Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170921

villagers are mourning 11 family members who died inside a church when it crumbled during a baptism for two-month- old girl. we have coverage tonight, we are at the international airport in san francisco, where family members reunited, and we are at a church in south bay, where hundreds of parishioners offered prayers for victims of the earthquake.>> but first the latest from mexico, where the powerful 7.1 earthquake has killed at least 230 people. 52 people have been rescued, right after the quake hit. power has been restored in some neighborhoods in mexico city, and the metro system is running a close to capacity. there are signs of hope, with one man rescued alive today in a collapsed apartment building, but crews are working to free a girl trapped in the ruins of a school in the southern part of a city. earlier today, she was apparently able to see -- signal to them by wiggling her fingers. four bodies were discovered there today, and 25 people were found dead yesterday, including 21 children. >> reporter: it was chaos, i arrived just after the quake. when i saw the school, i panicked. and i ran. i ran for my children. >> in mexico city alone, 38 buildings have collapsed. from the air, some neighborhoods look like a bomb went off. on the ground, volunteers help to move buckets, and cases of water. >> the president of mexico is asking people to stay indoors and away from the streets, but throngs of volunteers want to help. those arriving here from the quake zone describe a somber but very determined scene. we are at sfo tonight, where a flight from mexico city has just arrived. deborah? >> reporter: -- it landed at 9:30, we are waiting for passengers to make their way through immigration, we have seen -- seen three direct flights here at sfo. family reunions are especially sweet, with relatives arriving from central mexico, after so much worry and uncertainty after the earthquake.>> we were nervous, we weren't sure if you that she was going to make it today. >> reporter: she says that her 80-year-old grandmother works close to the epicenter, her many cousins are sending photos, gonzales wasn't sure that her grandmother would manage the visit, planned pre- quake. >> kind of bittersweet, made me nervous, probably when she gets back, what she is going to see there. >> it such a big city, most of the infrastructure is just fine. >> reporter: he knows that damages severe, but other places are untouched. it is a sprawling urban area of more than 21 million people, thursday marked 32 years for its deadly quake, many people had already evacuated their buildings once. >> at 11:00 yesterday morning we did a drill, and that one: 14 we did it for real. that was -- at 1:14 we did it for real. that was surreal. >> reporter: they are haunted by what they saw on departure, homes in ruins, people in shelters, and some still unaccounted for. >> i feel privileged and blessed and lucky, i am very sympathetic, and feeling sad about all the people who suffered their now, and suffering. >> reporter: schools are closed indefinitely, and millions remain without power. the airport was damaged, but up again swiftly. >> we were touching the pavement. >> reporter: she was on a flight about to take off, when the quake rocked the jet side to side, -- side to side. >> people were taken off the trait -- plane, we didn't know what was going on, there were no lights, and the cracks in the airport were very impressive. >> reporter: she got on the plane today with mixed feelings about the crisis. she is proud of the humanitarian spirit mexico is showing the world.>> in those situation -- situations, the soul of mexico comes out, i like my people. >> reporter: mexico's government tweeted the words, we won't stop, referring to the rescue efforts, and three days of national mourning have been declared. you can see people waiting here for the passengers on this aeromexico flight. but some -- >> some remarkable stories. >> many area residents have ties to those in mexico. our live coverage picks up with agnes smith, at our lady of guadalupe a church. agnes? >> reporter: the churches doors remain open until midnight so that community members can come and pray, many of them are looking for healing, lighting candles, you can see this beautiful array of candles outside, they are also asking how they can help. at our lady of guadalupe a church, -- guadalupe church, the prayers going for the victims for the earthquake in mexico. >> at a time like this, we can only go to god for any consolation and any response, we feel powerless. >> reporter: this 14-year-old feels worried about the people in mexico city, showing the picture of the only church in their town, now ruined.>> i'm feeling anxious and scared, because i haven't heard from my cousins or aunts, so i don't know what is happening to them. they lost their heritage. >> their homes, everything they worked hard for, for generations. this is really sad. >> reporter: in uncertain times, they're hoping prayers will help. and they are collecting donations, and they are not alone. >> we want to make sure that we can give back. >> reporter: they are accepting donations through the website, and next wednesday's mass, they will have a matching funds as well, raising $40,000 for the victims of fun -- flooding, the team's goal is that they want to do the same for mexico. >> we know in san jose, many are affected, we wanted to do what we could to support the devastation in mexico. >> reporter: outside the mexican consulate office, the flag flies at half staff.