Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 4 OClock 20160115 : comparemel

Transcripts For KUSA 9News At 4 OClock 20160115

around the metro area, looks like along the hog back, we're seeing some snowfall and that is slowly starting to press into the metro area again. it's going to be tough to get some of the flakes to actually hit the ground. if they do, they won't add up to too much. our storm system is sitting and spinning across the four corners, bringing some snowfall to parts of arizona, as well as new mexico, into the albuquerque area. we'll see a couple more bands slide through the metro area and also up in the highcountry through this evening. here's the future cast right now. you can see just a few spots with some snow as we speak. by 6:00, 7:00, if you have friday night plans, we'll be tracking clouds up across the eastern plains with some of that snow wrapping in up in the mountains. by 9:00, 10:00, everything winds down along the i-25 corridor, but another batch will start to press in overnight into tomorrow morning. right now, the temperatures sitting in the upper 20s, low 30s here in the metro. we're at 41 in ray, 44 for lamar, teens in leadville and we're going to stick with the wind gusts, not bad out there. far cry from what we were dealing with yesterday. 21 out there in brookfield. same across the kenosha pass, with wind gusts around 27 miles per hour for berthoud pass. this evening, a little bit of light snow. i'll let you know who is still sitting under the winter weather advisory and how much snowfall you can count on to see in the mountains. a cooler weekend ahead, below- average temperatures, and then, of course, we're all in our orange. we're all thinking about sunday, where we'll be, what kind of food we'll have, and of course what the weather will be like for the big broncos game. >> lot of people going to be interested in that. >> got a lot of orange going on. >> oh, yeah. i laid out several orange tortilla chips earlier today. you know, it sticks on your fingers, under your nails. >> cheetos. >> it follows you all day! >> nacho cheese doritos, love them. three previous dui convictions did not stop a driver from driving drunk again speed chase that sparked a brush fire. in february, garrett newgabauer tried to outrun police. they stopped him with stop sticks, sparking a brush fire. today, the driver was sentenced for his fourth dui. his blood alcohol level is three times the legal limit. today in court, he cried when addressing the judge, but the court wasn't moved, sentencing him to 24 years in prison. >> prosecutor is right. i've had a long history of alcohol abuse. i have had treatment. i'm an intelligent person, but i never took it seriously. i always felt i paid my fines. i paid my dues. i have to live with that for the rest of my life. and i'm very sorry for that. >> if you want to call it providence, if you want to call it the hand of god, if you want to call it dumb luck, we're not talking about people who were killed is a miracle. that puts it easily in the upper echelon of drunk driving- related cases where fortunately we're not talking about people who are seriously injured or killed, but right below that line is where we're at. >> at the time of the chase, the defendant was on probation for a 2012 larimer county alcohol-related case. again, no one was seriously hurt in the pursuit. we have details on this story on the u.s. coast guard is searching for 12 marines off the coast of oahu in hawaii. two helicopters collided during a training mission just before midnight local time. the marine corps says each helicopter had a crew of six from a nearby base. over a 2-mile area. this is the second military air crash in less than a year in hawaii. here in colorado, crews in rio blanco county mounted a search for pieces of a plane that crashed about 15 miles west of meeker yesterday. officials say the plane was on its way to granby from salt investigators haven't been able to tell us how many people were on board the plane at the time of the crash. they did find a wing, part of a propeller and one tire. emergency responders say they got a call around 6:00 p.m. about a plane revving its engine, banking twice at high altitude, followed by sounds of an explosion. denver police are still searching for the person who shot a driver and took off in their car last night. the car jacking happened near south sheridan boulevard and west kentucky avenue. one suspect shot the victim in the leg, but police say two suspects may be involved. the victim's car is a white chevy silverado with the we don't know how the victim is doing. two children from michigan were taken into protective custody early this morning in georgetown after a deputy with the clear creek county sheriff's office noticed a suspicious car about 1:00 a.m. a deputy radioed dispatch about the car and quickly realized there was a felony warrant from michigan state patrol for that car and a male suspect. that male suspect has been identified as alex perez, who is the children's father. he was wanted for a double homicide, kidnapping, and an amber alert after two people were found dead in a home in michigan yesterday. >> apparently a woman who came from across the street, came in screaming, said her sister was found dead. asked us to call the police. one of our employees called the police and then that's when the police investigating found out >> investigators believe the children's