Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20170215

and concrete into the damaged emergency spillway that was considered to be at risk of failing. officials have now gotten enough water out of the reservoir to handle the runoff from the coming storms. >> the next four storms should not threaten really any approaching, any kind of a threat towards the emergency spillway. >> the state says it's goal is to keep the lake level low enough so that the emergency spillway won't be needed again. certainly wasn't up to the task this weekend but officials say the repairs they are doing now should allow it to be used again if necessary. live coverage from oroville showing signs of life again. ktvu's debora villalon tells us evacuees are making their way home fully aware they could be ordered out again. deb? >> reporter: that's right, julie. the order is lifted. the warning is not. but it is really nice to see cars moving again, lights on and people out on the streets in oroville. so many communities downstream became ghost towns and now after two nights residents have the all clear but they can't get too comfortable. people aren't coming back the way they left. traffic light even after the evacuation order ended. nothing like sunday's mad dash. thousands of panicked drivers jammed up fearing a wall of water. >> people were crying and screaming. it was scary. people were driving fast. >> reporter: alicia malcolm lives very close to the dam. >> that's what i've been using as a marker. >> reporter: as soon as she returned home she got busy. organizing and packing her car in case this happens again. >> close, towels, blankets. i'm not going to take a chance. not going to be stranded without stuff especially having a child. last time we had no change of clothes. >> we're telling them they have to be vigilant. they have to pay attention to what's going on. >> reporter: the sheriff knows how much people wanted to go home but he wants them to be ready. >> we could issue another evacuation order if the circumstances change and the risk increases. >> the big window. >> reporter: evacuations invite trouble. this liquor store and several other businesses were broken into. this burglar grabbed cigarettes but was caught immediately. >> did a good job. did a good job here. but hopefully now everything is back to normal. everything will be safe. >> trying to prepare for this next rain coming up. >> reporter: this local market never closed. and it's open delivery trucks arrive soon to restock the shelves. >> i knew people need help. they've got to have bread, milk and small items. so we stayed open. >> got gas. everybody running out of gas in town. >> reporter: if residents have to leave again, they say it won't be such a shock. >> this time it will be real this time. not to say it wasn't real last time but i knew they were working on it. >> reporter: forced to leave pets untended the evacuation ended just in time. >> being home with my toys. and i'm kind of worried about the river because it might break up the dam. >> reporter: children are stressed and parents too. uneasy now in the shadow of the dam and its spillway. >> i do question it a lot more. i don't know if i feel safe. >> reporter: people have doubts going forward but mostly we're hearing a lot of gratitude for being home. and we noticed that local market that remained open someone has put up a poster and customers are signing it. messages of thanks to the owners for hanging in there. out of this crisis seems to have come a stronger sense of community. >> debora villalon in oroville, thank you. now to our chief meteorologist bill martin. why this next round of rain may not be a big threat. >> right. we've been hearing all week at least the last four or five days a series of storms coming. but this series much different than the last few series we've seen. atmospheric rivers dust -- the next three storms will bring rain but not going to bring copious amounts ring would it's a last week and the week before. so here we are the first one comes in on thursday. you can see it here and it moves through pretty quick. this is number 1. we get a little bit of a break and friday morning comes storm number 2. and then you get a little bit of a break. more than a little bit. saturday and most of sunday. and then here comes storm number 3. so the idea being these things are not as powerful, they are spaced out pretty evenly especially with the 36, 48 hour gap on the weekend. in terms of the watershed, should be able to handle it easily as the director was telling us a moment ago. these are the rainfall forecasts. sacramento was looking at 10 inches the last few systems over this many days instead of four. 50 to 60% less rain from this next series and from the last series. that should be good news for the folks up at the dam site. a number of people say they don't want to go home just yet. >> i got to talk to my family. it's rather -- whether we go home and we risk having to pack up and leave again or we stay gone and stay safe. i don't know which one to choose. >> many people