>> the assessment is that things are worse that we -- then we first thought. there are many buildings down. >> reporter: the best way to help is to donate through the mexican red cross.>> anybody who can help by the means that they can do it, that solidarity we are showing now is amazing. it brings hope. >> reporter: with damage still being assessed, the mexican consulate in san jose said it could take the country years to rebuild. starting tomorrow, this church will remain open 24 hours until saturday, for anyone who needs comfort at this time.>> it is hard hearing all the stories, and that 14-year-old girl who hasn't heard from her aunts and cousins. what is the best way that people are trying to reach people down there? facebook messenger, or the what's at? >> reporter: -- facebook messenger and the what's app, and there is a one 800-number that we posted on the website,, that they can go to and reach a person that will connect them -- 1-800 number. >> thank you, agnes. now to puerto rico, as hurricane maria battered the island, the strongest to hit in 90 years. it has claimed at least nine lives, destroyed hundreds of homes, and knocked out power to the entire island nation of 3.4 million people. it made landfall this morning as a category four hurricane, it has sustained winds of 155 miles per hour, it has been downgraded to category 2, past dominican republic, but the danger in puerto rico is far from over, flash flooding and mudslides could be more deadly than the initial hurricane force winds. people in the bay area who have loved ones in puerto rico have been trying to get a hold of them today to find out if their friends and family are okay, ktvu's amber lynn try to find a way to see if they can help their people of their homeland rebuild. >> reporter: located in the diamond district of oakland, offering hearty food, that reflects the owners roots. he is cooking, and trying to reach loved ones in and near san juan, after hurricane maria made landfall. >> everybody is scared, is nobody knows what the aftermath brings. >> reporter: he tried repeatedly to contact an elderly aunts, and others, and while we were at the restaurant, he finally got through his -- to his mom. he was able to connect to one family member, but the concern for other relatives only heighten, the cousin described a scene of devastation. the people of puerto rico have no electricity, and many have flooded streets. >> [ crying ] that area got hit pretty good. but she is good. >> reporter: using his cell phone to monitor social media for news of the hurricanes impact, his uncle has been trying to get in touch with his mother, who is battling liver cancer. three months ago, he traveled to puerto rico to celebrate her 80th birthday, he hasn't been able to reach her since tuesday afternoon.>> it's killing me, how she is doing, just the fact how is she going to survive through this. >> reporter: both men say that puerto rico's economy was already struggling, hurricane maria coming so soon on the heels of hurricane our, makes it difficult situation much more heartbreaking. >> once we assess what's really going on, then we can go and do more. >> reporter: before the hurricane, he had planned to go in december.>> now i won't be able to go for a holiday, i have a mission to see what i can do, we are puerto rican, and we are a strong people. and we -- in a situation like that, we get together. >> reporter: they are planning a food and clothing drive, as will as a fundraiser, to help the victims, but ultimately they say, the strength and spirit of the puerto rican people that will help them get through this disaster. in oakland, amber lee, ktvu fox 2 news. i'm tracking maria, and we will talk about the sprinkles, we will see right back. -- see you right back here. >> reporter: ancient traditions, in the area's jewish community, see how gathering as grown to more than 1000 people in a few short years. new video in the shooting death of a bay area teacher, his family's plea for someone to come forward. do you want to do a monster check? yes. no monsters. ♪ how about the drawer? ♪ no monsters. nightly monster checks are how grant makes home his. and homegoods is what makes it all possible. amazing finds. always great prices. make home yours. san francisco police released a video of persons of interest, three of them, here is the video and the message from the victims family. >> reporter: the family looking for justice, a young daughter, girlfriend and mother, these are some of the people carla left behind to grieve.>> we just want this to be resolved, so that the community is a little bit more safe than it is right now. >> reporter: the 31-year-old tateo he was a popular physical education teacher and football coach at the school he attended, skyline high, in oakland. he was shot to death on june 18 outside a club, grief stricken students gathered in the gym days afterward went out. police released surveillance video, three people who police are calling persons of interest, in the moments before encountering tateo. >> at the time of the incident, two of the suspects began to harass him female members of mister tateo's group, and he asked them to stop bothering the females and asked them to move along, without any provocation, one of the suspects produced a firearm, and shot mister tateo, tragically killing them. >> reporter: they drove off, but they had been loitering on the street before the shooting.