Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160828

have been reluctant to make political stands, kaepernick has chosen this platform and last night in the 49ers' preseason game against green bay, it came to the public's attention that kaepernick had not been standing for the national anthem. kaepernick had been sitting down instead and in a statement explained why. kaepernick said he's not going to stand up to show pride for a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. he went on to say -- that obviously didn't sit well with many of his fans who expressed displeasure by burning his jersey. at the raiders game tonight, hall of fame cornerback willie brown was asked to weigh in. >> there's not good. mainly because he is american. we all got to stand up and -- take your caps off and those kind of things, it's really inappropriate for any player or coach to do that kind of thing. he should have waited until after the game or waited until some other time the make a statement rather than the whole world looking at him doing these things, it's not good. it's disrespectful. all the players that have played and his teammates it's just disrespectful to the organization. to his family. all the things -- [ inaudible ] >> he got the first playing time of the preseason last night after sitting out the 49ers' first two games due to injury. there was not an impress i outing with all three of his possessions resulting in had ther punt -- 49er punt. coach kelly in a conference call today said kaepernick's stand and statement will have nothing to do with who plays quarterback for the 49ers. nfl spokesman today said players are encouraged but not required to stand during the playing of the anthem. and the 49ers issued a statement which read in part -- we have posted this story online. you can express your thoughts on our facebook page. more on the 49ers' game last night against the packers coming up later if sports, ross? -- in sports, ross? new at 10:00 tonight a series of prostitution arrests in vallejo. police azested seven people -- arrested seven people in downtown vallejo for solicitation, one was from berkeley and one from oakland. police hope to send a message that prostitution won't be tolerated. tonight we know the name of the motorcyclist killed during a major crash on the golden gate bridge. 39-year-old amir kahn wiped out. the accident stopped trap on all of the northbound lanes there for hours. the cause of the crash is still under investigation tonight. kahn is in lark spur and leaves behind a wife and infant son. also new tonight at 10:00 a landmark law and a new device that could prevented dui crashes is now one step closer to reality. all this, just as police across the bay area are kicking off a new campaign against drunk driving. ktvu's monty francis is life in livermore tonight with the details. monty? >> reporter: well, ross, the law makes it mandatory for anyone convicted of a dui to have one of these. it's called the iid and an ignition interlock device and this is how it works. it's going to say do blow. you blow into this device for about eight seconds. it's analyzing. it says i passed and as long as you have a blood alcohol level below the legal limit, then you can drive the car. mary of livermore lost her son matthew to a drunk driver 15 years ago. the pain never goes away. >> the pain isn't as raw. but it's still there and it will be there always. >> reporter: the 22-year-old was home from the naval academy and coming back from a day at the beach with his parents. when a driver ran a stop sign and t-boned their jeep. mary and her husband tom survived. matthew did not. >> he was engaged for one week. and he just found out that he was going to be a pilot. at the naval academy. and it's hard. and but i want to preshe want this pain from -- prevent this pain from happening to another family. >> reporter: mary and tom feel so strongly about a device that measures your blood alcohol content before you hit the ignition they had one installed in their own car. they say requiring the devices would have saved their son's life. >> i know it would have. because the offender was on a suspended license. >> reporter: the bill was authored by a state senator jerry hill of san mateo. >> if you have a first offense or second offense or third offense, once you get a drunk driving arrest, you can rather than having your license suspends, you could have the ignition interlock device installed on the vehicle immediately. >> reporter: repeat dui offenders accounted for about one-third of all drunk driving cashes and -- crashes and four counties in california already mandate the devices for dui convictions including alameda county. hill says making it a state law would save lives. >> in the four counties over the past five years where the pilot program has been in place, those devices have prevented drinking and driving over one million times. >> reporter: hill has been trying to pass the bill since 2012. he says his motivation is personal. >> i lost my best friend to a drunk driver about 30 years ago. and it -- it -- i saw what that did to his family. and to all of us. >> reporter: mary says changing the law is a way of paying tribute to her son. >> it's his legacy. it's -- this is his legacy. >> reporter: and senator hill says he's confident the governor will sign this bill into law. the governor has until september 30th to do so. if he does, the bill would become law in 2019. ross? >> do other states have the law and these devices? >> reporter: yes, a 28 other statesman date it -- states mandate it. california could be the 29th. all right manty francis live for us tonight in livermore, thank you. major traffic delays on i- 80 coming back from the sierra tonight on westbound i-80 near the sacramento river. traffic has been channeled into one just one lane. caltrans says it's needed for demolition and pavement work there. they're adding hov lanes and repaving parts of i-80. caltrans and the chp are now asking drivers to avoid the area. >> we request if you do not have to make a trip please stay away from this section. but if you do need to make a trip, plan for extra time. because we anticipate 45 minutes of delays. >> they are expected to continue through 5:00 monday morning. eastbound i-830 is not affect -- 80 is not affected. police continue to investigate in walnut creek a killing. it's the first homicide of the year and that usually quiet town. ktvu's rob roth has the very latest. >> reporter: just before 1:30 this morning as the bars were letting out. police say someone fired multiple shots and 38-year-old courtney brown had been hit three times in the back and died and he leaves behind a daughter and a fiance. >> all information thus far indicates that was not a random event. >> reporter: police say brown had left the sports bar at the corner of cypress and locust streets before being shot. investigators were combing downtown today looking to collect any surveillance video and wouldn't say what led up to the shooting and offered no motive for it and only have a vague description of the gunman who ran away before police arrived. >> witnesses reported seeing the shooting and said the responsible was an african- american male in his 20s. approximately 6'0" tall and 160 pounds. >> reporter: four years ago walnut creek wrestled with problems with downtown bars after a series of drunken brawls including this one. the city increased police patrols and kept a closer watch on the bars. >> we've take an lot of steps to -- taken a lot of steps to resolve issues that occurred a number of years ago. when some of the bars were a little bit more active than they should have been. >> reporter: carlton says what happened this morning is an anomaly. >> really a safe community. i think it's safe in the evening. >> reporter: residents we spoke with agree. >> it's packed. there's a lot of people. but -- i don't think it gets crazy. >> i've seen yelling between boyfriends and girlfriends. occasionally i've seen some drugs sold. but nothing of -- a level of violence which i gather occurred last night here. that's certainly new for walnut creek. >> reporter: people tell me that downtown walnut creek tonight may see an even larger police presence and police will be stepping up patrols just in case and investigators say they are pursuing a number of leads. in walnut creek, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. and another killing in san jose, this one at leon drive. when officers got there last night, they found a man had been stabbed. he was pronounced dead at the scene. so far, there