're busy. >> reporter: yeah. i've already got a log-in for it and i've already credited for a couple thousand dollars for a good week's work here in breckenridge. >> he just needs that special pass. matt in the mountains, we look how sunny and warm it is up there. we're so used to every time you shop you have to pay and going into malls and everything else. is that unexpected in breck. >> main -- >> unexpected in breck. >> main street is a busy place. there is just something about pumpkins. we have in affinity for smashing gourds. >> this elephant got 32nd annual boo at the zoo. the gourd was donated by a giant pumpkin hobbyist. boo at the zoo runs over the weekend with 20 trick-or-treat stations, creepy crawly animal demonstrations, entertainment. that sounds like fun. sometimes you just need to take guy, though. >> i don't think they roast their seeds. >> nice midday snack. we all know about the race for president, but there are some other big races in colorado. perhaps you've seen an ad or two maybe. we're checking in with our political experts next. >> you may need to be 18 to cast an official ballot, but between last night and tonight's debate there is plenty to talk about, so our political experts are here, ian silverii and kelly maher. we should get you guys a couple of cots in the back. j lot. >> a quick note about last night's presidential debate. what did each of you come away with? >> it was by far trump's strongest debate. i think that he did overall a good job of talking about policy which is really important and i think a lot of people are just glad that the debates are over. >> yeah. donald trump ought to be glad the debates are over so he won't have another chance to i think it's pretty clear hillary clinton won three out of three. i don't think we've seen that in history someone run the debates like she did. trump couldn't help himself. he tried real hard in the first half hour to keep it together, but he started leaking out wrong, wrong and by the end of it he stepped in it big time. you're a nasty woman is a terrible thing to say. >> so we got that done and out of the way. >> a lot let's not just focus on the presidential race because there's so many important senate and congressional races around the country and want on give them some attention and in colorado's 6th district, we have this debate coming up tonight. this is now a swing state and swing district in many ways. so tell us a bit about why this particular race is so important and getting so much attention in our state. >> the coffman/carroll race race to see how big of sweep this could be with the senate and with the house. so this is really a question of the entire structure. mike coffman is one of the hardest working men in congress. he goes out. he's in the district all the time and he's against morgan carroll who is one of the farthest left liberal state legislators. she is a far lefty trial lawyer and there's going to be a approaches tonight. >> there's been a lot of change- up in that district in terms of its diversity. that could help morgan carroll actually. >> absolutely. the district was redrawn after the 2010 census. so in 2012 it was fundamentally difference than when congressman coffman was first elected. he's tried really hard to walk yesterday and now tancredo says the only thing mike coffman cares about is having that congressman's button on his lapel. coffman has worked himself into a bit of a pretzel not being able to decide whether or not he's going to be able to support donald trump throughout the entire race and then waiting for the man to say one of the most terrible things about women. >> i'm sorry, hold on. the reality is that you and all your organizations have calling on coffman the entire time to stand up and say i don't know if donald trump is the guy for me. he's taken the time. he's been a leader. he's stood up to both parties. it's completely 180 degrees from morgan carroll who looks like she'd getting download straight into her brain from the liberal mothership. she absolutely has taken no time to come back and question any of the issues that hillary clinton has from benghazi to the e-mails to the clinton foundation. they're in complete lock step. for it. come on. >> with lightweight darryl glenn on the u.s. senate ticket there's no attention being paid -- >> this isn't about mike coffman. you did what you want and you you're criticizing him for it. >> reporter: i think he's going to lose in election and the man has tried so hard to trick the voters and muddy the waters from his record on talking about how ballots should be printed in english only and all of pretending to learn spanish, going up on a debate and saying word for word the exact same statement he rolled in 2016 in 2014. >> you are criticizing a guy for learning spanish? are you kidding me? that's a thing that we're doing now? >> let's talk about immigration because kyle talked to both candidates, kyle clark, about how they stand on these issues. it's going to be a sticking that 6th congressional district. kelly, go ahead. >> no, look. i think mike come -- coffman has taken the time and learned spanish. it's not like you have a bunch of congressmen out there on rosetta stone every night. >> you don't think he's pandering? >> no. because he shows up and does the work and does that throughout the entire district. i don't think that's pandering if you're doing the work that he is. >> the two ads he put out is mike coffman is one of us and the second was i'll stand up to donald trump. the guy is inconsistent throughout his political career. he's trying to put his finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing and trying to catch it with his kite. he wants to get reelected which is the only thing he seems to care about. thanksgiving dinner. >> you say this should be good because they're both very bright people and it should be a great debate. >> these are two of the smartest politicians in colorado. this is the title fight. this is the banner match for this year. >> we know kyle and brandon have been preparing. thanks as always. >> they teed it up. right now you can tell people about e the debate airs tonight at 7 p.m. on channel 20 and streamed live on kyle clark, brandon rittiman will be moderating, should be a good show. thanks. >> because they're so busy kyle and brandon are not able to be the beer barrons. >> barrons. >> these guys made it to every single brewery in colorado, 288 welcome back, everybody. we have a fire burning in westminster at 113th and huron in westminster in a big ballpark. you can see four fields, what appears to be a neighborhood, community center maybe, dry grass. this has been the story of weeks now with how dry it's been, such little moisture out there that it's just perfect conditions for these small brushfires to pop up. hopefully it can be quickly. we don't have any information on this and don't see any crews out there. hopefully they'll jump out there quickly as the flames are being fanned by a little bit of wind it looks like. [ audio difficulties ] but first let's get a check quick. sorry about that, folks. after some gains yesterday stocks finished lower. dow fell 40, s&p down two, nasdaq down four. moving on, a