Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170520

>> reporter: he had joint custody of his son. he did not return him at the agreed-upon time on thursday to the boys mother so she reported to san francisco police.>> when the father did not come back with the child, the mother went and obtained new custodial status from the court and then filed a police report late yesterday. >> reporter: a judge granted the boys mother sole custody making it an abduction. it wasn't until late friday that investigators learned of what they called his erotic and disturbing behavior. they said he could be suicidal and issued an amber alert. they were caught on surveillance video at a store and believing that he was headed south the alert was extended to los angeles, orange, and san diego counties. at about 8:00 tonight they said the amber alert had been canceled. the father had been located in los angeles. they arrested him and the little boy was found safe and sound. the das office says the toddler is on his way back to the bay area and this -- is expected to be reunited with his mother soon. the father is in the custody of the los angeles police department. >> do we know whether the father is facing charges which marks >> they are reviewing the case and it is possible but right now they have not made that determination. a woman involved in a suspected dui accident that killed the child last year has now been charged in that case. the district attorney says yarenit malihan is charged with gross vehicular manslaughter being held on $3 million bail. they say that she hit a car on the shoulder of interstate 680 killing a three-year-old boy and entering his mother last september. they say toxicology test showed drugs in her system. a few minutes earlier she was arrested for driving with alcohol level over the limit while her own child was in the car. just a week ago she was picked up for allegedly public drunkenness. she could face more than 10 years in prison if convicted. a search is on for two armed robbers who try to steal jewelry from a costco store. rob malcolm says that they spent that afternoon interviewing witnesses and hoping that surveillance bittle -- video will lead to an arrest. >> reporter: police are at the classical store located on history away.>> i just heard the shots fired. then everything got quiet. >> reporter: she was inside the store when two men wearing masks and hoodies went straight to the jewelry counter and a suspect using a hammer to smash the jewelry case. the second suspect fired his gun. >> there were two shots were fired and one shot was fired inside costco that went up in the air and then outside in the parking lot another shot was discharged in the air. >> people were hiding behind things because we did not know what was going on. everybody was pretty calm. >> reporter: the two man ran from the store to a third suspect that was waiting in a car. shoppers and employees all ran to safety. >> i was doing a demo and they passed by and the people were screaming. >> reporter: she recalls what a shopper told her. >> she was driving up and saw a male with the mask on leaving and he had a gun in his hand.>> reporter: there were no injuries a customer was for shock. this is the second robbery at this classical store. on may 9, three men entered the store and use a hammer to open the jewelry case. >> a lookout was used in both cases and the displayed case was smashed open. we are exploring that the cases are connected. >> reporter: they are reviewing surveillance video inside and outside and freeway cameras and after witnesses to come over with cell phone video hoping any evidence will lead to an arrest. authorities to capacitor into custody today after incident on board an american airline flight from los angeles. passages they the man try to force his way into the cockpit. the identified him and he is from turkey. he had been delayed at lax. they duct tape him to a seat. united airlines is a string plasters that the cockpits are safe even of the code to open the doors remain public. they haven't said how the codes were revealed but they reportedly told pilots that they were mistakenly posted online by a flight attendant. they said they have other ways to secure the doors. the man accused of using his car to mow down pedestrians and new york times sq. is charged with murder. richard rojas did not enter a plea today. he was charged with one count of second-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder. in 18-year-old woman from michigan was killed. her 13-year-old sister and more than 20 other people were injured. three of the survivors are in critical condition. >> the side view mirror and license plates test people are being tracked and they are on top of the car. finally when he hit, his car stopped. authorities say he smoked marijuana laced with pcp before getting in his car and spinning the wrong way down seventh avenue. they said that he wanted to kill them all. now to the trump presidency and in europe were suggesting the fbi's russian investigation reaches all the way to the white house. >> the washington post is reporting that the presence close advisers is considered to be a person of interest. all of this as the present heads overseas. have the latest. >> up until now the main focus has been on campaign staff or michael flynn. now a sources think there is a person of interest serving in the white house. as president trump and the first lady the party for his first overseas tour on friday, investigation at home into russian meddling took another turn. the washington post reported that a senior advisor close to the present is a person of interest in the fbi investigation. the report cited no names but son-in-law, jeff sessions, and rex tillerson are thought to be possibilities. kushner was at a meeting when adviser michael flynn met with russian ambassador. the president called the investigation a witchhunt sparking disagreement from even some republicans. they say robert mueller's appointment as special counsel is important. >> i don't believe in witches, but a director's job is in fact ago where the facts lead.