who are staying at the pleasure county fairgrounds say they are skeptical about the decision to lift the order and are taking a wait-and-see approach. meantime fema has approved jerry brown's request for federal assistance. funding is for the oroville situation and damage caused by januaries storms. dozens of officials with fema, epa and other agencies gathered at the center in oakland to monitor the situation in oroville. fema says so far it has sent more than 275,000 water bottles, 45,000 blankets and 14,000 cuts to the shelters. new at 10:00 police from berkley and oakland are searching for two men who robbed a pedestrian at gunpoint on piedmont avenue in berkley earlier tonight. investigators say a berkley officer spotted the getaway car which led to a brief chase into oakland where the suspects crashed into at least one parked car. police say the two men dumped their car at oak grove avenue and forest in oakland. we -- they were seen running through backyards. the search is now centered in that area. veterinarians have a new warning for dog owners. they've now confirmed six cases of an infectious disease making dogs sick. ktvu's amber lee is in the city where she spoke to yvette about the spread of this bacteria that can actually turn out to be deadly in some cases. amber? >> reporter: frank we're just outside the sf specialist. a 24 hour pet hospital here in the neighborhood. staff tells me five of the six cases were treated here, two dogs have died and one just yesterday. >> it's okay. good boy. >> reporter: veterinarian stacy says the staff has seen an unusually number -- high number of dogs infected with a disease. >> you don't want to panic but it's something to be aware of. >> reporter: in previous years there were one or two cases annually. but just in the past two months, six known cases so far. >> rodents, possums, skunks. so a lot of these animals are just around in the wild and when they urinate if they are carriers of the disease -- >> reporter: this dog died at the end of january from becoming infected. the owner suspect the 13-year- old was infected at mclaren hardware she would often play. -- park. it spread through the urine of infected wild animals. dogs often come in contact with the urine while drinking water from puddles or a pond. >> the urine is going to contain bacteria and with this recent rainfall it's going to wash the bacteria into our streams, lakes and ponds. that's how our dogs are being exposed to it. >> reporter: the bacteria can live in standing water for weeks or months. at john mclaren park dog owners say they've heard of left -- leptospirosis but don't know much about it and they are concerned. >> they are like my kids. they are family. >> reporter: it is preventable with a vaccine. but that particular vaccine is not part of the core vaccination both get annually. dog owners need to ask for it specifically. i looked at my dog records and they didn't get it so i'm actually going to a vaccine clinic to get the vaccine saturday morning first thing. symptoms include loss of appetite, muscle tenderness and vomiting. and check for yellowing inside the dogs ears. >> look on the inside so the whites of their eyes. >> reporter: the disease is treatable with antibiotics if detected early enough. most offices carry the vaccine. humans can also get infected. most often from swimming in contaminated water. frank and julie? >> amber lee in san francisco, thank you. we have new information about a father who was shot and killed while driving with his family in east bay. henry lee spoke with the man's heart broken window about what happened right before a gunman opened fire on their car. >> i don't know what he did to make them so upset. for them to decide to fire a weapon. and kill him. >> reporter: wardell tell you fair's widow is heartbroken grieving her husband of 17 years was shot dead because road red. >> came across as a little rough to other people but once you got to know him and he was a good guy. >> reporter: a good guy and a good father she says. she was with their kids in the backseat of the family suburban when shots rang out sunday night in san leandro. 3-month-old luke far too young to understand. >> his son was everything to him. you could see a change in him. he wanted to change. >> reporter: his older son xavier who to -- who turned five a day after the shooting is still waiting for his dad to come home. >> he's doing everything. and was horrible because he doesn't know -- he says his dad is dead but he don't grasp it. you know? you don't know. >> reporter: leilani miller says someone was tailgating them near the gas station at marina boulevard and merced and her husband exchanged a few words with the driver. >> getting irritated with the car and whatever. he asked the car what's up? >> reporter: a short while later a second car pulled up and taliaferro argued with that driver as well. someone from that car open fire. >> there was no way to save him. i tried. i got -- i tried to drive him to the hospital but it didn't work. >> reporter: extended family is now