mother, rene mitchell and her husband were killed wednesday night. perez has been charged with second degree murder. a denver officer critically sergeant. today, tony lopez rose from his wheelchair and used crutches to take the stage at his own promotion ceremony. he was shot seven times during a traffic stop. his pregnant wife kristen husband. tony's father, a dpd commander, was also there to see it. kristen lopez said her husband really wanted to walk the stage and worked with a physical therapist the day before to try and make this happen. >> this goes to show just how strong of a person he truly is, because never, you know, when that day when i got the call, i would never expect him to come as far as he has, let alone be able to walk across the stage and let me pin the badge on him. >> sergeant lopez has been with the force for seven years now. he says he's looking forward to getting back to work. stocks have never done this they plunged again today after the market was hit by yet another tumble in the price of oil. the dow finished 390 points lower, after being down more than 500 earlier in the day. the s&p lost 44. the nasdaq fell 126. oil sank below $30 a barrel. chipotle will shut down all of its locations on february 8 for a few hours to address food safety concerns with its employees, this after a recent e. coli outbreak at some of the chain's stores. workers will hear about steps being taken to prevent more problems. chipotle is in the middle of recovering from multiple food poisoning outbreaks. in october, e. coli was linked to restaurants in the pacific northwest. in december, more than 100 people in boston got norovirus from eating at chipotle. ed sealover with the denver business journal says temporarily closing the restaurants is another attempt for chipotle to redeem itself. >> choosing to forego some of the sales during this day in closed during part of the day to do this is a big pr effort to say we are willing to give up money on this day to convince you, the public, by convincing our employees that we're safe again. >> chipotle ceo steve ells says he is confident an e. coli outbreak will not happen at their stores again. two wal-mart locations in colorado will close by the end of january. it's part of a move by wal-mart to boost revenue. in colorado, the wal-mart neighborhood market at best bowles avenue and south wadsworth will shut down january 17. the store on south monaco parkway and east iliff avenue will close january 28. wal-mart is closing almost 300 stores worldwide and shutting down its express formats, the smallest stores. there are no express locations here in colorado. tuition would go up at many public colleges and universities in colorado under governor john hickenlooper's budget, which proposes cuts of $20 million to higher ed. for sunday's balance of power, i asked the speaker of the president whether they are going to support that plan. >> is that a cut you're going to allow to stand? are democrats going to stand allowing tuition to go up? >> no. and we can't do that. we would be putting our major public universities and our dire shape. >> everything in this place every year is on the table. >> i think i'm picking up that the governor might have more friends with that specific aspect of his budget in your party than his own. >> well, at the end of the day, which we always have, we'll have a balanced budget and every program that's in it is competing for dollars against every other program. >> catch more of our interviews with the people who decide how your tax dollars get spent. that is on balance of power, sunday morning at 8:45 a.m. here on channel 9. that's followed by "meet the press" on channel 20. okay. everyone is a little bit more in agreement on some issues. >> yeah, a little less controversy on this one. >> like love and happiness. >> okay. wedding bells will be ringing tomorrow for colorado's governor john hickenlooper. the governor and his fiance, robin, have said they want a small, private ceremony. they haven't released many details about the day. >> trying to keep it small. but denver's clerk and recorder couldn't help herself. she took these photos of the governor and the bride-to-be robin pringle showing up to get their marriage license. i particularly like the picture of the governor with his groom face on, grinning like the cat who ate the canary. kyle clark asked the governor yesterday after the state of the state address is a return to married life is going to change the way he handles the job. >> we'll say that especially when you're dealing with disasters or complex issues or sensitive topics, you know, by the time things get to my desk and we're in my office right here, usually a lot of smart people couldn't get the compromise, couldn't get there. so you come home at the end of the day and you've just been kind of pounded back and forth sometimes, you know, hurricanes or blizzards or flash floods or wildfires. it is great to come home to someone who is a soulmate and really cares about what's going on in the state and cares about, you know, what kind of a day i had. i can't tell you the difference it makes. it is -- i think most people know this, right? most of us aren't cut out to be -- to go through life alone. many people do very happily. but at least me, i think i'm much -- i can't tell you how much happier i am. >> robin pringle is a 37-year- old. she serves as the trustee of the clifford steel museum, also vice president of corporate development at liberty media. the governor separated from his ex-wife, helen thorpe, back in july of 2012. >> i got a feeling some people are going to feel strangely pulled to this next story. 