second year in a row forbes says denver is the best place for careers and businesses, good news there. forbes looked at data in the u.s.' 200 largest metro areas and ranks them on job growth, costs of business and living, income growth, quality of life and education of the labor colorado because of its central location and high quality of life. it said denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the u.s. with a highly educated workforce. denver may be best for business if you actually go to work. a new career builder survey finds more than 1/3 of employers have caught an employee lying about being sick and they have social media to thank. of those 27% who actually fired the employee after finding out, 55% were more forgiving and only reprimanded the employee of workers calling in sick when they aren't declined from 38 to 35% in the last year. maybe something to keep in mind as we get to ski season. >> oops. >> when you're sick and doing things, people catch you. three men have successfully made it. we don't know if they ever called in sick, but they've made it to every brewery in colorado, that is 288 to be exact. to burn a few sick days up. the three began their beer tour in january of 2015. they called themselves the colorado beer barons and played it their mission to have a beer in every colorado tasting room. they flew to some of the spots. yesterday they completed that goal. the final stretch of their tour took place in colorado springs. the journey began with an idea that seemed simple enough. >> we thought we had done all me and george were sitting there and found out there was a couple more down the road. we were like know what? we're going to start over and do every single brewery in colorado and we called our friend gary and he said, "i'm in, too." there's a new one opening in denver, so we'll be there. whenever a new one opens we'll try to make our way out there. >> the beer barons made a list of the breweries on their website but refused to rate them. it their goal. they needed to coordinate in on weekends. >> that is so colorado. they're flying to every corner of the state just to drink a beer, good stuff. sounds like a fun trip, guys. a brewery might be a good option this weekend. >> that's because we could see 80s. you could sit out on the patio and enjoy a cold one. danielle is back next with the back to that fire in westminster, north metro fire arrived shortly after we showed you that picture. that fire didn't get too far, looks like they'll get this thing knocked out in a minute or two, just a brushfire in the dry grass that we last couple weeks. >> right by some ballparks that were right by some homes. some people up there were a little nervous when they see that smoke. good work north metro fire, on it quick. let's get a check of the weather. meteorologist danielle grant is in the 9news backyard. from speer and logan clear skies, sunny day, a little cooler out there today. but i kind of liked it. you were busting out the festive sweater earlier. >> he had a sweater on earlier. >> everyone was in that mood especially early this morning. it was chilly out ating aing a, 25 degrees -- out at dia, 25 degrees this morning, certainly a telltale sign the winter season will be here before we know it. it's already cooking up in the high country, some of our ski resorts getting ready to open up shop, a-basin. this is a there opening tomorrow morning, first chair takes off at 9 a.m. are you going to be there? if not, we still have a couple more. keystone opening up mid- november and breck and winter park and vail november 18th and the day after thanksgiving in steamboat. ski season will be here before we know it. downtown denver nothing but blue skies and our temperatures warming up. it will feel more like summertime. we've been talking about the heat this month, last weekend days. it looks like we might still go down in the record books. we're still in the running for the fourth warmest october on record, 62 at the airport, 60s along the eastern plains, 63 eagle, 60s in grand junction, telluride 58. at the airport low 60s, sunshine. the winds have been quiet and here in the 9news backyard it is such a peaceful fall afternoon. our temperatures are 62, no coats needed unl and about walking the dog. on hd doppler 9 it's still pretty quiet statewide. across portions of the pacific northwest we've been watching a series of storms moving in, rain for some areas moving into the inland northwest, a little snowfall for the cascades and in other storm system is barreling throughout parts of texas producing a little rain. that will be along the east for that. otherwise high pressure back in business across colorado and really all of our neighboring states. it looks like a dry start to the weekend for sure and really the next couple of days beyond. tonight we're down to 36 degrees, partly cloudy skies, not as chilly as this morning. 20s and 30s for the far eastern plains where we do have frost advisories in place for eastern colorado, 28 in leadville and low 30s for the vail valley, 40 degrees in d what you get and that is not a lot. by tomorrow morning we'll wake up to a few clouds. if you're hitting you are skiing or -- if you are skiing or boarding in the afternoon, blue skies. in takes us until 10:00 tomorrow evening when all is well. tomorrow about 75, mostly sunny skies, sunset at about 6:10 time. we'll keep a close eye on that one. it's been quite some time since we have seen a good wetting rain, i mean about .1-inch or more in the denver metro area. so a good reminder we don't necessarily have a specific fire season. we can see those wildfires sparking up truly at any point in time, close to 80 degrees along the eastern plains, especially in lamar and springfield tomorrow 50s in grand lake, 70 degrees in idaho spring tomorrow. with that sunshine we'll soar into the mid-70s probably 10 to 12 degrees above our average for this time of year. enjoy it while you, can right? high pressure scoots in. it will settle in across the metro area, state and the midwest as we head toward the start of next week. you can see that new storm system brewing to the west. it pushes into the west coast by monday, but right now it's break apart and shift further south giving parts of california some rain and not really making its way into our backyard. you can see this weekend will be toasty, upper 70s. on saturday i wouldn't be surprised if maybe a few spots actually just touched 80 degrees. it should be gorgeous. by monday a weak little disturbance rolls through. i think we'll have a better chance at seeing showers in the mountains and foothi maybe a couple raindrops for your drove in tuesday morning, but beyond once again fairly dry and we'll watch temperatures in the 70s before we cool off the tail of next weekend. the game next weekend looks fantastic. the storm won't affect us at all or the game. we need some good weather for a winning forecast and winning game. temperatures low 60s. it should feel like football weather out there for sure. people will be tailgating all day. >> you got tickets? >> just take an orange sweater. >> yeah. something festive, orange, blue, a little beanie. >> ride in to a bronco, whatever. thanks, danielle. >> thank