Transcripts For KUSA 9News 6pm Next 20161013 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KUSA 9News 6pm Next 20161013

bill to ban using those cards in those places. in other words, to keep state law as it was. that does put her on the side of the issue the ad says she's on making this a fair claim. the ad tries to build a broader theme off of that, though. >> politicians waste lots of money. morgan carroll is one of the worst. >> this is where it becomes a stretch. it's a stretch to say carroll's vote against this law amounts to a waste of taxpayer the bill didn't save the state a dime. it also did nothing to change the fact that welfare benefits can be withdrawn from atm's as cash. you can still go to an atm at a gas station, pull out your cash and spend it on anything you want. that was a point that opponents like carroll repeatedly made when it was up for debate. supporters argued we shouldn't make it more convenient for bottom line, carroll's vote is fair game. she had a chance to make it harder to pull out welfare money and she voted against that. the ad tries to stretch that into a message about wasteful spending when the vote in question wouldn't have changed the amount of money being spent or the ways in which people can spend it. >> like most stories, it's not as much funhe stick to what is true. our next question, is one we won't ask. bare with us, now. this is a long question. since you've jumped all over the hillary clinton ban wagon like a patriot's fan does with tom brady, ask the clinton campaign this question. extending the voting registration in florida? when matthew also hit north and south carolina. i bet you won't ask her today. the premise of your question ignore it is voting rules in north and south carolina. south carolina did extend the voter registration deadline because of the storm and north carolina allows same day voter registration until the day before election day. so it's not an issue there. sometimes outrage gets out in front ofts record straight. for the record, go broncos. >> a word about last night's u.s. senate debate on 9 news and the impact of protesters outside who slammed themselves against glass windows and door. they succeeded. they succeeded into getting the candidates, moderates and audience to loosen up and enjoy a stressful hour. one candidate told me it took interesting and imperfect night. the protesters succeeded that they'll think twice before doing a debate outside. did they succeed in their mission? to move their candidate past 2% in the polls closer to our 10% threshold for inclusion in debates? close tore viability? not sure. voters, of course, will be the judge on that. if you missed debate you can watch it on full. there are more debates to help you make informed choices. a debate on this year's ballot questions. on october 20th the 6th congressional districts. both debates are on 7:00 p.m. on channel 20. hurricane matthew got us thinking about evacuations. more than a million people had to leave town along the coast as the storm moved in. what if there was a disaster. does denver have a plan to evacuate? the short answer is kind of. city officials say there's a rather outdated plan. they're writing a new one. it says so in this grant proposal. $125,000 for the creation of a plan completed by next year. kind of scary until you really think about it. denver isn't at risk for the natural disasters we tend to see interesting. denver is planning for the worst surrounding the chery creek dam. more specifically what to do if the dam fails. the u.s. army core of engineer considers it high risk since it's so close to urban areas. before i get to this, denver's emergency manager has been quoted saying he loses no sleep at night about the dam giving out and it would take the twice floods to cause it to spill over. if it were to give way, an estimated 300,000 people in the metro area would be at risk with flood water stretching down into nebraska. it would cause an estimated $19 billion worth of damage on the way. denver is working on an evacuation plan. we asked if that plan would be made public. the city said some would and others parts of it would private. you know, security concerns. the army core of engineers is working on making changes to the dam to prevent disaster areas. that evacuation plan should be ready by next year. >> that's interesting stuff. thank you, steve. we have new information tonight on the emergency calls that come into denver's 911 system. you can look at this information in a couple different ways. people call 911 is to try and do good. to ask police to check on someone to see if they're okay. welfare checks is what police call them and what we call them when we're too lazy to rewrite press releases. more than 25,000 calls last year were to check on someone. we were surprised by the relatively low number of calls for animal bites and attacks. we would have guessed h a whole lot of naked people. denver officers were dispatched to 1300 calls. i reached out to denver police calls to see if they were higher or lower in years past and we're still waiting to see. question of the day, is the a line working? today it's a no. but we cannot blame rtd. no one blame rtd. there was an semi that hit the delays. diversity is not a buzz word. it's not a poster with smiling people of different races. diversity is about people