have been no arrests in that case. and nba star dwyane wade's cousin shot and killed while pushing a baby stroller in chicago. police say 32-year-old nakea aldridge was pushing the stroller near a school where she was going to register her kids when she was killed. two gunmen walked up and fired shots at another man but hit her in the head authorities say. and arm as well. >> talking about the violence that's gone on within our city of chicago, never knowing that the next day we would be the ones that would be actually living and experiencing it. >> police have arrested two people for the attack. there have been 381 homicides in chicago so far this year. that's a 30% increase over last year. dwyane wade tweeted four kids lost their mom for no reason. unreal. hashtag #enoughisenough. and that homicide in chicago is now playing a role in the presidential election. donald trump tweeted about the killings as another reason that african-americans should vote for him. it's outraging some who believe he's politicizing the killing. peter due see has the latest. >> reporter: donald trump is kicking off the weekend at the annual roast and ride veterans bikers' event in iowa. and he isn't mincing words. >> hillary clinton thinks she's entitled to be president. her criminal conduct at home and her failed interventions overseas simply make her unfit. she is unfit to serve in the oval office. >> reporter: trump is working hard to clear up any confusion about his immigration policy after critics implied it might be softening. >> on day one, i'm going to begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country. >> reporter: trump also stirring up controversy on twitter. after the murder of nba star dwyane wade's cousin, trump tweeted quote -- part of his campaign message is that inner cities are dangerous and people that live there are looking for someone to come and clean things up. on the democratic side of the aisle, hillary clinton spent saturday morning getting her first national security briefing as her party's nominee. donald trump had his first briefing earlier this month. the meeting comes after the clinton campaign got good news from the state department announcing that logs of meetings won't be fully released until december. well after the election. this comes adds her campaign is trying to get back on message attacking donald trump. releasing this new tv ad. >> you can't make america great again if you don't make things in america. >> and we are now less than one month away from the first debate when trump and clinton will face-off on the same stage for the first time. in des moines, iowa, peter ducey, fox news. >> donald trump is heading back to the bay area next week and holding two fundraisers on monday. the first is undisclosed location on the peninsula and tickets are $25,000 apiece. heil then hold another fundraiser in napa county and both are closed to the application. coming up more aftershocks in italy bringing more devastation as people are laying their loved ones there to rest. >> who the president is blaming tonight in the fight for funding to eliminate zika. the 10:00 news continues in the 0 seconds -- 90 seconds. the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. as italy tries to recover from that massive earthquake, aftershocks continue to set back recovery efforts. a bridge collapse friday in amatrice. that bridge was the only northern access point to the small town. rescuers are now scrambling to put together a makeshift bridge there. they hope the new access point will be ready by thursday. amatrice was hit hardest in wednesday's quake. more than three quarters of the victims were from there. meanwhile, hundreds attended a large funeral for those who died. they mourned behind a row of 35 coffins only a fraction of the total victims. the prime minister and the president of italy also paid their respects. in all 291 people died in the earthquake. and with rescue crews still at work, that number is expected to rise. and iraq tonight, another victory in the fight against isis. [ chanting ] the iraqi army has taken control of the town in the northern part of the country. kyara is a strategic oil town close to mosul and mosul is the largest city still controlled by isis. army engineers are moving through the town now cleaning up unexploded ordinances and booby traps and thousands remain in the city and even after a siege there that landed some three weeks -- lasted some three weeks. back here at home it's a disease from abroad that has the president concerned and president obama today again blamed republicans for not passing legislation to help fund the fight against zika. garrett tenny has that story. >> reporter: there's a lot we still don't know about the zika virus including especially how the virus can be transferred and spread. while mosquitoes are still the largest threat to worry about, health officials are now concerned the nation's blood supply could become tainted as well. the food and drug administration announced it wants blood banks in the country to begin testing blood donations for zika. the concern is that because the virus typically doesn't cause any symptoms, someone who's infected could unknowingly transmit it by donating blood which in turn could then be given to a pregnant woman and cause severe damage to her unborn child. this new recommendation comes amid a growing number of infections nationwide. more than 2,000 cases have been reported including 584 pregnant women. here in washington, though, the fight against zika has become a major political football and in this weekly address president obama again blamed republicans for not passing legislation to help fund the fight. >> every day that republican leaders in congress wait to do their job, every day our experts have to wait to get the resources they need and that has real life consequences. it means weaker mosquito control efforts, longer wait times to get accurate diagnostic results and delayed vaccines and it puts more americans at risk. >> reporter: it was senate democrats though who back in june fill bestered and backed a republican backed bill that included money to fight zika due the language which would have excluded planned parenthood from receiving any of the funds. congress will run on september 6th and zika is at the top of the list. in an election year you can bet there will be plenty more back and forth over this issue. in washington, i'm garrett ten knee, fox news. a teen in australia has become the youngest person to circle the globe all by himself in a single engine plane. [ cheering and applause ] well, that is him. he landed in australia after taking off from the same spot some seven weeks ago. the 18-year-old is a year younger than the previous record holder. >> so often we're told we're too young, you're not good enough. it's too hard. when with enough hard work you can get there and hopefully i started to prove that as an 18- year-old now having completed it after many hours of hard working i'm trying to prove the sky is not the limit. yeah dream big. >> that teen stopped in 15 countries and 24 locations during his trip. the national park service celebrated its centennial on thursday. but it was the public that received a gift. free admission. visitors poured into muir woods in marin county today. many were surprised to learn that admission was free. and others came just because it was free. >> it's amazing i grew up on the east coast and just total urban areas. just being able to do something like that really took a lot of planning. and would take a whole day here you can drive an hour and you have to come somewhere like this. >> well, with free admission rangers are urging visitors to arrive early in the day. mornings on 2 visited the san francisco maritime national historic park this morning. there's a museum, or visitors can board one of the many historic ships in the park and admission here is also free this weekend. >> it's a cargo ship and through the years it had different cargo. starting with grain. moving to lumber and then canned salmon in the later years. >> so this would have made the trip back and forth from here to europe and then back right? >> yes. actually one of the most dangerous things a ship can do is go past cape horn. the did the journey 17 times. >> this is a great opportunity to look back at what was the state-of-the-art at the turn of the century and sunday is the final free day at national parks. still ahead, southwest passengers get one heck of a scare in the air. take a look. this is what they saw when they looked out the