>> for those reasons is why i like robert mueller.>> they were to document that reportedly recorded the conversation between the president on may 10 in a meeting with russia's foreign minister in a passer. president donald trump called james comey crazy in a nut job. he said that firing james comey related great pressure. the white house has not directly denied the report. they said in a statement the investigation would have always continued and the termination of james comey would not have ended it. deputy attorney general testified for a second day on capitol hill. he stands by his memo critical of comey but did not intend it a cause for his determination. now they call for independent commission that could go beyond the criminal investigation and make recommendations to prevent any future foreign interference. >> a came out dust email and said that it was essential that we have this outside investigation. >> they say that the person of interest is not necessarily the target of the investigation. james comey agreed to testify in a public hearing before congress. we know there been calls for him to do that. there hasn't been a date set. they did say that they expected to be after memorial day. video shows the confrontation at the grocery store. coming up how allegations of racial slurs caused someone their job. >> it got warmer today and it's going to get hotter in some places tomorrow. details coming up. dolores park a beautiful place but often a garbage dump. litter bugs are forced to pay up or cleanup. a thousand dollars fine for littering that is a proposal from a san francisco supervisor fed up with trash left allover dolores park. where live at the park. >> reporter: this park is much loved and much later. it was a friday crowd mostly local. on weekends people come from all over. it felt like summer to start up the music and find the frisbee and lay out the picnic blanket. with crowds that's more garbage for dolores park. after a holiday weekend that grass will look like a landfill.>> the good thing is people are waiting for their -- >> reporter: this supervisor proposes a $1000 fine for littering. >> we should not have the garbage left in the park. if you look around the exterior of the park, there is a lot of trash receptacles. >> reporter: a major part renovation added more receptacles. many do so without a second thought.>> that is what you do. i live here and care about my cities so i respect it. anywhere you go you should always pick up after yourself. >> a keep the public responsible and accountable.>> if you step on a broken bottle, i will certainly need stitches. >> reporter: the supervisor wants to ban glass at the park. that idea a hearted -- a little harder to swallow for many. >> i would not be happy. it's a little weird to bring boxes or plastic when really -->> they need to have some -- >> reporter: littering has lost in overtime but it still has room to improve. they would enforce the changes right now littering is $100 fine but rarely written. >> they have not issued one ticket for littering this year in dolores park. they say it is a hard crime to prove. >> reporter: under the new rule, it would be automatic not decided by the da. >> they would have to see people just getting up and leaving their entire campsites of more crap.>> reporter: was quick to watch for? >> that is the thing. >> reporter: $1000 is a max. -- the max. it could happen in time for the summer season. bill martin is here now so will folks want to go to the park tomorrow? >> definitely. it's going to be a beautiful day tomorrow. 90 napa today, 85 vallejo. highs tomorrow will be slightly warmer. highs upper 80s low 90s and the warmest spot. a little cooler along the coast with a slight seabreeze. just a heck of a nice day. tomorrow will probably be the warmest of the week and next week as well. enjoy the heat. sunday will be close just a little cooler overall at the coast because of the fog. it will come back by sunday. i think we'll see patches of fog tomorrow morning. is running three degrees warmer in napa so that trend is continuing into tomorrow. winds are light and not to indication also. outside is clear and beautiful. on ocean beach and folks lighting bonfires. fog tomorrow morning so it does try to come back patchy. rights are 90s and oranges are 80s and a lot warmer in the inland bay valleys. the city of santa clara says a plan to find the 49ers for having a bantu break the curfew. they played thursday evening to a sold-out crowd. the show went on until 11:00 well past the curfew. now the mayor says that the city plans to find the 49ers $1000 for the noise violation. people who live at the bonavista mobile home park are sleeping better tonight after a deal to save their homes. and ruben says that it is the last mobile home park there and what of the few remains in the city where you can get affordable housing. >> reporter: this is a day to celebrate for them. >> it is very exciting for us. it means a lot.>> reporter: after years of discussions a deal has been reached to save the last remaining mobile home park. the owners had wanted to sell to a developer and now they will sell to the housing authority instead for a price of $40 million. >> for hundred neighbors are not going to be evicted and lose their homes. that is something to celebrate.>> reporter: the owner declined to go on camera but said he was pleased with the deal. funding came to a partnership between santa clara county, the city apart alto in the housing authority. >> going through this process and making sure the owner got paired fairly was an important part of the calculation. we got there and everybody did their part. >> reporter: they are relieved and they spent years wondering if eviction was around the corner. >> if we had to move, where will we go? we cannot find anything affordable in the bay area. we love the schools here and we love the area. >> reporter: they say despite -- now they say their years of hard work has paid off.