of different backgrounds. if you walk the walls of south high in denver you'll see and hear diversity. students from 70 countries. they were celebrated today. >> we were born all this room, our potential was universal but our opportunities are not. >> equity and tolerance, like most schools it's something you need to work with the kids to help inspire them to be more tolerant and to be respectful of diversity. here's the opposite. >> equity is the reason i'm at south. we're what a public school can and should be. you represent every type of culture, race, et aniesty our world has to offer. >> it's important for everyone to know their voice matters. it is about us. if they don't know our opinions, how will they change anything. >> when we work together it's not just a win for ourselves but the whole community. >> let's get inspired by people who refuse to quit. the quarterback who throws like a girl and it's awesome. the guy who became a hunter when his body we watch and had waited to see if sarah thomas could complete a world record swim over three days. she did. she's thinking about a new record. >> you know, it was in the middle of the swim and i was like i'm never doing it. now that we've been home a couple of days i came out of the water strong. maybe i could push myself >> there's the scary weather music. yes, my friends, the struggle sl real. temperatures in the 40s today. finally feeling more like fall out there. surprisingly, though, we were about 20 degrees cooler than where we should be for this time of the year. hanging out in the mid-40s throughout the entire day. we can't get rid of the clouds out there. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. doppler 9 the clouds have been shifting in all afternoon long. they stick with us throughout this evening. overnight lows in the 40s. right where we are right now. we might wake up to a few spots with patchy fog. that cold front is already through the state. high pressure moving in back behind it. that means once again the numbers start to skyrocket as we go through tomorrow. we'll be watching above average we'll go with partly cloudy skies. lining up your friday looking mighty fine. that summer heat is back with plenty of sunshine. >> 81.8 miles without stopping. 60 hours without sleeping. only swimming. the numbers are easy to say and hard to imagine. hard to imagine the true difficulty of what sarah thomas record holder. starting 8:00 a.m. tuesday and finishing 4:00 p.m. thursday she had a swim suit, ear plugs and goggles. she had to do the swim without help. she couldn't touch the boat and they couldn't touch her. it was just sarah thomas against the odds. she won and she kept her promise to come back and see us on next. >> hey, emanuel sanders, you want to catch a pass from me, jessica bell, a real here now is our conversation th thomas. >> did you know how many people in colorado were following you along the way on next and elsewhere? >> not really. somewhere during that first night my crew said hey, sarah, kyle clark found out about you and they did a blush on the news. i said holy cow, that's crazy. >> you relied on encouragement along the way to push you. >> yes. >> there were times you thought you were going to quit? >> yes. >> what was the worst? hour 30. it was in the middle of the day and i had just been getting pummelled by the wind all day and it was just coming right in my face. it was making it hard to breathe. i don't want to think how much water i was swallowing. it was making me go slower. i started thinking there's no way i can do another night. i can't do it. i did. i took my goggles off and i was in the kayak and he said you're fine. you can do it. they came out and read me words of encouragement people had written on facebook and it gave me that little extra to say take a deep breath, you can do it. >> i'm fascinated. what do you do with your mind for that long? >> that's the hard part. that's where i really messed myself up on this one. yourself out. normally sometimes you sing songs. sometimes you daydream about what you're going to do or eat or make up stories. i make up stories all the time. people think i'm nuts. you just have to think of things to distract yourself. you go 30 minutes to 30 minutes. if you're in the right zone that goes by really quickly. >> an astonishing accomplishment. it was very cool to meet you if you're going to do another swim we'll be all over it. >> i'll let you know. >> so great to meet you. >> yes, thanks. >> a taxidermist is a pro at being a friend. darrell has known his buddy matt for about 40 years. they go deer hunting every year and the plans didn't change when he was diagnosed -- until after since 2014. >> just thought no way he's going to get a deer this year. sure enough, a couple nights later not only did he shoot the deer perfectly behind his shoulder but we had another muzzle loader loaded up ready for him and he took a second shot just to make sure he was going to get that deer and not let it get away. both shots were excellent kill shots. the he won't quit and that's exactly how he is now. >> darryl says matt is planning a possible trip for next year. a great football player has grit, toughness and dedication. that's what makes the players great. >> here's the ten. >> the parker football hawks are all about pushing limits. >> there's a lot to be said