window. >> plus, police, guns and emergency crews on a uc campus, what is going on here? we'll tell you just ahead. >> and in weather, a bit cooler today across most of the bay area. and outside right now the low clouds already pushing back into the bay. commitment wallet you -- coming up we'll let you know if we're going to warm up for the seven day forecast and possibly some rain chances up north as we head into next week. new at 10:00, take a look at this. pictures taken from a southwest airlines' plane seems to show the engine blown apart. the plane makes an emergency landing in pensacola, florida. southwest says there was no explosion but the flight from new orleans was diverted halfway through the flight after the pilot detected some sort of problem. the boeing 737 landed though with no reported injuries. ed passengers -- 99 passengers and five crew members were all on board. on the ground, not explosions but gunfire that is the big concern. the uc davis campus held a major drill today to prepare for a possible shooter situation. kristin simose has the story. >> reporter: a scene of terror played out too many times at campuses across the country. [ sound of gunfire ] this time, at uc davis, and this time fortunately it's just a drill. >> ready? move. the scenario is lone gunman who's distraught and who is upset at the university and he's come here to do us harm. >> reporter: active shooter training including not only police and fire. >> i need a gun up on the second floor. >> reporter: but students and employees who work in the hall. the very same people who could be in the line of fire should this scene unfold in real life. >> help. >> just a shooting at ucla not too long ago. it could really happen here, with that happening this is a little all too well. >> reporter: mitchell is a student with a part-time job in the building and volunteered for the drill not expecting it would feel so frighteningly realistic. [ sound of gunfire ] >> shots fired. >> i was at the computer where i'm usually just doing work and i heard like all the commotion and the shouting and the running and my heart is still kind of beating. >> reporter: should the worst someday occur here, there's a bit of comforts in knowing they're as prepared as they can be for a scene that's so unpredictable. >> makes me feel more secure honestly it really does, knowing they know what to do now or respond to it much quicker. >> reporter: although classes don't start here for another month, this was a test in community preparedness giving responders, staff even students a chance to practice skills that could someday save their lives. >> that was kristin simose reporting. it's a good idea for all families to talk about campus safety before sending your kids to school. its goal is safety but not everyone thinks it will work. we'll tell you about a new push to put the brakes on large trucks using new technology. >> general toe mores on blast today over new controversy of talks to -- talks to sell cars with outstanding recall notices. ♪ ♪ general motors could soon be able to sell certified preowned cars with outstanding recall notices. consumer advocates say a loophole in the recent decision by the fcc could allow gm to sell certified preowned cars with safety defects. the center says that could set a precedent for other car makers to do the same thing. >> but the single most important safety concern in the vehicle is whether there's an outstanding safety recall and that's not part of the certification program to fix that safety recall. >> in recent years about 50 million cars have been recalled. a new federal regulation is looking to put the brakes on large trucks and buses. regulators announced a plan yesterday to use technology to cap the speed of many large vehicles at 60, 65 or 68 miles an hour. ktvu's amber lee has the story. >> reporter: california law limits big rigs and any vehicles towing a trailer to 55 miles per hour. but it's not always heeded. now, the national highway traffic safety administration is considering electronic devices that would limit trucks to 60, 665 or 68 miles per hour. they'd be required on any vehicle weighing 26,000 pounds or more. >> it's -- it's a lot of weight. it's a lot of weight. and then we got the cars that cut in front of you. so if you got a certain speed that you can only go, it's easier for the driver -- from my own experience to be able to react quicker. >> reporter: richard has been a commercial truck driver for 15 years. hauling goods to regions west of texas. >> so in a way as far as the trucks being governed it's a good idea. but in reality? no. because it takes too long to get destination to destination in a safe manner. >> reporter: the government said reducing the speed of big rigs will bring down the number of deadly crashes involving heavy trucks. more than 1100 each year. anything slower in an accident is going to be better than that faster. >> i think yeah it would be better. >> reporter: the proposal does not force older vehicles to add the speed limiting technology. but regulators are considering it. this couple on a motorcycle says slowing down trucks won't make the road way safer. >> the rest of the traffic by going that slow. it is going to hinder them. a lot of people going 80 miles an hour on the highways and they don't want a truck going slow in front of them. >> most truckers are in the first two right lanes anyway. >> reporter: at road star trucking in hayward, the general manager says the use of technology can improve safety on the road. he says the proposal won't affect his drivers because his company's fleet of trucks already has built-in technology that limits speed. and his drivers are paid by the hour. he says this proposal would affect drivers who own their own rigs. >> for them, time is money. the more loads they deliver they're paid by the mile, the sooner they get to make the delivery, the sooner they get another load. the more money they can make on the revenue in their truck. that was amber lee reporting, new at 10:00 take a look at this. an officer's body camera catches a heroic rescue from the dramatic burning suv. a georgia police officer rolled up on this fiery accident. he tries to put it out but can't and when that wasn't enough look at this. he actually forced the car door open to pull that passenger right there -- out to safety. >> it was exceptional. it was amazing -- when you know the circumstances that i ended up being in but it's nothing that officers don't do across the country all the time. >> wow. well, the driver unfortunately died in the crash. but the passenger survived. that officer has now been nominated for a national award. well, if you want to get through customs more quickly at sfo, there's now an app for that. sfo is one of 18 airports that now offers something called mobile passport services. airport officials say when users are returning from overseas, they'll fill out travel and customs information, snap a selfie, and send the information to customs. travelers get a bar coded receipt and return that then allows them to use the mobile passport control kiosks and skip the lines. the service is available right now at sfo and san jose's airport. and that free app is available for both android and apple smart phones. well, it was a day to be prepared in old sacramento. dozens of agencies came together to make sure families in the golden state are ready to handle any emergency that may come their way. various emergency agencies including pg&e all came together and used an earthquake simulator to help families prepare for the worst case scenario. >> forrals -- familsst it's making sure that you have -- families it's making sure that you have an escape route out of the house if there's a fire or flood or a wildfire. >> we want californians to be prepared. in california, we know that it's not if, but it's when a natural disaster will hit us. and we want everyone to be prepared. >> more than 40 agencies volunteer their time to make sure residents felt prepared. this is by the way the 11th year for the event. scores of people were at lake merritt today for the breast cancer challenge. it's a fundraiser for the friends of faith and a group set up by the ktvu reporter herself before her death in 2013 from breast cancer. the walk raises money to help women and men afford cancer treatments and several members of the media were there including retired ktvu reporter rita williams. >> it's testament of the love we all had for faith. that after all these years, we all come together from all the stations in the bay area as friends, not competitors, to help