struggling to fill the void. >> i really don't understand it myself. it's really hard. road rage is ridiculous that it takes lives. >> to the right thing. i know that people don't like to turn themselves in. but you took my husband. you took my son's father. >> reporter: in san leandro, henry lee, ktvu fox 2 news. still ahead tonight, police officers honored for heroism. heather holmes introduces us to two courageous officers who captured dangerous suspects. my safety didn't cross my mind. i felt like if he can do it i can do it. >> one of the things i tell my kids is never give up. a political protest in pictures tonight. amid calls for an investigation of the trump administration's relationship with russia. up first feathers fly in a public pillow fight. the annual tradition back on this valentine's day. it is a valentine's day tradition in downtown san francisco. hundreds of people gathered in justin herman plaza for the city annual free-for-all tell -- pillow fight. an event that gives, total strangers a chance to hit each other with soft pillows. >> it's a fun annual event. on valentine's day. for peace and love and really fun and i got my glasses to protect from the hitting. >> san francisco's department of public works is in charge of cleaning up after this messy and unsanctioned event. the cleanup operation typically costs the city $5000. tomorrow night san francisco police department plans to honor 11 officers for bravery in a ceremony that has long been part of sfpd tradition. ktvu's heather holmes is here after talking exclusively to the two recipients of the highest honor. the gold medal of valor. heather? >> reporter: julie and frank both of these officers have zero interest in the spotlight. just a desire to do their job. i sat down with each officer as they described the life-and- death situations they faced, dangerous encounters that went above and beyond normal police work. >> reporter: almost a year since officer bernard allemand came face-to-face with a man accused of trying to kill a law enforcement brother. it's a day he's replayed in his head countless times. >> the call came out across the radio that officer was down. >> reporter: a day that started with a chilling report. >> whenever a police officer here's an officer down, you get a big gulp in your throat and you want to get there as fast as possible. >> reporter: near an on-ramp of the bay bridge, chp officer andre sirenko was badly bleeding after being slashed across his neck and arms. chp veteran and his partner had responded to a call of someone on the freeway near fourth and bryant. they encountered a man who suddenly attacked him with a knife. before running off. >> i started going down towards the incident and i see the police cars going in that direction. and that's when i made the decision to go a different route. and hopefully see the suspect. >> did you? >> i did. he was standing on the corner and he had this stare. that he did not break. >> reporter: officer allemand ran after the suspect chasing him through a wells fargo and out the back door. where the two got into a struggle. >> i started feeling my gun being tugged on. at which point i saw he's trying to remove my gun from my holster. and i knew that couldn't happen. i wasn't going to let that happen. >> what did you do? >> i grabbed my gun and kept it in my holster. we're still wrestling. and i was trying to prevent him from removing my gun. one of the sweetest sounds a police officer here's when they call for backup is the sirens coming. and i knew i just needed to hold on until back of arrived. >> officers arrested 45-year-old noel and found a large knife believed to have been used in the stabbing in the bank parking lot. officer allemand's struggle could have ended in stab wounds or gunfire. but he didn't. and that's not lost on the father of three. >> one of the things i can -- tell my kids is never give up. after this i had a moment to reflect. and i thought of them. and i did -- yeah. >> reporter: jared harris is another san francisco officer and father of three who jeopardized his safety to catch a suspect. >> my safety didn't cross my mind. >> reporter: history starts in san francisco's marina district where a man stole a police suv and led officers on a chase throughout the city. banging into cars on his way to the bay bridge and eventually treasure island. after slamming into an unmarked car, the thief tried to escape the island and head back to san francisco. that's when officer harris confronted him. >> hopped out of his car. i got out of mine. then i see his face and i know what he's thinking because he goes to the edge and looks over. i'm going to do this. i think to myself don't do it and he does. >> reporter: at the westbound entrance the suspect jumps from the upper deck to the lower deck. set up -- >> i thought this is going to be a fun conversation to have with my coworkers later. if he can do it i can do it. we got to get him in custody. >> reporter: officer harris followed and made the daring jump a fall of 30 to 40 feet. >> you know some people