you. investigators in portland are going through debris after a gas leak caused a working hit a gas pipeline during excavation. police showoff involved, firefighters, -- showoff involved, firefighters, civil -- say everyone involved, firefighters, civilians did everything right. officials say that some of the neighbors in that area smelled gas and made quick decisions that saved lives, but what are you supposed to do if you smell natural gas at home? what if you hear that hiss of a that rotten egg smell? what would you do next? >> good question. we have more. >> reporter: this latest explosion caught on camera, people running for their lives, an entire building up in flames. >> it's an apocalypse. the building is completely obliterated, parts of buildings all over the street. it's a catastrophe. >> reporter: the culprit officials say, a gas leak, eight people injured including first responders making >> ambulance! mayday! >> reporter: just two weeks ago another gas explosion in new jersey, two homes completely leveled, luckily only minor injuries and believe it or not it's more common than you think. >> please hurry. oh, my god, it blew up my house. >> reporter: families running from their homes as flames shoot in the air. >> oh, my gosh, the house, >> reporter: natural gas blowing houses to bits. >> it was big flames coming from the house. >> reporter: police dashcam rolling as this house explodes injuring 15. so what do you do if you hear that hiss or smell gas inside your home. >> there's a few things that you can do. >> reporter: captain of the santa monica fire department. >> walk over to the stove if it's safe and make sure >> if the stove is off and i still smell guess, then what. >> don't use any lights or open flames. don't use the lights because that could lead into a spark that could cause an explosion. you want to have a flashlight handy. next step is ventilate the house by opening up all the doors and windows. make sure to ventilate the open. >> reporter: yes. another great tip is know where your gas valve is in your home. know where it's at and how to operate it. up and down it's on. perpendicular means the gas is off. >> can i shut it off? >> absolutely. put the wrench on and quarter turn it until it's off. finally evacuate your home. get to a safe distance. make sure across the street, once you get there make sure you dial 911 from there. >> reporter: simple tips to keep your family safe and your homestanding. >> that's a good reason for another tip. if you suddenly notice your grass, the weeds or shrubs have changed color looking more brown or rusty, that could be a sign of a leak. outside pipes. >> call 911 immediately and then call the gas company. there are sick 5 days until christmas, if you haven't thought about what you want, don't worry, kim has some ideas for you. 15 minutes after the last >> it's unbelievable. >> south of highway 52 and east of county road 19 this is a brushfire that is in dacono. we don't know a lot about it. i think we've seen a few fire crews there, but again plenty of fuel here to burn, a lot of big open dry fields and grasses burning away. crews have been quick on the scene. all of these, everybody is well aware of how dry we are. >> dacono just has so much open to burn. hopefully firefighters can get out there quickly and knock this thing out. that's a lot of flames and plenty of smoke, too. we'll keep an eye on this one up there in dacono. this year's big christmas book for neiman marcus book is winking at you. watch. >> it creeps ryan out. i think it's cool. if you're paying for any of this stuff, you want a wink or someth this on camera. >> there it goes. if you can afford this stuff, you need a wink, i'm telling you. this is the chance for most of us to talk about the christmas dreams of many others. this is the unofficial start of the holiday season when you see this book. neiman marcus released its 90th edition of the famous book today. it's the top of the line gifts that have some of us dreaming, i like this jazzy music. a week long stay at three english estates. you can stay in a castle, ride in a helicopter, visit winston church hill's former home. it will only cost you $700,000. >> only? music fans with extra money have some neat options, a guest role in the broadway musical waitress, only about 30,000 books. that's practically affordable. >> the most expensive gift in the book bucks, a private plane in rose gold. rose gold is all the rage, you know. >> this is the first thing i opened it up to is the rose gold plane and i go is there for real? i was asking you earlier is this thing a big deal? i was seeing clothes and wait, there's a big gold plane in the middle of it. >> that has to be somebody with a woman involved or a woman that wants to buy it. rose gold is more popular with >> that is silly money. >> i'm never going to get my girl friend something that cool. >> there's other thing they claim are affordable. you keep looking during that commercial break. >> a scarf. sorry, honey, you get a scarf. no rose gold plane for you. >> are there socks? there's something in here. >> most of us won't be buying any of these gifts this year, no way. >> neiman marcus donates a portion of the fantasy gifts and other items the neiman marcus foundation. if kids could vote, we'd already know the outcome of the presidential election. >> yeah, the reasons, though, for picking candidates just candidates, the experts, the pollsters. let's go to the kids. every year since 1940 america's schoolchildren have cast ballots in a mock presidential election. we wonder who wins this year. >> hillary clinton. she wins with a landslide with the kid. the former secretary of state garnered 52% of the vote-35% of donald trump. clinton won every battleground state including arizona, florida, michigan, nevada, ohio and colorado and alaska, texas and utah. trump carried iowa and 15 reliably red states. kids in minneapolis sat down with our affiliate to talk about where their views come from. >> reporter: how much do you think your parents have influenced how you're going to vote on tuesday? >> to a great extent pretty much all my political views are pretty much mirroring them. >> mine is quite the opposite. my parents don't have any political views, so i'm pretty much influenced by the school surroundings. >> reporter: it seem like you would be able to totally refrain from putting any of your personal thoughts or spin on to what you're teaching. am i right? >> i can't imagine teaching a government and politics course from a biased perspective. you have to be able to present both of side and you have to be able to present the arguments of both. >> reporter: do any of your other teachers slip up and say oh, i can't believe this candidate said that? >> i'd say so. >> oh, a post doctoral scholar at stanford center for american democracy says about 1/3 of kids misidentify their parents' political parties and belief. so what they think their parents believe may not be how they actually vote. another 1/3 tell researcher they reject their parents' political views. >> it's just a crazy election, you know. sometimes you disagree with your parents, but to do it at that young of an age is strange. >> those