keep her dream alive. >> organizers say emergency grants in faith's name help pay for transportation to appointments for babysitting, for medicine and for much much more. coming up, jack lennon square looking a lot like a petting zoo this afternoon. we'll look at all the furry friends who were spending their first night now at new homes. and meteorologist mark tamayo will be in next with your detailed bay area forecast. for twenty years, box tops for education has helped schools earn over 750 million dollars to get what they need! families at lawton alternative school in san francisco collected box tops to help pay for field trips like the 5th grade overnight trip! don't be absent from helping your local school! buy 10 participating box tops for education items and get 60 bonus box tops with the just for u digital coupon when you shop today at safeway! offer valid 8/1 - 9/1/16. digital coupons valid when downloaded to your club card. hundreds of four-legged friends got new homes today. the east bay society for the prevention of cruelty to animals held its annual adopt-a- thon today. animal lovers got to meet cats, dogs, look at that guy. bunnies and guinea pigs and rats and birds and some reptiles all at jack london square. >> adopt a shelter pet or a rescue pet. when you do that, it helps save a life. >> well, all the animals came from shelters throughout the entire bay area. and in weather, a bit cool out there for some walks or any outdoor activity for today. temperatures have been trending down a bit. we're going to change things up a little bit though as we head into your sunday. the highs from this afternoon just some lower 60s out towards pacifica and warmest locations instand not so hot. we're just talking about upper service to right around -- 70s to right around 80 degrees, santa rosa 73 and san francisco 67 degrees. on the satellite, you can see what's happening a solid fog bank up and down the coastline from eureka to down to the bay area as well. we have the surface winds as well and still have the on shore breeze that will help transport the clouds back into the bay. in fact right now you can see the lots of overcast already over san francisco. not the real dense fog it's the marine layer that's deepened. no low visibilities out there. as far as courage numbers san jose right now 63 and santa rosa 56 and livermore checking in 60 degrees. we'll check in on some of the winds speeds and look at fairfield. that's a gust. it's a 32 miles per hour. out of the southwest. and some more wind reports for you with sfo right around 10 miles an hour and hayward winds out of the northwest at 12 miles an hour. here's our live camera looking out towards the bay bridge right now and the clouds beginning to move back in over the bay. forecast headlines will stick with that theme in the short- term for tonight and for tomorrow skies becoming partly sunny after some morning clouds. and the extended forecast looks like it's going to be another cool one out there with temperatures dropping off into early next week. here's the plan in san francisco, 7:00 a.m., clouds and drizzle. that's what the sky cast is showing. 55 degrees even at lunchtime mostly cloudy skies and could have some stubborn clouds out there lower 60s and then wrapping up the afternoon a day much like today. partly cloudy and those readings back up into the mid 60s. overnight lows first thing tomorrow morning, starting out the day in the 50s. for san francisco and livermore 57. and napa 54 degrees. this big h. a big area of high pressure is going to build in a little bit for tomorrow. so as a result, we have some minor warming for your sunday forecast. still some 60s and some 80s as you do work your way inland. and then into next week we're tracking a weather system up to the north here which could at least the chance of a few sprinkles up towards the california and oregon border by tuesday. for us the main impact cooler temperatures for tuesday and temperatures kind of staying in that range for wednesday and thursday. of next week. here's the forecast model. tomorrow morning, showing you the clouds out there and the drizzle and 8:00 and then clearing back to near the shoreline. skies becoming partly cloudy over the bay and hazy sunshine inland. especially in the south and east bay. temperatures for tomorrow, san francisco 65 and antioch 83 and fairfield 84 degrees, the numbers up about three to six degrees over today's highs and san jose will go 76 degrees. here's a look ahead your five day forecast, and temperatures about the same into monday and then plan on more clouds. possibly some more drizzle and tuesday, ross, that could be one of the cooler days of week, 60s 70s and maybe stretching it to 830 degrees and then a bit of a bump in the numbers by wednesday and thursday, but if you're looking for major heat you're not going to find that here in the bay area. at least over the next five days and possibly beyond as well. >> a little chilly. >> keep the jack ed on standby. thanks a lot mark, well, coming up, the raiders had their preseason home opener tonight at the coliseum. how did they do? the giants look to do something they haven't done since the all- star break. joe fonzi on-deck next with "sports wrap." good evening, everyone. welcome to this saturday night "sports wrap." the giants are now the guys chasing in the national league west. and tonight, they ran into an old nemesis. the dodgers weren't at at&t park but the presence was felt just the same. giants beginning play one game behind l. a. and a 1-0 lead against the braves in the 2nd. crawford the opposite way and that's his 12th homer of the year. suarez called up to make this start and had a more than respectable outing the only bad inning was the 4th. when he gave up a double a single and then left one over the middle of the plate for matt kemp. as a dodger and padre and now a three run homer as a brave. necessary nice play by giants' right fielder hernandez in the 6 ofth and swanson with a single to right but hernandez makes a perfect one hop throw to recover brown who puts the tag on flowers trying to score from second. still 3-1. the last giants' threat came in the 8th when they had runners at first and second with two outs. that threat ended when joe panik grounded to the right side and cabrera, he covers first to take the throw and offensive struggle again for the giants tonight as they get just five hits in a loss 3-1. it is scoreboard watching time. earlier the dodgers hosted the cubs and were no doubt encouraged by the sight of clayton kershaw getting close to returning to active duty. seeger hits this home run in the 1st. his 23rd homer of the year. the most ever by a dodger shortstop. dodgers' broke the tie in the 3rd chase utley with the base hit to right that scores the pitcher julio uri as. the dodgers hang on for the win and now lead the giants by two games in the nl west. well, the a's will spend the final month of the season auditioning for 2017. but they continue the series tonight against the national league team that's very much in the playoff picture, st. louis cardinals we aring the -- wearing the uniforms of the 1927 predecessors and jumped open zach neil for a run in the 2nd. way deep to left. 1-0 st. louis. the cardinals got a second run in the 3rd. they took the lead to the 8ableth where the a's rallied in an official if unspectacular way. muncie's ground ball to first turns into an rbi when the throw to the plate by moss is too late to get chris davis. and then brett ion they are followed with this fly ball to center. it will be deep enough to score heely as beating the american league teams at

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Georgia , United States , Australia , Alameda County , California , Carlton , Oakland , Texas , Washington , Florida , Oregon , Jack London Square , Sacramento River , Des Moines , Iowa , San Francisco , Berkeley , Iraq , Crawford , Pacifica , Guinea , Sacramento , Cape Horn , Napa County , Lake Merritt , Jersey , Italy , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Californians , Iraqi , American , Amber Lee , Peter Ducey , Courtney Brown , Monty Francis , Clayton Kershaw , Jack Lennon Square , Willie Brown , Rita Williams , Samir Kahn , Matt Kemp , Chris Davis , Zach Neil , Tom Steyer , Hillary Clinton , Jerry Hill ,

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Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160828 :

Transcripts For KTVU The Ten OClock News On KTVU Fox 2 20160828