would say your crazy. >> i've been told that. >> reporter: randall cobb it was arrested bringing it to an end a chaotic chain of events that put lives at risk and backed up traffic on the bridge. two suspects taken into custody by two officers who put themselves in harm's way. both men tell me their surprised and humbled to receive awards for their actions. saying they were simply doing what they are trained to do. >> i feel like there's a lot of cops that do great things. day today. and i did something a little bit extraordinary i guess but it's not something that other cops wouldn't have done if they were in my position. >> it's just my job. but it really is. i mean, we don't do this job for anything other than to help people. and that's what i did. >> the suspect in that bay bridge jumping incident was found incompetent to stand trial and is currently at a state hospital. next week the suspect in the chp officer stabbing the gentleman on the right is due in court for a jury trial. he's been charged with five felonies. as for chp officer sirenko, he has recovered from the stab wounds and is back at work. officer allemand told me he met with officer sirenko shortly after that incident and that he had an opportunity to thank him actually for his actions. and officer allemand replied it's nothing that you wouldn't have done if you were in my position. >> just mesmerizing listening to that. describing it happen and seeing the one officer get emotional talking about hugging his kids. but it was so interesting hearing the other officer say he's going to do it. don't. okay. now i -- >> in that moment he sensed what the suspect was going to do and he was hoping that it wouldn't happen and once the suspect jumped he said he had no choice but to do it himself. >> so courageous and so humble at the same time the ceremony is her -- being honored for their service we thank them for their service heather thank you. what happens when valentine's day falls on a tuesday? coming up at 10:30 low to we'll see how couples are celebrating and business up or down? >> also the giants held their first spring training workout today and this year the biggest changes in the bullpen. ktvu's scott reiss tells us about that later in sports. a protest in san francisco against president trump in the form of a valentine. the concerns expressed about the president and relations with russia. this is gus. someday, gus will invent this thing and change the world. this is the thing that could change gus' world. and this is the doctor that could cure that thing so he can grow up to invent this thing. sutter health. proudly caring for northern california, birthplace of pioneers. developing news as more questions emerge about the abrupt resignation of president trump's national security advisor michael flynn. democrats are calling for a full congressional investigation. there are new reports tonight suggesting close contact between mr. trump's advisors and russian officials might be more widespread than originally thought. ktvu's jana katsuyama in san francisco with details and an unusual protest at the federal building. janae? >> reporter: frank, protesters came here and projected images of president trump on the federal building in san francisco along with plenty -- president putin and messages. the organizer says this was all a show of concern that is growing about the relationship between the two men. projected on the wall of san francisco's federal building a protest in pictures. images and imagined valentine messages between president trump and russian president vladimir putin. >> i need to know what the relationship is between russia and usa president. >> reporter: alan says he is concerned about the abrupt resignation monday president trump's national security advisor michael flynn. u.s. intelligence officials investigating russian hacking had recorded phone conversations between flynn and russia's ambassador to the united states. the transcripts reportedly show that flynn discussed u.s. sanctions prior to president trump taking office on january 20. >> you can't undercut your own government's policy. as an incoming official. like that. that's overstepping the line. >> reporter: berkley politics professor stephen fish is a specialist in russian and international politics. >> might not have spoken for himself. he might have at least hinted this was the president-elect's policy. this was his viewpoint. that's what the senate needs to get to the bottom of. this isn't -- this is about trump. >> reporter: on tuesday the white house denied mr. trump had authorized flynn's conversations. a spokesman said flynn had lost their trust. >> the question wasn't did he do anything illegal. it's a question of could he be trusted further and that trust or the erosion of that was the issue. >> we need to see the truth. >> reporter: democrats called for a full congressional investigation. >> i believe we need to hold a public hearing with lynn to get to the bottom of this. >> reporter: republicans were split with majority leader mitch mcconnell saying an