kid are smart. don't have political views, interesting stuff. we have a great dog for you if you don't have a lot of space. ou have a lot of space...we have a great dog for you. danielle is back next with carlos. south of highway 52 and east of county road 19 in dacono. the fire near dacono, we just heard from frederick fire. they called us and said control burn. we forgot to let people know about it, but they're making sure to keep good tabs on it. >> all good news in dacono. hi. petpetline 9 time and i have my friend carlos here. carlos is so adorable, you guys. he's a 2-year-old anatolian mix. i've never seen a dog like this before. you have to see his adorable tail. it's a little curly q. it looks like a french fry. his coat is so soft and he's such a sweet boy, 2 years old and he needs your love. he needs to find a home. walks, loves treats, loves car rides. you can find him at the denver dumb friends league, the quebec street shelter. he's up there ready to go home and what a darling, darling boy, too. his ears, his little face wrinkles that he has like what's going on out there? where's the squirrel? where's the bunny rabbit? next at 5:00 donald trump clarifies the comment he made about the election results during last night's debate. >> also ahead why i-25 is home to more traffic jams this year than ever before. >> and the families of fallen military servicemen and women from across the country come to colorado for healing next on 9news. >> this is 9news. announcement today. i would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the united states that i will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if >> so the obvious question becomes what if he loses? trump told supporters in ohio today he wants to keep open the option of challenging what he calls a questionable result renewing his claims that the race against hillary clinton could be rigged against him. those claims prompted a warning today from president obama. >> that is dangerous. because when you try to sow the

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Stanford , California , United States , Flint River , Michigan , Nevada , Leadville , Colorado , Texas , Alaska , Boulder County , Florida , Springfield , Palmer Lake , Arizona , New Jersey , Glenwood Springs , Iowa , Colorado Springs , Loveland , Ohio , France , Spain , Utah , America , Spanish , French , American , Kyle , Mike Coffman , Kelly Maher , Tom Patrick , Darryl Glenn , Santa Monica , Kyle Clark , Hall Breck , Denver Metro , Loretta Lynch , Eric Manuel , Hillary Clinton , Coffman Carroll , Morgan Carroll ,

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Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 4 OClock 20161020 :

Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 4 OClock 20161020

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debate between republican congressman mike coffman and his democratic opponent morgan carroll. they have clear differences on policy and philosophy when it comes to the ring of suburbs around denver on the north, east and south. they also have differing views about immigration. carroll said a pathway to citizenship and coffman said as long as people have violated criminal laws to give them legalized status, they should be allowed to work without deportation. there have been differences over support r presidential candidates. coffman said he may not vote for any presidential candidate. we are going to talk about what to watch for during the debate tonight with our political experts coming up later this half hour. the debate airs tonight on channel 20 and streaming on and the 9news mobile app. kyle kyle and brandon rittiman will moderate. the presidential race is really tense in one area in a way people don't want it to be. southern colorado has endorsed hillary clinton for president. that's an area that typically votes republican. the staff of the bare truth at the high school made the decision to endorse clinton. advisor tom patrick said that has outraged some parents. residents in the palmer lake and monument area are mostly republican. in the last presidential election nearly 3/4 of voters in that area voted for the republican candidate. >> we've gotten a negative comments from parents, but we've also gotten an overwhelming amount of support from different parents and members in the community. >> parents have taken to social media. they've been e-mailing the school calling for the suspension of the newspaper staff. some parents said the editorial was inappropriate for a student publication and that donald trump should have been given equal space. other newspapers from around the country have been showing support for the paper and some have even sent some gifts. it is warming up again meteorologist danielle grant is in the backyard. it started off awfully cold this morning, freezing temperatures, but it's getting warmer heading to the weekend. >> it certainly will, back to the 70s, possibly low 80s in some areas. i was really craving a day like today when you wake up, it's frosty outside and with the afternoon and sunshine daytime highs return to the low 60s. this is what it should feel like for october, but mother nature has different plans. up in the high country e nature keeping temperatures cooler up there to help out with all the snow making. this is our web camera in loveland. you can see the ski area looking good with all this blue sky. blue skies in downtown denver, a couple clouds over the metro area. today was nice at 62 degrees. currently at the airport we're a little cooler in northern colorado, mid- to upper 50s, lamar, kremmling. the winds in the foothills picking up to about 15 to 20 miles per hour. i think the wind once again will be with us tomorrow afternoon as well. on hd doppler 9 it's been pretty quiet. this is the trend at least the next couple days. they're we are in the low 60s. we cool off a couple degrees. by the time you are driving home temperatures look good, doing dinner dropping to the 50s. so again this evening extremely quiet and calm out tomorrow tgif. we are back in business with more sunshine around here and wait until you see that weekend forecast. man, it just seems like mother nature is hanging onto that summer heat. she just keeps bringing it back for us truly each and every weekend. >> i was going to say is this live or did we tape this three weeks ago? >> maybe we taped this in late august practically. >> last saturday i was like give me a hat. it's crazy. >> a record breaker in october. we'll cool off eventually. >> yes, we will. >> thanks. the boulder county sheriff's office is investigating a semi truck accident that happened this morning in superior. a 35-year-old man from thornton was killed. this happened near highway 128 and el dorado boulevard. the driver became trapped in the rear tires of the semi truck and the truck roll. investigators say ey pulled off on the eastbound shoulder of highway 128 between ridge parkway and el dorado boulevard to check out the rear driver side tires. a medical chopper took him to a denver hospital where he died. investigators say they don't know why the truck rolled. they're asking anyone who saw what happened to contact the sheriff's office. finally