stronger roster of 10 and 11-year-olds but only one. >> only one. >> is different from the rest. >> i'm showing that girls can too and not just boys. because they can. it's a free country. >> jessica bell's teammates were a little surprised when they saw her take the field. >> i thought she was a sister of one of the guys. >> it didn't take long for them to appreciate her ability at quarterback. >> even though she's >> she can tackle, throw and catch and run. >> it makes me feel good about myself that i'm not taken easy. >> she remembers when she got tackled. >> it felt pretty good. >> it helped her get ready for game day. >> go in for c.j.. >> the gridiron is no place for special treatment. >> they play me like i'm another boy. they don't say we can't hurt her they don't think they can be better than me because i'm a girl. >> her determination on the field earns her respect from her opponents, her teammates and her parents, too. >> i hope more and more girls are going to play because of her. >> i can play with the boys in an organized sport. >> an 11-year-old girl pushing the limits of what's possible. >> that you can do whatever you want. there's no >> jessica tells us she's looking forward to continuing her football career. especially having more protection in the pocket as her line grows bigger as well. one of our favorite next viewers joins us live in the studio. we're back for feedback now with my buddy lex. are you gaining girth? what do you think? out. do you think i have a belly? dance us out, buddy. who's right there on the screen? is that lex? >> yeah. >> is it lex's birthday? >> yeah. >> happy birthday, bud. [ cheering and applause ] welcome to the emmanuel sanders show otherwise known as the purple suit to the left, welcome. all right you came on a bad week coming off a loss. something we haven't soon much of lately. you said it after the game. it's been since december 20th. that was a rarity. afterwards the loss had a new significance when coach kubiak had to go to the hospital. it's a complex migraine. mri and cat scan negative, or nor mall on those -- or normal on those. >> sunday was a rough day to be a bronco. we got to focus on the san diego chargers. after the game everyone kept asking, wanting me to make excuses. flat out we got our butt kicked. we have to move on. we got the chargers tomorrow.

Related Keywords

United States , North Carolina , Nebraska , South Carolina , Florida , Colorado , San Diego , California , Denver , America , Sarah Thomas , Mike Coffman , Emanuel Sanders , Jessica Bell , Kyle Clark , Tom Brady , Hillary Clinton , Morgan Carroll , Emmanuel Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KUSA 9News 6pm Next 20161013 :

Transcripts For KUSA 9News 6pm Next 20161013

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bill to ban using those cards in those places. in other words, to keep state law as it was. that does put her on the side of the issue the ad says she's on making this a fair claim. the ad tries to build a broader theme off of that, though. >> politicians waste lots of money. morgan carroll is one of the worst. >> this is where it becomes a stretch. it's a stretch to say carroll's vote against this law amounts to a waste of taxpayer the bill didn't save the state a dime. it also did nothing to change the fact that welfare benefits can be withdrawn from atm's as cash. you can still go to an atm at a gas station, pull out your cash and spend it on anything you want. that was a point that opponents like carroll repeatedly made when it was up for debate. supporters argued we shouldn't make it more convenient for bottom line, carroll's vote is fair game. she had a chance to make it harder to pull out welfare money and she voted against that. the ad tries to stretch that into a message about wasteful spending when the vote in question wouldn't have changed the amount of money being spent or the ways in which people can spend it. >> like most stories, it's not as much funhe stick to what is true. our next question, is one we won't ask. bare with us, now. this is a long question. since you've jumped all over the hillary clinton ban wagon like a patriot's fan does with tom brady, ask the clinton campaign this question. extending the voting registration in florida? when matthew also hit north and south carolina. i bet you won't ask her today. the premise of your question ignore it is voting rules in north and south carolina. south carolina did extend the voter registration deadline because of the storm and north carolina allows same day voter registration until the day before election day. so it's not an issue there. sometimes outrage gets out in front ofts record straight. for the record, go broncos. >> a word about last night's u.s. senate debate on 9 news and the impact of protesters outside who slammed themselves against glass windows and door. they succeeded. they succeeded into getting the candidates, moderates and audience to loosen up and enjoy a stressful hour. one candidate told me it took interesting and imperfect night. the protesters succeeded that they'll think twice before doing a debate outside. did they succeed in their mission? to move their candidate past 2% in the polls closer to our 10% threshold for inclusion in debates? close tore viability? not sure. voters, of course, will be the judge on that. if you missed