9news is giving away more broncos magnets. >> it is a pull. >> yep, getting you ready for the playoff game against the >> belen de leon is out at the king soopers on west bellevue avenue. there is the line on the friday afternoon! >> reporter: hi, guys! oh, my goodness! there's so much energy here. the broncos fans are the best fans in the nfl! we've been giving away these broncos magnets for about 10 minutes now. these folks, some of them, i talked to the person that was in the line, the first, and she was here since 11:30 this morning. so about five hours waiting in line to get their broncos magnets. here you go, sir. you got your chili. there's your broncos magnets! you're set for sunday. go broncos! we've been seeing fans here from all ages. we've been seeing grandmas. we've been seeing all kinds of families out here. also, fans have come out with their pets dressed in broncos gear. there you see them right here. sir, what is, what is this? what do you have right here? what is this? >> well, this happens to be a ago, we disappointed these guys. and i ended up keeping the leg. i also scored a-- >> reporter: terrible towel! >> it's low to the ground. >> reporter: oh, no! broncos fans are very passionate. as i mentioned, these fans have been in line since 11:30 this morning. the line wraps around this aisle right here. it goes through the cosmetics aisle and then it goes through the wellness aisle. you can see it right there. there's more broncos fans out here. hey, go broncos! [ crowd cheering ] >> reporter: and then the line keeps going out the door and around the store. no joke. now, we've got 1000 broncos magnets to give away. you know, we've got a long line right now. if you're watching right now, i don't know if you're going to get one. but, you know, this isn't the last broncos magnets giveaway that we have. we're going to have more this weekend. if you want to find out where but kim, brandon, my goodness, look at all of these fans. it is so wonderful to be caught up in this broncos playoffs fever and of course you can't be caught without your broncos magnets. make sure you get one. guys, back to you. >> or your pinata leg. that was -- wow, wow. >> quite a vibrant display. wonder how many live shots you were actually doing right now. i saw several people with smartphones pointed at you. >> she can't hear us. it's too loud! >> pretty loud in there. >> reporter: go, broncos, go! [ cheering ] >> yep, all right. bit noisy there. >> noisy trip to the grocery store. if you missed your chance to get the magnets today, we got more for you this weekend. in highlands ranch tomorrow, starting at 7:00 a.m. until magnets are gone, that is at west highlands ranch parkway and west wildcat reserve parkway. also tomorrow in fort collins, 7:00 a.m. until magnets run out, that's college avenue and east wilcox lane. and on sunday in denver, starting at 7:00 a.m., king soopers at south colorado boulevard and east yale avenue. if you didn't jot it all down, these times and locations are up for you right now on >> so just go in there and look for it. put in magnet search. the smallest and youngest bronco fans have new apparel heading into the playoff game. the group known as the needle arts guild usually knits hats and blankets for babies at the hospital. today, the newborns received hats and blankets, all bronco- themed. one was really excited, okay, with the new broncos apparel. that is a scream like go broncos, if i've ever heard one. >> absolutely. cradle them just like a football. totally outfitted for the game. >> you could, yes! you know, born this way, just means you're a bronco fan for life. >> there you go. [ laughter ] still ahead, a request for federal help with a water crisis. . a space walk had to be water leaked into one of the astronaut's helmets. nasa astronaut timothy copra reported a small water bubble inside his helmet and that turned into a film of water. mission control scrapped the six-hour space walk just after the crew hit the four-hour mark. officials say the two astronauts had already completed their mission of restoring full power to the space station. the situation, nasa says, was not an emergency and neither space walker was in danger. michigan's governor rick schneider is asking president obama for help with the city of flint's water crisis. flint's tap water became contaminated with lead after the city switched water supplies in 2014, while a new pipeline was under construction. pipes. schneider is requesting $31 million, including 10 million for a three-month supply of clean drinking water and millions more for filters, filter cartridges and water testing kits. the state has applied for the sheriff in the county made a request of fema, saying the city of flint needs more than water. >> we don't need fema to come in and give us more water. we need fema to come in and give us the surgical procedures. send the surgeons in that can put the lines, replace the infrastructure that needs to be replaced, take a look at some of the people and how they are affected in our community. >> at least 10 people have died from legionnaires disease in the county. some of the victims were drinking flint water, but there has not been a direct link made between the ongoing