some cooler weather helping fire crews get a handle on the junkins fire in southern colorado. some of those who evacuated are able to return home. the fire is 11-mile east of it started when high wind blew down a power line that landed on a barbed wire fence sparking a fire. it's burned more than 16,000 acres. the environmental protection agency's internal watchdog said the epa had enough information to issue an order to protect residents in flint, michigan, before a contaminated water well did what it did. the water supply was tainted for 18 unknowingly consumed improperly treated water. it had high lead levels after the city switched water sources to save money. today investigators said the epa could have told residents seven months before it declared an emergency. in april of 2014 flint began getting water from the flint river for the city to save money. in september, 2015 doctors urged flint to stop using the flint river for water after finding high levels of lead in the blood of children. crisis. a few days later he declared a state of emergency. july 25th the attorney general started an independent review. two months later a panel appointed by the governor found the state was fundamentally accountable for the crisis. this week a group of families sued the city of flint because they believe students' performance and behavior at school are worse because of drinking that drinking that lead are not obeying the law to help disabled students. nine public officials have been charged in flint's water crisis. crews spent hours today removing a plane that crashed into the house of a new jersey home. it experienced an unknown mechanical issue yesterday. the plane appeared to come between four homes on a diagonal striking some trees before ending up on the ground. two people were on board, both injured but will survive. hazardous materials crews were leak. the faa is still investing. a heads up for drivers headed to the mountains this weekend. cdot said it could be saturday before crews reopen colorado highway 133 in the north end of payonia reservoir between hotchkiss and glenwood springs. a rockslide early yesterday morning left more than 100 tons of debris on the highway. no injuries were reported. detours can add up to roughly three hours of extra time. crews are doing rock scaling in the area to prevent future slides. parking in downtown breckenridge will cost more this ski season now that the town is installing paid parking stations along main street. 9news mountain newsroom matt renoux joins us live from breck. parking when been free along main street, but that's not -- had been free along main street, but that's not going to last. >> reporter: the town already and shults in, you can, but starting this ski season if you want to park on main street like all these people have and have always done for free, you're going to have to pay. at breckenridge town hall -- >> breck has gone from being a one season to two season to almost four season resort now. >> reporter: -- mayor eric manuel has been talking a lot. >> with that success come congestion. >> reporter: transportation. >> reporter: with good reason. drive into town, you'll have a hard time finding a place to park. so starting in december -- >> we start december 1st. >> reporter: -- a big change is rolling into breckenridge. >> this is the one that moves the needle the most. >> reporter: when this mountain town ends free parking along its core streets. >> it's the next phase in our evolution. >> reporter: and starts charging from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. to park along main street and >> main street, ridge street and what we were calling the interior lots. >> reporter: the first hour will be 50 cents, the second $1 and third $1.50 with the price rising significantly from there. >> by the time you're in your fourth or fifth hour it becomes really expensive. >> reporter: the plan is to keep skiers and employees working downtown from parking there all day hopefully freeing up spaces along streets that right now are always packed. >> so there's constantly a co when you drive into town to go shopping or eat at a restaurant, you'll find a space. >> reporter: while charging to park will be tough on locals. >> i'm not going to be lie. particularly it will be painful for locals. >> reporter: -- mayor manuel said down the road it will bring lots of tourists. >> it's a good problem to have. >> reporter: already the town of breckenridge has started to install pay stations along main breckenridge. people can use those, but you don't have to. there's also going to be this app right here called the passport parking app. you'll be able to sign up for that. get a log-in. then you put in your license plate. you put in the time you want, your credit card number and you're go ahead to go. you can even add time on this which i'm kind of suspicious about because you can add time on that app, why not just park, head out and do what you want to do ex up significantly after three hours. >> there it is. >> that's the difference. >> matt, you better sign yourself up for that a.m. because we send you to breck quite a bit and you're busy. >> reporter: yeah. i've already got a log-in for it and i've already credited for a couple thousand dollars for a good week's work here in breckenridge. >> he just needs that special pass. matt in the mountains, we look how sunny and warm it is up there. we're so used to every time you shop you have to pay and going into malls and everything else. is that unexpected in breck. >> main -- >> unexpected in breck. >> main street is a busy place. there is just something about pumpkins. we have in affinity for smashing gourds. >> this elephant got 32nd annual boo at the zoo. the gourd was donated by a giant pumpkin hobbyist. boo at the zoo runs over the weekend with 20 trick-or-treat stations, creepy crawly animal demonstrations, entertainment. that sounds like fun. sometimes you just need to take guy, though. >> i don't think they roast their seeds. >> nice midday snack. we all know about the race for president, but there are some other big races in colorado. perhaps you've seen an ad or two maybe. we're checking in with our political experts next. >> you may need to be 18 to cast an official ballot, but between last night and tonight's debate there is plenty to talk about, so our political experts are here, ian silverii and kelly maher. we should get you guys a couple of cots in the back. j lot. >> a quick note about last night's presidential debate. what did each of you come away with? >> it was by far trump's strongest debate. i think that he did overall a good job of talking about policy which is really important and i think a lot of people are just glad that the debates are over. >> yeah. donald trump ought to be glad the debates are over so he won't have another chance to i think it's pretty clear hillary clinton won three out of three. i don't think we've seen that in history someone run the debates like she did. trump couldn't help himself. he tried real hard in the first half hour to keep it together, but he started leaking out wrong, wrong and by the end of it he stepped in it big time. you're a nasty woman is a terrible thing to say. >> so