debate you can watch it on full. there are more debates to help you make informed choices. a debate on this year's ballot questions. on october 20th the 6th congressional districts. both debates are on 7:00 p.m. on channel 20. hurricane matthew got us thinking about evacuations. more than a million people had to leave town along the coast as the storm moved in. what if there was a disaster. does denver have a plan to evacuate? the short answer is kind of. city officials say there's a rather outdated plan. they're writing a new one. it says so in this grant proposal. $125,000 for the creation of a plan completed by next year. kind of scary until you really think about it. denver isn't at risk for the natural disasters we tend to see interesting. denver is planning for the worst surrounding the chery creek dam. more specifically what to do if the dam fails. the u.s. army core of engineer considers it high risk since it's so close to urban areas. before i get to this, denver's emergency manager has been quoted saying he loses no sleep at night about the dam giving out and it would take the twice floods to cause it to spill over. if it were to give way, an estimated 300,000 people in the metro area would be at risk with flood water stretching down into nebraska. it would cause an estimated $19 billion worth of damage on the way. denver is working on an evacuation plan. we asked if that plan would be made public. the city said some would and others parts of it would private. you know, security concerns. the army core of engineers is working on making changes to the dam to prevent disaster areas. that evacuation plan should be ready by next year. >> that's interesting stuff. thank you, steve. we have new information tonight on the emergency calls that come into denver's 911 system. you can look at this information in a couple different ways. people call 911 is to try and do good. to ask police to check on someone to see if they're okay. welfare checks is what police call them and what we call them when we're too lazy to rewrite press releases. more than 25,000 calls last year were to check on someone. we were surprised by the relatively low number of calls for animal bites and attacks. we would have guessed h a whole lot of naked people. denver officers were dispatched to 1300 calls. i reached out to denver police calls to see if they were higher or lower in years past and we're still waiting to see. question of the day, is the a line working? today it's a no. but we cannot blame rtd. no one blame rtd. there was an semi that hit the delays. diversity is not a buzz word. it's not a poster with smiling people of different races. diversity is about people of different backgrounds. if you walk the walls of south high in denver you'll see and hear diversity. students from 70 countries. they were celebrated today. >> we were born all this room, our potential was universal but our opportunities are not. >> equity and tolerance, like most schools it's something you need to work with the kids to help inspire them to be more tolerant and to be respectful of diversity. here's the opposite. >> equity is the reason i'm at south. we're what a public school can and should be. you represent every type of culture, race, et aniesty our world has to offer. >> it's important for everyone to know their voice matters. it is about us. if they don't know our opinions, how will they change anything. >> when we work together it's not just a win for ourselves but the whole community. >> let's get inspired by people who refuse to quit. the quarterback who throws like a girl and it's awesome. the guy who became a hunter when his body we watch and had waited to see if sarah thomas could complete a world record swim over three days. she did. she's thinking about a new record. >> you know, it was in the middle of the swim and i was like i'm never doing it. now that we've been home a couple of days i came out of the water strong. maybe i could push myself >> there's the scary weather music. yes, my friends, the struggle sl real. temperatures in the 40s today. finally feeling more like fall out there. surprisingly, though, we were about 20 degrees cooler than where we should be for this time of the year. hanging out in the mid-40s throughout the entire day. we can't get rid of the clouds out there. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. doppler 9 the clouds have been shifting in all afternoon long. they stick with us throughout this evening. overnight lows in the 40s. right where we are right now. we might wake up to a few spots with patchy fog. that cold front is already through the state. high pressure moving in back behind it. that means once again the numbers start to skyrocket as we go through tomorrow. we'll be watching above average we'll go with partly cloudy skies. lining up your friday looking mighty fine. that summer heat is back with plenty of sunshine. >> 81.8 miles without stopping. 