investigation was highly likely and paul ryan hesitating to commit just yet. >> i can't speak to the rest of the circumstances. we need to get that information before we prejudge anything. >> new york times is reporting additional calls between russian intelligence officials and members of the trump campaign team were intercepted but at the time there was no evidence there was any collaboration on the russian hacking of the democratic party e-mails. >> jana katsuyama in the city tonight, thank you. the man accused of buying the high-powered rifles used in the san bernardino massacre is expected to plead guilty to conspiracy. henrique marquez junior could face 25 years in prison. he is due in court on thursday. has long time friend syed farook and tashfeen malik shot and killed 14 people at a public health agency event in december of 2015. before the two shooters were killed in a gunfight with police. prosecutors say there is no evidence marquez knew about the plot ahead of time. now to wall street where the three key indexes closed at record highs for a fourth consecutive day. the dow was up 92 points, nasdaq up 18, s&p 500 was up nine. today federal reserve chairwoman janet yellen told the banking committee the fed will continue to assess the u.s. economy before raising interest rates. she didn't rule out a rate increase next month but most analysts think june is more likely. still ahead a construction project at sfo that could mean delays this summer. then fear and uncertainty over immigration. how the impact of presidential politics can be seen even at food banks. feeling lucky love. how couples are celebrating valentine's day in san jose. a popular way to say i do in 10 minutes. we'll have that coming up. today is valentine's day. the one day of the year all about love. and plenty of couples choose today to tie the knot. this can also be a lucrative day for florists and restaurants but what happens when valentine's day is on a tuesday? ktvu's azenith smith in san jose where folks are out celebrating tonight. azenith? >> reporter: yes. i'm at santana row and there are couples out here wining and dining. i spoke to some restaurants and they tell me business is down a little because it is a tuesday but nonetheless love is in the air. >> ♪ >> reporter: with live music playing it's the first valentine's day for this budding young romance. >> always going to be great when you are with someone special like her. >> this is perfect. i wasn't expecting this. >> reporter: a good excuse for date night for this couple married for more than 50 years. >> we're still in love. we had four children and rich and full, lucky life. >> reporter: couples are celebrating at santana row. the manager at consuelo's says business is down 20% from last year. valentine's day falls on a weekday not even that can put him in a sour mood. >> it's valentine's day. we're in a great mood. >> reporter: in san jose long lines for the last-minute rush to buy flowers. >> absolutely our biggest day of the year. it's been crazy. we had over 40 drivers delivering packages. >> reporter: earlier at the wedding chapel at the santa clara county building -- >> kiss the bride. >> reporter: mylo and rj waited two years to get hitched. a no-brainer for them to get married on this day one of 25 weddings in the chapel. more couples choosing the express ceremony for $80. no appointment needed to say i do at the window. perfect for this long distance couple. >> basically landed here last night and wanted to get married today. >> reporter: at santana row it wasn't all about couples. this group of friends all singles celebrating what they do have. each other. instead of what they don't have. >> i think having a spouse is nice and we'd love that. and i think we've all kind of discussed that tonight but sometimes those things don't last forever. but at least friends do. >> also about who you are and the people who love you. no matter what. >> reporter: i love that. loving yourself today. also the average american set to spend roughly $150 on valentine's day. i met this one man he had this huge bouquet of roses. he told me he spent $100 and i said that's a lot of money. and he said his wife is worth it. frank? >> that's nice. all right. azenith smith, thank you. valentine's day was also busy at san francisco city hall. 80 couples signed up to get married today. three times the normal amount. each couple went home with a long stem rose, candy and a special valentine's day marriage license. san mateo county supervisors declared an emergency today so they could get help from the state to fix a messy problem. a sliding hillside caused 16- inch sewer pipe to break. just feet from home in the highlands neighborhood. damage estimates have climbed to at least $3 million. crews built a bypass to divert contaminated water. public works employees are on the scene around the clock to make sure the temporary fix doesn't fail. a woman suspected of vandalizing the islamic center of davis last month was arrested and charged with a hate crime today. investigators say 30-year-old