we got that done and out of the way. >> a lot let's not just focus on the presidential race because there's so many important senate and congressional races around the country and want on give them some attention and in colorado's 6th district, we have this debate coming up tonight. this is now a swing state and swing district in many ways. so tell us a bit about why this particular race is so important and getting so much attention in our state. >> the coffman/carroll race race to see how big of sweep this could be with the senate and with the house. so this is really a question of the entire structure. mike coffman is one of the hardest working men in congress. he goes out. he's in the district all the time and he's against morgan carroll who is one of the farthest left liberal state legislators. she is a far lefty trial lawyer and there's going to be a approaches tonight. >> there's been a lot of change- up in that district in terms of its diversity. that could help morgan carroll actually. >> absolutely. the district was redrawn after the 2010 census. so in 2012 it was fundamentally difference than when congressman coffman was first elected. he's tried really hard to walk yesterday and now tancredo says the only thing mike coffman cares about is having that congressman's button on his lapel. coffman has worked himself into a bit of a pretzel not being able to decide whether or not he's going to be able to support donald trump throughout the entire race and then waiting for the man to say one of the most terrible things about women. >> i'm sorry, hold on. the reality is that you and all your organizations have calling on coffman the entire time to stand up and say i don't know if donald trump is the guy for me. he's taken the time. he's been a leader. he's stood up to both parties. it's completely 180 degrees from morgan carroll who looks like she'd getting download straight into her brain from the liberal mothership. she absolutely has taken no time to come back and question any of the issues that hillary clinton has from benghazi to the e-mails to the clinton foundation. they're in complete lock step. for it. come on. >> with lightweight darryl glenn on the u.s. senate ticket there's no attention being paid -- >> this isn't about mike coffman. you did what you want and you you're criticizing him for it. >> reporter: i think he's going to lose in election and the man has tried so hard to trick the voters and muddy the waters from his record on talking about how ballots should be printed in english only and all of pretending to learn spanish, going up on a debate and saying word for word the exact same statement he rolled in 2016 in 2014. >> you are criticizing a guy for learning spanish? are you kidding me? that's a thing that we're doing now? >> let's talk about immigration because kyle talked to both candidates, kyle clark, about how they stand on these issues. it's going to be a sticking that 6th congressional district. kelly, go ahead. >> no, look. i think mike come -- coffman has taken the time and learned spanish. it's not like you have a bunch of congressmen out there on rosetta stone every night. >> you don't think he's pandering? >> no. because he shows up and does the work and does that throughout the entire district. i don't think that's pandering if you're doing the work that he is. >> the two ads he put out is mike coffman is one of us and the second was i'll stand up to donald trump. the guy is inconsistent throughout his political career. he's trying to put his finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing and trying to catch it with his kite. he wants to get reelected which is the only thing he seems to care about. thanksgiving dinner. >> you say this should be good because they're both very bright people and it should be a great debate. >> these are two of the smartest politicians in colorado. this is the title fight. this is the banner match for this year. >> we know kyle and brandon have been preparing. thanks as always. >> they teed it up. right now you can tell people about e the debate airs tonight at 7 p.m. on channel 20 and streamed live on kyle clark, brandon rittiman will be moderating, should be a good show. thanks. >> because they're so busy kyle and brandon are not able to be the beer barrons. >> barrons. >> these guys made it to every single brewery in colorado, 288 welcome back, everybody. we have a fire burning in westminster at 113th and huron in westminster in a big ballpark. you can see four fields, what appears to be a neighborhood, community center maybe, dry grass. this has been the story of weeks now with how dry it's been, such little moisture out there that it's just perfect conditions for these small brushfires to pop up. hopefully it can be quickly. we don't have any information on this and don't see any crews out there. hopefully they'll jump out there quickly as the flames are being fanned by a little bit of wind it looks like. [ audio difficulties ] but first let's get a check quick. sorry about that, folks. after some gains yesterday stocks finished lower. dow fell 40, s&p down two, nasdaq down four. moving on, a second year in a row forbes says denver is the best place for careers and businesses, good news there. forbes looked at data in the u.s.' 200 largest metro areas and ranks them on job growth, costs of business and living, income growth, quality of life and education of the labor colorado because of its central location and high quality of life. it said denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the u.s. with a highly educated workforce. denver may be best for business if you actually go to work. a new career builder survey finds more than 1/3 of employers have caught an employee lying about being sick and they have social media to thank. of those 27% who actually fired the employee after finding out, 55% were more forgiving and only reprimanded the employee of workers calling in sick when they aren't declined from 38 to 35% in the last year. maybe something to keep in mind as we get to ski season. >> oops. >> when you're sick and doing things, people catch you. three men have successfully made it. we don't know if they ever called in sick, but they've made it to every brewery in colorado, that is 288 to be exact. to burn a few sick days up. the three began their beer tour in january of 2015. they called themselves the colorado beer barons and played it their mission to have a beer in every colorado tasting room. they flew to some of the spots. yesterday they completed that goal. the final stretch of their tour took place in colorado springs. the journey began with an idea that seemed simple enough. >> we thought we had done all me and george were sitting there and found out there was a couple more down the road. we were like know what? we're going to start over and do every single brewery in colorado and we called our friend gary and he said, "i'm in, too." there's a new one opening in denver, so we'll be there. whenever a new one opens we'll try to make our way out there. >> the beer barons made a list of the breweries on their website but refused to rate them. it their goal. they needed to coordinate in on weekends. >> that is so colorado. they're