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The bay area. Ktvus rob malcolm joins us live now with more. Rob . Reporter well, good evening. In 1969, chuck berry performed here at the Berkeley Community theater. He also gave a lecture in the same building. His legacy will be remembered by fans of his music. Keith richards called his getar work perfection john lenin once said quote if you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it chuck berry. You invented rock and roll, didnt you . Well, he did. Reporter the father of rock and roll was born Charles Edward Anderson Berry in 191926 in 1926. And grew up in st. Louis. He joined Johnny Johnsons trio, and meant his idol, muddy waters, to introduced him to a record company. The first song help handled in was maybelline, which is credited with starting rock and roll guitar. A string of hits followed. His pop blues style was like no other, and neither was his guitar playing with his signature double string plucking and that famous duck walk. His success started to fade in 1959 when he served time for quote immore reasons involving an underage girl. And then came the british invasion of the e60s, and while berry himself wasnt as visible panel his songs certainly were. He performed spored aingly in the decades that followed. And his last album of new material was in 1979. 4th also had more legal trouble with drug abuse and tax evasion charges, but despite that, he remains a legend. In 1985, he he was one of the first to be inducted into the hall of fame. I lifted every lick he ever played. Reporter and in 2000, president clinton presented berry with a Kennedy Center honor and called him one of the 20th centuries most influential musicians. We call it rock, we call it rhythm and blues. Call it what you may, man, i play what i feel, and i love what i feel. And stars in the music world were reacting to the news of his death. Jagger tweeted a series of messages that said in part Bruce Springsteen tweeted ringo starr said . Reporter so 2017 continues to claim some of musics brightest stars in print media, and also music. Well, for the second time in a week, Police Responded to a Security Breach at the white house today. The secret service says a person jumped over the bike rack on pennsylvania avenue in an attempt to get the white house fence. Now, the man was taken into custody by secret Service Officers before he reached that fence. President trump was not at the white house at the time. The incident comes about a week after are a bay area man breeched a fivefoot outer perimeter fence. He then scaled an 8foot gate to get on to the white house grounds. The Justice Department is filing a motion on President Trumps revised travel ban, asking a federal judge in hawaii to clarify his restraining order, arguing that it shouldnt apply to the administrations refugee policy. Garrett has more from washington. Reporter the white house has been very clear that it plans to fight for the president s executive order all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary, but that process could take months to play out. In the meantime, the administration is working to get as much of the order reinstated as it can. This week in hawaii, u. S. District judge watson ruled the travel ban likely was unconstitution. He cited statements that President Trump made on the campaign trail about banning muslims from the u. S. As clear evidence the order was meant to target muslims and thus is unconstitutional. Judge walt son has received a lot of crediteddism from legal scholars, including those on the left, for using mr. Trumps Campaign Rhetoric to affect his rules. Allender show with said he ultimately thinks the courts will side with the white house. The list, although for a different purpose, was originally designed by president obama. So how can you say that the inclusion of the six countries on the list was motivated by what mr. Trump said when he was can that trump. Thats just not good legal analysis. Reporter late friday, the Justice Department filed a motion with judge watt son asking him to reconsider his decision to block the president s order as a whole, and to allow some portions to remain in effect, such as the temporary suspension of the u. S. Refugee program. Thats whats a federal judge in maryland did in his ruling this week, blocking in the ban on new visas from six muslim majority countries, but allowing the administration to enforce the other parts of the order. The white house has suggested it will appeal in hawaii or anywhere else its challenged. Hillary clinton says its time for her to return to public service. She spoke to an irish womens group in scranton, pennsylvania, on Saint Patricks day, saying shes ready to quote come out of the woods and help americans find common ground. She is slowly returning to the public spotlight since losing last novembers president ial election. She said its up to each american to bridge the political divide. After months of denials, former interim chair of