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have been reluctant to make political stands, kaepernick has chosen this platform and last night in the 49ers' preseason game against green bay, it came to the public's attention that kaepernick had not been standing for the national anthem. kaepernick had been sitting down instead and in a statement explained why. kaepernick said he's not going to stand up to show pride for a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. he went on to say -- that obviously didn't sit well with many of his fans who expressed displeasure by burning his jersey. at the raiders game tonight, hall of fame cornerback willie brown was asked to weigh in. >> there's not good. mainly because he is american. we all got to stand up and -- take your caps off and those kind of things, it's really inappropriate for any player or coach to do that kind of thing. he should have waited until after the game or waited until some other time the make a statement rather than the whole world looking at him doing these things, it's not good. it's disrespectful. all the players that have played and his teammates it's just disrespectful to the organization. to his family. all the things -- [ inaudible ] >> he got the first playing time of the preseason last night after sitting out the 49ers' first two games due to injury. there was not an impress i outing with all three of his possessions resulting in had ther punt -- 49er punt. coach kelly in a conference call today said kaepernick's stand and statement will have nothing to do with who plays quarterback for the 49ers. nfl spokesman today said players are encouraged but not required to stand during the playing of the anthem. and the 49ers issued a statement which read in part -- we have posted this story online. you can express your thoughts on our facebook page. more on the 49ers' game last night against the packers coming up later if sports, ross? -- in sports, ross? new at 10:00 tonight a series of prostitution arrests in vallejo. police azested seven people -- arrested seven people in downtown vallejo for solicitation, one was from berkeley and one from oakland. police hope to send a message that prostitution won't be tolerated. tonight we know the name of the motorcyclist killed during a major crash on the golden gate bridge. 39-year-old amir kahn wiped out. the accident stopped trap on all of the northbound lanes there for hours. the cause of the crash is still under investigation tonight. kahn is in lark spur and leaves behind a wife and infant son. also new tonight at 10:00 a landmark law and a new device that could prevented dui crashes is now one step closer to reality. all this, just as police across the bay area are kicking off a new campaign against drunk driving. ktvu's monty francis is life in livermore tonight with the details. monty? >> reporter: well, ross, the law makes it mandatory for anyone convicted of a dui to have one of these. it's called the iid and an ignition interlock device and this is how it works. it's going to say do blow. you blow into this device for about eight seconds. it's analyzing. it says i passed and as long as you have a blood alcohol level below the legal limit, then you can drive the car. mary of livermore lost her son matthew to a drunk driver 15 years ago. the pain never goes away. >> the pain isn't as raw. but it's still there and it will be there always. >> reporter: the 22-year-old was home from the naval academy and coming back from a day at the beach with his parents. when a driver ran a stop sign and t-boned their jeep. mary and her husband tom survived. matthew did not. >> he was engaged for one week. and he just found out that he was going to be a pilot. at the naval academy. and it's hard. and but i want to preshe want this pain from -- prevent this pain from happening to another family. >> reporter: mary and tom feel so strongly about a device that measures your blood alcohol content before you hit the ignition they had one installed in their own car. they say requiring the devices would have saved their son's life. >> i know it would have. because the offender was on a suspended license. >> reporter: the bill was authored by a state senator jerry hill of san mateo. >> if you have a first offense or second offense or third offense, once you get a drunk driving arrest, you can rather than having your license suspends, you could have the ignition interlock device installed on the vehicle immediately. >> reporter: repeat dui offenders accounted for about one-third of all drunk driving cashes and -- crashes and four counties in california already mandate the devices for dui convictions including alameda county. hill says making it a state law would save lives. >> in the four counties over the past five years where the pilot program has been in place, those devices have prevented drinking and driving over one million times. >> reporter: hill has been trying to pass the bill since 2012. he says his motivation is personal. >> i lost my best friend to a drunk driver about 30 years ago. and it -- it -- i saw what that did to his family. and to all of us. >> reporter: mary says changing the law is a way of paying tribute to her son. >> it's his legacy. it's -- this is his legacy. >> reporter: and senator hill says he's confident the governor will sign this bill into law. the governor has until september 30th to do so. if he does, the bill would become law in 2019. ross? >> do other states have the law and these devices? >> reporter: yes, a 28 other statesman date it -- states mandate it. california could be the 29th. all right manty francis live for us tonight in livermore, thank you. major traffic delays on i- 80 coming back from the sierra tonight on westbound i-80 near the sacramento river. traffic has been channeled into one just one lane. caltrans says it's needed for demolition and pavement work there. they're adding hov lanes and repaving parts of i-80. caltrans and the chp are now asking drivers to avoid the area. >> we request if you do not have to make a trip please stay away from this section. but if you do need to make a trip, plan for extra time. because we anticipate 45 minutes of delays. >> they are expected to continue through 5:00 monday morning. eastbound i-830 is not affect -- 80 is not affected. police continue to investigate in walnut creek a killing. it's the first homicide of the year and that usually quiet town. ktvu's rob roth has the very latest. >> reporter: just before 1:30 this morning as the bars were letting out. police say someone fired multiple shots and 38-year-old courtney brown had been hit three times in the back and died and he leaves behind a daughter and a fiance. >> all information thus far indicates that was not a random event. >> reporter: police say brown had left the sports bar at the corner of cypress and locust streets before being shot. investigators were combing downtown today looking to collect any surveillance video and wouldn't say what led up to the shooting and offered no motive for it and only have a vague description of the gunman who ran away before police arrived. >> witnesses reported seeing the shooting and said the responsible was an african- american male in his 20s. approximately 6'0" tall and 160 pounds. >> reporter: four years ago walnut creek wrestled with problems with downtown bars after a series of drunken brawls including this one. the city increased police patrols and kept a closer watch on the bars. >> we've take an lot of steps to -- taken a lot of steps to resolve issues that occurred a number of years ago. when some of the bars were a little bit more active than they should have been. >> reporter: carlton says what happened this morning is an anomaly. >> really a safe community. i think it's safe in the evening. >> reporter: residents we spoke with agree. >> it's packed. there's a lot of people. but -- i don't think it gets crazy. >> i've seen yelling between boyfriends and girlfriends. occasionally i've seen some drugs sold. but nothing of -- a level of violence which i gather occurred last night here. that's certainly new for walnut creek. >> reporter: people tell me that downtown walnut creek tonight may see an even larger police presence and police will be stepping up patrols just in case and investigators say they are pursuing a number of leads. in walnut creek, rob roth, ktvu fox 2 news. and another killing in san jose, this one at leon drive. when officers got there last night, they found a man had been stabbed. he was pronounced dead at the scene. so far, there have been no arrests in that case. and nba star dwyane wade's cousin shot and killed while pushing a baby stroller in