>> people are really amazing. it seems like people care about us. it really paid off because a lot of people here are very happy. >> reporter: the housing authority board will take a formal vote on the matter may 23. it could be complete by early fall. they lost their giant today. when walker spent 15 years in the nfl he was a linebacker for the detroit lions. the mid-70s after football he joined san francisco's tv where he spent 20 years covering sports. in the 80s he came up with news anchors before he retired. in recent years had been fighting parkinson's disease and spoke openly about how repeated hits to the head likely contributed to it. he died today at his home in idaho and leaves behind a wife, three children and eight grandchildren. he was 80 years old. i remember watching him a lot when he i was younger. coming up empowering women to get involved when they get home and community projects are run for office. the giant get there came off to a rough start. how a man's trip to the grocery store and it will call police. the confrontation with the security guard, and camera. on -- on -- not to san francisco a controversial confrontation that was caught on camera. a security guard and a customer are also the grocery store in a heated back and forth. the customer claims he was racially profiled and threatened. and really says that the security guard has now been fired.>> reporter: it was mother's day at the new grocery outlet store and san francisco's mission district. >> he would've been 30 feet away from me.>> reporter: he says he bought groceries from the store and decided to take a cigarette break that's what a security guard asked if he was waiting for an uber and he says no. >> he starts a conversation off about loitering.>> the conversation turned heated and he began recording with the cell phone. >> did you say i am loitering? i am a customer. this is my food i just bought. why are you harassing me which >> reporter: it quickly escalates. he says he's calling police. >> the guard brings up black lives matter and refers to people like him. >> i am a paying customer.>> reporter: he says he stopped recording and left and that the guard brought into tase him. he said during the incident his mind flashed to a mural he created about police shooting.>> you just start looking around your neighborhood and you just feel isolated. this person lost his control over how he truly feels about people of color.>> reporter: a security company confirmed that they fired him because of the incident. i spoke to the company's president and he said the actions and demeanor of the security agent at the store did not reflect the company's policy and protocol and how we treat people and how we address the situations. it was really disappointing. he said he wants these security guards disarmed. after more than 25 years we now know the name of the last remaining victim killed during the 1992 riots in los angeles. the man was recently identified two fingerprints as armando ortiz hernandez. his body was found may 2, 1992 insight his auto part shop that was set on fire in los angeles. the but it's happening after jury acquitted four white police officers. a total of 53 people were killed and more than 2000 others were injured during several days of unrest. rock climbing ropes repurpose and reuse. how this piece of climbing gear are helping shelter dogs getting a lease on life. [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. the new please type test chief -- police chief either graduation today. she presented awards to the academy class. families and friends other new officers were on hand for the occasion. most of the graduates received their budgets. the five had the honor of being penned by members of their own family and what they brought along was their son with a little police uniform for the celebration. >> i know how important this day is. we all graduated. mind was 35 years ago. is a special day and it will always be a good memory. their body to their class and now they're coming into the family.>> it is a smaller class than in previous years with 17 graduates. last year they graduated 44. 35 graduate in 2015. democrats have conversed on sacramento this weekend for their annual convention. it will focus on national politics the replacement of obama care. that includes a panel discussion about millennial's are reimagining their participation in political parties. tom perez was set to deliver the address tonight. >> we start our unity in action in fighting the efforts to repeal the affordable care act. that continuous and we will continue to fight those efforts but we are not fighting against donald trump, we are out there talking about what we stand for. >> other speakers include gavin newson and kevin deleon. it runs through the sunday. supporters the effort to have california for the nation is trying to get their measure onto the ballot. the group behind the movement delivered their measure to the state attorney general's office today. those in favor of splitting off from the usa california has been tracked in different directions where people don't want to go including immigration and foreign-policy. enterprises san francisco dog owner has found a way to combine his two passions to help rescued animals. it is catching on now with dog lovers. >> reporter: is a labor of love for ryan dempsey measuring, cutting, and caught arising. >> we never know what the stories going to be with each row. >> reporter: the bartender has regular weight to recycle rock climbing rope handcrafting them into dog leashes. >> i adopted this dog and i love this talk to death. i cut it up and made a leash for him. >> reporter: a program he calls ropes for rescue. they don't night -- donate their use ropes. >> people have all the stories so they really like the idea of where the rope has been and also helping support a local rescue. >> reporter: they donate 20% of the leashes made to 126 animal rescues from here to colorado. >> we rescue senior dogs at seven years and older. the average dogs are about 30 days which is amazing because they were given up on other shelters. >> reporter: if you're interested in donating your use ropes or are two drop-off locations and saffron -- and co- san francisco. he sells leashes on sunny days $25 for a 4 foot. >> is