the Democratic National committee, donna brazil, is now admitting she leak questions to Hillary Clintons president ial campaign. Her comments were part of a wikileaks dump. They show her telling the clinton camp a proposed question. The story broke back in other, but when fox asked her about it at the time, she denied it, calling it falsified information, and an apple thed emil. As a christian woman, i understand persecution, but i wont sit here and be prosecuted, but your information is false im reading poseys emils. Well, his emils were stolen. Youre like a thief that wants to bring into the night the things you found that were there in the gutter. Brazil said she regrets the email, but never actually apologize. A legal feud between oakland and Alameda County about the ghost ship warehouse fire. They say that the city may be violating the law by avoiding repeated requests by prosecutors to turn over all information including a draft report about the fire. The d. A. Has launched a criminal fire into the fire, which killed 36 people last december. A City Attorney tell it is the Bay Area News Group the report is being reviewed and will be filed imminently, but a criminal defense attorney said he believes the delay is designed to give the city quote time to clean up the report because of lawsuits from victim family. New at 10 00 10 00, firefighters in Contra Costa County put out a blaze trenting a lot of homes there. A fire investigator told us the fire started in a lot that was littered with old tires, cars, and shows. He said those sheds. He said those items fueled the flames and created heavy black smoke. Now poses a hazard to the firefighters, and, of course, creates a very fastmoving, very smoky fire. The flames destroyed two out buildings and a fence. The cause of the fire is not known at this time, but thankfully no injuries were reported. A boat fire in alameda claimed the life of a family dog. The Alameda Fire Department was called to the grand arena around 11 30 this morning on multiple reports of a boat fire. The fire spread to two nearby vessels. The fire was quickly put out, and fire officials looked for people on all three bolts. No one was found, but a pet dog was found on the poll with the heaviest fire damage. Also new at 10 00, the San Mateo County Sheriffs Office tonight announced the arrest of 24yearold eric marchky on charges of making terrorist threats. They say he started calling 911 on march 1th, using profanity and abusing staff as the he thatsenned to shoot is a member of the sheriffs staff, and a search showed he owned more than one weaponen. He was spotted and arrested would it incident about 5 00 tonight an charges of making terror threats. A hitandrun accident occurred yesterday, and officers say an officer try to stop an suv on emerson street just before 3 30 in the afternoon, when the vehicle took off driving the wrong way on homer avenue, hitting a cyclist. The victim is expected to survive. The vehicle was found a few minutes later, immediately arrested two people, and captured three others after searching nearby yards. The suspects were booked into jail up a charges including hit andrun and emading arrest. A man in the south bay is recovering tonight after suspected dui driver crashed into his backyard and right into his home. At around 2 30 this morning, two cars got into a wreck on northbound 680 for the allen rock off ramp. One car jumped off the load and ended up going into a backyard, and the homeowner happened to be sitting just feet away from where the car actually stopped. One of of the gentlemen that lives there was sitting in a chair, not three or four feet away from where the fence was breached by the car. Luckily, he was very lucky and sustain nod injuries. Reporter no one was hurt in that crash. The driver at fault was arrested for dui. New details have surfaced tonight about the firing of former Pleasanton Unified School district superintendent rick rubino. It is reported that female district employee triggered an investigation into him book in september. According to the times, the woman said that he sexually harassed her, and there may have been another reference to similar allegations before that. According to the report, he was on administrative leave when the school board votednam mussily in january to fire him. He hasnt publicly commented on the claims. Coming up, a mercury still in the east bay. At 10 30, the new information were learn all bolt the cleanup of the hazardous materials. And later, st. Marys tournament run comes into a halt, running into powerhouse arizona. Hear from their coach later in sports wrap. But first, a man tied toes to grab a soldiers rifle at a paris apartment. What im paris airport. What officials there are now saying about the shoalings picture. Coming up, well break down the chance of sprinkles in your sunday forecast, and also will talk about a series of storms that will approach the bay area over the next week. Were learning more about the man who attacked a soldier