lauren carrillo smacked -- slashed bike tires outside the facility. they say she also pleased rob aiken on the door handles which is viewed as a sign of disrespect because pork is forbidden in islam. davis police say several tips along with surveillance video from the islamic center led to her arrest. san francisco marin food bank launched a new campaign meant for the immigrant community. ktvu's claudine wong with the message to people who may be afraid to receive federal help because of props stance on immigration. >> every saturday pastor miguel says the dining room at -- it transforms into a food pantry that serves hundreds. these days he's hearing a lot of concerns in the community. >> are people scared to give you information? >> yes. >> what is the worry? >> yeah. they always ask where it's going to be -- this information. we don't check any status, immigration. >> reporter: fear and uncertainty is what a new campaign from san francisco marin food bank is trying to address. messages have been posted online and at 253 pantries in four languages. >> we know that whenever immigration is in the headlines people get frightened. and sometimes people avoid places where they might have felt comfortable before. so we want people who are using our pantries to know that they are safe and welcome. >> reporter: human services agency says when it comes to government programs, information must be gathered. but the agency is reassuring people that services right now remain the same. >> undocumented individuals are never eligible for our government programs but we do have about 20% of recipients are legal noncitizens. and they are receiving cal fresh benefits. the concern is not with any specific executive order because nothing has changed eligibility. but it's the chilling effect. the fear in our communities. clients calling and saying please take me off benefits. or families being reluctant to apply. >> reporter: the people we talked to say they are depending on the trust they have built up over the years. but the food bank says it is prepared to do more. >> if people do feel scared, if people do feel frightened and we sense that, we're going to be out of pantries ourselves, welcoming them. >> reporter: that's what pastor miguel says he's doing. >> we keep like the church, doors open for the community. doesn't matter what kind of documentation they have. >> reporter: and all are welcome here. in san francisco claudine wong, ktvu fox 2 news. with many people feeling priced out by the high cost of housing in the bay area the creation of new housing is a priority for leaders in the biggest cities in the region. ktvu's garcia mickey alien sat down with libby schaaf and talked to her about her priorities. >> my goal for 2017, 4500 new units of housing either completed or in construction. >> where those going to go? your city is pretty tight. >> we have room for more density. we have surface parking lots in our downtown right next to b.a.r.t. stations. we can afford to go taller. that's part of urban living. >> you can see more of gasia mikaelian's interview tomorrow during the 8:00 hour of "mornings on 2". still ahead where amazon plans to build a brick and mortar store in the bay area. plus san francisco moved to shut down a massage parlor that officials say is really a brothel. we're tracking the next round of rain. doesn't get here tomorrow but it is going to get here on thursday. plus more rain on friday towards the weekend. d. a major runway paving project at sfo and how it will impact flights this summer. there is a place, like no other. where a walk down main street, can fill you with wonder. and the smile of a mouse can spark joy. where magic is spread with every touch, and always leaves you wanting even more. so make the time... to take your time because one day just isn't enough. here, there is magic for days. did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. right now, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. go to for a store near you. new at 10:00 plans are being made to repay -- repay one of two runways at san francisco international airport. besides new paving the plan calls for upgraded runway lights and a new secondary taxiway. runways need repaving every eight to 12 years. the one about to be repaved was last done in 2008. most of the work will take place during overnight hours but the project will require a series of nine weekend closures that could cost delays in airport operations. actor harrison ford is being investigated by the faa for landing his plane on a taxiway for jetliners. the incident happened yesterday at john wayne airport in orange county. harrison ford flew right over an american airlines passenger jet with 116 people on board. he asked air traffic controllers if the airliner was supposed to be underneath him. this isn't the first time he's had trouble. in 2015 he crash landed a plane on a golf course in santa monica. he was injured but recovered. city attorney asked the judge today to shut down a brothel on kearny street that officials say was operating disguised