>> every homicide is tragic, but this homicide is senseless. >> reporter: please hope that someone will recognize the people in the video and come forward.>> what i would like to as the public is to take a close look at these photos, and if you recognize someone, please make a phone call. we don't want this to happen to another family. >> reporter: the skyline high football team is dedicating it season to carlo tateo. fox 2 news. knew it 10:00, a 32-year- old man is in -- behind bars after a double shooting in antioch, dominic griffin is facing charges that include murder and attempted murder, police responded to an apartment complex, several people had called 911 saying that three men were arguing in the parking lot. police say the argument escalated, and that is when griffin pulled out a gun and started shooting. is 43-year-old death -- up solder -- stepfather died, and sister is in critical condition. attempted murder and assault, for attempting to run down to san landry -- san leandro officers with his car. accused of stealing alcohol from a safeway, and trying to escape in his car. two officers were near the driver side door, when gordon put the car into reverse, both officers were dragged and went to the hospital, gordon was arrested in oakland the next day. both officers are recovering from their injuries. knew it 10:00, facebook has signed a new office lease in san francisco. they plan to occupy 436,000 square feet of office space at the 181 fremont building, it is still going up near the salesforce tower. facebook is headquartered in menlo park, and members of their instagram team will be working in the office space in san francisco, it will hold between 2000 and 3000 employees. the oakland a's has signed a lease for office space at jack london square, it puts the front office closer to the potential new site, you are looking at here, for their part. they hope to build on land near the college, for the community college district. they hope to move to the new headquarters in january. tracking hurricane maria, down to category 2, but still a dangerous storm, forecast to intensify, here we are at category 2, moved through san juan, now it will impact the northern edge of the dominican republic, happening now and the next few hours, then it moves off, the track, the models are consistent, they do strengthen it back to a 3, but it basically stays off the mainland of the united states, good news for the bahamas, too. the dominican republic and getting hit by this category 2 storm, forecast to strengthen but not bump into the continental united states, at least that is the forecast. it could change. showers in the mountains, i got video from north lake tahoe, snow at lake level, not measurable, but at higher elevations they might see an inch or an inch and a half. up in oregon, they saw two feet of snow in the next couple of days, and showers and activity moving towards yosemite. what is happening, basically a forecast tomorrow that will be breezy, not quite as warm as it was today, and then a warm-up as we head towards the weekend. tomorrow, a little bit cooler, but more sun. new information about the new free-speech planned for berkeley injury e- the university of berkeley, how they address the frustration and tension on campus. the quarterback as you have never seen him before. before sundown, rosh hashanah, a rather unusual celebration started by an 8-year-old girl. ktvu fox 2. at stanford health care, we can now use a blood sample to detect lung cancer. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for asthma. and if we can stop seizures in epilepsy patients with a small pacemaker for the brain, imagine what we can do for multiple sclerosis, even migraines. if we can use patients' genes to predict heart disease in their families, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. new information about plans for us free-speech week at uc berkeley, on sunday, five speakers are confirmed for that right-wing event, among them are milo uniopolis and david horwitz. and steve bannon are expected, but not yet confirmed. they are all said to speak outside, upper or lower class a. in her statement -- plaza. in her statement, the chancellor said i want to first express my deep regret about the stress this is causing for many members of our campus community and the burden it is placing on people, and she said uc berkeley police are committed to safety and security. rosh hashanah, the jewish new year, bringing people together for one of the jewish high holy days. some people reflected on the string of anti-semitic acts this past year, and share their hopes for the future. you attended one of the more unusual it it -- events tonight? >> reporter: this event was the idea of a 8-year-old girl, more than 1000 people showed up to reflect on this past year, and talk about their hopes for the future. the sound of the traditional horn blown through -- at rosh hashanah, echoed in the oakland hills, children and adults took part in the ancient tradition at a new outdoor celebration started in 2008, when sue reinhold's 8-year-old daughter wanted to blow the horn outside. >> we organized a little family service in the picnic area. >> reporter: what started with 15 people has grown to 1100 this year, drawing families from throughout the bay area. >> the holiday is about community and coming together, and these days we are inside all day, when the holidays come, we want to be outside among the trees, and enjoy each other. >> reporter: the celebration was a time to reflect on this past year, which saw an increase on anti-semitic threats and attacks in the bay area and across the nation. >> i think back to a lot of the hate, and how scary that has been, and how my family survived the holocaust, and to come here, and it is scary, what is going on in the world. there is so much hate going on. anti-semitism and other forms of hate, we want to come together and say we are going to take care of this.