at an airport in french. French officials saying he was known to Security Forces and suspected of us lambic radicalism. Officials say he home of the 39 yearold frenchman was among the many searched after the todayly paris attacks in 2015. This morning, he attacked and wrestled away a female soldiers Assault Rifle while she was on patrol at pariss orly airport. He held a gun to the womans head, tossed a container of gasoline to the ground, and screamed he wanted to die for allah. Thats when out soldiers took aim, killing the suspect. She managed to arrest, but the two fellow officers acted, and they were right. The airport is back to normal tonight. The friend were president says police are now investigating whether the man had a terrorist plot behind him, or acted alone. Wounded victims 0 of the San Bernardino terror attack are running into roadblocks when receiving treatment for their injuries. I have the story of one surviver who has had more than 20 surgeries as a result of the incident. Reporter 14 people werele killed and 22 seriously injured in the San Bernardino terror attack that including Valerie Weber who was shot twice, her pelvis shattered and arm paralyzed, requiring more than 20 surgeries. San bernardino put their medical claims into the workers comp system. They said that since the attacks, their doctors ordered were constantly denied or delayed. The attack was traumatic enough where my life will never be the same, but then to have to deal with pure okay race is like being revictimmize all over again. Reporter weber is now back 234 the hospital, in icu, after complications with her methodist recent surgery, and fear this systemic problems will only continue. The city recently examined what caused the denialles and modifications, and according to a report released this month stated they are basically pointing the finger at the survivers doctors, but others say it results in a broken system. In the system was designed to get people healthy and get them back to work, and the exact opposite is whats happening now. Theyre not getting people well. Theyre not getting them back to work. According to the report, the county spent more than 4 million for benefits, and has nearly 22 million reserved for future costs. The county has repeatedly denied our request for an on camera interview to explain why more has not been done to help the victims. In los angeles, will carr, fox news. U. S. Secretary of the state Rex Tillerson was in china this morning, and appears to be changing his tone abuilt when it comes to north korea. He is is on a tour of asian countries, and yesterday there were strong statements about north korea from tillerson. Tillerson later warned that military action against north korea may be necessary in their leader threatens its neighbors or u. S. Forces. Were exploring new rain of diplomatic, security, and economic measures. All options are on the table. North korea must understand that the only path to a secure economically process pearl us future is abandon its development of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, and other weapons of mass destruction. Now this morning, he met for two hours with comply ins foreign minister city, and china urged the u. S. To keep a quote cool head. Afterwards, tillerson may have had these statements. Because chinas policy is denukization, we have agreed to work together. Secretary tillerson went on to talk about human rights way, lodge with chinas island building in the south china sea. Now to developing news out of peru. Some powerful new video of the devastating floodwaters. This is a new round of unusually heavy rain thats drenching the country. Perus Prime Minister now increasing the death toll. He said the extreme weather has killed at least 72 people this year alone. The capital of that country is also facing flooding as intense rains are expected to continue for another two weeks. And in our weather, were talking about a return of some rainfall. In fact, a series of storms over the next few days. Today, though, we just have some clouds, and also breaks in the clouds. Temperatures this afternoon ranged from the 60s all the way to lower 70s. Lower spots around 70, 72, 37 in san jose. Level, 71 degrees this listener more, 71 this livermore, 71 this afternoon. Fog is surging back into the bay. There there is a chance tonight we could have some mist or drizzle. Here is our live camera, looking out toward the bay bridge and is San Francisco out there the distance. And here we just have some lower clouds already working their way back into the area for tonight. First thing tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy skies. Areas of fog, and temperatures will be starting out. Your sunday morning mainly in the 50s. So not an extreme chill in the air. Well kind of lock down on the warm side of this weather pattern out there. In San Francisco, our sky cast showing you this, mostly cloudy skies, fog, 55 degrees. 