Amun frail once again the old songs from his new release Atlantica light preceded by the Levin's Julian Ira sing along their song from caravan of dawn and we began with the duo small glories in a song by the dual members Cara loft and j.d.s. Words along with Neil Osborne and Katherine McClellan sing from the new release sin of one and the red no I'm not sure if you pronounce a Cinnabon in a French style or if you pronounce the Illinois style they are from Winnipeg a s s i n i b o y n easy it's one of the 2 rivers that flow through Winnipeg and I should know the pronunciation since I've visited Winnipeg a score of times an event the small glory is the midnight special is underwritten in part by the licious n'est dot com providing foods and snacks for a variety of dietary lifestyles information at 872-267-2167 or the licious nys dot com Do stay with us for the 2nd portion of the program where we'll have songs about dragons prescriptions and Appalachia our marriage Warren and you're listening to the midnight special. This is Ari Shapiro host of All Things Considered when I'm hosting the show I'm always listening for the thing that sticky The thing that jumps out of the radio and grabs you the thing that will make you go home to your spouse or your kid or your friend and say hey will never believe what I heard today all things considered listen every afternoon Monday through Friday 326-3189 point one. $89.00 k. Ewing our little rock listener supported service that the universe. If Arkansas at Little Rock they are is news in culture for Arkansas show your support by becoming a sustaining them for occasionally our dot org. Welcome back aboard the midnight special folk music and farce show tunes and satire madness and escape I'm Rich Warren the midnight special is underwritten in part by Lucius this dot com Well we play that game in a frail song about the old songs let's hear a useful song. Wherever I go I bring this I've carried them around for the ends they look cute. But less so is for I have. Wherever I go I bring my knees they help me wonder whether Ickes they've grown me to sing. Still useful. Wherever I go I bring my nose it's like use the lies Bones has a tendency to. Kind of says Why I've only we're. Doing Sunni's and just one. Season one of. My Unknown fella one day my only knows you run away. Miles ahead none of that shit. Mind On mine the brain. I don't know I'm a stang. You know what. If I'm too. Less. Than what the $502.00 of the. Things. I'd like to see. And still. I think would come. To me. I've got my. Come on. Come. On. Come on. I. I. I. And you got I am. And I'm going to spread it around the brother. And I'm gonna spread it around. And I'm gonna spread it around. So everybody. A little bit of inventory there from the original Broadway cast of Hair featuring one of its composers James Rado I got life the music by Galt Macdermot with Jerome rag me and James Rado the lyricist and go for hair the princes of Serendip t.j. Have a nanny and Julie parisite Kirby with their song useful song from their album Time potentially be silly songs and indeed from the princes of Serendip on the midnight special here's Peter Yarrow in a different configuration than when he was with Paul and Mary here's Peter Yarrow with his daughter and her husband Rufus. a week ago thing looking man was diminished. And always on her friend though or. Sad. Fests just dragged and sad. He made such an awful job doing nothing. Girls and boys. Told me. Hurry up the stairs and say your prayers and. Pretty curly head spin me the close. I. Mean he for years and years and he never did get much. Farther than he would be a policeman pyros to tongue on the roof on the roof. One brave young man came around with an axe he tried to be in tact. And. Take care and. Then we have the stairs. And sure pretty curly hands being me. Who was. Kind of. Going when the kitchen one where the fire for the space. Time. Came to their friends this one was to make King. Called me. He could know that. He. Mean the rule. And now in the news in the sky at midnight clanks his face cries. Tape. And you need. To talk. And then hurry up the stairs. Dany thought. Man. Planning to. Plant love her. Plan. A plan. Old Man Luda key year of the Dragon we all name Chris looky from Canada from his album domestic eccentric before Old Man Luda key Rose Lisa Rose green eyed to drag and she attributes it to an old family song that actually is written by Charles Wolseley and Newman great tracks from the Rose Leigh Sales album What does it mean to love and we began with Peter Yarrow Bethany Yarrow and Rufus cap and don't Chia Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter Yarrow and Lenny Lipton from puff and other family classics we continue you've probably heard there's been a lot of news lately about generic drugs and the pharmaceutical industry and were prescribing the blues Here's a prescription for the Blues 2 6 Came. Player in the end the. And. Let that be a warning to you that's worse than the blues the Arrogant Worms the trio from Canada that prescription drugs song from their album babies before the Arrogant Worms the very 1st recording from you Utah Phillips you're a drug from his album nobody knows me he wanted all copies that album destroyed but we wouldn't give him ours and before you talk followups any and the hedonists prescribed shin for the Blues by Porter Granger from their album that just came out bring it on the home Jackson Graham who's the son of Tim Grimm is from southern Indiana which isn't too far from Appalachia he hears it calling to him when I came . Back to the Strat saying it's a can hold their. Fire. For me God knows I can stay this. Is my. Than the 10 players. That I know I. Love. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm nor Rahm a man armed with a rifle walked into a Wal-Mart in El Paso Texas Saturday and opened fire officials say 20 people were killed and 26 others were wounded I suspect is now in custody he's described as a 21 year old white man from Allen Texas a suburb of Dallas about 650 miles from El Paso which is near the Mexican border authorities say it appears he acted alone there searching for a motive police chief Greg Allen says investigators are examining a statement posted online that may have been written by the suspect there's been an overwhelming response to an appeal for blood donations solar chargers with members station k e r a has more I'm standing outside one of the blood banks in El Paso where I'm told more than 200 people showed up to donate blood today people started showing up around noon and by 245 the line was wrapped around the building was very high local businesses were dropping off the water and water burger and fast food and I'm told that people are still coming in wanting to donate but they can't accept any more donations today so they're asking people to sign up so they can donate tomorrow and the rest of the week there is also a nearby church abundant living which is going to be except the blood donations tomorrow from 9 to 5 in El Paso I'm still at Chavez and Democratic Republic of Congo there are signs that a gold miner who died of Ebola in the eastern city of Goma contented others and reports health workers have identified more than 200 people who may have come in contact with the gold miner who died earlier this week in Goma there vaccinating them and decontaminating all the sites they visited in an effort to prevent the deadly virus from infecting more people since the epidemic was a.