>> -- some trying to build understanding.>> i think there are so many things to bridge, and we use and latinas help each other. >> we are not a monolithic community, there are disabled use card use of color, there are many shades of who we are.>> i am hoping for health and prosperity for our family and everybody else out there. here we can come together and heal. >> reporter: parents and grandparents celebrating with the new generations. >> it's about forgiving yourself, and forgiving others about things you have done in the past, and it is nice that everybody is here together, to bond.>> you throw away everything that you did wrong, in the past year. and start over. >> reporter: old traditions like eating apples and honey, revisited and renewed.>> apples and honey. >> reporter: why do you do that? >> for a happy new year. >> reporter: suites symbolizing hope for a sweet year. -- sweets. organizes say this is the biggest crowd ever had, and they continue -- plan to continue it next year. still ahead tonight, a warning to residents, in these bay city, this person, seen peeking into people's windows. a gas leak, causing a shelter in place order. and women in the san francisco fire department, one of the pioneers who fought prejudice. >> we don't think you can do the job. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ a shelter in place home that order outside the kaiser permanente, hazmat teams immediately evacuated the area, and issued a shelter in place warning, for kaiser medical center, and a nearby senior facility. they to the leak at about 7:30, it was lifted a few minutes later. fire investigators are trying to figure out what sparked a fire, he has lived at this affordable housing complex for the past two years, it started about four clock this morning on fairmont avenue at in this -- interstate 5 80 at harrison. he lived on the top floor, was found on the top unit on a balcony. the smoke detectors and alarms were working. the city of san francisco is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first women to join the fire department. sheila hunter was part of that first group of trailblazers. >> reporter: station 33, san francisco. a small house, big heart, and a lot of last.>> look at serious that's how serious he got all the sudden.>> i think about that, you know, i think back on it. i came in -- i got a call. let's go. >> reporter: and just like that. >> we've got to call. >> reporter: from interview to engine 33, to helping a man in need. >> copy, thank you. >> reporter: 1987, two academies, including seven women, they were known as feinstein's finest, diane feinstein, she was the only african-american women in the department at the time. ships were long and lonely, and there were times that some men clearly wanted her out. >> for someone to tell me that to my face, outside of the one memorable time where the group of guys said we don't think you should be here, we don't think you can do the job. and along those lines, i thought okay, i will show you. >> reporter: 30 years later, she continuously has to prove herself, but she has a lot more support.>> she has done well, we've worked many fires together, she's a great person to work with. >> she led the way for all of the women in this department and many other departments around the country, that is something we are very proud of. >> whether you are a bum on the street, one of the rich people in this town, she treats you the same way, that's what she's taught me, it's an honor and pleasure to work for. >> reporter: a piece of advice to sheila 30 years ago? >> i am a really shy person, i would probably have pursued advancement a little more aggressively than what i did. >> reporter: her husband and her daughter, christina, are all in the department. the mother/daughter combo worked the same shift, a special moment. so is this photo, 272 uniformed women now working in the symphysis fire department. -- san francisco fire department. >> i looked around and took it all in, wow, i was instrumental in paving the way for all of the women that we see out here. and it was touching. >> reporter: her advice to young women who want to become a firefighter? there will be highs, there will be lows, but in the end to go forward, always drive to attain your goal. ktvu fox 2 news. jake lamotta, boxing raging bull, died today at the age of 95, he was known for his aggressive style and the ring. his long career was noted by his rivalry with sugar ray robinson in the 1950s, he ultimately became a pop culture icon when martin scorsese told his story about -- in the movie raging bull, robert de niro won an academy award for his portrayal of jake lamotta in that classic boxing movie. he died of pneumonia at a nursing home in miami. still to come, a problem with apple watch