flying to every corner of the state just to drink a beer, good stuff. sounds like a fun trip, guys. a brewery might be a good option this weekend. >> that's because we could see 80s. you could sit out on the patio and enjoy a cold one. danielle is back next with the back to that fire in westminster, north metro fire arrived shortly after we showed you that picture. that fire didn't get too far, looks like they'll get this thing knocked out in a minute or two, just a brushfire in the dry grass that we last couple weeks. >> right by some ballparks that were right by some homes. some people up there were a little nervous when they see that smoke. good work north metro fire, on it quick. let's get a check of the weather. meteorologist danielle grant is in the 9news backyard. from speer and logan clear skies, sunny day, a little cooler out there today. but i kind of liked it. you were busting out the festive sweater earlier. >> he had a sweater on earlier. >> everyone was in that mood especially early this morning. it was chilly out ating aing a, 25 degrees -- out at dia, 25 degrees this morning, certainly a telltale sign the winter season will be here before we know it. it's already cooking up in the high country, some of our ski resorts getting ready to open up shop, a-basin. this is a there opening tomorrow morning, first chair takes off at 9 a.m. are you going to be there? if not, we still have a couple more. keystone opening up mid- november and breck and winter park and vail november 18th and the day after thanksgiving in steamboat. ski season will be here before we know it. downtown denver nothing but blue skies and our temperatures warming up. it will feel more like summertime. we've been talking about the heat this month, last weekend days. it looks like we might still go down in the record books. we're still in the running for the fourth warmest october on record, 62 at the airport, 60s along the eastern plains, 63 eagle, 60s in grand junction, telluride 58. at the airport low 60s, sunshine. the winds have been quiet and here in the 9news backyard it is such a peaceful fall afternoon. our temperatures are 62, no coats needed unl and about walking the dog. on hd doppler 9 it's still pretty quiet statewide. across portions of the pacific northwest we've been watching a series of storms moving in, rain for some areas moving into the inland northwest, a little snowfall for the cascades and in other storm system is barreling throughout parts of texas producing a little rain. that will be along the east for that. otherwise high pressure back in business across colorado and really all of our neighboring states. it looks like a dry start to the weekend for sure and really the next couple of days beyond. tonight we're down to 36 degrees, partly cloudy skies, not as chilly as this morning. 20s and 30s for the far eastern plains where we do have frost advisories in place for eastern colorado, 28 in leadville and low 30s for the vail valley, 40 degrees in d what you get and that is not a lot. by tomorrow morning we'll wake up to a few clouds. if you're hitting you are skiing or -- if you are skiing or boarding in the afternoon, blue skies. in takes us until 10:00 tomorrow evening when all is well. tomorrow about 75, mostly sunny skies, sunset at about 6:10 time. we'll keep a close eye on that one. it's been quite some time since we have seen a good wetting rain, i mean about .1-inch or more in the denver metro area. so a good reminder we don't necessarily have a specific fire season. we can see those wildfires sparking up truly at any point in time, close to 80 degrees along the eastern plains, especially in lamar and springfield tomorrow 50s in grand lake, 70 degrees in idaho spring tomorrow. with that sunshine we'll soar into the mid-70s probably 10 to 12 degrees above our average for this time of year. enjoy it while you, can right? high pressure scoots in. it will settle in across the metro area, state and the midwest as we head toward the start of next week. you can see that new storm system brewing to the west. it pushes into the west coast by monday, but right now it's break apart and shift further south giving parts of california some rain and not really making its way into our backyard. you can see this weekend will be toasty, upper 70s. on saturday i wouldn't be surprised if maybe a few spots actually just touched 80 degrees. it should be gorgeous. by monday a weak little disturbance rolls through. i think we'll have a better chance at seeing showers in the mountains and foothi maybe a couple raindrops for your drove in tuesday morning, but beyond once again fairly dry and we'll watch temperatures in the 70s before we cool off the tail of next weekend. the game next weekend looks fantastic. the storm won't affect us at all or the game. we need some good weather for a winning forecast and winning game. temperatures low 60s. it should feel like football weather out there for sure. people will be tailgating all day. >> you got tickets? >> just take an orange sweater. >> yeah. something festive, orange, blue, a little beanie. >> ride in to a bronco, whatever. thanks, danielle. >> thank you. investigators in portland are going through debris after a gas leak caused a working hit a gas pipeline during excavation. police showoff involved, firefighters, -- showoff involved, firefighters, civil -- say everyone involved, firefighters, civilians did everything right. officials say that some of the neighbors in that area smelled gas and made quick decisions that saved lives, but what are you supposed to do if you smell natural gas at home? what if you hear that hiss of a that rotten egg smell? what would you do next? >> good question. we have more. >> reporter: this latest explosion caught on camera, people running for their lives, an entire building up in flames. >> it's an apocalypse. the building is completely obliterated, parts of buildings all over the street. it's a catastrophe. >> reporter: the culprit officials say, a gas leak, eight people injured including first responders making >> ambulance! mayday! >> reporter: just two weeks ago another gas explosion in new jersey, two homes completely leveled, luckily only minor injuries and believe it or not it's more common than you think. >> please hurry. oh, my god, it blew up my house. >> reporter: families running from their homes as flames shoot in the air. >> oh, my gosh, the house, >> reporter: natural gas blowing houses to bits. >> it was big flames coming from the house. >> reporter: police dashcam rolling as this house explodes injuring 15. so what do you do if you hear that hiss or smell gas inside your home. >> there's a few things that you can do. >> reporter: captain of the santa monica fire department. >> walk over to the stove if it's safe and make sure >> if the stove is off and i still smell guess, then what. >> don't use any lights or open flames. don't use the lights because that could lead into a spark that could cause an explosion. you want to have a flashlight handy. next step is ventilate the house by opening up all the doors and windows. make sure to ventilate the open. >> reporter: yes. another great tip is know where your gas valve is in your home. know