water crisis and the outbreak of legionnaires. big problems in france today for a drug trial. a neurosurgeon says three of six men hospitalized could have irreversible brain damage and one is considered brain dead. the country's health minister says all men were healthy before they volunteered for the trial of a drug being tested as a painkiller meant to treat anxiety and motor disorders. the french health ministry says the facility where the patients were staying say the trial was completely up to code. you may think of it as the search for the divine. in a first of its kind meeting, pope francis met with the executive chairman and former ceo of google today. they did not publicly share the agenda behind this meeting. there is speculation, however, climate change might have been the focus, an issue that both men are passionate about, or maybe the pope was looking for don't get that joke? google it. this pope is reportedly the most tech-savvy yet. as head of the catholic church, he has over 8 million twitter followers and recently hosted two google hangouts from the vatican. there you go. he is totally hip. >> i couldn't imagine what the pope has googled. we could probably start a whole hashtag. what the pope googled. maybe he googles himself. you know. just maybe. >> you never know. two days past the massive powerball drawing, some of the winners are starting to come forward. >> next, what one of them plans we live in a pick choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, and the sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good, to great, to wow! with purchase of sleepiq technology and flexfit3 adjustable base. ends monday. know better sleep . a couple from tennessee is the first of three winners of the $1.6 billion powerball jackpot to come forward. john and lisa robinson bought their winning ticket at their local grocery store in munford,, near memphis. they plan to take the lump sum, just over $300 million. the couple says they had to check their winning ticket many, many times because they had trouble believing they were winners. >> i checked them actually four times and i said, well, i'll believe it when the news comes on in the morning and they say, hey, there's a winner been in munford. were sold, one in florida, one in california. those winners have not come forward. here in colorado, debbie and bernard are getting a small piece of the pie. the colorado lottery says they are splitting a $100,000 prize. and they are bronco fans! that's why they won! >> all good things. one of the country's oldest appliance manufacturers is going to sell off that century- old part of its business. general electric announced today it's going to sell its appliance business to china's haier group. u.s. and chinese regulators still have to sign off on the deal to make it happen. if approved, haier will get the right to use ge branding on appliances for 40 years. general electric says it's moving away from consumer products. it wants to focus on industrial manufacturing and technology. this week, ge also announced they will move the company headquarters to boston. major league baseball fans are winners even before that mlb lawyers told a manhattan federal court judge that fans will be able to buy single-team tv packages if they don't live market. the decision to enable single- team tv packages came after lawyers for the national hockey league settled their side of the court case last year. the nhl already agreed to let fans buy single-team plans for a little bit cheaper than >> hmm. >> there you go. all of them. around. >> yeah, if you're just a fan of one team, why pay for all 30- something teams. >> right. sure. share and share alike. works out. >> they don't give you a huge break, i'll tell you that, as a hockey fan. >> maybe if you're a powerball winner, you get a better deal, right? no, you don't! you have the money to throw around! >> you get the platinum edition! parts of the metro area and the foothills could see flurries tonight. it's the timing. >> yeah, all about when. danielle is back to give us the best idea of when in the . not so cold here, but heading to the mountains, looking nippy up there. always is this time of year. >> it's wintry. and it should be. >> yes, it is. it's wintry. lot of folks heading up there to do a little skiing or boarding. >> on a holiday weekend. >> probably extending their stay. >> slower there the next time we see it. meteorologist danielle grant is in the 9 backyard for us. what is it looking like heading into this weekend? >> you know what? kind of an unsettled weather pattern. around here tonight, we do have a slight, slight chance at seeing a few flurries and blue skies overhead. it's still kind of cold, though. you can see up to the highcountry it's completely different story, as they are this storm system is really favoring the mountain areas. you can see breckenridge, skiers, snowboarders, not done for the day after plenty of long. 5 inches in steamboat. winter park, 6 1/2 inches. keep in mind, these were the reports that came at us at about 5:00 in the morning. i think we'll see big time numbers by tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. when they report. outside out there in fort collins, you can see the clouds beginning to thicken up across the csu campus. some students say still out and about in downtown denver, while the clouds are trying to push in, a little bit of sunlight trying to scoot into the