three, -- 3, the connection problem, as units are starting to ship. i will have the details on what you can expect for you thursday. a search for a robber who stole pills from a bay area pharmacy. they're -- police and media are trying to -- in alameda are looking for a man who is peering in windows, along santa clara avenue along grand street. between 20 and 30 years old, light complexion, between five feet eight, and five feet 10, with dark hair. a man who robbed a walgreens store about 8:00 this morning, he walked in the one on -- in danville, and pulled out a pistol, he handed a cloak -- a note demanding prescription medicine, a white male, with a surgical mask, and a dark beanie. in oakland man was sentenced to 33 years, for shooting and wounding a police officer. the officer was investigating an earlier shooting, when he was shot in east oakland, near international boulevard. the officer was hit in the arm and made a full recovery. damien mcdaniel, the gun man, pleaded guilty, and federal court. the federal reserve is beating a key interest rate unchanged, between 1% and 1.25%, they will raise interest rates warmer time this year, and three times next year if they see signs of inflation. the federal reserve chair, janet yellen, says she expects to finish her term next february. the marcus took the fed announcement in stride, the dow was up 41 points, to set another record, nasdaq down five points, and the s&p 500, up one point. global franchise group has purchased roundtable pizza, it is headquartered in concorde. the company plans to remodel restaurants, since 2011, they have been recovering from bankruptcy. apple is confirming that the new series 3 watch may have connectivity issues that prevented from placing calls and receiving text. early users have been complaining about the connectivity users, the handoff between sellier -- cellular and wi-fi. it's plan to start shipping on friday. users can direct their phone to forget the wi-fi network. hundreds of san francisco apartment buildings may soon have warning signs out front. the key things that they missed and seismic ratings. changes in our weather, the complete forecast next. the deadly 7.1 earthquake in mexico is raising the concern about the safety of homes and buildings in the bay area, the city of san francisco is about to start putting warning posters on nearly 500 apartment buildings that are in violation of city codes. >> reporter: it was graduation day at san francisco's senior center, for the earthquake preparedness course, given in many parts of the city to enable people to assist their neighbors in the event of a major quake. positive self-help volunteering, on the negative side, there are hundreds of multi-family areas that aren't ready to prevent a pancake collapse.>> any apartment building, between five units to 15 units. >> reporter: that encompasses about 3500 buildings, most of which have been strengthened or have active building permits to do so. but a week ago, there was still about 1400 before last friday's deadline. what a difference a we can make.>> -- week. >> we have 472 not in compliance. >> reporter: this property on julian avenue, owned by 529 commercial street associates, and this building, in marin county, and this vallejo street property, owned by the schools of the sacred heart in san francisco. nextep, scarlet letters in the form of warning letters, and a notice of violation to be posted on the door warning tenants that their building is not earthquake safe. tenants could sue for failure to meet safety codes. some may withhold rents, the owners will be summoned to a directors hearings -- hearing to explain their noncompliance, and they can have the building red tagged against occupation in place a lien on the property, with a lien, they can neither sell nor borrow against the building. the ultimate penalty is the -- demolishing the building.>> the consequences of them not complying. >> reporter: the owner of the julian avenue property says he is getting in touch with his partners, but we got no response from the gandhi trustor from sacred heart, but of course the city will. ktvu fox 2 news. we could see snow in the sierra tomorrow, which happens to be the last full day of summer. near freezing temperatures, and a 20% to 30% chance of snow in the lake tahoe area. a could drop as low as 7000 feet, the first snow of the season fell last week, with a light dusting above 10,000 feet. it is snowing up there tonight, there will be more snow tonight into tomorrow, so yes, good news for water watchers, a little bit of shower activity around here as well. pacifica, san francisco, not a lot, but something, and it sure felt like fall today. tomorrow, the same deal, not rain, cloud cover, but it will feel like fall, blustery, breezy, and temperatures will be in the 70s, mid-70s and the hottest inland valley. there are the snow areas, the pinks, down to squaw valley, the north shore, lake tahoe, it is still technically summer, and is snowing. mostly clear tonight, these are the current temperatures, kind of chilly, overnight lows, a frost advisory for parts of sonoma county. santa rosa, 47, that's pretty cold. at first, you are like whatever, these temperatures have been upper 50s, and even low 60s, for a lot of the summer, and here you wake up tomorrow morning in napa, at 46, i think you will potentially see some frost as well. it's coming fast. tomorrow morning, no fog, a few clouds, yellows