63 at 12 00, and then by 3 00, a sun cloud mix. Temperatures on the sway to the mid60s for San Francisco. On sunday, were expecting the clouds out there, and the possibility of a few sprinkles, or a light shower. Not a washout, but just a chance as we head into your sunday. This is 5 00 p. M. Sunday, and then you cant see, well take this into your monday. Look what happens. Well is are some redevelopment work its way into the region. This will be the first of multiple systems impacting the bay area over the next few days. Well be talking about this billing change in the overall weather pattern. Within of them potenttially could be strong. Well have more on that coming up in just a few minute. Still ahead, a billboard of President Trump stirring on throat of controversy. The images that show two money signs that resemble swastikas next to the president s face. And later, two months after shutting down his controversial somewhat must show, seaworld is bringing shamu show, seaworld is bringing back killer whales. New at 10 00, a billboard with an antidonald trump message is stirring controversy in phoenix. The billboard shows donald trump with mushroom clouds in the background, and dollar signs that bear some resemblance to swastikas on each side. The artist who created it said theres a lot 0 the billboard, and people can interpret it however they choose. The organization in phoenix that supports the arts gave her the platform to make a statement about the current administration. As for what residents think of it, reactions are mixed. I think this is the greatest thing that ive seen in a long time. I think that everything that donald trump is doing is destroying america from the inside. Take it to your house. I live right here. Ive got to wake up to this every day . Disrespectful. Karen is the artist behind the controversyle billboard. The asu graduate said she knew it would spark a fierce reaction, and that she has received several Death Threats since the billboard went up just yesterday. Just a day after meeting with the german chancellor, President Trump today said that germany owes the u. S. Money. In a tweet this morning, he said he also tweeted that he had a great visit with merqel yesterday, despite an awkward moment when the president appeared to refuse to shake her hand in the oval 60 face. Cuts to Affordable Housing funds would be devastating to the state to have california. Thats what democratic lawmakers are saying. The president s budget plan calls for more than 6 billion in cults to the federal housing and urban development agency. It would eliminate Community Development block grants and rulings money for Public Housing then but plan likely faces weeks of negotiations, and has already drawn opposition from some democrats and republicans in congress. Well, after years of planning, the epa today celebrated the startup of a Police Treatment system at a Super Fund Site in west oakland. The location is near the west oakland b. A. R. T. Station, and has been home to many businesses, including the amco chemicalle company. Almost 100 dangerous chemicals are said to be present in the soil and groundwater, and then cleanup system involves using electricity to heat the ground, essentiallily boiling the contaminants, and then gathering the liquid for treatment. This project would not happen if it werent for funding from the federal government, because theres nothing here. We did pretty exhaustive work work trying to find companies that would be responsible, but theres nothing. And so so is it werent for the federal government the federal funding for this, this would not have happened. The cleanup is expected to last about 18 months. Coming up, College Basketball equals big bucks. The local business looking to cash in as march madness takes over sacramento. And an event bay woman has disappeared. The description released that her family hopes will bring her home. This is one gorgeous truck. Special edition. Oh, did i say theres only one special edition . Because, actually theres five. Ooohh aaaahh uh hooooly mackerel. Wow. Nice. Strength and style. Its truck month. Get 0 financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get 5500 on select Chevy Silverado pickups when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Its spring, and we cant wait to open our sheds and get working on our yards. Scotts and miraclegro are here to help. We make it easy to grow thick, healthy lawns, spectacular plants, and bountiful flowers. Because when spring starts right, the months that follow stay perfect. Load up your shed with scotts and miraclegro. Its time to get outside. It was david versus goliath as the second round saw the st. Marys galis take on the second seeded wildcats. While the outcome wasnt what st. Marys fans wanted within the effort was certainly what they expected. Rob mallle come has a story from the watch party that was held on campus. Reporter for every shot or close call, there was hope. Oh, my gosh, so its nerve racking. We are playing incredible basketball, not solve as of late, but i