view. as far as the snow goes, foothills, 1 to 3. mountains, 5 to 10 by tomorrow morning. up there in northern colorado, i'm going to show you this one on. looks about an inch for you guys, trace to 2 inches, and half inch. the storm system doesn't look all that impressive. in fact, a wimpy one, in my we're at 30 degrees out at the airport, under mostly cloudy skies. winds have switched out of the east at 15 miles per hour. look at the windchill. oh, yeah. kind of wishing i found my coat before i moved into the 9 backyard. our temperature right there at 31 degrees here downtown, but with a slight breeze making it feel a lot cooler. again, unsettled weather pattern, as we're keeping track of all the different storm systems that are out there. one big wet weather maker set to push in on the eastern seaboard. for us, our system has moved in from nevada, utah, sinking into new mexico. we have the back side of the storm wrapping around, bringing snowfall into the colorado area. you can see hd doppler 9 along i-70, mountains still picking up on a little light snowfall. then once i zoom in, you can see out in northern colorado this is the band i was talking about. i was showing it to you yesterday. it is doing exactly what we thought, right there from cheyenne, pressing into weld county. this band of snow is just slowly going to sink to the south and to the east. that's why i'm anticipating the little bit more snow than we could see here in the denver area. so again, i'll zoom back down here in town. maybe a couple of folks trying to see some snow showers. it's still so dry down here at the lower levels that it's a battle with that snow trying to actually make it down here to the surface. a little bit possible right there along the hog back. as you move up i-70, you saw it on that cdot camera, the snowfall is continuing to come down. skiers, snowboarders, weekend warriors, loving the fresh powder that's moving in. so here we go. by tomorrow morning, that band still kind of flirting with the eastern plains just a bit. we'll be looking at a few clouds sitting over the metro area and light snowfall up to the highcountry. it's not going to shot off tomorrow entirely. if you are traveling tomorrow, you might have a little snowfall to deal with. by lunchtime, it's dry in the metro area. we start off with a little bit of sunshine, but quickly the clouds stream in around the i- 25 corridor later on tomorrow evening, about dinner time and snowfall up to the highcountry. 10:00, while it's dry around here, the snow is going strong in the mountains. that's exactly why we'll be looking at a winter weather advisory until at least 9:00 tomorrow. 5 to 10 once you move out to the front range mountains, 3 to 7, the saguache range, mosquito range. 6 to 12 toward the northwestern facing mountains and also 4 to 7 for the san juans as they are looking at a little light snow coming in as well. tonight, temperatures are going to be cool, especially for eastern colorado as we dip down into the teens. 7 degrees in leadville tonight. 8 in gunnison. alamosa, subzero. tonight in town, about 15. again, we might have a flurry here and there, but it's going to be a struggle to actually get snow showers here to the surface. that's why i'm calling for less than half an inch. tomorrow, how about 36, kind of similar to today. we'll stay in the upper 30s, low 40s across the eastern plains, with a chilly day in the mountains. another one in the teens and 20s for a high temperature. in the highcountry and in and around the foothills. if you're heading out to blackhawk or central city, count on a little snowfall. it might be tricky because it's going to be blowing and drifting at times, so that drive might take you a while, about 40 degrees in arvada, as well as lakewood. northern colorado stays in the 30s, too. then look at that, possibly another disturbance rolls in saturday night into sunday. i'm thinking a few early morning flurries. however, right now it's more favorable up in northern colorado, so keep that in mind. if you're tailgating around here for the broncos game, you might have to dodge one or two. but i wouldn't count on a ton. does look like we'll have a bit of afternoon clearing. how about that? winds pick up. downsloping winds around here will pump up temps. 50 degrees on monday. we'll stay in the 40s tuesday, wednesday. another system possibly moves in bringing us a little bit of light snow. then we'll really crank up the dial, you guys. 50s by friday and saturday of next week. broncos and steelers, it's on everyone's mind. we're all thinking about this. again, like i said, possibly a depends where you're coming in. if you're driving in from greeley or fort collins, might wake up to that, might have to drive along i-25. once the game is going in the afternoon, we'll have a few clouds out there. it will be cool, though. i'm thinking kim, probably, big puffy jacket. >> big puffy jacket. >> brandon, a broncos scarf for you. >> that's okay. we can handle that. >> yeah, and think it will be good. we'll get rid of the snow showers early in the morning and then game time, we'll be >> okay. >> orange puffy jackets out there. >> i think you need one. >> where do you go and buy one of those? town. >> you have? >> i have. >> you've got the inside. >> they are cool. >> all right. sign me up. >> thank you. we are getting ready for a busy weekend in colorado. lots to do. >> yeah, not just football. that's important. but