fantastic. it is a great idea. >> reporter:'s dog has gone to doggie heaven but he thinks of them in his inspiration as the turns up dozens of leashes each day. >> there are a lot of leeches out there but these are the only ones i have a story to them. a long rainy season is given way to a lush, green spring with lots of insects. exterminators said they been busy answering calls about spiders and ants. tall grasses at great habitat for ticks and fleas and their warning of the risks for pets and humans. >> i think it is a price that we are paying for all this beautiful water that we have and i will take it but we have to be cautious because they can turn into pretty serious diseases. they can get lyme disease from the takes up by the dog. >> to avoid them they say stay away from tallgrass and thick brush and also say take season is going to be with us until the next rainy season begins. the workers walk off the job. we will tell you about a strike by at&t workers. the court ruling today about people owning drones. a said discovery brings closure to a heartbroken family searching for answers after a plane crash in sierra county.>> reporter: -- the bodies of a santa rosa couple work on this week after the small airplane crashed last month in sierra county. up with reported spotting the flames on tuesday. they confirmed that it was the same airplane that disappeared after leaving the truckee airport on april 17. brenda and mark richard were headed to play -- petaluma. the bodies of the pilot and her husband were found in the wreckage. the federal appeals court ruled that drone users no longer have to register their aircraft. the answer to the rule in 2015 at a safety concerns involving drones flying your airports and airplanes. the court of appeals for the district of columbia has decided that federal law prevents the faa from regulating hobby aircraft like drones. the judges said that safety is important for licensing regulations to take effect congress need to change the law. over 2 million drones will be sold this year. uc berkeley police have issued an alert. police say a it happened early wednesday evening in the parking lot. investigators say a woman and a man met on internet dating site arranged to meet in person at that lot which has sweeping views of the bay. the salt took place inside a car. they say the two do not have any connection with the university. at&t workers are hitting the picket lines this weekend. the walkout began today could force the closure of some retail stores. as many as 37,000 at&t workers are expected to take part nationwide as the strike continues tomorrow and sunday. the union workers say they are fighting for available benefits and job security. they've been working without a contract for more than a year. socks were up-to-date and the dow gained 141 points and that that was up 28 and s&p 500 up 17. a rise in the price of crude oil lifted the shirt say but markets are down about half a % for the week because of wednesday speaks so. struck but the union is fining facebook there accused of not being upfront with regulators about the buyout of -- they said that the users would not be able to link what that account with facebook but they claim that staff knew that lincoln accounts was possible. they are fighting the companies ,110 million or $120 million. facebook says any errors made were not intentional. people are here in san francisco this weekend. they are exploring new opportunities including running for political office. bill martin has a warm up and he will show us how high it will get this weekend and how long the heat will stick around. [ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] national veterans group is holding a summit in san francisco this weekend that is tailored for female veterans. >> is designed to help them do more than just transition into life outside the military. amber is at the city tonight. >> reporter: the mission continues a nonprofit is behind this all-expenses-paid summit for 50 women. primary focus encouraging them to run for political office.>> and helps make it a more cash >> reporter: a roomful of women sure upon. forming a support network. many served on the front lines in afghanistan and now they're ready to transition to the next stage in their lives.>> there is endless possibilities. is given me something to think about.>> reporter: she retired from the army after 21 years. she said that dust sometimes when you leave the military you don't leave with yourself complete but then being around these leaders they empower you and strengthen you and help you to get a better grip on things. >> there here to learn about new opportunities. >> this is a wonderful group that you are part of.>> reporter: they say they've learned skills in the military that will serve them well in civilian life that is a national -- natural progression. >> it is that commitment and that willingness and that bravery and that pride that has so much to offer the process of what we need to do in order to make the government. >> the transition was very hard. i ended up being a homeless veteran. >> reporter: she is the army vet and served a year-long tour in afghanistan. she says she suffers from ptsd. they say support help them through the difficult time and whether they run for office or not they say they will look for qualified female candidates to support.>> understanding where we are coming from an understanding what our needs are.