as a massage parlor. for six years officials say they have tried to shut down queens health center. documents reveal the alleged brothel is notorious for soliciting erotic services online. >> on various occasions police investigators found individuals engaging in sex. there was a lingerie found throughout the establishment. there were sex toys. >> the owner did not want to speak to ktvu on camera. she showed us her license to operate and said she plans to hire an attorney to fight the allegations. the governor of colorado is given lawmakers in california some tips about legalized marijuana. governor john hickenlooper says colorado made some big mistakes when it legalize recreational marijuana five years ago. he's now urging california lawmakers to set some clear standards especially when it comes to driving under the influence of marijuana. he also believes california lawmakers need to create specific rules involving edible marijuana goods. california voters legalize recreational marijuana in november but legal pot sales are set to begin next year. amazon returns to its roots with a bookstore. the new brick and mortar location coming to the bay area. chief meteorologist bill martin tracking several storms on the way. he will lay out the forecast. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. amazon is coming to the bay area. the online giant got its start in books. now it's planning to open a brick and mortar store at broadway plaza in walnut creek. the grand opening is not expected until next year. there are currently no general bookstores in walnut creek. the nearest is rakestraw books nearby danville. the owner says he's not overly concerned about amazon setting up shop in walnut creek. >> that could be a challenge. but we've been writing out challenges for a long time. >> you think you'll survive it? >> i do. >> amazon opened its first standalone store in seattle in 2015. stores in portland and san diego have since followed. facebook is trying to stake a claim on your tv set. the social network confirms it's about to launch its tv app in the coming weeks. the idea is to make it easy to string viral videos on your big- screen. facebook says the app will serve as a hub for all of its videos and will include a saved video list from your phone. starbucks is about to at ice cream to its menu in southern california. it's a classic italian dessert that will feature espresso poured over ice cream. starbucks is rolling it out at stores in orange county starting tomorrow. starbucks in selected cities including los angeles and boston will get a wider range of options including cold brew on ice cream. check out these highs from today. doesn't feel much like february. 70s today. 71 in morgan hill. 70 in san jose. 71 fairfield. these temperatures well above the average. and don't get used to them. they are gone into tomorrow. most look like mid-60s. upper or 67, 65. a little cooler tomorrow despite the cloud cover. there's the cloud cover right there. cloud cover sets us up with a partly cloudy mostly cloudy day tomorrow just a transition they we'll call it. back here the system that's your thursday not morning commute -- back here this is your friday just system. both of them good systems but nothing that should break the bank in terms of flood advisories. inch and a half here, a quarter inch here there. you see some sprinkles trying to show up north around point arena very light. temperatures in the 50s. fog is a possibility tonight because we've got temperatures go down into the mid-40s. and we've got dew points in the mid-40s. so dew points are right around these numbers. so patchy valley fog. we have a dense fog advisory south of antioch towards modesto and stockton. so be prepared for that. your day in san francisco looks like this in oakland. looks like this in san rafael. at lunchtime look at that. more of the same. clouds generally increasing all day. doesn't show it here. because by tomorrow night most likely after you go to bed clouds will be thickened up quite a bit. and we'll get into the showers tomorrow morning, here is tomorrow afternoon. kind of does break out a little bit and here comes your thursday morning commute. right there. so at 4:00 a.m., this is well defined. got a pop to it. that's got a nice narrow line. strong dynamics. plenty of moisture. inch and half maybe in a place like santa rosa. half an inch in san francisco. maybe 0.4 in oakland. so there we are for the morning. there we are five in the morning. right on the commute. there we are at six and 7:00 a.m. the morning commute thursday is wet. breaks out and then you get into thursday afternoon and a few nuisance showers. a break if you will be for the next weather system. the idea being we're getting breaks and the systems aren't ridiculously strong. we're in good shape. drive safe out there. storm number 1 in thursday morning breaks thursday afternoon storm number 2 gets in friday kind of mid-day and kind of makes the afternoon commute a little bit wet. number 1 looks like it's got more pop. and then stored number 1 stronger