or 70s, greens and yellows, 60s and 70s, no more 80s on this map. as it drives through tomorrow, the cooler part of the week, and the high builds and behind it, and temperatures come back up. a warmer weekend, saturday and sunday, upper 80s and even nola -- low 90s. 73 in fairfield, forecast for your bay area thursday, friday through sunday, warmer still. nice looking forecast, the autumnal equinox is on friday, and temperatures on saturday through monday, even upper 80s possible. a kind of cool little pattern, it has taken -- we haven't been talking about fires, this pattern has been good for that. next week will be a better -- different story, but the longer we can go, get that big first rain and. -- in. coming up at the 11:00 news, another snag in president trump's plan to build a border wall, a lawsuit by the california attorney general. and the a's and giants were looking for consecutive wins, and now mark is a grandpa, pictures after the break. oh, you brought butch. yeah! (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. marcus here, before sports, congratulations -- mark is here. the new grandpa. exciting!>> yes my son and his wife, gloria, proud parents of a baby boy, there he is. his name is crews. -- cruise. >> he was born on the one-year anniversary today, how does it feel?>> i am past my bedtime, so -- they are tired. pretty exhausting, all in all, this qualifies me for the early bird special. good stuff. great to be a grandpa, and proud of them. we'll see if i can make it through the sports cast.>> congratulations. >> happy for them. happy for the san francisco giants and the oakland a's, the giants tried to close out the season of -- with the modest goal of not losing 100 games, how about a couple of young outfielders, joe panik, untouchable in the out -- off- season, he will end up with a triple and score on a sacrifice fly against the rockies. they picked on the giants the most -- most of the year, not today. orange wednesday, completing the outfit with issues. 2-0. and brandon crawford deposits into the semi cheap seats, in right field. a 3-0 lead. and matt moore, showing up of late, six innings, no runs allowed, six strikeouts, his first win over the rockies. 4-0 final. and the orange guys still putting on his shoes out there at at&t. in the meantime, the a's are playing some ball. a good-looking future for them, everyone seems to be contributing, it's not a fluke. talent all over the does -- diamond eggs -- exhibit again, he's got himself a double, and a 1-0 lead. the guy that could make his presence felt in the starting rotation, working on a streak of 16 1/3 scoreless, seven innings, no runs allowed, 1-0 lead, man on, someone other than matt moulson homering, marcus simeon, the tigers score 2, but the a's have won four in a row and 11 out of the last 14. nfl, where fans notoriously have no patients for struggling quarterbacks, how long is brian hoyer going to go, before the 49er faithful start clamoring for him, no touchdowns, no wins, not the quarterback of the future, but a calming veteran presence, but accuracy has been a problem, some dropped passes, not getting the ball out quick enough, very conscientious guy, he studies the film, getting ready for the rams on thursday night, studying that film relentlessly.>> you look at it, sometimes it's more obvious than others, a matter of inches, your feet, your arm angle, things like that. the more detailed you can be, that allows you a chance to correct those mistakes. if you just skip over it, that is hiding those things and not being tough on yourself. meanwhile, derek carr is on top of the world, he can do no wrong on or off the field, check them out as he does a little filming in fresno, a credit union. you have to see this. [ video playing ] [ music ] [ music ] [ music ] >> they just as if that is really him singing, but tongue firm in cheek, he is on top of the world. felix hernandez on the mound against adrian beltre a, a grounder to third, felix hernandez is telling him to slow down, you can't do that. beltran loved that. yes yelp week, -- yasiel puig, injured shoulder, putting a charge in one, and ending the game with that beautiful catch right there. on the backend. phillies beat the dodgers again. taking you to anaheim, simmons, this is not the way he plans to catch this pop-up, but it works pretty good, a gold glover, and a golden hand evidently, too. the quick reflexes, that in itself is one of the reasons he is such a great fielder. not too many guys could make that quick change, and he does it for the angels tonight. worth checking out. that is sports for wednesday night. it is 11:00, time for more news. next 11:00 -- at 11:00. >> i am feeling anxious and scared. i haven't heard from my cousins or aunts. >> people in the south bay and nervously awaiting word from loved ones in mexico after a strong earthquake crumbles dozens of buildings. it has been 36 hours since that earthquake, in mexico, and the death toll has gone up again, 245 people are confirmed dead, that number is likely to go higher as rescue efforts transition to recovery efforts. hello again. >> the devastation left behind his heartbreaking, crews are trying to locate trapped people and pulled him to safety. during the 7.1 earthquake some buildings collapsed, including a school, ace -- a little girl trapped in the rubble was seen wiggling her finger earlier toda

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