chicago. police say 32-year-old nakea aldridge was pushing the stroller near a school where she was going to register her kids when she was killed. two gunmen walked up and fired shots at another man but hit her in the head authorities say. and arm as well. >> talking about the violence that's gone on within our city of chicago, never knowing that the next day we would be the ones that would be actually living and experiencing it. >> police have arrested two people for the attack. there have been 381 homicides in chicago so far this year. that's a 30% increase over last year. dwyane wade tweeted four kids lost their mom for no reason. unreal. hashtag #enoughisenough. and that homicide in chicago is now playing a role in the presidential election. donald trump tweeted about the killings as another reason that african-americans should vote for him. it's outraging some who believe he's politicizing the killing. peter due see has the latest. >> reporter: donald trump is kicking off the weekend at the annual roast and ride veterans bikers' event in iowa. and he isn't mincing words. >> hillary clinton thinks she's entitled to be president. her criminal conduct at home and her failed interventions overseas simply make her unfit. she is unfit to serve in the oval office. >> reporter: trump is working hard to clear up any confusion about his immigration policy after critics implied it might be softening. >> on day one, i'm going to begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country. >> reporter: trump also stirring up controversy on twitter. after the murder of nba star dwyane wade's cousin, trump tweeted quote -- part of his campaign message is that inner cities are dangerous and people that live there are looking for someone to come and clean things up. on the democratic side of the aisle, hillary clinton spent saturday morning getting her first national security briefing as her party's nominee. donald trump had his first briefing earlier this month. the meeting comes after the clinton campaign got good news from the state department announcing that logs of meetings won't be fully released until december. well after the election. this comes adds her campaign is trying to get back on message attacking donald trump. releasing this new tv ad. >> you can't make america great again if you don't make things in america. >> and we are now less than one month away from the first debate when trump and clinton will face-off on the same stage for the first time. in des moines, iowa, peter ducey, fox news. >> donald trump is heading back to the bay area next week and holding two fundraisers on monday. the first is undisclosed location on the peninsula and tickets are $25,000 apiece. heil then hold another fundraiser in napa county and both are closed to the application. coming up more aftershocks in italy bringing more devastation as people are laying their loved ones there to rest. >> who the president is blaming tonight in the fight for funding to eliminate zika. the 10:00 news continues in the 0 seconds -- 90 seconds. the oil companies pollute our air. putting their... ...profits ahead of our kids' health. now they're trying to weaken california's clean air laws. i'm tom steyer. we've had a million kids get asthma. we need to send the oil companies a message. tell your legislator to stand up to the oil companies and protect our clean air laws. don't let the oil companies put their profits... ...ahead of our kids. as italy tries to recover from that massive earthquake, aftershocks continue to set back recovery efforts. a bridge collapse friday in amatrice. that bridge was the only northern access point to the small town. rescuers are now scrambling to put together a makeshift bridge there. they hope the new access point will be ready by thursday. amatrice was hit hardest in wednesday's quake. more than three quarters of the victims were from there. meanwhile, hundreds attended a large funeral for those who died. they mourned behind a row of 35 coffins only a fraction of the total victims. the prime minister and the president of italy also paid their respects. in all 291 people died in the earthquake. and with rescue crews still at work, that number is expected to rise. and iraq tonight, another victory in the fight against isis. [ chanting ] the iraqi army has taken control of the town in the northern part of the country. kyara is a strategic oil town close to mosul and mosul is the largest city still controlled by isis. army engineers are moving through the town now cleaning up unexploded ordinances and booby traps and thousands remain in the city and even after a siege there that landed some three weeks -- lasted some three weeks. back here at home it's a disease from abroad that has the president concerned and president obama today again blamed republicans for not passing legislation to help fund the fight against zika. garrett tenny has that story. >> reporter: there's a lot we still don't know about the zika virus including especially how the virus can be transferred and spread. while mosquitoes are still the largest threat to worry about, health officials are now concerned the nation's blood supply could become tainted as well. the food and drug administration announced it wants blood banks in the country to begin testing blood donations for zika. the concern is that because the virus typically doesn't cause any symptoms, someone who's infected could unknowingly transmit it by donating blood which in turn could then be given to a pregnant woman and cause severe damage to her unborn child. this new recommendation comes amid a growing number of infections nationwide. more than 2,000 cases have been reported including 584 pregnant women. here in washington, though, the fight against zika has become a major political football and in this weekly address president obama again blamed republicans for not passing legislation to help fund the fight. >> every day that republican leaders in congress wait to do their job, every day our experts have to wait to get the resources they need and that has real life consequences. it means weaker mosquito control efforts, longer wait times to get accurate diagnostic results and delayed vaccines and it puts more americans at risk. >> reporter: it was senate democrats though who back in june fill bestered and backed a republican backed bill that included money to fight zika due the language which would have excluded planned parenthood from receiving any of the funds. congress will run on september 6th and zika is at the top of the list. in an election year you can bet there will be plenty more back and forth over this issue. in washington, i'm garrett ten knee, fox news. a teen in australia has become the youngest person to circle the globe all by himself in a single engine plane. [ cheering and applause ] well, that is him. he landed in australia after taking off from the same spot some seven weeks ago. the 18-year-old is a year younger than the previous record holder. >> so often we're told we're too young, you're not good enough. it's too hard. when with enough hard work you can get there and hopefully i started to prove that as an 18- year-old now having completed it after many hours of hard working i'm trying to prove the sky is not the limit. yeah dream big. >> that teen stopped in 15 countries and 24 locations during his trip. the national park service celebrated its centennial on thursday. but it was the public that received a gift. free admission. visitors poured into muir woods in marin county today. many were surprised to learn that admission was free. and others came just because it was free. >> it's amazing i grew up on the east coast and just total urban areas. just being able to do something like that really took a lot of planning. and would take a whole day here you can drive an hour and you have to come somewhere like this. >> well, with free admission rangers are urging visitors to arrive early in the day. mornings on 2 visited the san francisco maritime national historic park this morning. there's a museum, or visitors can board one of the many historic ships in the park and admission here is also free this weekend. >> it's a cargo ship and through the years it had different cargo. starting with grain. moving to lumber and then canned salmon in the later years. >> so this would have made the trip back and forth from here to europe and then back right? >> yes. actually one of the most dangerous things a ship can do is go past cape horn. the did the journey 17 times. >> this is a great opportunity to look back at what was the state-of-the-art at the