60 hours without sleeping. only swimming. the numbers are easy to say and hard to imagine. hard to imagine the true difficulty of what sarah thomas record holder. starting 8:00 a.m. tuesday and finishing 4:00 p.m. thursday she had a swim suit, ear plugs and goggles. she had to do the swim without help. she couldn't touch the boat and they couldn't touch her. it was just sarah thomas against the odds. she won and she kept her promise to come back and see us on next. >> hey, emanuel sanders, you want to catch a pass from me, jessica bell, a real here now is our conversation th thomas. >> did you know how many people in colorado were following you along the way on next and elsewhere? >> not really. somewhere during that first night my crew said hey, sarah, kyle clark found out about you and they did a blush on the news. i said holy cow, that's crazy. >> you relied on encouragement along the way to push you. >> yes. >> there were times you thought you were going to quit? >> yes. >> what was the worst? hour 30. it was in the middle of the day and i had just been getting pummelled by the wind all day and it was just coming right in my face. it was making it hard to breathe. i don't want to think how much water i was swallowing. it was making me go slower. i started thinking there's no way i can do another night. i can't do it. i did. i took my goggles off and i was in the kayak and he said you're fine. you can do it. they came out and read me words of encouragement people had written on facebook and it gave me that little extra to say take a deep breath, you can do it. >> i'm fascinated. what do you do with your mind for that long? >> that's the hard part. that's where i really messed myself up on this one. yourself out. normally sometimes you sing songs. sometimes you daydream about what you're going to do or eat or make up stories. i make up stories all the time. people think i'm nuts. you just have to think of things to distract yourself. you go 30 minutes to 30 minutes. if you're in the right zone that goes by really quickly. >> an astonishing accomplishment. it was very cool to meet you if you're going to do another swim we'll be all over it. >> i'll let you know. >> so great to meet you. >> yes, thanks. >> a taxidermist is a pro at being a friend. darrell has known his buddy matt for about 40 years. they go deer hunting every year and the plans didn't change when he was diagnosed -- until after since 2014. >> just thought no way he's going to get a deer this year. sure enough, a couple nights later not only did he shoot the deer perfectly behind his shoulder but we had another muzzle loader loaded up ready for him and he took a second shot just to make sure he was going to get that deer and not let it get away. both shots were excellent kill shots. the he won't quit and that's exactly how he is now. >> darryl says matt is planning a possible trip for next year. a great football player has grit, toughness and dedication. that's what makes the players great. >> here's the ten. >> the parker football hawks are all about pushing limits. >> there's a lot to be said stronger roster of 10 and 11-year-olds but only one. >> only one. >> is different from the rest. >> i'm showing that girls can too and not just boys. because they can. it's a free country. >> jessica bell's teammates were a little surprised when they saw her take the field. >> i thought she was a sister of one of the guys. >> it didn't take long for them to appreciate her ability at quarterback. >> even though she's >> she can tackle, throw and catch and run. >> it makes me feel good about myself that i'm not taken easy. >> she remembers when she got tackled. >> it felt pretty good. >> it helped her get ready for game day. >> go in for c.j.. >> the gridiron is no place for special treatment. >> they play me like i'm another boy. they don't say we can't hurt her they don't think they can be better than me because i'm a girl. >> her determination on the field earns her respect from her opponents, her teammates and her parents, too. >> i hope more and more girls are going to play because of her. >> i can play with the boys in an organized sport. >> an 11-year-old girl pushing the limits of what's possible. >> that you can do whatever you want. there's no >> jessica tells us she's looking forward to continuing her football career. especially having more protection in the pocket as her line grows bigger as well. one of our favorite next viewers joins us live in the studio. we're back for feedback now with my buddy lex. are you gaining girth? what do you think? out. do you think i have a belly? dance us out, buddy. who's right there on the screen? is that lex? >> yeah. >> is it lex's birthday? >> yeah. >> happy birthday, bud. [ cheering and applause ] welcome to the emmanuel sanders show otherwise known as the purple suit to the left, welcome. all right you came on a bad week coming off a loss. something we haven't soon much of lately. you said it after the game. it's been since december 20th. that was a rarity. afterwards the loss had a new significance when coach kubiak had to go to the hospital. it's a complex migraine. mri and cat scan negative, or nor mall on those -- or normal on those. >> sunday was a rough day to be a bronco. we got to focus on the san diego chargers. after the game everyone kept asking, wanting me to make excuses. flat out we got our butt kicked. we have to move on. we got the chargers tomorrow.

Related Keywords

United States , North Carolina , Nebraska , South Carolina , Florida , Colorado , San Diego , California , Denver , America , Sarah Thomas , Mike Coffman , Emanuel Sanders , Jessica Bell , Kyle Clark , Tom Brady , Hillary Clinton , Morgan Carroll , Emmanuel Sanders ,

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