>> reporter: this is video of them working on a project during laster summit in new  orleans. tomorrow they reintroduced and will be outdoors working on a project in they will work with nonprofits. here we go with the weekend. friday night and the weather looks pretty darn good. we have weather out there that's going to be very nice through the weekend. these are the highs from today 90 napa so very warm day. tomorrow probably will be the warmest day of the week. sunday is a day where we'll see more fog but tomorrow will see patchy fog and that will trend the numbers and keep the coast down. clouds will come in. there's going to be plenty of warmth and highs with low to mid 90s. six tonight walnut creek right now and the winds are light and variable. the fog you don't see that in the machine and the sea breeze is it really going not strong. it will be by sunday but not tonight. sunday is a warm day but is not going to be quite as warm along the coast. forecast overnight low's 50s and forecast for san francisco -- berkley may be a little fog and most of it will be right at the beach by the zoo. mostly sunny in low 70s by lunchtime in san francisco in mid-70s at the end of the day. here's the five tomorrow morning. then it goes and breaks down tomorrow afternoon and then here comes back on sunday morning. then there is money. no real variance other than just fog coming back in. forecast highs tomorrow 94 in vacaville, 92 brentwood in livermore in the 90s. fog comes in on sunday. then there is a 5 day forecast. nice-looking weekend. you have a big competition tomorrow.>> riding a horse. it is super fun. >> you are very good. the weather is going to be -- you are going to have perfect weather. the streets of san francisco will be packed the sunday with the runners and many wearing elaborate costumes and some not wearing anything. thousands had out to the bay to pick out their bibs and other gear in preparation for the race. also 50,000 people are signed up to take part in the race. street from downtown san francisco and osha bleat -- speech will be blocked off. someone said he participates several years ago and has lived in the area since 1970. he is seen the race go from a freewheeling affair to now a reserved run. >> i used to run in the races and i was here for the partying that used to go on before 10 years ago where they made it very confined and restricted. >> drivers are being urged to avoid the area because parking will be harder to come by. no alcohol is allowed in the three think they will be enforcing that rule. new revelations into russian investigation. a full report with the latest was coming up on the 11:00 news. next in sports the oakland a's go into extra innings tonight. that is next in sports. giants in oakland a's had to go into extra innings. >> flip of the coin who start with. frank wants me to start with the oakland a's. that will be at 11:00. the giants have had their troubles whenever they trail going into the late inning it seems like the game will be over but the change that a little bit. a rain delay for about an hour or so and the giants were ahead of the time but when they resumed george that she liked what he saw writing it in there. a few people stuck around but it is suddenly a lead for the cardinals. no two on for eduardo. over his head in two wrens are going to score and giants have 13 had to the bottom of the 10th mart just off but it took a great turn in double-play. suddenly the giants have won. meantime the oakland a's make a habit of winning and walked off when they are at home. it is the fourth time in the last five home games they have done just that. here we go the rally caps are on it is 2-2 and ryan hit the deep end game over. the oakland a's are denied. it's just a delay not a denial in the 10th he does hit it. and the walk off in the oakland a's are victoria's. the story of history of the boston celtics this had to be tesh their most embarrassing lowest moment on the floor of the boston garden. this was a full on full-court mass and came 2 against the caps. watch avery bradley denied. he knows how that feels and came 7 this never happened to larry bird so look at the movement right here they know who to get it in the hands of. 30 points in 33 minutes for lebron james. unreal. jr smith after the miss at the buzzard significant in that it made it 72-31 at halftime up 41. that is the biggest deficit in the history of mb playoff games. you know the warriors and their hotel having themselves a little watch party.'s like the two teams are stalking each other from afar. you know they are keeping an eye on each other. all the empty seats are going to be filled with angry loud fans tomorrow. it's the toughest venue in the leak in the warriors they know exactly what they're in for down there.>> especially on that home for. every mistake you make is amplified. >> we have to know that we can be beaten if we are not on our game so i think we are confident enough to know that we play very well but we also know that when we are sluggish, we don't pay attention to the small details. >> disperse for their part all the talks been around the sprained ankle. should they will be happy when that is pasm. tim duncan soon to be center in there's income on the retirement, please. there is quite leonard flocking a little gingerly. he is questionable and what they need from him to get it back on the court. what does he feel coursework >> just seeing if i can run and be myself on the core. that's where my mindset is at the moment. sport time to check it out on a friday night let's take you to the arcade father and son watch the father on the left-hand side of your screen. he doesn't miss. this is at least 30 seconds of left-hand right-hand left-hand right-hand and he never misses. he just keeps going. he never misses a single shot. all worth checking out on a friday night. that is the sports for right now. the oakland a's went 10 innings and we will leave and more news coming up. next 11:00 president trump is on his way to saudi arabia on his first trip as commander- in-chief. there are gripping new developments your home in a rush investigation. two major revelations in the russian investigation. report says that no told russian diplomats that firing james comey removed great pressure on him because of russia. >> the second report says the official is a significant person of interest in the investigation of russian meddling.>> reporter: as president trump departed from there to on friday the investigation at home into russian meddling in u.s. politics took another turn. >> the washington post reported that in senior advisor is a person of interest in the fbi investigation. the report cited no names but his son-in-law, jeff sessions, and rex tillerson are thought to

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