still think were doing an excellent job. Reporter loyal fans packed the hall at st. Marys college to watch their beloved gales, a 7th side, take on the two seeded wildcats in the second round. St. Marys last going to the sweet 16 in 2010. The wildfires looking to reach its fourth wildcats looking to reach its fourth sweet sixteen in the last five years. Todays meeting was all about school spirit. Thiscy about bringing students from outside. We have work and other commitments, but seeing these amazing students come together to support our team is really great to see. Reporter the gales were hoping to rewrite history and make a name for themselves but upsetting the wildcats. There was hope after this three pointer that narrowed the lead. The School Advisor saw another side of the player she always thought was poe light and low key. I actually had no idea. Hes very many quiet when he comes to my office. Very respectfulle, very polite, always does what he needs to do, and i saw another sight of him, more aggressive side to him. Reporter the second half belonged to the wildcats, who left the court with a 6965 final. The road to the final four ended in utah for the gales, and could have ended further down n the road in san jose for the sweet 16. The team should arrive tomorrow, sunday, around 11 00 a. M. Right now, were in communications to try to get keys to their organizations athletics, so that the other athletes on campus will hopefully have a good turnout to welcome the team back to practice. Reporter there will always be next year. New at 10 00, march madness is making cash registers ring in sacramento. Now, there was plenty of action yesterday inside the Golden One Center during the first round games for the ncaa tournament, but outside, restaurants, shops, and hotels were bus yell with the sudden influx of fans. The Golden One Center estimated more then 17,000 fans will insure sacramento for the tournament, and theyre expected to spend millions of dollars. Business owners say they felt the difference difference before the first game on friday. On wednesday and thursday night, cincinnati fans, rhode island here on thursday morning. So a lot of influx from people out of town. Sacramento Business Leaders say theyre not only focused on a profit from this weekend, but also interested in the tournaments potent to be attract new businesses to the area. A silver alert has been issue forward missing woman from hayward. Term eis a free man was last seen yesterday at her home. She is described patrick a 72 yearold black female with gray hair and brown eyes, 61, and weighs approximately 245 pounds. Officials say the show was wearing a blue and white night gown when she drove away in a white 1999 acura. She suffers from medical conditions, and may become disoriented. If you see her, contact the Hayward Police department. Turn nothing marago, where a hiker made a gruesome discovery. Human remains were found yesterday. Authorities say they were found between reel boulevard south lucille lane nearly a seasonal creek, and appear to have been there for some time. At this time, the exact cause of death and the personals identity is not known. Hazardous materials crews in Northeast Bay say they have finished cleaning up the mercury spill. It was found monday at 7 locations in antioch. Officials sayle it can be very many poisonous, but its unlikely anyone was affected because the spill was cleaned up quickly. It was the third spill reported if the area since december. Investigators. Reporter released a source of those spills. Well, efforts continue today to repair the damaged spillway at orlando dam. For the first time oroville dam. For the first time, water began gushing down the dam yesterday, and they want to see how the damaged spillway handles the flow of water, because snow smelt causing the the reservoir to fill up. The department of Water Resources said it plans to keep the flood gates open for another five days sore, as long as it looks like no erosion and damage is limited. Weve gone to extreme efforts to basically clean out and calling every like that we could find on the deck. A huge crater developed on the spillway last month, ands forked them to use an emergency spillway on a Bare Mountain side, which they said could collapse. Experts say the lake is at its highest level since 2006, lake tahoe. If the lake reaches full capacity by the end of july, as expected, it would see its largeest physical rise in recorded history. In order to manage the water level, water is being released from the lake into the truckee river. Still to come tonight, one goldfish in texas just couldnt float. In minutes find out what one pet store did to conquer that problem. That story is coming up. Cant wait for that. And for our forecast for tomorrow, tracking a few cloud, but big change setting up in the pacific. Multiple storms that will show up in our fivedid day forecast. More on that in just a few minutes. Paying tribute to the late chuck berry with his hit reelin and rocken. A