there's other things. next, we'll have nine things to do this weekend and how you can don't have broncos tickets? there's still lots to do this weekend if you're looking to get out of the house. it's friday. that means we've got your list of nine things to do in colorado this weekend posted on >> several denver bars are hosting tributes to david bowie this weekend. he passed away earlier this week after a battle with cancer. bar standards at 1037 broadway is playing bowie and bowie- influenced songs. a david bowie dance party will be hosted all weekend long. you can see and hear your favorite pixar characters alongside the colorado symphony this weekend. the symphony will be playing and showing everything from the toy story trilogy to the incredibles and up. tickets are available for tonight and tomorrow night. they start at $44 apiece. it is the second weekend of the national western stock show. dozens of events all weekend long. >> and 9news reporter vida a taste of the wild west today. >> reporter: hi, guys. i'm here with jason goodman and the thunder draft horses out of fort collins. we've got top, jack and they are ready to go. work horses. this is what they were bred to do, pull wagons and big loads. >> reporter: amazing. this is an amazing feeling to be up behind these guys. these are huge horses. pounds apiece. traditionally, we would have six of them pulling this large freight wagon. so this freight wagon had to be tall enough so we could see over top of a six or eight- horse hitch and see where we're going. >> reporter: and i will let you know, i've spent some time with the horses and jack likes to be scratched under the neck. great personalities. >> they do. the work horses have a lot of personality. they are nicknamed the gentle giants and they are willing to please and they like to work. >> reporter: and there's a lot of prep that goes into this. there's a lot of grooming. they are so beautiful. brushing, all the braids, braiding their mane, forelocks and the show harness. everything, a lot of cleaning. >> reporter: and they look great. when can people see them at the national western stock show? >> they will be on display every day here for the duration of the stock show. we're going to do performances for every pro rodeo. >> reporter: you're going to teach me how to drive them. is it hard? how -- do i came you will it drive? do i call it ride? >> driving. you're riding. >> reporter: show me how. >> we're going to give them a command to start and then from then, it's right, left, backwards. you have the lines, right line, left line. command. [ whistle ] >> reporter: yeah, all right! i'm going to try doing this as i go. i'm going to wave. we are at the national western stock show with the thunder collins. and i'll see you guys later! [ laughter ] here has the skills to make a freight wagon go, if i should ever find myself stranded with nothing but two horses and a freight wagon. >> and that could happen. never know. we're in the wild west. >> add that to the resume. [ laughter ] all the details about the stock show and other events we mentioned are on >> just search 9 things to do. >> all good times. slacker and steve probably heading out there. >> my nickname used to be freight wagon! i used to be a freight wagon. >> after the show, we'll talk about how you got that. >> okay. cool. [ laughter ] >> sounds great. we got to go and sat right on the railing one year. >> oh, yeah. >> you got hit with a horse! >> i'm sitting there with my arms out and westerneres come riding by. >> yes, you need to be paying attention! it's like sitting courtside at a basketball game. pay attention! >> a little too interactive. >> there wasn't a disclaimer or a little waiver to sign. figured i was safe. >> how bad did you get hit? >> i just had my arm out. >> his beer spilled. it was tragic. >> yeah, a little exaggerated. >> badly bruised, i imagine. >> we got to ask you guys a question. how do you feel about theme weddings? >> yeah, kim? >> i've heard some really bad stories. >> yeah, yeah. >> not for me personally. [ laughter ] is that a politically correct way to say this? >> well, because what's more memorable than everybody dressing up like star wars characters and getting together and getting hitched? >> no. >> exactly. >> memorable does not necessarily have to be positive. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> photographs live forever. >> yes. >> i mean-- >> if you really, really are into it and maybe it's how you met, something, star wars, i could see it. >> we've got a couple, their entire relationship has been based on star wars stuff. >> and the other one's like, i want white dress and a tux. >> yeah, can you give out a little light saber at the end or something? >> nope, they want it all. >> go big or go home, huh? >> yes. >> i think kim's on the right track with the pictures. my wife told me, no facial hair for the wedding, because that's you know. >> yeah. >> if you think about it in those terms, if you want it to last forever and be sort of a timeless moment. >> it does last forever. >> are you trying to say star wars isn't going to be around forever? >> no. >> i am! [ laughter ] >> let's just say that princess leia hairdo doesn't always photograph well. >> good point. >> someone three generations from now might come across the photos. that's what i'm saying. >> there we go. yeah. >> already ruined that moment. [ laughter ] >> all right. >> hey, have fun, no matter what. >> you guys, too. >> maybe it's a bronco wedding. we'll talk about that. i have heard of those when we talk about bronco weddings. people have done bronco colors and bronco themes. >> they are dedicated fans. >> it's probably occurred multiple times. >> it has. in addition to the broncos game on sunday, we're watching the chiefs-patriots game. not that we're fans, but it matters. >> if the broncos play the steelers, they would play the . it's the lesser of the evils. do we want the red hot chiefs? or do we want brady and belichick when we beat the steelers? >> that is the choice. 