turn of the century and sunday is the final free day at national parks. still ahead, southwest passengers get one heck of a scare in the air. take a look. this is what they saw when they looked out the window. >> plus, police, guns and emergency crews on a uc campus, what is going on here? we'll tell you just ahead. >> and in weather, a bit cooler today across most of the bay area. and outside right now the low clouds already pushing back into the bay. commitment wallet you -- coming up we'll let you know if we're going to warm up for the seven day forecast and possibly some rain chances up north as we head into next week. new at 10:00, take a look at this. pictures taken from a southwest airlines' plane seems to show the engine blown apart. the plane makes an emergency landing in pensacola, florida. southwest says there was no explosion but the flight from new orleans was diverted halfway through the flight after the pilot detected some sort of problem. the boeing 737 landed though with no reported injuries. ed passengers -- 99 passengers and five crew members were all on board. on the ground, not explosions but gunfire that is the big concern. the uc davis campus held a major drill today to prepare for a possible shooter situation. kristin simose has the story. >> reporter: a scene of terror played out too many times at campuses across the country. [ sound of gunfire ] this time, at uc davis, and this time fortunately it's just a drill. >> ready? move. the scenario is lone gunman who's distraught and who is upset at the university and he's come here to do us harm. >> reporter: active shooter training including not only police and fire. >> i need a gun up on the second floor. >> reporter: but students and employees who work in the hall. the very same people who could be in the line of fire should this scene unfold in real life. >> help. >> just a shooting at ucla not too long ago. it could really happen here, with that happening this is a little all too well. >> reporter: mitchell is a student with a part-time job in the building and volunteered for the drill not expecting it would feel so frighteningly realistic. [ sound of gunfire ] >> shots fired. >> i was at the computer where i'm usually just doing work and i heard like all the commotion and the shouting and the running and my heart is still kind of beating. >> reporter: should the worst someday occur here, there's a bit of comforts in knowing they're as prepared as they can be for a scene that's so unpredictable. >> makes me feel more secure honestly it really does, knowing they know what to do now or respond to it much quicker. >> reporter: although classes don't start here for another month, this was a test in community preparedness giving responders, staff even students a chance to practice skills that could someday save their lives. >> that was kristin simose reporting. it's a good idea for all families to talk about campus safety before sending your kids to school. its goal is safety but not everyone thinks it will work. we'll tell you about a new push to put the brakes on large trucks using new technology. >> general toe mores on blast today over new controversy of talks to -- talks to sell cars with outstanding recall notices. ♪ ♪ general motors could soon be able to sell certified preowned cars with outstanding recall notices. consumer advocates say a loophole in the recent decision by the fcc could allow gm to sell certified preowned cars with safety defects. the center says that could set a precedent for other car makers to do the same thing. >> but the single most important safety concern in the vehicle is whether there's an outstanding safety recall and that's not part of the certification program to fix that safety recall. >> in recent years about 50 million cars have been recalled. a new federal regulation is looking to put the brakes on large trucks and buses. regulators announced a plan yesterday to use technology to cap the speed of many large vehicles at 60, 65 or 68 miles an hour. ktvu's amber lee has the story. >> reporter: california law limits big rigs and any vehicles towing a trailer to 55 miles per hour. but it's not always heeded. now, the national highway traffic safety administration is considering electronic devices that would limit trucks to 60, 665 or 68 miles per hour. they'd be required on any vehicle weighing 26,000 pounds or more. >> it's -- it's a lot of weight. it's a lot of weight. and then we got the cars that cut in front of you. so if you got a certain speed that you can only go, it's easier for the driver -- from my own experience to be able to react quicker. >> reporter: richard has been a commercial truck driver for 15 years. hauling goods to regions west of texas. >> so in a way as far as the trucks being governed it's a good idea. but in reality? no. because it takes too long to get destination to destination in a safe manner. >> reporter: the government said reducing the speed of big rigs will bring down the number of deadly crashes involving heavy trucks. more than 1100 each year. anything slower in an accident is going to be better than that faster. >> i think yeah it would be better. >> reporter: the proposal does not force older vehicles to add the speed limiting technology. but regulators are considering it. this couple on a motorcycle says slowing down trucks won't make the road way safer. >> the rest of the traffic by going that slow. it is going to hinder them. a lot of people going 80 miles an hour on the highways and they don't want a truck going slow in front of them. >> most truckers are in the first two right lanes anyway. >> reporter: at road star trucking in hayward, the general manager says the use of technology can improve safety on the road. he says the proposal won't affect his drivers because his company's fleet of trucks already has built-in technology that limits speed. and his drivers are paid by the hour. he says this proposal would affect drivers who own their own rigs. >> for them, time is money. the more loads they deliver they're paid by the mile, the sooner they get to make the delivery, the sooner they get another load. the more money they can make on the revenue in their truck. that was amber lee reporting, new at 10:00 take a look at this. an officer's body camera catches a heroic rescue from the dramatic burning suv. a georgia police officer rolled up on this fiery accident. he tries to put it out but can't and when that wasn't enough look at this. he actually forced the car door open to pull that passenger right there -- out to safety. >> it was exceptional. it was amazing -- when you know the circumstances that i ended up being in but it's nothing that officers don't do across the country all the time. >> wow. well, the driver unfortunately died in the crash. but the passenger survived. that officer has now been nominated for a national award. well, if you want to get through customs more quickly at sfo, there's now an app for that. sfo is one of 18 airports that now offers something called mobile passport services. airport officials say when users are returning from overseas, they'll fill out travel and customs information, snap a selfie, and send the information to customs. travelers get a bar coded receipt and return that then allows them to use the mobile passport control kiosks and skip the lines. the service is available right now at sfo and san jose's airport. and that free app is available for both android and apple smart phones. well, it was a day to be prepared in old sacramento. dozens of agencies came together to make sure families in the golden state are ready to handle any emergency that may come their way. various emergency agencies including pg&e all came together and used an earthquake simulator to help families prepare for the worst case scenario. >> forrals -- familsst it's making sure that you have -- families it's making sure that you have an escape route out of the house if there's a fire or flood or a wildfire. >> we want californians to be prepared. in california, we know that it's not if, but it's when a natural disaster will hit us. and we want everyone to be prepared. >> more than 40 agencies volunteer their time to make sure residents felt prepared. this is by the way the 11th year for the event. scores of people were at lake merritt today for the breast cancer challenge. it's a fundraiser for the friends of faith and a group set up by the ktvu reporter herself before her death in 2013 from breast cancer. the walk raises money to help women and men afford cancer treatments and several members of the media were there including