beautiful night out there tonight. Mark is going to tell you what to expect for the rest of your weekend coming up. Two months after shutting down its controversial shamu show, sanderss seaworld is before san Diego Seaworld is bringing back killer whales in a big way. Its called all day oks play. The new approach comes after criticism from animal activists. Well, things are going swimmingly, pun intended, for a disableled goldfish who was fitted with a tiny device to help him get around. The fish lives at a san antonio pelt shop, and suffers from swim bladder disease. It makes it difficult for the official to hold himself up right under water. He was always stuck at the bottom of his tank until an aquarium employee figured out a solution. Two chunks of fire foam help balance out the fishs weight. Its like a mini while chair, and now the goldfish is happily swimming upright in his new home. Thats a silly, but really cute story, mark. Got to love it. And all parts of the aqualmium fully mobilele, can make it aquarium, fully mobile, can make it anywhere. If you like the forecast, you can make the most of the sunshine tomorrow with somewhat of a dry weather pattern for your sunday. Tonight, though, clouds and fog. Tomorrow, definitely some clouds in the extended. Yeah, were talking about multiple storms working their way back into the bay area. So if you cant see the active weather pattern out here in the pacific. There is the jet stream setting up. An active weather pattern setting up over the next few days. Looking out toward the golden gate bridge, this looks like a summer time weather pattern out there, with the fog really making a comeback out there. So lots of fog and low clouds in place. Well hold on to fog sunday morning with the fog, and also the higher clouds. Here is a set up on the satellite, live doppler sweep showing you this. Not much in the way of green. The chance for a few sprinkles out there, but nothing too serious to hold on to that situation for sunday. 50 those right around 60 degrees. Concord is checking in 60. Santa rosa, 57, and San Francisco, 53 degrees. So multiple storms out here in the pacific, and you can see its just pretty messy with these clouds setting up, and eventually were talking about a return of some rainfall. For tomorrow, as we mention , and clouds if applies for monday some showers working their way back into the region. Tuesday and wednesday, periods of rain, and then later in the week, potentially still developing way out here, could be talking about the strong next the series of storms. That could be a factor are by friday. Possibly into saturday, as well. Rainfall over the next seven days, these numbers will change quite a bit, but just give you an idea. Were not talking about a few sprinkles or few 1 100 of an inch. These rainfall amounts going up, easily between 1 to 2 inches, could be approaching 3 to 4 for the coastal hills. So definitely something to watch out for, especially as we have one system move in, another one behind that, and then potentiallily that friday team that could be the strongest, not only the rainfall, but also the winds. So here you can see the clouds in place tomorrow morning. This is sunday 9 00 a. M. , and then sunday 4 00 p. M. , mostly cloudy skies. Rainfall the north over the bay area, but still a chance of a sprinkle or light shower. Were going to bump up the rainfall potential into monday, especially monday afternoon, 1 00 p. M. , and then another round of some rainfall for tuesday. So this is tuesday morning, 8 00, and then tuesday, 6 00 p. M. , still some rainfall, and i think behind this system by wednesday, talking about another round of rain showers out there. Temperatures for tomorrow, mainly in the 60s for afternoon theys. Santa rosa 65. San francisco 65, pacifica 64. San jose 70. We do say hello to spring monday morning. Well have some spring showers out there, but winter wont be over in terms of what you would expect for a went err weather patter. Some rainshowers for tuesday. Our best hope for a break could be thursday with a chance of a sprinkle or light shower. Not going to be leading up to possibly stronger system by friday. So we have spring starting on monday, but its knot going to be complete sunshine. It will feel more like winter near the bay area. Too bad. I love spring. Yeah, and this is actually an interesting time of year, because one day couldle be real stormy, and the next day completely sunny out there, well see watching out for those drastic swings in weather. Well, that does it for us here. Sport is wrap is coming up next, though, st. Marys dancing comes to an end. And the warriors taking on the greek freak and the hottest team in basketball. Good evening, everyone. We will come to this saturday Night Edition of sports wrap. If youre a warrior worrier, the situation looks better after tonight. Jason kidd and the bucks in town for their loan visit of the year. Milwaukee a team on the rise

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