9news sports anchor aaron matas is at foxborough. not so much a choice. it's the outcome of the game. lot going on for both teams right now. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, guys. like you said, kansas city, 11 straight wins. new england's got some not so positive news. rob gronkowski finds himself on the injury report this week. he is questionable for tomorrow's game. he aggravated that very knee he hurt against the broncos back in november. you know, we often hear these it one game at a time. that cliche does not apply to us at 9news. we are looking ahead. that's what we're doing out here and trying to figure out, is it going to be the chiefs or the patriots that take on the broncos in the afc championship game next week, provided the broncos beat pittsburgh this week? new england and kansas city have never met in the post season. they do have history. most recently, it was the patriots losing to kansas city 41-14 a season ago. it's a game bill belichick doesn't really want to talk about. >> we'll have to look at everything i said right after the game. do you want something more than that? >> well, no. >> there is. that was a year and a half ago. whatever you want, i'm sure there's plenty. i was asked a thousand questions about it. i'm sure, stacy, you can get the transcripts of that. >> reporter: always grumpy. he may have a point. the game was a long time ago, and the patriots recovered quite nicely. they went on to win the super bowl, so it didn't really affect them. but the biggest piece of news out here, guys, might be the fact that i did find a spot where these aren't such a hot item. i brought them and was so excited to hand a few magnets out. no takers out here in new england. >> no takers? get out of here! >> how come? tape that you played -- all over. >> that piece of tape that you played is the first time i've felt like your sports beat and my politics beat really, really have something in common. not wanting to answer a question with such pinache! >> reporter: and we're so lucky that we get some good answers out of the coaches and players in denver and we don't have to deal with bill belly ache. his press conferences when we get a chance to listen in. >> he clamps. shuts you down. dinner. maybe he'll want the magnet. >> that's a collector's item. >> reporter: i'll try to get him one, for sure. i'm sure he'll grant us a one- on-one interview after tomorrow's game. >> of course. call him up, yeah. >> aaron matas, live in foxborough, thanks so much. >> it's a good act. he's got a good act going. sometimes when you see him, he's very different. but it's not when he's talking football. you still have time to get your broncos magnet because we know there are broncos fans everywhere, especially in colorado. >> we're going to check in with belen de leon next, live at the we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good, to great, to wow! with purchase of sleepiq technology and flexfit3 adjustable base. ends monday. know better sleep with sleep number. belen de leon, next. she's live at the king soopers at south federal boulevard and west belleview avenue. . [ laughter ] >> reporter: hi, everyone. welcome back. we're at the broncos magnet giveaway in littleton at federal boulevard. this is little jimmy. broncos cheer. what was your cheer again? can we do it again for the people at home? >> here we go, broncos! here we go! >> reporter: jimmy, how long have you been a broncos fan? wow! 10 years! how old are you? you're four! that's a long time to be a broncos fan! and you have a prediction for the game on sunday. what's the score going to be? >> uh, maybe 8-6. >> reporter: 8-6. and who's going to win? >> broncos! >> reporter: go broncos! all right! give it up for jimmy! we're at the king soopers in littleton. i'm here with steve spangler. >> this is the greatest king soopers. these people are on fire right now! they are waiting in line. it's nuts around here! >> reporter: and it's all for? >> broncos magnets! you know how great it is to have the entire state of a science teacher's dream and the broncos. >> if you weren't able to get your broncos magnets today, we'll still have locations this weekend. go to to find locations. and kim and brandon, folks out here, they are on what? >> they are on fire! >> you know, it stretches all the way down around. there are so many people. they are taking care of everybody here! so good! >> reporter: one more go, broncos! [ cheers & applause ] 9news at 5:00 is next. . next at 5:00, a tough day at legend high school after one of three students pulled from an icy pond didn't make it. also ahead, two denver area wal- mart stores set to close for good, within the next two weeks. >> and stocks take yet another major tumble to finish its worst two-week open for a year

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