storm number 2 and storm number 3 where you can see is on monday and that is right ranking up there was storm number 2. >> i surrender already. >> [ laughter ] with the brakes. we'd be hurting without those. >> thank you. spring training is underway. that's the nice weather. we'll take you to scottsdale. mark is off tonight. scott is here. baseball is back. there's competition for some spots. >> indeed. this is the day we circle on the calendar. make no mistake. today is a holiday. i'm not talking about valentine's day. although that's nice. day one of giants spring training. pitchers and catchers. joe fonzi has the early storyline from scottsdale. >> reporter: if you're a giants fan or for that matter bruce bochy, there's something reassuring about the site and sound of buster posey in the batting cage. >> the day you look forward to. get a chance to see everybody. and hear the sound of the bat. watch these guys work out again. so it's a good day. >> creatures of habit. you go out and give it everything you have and start all over again. >> you show up and we don't even have fans yet. the adrenaline is going. so we're ready. >> when the super bowl game ends it's like that's the big trigger. okay. now we're -- for a manager you're always thinking about things. >> the pitching staff has to be one of the major topics to consume bruce bochy's thoughts. it starts in the bullpen where the old big four affeldt, lopez casilla and romo is gone. that means this year is the time for a group of younger players to stake out their positions. >> we are here now. this is our opportunity to take advantage of it. we are excited about each opportunity and go and have fun. >> we are young but we are talented. the league is going to have to look out. we had a hiccup last year. we're going to be fine. >> to be honest with you whatever keeps me on the field. i don't really care what they do with me. >> when we leave here we are going to have a good bullpen. >> reporter: not just the bullpen that has uncertainty. the fifth spot in the rotation could be a battle between the veteran matt cain and ty blach who was so impressive last september. >> matt is a guy that's been with -- one of our horses. looks good. he's come in here in great shape. we know what ty blach did last year and those are two pretty good arms. and so i can't tell you what's going to happen now. but it's pretty nice having these two guys that we'll be looking at to help us out in the rotation. >> reporter: competition is a good thing to have. unlike past springs the giants will have plenty of it this year. and the position players aren't even here yet. in scottsdale joe fonzi, ktvu fox 2. the warriors not playing today. but they did do some paperwork signing brillante weber to a second 10 day contract. after that they have to sign in for the season or send him packing. tomorrow it will be doves and kings. tonight kings and lakers. luke front and center. we know that guy. you know who else was front and center? demarcus cousins. 40 points, 12 rebounds. down the stretch we go. louis williams jab step. three-ball. he had 29. tied at 96. this was an exciting ball game between two not very good teams. final seconds. for the win. williams missed it. kings hang on 97-96. they will play the dubs tomorrow. cavs and walls because it's the cavaliers. and it's lebron james. watch what he does here. sets up derrick williams for the nice dues. did i really see that? yeah you did. he went through the legs. how about that? unbelievable. the cavs by four. final minute of the half. eight-point lead at the break.  fourth quarter game still in some doubt until lebron steps up and steps back and knocks in the triple. he had 25 points, cavs win 116- 108. from the dunks frank somerville can do but i can't, check out zion williamson. the number 2 recruit in the country for 2018. he does this. >> oh, my gosh. >> the vince carter 360 windmill. >> that dude is in high school? >> he's a junior in high school! he's got 27 scholarship offers. because he can do that. >> that's all? >> he's a junior. there's still time. >> looking at that. what school wouldn't offer? >> they make it look so easy. >> incredible. and that pass through the leg by lebron. >> as much as we don't like it here he is really, really good. >> yeah. thank you. thanks for joining us tonight. tonight. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. happy valentine's day. oh, happy valentine's day. aw. ohh! mwah. so, fratelli's tonight? hello, cannoli canoe. jay: i like it. nice fit. swanky material. [ chuckles ] jay, you look so strong and sexy, like an olympic wrestler but with money. [ both laugh ] your turn. okay. [ chuckles ] this is my favorite day in america! happy valentine's day, gorgeous. [ gasps ] they're huge! [ chuckles ] oh, my god! yeah, those will work. beautiful. you can wear them tonight. i have a surprise. [ gasps ] don't tell me, you're finally taking me salsa dancing! [ gasps ] and who's david brenner? only a vegas legend. is he a magician?

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