retired ktvu reporter rita williams. >> it's testament of the love we all had for faith. that after all these years, we all come together from all the stations in the bay area as friends, not competitors, to help keep her dream alive. >> organizers say emergency grants in faith's name help pay for transportation to appointments for babysitting, for medicine and for much much more. coming up, jack lennon square looking a lot like a petting zoo this afternoon. we'll look at all the furry friends who were spending their first night now at new homes. and meteorologist mark tamayo will be in next with your detailed bay area forecast. for twenty years, box tops for education has helped schools earn over 750 million dollars to get what they need! families at lawton alternative school in san francisco collected box tops to help pay for field trips like the 5th grade overnight trip! don't be absent from helping your local school! buy 10 participating box tops for education items and get 60 bonus box tops with the just for u digital coupon when you shop today at safeway! offer valid 8/1 - 9/1/16. digital coupons valid when downloaded to your club card. hundreds of four-legged friends got new homes today. the east bay society for the prevention of cruelty to animals held its annual adopt-a- thon today. animal lovers got to meet cats, dogs, look at that guy. bunnies and guinea pigs and rats and birds and some reptiles all at jack london square. >> adopt a shelter pet or a rescue pet. when you do that, it helps save a life. >> well, all the animals came from shelters throughout the entire bay area. and in weather, a bit cool out there for some walks or any outdoor activity for today. temperatures have been trending down a bit. we're going to change things up a little bit though as we head into your sunday. the highs from this afternoon just some lower 60s out towards pacifica and warmest locations instand not so hot. we're just talking about upper service to right around -- 70s to right around 80 degrees, santa rosa 73 and san francisco 67 degrees. on the satellite, you can see what's happening a solid fog bank up and down the coastline from eureka to down to the bay area as well. we have the surface winds as well and still have the on shore breeze that will help transport the clouds back into the bay. in fact right now you can see the lots of overcast already over san francisco. not the real dense fog it's the marine layer that's deepened. no low visibilities out there. as far as courage numbers san jose right now 63 and santa rosa 56 and livermore checking in 60 degrees. we'll check in on some of the winds speeds and look at fairfield. that's a gust. it's a 32 miles per hour. out of the southwest. and some more wind reports for you with sfo right around 10 miles an hour and hayward winds out of the northwest at 12 miles an hour. here's our live camera looking out towards the bay bridge right now and the clouds beginning to move back in over the bay. forecast headlines will stick with that theme in the short- term for tonight and for tomorrow skies becoming partly sunny after some morning clouds. and the extended forecast looks like it's going to be another cool one out there with temperatures dropping off into early next week. here's the plan in san francisco, 7:00 a.m., clouds and drizzle. that's what the sky cast is showing. 55 degrees even at lunchtime mostly cloudy skies and could have some stubborn clouds out there lower 60s and then wrapping up the afternoon a day much like today. partly cloudy and those readings back up into the mid 60s. overnight lows first thing tomorrow morning, starting out the day in the 50s. for san francisco and livermore 57. and napa 54 degrees. this big h. a big area of high pressure is going to build in a little bit for tomorrow. so as a result, we have some minor warming for your sunday forecast. still some 60s and some 80s as you do work your way inland. and then into next week we're tracking a weather system up to the north here which could at least the chance of a few sprinkles up towards the california and oregon border by tuesday. for us the main impact cooler temperatures for tuesday and temperatures kind of staying in that range for wednesday and thursday. of next week. here's the forecast model. tomorrow morning, showing you the clouds out there and the drizzle and 8:00 and then clearing back to near the shoreline. skies becoming partly cloudy over the bay and hazy sunshine inland. especially in the south and east bay. temperatures for tomorrow, san francisco 65 and antioch 83 and fairfield 84 degrees, the numbers up about three to six degrees over today's highs and san jose will go 76 degrees. here's a look ahead your five day forecast, and temperatures about the same into monday and then plan on more clouds. possibly some more drizzle and tuesday, ross, that could be one of the cooler days of week, 60s 70s and maybe stretching it to 830 degrees and then a bit of a bump in the numbers by wednesday and thursday, but if you're looking for major heat you're not going to find that here in the bay area. at least over the next five days and possibly beyond as well. >> a little chilly. >> keep the jack ed on standby. thanks a lot mark, well, coming up, the raiders had their preseason home opener tonight at the coliseum. how did they do? the giants look to do something they haven't done since the all- star break. joe fonzi on-deck next with "sports wrap." good evening, everyone. welcome to this saturday night "sports wrap." the giants are now the guys chasing in the national league west. and tonight, they ran into an old nemesis. the dodgers weren't at at&t park but the presence was felt just the same. giants beginning play one game behind l. a. and a 1-0 lead against the braves in the 2nd. crawford the opposite way and that's his 12th homer of the year. suarez called up to make this start and had a more than respectable outing the only bad inning was the 4th. when he gave up a double a single and then left one over the middle of the plate for matt kemp. as a dodger and padre and now a three run homer as a brave. necessary nice play by giants' right fielder hernandez in the 6 ofth and swanson with a single to right but hernandez makes a perfect one hop throw to recover brown who puts the tag on flowers trying to score from second. still 3-1. the last giants' threat came in the 8th when they had runners at first and second with two outs. that threat ended when joe panik grounded to the right side and cabrera, he covers first to take the throw and offensive struggle again for the giants tonight as they get just five hits in a loss 3-1. it is scoreboard watching time. earlier the dodgers hosted the cubs and were no doubt encouraged by the sight of clayton kershaw getting close to returning to active duty. seeger hits this home run in the 1st. his 23rd homer of the year. the most ever by a dodger shortstop. dodgers' broke the tie in the 3rd chase utley with the base hit to right that scores the pitcher julio uri as. the dodgers hang on for the win and now lead the giants by two games in the nl west. well, the a's will spend the final month of the season auditioning for 2017. but they continue the series tonight against the national league team that's very much in the playoff picture, st. louis cardinals we aring the -- wearing the uniforms of the 1927 predecessors and jumped open zach neil for a run in the 2nd. way deep to left. 1-0 st. louis. the cardinals got a second run in the 3rd. they took the lead to the 8ableth where the a's rallied in an official if unspectacular way. muncie's ground ball to first turns into an rbi when the throw to the plate by moss is too late to get chris davis. and then brett ion they are followed with this fly ball to center. it will be deep enough to score heely as beating the american league teams at

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Georgia , United States , Australia , Alameda County , California , Carlton , Oakland , Texas , Washington , Florida , Oregon , Jack London Square , Sacramento River , Des Moines , Iowa , San Francisco , Berkeley , Iraq , Crawford , Pacifica , Guinea , Sacramento , Cape Horn , Napa County , Lake Merritt , Jersey , Italy , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , Californians , Iraqi , American , Amber Lee , Peter Ducey , Courtney Brown , Monty Francis , Clayton Kershaw , Jack Lennon Square , Willie Brown , Rita Williams , Samir Kahn , Matt Kemp , Chris Davis , Zach Neil , Tom Steyer , Hillary Clinton , Jerry Hill ,

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