where it's at and how to operate it. up and down it's on. perpendicular means the gas is off. >> can i shut it off? >> absolutely. put the wrench on and quarter turn it until it's off. finally evacuate your home. get to a safe distance. make sure across the street, once you get there make sure you dial 911 from there. >> reporter: simple tips to keep your family safe and your homestanding. >> that's a good reason for another tip. if you suddenly notice your grass, the weeds or shrubs have changed color looking more brown or rusty, that could be a sign of a leak. outside pipes. >> call 911 immediately and then call the gas company. there are sick 5 days until christmas, if you haven't thought about what you want, don't worry, kim has some ideas for you. 15 minutes after the last >> it's unbelievable. >> south of highway 52 and east of county road 19 this is a brushfire that is in dacono. we don't know a lot about it. i think we've seen a few fire crews there, but again plenty of fuel here to burn, a lot of big open dry fields and grasses burning away. crews have been quick on the scene. all of these, everybody is well aware of how dry we are. >> dacono just has so much open to burn. hopefully firefighters can get out there quickly and knock this thing out. that's a lot of flames and plenty of smoke, too. we'll keep an eye on this one up there in dacono. this year's big christmas book for neiman marcus book is winking at you. watch. >> it creeps ryan out. i think it's cool. if you're paying for any of this stuff, you want a wink or someth this on camera. >> there it goes. if you can afford this stuff, you need a wink, i'm telling you. this is the chance for most of us to talk about the christmas dreams of many others. this is the unofficial start of the holiday season when you see this book. neiman marcus released its 90th edition of the famous book today. it's the top of the line gifts that have some of us dreaming, i like this jazzy music. a week long stay at three english estates. you can stay in a castle, ride in a helicopter, visit winston church hill's former home. it will only cost you $700,000. >> only? music fans with extra money have some neat options, a guest role in the broadway musical waitress, only about 30,000 books. that's practically affordable. >> the most expensive gift in the book bucks, a private plane in rose gold. rose gold is all the rage, you know. >> this is the first thing i opened it up to is the rose gold plane and i go is there for real? i was asking you earlier is this thing a big deal? i was seeing clothes and wait, there's a big gold plane in the middle of it. >> that has to be somebody with a woman involved or a woman that wants to buy it. rose gold is more popular with >> that is silly money. >> i'm never going to get my girl friend something that cool. >> there's other thing they claim are affordable. you keep looking during that commercial break. >> a scarf. sorry, honey, you get a scarf. no rose gold plane for you. >> are there socks? there's something in here. >> most of us won't be buying any of these gifts this year, no way. >> neiman marcus donates a portion of the fantasy gifts and other items the neiman marcus foundation. if kids could vote, we'd already know the outcome of the presidential election. >> yeah, the reasons, though, for picking candidates just candidates, the experts, the pollsters. let's go to the kids. every year since 1940 america's schoolchildren have cast ballots in a mock presidential election. we wonder who wins this year. >> hillary clinton. she wins with a landslide with the kid. the former secretary of state garnered 52% of the vote-35% of donald trump. clinton won every battleground state including arizona, florida, michigan, nevada, ohio and colorado and alaska, texas and utah. trump carried iowa and 15 reliably red states. kids in minneapolis sat down with our affiliate to talk about where their views come from. >> reporter: how much do you think your parents have influenced how you're going to vote on tuesday? >> to a great extent pretty much all my political views are pretty much mirroring them. >> mine is quite the opposite. my parents don't have any political views, so i'm pretty much influenced by the school surroundings. >> reporter: it seem like you would be able to totally refrain from putting any of your personal thoughts or spin on to what you're teaching. am i right? >> i can't imagine teaching a government and politics course from a biased perspective. you have to be able to present both of side and you have to be able to present the arguments of both. >> reporter: do any of your other teachers slip up and say oh, i can't believe this candidate said that? >> i'd say so. >> oh, a post doctoral scholar at stanford center for american democracy says about 1/3 of kids misidentify their parents' political parties and belief. so what they think their parents believe may not be how they actually vote. another 1/3 tell researcher they reject their parents' political views. >> it's just a crazy election, you know. sometimes you disagree with your parents, but to do it at that young of an age is strange. >> those kid are smart. don't have political views, interesting stuff. we have a great dog for you if you don't have a lot of space. ou have a lot of space...we have a great dog for you. danielle is back next with carlos. south of highway 52 and east of county road 19 in dacono. the fire near dacono, we just heard from frederick fire. they called us and said control burn. we forgot to let people know about it, but they're making sure to keep good tabs on it. >> all good news in dacono. hi. petpetline 9 time and i have my friend carlos here. carlos is so adorable, you guys. he's a 2-year-old anatolian mix. i've never seen a dog like this before. you have to see his adorable tail. it's a little curly q. it looks like a french fry. his coat is so soft and he's such a sweet boy, 2 years old and he needs your love. he needs to find a home. walks, loves treats, loves car rides. you can find him at the denver dumb friends league, the quebec street shelter. he's up there ready to go home and what a darling, darling boy, too. his ears, his little face wrinkles that he has like what's going on out there? where's the squirrel? where's the bunny rabbit? next at 5:00 donald trump clarifies the comment he made about the election results during last night's debate. >> also ahead why i-25 is home to more traffic jams this year than ever before. >> and the families of fallen military servicemen and women from across the country come to colorado for healing next on 9news. >> this is 9news. announcement today. i would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the united states that i will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election if >> so the obvious question becomes what if he loses? trump told supporters in ohio today he wants to keep open the option of challenging what he calls a questionable result renewing his claims that the race against hillary clinton could be rigged against him. those claims prompted a warning today from president obama. >> that is dangerous. because when you try to sow the

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